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When Philadelphia high school students return from their holiday break, many will find school officials handing out gifts to even the naughty boys and girls: free condoms.

The city is rolling out condom dispensers at 22 high schools, part of what officials say is an attempt to address an alarming public health crisis.

There is "an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents in Philadelphia," Donald Schwartz, deputy mayor for health and opportunity, told

The city has given out 4 million condoms since April 2011, and that has coincided with a drop in STD rates, reports, but school leaders are concerned that teens still account for a fourth of new STD cases in the city.

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Constitutional Republic

First I give thanks to Joe Corsi and WND going back to Swift Boats. I have been studying the President since February 2007 when he decided to run for POTUS. I suggest for the necessary funding that each member be billed $10.00 each month on their Credit Card that will grow to Millions of Dollars each month as our group grows larger. That will allow our efforts to be more efficient. The Tea Party members must Vote at all levels of Government (Municipal,County,State and Federal) only for proven Conservatives. Over time this in itself will will allow for our position of Limited Government, Term Limits,Balanced Budget Ammendmemt , Two Thirds Vote of Both Houses to go to War and a well managed National Government. I could go on,but start this funding now and I would be happy to begin it!

                                                                      Thank You

                                                                       Lets Talk


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Merry Christmas to all!

Good morning to all! I'd like to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas; and a quick apology for not posting last week for our Jewish friends for not wishing them a Happy Chaunakkah. May peace and love be with you on this special day as we remember what this day is truly for. It's a day for all. Be safe; be well and if you must travel today, happy and safe travels to you. Now I just need someone to come to my house in Massachusetts to clear off my stairs. It's snowing here in Boston. It could be worse... it could be a repeat of the Blizzard of '78.

Merry Christmas!

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The aptness of "Jimmy Carter"

Tabitha Korol
Tabitha Korol
December 23, 2012

The word, "jimmy," means to pry open, as with a crowbar, an apt label for the former-president Carter, who uses his Carter Center (allegedly created to work for democracy, human rights, peace negotiations) to intrude, to meddle, to the detriment of those very goals. Carter is a family name of English origin and an occupational name given to one who transports goods by cart or wagon. Another aptonym (a name suited to its bearer), Carter transports tales, propaganda, and the Palestinian narrative worldwide to oppose democratic Israel, while profiting handsomely from Saudi funds.

Former-president Jimmy Carter declared in USA Today, that the Israeli government is expansionist and "flagrantly disregarded" clearly stated US policies, once again condemning the only democratic, sovereign nation in the Middle East that must protect her citizens against constant military and terrorist attacks and international meddling. His belief in self-determination extends only to Palestinians, not Israelis. Where all other countries have free rein over their own development and defense, Carter judges Israel by regulations designed to inhibit Israel's growth, assault her border integrity, and ultimately embolden the Palestinians' path to Israel's destruction.

Of what is Israel pronounced so guilty by Carter's standards? Surely not threatening jihad against Western civilization, not funding terrorism, not firing thousands of rockets at civilians. This religious man bears false witness as he accuses Israel of apartheid, of illegally expanding her borders, and more. He denounces Israel for constructing towns and villages on biblical and historical Judea and Samaria, where Jews have lived for thousands of years. These territories are Israel's land, created and purchased under absolutely legal circumstances, never to be deemed Palestinian in any future negotiations.

Upon the establishment of Israel's statehood in 1948, five Arab nations attacked Israel with the expectation of obliterating the new state. Israel lost Judea and Samaria to Jordan for 19 years, and Jews were forbidden entry into the newly named West Bank and east Jerusalem. When the Arabs attacked again in 1967, Israel regained her land, but Carter, loyal to his benefactors, speaks only for Arab control. He never addresses the thousands of years of Jewish history or Israel's recapture, Muslim terrorism, Muslim destruction of Jewish synagogues and neighborhoods, or Muslims' killing Jews and Christians. He lies about the status of the 20% Arab-Israelis who hold full citizenship within the Jewish state, attend schools, work in professions and serve in parliament, and he forsakes the human rights of Muslims who suffer severely at the hands of their co-religionists. Carter rails only against Jerusalem for Jews.

