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Be Encouraged 2/23/12

Howdy all!  Did you catch the latest debate?  Nice setting, wasn’t it?  Chairs, tables, even pads of paper!!  And CN was nice enough on the internet to show some questions from twitter.  One asked if they would show what the candidates wrote on the paper.  Can you imagine all the doodling and nasty caricatures drawn?  Imagine how Romney draws Paul, or Gingrich!  That’s a funny thought!!

Oh yeah; serious now.  Any hoo,..  (hehe)..

I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. ~ Psalm 39:7

I did watch most of the debate on  To be honest, I was not impressed, although the attitudes are now more consistent with what we have seen.  Newt did another good job as the great debater.  Dr. Paul once again showed that he is; well to be nice, he is a good congressman.  Romney did his best imitation of that 9 year old who points the finger at anyone as soon as the spotlight pans across his brow.  And Santorum kind of smiled every time they brought up his history in the Senate.  The good thing is that they all had at least one instance of agreeing with at least one other on the stage.  So maybe they are learning. 

So, what are we to take from this debate?  That’s for you to decide.  It is not expected that any one debate will be the breakout event.  Definitely not this one.  It will take the rest of the year to get a new president.  So, as advised from Psalm 39:7, we must be patient.  This nation was founded by great men and women, guided by God.  So what we do will be watched very closely by Him.  He will guide us, but will not take our freedom of choice away by choosing for us.  It will be up to us.  ALL OF US.  So don’t be too anxious for the victory.  Election Day will be here soon enough.  Be on the alert for craziness, and stupidity.  Continue to be vigilant of all the bad decisions made by the federally elected employees, and hold their feet to the fire.  But be patient.  The present administration is in such a mess, I received an email that spoke of an actual request for actors to work at helping Obama get re-elected; anywhere from 11 to 16 dollars an hour.  Look it up on craig’s list.  Our efforts across the country are working.  Don’t be nervous or anxious.  Stay the course.  Wait quietly before God, for our victory comes from Him, not from someone desperate enough to buy a rally crowd.


Take care, God bless,



Tom Kiley

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I have a company I need a new CEO to run it the last one took my Company in the wrong direction,I hire a new CEO he tells me he will turn my Company around in a Year.In six months time he starts telling me the other CEO mess up the Company so bad he will need at least 7 years to fix the Problem.I listen to his winning for about a hal hour I then tell him What about your promises to turn my Company around in 1 year,all he can tell me is about the last CEO and what he did wrong.I spoke to him and said that is why I hired you to fix my Company all you do is blame the other guy,the Next Mourning I hand him his last check.I then Hired a new person within 3 months my Company has turned the Corner and no finger pointing.So why is Obama Still President ?????????????????????????/

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Fond Memories of Ronnie.

Our 40th president's birthday earlier this month caused me to reflect upon how Ronald Reagan impacted my life.

In 1981, I was a young singer/songwriter, clueless about politics, when Ronald Reagan won the presidency. An event planner asked me to perform at an Inaugural Ball.

Reporters asked, “Why are you here and why do you like Reagan?” I could not help noticing the baffled looks on their faces upon hearing my reply. “I like Reagan because every time I hear this man speak, I feel good about my country and myself.”

I later learned that as a black person, I was suppose to hate Reagan. Democrats said Reagan's talk about welfare reform was “code” for his racism and hatred of blacks. As I said, I was young and clueless regarding politics, codes and such. And yet, in my gut, I knew Reagan was a good man.

My aunt hated Reagan. She said, “Reagan wants to cut my check!” Even as a non-politically informed person, I noticed my Aunt's bold and arrogant sense of entitlement in her voice when she said, “My check!” Here is a woman who from as far back as I can remember lived in the projects on welfare. I do not ever remember her having a job. In fairness, if my Aunt had a disability which prevented her from working, I never knew of it, as it was not visible. She had five kids and a boyfriend, but no husband.

Her daughter got pregnant really early out of wedlock with both the new teen mother and her baby adding to the welfare roll. My Aunt's drug using sons, my cousins, impregnated girls out of wedlock, repeating the welfare government dependency cycle.

I overheard my mom commenting to my dad about how her sister practically lived in the Johns Hopkins Hospital Emergency room. At the slightest cough, off my Aunt went with her child to the emergency room. But why shouldn't she? It was free.

So, you can understand my being taken back a bit hearing my young seemingly healthy Aunt who had lived her whole life, totally dependent on government, trashing Reagan for daring to suggest she do something for her freebies or receive a little less.

