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Be Encouraged 2/26/12

Howdy all!  Another Sunday coming with the pundits claiming they have the big story of the day.  You know, one of the GOP candidates will make a gaffe, or throw a stone at another one, and they got it on tape!  Oh so clever those journalists (sic) are.  I can’t wait to hear those great questions.  You know, “How many chocolates did you really eat at that candy shoppe in New Hampshire?”; or this one is a good one, “How many of the letter ‘I’ are really in Mississippi?”

Any hoo,..

I am counting on the LORD; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word. ~ Psalm 130:5

Bearing this in mind, and seeing that sectionalism has since arisen upon this same subject, is that warning a weapon in your hands against us, or in our hands against you?  Could Washington himself speak, would he cast the blame of that sectionalism upon us, who sustain his policy, or upon you who repudiate it?  We respect that warning of Washington, and we commend it to you, together with his example pointing to the right application of it.  But you say you are conservative – eminently conservative – while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort.  What is conservatism?  Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?  We stick to, contend for, the identical old policy on the point in controversy which was adopted by our fathers who framed the Government under which we live; while you with one accord reject, and scout, and spit upon that old policy, and insist upon substituting something new.  Abraham Lincoln, Speech at New Haven Connecticut, March 6, 1860.

Ok, I had a little fun with pundits (or is that pun with fundits).  But when you read the quote from Lincoln you can see how eerily similar it is to today’s problems not only between democrats and republicans, but more closely to establishment republicans and conservatives like tea parties and 9/12 groups.  The conservative groups like the tea parties want to remain close to the structure laid down by the founders, yet the establishment wants to play by their own rules, which they seemingly find more lucrative.  And the democrats want the entire GOP structure to collapse, so they can do what they want with no interference.  This is not what the founding fathers envisioned.  Or is it?  Did they see political party infighting?  Absolutely they did!  They had it themselves.  So why wouldn’t it happen with their descendants?  And as in Lincoln’s speech, there was tremendous infighting then; over slavery.  Today, we have been experiencing the infighting and cross party fighting for a long time now.  And it’s over slavery – slavery of American citizens by the government.  We are forced to work hard for our pay.  But a major portion goes to the government.  The more we work, the more we make, and the more we have to give to the government.  And the present federally elected employee in charge keeps trying to find ways to take more.  It gets more ridiculous every day. 

So, what to do?  Well, we know by the writings of our founders that there was divine intervention during the development of our nation.  We know that throughout our nations’ history, we have been guided by His hand.  So, why should we look anywhere else for support?  We all have rights and responsibilities as citizens of America.  These rights have been given to us by our Creator, as so eloquently stated in the Declaration of Independence.  So, we must work together, with the establishment and the conservatives.  We need to focus on what the nations was founded on, and how.  We must count on Him.  We must put our hope in His word to save our nation.  And, since the Lord helps those who help themselves, we must take on the hard part.  Be involved, be vocal.  Do not be violent, but do not be silent.  Our nation does not belong to any one individual or group.  It belongs equally to us all; everyone, of every color, every creed, every increment of society, every section of every city, town, suburb, and rural free district. The tea party movement does not want to take over the nation.  We do not want to overthrow any part of any government entity.  What the tea party wants is to return the government structure back to what the founders designed, developed and passed down to us all.  Equal rights, equal justice, and equal freedom for all.  Martin Luther King summed it up the best, when he dreamed that one day his four little children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.  Exceptional words from an exceptional man.  These great, simple words of wisdom were spoken for his children.  Yet, they speak out to us all every day.  They speak to republicans, democrats, conservatives, liberals, libertarians, progressives, independents, OWS, Tea Party, EVERYONE!  Can we all just get it right?


Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Obama and Blogo

Rod Blagojevich is the former Illinois Governor who tried to sell
Obama's seat in Congress.

Obama was asked by the press if he had ever met Gov. Rod
Blagojevich.   He replied: "I only saw Rod Blagojevich one time
... And that was in the stands and from a distance at a Chicago
Bears Football Game."  
Of course, you can believe him - he's our President.

