The democraps not being able to hide their real goal and self is the Republican party's end game. This was and is our Republican party goal, get rid of the libertarian republican RINO'S and "expose the democraps" to make them run on communism they want us to live under.
democrat (78)
US House Democrat Party majority members vote to allow ‘illegal immigrates to vote in US Elections.
What is more dangerous than Capitol Hill Democrats to give our CONSTITUTION RIGHTS to give away our ‘PRECIOUS’ RIGHTS to illegal immigrants?
Capitol Hill Democrats have gone totally CRAZY.
Today, Democrat Party Democrats voted to give ‘illegal’ immigrants the RIGHTS to vote in America; all contrary to the RIGHTS of our US Constitution.
The final US House votes were as listed; Democrats 234; Republicans 193:
PRES | ||||
| 1 |
| 193 |
| 4 |
TOTALS | 234 | 193 |
| 5 |
Remember, in some states, it is now legal for a mother and her doctor to decide what to do with a perfectly live baby after a botched abortion; let the baby live or kill it.
WOW! It appears the left-wingers are now misleading our young girls as the Scout Leaders steer our Girl Scouts to Planned Parenthood and its affiliates. – Oscar Y. Harward
The Girl Scouts haven’t been the beacon of moral example for girls in some time, and their latest event proves just how far they’ve fallen.
According to Life News, one Girl Scout teen organized a project that teamed with the Women’s March in order to further the goals of what these groups refer to as “women’s healthcare”:
“In a national survey in 2013, seventeen Girl Scouts councils admitted to partnering with Planned Parenthood; other councils refuse to answer the survey question,” wrote Life News. “Of the 315 Girl Scout councils in the U.S., 17 councils reported having a relationship with Planned Parenthood and its affiliates, and 49 reported they do not. The other 249 refused to disclose any relationship.”
What is next? Are our young girls being taught in the Girl Scouts that it is now legal to kill our babies?
During the previous Presidential Obama administration, it seems many liberal left-wing activists developed aggressive and illegal attack habits on conservatives.
Inasmuch has President Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election, these liberal left-wing activists of aggressive and illegal attack habits on conservatives have grown.
This activity must be stopped.
University of California-Berkeley Police, Zachary Greenberg, was arrested by the University of California Police Department (UCPD) and booked into jail at 1 p.m. for Greenberg’s totally unnecessary attack on Turning Point USA activist, Hayden Williams.
Zachary Greenberg, an out-of-control ‘left-wing’ activist must be firmly sentenced for his assault on Hayden Williams; only because Hayden Williams was a conservative.
Zachary Greenberg should be expelled permanently from being allowed to enter onto any school of higher education properties, sentenced to a long term in prison, and denied any other appearances when Conservative speaker were speaking in any assembly.
Furthermore, He should be forced to pay total payments for medical recovery as long as the victim needs Healthcare as necessary. - Oscar Y. Harward
Man arrested for assault on conservative activist at UC Berkeley
Which Political Party on Capitol Hill is responsible for our US Code when Illegal Immigrants create crime, even rape or murder, don’t go to jail; they are deported? – Oscar Y. Harward
The media never cares when Americans are killed by illegal immigrants
The criminal alien DUI problem is also completely covered up by the media. Every year, ICE apprehends illegals responsible for roughly 80,000 DUIs, 76,000 other traffic offenses, 76,000 drug offenses, and 50,000 assaults. Yet the majority of illegals live in sanctuary jurisdictions that won’t turn over those with such “low-level” charges. Thus, one could imagine that the severity of the illegal crime wave is much worse than the ICE apprehensions suggest. Sure, even sanctuaries will turn over illegals once they’ve committed murder, but the murderers usually come from the pool of those who committed these other offenses for which the sanctuaries will not honor ICE detainers. - Conservative Review
It appears Capitol Hill Democrats are firm in protecting ‘criminal’ illegal immigrants. Why?
Do Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator Chuck Schumer, and other Capitol Hill Democrats have a personal financial gain in a reason for protecting drug dealers, murderers, and other criminals?
You must remember. Just a few years ago almost all Capitol Hill Democrats supported a fence at the southern border separating USA/Mexico. – Oscar Y. Harward
“It reviewed the criminal histories of 55,322 aliens in federal or state prisons and local jails who “entered the country illegally.” Those illegal aliens were arrested 459,614 times, an average of 8.3 arrests per illegal alien, and committed almost 700,000 criminal offenses, an average of roughly 12.7 offenses per illegal alien.”
Many refer to Islam as a religion of peace. Islam does not practice religion of peace.
Christians learn more about peace, love, and justice from (y)our Holy Bible.
However, Islam is a contrasting radical form of life as compared to Christianity. Islamic Muslims and other supporting groups qualify as approved for tax supported status under the IRS Code. Why should Congress and the IRS Code support or allow tax supported status to any function supporting Islam?
Why should Americans invite Islamic Muslims into America as they openly declare that Islam will destroy America, our Constitution, and our Holy Bible; replacing America with Islam, the Quran, and Sharia Law?
A majority of terror in America is associated to Islamic Muslim governments, other Islamic individuals, or groups.
Terrorism created by Islamic Muslims costs Americans their lives; around the world. American taxpayers have paid trillions of dollars due to Islamic Muslims' terrorism.
On February 26, 1993 The World Trade Center suffered a terrorist attack on New York. Another terrorist attack occurred on 9/11/01 as ‘Islamic’ Muslims used airliners in attacking America. This attack cost trillions of dollars to educate and protect our USA citizens. The ‘main-stream’ Medias barely mention this cost of lives and the taxpayers created by ‘Islamic’ Muslims.
The Quran promotes violence
On a regular basis, all who oppose ‘Islam’ are attacked; injured, and/or killed by radical Muslims.
Islamic attacks continue. How can leaders continue allowing ‘Islam’ and their supporters to amass tax supported status? Learning more about Islam and removing tax supported status will likely deeply reduce terrorism across America.