Over the years, I have grown to have compassion for my Aunt. Our lives are a manifestation of what we believe. Tragically, my Aunt had little or no confidence in her ability to succeed in America. I believe the Democratic Party promoting that America is a racist country and blacks can survive only via democrat legislated government programs contributed to my Aunt's distorted view of her country; the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it.

Ronald Reagan inspired me to believe in myself and America.

I believe you can tell a lot about the character of a person based on how they treat “the little people”; people who can not advance their career or social standing.

On TV, a former secret service agent told a great story about Ronald Reagan confirming, in my mind, Reagan's greatness. The agent said he and Reagan had been out horseback riding. Upon their return, Reagan always prepared his horse to be put away. On this occasion, due to Alzheimer's disease, Reagan could not remember the procedure for putting away his horse. The agent felt bad for Reagan and was visibly upset. Reagan feeling compassion for the agent said, “It's OK.”

Rather than feeling pity for himself, Reagan chose to comfort his bodyguard/secret service agent. I found the secret service agent's story quite moving and a window into Reagan's character. The Bible speaks about Jesus, the master, washing his servant's/disciple's feet. I believe Reagan's attempt to comfort the secret service agent was, in essence, washing his servant's feet; thus, displaying Reagan's greatness as a leader. Inspired, I penned a tribute song to Ronald Reagan, respectfully borrowing Mrs. Reagan's nickname for the president titled, “Ronnie Stayed The Same”.

Despite all of his landmark achievements, Ronald Reagan never forgot who he was. Reagan knew how to connect with us, the American people and we connected with him. Mr President, we miss you.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Hey all---here is the Balance Of Powers Act;  Balance of Powers Act

This is a legislative initiative from the United States Patriots Union from their Constitutional Justice Division.  They are having a Q&A tonight on Blog Talk Radio, and we will be carrying it live throughout our show tonight on Tea Party RAdio  Call in for our show is 646-200-4032.  See ya there!---Jim

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What’s disturbing about this picture?

Posted on The Investigative Project On Terrorism-By Essam Abdallah, The Cutting Edge News-On
February 16, 2012:

“A note from Investigative Project on Terrorism Executive Director Steven Emerson:

Please take the time to read this very important story written by a courageous Egyptian liberal intellectual about the Islamist and Muslim Brotherhood lobbies in Washington and the Obama Administration’s secret collaboration with these pro-terrorist, anti-Western, anti-women, anti-American and anti-Semitic organizations. This is one of the most important articles I have read in years.

It was just revealed two days ago that FBI Director Mueller secretly met on February 8 at FBI headquarters with a coalition of groups including various Islamist and militant Arabic groups who in the past have defended Hamas and Hizballah and have also issued blatantly anti-Semitic statements. At this meeting, the FBI revealed that it had removed more than 1000 presentations and curricula on Islam from FBI offices around the country that was deemed “offensive.” The FBI did not reveal what criteria was used to determine why material was considered “offensive” but knowledgeable law enforcement sources have told the IPT that it was these radical groups who made that determination. Moreover, numerous FBI agents have confirmed that from now on, FBI headquarters has banned all FBI offices from inviting any counter-terrorist specialists who are considered “anti-Islam” by Muslim Brotherhood front groups.

The February 8 FBI meeting was the culmination of a series of unpublicized directives issued in the last three months by top FBI officials to all its field offices to immediately recall and withdraw any presentation or curricula on Islam throughout the entire FBI. In fact, according to informed sources and undisclosed documents, the FBI directive was instigated by radical Muslim groups in the US who had repeatedly met with top officials of the Obama Administration to complain, among other things, that the mere usage of the term of “radical Islam” in FBI curricula was “offensive” and ‘racist.” And thus, directives went out by Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Mueller to censor all such material. Included in the material destroyed or removed by the FBI and the DOJ were powerpoints and articles that defined jihad as “holy war” or presentations that portrayed the Muslim Brotherhood as an organization bent on taking over the world—a major tenant that the Muslim Brotherhood has publicly stated for decades.

During the next several months, the IPT will be releasing a series of major investigative reports revealing the secret infiltration by and collaboration with radical Islamic organizations by the Obama administration that has spread to the National Security Council, the Dept of Justice, the FBI, the Dept of Homeland Security, the CIA and the State Department as well as local law enforcement.

The most dramatic oppression of the region’s civil societies and the Arab Spring is not by means of weapons, or in the Middle East. It is not led by Gaddafi, Mubarak, Bin Ali, Saleh, or Assad. It is led by the powerful Islamist lobbies in Washington DC. People may find my words curious if not provocative. But my arguments are sharp and well understood by many Arab and middle eastern liberals and freedom fighters. Indeed, we in the region, who are struggling for real democracy, not for the one time election type of democracy have been asking ourselves since January 2011 as the winds of Arab spring started blowing, why isn’t the West in general and the United States Administration in particular clearly and forcefully supporting our civil societies and particularly the secular democrats of the region? Why were the bureaucracies in Washington and in Brussels partnering with Islamists in the region and not with their natural allies the democracy promoting political forces?