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The Selfless American

This is being written specifically for Art Phillips & all the other men & women who have or are still protecting our freedoms. This is for the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard & the Coast Guard. This is for their families & for those abroad or home. I offer my deepest admiration, respect, prayers & for some my condolences for their sacrifices. Not one of us who hasn't been there can even imagine what it really means to do this job. We don't know what it's like to leave family & friends behind, not know where you might end up. To try & eat or sleep out in the open in the cold, heat, dust & dirt. To have to do the simplest things while wearing all your gear. Hoping you get some sleep or get to eat without gunfire interrupting those few quiet moments. Not knowing how long you'll be gone or how soon you'll have to go back. What's going on with your family, not seeing them & missing out on living life with them. Will you go home in one piece, maybe missing a part of you or God forbid not come home at all. If this happens how will you & your family cope. Maybe losing a good buddy in a fire fight or by a IED. Feeling horrible about your loss, but feeling guilty too because you are alive. Wanting to go home but wondering if you'll be able to fit back in & have something to do. And in the end not really being able to let any of these things distract you, because it could mean yours or someone else's life. Think of the families too, Not knowing when a spouse will return & how. Having to say goodbye over & over. Raising the family alone not always having help, someone to talk with, someone who's in the same position. Not being able to share how hard it is for you when your spouse is home, because they don't need to be worried. For having to put a good face on things for the children even when you're worried sick or feel you can't do this alone another day. Just plain not being able to share life with the person you married to share life with. These spouse's have to be just as courageous, steadfast, strong & faithful. These men & women are courageous beyond belief, they should always have the support they need & they shouldn't have to even ask. Do a kindness for a soldier, vet or their family today & everyday if you can, even if it's just to thank them. And pray for them as much as possible so that all come home safe to their families & friends.

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Apathy & Nazi Germany
This poem entitled “First They Came” is attributed to Pastor Martin Niemoller:
When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist.
Then they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat.
Then they came for the trade unionists, I did not protest; I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, I did not speak out; I was not a Jew.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.

The Pastor who wrote this was ordered arrested by Hitler himself and was held at Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps. Allied troops freed him in 1945.

There is a lesson to be learned here, and that lesson is this: Waiting to speak up is waiting until it is too late. There is no time like the present to speak up, step up, and get active. Once your liberty is gone, your right and ability to assemble and speak out are gone, what will you do? No one--let me repeat that--NO ONE is coming to save you once you are locked up for dissenting. Who are you counting on, the French?

There are no excuses in the fight for liberty. There are no excuses in the fight for freedom. There are no excuses in the fight to save the Constitution. There are no excuses in the fight to save America. None.

Work hard? Not as hard as you will in a concentration camp, or under a communist regime. No time with your family? You’ll have plenty of time together (unless they ship you to different locations) in a concentration camp. Tired? How about sixteen hours making big rocks into little rocks, for the government-sponsored highway project they drag you out of camp for each day? Think I’m making this up? So did the Germans and the Jewish in Germany.

Re-read the poem above. Close your eyes and remember what you learned about Hitler; he gave great speeches too. Hitler and Obama both took care of dissenters, just ask the Inspector Generals Obama and company have made go away. Hitler took over the auto business--where do you think the Volkswagen came from? The people's car. We now have GM (Government Motors). Hitler put in the first interstate system. What does Obama want to do for the economy?...put you to work building highways! Hitler was a eugenicist; he was willing to use government healthcare to eliminate costly or undesirable people. Obama’s healthcare system sounds strangely similar. Get old, have health issues, be born with a costly health issue...bummer, you are too expensive for the care program. He is Hitler without the ovens.

As I look around America today, I see a handful of Patriots willing to speak up. I see even fewer willing to take to the streets and protest. I see even fewer willing to do it on a consistent and regular basis. No one is going to save you, but you.

Read the poem again. Let it sink in. When they come for you, who will speak for you? Apathy worked for the Germans, if you don’t mind a totalitarian regime. I guess it will work for you too.

~Bill Turner (Used with permission of the author)

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Be Encouraged 2/25/12

Howdy all!  I hope the work week went well for you.  Good weather?  We had good weather here all week.  Unfortunately, the weekend is now here, and so is the weird weather.  Wind is expected to be 40-50 mph with gusts as high as 75.  Can’t wait to go looking for our cars in the morning.