Eliminating tax supported status of all Islamic supported groups and their supporting organizations in the USA will decrease terrorism and other criminal activity.
Islam Is a Religion of Violence
Capitol Hill Democrat legislators practice a disgrace on their voting habits. On this issue, Democrat legislators should support building a wall. When Republicans offer political ideas, Democrat legislators will usually oppose it, even though Democrats supported the issue recently; immediately, doing a flip-flop on the issue.
In very recent years ago, Capitol Hill Democrat Party’s legislative leaders endorsed and supported the building of a wall separating Mexico and the USA; to separate the illegal immigrants, unhealthy candidates for entry, and other criminals and illegal immigrants from entering into the USA.
Much changed recently as Donald Trump endorsed a wall and became President of the United States. President Donald Trump’s issue is to stop illegal, unhealthy, and other criminal immigrants from entering America; all for keeping Americans safe for their own lives, their health, and to keep their communities rid of more crime.
America has a US Code policy on immigration. The law on immigration is the same for all. It is unfair for illegals to jump in front of those who follow the law.
Entering the USA outside the law is a crime. Many illegals bring health problems into the USA. Some bring a history of crime including assaults, stealing, robbing, rape, killing, etc. as well.
Many illegals end up requiring housing, food, education, and health care, etc. at the cost of the American taxpayers. These are the unwanted illegal immigrants.
See for yourself how Capitol Hill Democrats flip-flop on the immigration issue on a wall:
Polls are saying a majority of Americans are returning to Christian values.
The Declaration of Independence, inscribe a Constitutional Republic of specific Christian value words:
“…Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,…”;
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”;
“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”;
“We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do,”;
“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
These phrases illustrate our Founding Fathers wisdom as they placed our Heavenly Creator as the Supreme Judge of the world.
God Bless America!
Part 4 of 4 The Democrat Party’s war on America and the Constitution
By Jim Mullen
This is the last of a four-part article about the new Democrat Socialist Party’s policies, platform, strategies, and ideas. Their war on the Constitution and America is exposed in bullet point listings of anti-American activity and behavior of today’s Democrat Party and their leaders.
Following the four-part article, I’ll expound on each bullet point item with short articles that will continue into November. Exposing Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, and the other leftist leaders of the now Marxist Party is essential in enlightening voters of exactly where the Democrat Party stands. When the Party is illuminated in the glaring light of truth, one can only hope long-time Democrats will see the anti-American, hate-filled version of the new party for what it really is; and adjust their votes accordingly.
First, however, here are quotes from the king of conservatives who nails the hateful Democrats.
“Liberals are always trying to claim that everyone who disagrees with them is a hateful person. However, their anger and violence makes them the biggest hate group in America. “Let me tell you something, folks. There is an inescapable observation and conclusion, and it is this. You have to look very hard — and you have to spend a long time looking — to find a genuinely happy or content left-wing political person,”
“The bottom line is: You just don’t encounter happy, laughing liberals. Even their comedians are consumed by hatred. The Democrat Party’s become the largest hate group in this country. Even their comedians are angry and enraged, and that suffices as comedy. I think it’s one of the reasons why left-wing comics have become primary sources of news for other left-wing liberals,”
- Rush Limbaugh.
- Open borders: The most important constitutional duty of the federal government is protecting the nation’s borders. The Democrat Party and a few misguided Republicans spend billions of taxpayer dollars to support, educate, and give health care to foreign invaders. Nonetheless, they refuse to enforce the law and stop the invasion; opting instead to create sanctuary cities and states resulting in total abandonment of law and order.
Emigrants come to America through the front door at the welcome mat. They assimilate, study our history, learn our language, respect our country, work, and then, bursting with pride, tearfully accept the greatest honor in the world; American citizenship. Pledging their allegiance to their new home and flag becomes their badge of honor.
Illegal aliens break into our home as thieves in the night with malice aforethought. Illegals come here, steal the country’s riches, ignore our laws, and disrespect our flag. The invaders leave their reportedly unsafe homes, and then change our country into the same lawless hellhole they left and demand citizenship.
Democrats openly protect all illegal aliens at the expense of Americans by harboring felonious illegals from law enforcement. A nation cannot exist as a sovereign state without strong, secure borders, and Democrats stand steadfastly against borders and enforcement of immigration law. Every American slaughtered by an Illegal alien is one more innocent American who dies at the hands of the open border Democrat Party. Fundamentally, American lives and cities are sacrificed by Democrats to create another voting bloc. It’s another phase in their traitorous quest to overwhelm mainstream Americans at the ballot box and transform America.
- One-world government globalists: One-World government is one thing that always brings an evil glint to the eyes of anti-American Democrats, and something for which they hype and work diligently. The treasonous act of ceding our sovereignty to dictators and despots from third-world countries is just one more Democrat Party abomination. They fully support the corrupt United Nations and want our country to succumb to leftwing rules and programs that redistribute our wealth to world dictators, confiscate American’s guns, and cede our personal liberty.
- Illegal voting: Democrats have not only allowed but actively encouraged and enacted legislation permitting illegal aliens and felons to vote. Recently, freshly indoctrinated 16 year olds were added to their wish list of desirable voters. Marxist haven California gives illegal aliens licenses to drive which, in turn, allows them to vote.
Additionally, progressives repeatedly encourage voter fraud by removing safeguards like voter ID laws and by allowing registration and voting without proper safeguards.
- Crime/law and order: Every aspect of ‘law and order’ is hated by Democrats. They side with criminals and illegal aliens – even the brutal MS13 gangs. They set felons upon citizens by emptying prisons and jails, reducing sentences, granting early releases, and plea bargaining felonies down to misdemeanors. Mandatory sentences are taboo for progressives as they prefer to allow liberal judges to mete out lenient punishment. Massive reductions in crime occurred when criminals were kept off the streets. Likewise, since the Democrats began their catch and release policy, crime is again climbing.