Months into the Arab Spring, we realized that the Western powers, and the Obama Administration have put their support behind the new authoritarians, those who are claiming they will be brought to power via the votes of the people. Well, it is not quite so.

The Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic Nahda of Tunisia, the Justice Party of Morocco and the Islamist militias in Libya’s Transitional National Council have been systematically supported by Washington at the expense of real liberal and secular forces. We saw day by day how the White House guided carefully the statements and the actions of the US and the State Department followed through to give all the chances to the Islamists and almost no chances to the secular and revolutionary youth. We will come back to detail these diplomatic and financial maneuvers which are giving victory to the fundamentalists while the seculars and progressives are going to be smashed by the forthcoming regimes.

In the US, there are interests that determine foreign policy. And there are lobbies that put pressure to get their objectives met in foreign policy. One of the most powerful lobbies in America under the Obama Administration is the Muslim Brotherhood greater lobby, which has been in action for many years. This lobby has secured many operatives inside the Administration and has been successful in directing US policy towards the Arab world. Among leading advisors sympathetic to the Ikhwan is Daliah Mogahed (Mujahid) and her associate, Georgetown Professor John Esposito. Just as shocking, there is also a pro-Iranian lobby that has been influencing US policy towards Iran and Hezbollah in the region.

One of the most important activities of the Islamist lobby in the US is the waging of political and media wars on the liberal Arabs and Middle Eastern figures and groups in America. This battlefield is among the most important in influencing Washington’s policies in the Arab world. If you strike at the liberal and democratic Middle Eastern groups in Washington who are trying to gain support for civil societies in the region, you actually win a major battle. You will be able to influence the resources of the US Government to support the Islamists in the Middle East and not the weak democrats. This huge war waged by the Islamist lobbies in America started at the end of the Cold war and continued all the way till the Arab spring. The two main forces of this lobby are the Muslim Brotherhood fronts and the Iranian fronts. According to research available in the US, the Ikhwan fronts such as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), led by Hamas supporter Nihad Awad, as well as the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Islamic Society of North America, and others waged their political war to block the representatives of Arab liberals and Muslim moderates from making their case to the American public. The Iranian lobby, exemplified by the National Iranian American Committee (NIAC), led by Trita Parsi, has been hitting at Iranian exiles.

Since the 1990s CAIR and its allies have attacked Copts, Southern Sudanese, Lebanese, Syrian reformers, Assyrians and Chaldeans, and Muslim dissidents in the United States. The Ikhwan of America demonized any publication, book, article, or interview in the national media or local press raising the issue of secular freedoms in the Middle East. The Islamists wanted to eliminate the liberal cause in the Arab world and replace it with the cause of the Islamists. What is also shocking is that CAIR and its allies stood by the oppressive regimes and visited them, claiming they speak on behalf of the peoples. CAIR and the Brotherhood fronts in America destroyed systematically every project that would have defended the seculars and liberals originating from the Middle East. The notorious and well-funded Islamists of the US allowed no book, documentary, or show on the liberals in Arab civil societies to see the light.

Thanks to this powerful lobbying campaign, the American public was not given a chance to learn about the deep feelings on the youth in the region. Americans were led to believe that all Muslims, all Arabs and all Middle Easterners were a strange species of humans who cannot appreciate freedom. Instead, the American Islamists, helped by apologists on the petrodollars payrolls, convinced the mainstream media that the Arab world has authoritarians and Islamists only.

Dr Shawki Karas, president of the American Coptic Association, told me in the late 1990s how he was harassed by Islamist activists for speaking up against the Mubarak regime and the Muslim Brotherhood in America. He was threatened with losing his job at the college where he taught. Reverend Keith Roderick, who has assembled a coalition of more than 50 group rights from the Muslim world, was severely attacked by the Islamists and was threatened to be removed from his church position. Muslim American leaders who are conservative and secular, such as Dr Zuhdi Jasser, were crucified by CAIR and the Brotherhood for daring to challenge the Party line of the Isl.amists in America and claiming that the Jihadists are the problem in the region. Muslim liberal dissidents such as Somali Ayan Hirsi Ali, Saudi Ali al Yammi, Syrian Farid Ghadri, Iranian Manda Ervin, and many others were trashed by the Islamist lobbies to block them from defending the causes of secular liberty in the US. Egyptian liberals as well as seculars and democracy activists from Iraq, Sudan, Syria, and other countries have been attacked by CAIR and allies. The pro-Iranian lobby targeted most Iranian-American groups and tried to discredit them, particularly with the rise of the Green Revolution in Iran. By smearing the Muslim liberal exiles, the Islamists were trying to destroy their causes in the mother countries. In the 1990s and the years that followed 9/11 the region’s dictators supported the efforts by Islamist lobbies to crush the liberal exiles. The Mubarak, Bashir, Gaddafi, Assad, and Khomeinist regimes fully supported the so-called Islamophobia campaign waged by CAIR and its Iranian counterpart NIAC against dissidents for calling for secular democracy in the region. The dissidents were accused of being pro-Western by both the Islamists and the dictators.