Any hoo,..

Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. ~ Psalm 25:5

I consider the government of the United States as interdicted by the constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises. This results not only from the provision that no law shall be made respecting the establishment or free exercise of religion, but from that also which reserves to the States the powers not delegated to the United States.  Certainly, no power to prescribe any religious exercise or to assume authority in any religious discipline has been delegated to the general government.  It must then rest with the States." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Samuel Miller, 1808

When I read the quote from Jefferson, I think of the issue brought up by the Bobama administration.  When I hear the arguments against the contraception mandate, I hear this quote.  There is no interpretation required.  Interdicted = BANNED, PROHIBITED, FORBIDDEN; by the 1st amendment.  Jefferson gave only that the states would have the powers from the 10th amendment.  So, why is the entire lot of federally elected employees even talking about mandates to Christian employers, or giving exemptions and easing of burdens to the Islamic faith, or any restrictions or exemptions to any religion??  The first amendment prevents it and the tenth affords it only to the states, who also have to live by the Constitution!  I don’t know.  Maybe someone needs to erect a billboard that shows the number of probable violations of the Constitution.  The severity doesn’t matter anymore.  What is now important is quantity over quality.   “How many violations this day Bob?”  “Don’t know Ed, let’s look at the tote board and find out!  Drum roll please!”

Give me a break.  Help me help us all.  Vote the idiots out; all of them!  They are all guilty by their involvement or by their complicity.  Let’s find someone in our neighborhoods that we can put our hope into.  We are led by the truth and teachings of Him.  Therefore we should have the ability to find the one we can depend on.  But you must do your homework.  Don’t get caught up in the old ‘gotta vote the party line’ gimmick.  Boehner and McConnell need to.  Cantor, Alexander, Collins, Snowe; gone.  Maybe not this time around for the Senators, but their time will come.  And they can be removed from their positions of leadership.  Wait, correct that word to management.  People can be placed in a management position and not be able to lead worth a hill of beans.  But leaders lead from wherever they are in the team.  Management is a position.  Leadership is a skill, a trait, a quality.  So, when any politician speaks of the party leadership, try not to laugh.  Correct them.  It’s the party management.  Most won’t know what the heck you’re talking about.  Those who do, well, let’s hope they get the message.


Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Those 3 legistration and/or legal actions have a huge problem that you might not know about. The amount of copyrighted material out is far bigger than you might think. Most advertising slogans are copyrighted. Most recent famous quotes are also copyrighted as well.

Some of the congress members supporting those bills and/or action have been found to have copyrighted material in their own official websites, and they didn't even know it! If you took a picture of your family in any town, most likely in the background there is at least one copyrighted advertising slogan in the picture. As the News reporters go through cities with film crews, all of them can be targeted for the same reason. Even saying, writting, or typing a quote from a movie or song could be charged as a copyright violation. Copyright violations happen continually every day just because there is so much copyrighted material out there. You and me most likely do it all the time and don't even know it!

"Copyright may apply to a wide range of creative, intellectual, or artistic forms, or "works". Specifics vary by jurisdiction, but these can include poems, theses, plays, other literary works, movies, dances, musical compositions, audio recordings, paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, software, radio and television broadcasts, and industrial designs. Graphic designs and industrial designs may have separate or overlapping laws applied to them in some jurisdictions."

That section above is a direct copy from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, web site As such, it could be used legally as a Copyright violation. It will not be used that because Wikipedia will not enforce copyrights and their free encyclopdia.

The chances of a website of any type not having copyrighted material in it someplace, or linked in some way, is very, very remote. Even important official government websites have copyrighted material in them.

I would be impossible for any of those legal actions to remove all copyrighted material from the internet. As it is, I bet it could be used to target over 90% of the internet Websites. As they couldn't shut down that much of the internet without very, very badly hurting us. It would have to be used for selective enforcement.

But who is going to ones selecting the enforcement of that legal action? As there is no notice, no trial, in the way there are written, the person or organization targeted wouldn't even know they are targeted until their wbesite vanished from the internet. Selective enforcement like that is far too easy to use for censorship, and as it copyrighted material is everywhere, it could used against any type of organization that a person or group wanted to target.