- Democrats and the corrupt media are bedfellows: There is a deliberate and continuous hatred by the corrupt leftwing media and Democrats toward anything and everything American. The media are mouthpieces and activists for Marxist Democrats and provide them with a free propaganda machine of which all dictatorships would be proud. The Media are extremely successful in Socialist indoctrination of our Republic.
Fake news is a unique and ubiquitous expression one hears and reads all too often. In reality, it’s an invented, politically correct term, meaning ‘media lies.’ The MSM lies are designed on the premise that a lie repeated often enough and strongly enough, becomes the truth. Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels indoctrinated Germany and nearly ruled the world with this premise.
- Corrupt Democrat deep state: Barack Obama’s administration was the most corrupt in the country’s history. Every department, bureau, and division of the federal government were corrupted to the core by Obama’s leftist outlaws. These traitorous carryovers are now part of an army trying to overthrow President Trump’s administration.
- Rewriting history: It’s been said that winners of wars write history. Conservatives must have lost every war fought against liberals, because leftwing historians and the intelligentsia have been writing and indoctrinating young people with their version of history for decades.
- Real danger is not accepting results of an election: The Real danger in any nation is when radical fascists do not accept the lawful outcomes of a presidential election. This is how violent revolutions are fomented. Nearly everything the Democrat Party and the MSM do now is to reverse what they deem as a fraudulent election of President Trump. They will not accept the legal election of a President, and are doing everything in their power to remove him from office. These efforts have all the elements of an attempted overthrow of the government.
Individually, each bullet-point presented here tells a devastating tale of leftwing lunacy abounding in the Democrat Party. However, in totality, they represent an attempted coup of America.
Democrats, the mainstream media, and the deep state have declared complete and total war on not only President Trump, but America and everything for which it stands. This mid-term election is the most important in American history. If patriots cannot bring themselves, and inspire others to stand and fight at the ballot box, our war might be lost. Make no mistake; they are at war with America! If we lose this war, we lose our liberty and have no chance of regaining it without fighting another violent and bloody Revolutionary or Civil War.
When you make your decision on that judgment day in November, choose liberty. Our founders pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for us. Freedom-loving Americans must strike a decisive blow against the tyrannical leftist Democrats. Leftists have the numbers; therefore, patriots must turn out en masse and overwhelm the lawless.
Every elected Democrat increases the power base for radical progressive policies. If they truly believed in liberty and the Constitution, they would not remain in the party of Marxism.
Historically, conservatives have recoiled from conflicts with liberalism, believing their ideas were too extreme and ludicrous to be taken seriously. We dealt with them with a dismissive wave of the hand. Unfortunately, that has been a horrific miscalculation, as they currently control the MSM, entertainment, social media, the Internet, most of the courts, and the deep state. Hundreds of millions of people have lived in dictatorships that began with a few hundred determined revolutionaries with radical ideas. Tragically, they were dismissed out-of-hand by unsuspecting, naïve citizens and their leaders.
Dictators acquire and maintain their power by creating division. Setting one faction against another is how they work. They scream, rant, rave, and lie to stop any idea of freedom because if people maintain autonomy; their tyrannical systems are ineffectual. Currently, they are in panic mode because President Trump is burning Obama’s leftist legacy, and Democrats are terrified of conservative ideas because if they succeed people will embrace them and the left at least temporarily, fails.
Join the #WalkAway from the Democrat Party campaign group on Face book, and #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018 on Twitter.
The Democrat Party’s war on America and our Constitution Part 3 of 4
By Jim Mullen
This is the third of a four-part article about the new Democrat Socialist Party’s policies, platform, strategies, and ideas. The following bullet points lay out the war on America and the Constitution by illuminating the Democrat Party’s anti-American activities and behavior.
Following the four-part piece, expanded short articles on each bullet point will continue into November. Exposing Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, and the other leftist leaders of the now Marxist Party is essential in enlightening voters of exactly where the Democrat Party stands. When illuminated in the glaring light of truth, one can only hope long-time Democrats will see the anti-American, hate-filled version of the new party for what it really is; and adjust their votes accordingly.
- Income Redistribution and Barack Obama: Barack Obama laid out his Marxist ideas early on when he said he wanted to spread the wealth around. Accomplishing this goal is largely about convincing the populace of the great unfairness and inadequacies of free enterprise and capitalism. To achieve this, Democrats must create friction between classes, races, genders, and anywhere they can preach victimhood. When people perceive themselves as long-suffering victims, they are easy targets of the unethical, immoral, and oppressive Marxist Democrats. Obama’s social justice plan simply meant tax, spend, and redistribute wealth.
The Democrat Party saw Obama’s election as a mandate to double down on fundamentally changing America into a Marxist state. For the past ten years, socialists, Marxists, and communists have overtly, and with great passion, proclaimed their hatred for America, the Constitution, culture, religion, economic system, and the entire white race. Obama led Democrats from the shadows into proudly proclaiming their allegiance to a despotic revolution.
- Free Speech: Democrats fight an unending war against free speech and legislate what they call hate speech. Self-defining hate speech automatically allows liberals to control any narrative and determine what is or is not acceptable speech according to their whims. Academia, once the bastion for free speech, transformed higher education and ceded power to violent fascists that transfigured campuses into rioting, firebombing terror zones. America is a free speech zone, nevertheless, colleges and universities arrogantly and illegally, set up confines of free speech zones. Additionally, these fascists use political correctness as a weapon to enforce tyranny and prohibit free speech.
No group in America exhibits more hate-filled; spewing of poisonous vitriol than Democrats. Nonetheless, academics attack and ban conservative speech. Liberals bluster, attack, and lie to hide the fact they have no ideas; only ideology, and talking points. Consequently, they realize that allowing constitutional ideas to germinate and conservative speech to grow, is hazardous to Democrat ideology.
- Religion: The constitutional right to freely exercise one’s religion is under attack by every leftwing group. Not only buoyed by establishment bias, but actively working against religious groups and individuals, the Democrat Party represents a clear and present danger to religious freedom. These are the tyrants who booed God at their convention.