The Islamist lobbies also severely attacked members of the US Congress such as Democrats Tom Lantos, who has since passed away, Eliot Engel, Howard Berman, Gary Ackerman, and Joe Lieberman as well as Republicans Frank Wolfe, Chris Smith, Trent Franks, John McCain, Rick Santorum, and Sam Brownback for their efforts in passing legislative acts in support for democracy and liberty in the Middle East. CAIR and NIAC heavily savaged President Bush’s speeches on Freedom Forward in the Middle East, deploying all the resources they had to block US support to liberal democrats in the region. Islamist lobbies in Washington are directly responsible for killing any initiative in the US Government to support Darfur, southern Sudan, Lebanon, the Kurds, liberal women in the Muslim world, and true democrats in the Arab world and Muslim Africa.

In the think tank world, CAIR and its allies aggressively attacked scholars who raised the issue of persecution against seculars or minorities in the Arab world and Iran. Among those attacked were Nina Shea and Paul Marshal from the Hudson Institute and the founder of an anti-slavery group, Dr Charles Jacobs, who was exposing the Sudan regime for its atrocities. Last but not least is the Islamists’ relentless campaign to stirke at top scholars who advise Government and appear in the media to push for democratic liberation in the region. The vast and vicious attacks leveled against Professor Walid Phares—initially by CAIR’s Nihad Awad and then widened by pro-Hezbollah and Muslim Brotherhood operatives online—has revealed to Arab and Middle Eastern liberal and seculars how ferocious is the battle for the Middle East in the US. Phares’s books, particularly the latest one, The Coming Revolution: Struggle for Freedom in the Middle East (2010), hit the Islamist agenda hard by predicting the civil society revolts in the Middle East and then predicting how the Islamists would try to control them. Phares was attacked by an army of Jihadist militia online like no author since Samuel Huntington in the 1990s. As a freedom activist from the Middle East, Mustafa Geha, wrote, Phares is a hero to Muslim liberals. Along with dissidents, lawmakers, experts, and human rights activists, Phares is a force driving for a strategic change in US foreign policy towards supporting secular democracies in the region. This explains why the Islamists of America are fighting the battle for the forthcoming regimes with all the means they have.”

  • Dr. Essam Abdallah is an Egyptian liberal intellectual who teaches at Ain Shams University and writes for the leading Arab liberal publication Elaph.


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

What’s disturbing about this picture?

I. Mideast Expert Phares: Obama Turns Blind Eye to Iranian Peril!

Posted on Jim Meyers and Kathleen Walter-On February 21, 2012:

“Middle East expert Walid Phares tells Newsmax that the Obama administration is not convinced that the Iranians pose a serious danger — even as a top Iranian official declared that his country is prepared to launch a pre-emptive strike.

Phares, while noting that he believes the Iranian quest for nuclear weapons is “not stoppable,” also says a resolution passed in the U.S. Senate last week is a “message to the administration” that it is time to confront the Islamic republic before it obtains such weapons.

Coincidentally, Phares’ remarks in an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV on Tuesday came on the same day that an Iranian official vowed that his country would take pre-emptive action against its enemies if it felt its national interests were endangered.

“Our strategy now is that, if we feel our enemies want to endanger Iran’s national interests, and want to decide to do that, we will act without waiting for their actions,” said Mohammad Hejazi, the deputy head of the Islamic republic’s armed forces.

Story continues below the video:


Phares is the author of “The Confrontation: Winning the War against Future Jihad” and “The Coming Revolution: Struggle for Freedom in the Middle East.” He is a regular Newsmax contributor and advises members of Congress on the Middle East.

In the exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, Phares says economic sanctions on the Iranians won’t persuade them to stop their nuclear weapons development efforts.

“The Iranian regime is convinced that they are going to go forward with their program,” he says.

“That program includes the nuclear weapon, but also the delivery system. They’re working very hard on missiles, both intercontinental when they can, and regional, and certainly they can put Israel, most of the Arab countries, Europe, Moscow, India, and our fleet in the Gulf and in the eastern Mediterranean in their range.