Carter knowingly deceives when he says, "All Arab nations have offered peace to Israel." Resolution 242 grants Israel the right to inhabit the West Bank until there is a permanent and fair peace — Arabs have never offered a lasting peace. Israel's wars have always been defensive. Resolutions 242 and 338 have deliberately omitted Jerusalem until final status negotiations, and Israel holds full sovereignty over the undivided Jerusalem with the right to build therein. And, despite Jimmy's threat to file a complaint against Israel for building in "occupied territories," legal scholars agree that a country may seize and occupy territory when acting in self-defense and securing safety for her citizens.

With continuing duplicity, Carter audaciously assures that Hamas's terror chief, Khaled Meshaal, agreed to accept the right of Israel to live in peace alongside a viable and independent Palestinian state. He makes no mention of Meshaal's promise of conquest of Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv, even as a November, 2012 Palestinian art exhibit showed a Palestine without Israel in the UN's public entrance in New York.

Carter wrote that the new housing, in a section between Ma'aleh Adumim and Jerusalem, known as E-1, severs the West Bank — a false statement designed to sow hate and create conflict. This man conceals his own and Hamas's true intentions — that four to five million Palestinians expect to invade and conquer Israel, and exile the Jews from their historic capital. This Carter brings only harm and sorrow, using the USA Today vehicle to spread the damaging drivel without first vetting its authenticity. The American public expects a return to journalism ethics, corrections, and truth.

Tabitha Korol, who began her political writing with letters to the editor, earned an award from CAMERA (Committee on Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) "in recognition of outstanding letter-writing in 2009 to promote fair and factual reporting about Israel." Her op-eds have appeared in Arutz Sheva (Israel National News), and she posts at Right Truth, NewMediaJournal, RenewAmerica, JewishIndy, and others. She also edits a monthly city newsletter.

A graduate of the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she composed the music for the Alma Mater, her early career included fashion and fabric design. Once she and her family moved from New York to Ohio, she wrote customer service correspondence for two major manufacturing corporations for a combined 25 years, and obituaries/lifecycle events for a specialty weekly newspaper before her retirement and entry into journalism.

© Copyright 2012 by Tabitha Korol

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Scrooge Was A Liberal

Ann Coulter

It’s the Christmas season, so godless liberals are citing the Bible to demand the redistribution of income by government force. Didn’t Jesus say, “Blessed are the Health and Human Services bureaucrats, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”?

Liberals are always indignantly accusing conservatives of claiming God is on our side. What we actually say is: We’re on God’s side, particularly when liberals are demanding God’s banishment from the public schools, abortion on demand, and taxpayer money being spent on Jesus submerged in a jar of urine and pictures of the Virgin Mary covered with pornographic photos.

But for liberals like Al Franken, it’s beyond dispute that Jesus would support extending federal unemployment insurance.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the Bible, but it does nicely illustrate Shakespeare’s point that the “devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.”

What the Bible says about giving to the poor is: “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians (9:7)

Being forced to pay taxes under penalty of prison is not voluntary and rarely done cheerfully. Nor do our taxes go to “the poor.” They mostly go to government employees who make more money than you do.

The reason liberals love the government redistributing money is that it allows them to skip the part of charity that involves peeling the starfish off their wallets and forking over their own money. This, as we know from study after study, they cannot bear to do. (Unless they are guaranteed press conferences where they can brag about their generosity.)

Syracuse University professor Arthur Brooks’ study of charitable giving in America found that conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than liberals do, despite the fact that liberals have higher incomes than conservatives.

In his book “Who Really Cares?” Brooks compared the charitable donations of religious conservatives, secular liberals, secular conservatives and “religious” liberals.

His surprising conclusion was … Al Franken gave the most of all!

Ha ha! Just kidding. Religious conservatives, the largest group at about 20 percent of the population, gave the most to charity — $2,367 per year, compared with $1,347 for the country at large.

Even when it comes to purely secular charities, religious conservatives give more than other Americans, which is surprising because liberals specialize in “charities” that give them a direct benefit, such as the ballet or their children’s elite private schools.

Indeed, religious people, Brooks says, “are more charitable in every measurable nonreligious way.”

Brooks found that conservatives donate more in time, services and even blood than other Americans, noting that if liberals and moderates gave as much blood as conservatives do, the blood supply would increase by about 45 percent.

They ought to set up blood banks at tea parties.

On average, a person who attends religious services and does not believe in the redistribution of income will give away 100 times more — and 50 times more to secular charities — than a person who does not attend religious services and strongly believes in the redistribution of income.