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“ Who Else Is Sleeping In Bed With Your Spouse ? “

“ Who Else Is Sleeping In Bed With Your Spouse ? “
This weeks article takes us to part 2 in a series of commentary and a discussion regarding the need to share and in helping all Americans understanding as well as fully implementing the return of our nation to common sense and Biblical principles. This particular article raises the following questions; Are you married or wish to be in the future ? Then, who else is or will be sleeping in bed with you and your spouse ? Interesting questions perhaps? If are interested thus far, then please read on and pay close attention to the information given in this article.
If you were like me up until some years ago, I was not fully aware of how truly ingrained the U.S Federal and State's governments were involved in our personal lives. I mean, I was aware that to some extent there was an increase or a creeping in of our Federal and State laws purposely forcing and enabling evil things such as abortion, homosexuality, and other areas like it in our personal lives, but to the degree of evidence and facts arising against our very own government in purposely subverting our God given, natural and Constitutional rights, I really was not that aware. Since that time however, I have found that there is no area of our lives that our nations leaders have not left untouched in violating Godly and Biblical precepts including that of the sanctity of marriage. As an increasing number of states pass laws such as allowing homosexual marriages and or unions, anyone with open spiritual eyes and that understands common sense can see that there is a furthering in our nation's moral decline and Biblical thinking and in turn, we have now lost our favor with God. Of course, most evil people do not recognize this, for wicked minded people care not what God thinks or even that they believe in the God of the Bible so why should they care right? Well, to answer my own question here; yes and no..... It is true most evil people care not about God or believe in God for that matter but the bottom line is they should care. Even a Roman Catholic like Rick Santorum(I'm not saying I endorse the man for President) has a very good understanding that violating Godly and Biblical precepts invites God's wrath and that means in the end, good as well as evil people will also suffer,0,6346449.story . We should all come to an understanding that all people suffer at the hands of God for ignoring evil and refusing to apply practical precepts of Biblical good rather than the acceptance of evil. Every Christian's responsibility for removing all evil is a Biblically sound New Testament as well as an Old Testament idea. It seems the only “Christians” that may disagree and argue with me here about this idea are those of a(theologically wrong) American “feel good and itchy ear christian” belief system.
We who can clearly see where allowing such evil and anti-biblical acts such as allowing government sanctioned gay marriage or homosexuality to be propagated, endorsed or even encouraged in America(or anywhere for that matter) is quite dangerous for our nation's health. We true believers need to continue in raising our voices in warning our fellow American Citizens of the dangers of allowing such unnatural, perverted and anti-biblical acts such as homosexuality and “gay” marriage or even instituting government over God. There is something else we need to do to get our nation back on track, and that is to separate ourselves from this and other acts of evil in it's entirety. As our nations elected and non-elected officials in all three branches of government take actions that offends God and His people, Biblical action is required on our part in returning our nation back to God. What I mean by this specifically in regards to homosexuality and marriage as well as forced government evil mandates is that the “institution of marriage” needs to be returned back to the church as outlined in the Bible. The American and state's governments have placed itself as god in the institution of marriage and this is where the problem needs to be addressed. Get government out of the business of marriage and return marriage and other areas of our society back to the Bible believing churches and America will in part, begin to be restored.
To really understand the issue as well as the severity of unbiblical and immoral government involvement in our lives, we should understand that marriage as well as many other areas of government made regulations forced upon us takes root in contract law. American and state's government being full of lawyers, have taken upon themselves(many years ago) to make marriage part of government control and their contract law. This is why a person will “sue” for divorce in a government courts(The Bible teaches against this in 1Corinthians 6:1-11). Rejected by the American Government and courts even for Christians is 1Corinthians 6:4 which states “If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. “ No government should be allowed to interfere in a Christian's life or where the Bible clearly states for men or government not interfere, allowing homosexual marriages included. There is a built in financial incentive however for the government to be involved in every area of every American's life and family, Christian or not. In the USA, a couple cannot get legally married without signing a government contract for marriage. When you, I or anyone else signs a contract, of course we are legally bound to it. Perhaps you are, or were, like I had believed in the past that a marriage contract signed, was only between myself and our spouse(male and female), how wrong that belief is ! When anyone signs any government contract, whether a marriage “license”, tax return, driver's license, social security application, pet license, any government ID and so on, we are bound to the government and agree to them as part of that area of our life whether we want the government there or not. A government marriage contract in America today means that a government official figuratively lays in bed between you and your spouse. This also means 24 hours per day, seven days-per week, 365 days per year, there is a government official overseeing your marriage and ready to intervene in every aspect of your marriage and family life. There is no escaping forceful government intervention including on behalf of the anti-God homosexual agenda. The sad fact is, once you have signed that government marriage “license”, Family Courts, Child and Adult Protective Services, Domestic Violence Program workers, social workers, teachers, school officials, judges, police officers, lawyers and many other “agents” of Federal, State, County and Local Governments can invite themselves into your marriage and or family uninvited anytime they wish and tell you what is or is not acceptable behavior or what is a healthy belief system according to their man made ideas-again, whether you want them there or not !
Yes, it's time for marriages and families to be governed by the Biblical churches once again, as God says so. I believe as well that we need to institute Jesus Christ back in the marriage as the “third strand” as declared from Ecclesiastes 4:12 and take the government out. There is a real war of the heart and soul of all Americans. The US, States and other Government officials would like to convince you that evil is good, just ask “judge”Tonya Parker of Texas who would love for you to reject God and follow her evil belief system to accept gay marriages; The American Government never should have been allowed to been involved in Godly and Biblical mandates to begin with so taking government out of marriage in it's entirety will help our nation in being restored to Godly blessings. Rejecting the government from any and all marriage and rejecting all evil precepts such as homosexuality or “gay marriage” may take some hard work on our part such as instituting marriage certificates and holding our own records rather than the government doing so, but what ever is done, that in the end, I believe all the work to remove government and evil mandates from our lives is well worth the blood, sweat and tears we may shed in the process.
Don't be afraid, I have already had a death threat from the Batavia, NY police, had my children, house and property illegally confiscated by corrupted US and New York State government officials for my siding with Jesus and the Bible, but that does not dissuade me nor should any threats from evilists also deter you from doing what is right in the eyes of God as well.
Acts 5:29 “But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men “
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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My Prayer for this Country