- Education: Leftists, mostly Democrats, have turned the world's best public education system into a shameful disaster. They destroyed the classic public education system and then hammered Marxist/progressive ideology and propaganda into young, impressionable minds. Social engineering, social justice, multi-culturalism, diversity, and inclusiveness, are bitter toxins the left employs to destroy the mind, heart and spirit of America's youth. Simply stated, children receive the best indoctrination money can buy. Sadly, we encounter the finished product of this brainwashing in every sector of society and institution in the nation.
Unconstitutional interference by the government and a tyrannical grip on education by teacher unions, are the two principal causes for the collapse of the system. Because bad teachers are next to impossible to remove, exceptional teachers must now follow scripted programs mandated by faceless, leftwing government bureaucrats. Adding to the governing body’s idiocy, educators must tolerate stifling union rules, and endure constant interruptions in their classrooms. Obviously, even the best teachers find it an overwhelming challenge, providing young people with a classical education.
- Constitution: Marxists Barack Obama and Democrats believe, “The Constitution is a charter of negative liberties,” and a living, breathing, document that should change with the times. That view leads to continuous and deliberate challenging of the Constitution’s meaning by progressive judges, the media, and voters determined to undermine and weaken the entire foundation of the Constitution. Extreme leftist judges at every level of the Judiciary have, over the last few decades, tailored new laws from Marxist cloth, and ignored the words and intent of our Constitution. Nothing in this founding document guarantees outcome and success. Opportunity is never enough for the left because success without government is liberty; something to which Marxists do not subscribe.
Democrats have literally lost their minds over the prospect that the days might be numbered when they can depend on the courts to legislate leftwing ideology with the striking of a gavel. President Trump’s Supreme Court nominees believe in the Constitution and law. Additionally, with the replacement by the President of hundred of federal court judges, Democrats cannot conceive living in an America with this kind of freedom from government. They call allowing citizens to make their own decisions, tyranny.
- Energy and Environment: Climate change is a scam of monumental proportions concocted by anti-American globalists and Democrats. The intent is taxing American energy use and spreading our wealth to despots around the globe. A few decades ago these same conmen warned of a coming ice age, then came global warming, and finally as their sizzling lies melted, their swindle morphed into climate change. When the fallacy of the fraud is pointed out, the louder, and more forceful the schemers lie.
Democrats abhor carbon-based anything, and stand against drilling for and transporting oil. Nuclear energy drives them out of their mind, and they want everything powered by unaffordable solar.
“Cap and Trade” became the buzzword, when Obama said, “Under my plan of a ‘cap-and-trade’ system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”
- Punishing success and rewarding failure: Marxist Democrats are infamous for punishing industrious Americans for their success and rewarding slothful, unmotivated parasites for failure. Rewarding failure is one of the Democrat party’s legs of support, and extends to the government rewarding corrupt, incompetent bureaucracies.
- Anti-cop: Anti-American, Barack Obama demeaned police at every opportunity. Obama was, by every account, a racist who screamed racism anytime police did their job of arresting black criminals. He believed descendents of slavery should not be punished for crimes. Ironically, innocent blacks were the primary victims of criminals protected by Obama’s umbrella of bigotry.
- Anti Military: Bill Clinton was no friend of the Military, but traitor Obama cut spending to the point of weakening our Military to pre WWII levels. Never in American history, had a President and political party declared war on the police and the Military. A weak nation is a vulnerable nation, and Obama and his Democrats placed America in an indefensible world position and perilous situation at home. He showed a blatant disregard for law and order and stated openly he wanted to weaken the U.S. on the world stage.
- Taxes: Democrats are always aligned against tax cuts, and never saw a tax increase they didn’t like. Collecting more of our money to buy votes from moochers is an all-consuming activity for Marxists. All-the-while, they hold traditional Middle American taxpayers and voters in contempt when they resist the government’s thieving hand in their pockets.
- Anti-Capitalism: The Democrat Party has engaged in a decades-long war against capitalism, and works tirelessly to bring every business and citizen under federal control. Government-run schools teach children that capitalism is evil, and government is there to care for them. Higher education amplifies the indoctrination against the most successful economic system devised by man. Marxist professors rail against capitalism because it allows the freedom of choice by citizens and consistently empowers the country to lead the world in productivity, prosperity, ease of living, and financial wealth for its inhabitants.
(To be continued)
The final, part four will cover the following:
Open borders
One World Government globalists
Illegal voting
Crime/law and order
Democrats and the Media are bedfellows
Corrupt Democrat Deep State
This is the second of a four-part article about the new Democrat Socialist Party’s policies, platform, strategies, and ideas. Their war on the Constitution and America is exposed in bullet point listings of anti-American activity and behavior by today’s Democrat Party and their leaders.
Following the four-part article, I’ll expound on each bullet point item with short articles that will continue into November. Exposing Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, and the other leftist leaders of the now Marxist Party is essential in enlightening voters of exactly where the Democrat Party stands. When the Party is illuminated in the glaring light of truth, one can only hope long-time Democrats will see the anti-American, hate-filled version of the new party for what it really is; and adjust their votes accordingly.
Democrat Party’s war on America and our Constitution Part 2 of 4
By Jim Mullen
- Healthcare: Barack Obama, the Democrat Party, and other progressive Marxists designed Obamacare as income redistribution and social justice programs. It destroyed jobs and devastated the world’s finest healthcare system. Government successfully placed federal bureaucrats between patients and their doctors. After falling under heavy-handed government, costs skyrocketed, and government decided who lives, who dies, and how much pain Americans must endure. One salient point must be hammered home; Obamacare was never about providing quality healthcare to the nation. Rather, it was a foothold designed by tyrannical government to control American lives and wealth, knowing full well that healthcare would suffer and lives would be lost.