Secular liberals, the second largest group coming in at 10 percent of the population, were the whitest and richest of the four groups. (Some of you may also know them as “insufferable blowhards.”) These “bleeding-heart tightwads,” as New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof calls them, were the second stingiest, just behind secular conservatives, who are mostly young, poor, cranky white guys.

Despite their wealth and advantages, secular liberals give to charity at a rate of 9 percent less than all Americans and 19 percent less than religious conservatives. They were also “significantly less likely than the population average to return excess change mistakenly given to them by a cashier.” (Count Nancy Pelosi’s change carefully!)

Secular liberals are, however, 90 percent more likely to give sanctimonious Senate speeches demanding the forced redistribution of income. (That’s up 7 percent from last year!)

We’ll review specific liberals next week.

Needless to say, “religious liberals” made up the smallest group at just 6.4 percent of the population (for more on this, see my book, “Godless”).

Interestingly, religious liberals were also “most confused” of all the groups. Composed mostly of blacks and Unitarians, religious liberals made nearly as many charitable donations as religious conservatives, but presumably, the Unitarians brought down their numbers, making them second in charitable giving.

Brooks wrote that he was shocked by his conclusions because he believed liberals “genuinely cared more about others than conservatives did” — probably because liberals are always telling us that.

So he re-ran the numbers and gathered more data, but it kept coming out the same. “In the end,” he says, “I had no option but to change my views.”

Every other study on the subject has produced similar results. Indeed, a Google study of philanthropy found an even greater disparity, with conservatives giving 50 percent more than liberals. The Google study showed that liberals gave more to secular causes overall, but conservatives still gave more as a percentage of their incomes.

The Catalogue for Philanthropy analyzed a decade of state and federal tax returns and found that the red states were far more generous than the blue states, with the highest percentage of tightwads living in the liberal Northeast.

In his book “Intellectuals,” Paul Johnson quotes Pablo Picasso scoffing at the idea that he would give to the needy. “I’m afraid you’ve got it wrong,” Picasso explains, “we are socialists. We don’t pretend to be Christians.”

Merry Christmas to all, skinflint liberals and generous Christians alike!

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Guns: Freedom or Tyranny?

4063643941?profile=originalFollowing the school massacre in Newtown, CN, Joe Biden, chosen by Barack Obama to lead the administration’s effort to stem the gun 'epidemic', met with “law enforcement leaders.”

Biden met with Attorney General Eric Holder, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.  Obama’s drug czar Gil Kerlikowske, Senior Obama advisers Bruce Reed, Valerie Jarrett, Cecilia Munoz and Kathy Ruemmler also attended.

Biden remarked:

“I’ve worked with some of you for a long, long time.  We’ve worked on everything from cop-killer bullets to types of weapons that should be off the street. That’s what I want to talk to you about today. I want to hear your views, because for anything to get done we’re going to need your advocacy.”

While openly hoping to impose an assault weapons ban, the White House is actively seeking “advocacy” from Holder, Napolitano, Sebelius and Jarrett.

Holder has yet to adequately explain the Fast and Furious gun running scandal, Napolitano has accused Veterans of foreign wars of being national security threats and has yet to secure American borders, Sebelius is actively assailing American liberty through obamacare and Jarrett has never explained her ties to real estate scandals involving convicted felon and Obama fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko or her involvement in recruiting self-identified communist Van Jones as green jobs czar, Saul Alinsky devotee Mark Lloyd as chief diversity officer within the FCC, and wealth redistribution advocate Cass Sunstein as regulatory czar.

Meanwhile Obama was pushing Congress to quickly pass gun control measures, saying:

“A majority of Americans support banning the sale of military-style assault weapons.  A majority of Americans support banning the sale of high-capacity ammunition clips. A majority of Americans support laws requiring background checks before all gun purchases, so that criminals can’t take advantage of legal loopholes to buy a gun from somebody who won’t take the responsibility of doing a background check at all.  I urge the new Congress to hold votes on these measures next year in a timely manner."

On Sunday's "Meet The Press," National Rifle Association executive vice president Wayne LaPierre reiterated his statements made Friday at a Washington DC press conference, when he said armed security in every school is the answer to stopping shootings like the one at Sandy Hook Elementary School.4063644016?profile=original

LaPierre said:

“If it’s crazy to call for putting police in and securing our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy.  I think the American people think it’s crazy not to do it.”