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The Grand Poobah

Well I guess we don't have to go vote in November. According to Obama he has already won his next term. I found this little tidbit in my American Rifleman, it's in an article written by Wayne La Pierre about the 2012 election. He quotes Valerie Jarrett, Obama's closest advisor, she said: "Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule one day." Begin to rule.......? Doesn't sound like another term to me, sounds a little more permanent to me. We might do well to take her at her word, this really is his master plan. This isn't paranoia, he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. He is stating this to us loud & clear, start listening to what he says & how he says it. He has always been arrogant & condescending, when Sean Hannity calls him the annointed one he hits the nail right on the head. He truly thinks he is a savior & that we need saving. We are a decadent, corrupt nation, filled with dangerous God fearing, gun toting, uneducated, intolerant, & uninformed right wing loonies. We need to start really paying attention to the true agenda. Everything he has done & will continue to do is leading to an Obama coronation.

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So Sorry

Well he's apologizing again for our poor misguided service people & our intolerant nation. Well I'm not sorry we burned their Qurans, I think they should be considered subversive material in our country & we should burn all of them. Whenever a Muslim whines about something Obama bin Laden is right there to kiss their butts. Do they apologize to us for kidnapping, beheading, maiming & torturing Americans? For burning our flag? Persecuting Christians? Burning churches? Desecrating our religious symbols? Offer help to our government to flush out terrorists & then lie to us & protect them. I don't trust any Muslim here or abroad, I think they are conniving, sneaky liars. There is nothing moderate or peaceful about Islam & it isn't just a religion it's a way of life. It's a way of life that has no tolerance for any other way of life & does call for the elimination of all infidels. That is anyone who is not Muslim or anyone who refuses to convert. Why do people think if they are nice to them that somehow they will get a pass & be allowed to remain infidels? I really abhor the fact that the subject of Islam & Muslims cause me to be most unChristian. I will now go & pray. 

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There is Yet Hope

4063458078?profile=originalHead of the herd, head butter Obama—socialist Obama, of liberation theology—as a gesture of good will to the poor, has decreed that Catholic run institutions will henceforth give free contraceptives to the  poor.