“But they are also going to try to negotiate gain time. In the meantime, the buildup of their weapons system is on. It’s not stoppable.”

Asked whether Israel will disregard urging from the United States not to launch a pre-emptive attack on Iran, Phares responds: “Certainly the Israelis have their own clock that is different from the American clock, the European one, or the Arab one. It has to do with the width of Israel. It has to do with Israel unaccepting the idea that they could absorb one strike.

“So if the Iranian regime is very close to putting a weapon on a missile, then no questions asked, [the Israelis] are going to try to take action. They will try to coordinate with us or inform us at the end of the day.”

Phares adds: “What you see in Iran is preparation for confrontation, and if you don’t confront them it’s like the National Socialists in the ’30s. If you don’t stop them, they’re going to continue. After Czechoslovakia, it was Poland, then France. And after Iraq it’s Syria, and then Lebanon and eastern Arabia.

“It seems to me the Obama administration is not convinced that the Iranians are really a threat. It is convinced that they are a nuisance, and a deal eventually after those sanctions would work. That’s the view of this administration.

“But what we have now in the Middle East is way more dangerous than what we had before, even after the killing of bin Laden and after the Arab spring. What we have now is an Iran that is much closer to the bomb. And you have the rest of the Middle East falling slowly under the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The United States needs to contain Iran and the jihadists and partner with real democratic forces in the Middle East that are ready to work with America, Phares says.

A bipartisan group of senators passed a resolution last week declaring that it is unacceptable for Iran to obtain a nuclear capability.

“This is a necessary move,” Phares observes.

“These moves are basically coming a little bit late in the process, but they are always important. This is a message to the administration — a message to all the presidential campaigns — that we need to keep in mind that, while we are going into our political processes here the Iranians are moving forward, and there will be a day when if we don’t check them they will come and say here’s our weapon and you’ve got to deal with us as a nuclear force. That is what the Congress does not want to see happening.”

As for Iran’s threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, where 20 percent of the world’s oil passes, Phares tells Newsmax: “The Iranians don’t need to shut down the Strait of Hormuz. They need to threaten, and that’s what is happening.

“That’s why the prices are going up. Americans have to be very careful about the next stage because what we see now in terms of prices may go well higher than what we are accustomed to.”


II. New Mideast War Coming Soon!-Posted on Arnaud De Borchgrave-On February 20, 2012:

III. Video: Conflict coming between Israel and Iran?-Posted on February 21, 2012:

IV. U.S. MILITARY TOLD TO PREPARE FOR IRAN OPS: Special Forces ordered to be ready ‘1 March through October’!-Posted on F. Michael Maloof-On February 15, 2012:

V. The Muslim Brothers Get Paid to Threaten America!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Bruce Thornton-On February 16, 2012:

VI. Obama proposes $800 million in aid for “Arab Spring!”-Posted on Reuters-By Susan Cornwell, WASHINGTON-On February 13, 2012:

VII. Putin and the Politics of Anti-Americanism!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Jacob Laksin -On February 7, 2012:

VIII. Latin America: Iran’s New Front Against the U.S.!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Joseph Puder-On February 7, 2012:

IX. Urgent! From Netanyahu’s Former Chief Of Staff Re: Iran!-Posted on Dick Morris-On February 7, 2012:

X. How Circumstance Dictates Islamic Behavior!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Raymond Ibrahim-On January 20, 2012:

XI. President Obama and The Brotherhood!-Posted on News With Views-By Michael Moriarty, January 15, 2011:

XII. Obama Supports the Muslim Brotherhood-Muslim Brotherhood Sees Weakness!-Posted on YID With LID-By Barry Rubin-On January 8, 2012:

XIII. Rick Santorum aide: Obama’s ‘radical Islamic policies!’-Posted on Politico-By MACKENZIE WEINGER-On February 20, 2012:

XIV. Video: Communism & Islam!-Posted on HonestAmerican-On September 18, 2011:

XV. Stakelbeck on Terror: Muslim Brotherhood’s Growing Influence!-Posted on September 21, 2011:

XVI. Video: Socialists Explain How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Revolutions!-Posted on NakedEmperorNews1-On May 31, 2011:

XVII. Video: ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING! What Was Predicted 3 Years Ago is NOW HERE! BHO EXPOSED!-Posted on ppsimmons-On April 1, 2011:

XVIII. Video: General Boykin: Muslim Brotherhood and Uprising in Egypt!-Posted on MStarMinistries-On February 8, 2011:

XIX. Video: The Basics of Shariah Law By Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Jerry Boykin!-Posted on YouTube-By ferval59-On January 23, 2011:

XX. Video: Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Conservative Movement!-Posted on Conservative Byte-On February 22, 2012:

Note What follows is a special report and article and/or blog post on the Illuminati Network that provides us with concrete evidence of a “New World Order & One World Government” agenda, to include the Islamic agenda-You Decide:

Illuminati Network!-Posted on Global Watch Special Report 2010:

ILLUMINATI BEHIND GLOBAL GOVERNMENT!-Posted on News With Views-By Paul McGuire-On February 7, 2012:

Note:  What follows is a web site that reveals a George Soros funded group titled “Arab American Institute (AAI)”, which is a self-described “nonpartisan” group, that was established in 1985 to promote “Arab American participation in the U.S. electoral system” and to advocate for the “domestic and policy concerns” of that demographic. 

The AAI has developed a strong reputation for organizing “voter-education” campaigns and acting as a liaison between the Arab American community and the major national political parties. The AAI opposed the end of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’athist regime and opposes Israel’s security wall. 

Also included is an excerpt from the booklet that reveals the historical background of Arabs and Muslims in the U.S. and Canada, along with revealing that communities of Arab Americans and American born Muslims are now dominated by advocacy organizations that rose to prominence in the 1980s and have assumed a particularly important role after 9/11. These groups are linked in the American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC), which was set up by the former American Muslim Alliance (AMA), since linked with the Muslim American Society (MAS), along with the American Muslim Council (AMC), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC):

Arab American Institute (AAI)-Posted on

An Activist’s Guide to Arab and Muslim Campus and Community Organizations in North America!-Posted on Stephen Schwartz-On May 26, 2003:

NoteThe following eye opening article and/or blog post reveals a George Soros funded unincorporated association by the name of “Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG)”, which was established in 1999 and consists of more than 50 private and public foundations that give a portion of their $27 billion in combined assets to leftist organizations that undermine the war on terror in several interrelated ways: (a) by characterizing the United States as an evil, militaristic, oppressive nation that exploits vulnerable populations all over the globe; (b) by accusing the U.S. of having provoked, through its unjust policies and actions, the terror attacks against it, and consequently casting those attacks as self-defensive measures taken in response to American transgressions; (c) by depicting America's military and legislative actions against terror as unjustified, extreme, and immoral-You Decide: 

Funding the War Against the War on Terror!-Posted on John Perazzo –On October 6, 2006:

Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts and videos reveal President Obama’s Muslim ties-You Decide:

Releasing Terrorists for Peace!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Ryan Mauro-On January 30, 2012:

Taqiyya vs. Our President!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By David Meir-Levi-On January 19, 2012:

Video: Is Obama Responsible for 1,000 Kenyan Deaths?-Posted on January 17, 2012:

Video: Obama’s Hidden Past Unraveled!-Posted on Western Journalism-On January 16, 2012:

Obama’s ineligibility: Muslim-leftist radical in the White House!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Lawrence Sellin-On September 15, 2011: 

Video: Is Our President A Terrorist?

Video: ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING! What Was Predicted 3 Years Ago is NOW HERE! BHO EXPOSED!-Posted on ppsimmons-On April 1, 2011:

Obama: Consistently Anti-American!-Posted on Big Government-By Pamela Geller-On March 21, 2011:

Obama to face Shariah court? ‘Cleric says president ‘must embrace Islam’ or be tried when Muslims take over U.S.’-Posted on February 27, 2011:

Obama’s Grandmother Prays for Conversion to Islam-Posted on Israel National News-By Maayana Miskin-On February 26, 2011:

Why Americans think president is Muslim: ‘Obama bears the lion’s share of the responsibility for any confusion’!-Posted on August 20, 2010:

1-in-4 Americans Believe Obama is a Muslim; Here’s Why-Posted on Ben-On August 19, 2010:

Why Obama is a cultural Muslim?-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner-On July 8, 2010:

“I am a Muslim” Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister!-Posted on Atlas Shrugs-On June 12, 2010:

Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s Campaign!’-Posted on Post & Email-by John Charlton-On December 12, 2009:

Video: The most dangerous Barack Obama video ever!!!-Posted on Truthzonetvcom-On August 25, 2009:

Video:  Obama Must Convert To Islam, Or Else…!-Posted on lnfideI-On December 5, 2008:

Barack Obama’s Early Years as a Muslim!-Posted on Daniel Pipes-Updated on October 23, 2008:

Obama Would Fail Security Clearance because of his many ties to extremist Islam!-Posted Philadelphia Bulletin-By Daniel Pipes-On October 21, 2008:

Confirmed: Barack Obama Practiced Islam!-Posted on Daniel Pipes, January 7, 2008:

Video: Obama’s Middle East Ties!