At Friday’s press conference LaPierre made the statement:

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

The United States will descends into bickering between Americans and “progressives” over how to prevent mass murders committed in gun free zones by mentally deranged people acting on their own.  “progressives” seek to do this by depriving law abiding individuals of their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.  Americans seek to ensure safety by having armed, right minded, principled individuals capable of ending the violence present and acting before it spirals out of control.

This debate overlooks the point of the Second Amendment:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

When the Constitution was written, “Militia” meant ordinary citizens capable of banding together to fight threats to their liberty. It did not matter whether the treat was from an external source like an invading army, or internal, such as an over-reaching government.

The framers of the Constitution clearly expressed their views regarding a well-armed citizenry.

4063643982?profile=originalThomas Jefferson:

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

“Force is the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism.”

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

George Washington:4063643996?profile=original

“The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.”

“It will be found an unjust and unwise jealousy to deprive a man of his natural liberty upon the supposition he may abuse it.”

4063644037?profile=originalJames Madison:

 “Americans have the right and advantage of being armed – unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.”

“A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in arms, is the best most natural defense of a free country.”

“progressives” seek to totally ignore the second part of the Second Amendment “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed“.   This displays their willful ignorance of history.  Anyone who has studied history knows the first right tyrants abolish is the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

That the likes of Holder, Napolitano, Sebelius, Jarrett et al, who no longer secretly seek to impose their version of tyranny upon the United States, are now openly insisting that the Second Amendment be revised to suit their fancy should trigger the sound of alarm bells in the mind of every freedom loving American Citizen.


Revolution is coming.

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Fact: Guns are not the problem

One fact we must not forget is that the killers in the school shootings and the Portland mall shooting, etc., were using anti-depressants/anti-anxiety medications.  One of the major side effects for these types of medications, which the public isn't well enough informed about, is "suicide".  If the killers were not on these medications, or if the family/friends around these killers knew this horrible side effect, then we would not have all these mass murders.

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Somber Christmas Message: End White Guilt Trip

stock photo : White man and black man shaking their hands
America was founded by White people.

Everybody okay with that? I hope nobody’s feelings were hurt. Everyone else contributed to our national project but this one obvious fact gets intentionally overlooked by socialist revisionists.

Slavery is a non-issue to me. I understand its inhumanity, but also acknowledge the humanity of abolitionists ( then and now ) who rose to end it.

The American identity began with one color but now includes all colors. The Obama orthodoxy seems powered by White guilt as much as multi-ethnic socialism.

My advice to America’s shrinking majority is clear: end your passage on the White guilt trip. Socialists use this as leverage to ultimately destroy what America offers to everyone.

None of you living ever owned a slave, so spare me oh so “noble” liberal noblesse oblige where you hold our collective hand for generations.

America’s Black capitalists are disinterested in emotional blackmail. We’re striving to earn all America offers and unite with her shrinking majority to institute equal rights- not special ones.

A Black/White unity based upon American exceptionalism will save this country from race warfare predicted by observers on both sides of the aisle.

If we don’t settle old ethnic business arising, our present and future will resemble European or African poverty more than America’s previous high standard of living.

On the right side of the political spectrum is where this unity grows. Black and White American traditionalists are alarmed by how the hammer and sickle shadows Old Glory under thi current administration. 

United by love of an embattled constitution; an embattled Judeo-Christian ethic and an embattled free market, Black and White traditionalists finally see as each for what they always were: 


Our shared beliefs were painfully forged by uniting slave master and slave; slave catcher and run away; confederacy and union; segregationist and integrationist until, by the grace of Almighty God, we finally stand as American sisters and brothers.

The Left is our common enemy.  

All of our tortured path to traditionalist unity is in vain, if secular socialism conquers America.

We can either be adult and delete un-American guilt and grievance politics, or watch these divisions ease in a second Soviet Union.

This my somber Christmas message to White sisters and brothers in traditional Americanism.

Urge peers to end passage on the White guilt trip and unite with American sisters and brothers who’ve hopped off the Black grievance express.

Didn’t mean to be a downer, but if we don’t save American traditions then we can’t have an America worth celebrating.

Merry Christmas!  