Liberation theology, dating back to evangelists and missionaries from the earliest colonial days in Latin America—churchmen who questioned the Catholic Church’s treatment of the poor—now Obama gives just compensation, free contraceptives in the name of women’s rights.

In a recent presidential debate, CNN’s John King asked presidential candidate Santorum how he felt about contraceptives.  With the world going up in flames, suddenly contraceptives have become the curved ball of liberals.  The American people are being led by what Jesus called wolves in sheep’s clothing. (Jesus is now seen by Obama lovers in a bottle of urine.)  

The liberal press is doing all it can to preserve this crucial time of turmoil and division long enough to complete the Obama transformation from freedom to socialism.

Astrologer’s Handbook describes the Piscean personality as “extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others. They unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them. They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.”  What is the appeal of socialism? Wouldn’t be nice if all we did was have fun; let government take care of all the worries in the world?  There was a time in Greek mythology when everyone spent all their time enjoying life. 

Prometheus stole fire from heaven. Zeus, the head god, was very angry.  His revenge was to send Pandora and a box full of all the evils in the world. She was not supposed to open the box. Zeus knew that Pandora’s curiosity would get the best of her. She took a peek. All the contents of the box escaped, except for hope.  The people were enjoying life and all-of-a-sudden evils descended upon them.   This is a very good description of socialism.

Glenn Beck on GBTV brought Kirk Cameron’s Monumental, a search for America’s national treasure to our attention. In my book of memoirs, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, I proceed to find a meaningful life. America’s Founding Fathers spoke to me though America’s Constitution.  Through me, the ancients and the cutting edge of science deliver their message of man’s archetype. Through the Bible, I bring you a message of man’s purpose. 

Kirk Cameron, in Monumental, brings you the treasure America’s Founding Fathers left for the future of mankind. Cameron was followed by presidential candidate Rick Santorum and family. Glenn’s new studio is in Dallas,Texas, my hometown. Rick was wearing a brand new pair of cowboy boots, my standard footwear when I lived in Texas. Rick’s wife is a lovely woman. She is convinced that Rick is doing God’s work.   

We’ve Obama’s and the Muslim Brotherhood’s end, representatives of the Age of Pisces—division and war.  I represent the Age of Aquarius, a future of brotherhood and fraternity.  I represent the promise Jesus left the world.  In November 2012, the American people will decide America’s and the world’s future. Keep in mind that the Age of Aquarius could be yet many years away.

What is the appeal of socialism? Wouldn’t be nice if all we did was have fun; let government take care of all the worries in the world?  There was a time in Greek mythology when everyone spent all their time enjoying life. 

Prometheus stole fire from heaven. Zeus, the head god, was very angry.  His revenge was to send Pandora and a box full of all the evils in the world. She was not supposed to open the box. Zeus knew that Pandora’s curiosity would get the best of her. She took a peek. All the contents of the box escaped, except for hope.  The people were enjoying life and all-of-a-sudden evils descended upon them.   This is a very good description of socialism.

I believe the majority of the American people are on my side. I believe Rick Santorum, Kirk Cameron, and Glenn Beck are on my side—on Jesus’s side. Jesus said, “Rejoice, and be exceeding glad….” God bless you. God bless America.



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Be Encouraged 2/24/12

Howdy all!  The weekend cometh! So what does your weather forecaster say?  Time to go out and clean up lawn from the winter droppings?  Or are you expecting to have a little more winter, keeping you inside and warm with a hot chocolate and some graham crackers?  Whichever is in your forecast, enjoy the heck out of it!

Any hoo,..