- Democrat Welfare Plantations: A ‘helping hand-up’ public assistance policy morphed into a generational welfare state for the sole purpose of keeping people on the welfare plantation and voting for Democrats. The welfare plantation, created in large part, by a racist southern Democrat, Lynden Johnson, destroyed multi-generations of families and left them with almost no chance of upward mobility. Poor whites and blacks are seldom provided opportunities to enjoy the blessings that liberty affords, and that has always been the diabolical plan of Democrats. Progressives reason that creating a permanent Democrat Party voting bloc is worth sacrificing and enslaving millions of Americans.
Addiction to government has led to the destruction of more lives than drugs and alcohol. There is little doubt that government dependency is the gateway to most of the catastrophic conditions of the welfare class, including lack of self-esteem and pride. Lack of hope follows, and contributes mightily to the increase in suicide.
- Racist Democrats and Affirmative Action: The Democrat Party is historically the party of racism. Our nation no longer classifies, promotes, or hires people using skill, education, or ability. Thanks to race hustler Barack Obama and Democrat leftist ideology, race, gender, and low test scores determines admission to college, as well as hiring and advancement in government and corporate America. This idiocy is poisonous, and leads to deadly incompetence in every government bureaucracy and private enterprise.
Additionally, minorities elevated to undeserved and unsustainable positions are set up for failure. How does this policy help minorities that qualify legitimately without an unfair boost when people question their authenticity? Likewise, how is any of this fair to Asians or whites who find they are unqualified because of their race? Moreover, will future customers, patients, and clients look at minority professionals or workers with a negative slant and believe they might be incompetent or ill-equipped for their occupation?
Few policies are more racist and debilitating than Democrats tacitly telling blacks, “There, there, we know you cannot make it without liberal Democrat’s assistance, and we are here to help you.”
Attached to every race-fixing program, there is overt and covert racism. When liberal fix-it fingers touch anything or anyone, we can count on another boondoggle of contorted, twisted, and tyrannical ideas that never work for the better of anyone. Liberals are infamous for pretending to fit a square peg into a round hole, and then employing blistering and withering lies and epithets attacking anyone pointing out their fakery.
Illegally granting special rights to certain groups is much easier than providing everyone with a complete, comprehensive classical education. Of course, providing a good education would ruin the left’s scheme to keep society indoctrinated and under the thumb of dictatorial politicians and bureaucrats.
- Electoral College: The Framers were wary of giving people the power of directly electing a President because they realized smaller states would become inconsequential since large population centers would overwhelm them. States' rights have long been a problem for liberal progressives’ ambitions of creating an omnipresent federal government controlling every aspect of American life. Our Founders were adamant in their belief that individual states be self-sustaining and self-governing with limited power given to a central authority. The Electoral College is essential for states’ rights as well as national security.
The Framers were judicious in their concerns about electing Presidents by simple national majority. A mere handful of cities and states would have power to elect every President.
- Democrats and public unions: Nearly 700 of New York City school teachers charged with various offenses are still being paid their full salaries to do nothing. Many of the teachers sit around and surf the Internet or play scrabble or anything else they choose to do. They still get summer vacation, weekends and holidays off, throughout the school year. These teachers collect their full salaries of $70,000 and up, and the city Department of Education estimates this costs the taxpayers $65 million a year. The department blames union rules, saying; their union’s contract makes it next to impossible to fire them.
Because the private sector must show a profit, unreasonable demands by unions drive jobs to other states or overseas. Unfortunately, many unionized, public employees have no incentive for efficiency, or to provide good service and couldn’t care less about the taxpayers who pay their salaries. Therefore, most government agencies are overstaffed, inefficient and bloated; not to mention surly and uncivil toward those to whom they should be ultimately responsible. Behavior that private business finds intolerable, the government views as standard operating procedure.
Even uber progressive, Franklin Roosevelt, understood the disastrous consequences of allowing public employees to unionize and bargain with the government.
Public-sector unions are bankrupting states and the federal government. Moreover, politicians beholding to corrupt unions create permanent deep-state, tyrannical bureaucracies unaccountable to any authority. It should not surprise anyone that nearly all political contributions by public unions, grease the palms of Democrats. Taxpayers have no seat at the bargaining table, but must always pay the bill.
- Democrats and LGBTQ: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer groups have aligned with the radical Democrat Party in a national campaign to enact laws and ordinances that violate the Constitution. In the name of “fairness," these fascist regulations are designed and deliberately written as in-your-face efforts to cause upheaval and strife between LGBTQ groups and people of religious or moral convictions. Examples abound of bakers, photographers, and others, not only being driven out of business, but being financially ruined personally by the party’s insane oppressive laws. Creating rights for selective groups is unconstitutional, as is denying constitutional rights to citizens who make choices Democrats find disdainful.
One of the most odious results of special rights for LGBTQ led to a series of unlawful determinations by unelected judges. Out of control liberal courts require school authorities and others to mandate shared communal showers, locker rooms, and toilet facilities for all young people. Opposition to these rulings is always met with cries of ‘hateful, homophobic, behavior’ directed at all dissenters.
(To be continued)
Part 3 will include
Income redistribution
Free speech
Energy and environment
Punishing success and rewarding failure
Anti Military
Taxes Anti-Capitalism
Does anyone that is not a full blown progressive/socialist believe that their Democratic Party does not have a deep and visceral hatred of anyone who disagrees with them? Can they be so self delusional to think that the American people want the President and indeed our government to be run by such people who can not prove any of their point, and incoherent in the message they spout, rambling on and on about situations that have no basis in fact? There is no way they will be able to destroy the patriots in this country.
Declaring your viewpoint the only viable one, and declaring those who hold an opposing view as deniers, racists, homophobes, and other demeaning terms do not make you right. It is always so simple to just spout your views and leave declaring victory without discussing it with those with opposing views is not the way this country should be run. You can’t limit those with opposing views , and if you feel an opposing view is too much of an attack on you and your safe space, get over it.