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?

Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?

Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!

What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?

The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!“present”-on-iran/

Could Steps That Team Obama Has Taken Be Emboldening Terrorists?

White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S.!

Why is Obama Handing out Millions of Dollars to Terrorists?

Rising Muslim Hopes from Obama’s Outreach May Backfire!’s-outreach-may-backfire/

What do American Citizens Know About “Sharia Law” and is It Something That We Should Know More About?“sharia-law”-and-is-it-something-that-we-should-know-more-about/

Should Americans Fear Islam?

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

New World Order By Executive Order!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Okay let us just add some of this together here. Obama stopped all the orders of the most advanced military equiptment in existance, like the F-22. I hear he is getting ready to sell some top secret M-1 tanks to Egypt. Since Chobram armor was designed in the UK, that is sure to piss them off, causing damage to NATO. He is also cutting in the Medical care to both Active military personnel and veterans, causing damage to morale.

The FBI already watches the social media on the Internet under very special orders and closely watched in how they do it. Now he wants to have DHS do it, without the controls that prevent the FBI for full invasion of privacy.

He is also going to sing into the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA. I has much the same as SOPA but doesn't have to pass through Congress to go into effect. It is actually worst that SOPA in fact. It will allow censorship of the internet.

I wonder how of the half a billion of campaign funds that Obama used for the presidential race that he got from overseas.


The Obama bin Laden couldn't as much damage to the US security and freedoms as the Obama now in the Oval Office!

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Who Is Going To Win?

Thoughts on my mind today in my book of memoirs, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012:

The current economic situation cannot be compared with anything in the past. We’ve yet to face the reality of America’s never before national debt.  It’s just too horrible to face.  The debt is due to government entitlements.  What would we do without our great humanitarians in Washington?  What did we do without them? I was here before entitlements.  Like everything else that doesn’t work, entitlements are here today and gone tomorrow.

Science, the law, and religion all have their fiefdoms.  Two thousand years of weak wills and now in its death throes, the Age of Pisces is becoming history.  We are leaving the age of confusion and fear of the unknown. The unknown is fast becoming the known, in more than one way.  

The New York stock market is close to being recovered, while before our very eyes every security is blowing away. There is nothing to keep the stock market from a free fall. The weak willed will continue to look for the security of the nanny state until they see it all go up in smoke. Then they will wonder why they didn’t see it coming.

Four dollar a gallon gasoline and five dollar a loaf bread tells the story.  Not long ago, gasoline was less than a dollar a gallon.  Not long ago bread was less than a dollar a loaf.  The big difference reduces the debt we owe.  Here’s the way it works. By removing fuel and food from the basket of goods that determines inflation, inflation is kept to a low number, consequently interest paid on the debt at a low number.  The government entitled don’t get cost of living increases to match actual inflation, and they earn a tiny interest on their savings.  But entitlements are not cut.  As debt increases, our standard of living goes down. We end in a street battle; you see it taking place. In the end, we get a socialist world, the individual with zero rights.  


We continue to move toward colossal failure, the Middle-East going up in flames, Greece in anarchy.  In America, most vulnerable of all is Florida’s economy, which depends on government entitlement money. Millions of cliff dwellers, government dependents from the north, bask in Florida’s sun.  It is not a pretty picture.      

Obama calls it democracy. He supports the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is working toward Islamic control of the world.  Obama and the Brotherhood are on the same band wagon. What do they know about the workings of the universe?  Look at an anthill and know what they know.  

The President of the United States bows to Islam. He holds to the unapproachable “Most Great Name of God.” In his early life, this thought was in Obama’s religious training.  I learned from a believer in Islam, Marcos Rodin, that the reprehensible idea of God being unapproachable is not universally accepted in Islam.  

Originating among the Shia in Iran in the nineteenth century, the Baha’i, emphasizing the spiritual unity of mankind, had in their sacred scripture, “Enter ye the dawning place where mention of God is made. Blest art thou o’ house for God hath made thee a resting place for those He favoureth. Blest art thou o’ house for God hath made thee a home for those in whom He holdeth dear. Blest art thou o’ house for God hath made thee a home for those in whom He hath placed his trust.” 

Islamic believer Rodin of San Ysidro, California, a few miles north of Tijuana, home of Motel 6, a pawn shop that cashes checks, drug running, and Rodin, a mathematician with his own theorem he called The Dandelion Puff Principle: Point Energy Creation Physics (I wondered what he was on) explaining all of nature in numbers.