He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken. ~ Psalm 62:2

If we move in mass, be it ever so circuitously, we shall attain our object; but if we break into squads, everyone pursuing the path he thinks most direct, we become an easy conquest to those who can now barely hold us in check. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Duane, 1811

Ok, so we are not scheduled to suffer any more debates for now.  Thank goodness!  They have all become boring and rote.  I even suspect that CNN put that contraception question in on purpose, just to liven up the crowd.  But I digress.  The purpose of these debates are to get you to vote for ‘the one’ candidate that speaks to you the best.  I can’t tell you who that is.  But I can tell you, just as Psalm 62:2 tells you, and Jefferson tells you; we must choose the one who can restore our nation, restore our Constitution, restore our economy, restore our faith in government, restore the world’s trust in America.  Lots of restoration, isn’t it?  Will it happen in the next 4 years?  Probably not.  But there may be no more hope if restoration isn’t started in January.  It ought to have started about 10 years ago, maybe even 50.  But we are here now.  It has to start now.  Now, our present lot of federally elected employees are muddled in a self-imposed quandary.  They all want change. They all want to make it ‘better’.  But they are not all willing to work together to get it right.  Doesn’t matter which letter of the alphabet follows their name and title.  And that’s actually a good thing. Huh?  Good thing?  Yup, good thing.  Just remember three little words, ‘We The People’.  The country does not belong to 545 goobers in a corrupt little city.  It belongs to all 330 million or so Americans.  It is up to We the People to decide who will lead us to restoration, to greatness again.  It will be upon the rock we select that our nation will survive on, or wither on the vine with.  It will be up to us to choose the rock of strength to restore our foundation, or the rock of stupidity that gets thrown through the window of the faltering and condemned house. 

So, what to do?  We can go off spouting out about our favorite flavor of a candidate, while castigating the others, or we can talk about our choice and even dare I say, listen to others about their choice.  Then decide with full knowledge and faith that who we choose is really the best for our nation.  But we cannot be self-dividing.  We cannot step on each other’s toes on the way up.  We may miss the foot, and step instead on the nail protruding from the floorboard nearby.  There is a video out showing a few guys yanking Santorum signs from in front of a location where Romney was due to speak.  They then placed Romney signs in their place.  Why?  Isn’t there a federal law against that (yes!) ?  But they don’t care.  Would you be upset at an SEIU thug yanking a republican sign?  Then you should be just as upset at anyone removing any political sign, for any reason.  Because there is no good reason for any of that. 

We can root for whoever we want; volunteer for anyone we want; vote for anyone we want.  But we must stick together on the issue of restoring our constitution, our economy, and our nation’s place as the city on the hill.  Or else, we become an easy conquest to those who can now barely hold us in check.

Lastly, a prayer request.  Two shooting incidents occurred in the past day or so, in the area I used to live.  The Washington State Trooper shot and killed in the Port Orchard area, (shooter killed himself as well), and an 8 year old girl shot in class in Bremerton.  Please pray for those families that are suffering this day.  May the grace of God give them some peace.

Take care and God bless,

Tom Kiley


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For Christians Only: Who Is On The Lord's Side?

4063425745?profile=originalWhat I am about to say is exclusively directed to those who call themselves Christians. Brothers and sisters in Christ, we are at war; a war for the hearts, minds and souls of our children. We are at war with those who hate the traditional principles, values and morals which have made America an extraordinarily successful unique experiment. We are at war with those who deny America's Christian roots and seek a godless society.

Some may choose to ignore my report because of their hatred for the rich (the sin of covetousness), others may stuff their ears with cotton as not to hear me because of their deep seeded racism and loyalty to skin-color (the sin of idolatry). Your response is irrelevant. As a Christian, I am called to be salt. Thus, I will simply tell you the truth and what you choose to do with that truth is between you and God.

We are at war! -- at war with the Church of Liberalism. You will know them by their vitriolic disdain for any and all things Christian and their showing Dracula-the-cross reaction to the name of Jesus Christ. They seek to ban prayer from all public events. Incidences where prayer is allowed, mentioning Jesus is forbidden and deemed offensive. They ban Nativity scenes from public facilities at Christmas or Winter-Fest as they prefer to call it. They want the Ten commandments removed from public buildings.

Embolden by the supportive climate created by the Obama administration, the Church of Liberalism members have stepped up their attacks against Christians. For years, churches in New York have been renting public buildings, after hours, for services. New York Mayor Bloomberg supports a new policy which bans the rental of public buildings to churches.

Members of the Church of Liberalism include a majority of the mainstream media and the Democratic Party including president Obama.

In a nutshell, the driving philosophy of the Church of Liberalism is man is god. They believe only man, not God, can fix every problem – population, the environment and etc. Such is a philosophy of vanity, arrogance and folly. Charlton Heston speaks of man's foolish vanity regarding climate change.