Cap Black The Hood Conservative

504 214-3082

Help Cap Black Stop Socialism

Before Socialism Stops The U.S.!

” Be your OWN Superhero!”
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Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton , Colorado , was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful

They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert!

These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness.. The following is a portion of the transcript:

“Since the dawn of creation there has been both good & evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers.

"The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain's heart.

"In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder I would be their strongest opponent.

I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best:

Your laws ignore our deepest needs,

Your words are empty air.

You've stripped away our heritage,

You've outlawed simple prayer.

Now gunshots fill our classrooms,

And precious children die.

You seek for answers everywhere,

And ask the question "Why?"

You regulate restrictive laws,

Through legislative creed.

And yet you fail to understand,

That God is what we need!

"Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc.

Spiritual presences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historical fact. What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs -- politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties. We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts.

"As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America , and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him. To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA -- I give to you a sincere challenge.. Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone!

My daughter's death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!"

Darrell Scott

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  4063643739?profile=original   Adam Lanza's mental illness claimed the lives of his mother and innocent school victims

There was a fear moving across the American heartland long before Adam Lanza stepped onto the nation’s stage and donned the dark murderous mass killer robe. This 20-year-old joined the unique club of notable mass murderers that used a gun as a weapon of slaughter. After his onslaught the gun control hysteria surrounding stricter legislation has risen to a fever pitch.

Why purposely avoid holding the gunman’s mental instability responsible? Should any dangerous behavior factors or legislation that could have been in place to prevent this terrible murderous outbreak be considered? What if there had been a 'Three Strike Rule' in place for Adam Lanza, which allowed automatic involuntary commitment by mental health authorities? Mothers, fathers and siblings need this kind of solution that will not make them the next horrific headline in America’s homes.

This rapid rush to judgment and instant condemnation of guns as the casual factor for the mindless killings by a disturbed gunman is just too convenient a straw man. Adam Lanza was the killer. Adam Lanza, according to Fox News reports, was upset that his mother was going to commit him for psychiatric treatment. And it was Adam Lanza that constructed the plan to destroy his computer to remove any evidence concerning his plan to murder.

Yet, it has been the mainstream media, along with the urgency of the gun control first responders to keep overlooking the obvious. This disturbed gunman may have used guns as weapons to kill, but it was his mental illness that was the true deadly assault weapon!

It is essential that the loss of such precious young children, teachers and Adam Lanza’s mother Nancy not be buried in the grave, while the true culprit to their senseless murders is ignored. Adam Lanza, a mentally disturbed young man, stole three legally registered weapons to commit his crimes the emphasis is on legal.

The actual crimes were formulated in his head and his conduct, unrestrained by possible intervention of law enforcement or mental health authorities, that became the deadly weapon.

So, why do politicians want to dismember the constitutional right to arm and protect the life of an individual or a family? These officials and gun control advocates are afraid to tackle the hard question and solution to this outrage. They absolutely refuse to hold the individual who had a mental illness, and has shown previous signs, of forceful dangerous behavior responsible for his actions.

Instead, this endless cat and mouse game is played on the national stage by congress, state legislatures, and mayors like Michael Bloomberg who hide behind their own protective guards and trained security. These first responders of gun rights denouncers are disingenuous. They purport to seek a conversation on what can safeguard society’s innocents, but denounce attacks on Hollywood movies and violent video games which savage the young minds of young children thousands of times a year.

These same gun control activists do not seek cooperation or genuine discussion but would rather demonize gun rights supporters and castrate the National Rifle Association (NRA) at every given opportunity.

On Friday, December 21st, when Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s Executive Vice President advanced proposals at the Washington D.C. Press conference, the mainstream media and gun rights opponents trivialized his comments.

( click to read more )

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Business Insider - Military & Defense.
Dec. 17, 2012.

[Note: Iraq's main export is Oil.
Afghanistan's main export is Opium - What are we fighting for?].


The New Mexico desert gets blistering hot, but inside the small windowless container where Brandon Bryant worked as a drone operator for the U.S. Air Force it stays a cool 63 degrees all year long.

Nicola Abé at der Spiegel spoke with Bryant, no longer in the Air Force, who relays a disturbing and tragic scene from his time inside that isolated container in the American desert.