Since Trumps inauguration, there has been a blizzard of lies, distracting innuendo, and loud attacks on our President to resist the very policies that the American people are seeking. Jobs, Healthcare, Tax Reform are all more important to the American people that a supposed collusion attack against the President that has no basis in fact. After all these months of investigation, lies from such sources as the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the alphabet cable liberals have still found no evidence. The special council does nothing more than assure the Democrats, progressive/ socialist all, will have talking points still without any basis in fact for the 2018 elections. They are counting on this, along with the violence which they still call for along with the media to attempt to change the American outlook. Even some Republicans, most in name only, have started to back away from our President.
To understand what these progressive/socialists really intend let’s take a look at one who is being called a “rockstar” by the media. Congresswoman Maxine Waters. “Auntie Maxie” , as she is being called by the media and supposedly millennials (although I have yet to meet one who even knows who she is), is front and center in the resistance, she combats hate by hating those that disagree with her and is a main point in what she calls the “counterinsurgency” as shown to the American people by groups like antifa and BlackBloc.
Maxine Waters have served 37 years in office, and just what has she accomplished? Her promises for her constituents to improve South Central Los Angeles have basically ignored those same constituents and as head of the Congressional Black Caucus ignored the unemployment and gang violence that runs rife in the district she purports to serve. She earned the respect of her constituents by declaring the Los Angeles of 25 years ago a “rebellion” and allowing Bloods, Crips and other gang members to be blameless because they were misunderstood and not able to express themselves in any other way. This was the flashpoint for the violence and damage we see being done now and still the supports of the progressive/socialists suck as Congresswoman Waters. Her “Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center”, named of course after her was a money eating disaster which consumed tons of federal funded taxpayer funds.
Perhaps this is how she can afford her mansion in Hancock Park, which is miles outside the district she supposedly represents. Or perhaps it was her meddling in the multiple ethics case of One United Bank, a minority owned bank in which her husband was invested. It was Waters who personally intervened and lobbied the Treasury Department to give One United Bank $12 million even though another government agency stated that the bank operated “without effective underwriting standards” and “speculative investment practices”.
Her husband even secured the ambassadorship to the Bahamas because he went there on vacation once.
Is it any wonder the Congressman Waters has been designated by a left wing organization, the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington “Most Corrupt member of Congress” in 2005,2006,2009,2011, and now 2017. According to the Investment Watch Blog, Maxine Waters has only passed three bills. One, a Haiti Relief Bill, the second, to rename a Post Office and the third a modification of the Flood Relief bill. None of these has done anything for her district. What has moved forward is the millions in revenue that her family has made from her government connections.
Maxine Waters is the shrieking point person for the progressive/socialists. She has stated proudly that Trump is not her President. She does not respect this President, she doesn’t trust this President, and claims Trump is not working for the interests of the American people. She started this rant after the inauguration, and refuse to answer how she can say the President isn’t working for the American people the day after he takes office. And she has the audacity to call Trump a Liar?
This is the same woman who paid her own daughter a total of over $600,000 from the Waters campaign since 2006. I suppose Maxine wanted to be sure she has a good neighbor in Hancock Park.
But it not’s just Trump that Congresswoman Waters if attempting to smear, Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz has come under her unintelligible ramblings. Her thinking is so convoluted that she now claims that Chaffetz announced his retirement and will not seek re-election in 2018 because of what Waters calls “improper links to the Russian government. At least, in this instance, Waters admitted she has no evidence to support this theory, but felt the lie was such a good story that she just had to offer it. She even attempted to tie it to Flynn, saying Chaffetz is talking about Flynn, so that it will raise him above the connections that Chaffetz has with the Kremlin. She stated we, need to keep an eye on him. Without any evidence, Waters spouts this out, and then follows it up by sayig , she doesn’t really know and can’t say, but Chaffetz is conducting himself in a way the Waters finds strange. This is what the progressive/socialist takes as evidence to demean those who disagree with the globalist socialist world government they are working toward.
Another step toward the government the progressive/socialists want is the imposition of Sharia Law. Congresswoman Waters has been a big proponent of the imposition of Sharia on the American government, going so far to state “people are exploiting fear and trying to convince state legislatures that the state adoption of Sharia tenents is a strategy that extremists are using to transform America.
Congresswoman Waters a long member of the communist radical Workers World Party describes herself as a “rabble-rouser”
Next, the ties between Maxine Waters, and her Russian linked investment.
Hillary’s Qualification - Marrying Bill Clinton
By Jim Mullen
Another Hollywood-produced, Democrat convention is history. Directed superbly by the main-stream media, this fiasco of smoke and mirrors left a nightmarish image to haunt Americans through the November election.
Useful idiots, parasites, Marxist/communists, pathological liars, anti-police and military delegations represented the grievance wing of society. Joined by haters, anarchists, thieves, anti-Semites, and every variety of lowlife racists in American society, they presented a perfect cross-section of this New Leftist Party.
As their propaganda unfolded, a few things were immediately apparent:
- The connecting thread tying the convention to the typical parasitic, modern Democrat was a brutal anti-American, anti-Constitution theme.
- The Democrat Party contains more criminals than our prisons and jails! The truly terrifying fact is, Obama and his leftist comrades are emptying prisons and flooding states with un-vetted Muslims from terrorist nations. As a result, the Democrat Party grows at an astronomical rate directly proportional to the number of aliens, and their welfare benefits. Europe made the same politically correct, deadly decisions, and they’re being repaid with death, destruction, loss of sovereignty, and demise of European culture.
- The primary goal of the Democrat Party is, as always, keeping blacks and poor whites on the Democrat plantations and reservations. Their entire scheme is a conspiracy calculated to keep these people voting for their masters to maintain power, in exchange for paltry welfare benefits. Keeping the masses poor and uneducated is the foundation upon which all tyrannical governments build.
- Open border and immigration policies by Democrats, and burgeoning welfare rolls they create are designed to enlarge the party and control an even larger segment of America. These are the largest segments of society to whom the Democrats direct their big-government largesse. Granting them the right to vote is paramount in leftists’ plans to wrest control of the government for generations to come.