In a Biblical context, theirs is unquestionably, the Spirit of Anti-Christ. They believe man can establish utopia; a land of total fairness and equal outcomes – brought about by confiscating from achievers to give to non-achievers.

Biblical charity is people giving out of their compassion for others. God promises to reward them. There is no spiritual reward for government mandated giving/confiscation. This is tyranny.

The Church of Liberalism says homosexuality is as natural as being left-handed. In their world, even if the head of a baby is out, abortion is still OK, as no one should be “punished” with having a baby. Theirs is a land ruled by “Moral Relativism” which means no one has moral authority to declare anything right or wrong. So, if someone needed your car, they have a right to take and keep it.

Obama, the Democratic Party and the mainstream media (all members of the Church of Liberalism) support taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood which is trying to hook our kids on sex and sell them on the idea that homosexuality is natural.

A majority of the entertainment industry are committed members of the Church of Liberalism, promoting a godless immoral agenda. Singer, Roman mocked the Catholic Church during the Grammy Awards and nobody cares. Cee Lo Green became a mega star because of his song, “F--- You”.

Against what Christians believe to be God's word, President Obama has mandated that Christians pay for contraception/abortion services. Obama's minions have launched a campaign to brand all who oppose Obama forcing Christians to fund abortion services to be haters of women, trying to “ban” contraception. THIS IS A LIE! No one is trying to ban contraception. Contraception is readily available to any woman who chooses to use it. So why is Obama hell-bent on making Christians pay for it? We are at war! – Obama's Church of Liberalism vs the Church of Jesus Christ. Who is on the Lord's side?

Obama claims Jesus would support his socialist policies.

Mr. President, how dare you side with those who despise Jesus and try to block Jesus' teachings at every opportunity. Then, you exploit the name of Jesus by distorting Jesus' message to further the godless philosophy of Socialism. Woe be unto you!

Jesus is not a socialist. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 “...if any man will not work, neither let him eat.”

Brothers and sisters, the Obama reelection campaign's peddle to the metal drive toward Socialism is not for some great altruistic purpose. The more we surrender our liberty and freedom to government to sustain us rather than putting our faith and trust is God, the more the Church of Liberalism will consume and control our lives. And trust me folks when I say, their view and value of human life is far different than the Biblical view of life. In a nutshell, Church of Liberalism disciples believe the life of an endangered bird to equal to that of a human.

Ephesians 4:27 “"Do not yield to the suggestions and temptations of Satan...” To win your vote, Obama is despicably using “class envy” to “temp” you to succumb to the sin of covetousness. First he demonizes the rich, convincing you to believe you have too little because the rich are hogging it all. Then, he says reelect me and I vow to get even with those rich S-O-Bs and give you your “fair” share.

Barrack Hussein Obama is the Progressive's Trojan Horse, presented to us three years ago as a moderate. The Progressive's secret army have been charging out of a hidden door in Obama ever since, attacking our culture, liberty, freedom and Christians daily and relentlessly. Brothers and sisters, we are at war! Who is on the Lord's side?

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Soros, Obama follow-up!

Jan 8,2012

Andrew Curtiss

Fort Worth Libertarian Examiner

I just received another one of those "Forwarded" emails from a friend. The email suggested that U.S. aviation companies were omitted from bidding for the contract to build the United State's next fighter plane. Instead the email states that priority would be given to the Brazilian company Embraer. At first thought , I was concerned  because it hasn't been  two years since Obama gave Gulf oil procurement rights to another Brazilian company Petrobas.

Embraer the brazilian company has a merger with another Chinese avaiation company Hainan. They created Harbin Embraer Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd, which is owned by George Soros. To clarify Soros is an owner of Hainan and Harbin Embraer Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd. Essentially he has interests in this project. Lets not forget after the Gulf Oil Spill Obama placed a moritorium on oil production in the U.S. Coincidentally he gave the oil rights to that region to  a company called Petrobas, another Brazilian company, that Soros is a share owner of. Coincidence that Soros funded Obama's campaign? Coincidence that Soros has supported Obama even when he was a candidate for the New Party in 1996? Hmmm.

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