Sixty-three finger numbing degrees and Bryant describes sitting with a group of other pilots looking at more than a dozen computer monitors. The crew are directing drones over Afghanistan 6,250 miles away and the screens jump with a two to five second delay, as infrared video sent from the UAVs whips through the air to New Mexico.

When the order to fire on a target arrives, Bryant paints the roof of a hut with the laser that will guide in a Hellfire missile released by the pilot beside him.

"These moments are like in slow motion," he says to Abé.

No doubt, because on this occasion Bryant says a child walked from behind the building at the last second. Too late for him to do anything else but ask the other pilot, "Did we just kill a kid?"

From der Spiegel:

"Yeah, I guess that was a kid," the pilot replied.

"Was that a kid?" they wrote into a chat window on the monitor.

Then, someone they didn't know answered, someone sitting in a military command center somewhere in the world who had observed their attack. "No. That was a dog," the person wrote.

They reviewed the scene on video. A dog on two legs?

The article follows another widely publicized story from the Marine Times about children killed by Americans on Afghan soil published just weeks ago. While obviously a tragedy for the victims and their families, Bryant describes the incredible toll taken on U.S. troops required to obey orders producing such dire results.

From his mother's couch in Missoula, Montana Bryant talks of his 6,000 Air Force flight hours and says he used to dream in infrared. "I saw men, women and children die during that time," he says. "I never thought I would kill that many people. In fact, I thought I couldn't kill anyone at all."

The three part article digs deeply into the life of a troubled former servicemember and the war-fighting policies that don't look to be changing anytime soon.

Read it in full here.


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A CHRISTmas Message

As Tuesday approaches I want to wish everyone a blessed CHRISTmas.  As you experience Christmas this year consider the importance of this holiday.  For example, there are over 2 billion people worldwide who not only celebrate Christmas as a holiday but also how the birth of a child permanently changed the world. 

Children are precious.  Keep in your prayers those 20 children who died in Connecticut along with their families.  But life also is about balance.  Therefore balance your prayers to include the 53 million babies and children that are not here today since Roe v Wade in 1973 (out of sight does not mean out of mind). 

For 2 billion Christians, they strive to live out the message of Christmas not just for one day or one month, but as a way of life 12 months a year.  Among those principals include compassion, love, humility, and forgiveness.  From a balanced perspective I say how can that many people be wrong?


Finally, please pray for leaders (Herod? & Caesar?) who have the task of preventing a national catastrophe in the years ahead from their decisions today.  And don’t spend more than you can pay back over the Christmas holiday despite the temptation to follow the example of others as making it seem ok.  And remember those who cannot afford gifts and sometimes even food, not just over this holiday, but all year long.

God bless each and every one as you experience the wonder of Christmas.  Richard

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“ The Gift Is Worth The Pain”