- One of the standout issues of note was witnessing the tragic consequences of our corrupt, failed educational system led by Democrats and abetted by Republicans. From pre-K through graduate school, young people are taught capitalism is evil and government is their savior. Marxist philosophy runs rampantly through academia, and like all leftist ideas they use it to indoctrinate, not educate, America’s youth. Just a cursory glance at the product turned out by these ideologues demonstrating in the streets and in the convention hall should lead Americans to shriek in horror. Keep in mind, they demonstrated for more government control, more welfare, higher taxes, and less liberty!
- Not even the Communist Party Politburo of the Soviet Union contained a larger assemblage of Communists and Marxists than this gathering of Democrats.
- The most shocking item from this historically racist party was the purely anti-American theme. The entire tone and substance featured and promoted freedom bashing, chaos on the streets, violence against police, open border fanaticism, and American flag burning. Marxism thrives on anarchy; in fact, it cannot gain traction without lawlessness. Nearly every dictatorship in history became entrenched by creating anarchy and promising order by eradicating freedom ruling with brutal force. We must understand; this is exactly the goal of Obama, Clinton, and all their comrades. Chaos and violence now define the Democrats.
- Representations and exhibitions of pathological liars plying their trade were unparalleled. Pretense, fabrications, deceptions, and outright lies streamed from the lying post through the poisonous atmosphere like rocket-propelled fireworks. Appropriately, the grand finale of falsehoods launched by the queen bee of the Marxist hive, Hillary Clinton, reached a crescendo of fire and brimstone lies. The evening culminated with this unqualified and dishonest seeker of the United States presidency, spewing thunderous communist propaganda that slashed through the rented crowd and echoed off the massive Cleveland arena’s rafters. She closed out the appropriate rhetorical theme from Obama’s oration of lies.
- Not one speaker touched the edge of sensibility or reality. Conversely, words of wavy, feel-good, Marxist dreams and talking points put believers in a Shangri-La trance. Predictably, the parasitic-lemmings swooned at the idea of unearned rewards for a promise of meager financial security, paid for by overtaxed, working Americans.
- Most of these self-absorbed, useful idiots at the convention follow the radical leftists’ feel-good ideology. In reality, they follow it so closely, they never learned to think or reason successfully. Blind allegiance to a destructive ideology, and government propaganda left them ignorant of Americans’ opportunities. As a consequence, they fell for Karl Marx’s fatal vision and empty promises. It’s doubtful there’s ever been a larger group of government-indoctrinated misfits gathered into one place to abet the destruction of our constitutional Republic.
Marxist/socialism is all about an omni-powerful centralized government controlling commerce, manufacturing, financial institutions, and every aspect of every American’s life. In other words; a dictatorship!
They use punishingly high taxation and crushing regulations handed down and enforced by bureaucratic fiats with tyrannical power. These powers are the weapons and instruments to destroy. Communism and Marxism/socialism differ only in the means of government enforcement. Communists use the gun; Marxism and socialism use the club of financial ruin and threat of prison. Naturally, If all else fails, they resort to guns.
Obama crowed, “We’re not done perfecting our union.” He means they’re not done transforming the US into the perfect Communist/Socialist state! Hillary is determined to continue Obama’s work. Successful implementation of totalitarian government requires extinguishing any spark of hope, and cooling all embers of liberty. Hillary has her mandate!
All of this foofaraw is lost on a woman whose only qualification for President was having married a man who became the President of the United States. How is this inspiring for young American women who strive for excellence and self- determination based solely on their efforts, not whom they married? The message resonates from one of the most corrupt and vile politicians in America’s long history. She portrays an image of exactly what she is, an incompetent, totally unprincipled woman using only marital power to gain her position.
Additionally, Hillary Clinton is eminently unqualified for every job which she aspired to and attained. She has underperformed at everything she attempted, is a notorious, pathological liar, a cheat, and is abusive to those around her. She habitually lies about events to which there is video evidence to countermand her assertions; like landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. There is no possible scenario when this woman should ever be believed or trusted.
Bill and Hillary demonstrated their legendary, disreputable character in a classic manner during their original staining of the White House. Main-stream media reports surfaced revealing they absconded with items from the peoples’ house valued at tens of thousands of dollars!
The entire fate of our nation is in peril as Democrats swamp us with illegal aliens, felons from prisons, questionable Muslims from terrorist countries, and pounding Marxism into every segment of American government and society; including the educational system.
We elected one unqualified, community organizing, racist President simply because he was black. He has nearly destroyed this nation, and set the world ablaze. Are we now to elect another unqualified, pathologically lying, incompetent President simply because she is a woman?
If Hillary Clinton wins this election, it’s highly unlikely our Republic will survive. The inmates will truly be running the asylum!
Jim Mullen
For all, many courts across America have ruled on the eligibility of Sen. Ted Cruz for POTUS. Will everyone listen? The settlement has been resolved by SCOTUS.
By Oscar Y. Harward
How and why do so many Washington, DC leaders, and specifically elected Capitol Hill leaders, become so confused in declaring, or even suggesting, that ‘Islam’ is a religion of peace for Muslins? How can anyone suggest ‘Islam’ is a religion?
2016 Presidential candidate, Donald Trump and others are ‘right’ on the issue of refusing more ’Islamic’ Muslims into the USA in an effort to protect our nation and its citizens. Other 2016 candidates like Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, and other Presidential candidates are wrong. How can these other candidates profess to support the USA and our citizens; yet turn around and support more ‘Islamic’ Muslims as ‘immigrants’ who are determined to kill you and me? Why is Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan choosing a wrong?
President Franklin D Roosevelt banned Germans and Japanese from entering the USA in his Presidency.
President Jimmy Carter banned Iranians from entering the USA in his Presidency.
Why shouldn’t any President have the Constitutional authority to ban any nation, group, or individuals who may be methodically resolute in killing Americans?
Why shouldn’t any principled President of the USA have the support of a majority of Americans, and especially other Republican Party Presidential candidates?