“ The Gift Is Worth The Pain”
Imagine yourself living with your future mate. You are a husband who has a dear and special fiance in your life but to your surprise she is impregnated by someone else. Instead of treating the woman you love with disdain and going on a rant like your on a Jerry Springer television program all about the drama, you suck up the issue and instead just decide in your heart to be the best dad you can be to this coming child. To make matters worse though, soldiers come to your town and announce that everyone must transfer back to the town of their birth for an initial head count of the populace. The soldiers tell you in no certain terms that if you don't get on right away, you will be killed. You know.... I'm talking about... FEMA camps, soldiers, corrupt government...ya, you know.
Now, you are all prepared to go but you must be careful because your wife is nearly nine-months pregnant. You don't want to have the baby on the way to your destination, so you take it very slow...painfully slow. In fact, the trip is so physically, emotionally and mentally grueling, that by the time you and your wife arrive at your destination, you both want to physically collapse. You make it though to your families home in anticipation that there will be a comfy and warm bed for you and your girlfriend but when you get to your family's house, your relatives tell you that they are filled up with other family members already---that there are even relatives sleeping on the floor---ouch !
Off to the hotels, motels, anywhere decent to stay, after all, your significant other is ready to have a baby any day now. Trudge, trudge, trudge along you walk place to place. It's late at night now and you have not had success yet in finding a place to lay your and your fiance's head down. Frustrated ? You bet ! You finally find an old barn though with some animals in it and ask the owner if you can sleep there. He is at first not sure, but seeing your future wife, he asks you how “far along is she”? And you answer him; “nine months.” With a stern warning about you not suing him if “anything goes wrong in there”, and or calling the cops on you if your girlfriend does “anything funny” while in his barn, he agrees to let you stay for a night or two.
Looking for the best place to lay down, you and your future bride lay down together on some manure laced straw and your eyes begin to close when all of a sudden your girl friend starts to have labor pains. She is screaming in pain and you don't know what to do... there are no doctors, nurses, not even a mid-wife to help your wife in having the baby so you quickly grab some greasy rags from the top of some tractor parts near by and use them to help deliver the baby. After a lengthy labor, the little one is born, and it's a boy ! You wrap him in those dirty old rags you used earlier, just to keep him warm. You wish you had clean clothes, a real bed, some food but you have no such things.
To make matters worse, the child you decided you would adopt has no crib so you lay him down in a feeding troth that is there for the animals living in the barn. A bit more frustrated you are all alone to take care of your not yet wed-to wife and have a new born baby to take care of. Something hits your memory though, suddenly a smile comes to your face and you realize that you did all this because there is a huge wonderful gift for your being faithful through this whole journey. Suddenly, your tears turn to joy and a warm feeling and strength comes to your mind and body that indeed, your gift is greater than your pain. It is all now, as if you have been through a tough war but you have gained the entire victory.
OK, so if you have not guessed by now, I just shared a story similar to that of the story of Joesph and Mary from the Bible(Luke 2:1-7). As they languished in such similar matters as I described in the story I shared above, we can certainly all relate in and through our human experiences. The Military and FEMA were in Joesph and Mary's time, represented by the oppressive Roman soldiers of their time. We certainly do and sadly at that, see today many un-wed mothers these days but in the time of Mary, it was an extremely rare matter and very shameful at that to be pregnant and unmarried. Regarding being homeless and poor, well there has always been the poor I suppose that are looking for “shelter.” Regarding Mary and Joesph needing a place to “lay their weary heads” and as you probably are also well aware... many families these days kick out family members to fend for themselves all the time.
The whole matter with the Bible is a difficult thing to accept. God's ways have always been difficult to those who want a god they can manipulate in their own mind. God of the Bible is different though, much different than many who never get their gift known as Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. This is so because we can see that the Son of God was born to a woman who was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. As well, God Himself came to us in the form of His Son Jesus, not in grand conjecture, that some might phrase as “being born with a silver spoon in his mouth”, no... In fact Jesus Christ who is God, decided to come to all humanity as a special gift in the most humblest of ways. Born and then wrapped in rags, laid to sleep in a manger(an animal feeding troth), and later growing up only to be ridiculed and crucified on a cross even after He demonstrated through love, many miracles in healing people. Rejected also by many of the people he loved including those who called themselves “righteous” and “religious”, He finally and willingly gave Himself up to death so that He alone could bear all people's sins, even those who persecuted and hated Him.
So many “gods” are out there these days. People will often make claim how “wealth, power, and prestige” came about through these “gods” but there is only one true living God. He came to all of us wrapped as a gift. This gift, named Jesus the Messiah(Christ) came to set all captives free. Free from what you may ask? Well, free from the bondage of sin and of ourselves. If we truly believe by faith that God sent His Son Jesus to be born and later died on a cross for our sins, we are closer to Him than we may think. The True Gift and “reason for the season” that is; what many call as “Christmas”.... is Jesus Himself. With repentance in your heart for all your sins, realize that God came to us all some 2000 years ago, not to impress you with glitter, tinsel or flashing lights, He came to be your most precious and beautiful gift; His name is Jesus and all your struggles to this time, all your pain, has a prize well worth what you have suffered to this point. God's gift to you is eternal life. Are you ready for that ? Are you ready to get on past the pain and receive your gift this “Christmas” ? Go ahead, call on His name... the free and greatest gift for you is wrapped and waiting for you.
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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Iran Gets Missile Shield

Barack Obama’s administration, despite all the blood and treasure America spent in Iraq, somehow managed to fail in reaching a Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqi government.  That means that the 4063643532?profile=originalUnited States, after overthrowing Saddam Hussein, and freeing a country uniquely located on the most strategically important piece of real estate in the Middle East does not have strategic residual forces within Iraq.

That failure has allowed Iran to fly freely over Iraqi airspace, prolonging the Syrian civil war by delivering arms to Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad.  Month after month, nothing has been done by the Obama administration to help the people of Syria while Assad has butchered them.