Why should the USA continue to invite more ‘Islamic’ Muslims into America while ‘Islamic’ nations and groups continue declaring that ‘Islam’ will destroy America, our Bible, and our Constitution’ replacing the USA with Islam, the Quran, and Sharia Law?
Americans are being commanded to accept more ‘Islamic’ Muslims in dispute of these Constitutional and cultural differences.
‘Islamic’ Muslins are at war with all ‘infidels’; with ‘infidels’ being identified as Americans, Jews, and all other Christians around the world who oppose ‘Islam’.
Do Americans know and understand that ‘Christianity’ and ‘Islam’ are reversals in living?
Do Americans know and understand ‘Islam’ as, “The Qur'an explicitly instructs men to beat disobedient wives.” (Qur'an 4:34, Sahih Muslim 2127); or "I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" (Muslim 1:33); or "And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah" (Qur'an 8:39)
‘Christianity’ is contradictory to ‘Islam’.
The ‘Bible’ is contradictory to the ‘Quran’.
The ‘US Constitution’ is contradictory to ‘Sharia Law’.
A religion must learn, practice, and teach others to follow the ‘Word’ as demonstrated and shown in the ‘Holy Bible’. Many books and history on various subjects change with different messages on a regular basis; however, the Holy Bible teachings have remained endless with their messages for thousands of years. Our Bible’s authors go back to the 15th Century BC, starting with Jesus’ revelations to Moses, and followed by many various writers.
A ‘true’ religion should not, cannot, and will not instruct you, me, or anyone else to go out and kill others whom you disagree to, “Kill, convert or subjugate Christians and Jews.” (Qur'an 9:29).
Our Founding Fathers met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776 to inscribe the Constitution beginning with the ‘Declaration of Independence’ as a determination with a group of principles of our future nation and our people centered around freedoms and morals founded on ‘Biblical’ Judeo-Christian values.
‘Islam’ has been around for more than 1,000 years; all fighting to attack and kill all humans who oppose ‘Islam’ and the Quran, as reportedly revealed to Muhammad in 610 AD.
In World War II, Sir Winston Churchill fought ‘Islamic’ Muslims in which he wrote about, “Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
Inasmuch as ‘Islam’, in the ‘Quran’, calls for its followers to kill others, Capitol Hill legislators and SCOTUS should remove all ‘tax exemption’ advantages from Islamic groups and other supported groups.
As Diane Sori says, “It’s extremely important to note that one of the main things separating a true religion from a cult is that NO true religion instructs its followers to kill in God's name, but sectarianism groups do instruct its followers to kill in the name of their leader.”
In that exercise as a group, ‘Islam’ is not a religion. ‘Islam’ is an alliance with ‘worldly’, ‘murderous’, ‘rapists’, ‘ungodly’ and other ‘criminal’ lives. ‘Islamic’ Muslims seem to hate all other lands they possess. Their hate expands as their geography expands. Hate! Hate! Hate!
God Bless America!
You have to ask yourself, "What's Going Through The Minds Of The Sociopath Brain?" and "How Did This Person Get Elected To Keep Us Safe?". The answer is clear if you look beyond what you think you know and have been fed and into what the sociopath doesn't want you to know. Sociopath's are not all dumb and can get well educated. Not all sociopaths murder but produce murderers. Sociopath's that don't murder have no emotion for those who are murdered and relish the deeds of those who do. A government that is controlled by persons without emotions for others is always a government of communists. You just have to look around the world and compare countries in Asia, South America, Africa, Central America and Mexico to find sociopath governments where people with normal emotions let themselves be dominated by the mental illness of others that have very little to no emotions.
By Oscar Y. Harward
Mr. President, at this point in time, you turn out to be the very WORST President in the history of the USA.
Mr. President, will you PLEASE address and demand the stoppage of ‘Islamic’ Muslims who are killing Americans, Israelis, and other Christians around the world; all people who oppose ‘Islam’?
Mr. President, will you PLEASE address any and each of ‘Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace’?
Mr. President, will you PLEASE call on and ‘demand’ all ‘Islamic’ Muslims to call all other ‘Islamic’ nations’ governments and ‘terrorist’ Islamic groups to stop telling the world that ‘Islam’ will destroy the State of Israel and America?
Mr. President, will you PLEASE lead the way and call on our Capitol Hill legislators to pass legislation that will identify that ‘Islam’ or any other organization demanding the death of any other Christian government and/or groups are not a religion(s).
Mr. President, will you PLEASE lead the way and call on our Democrat, Republican, and Independent Capitol Hill legislators to pass legislation to ‘deny’ tax-deductible donations to all associated ‘Islamic’ Muslim Mosques and their organizations.
Mr. President, will you PLEASE quit funding a war and sending our US Military to fight for another ‘Islamic’ Muslims’ nation’s government and/or another ‘terrorist’ group when at the same time you are allowing the Americans’ taxpayers’ funding of this other opposition ‘Islamic’ Muslim nation’s government and/or ‘terrorist’ groups in the battle fields.
235 Republicans voted ‘AYES’ to enforce our Constitution and US Code on immigration, or be removed from receiving US Government funding. 5 Republicans voted ‘NOES’
6 Democrats voted ‘AYES’ to enforce our Constitution and US Code on immigration, or be removed from receiving US Government funding. 174 Democrats voted ‘NOES’.
Illegal immigration is the ‘ISSUE’ of the day. Today’s legislation, H R 3009; ‘Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act’, will require cities to honor the Constitution and US Code, or be removed from receiving US Government funding.
Many cities are violating the laws by allowing their cities to supersede our Constitution and by allowing ‘illegal’ and ‘felonious’ criminals to hide in their cities without fear of arrest or, deportations.
(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)
H R 3009 RECORDED VOTE 23-Jul-2015 4:19 PM
QUESTION: On Passage
BILL TITLE: Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act
---- AYES 241 ---
Abraham | Guthrie | Peterson |
---- NOES 179 ---
Adams | Fudge | Nolan |
---- NOT VOTING 13 ---
Bishop (UT) | Clawson (FL) | Lujan Grisham (NM) |