Could it be that the plan all along has been to enable Iran’s assistance of Syria so Iran could get their hands on a sophisticated, mobile missile defense shield, thereby tipping the balance of power in the region away from Israel towards Iran?

That Israel is destined to strike at the existential threat posed to them by a nuclear armed Iran demands the question: Has the Obama administration been actively working on behalf of Iran’s Islamofascist regime, enabling them to obtain the tools needed to ensure an Israeli attack is incapable of eliminating their nuclear capabilities?

Is this part of Obama being “more flexible” on missile defense now that the election is over?

Just a little something to think about next time you hear Obama and/or whichever weak, dishonest  enabler he names as Secretary of State to replace “Hillary-the disaster going someplace to happen” (read: John Kerry) bragging about how through the UN, America has imposed "crippling economic sanctions" on Iran.


Love. Early American Style.

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 4063643188?profile=original NRA - Congress must pass a law putting armed police officers in every school in America

The NRA came out with a bold plan for congress to provide armed guards in all schools across the nation as a response to the tragic elementary school murders in Newtown, Connecticut, according to Fox News. National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre made it clear in a Washington D. C. Press Conference, Friday, December 21st that the only way to confront the issue of protecting the lives of school children, teachers and administrators is to not give an inch of ground to the future gunmen and gun control hysteria. Arm all the schools and protect the children is the answer!

LaPierre vividly pointed out, "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun!" His point resonates with the tens of thousands of trained, unemployed combat veterans, retired law enforcement officials, and even military reservists across America who are potential resources. These Americans are more than willing and able to help insure the safety and security of the nation’s 132,656

According to the Center for Education Reform’s latest 2010 report, there are approximately 55,235,000 children in enrolled in K-12 schools in America. This represents millions of potential targets for an unbalanced gunman like Adam Lantz to harm or murder innocent children, teachers and administrators. This is not an option that America’s parents or society should be willing to accept.

The NRA’s new plan to provide training for all public school teachers and students to help deal with safety and security in the school is far more acceptable than waiting for President Obama and his gun-czar task force head Vice President Biden to find more punitive ways to erode gun rights in America.

The biggest barrier to preventing escalating gun violence in American schools by shooters determined to kill innocent people, is a refusal by the mainstream media to acknowledge these murderers are domestic terrorists.

When Adam Lantz cold bloodedly murdered his mother, Nancy Lantz in her bed and shot and killed 20 children and 6 adults, he was a domestic terrorist. When James Holmes walked into an Aurora, Colorado movie theater in July fully dressed in protective body armor and armed with a Glock handgun, shotgun and assault rifle, he was a domestic terrorist.

So would make perfect logic to monitor and proactively apprehend these gunmen, who appear to be suffering from some type of psychotic break, and have demonstrated previous potential for deadly violence behavior. A national database to monitor these individuals is a useful first step when they send up red flags for habitually engaging in violent threatening behavior.

America needs more than a simple as well as predictable knee-jerk reaction to attack legitimate gun owners. America needs a true counter-terrorism response to this growing threat. A national registry of high-risk individuals like the Adam Lantz’s and James Holmes of the nation should be part of a national database, just as sex-offenders as well as potential terrorist threats are monitored.

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‎10 DAYS TO FISCAL CLIFF-No deal is better than a bad deal.  Here is what a good deal looks like with a straight line trajectory to 2020>Reduce Federal spending from current 24% of GDP down to 18% of GDP by 2020 which is more the norm in the US outside of a world war.  This means the Federal budget must decline by roughly 25% (6%/24%) which equates to .25 x $3.9 trillion current budget=$975 billion over 8 years.  This means the spending must be reduced by $975 billion/8 years = $122 billion additional each year to 2020.  To reach a balanced budget, that means $1.2 trillion deficit -$975 billion spending cuts = $225 billion of new taxes over 8 years or a phase in of $28 billion of additional taxes each year. 

For those of you who excelled in math the above will all fit together.  The one thing that also needs to be part of the deal is a Balanced Budget Amendment so the Nation can get off its spending binge since there is no single person (ie Federal CEO) managing the budget unlike every major corporation in the world.  It's just been a free for all in DC the last 4 years.  RZ UVA Econ (3.9 GPA) '76 High Honors

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