Beginning with the life process—doubling—he gives us a code he calls third dimension doubling.  Einstein proved, mathematically, with numbers, that everything reduces to vibrations. Rodin shows that vibrations reduce to numbers.  And unlike Einstein, who could not bring himself to face it, the numbers he used included human creation, therefore God. Rodin is far ahead of his time.  The unapproachable Most Great Name of God is explained in numbers.

All numbers are reducible to the numbers one through nine. Zero is not considered a number. Called discrete numbers, for example the number 16, 1+6=7,  Rodin’s doubling code- 1=1, 2=2, 4=4, 8=8, 16=7, 32=5, 64=1, 128=2, 256=4, 512=8, thus the code, 1248751 to infinity, which leaves out 3, 6, and 9. Rodin graphically illustrates his code, including all the numbers, which he identifies as nature’s harmonics. He points out that middle C on a keyboard vibrates 256 times a second, the next C up vibrates 512 times per second. 

Just the other day on the History Channel, I was informed that anywhere you go in the universe, the information is the same. I knew this 25 years ago from Rodin.  Rodin’s number patterns show this. Rodin illustrates the flow of forces with numbers.  Rodin’s Inestimable Sunflower Hologram is a logarithmic drawing showing how the universe works.   

The news from the mainstream press supports a leftist political agenda.  People like Rodin are in San Ysidro—out of sight, out of mind.  I found him. Birds of a feather flock together.  The mainstream press, Obama and the Brotherhood, Rodin and me, the energy is building for a great change, who is going to win the battle?  Can the mainstream press, Obama and the Brotherhood, change the universe?  Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  Rodin, a believer in Islam, believes in the spiritual unity of mankind, and illustrates it with numbers patterns. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.





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Be Encouraged 2/22/12

Howdy all!  Getting interesting around the compound.  Friends living with us for a while, and now they have guests of their own coming to visit.  It was weird to answer the door and someone ask for them instead of us.  That was a bit weird.  Scooters running around the house, bionic dogs, cooking Kale chips, and what the heck is that smell??

Any hoo,..

And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you. ~ Psalm 39:7

No pecuniary consideration is more urgent, than the regular redemption and discharge of the public debt: on none can delay be more injurious, or an economy of time more valuable. ~ George Washington, Message to the House of Representatives, 1793

If you read today’s entries carefully, you will hear what we should be looking for in our next president.  Yes it is very true that our only hope is in Him.  But it is also true that He is here for us; to help us, guide us, and strengthen us.  We also want to know where to put our hope in our nation’s future.  At present, there are four individuals remaining in the race for the republican presidential nominee.  And I am sure there are at least that many silently waiting in the wings for a last minute chance during a brokered convention.  So, who?  Just listen to George.  Whoever we choose for the GOP must make it his or her most urgent task to redeem and discharge the public debt.  Nothing else, including a strong national defense can survive without an economy that is allowed to thrive.  So, 4 are left, and more in the wings.  They all want the oval office.  So we need to remember what we want.  And we need to convey to the 4 what we want in OUR oval office. 

So, vet them all out.  If anyone comes to your area, go see them.  Listen to the message, and determine if that is what you want.  Then get to the primary, go to caucus, be counted.  Or watch from the comfortable confines of the sand you stick you head into.  May be harsh, but we cannot afford to let this slip away anymore.


Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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"Fail Safe"




The above named branches of OUR Federal Government have

failed to secure our United States of America Borders.

All of us citizens of the USA are NOW at risk from the multitude

pouring across our borders of terrorists,drug thugs,

diseases, and untold/unknown related consequences of our

Federal 'leadership's' shameful and

dangerous lapse in morality and duty to our country.

Take note, "We The People"..and brew our Tea very strong....

God Bless America and In God We Trust......


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TV Adds

I do not for the Life of Me why I don't see adds on every Mistruth or Lie that Obama has said.He made many campaign promises but broke most of them no commercials on these such as the Attacks on Bush when gas was High:

such as

Now that gas prices are higher than they were during the Bush administration and threatening to go to $5/gallon, where are all the cries for investigations???

Five dollars per gallon of gas by 2012! A former president of Shell Oil considers this likely. The average price on Christmas Day for a gallon of regular gas reached $3.28 in Los Angeles County, the highest price since October 2008. In one month, the price rose 13 cents, up 35 cents year to year.

Where are the calls to sic Obama's Justice Department on Big Oil to hold the oil companies accountable for "market manipulation"? Why aren't we hunting down the amoral "oil speculators" responsible for repealing the law of supply-and-demand in order to line their pockets?

During President George W. Bush's administration, we constantly heard demands to hold the President accountable for "Big Oil's price gouging." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., just two years ago, knew exactly whom to blame for "skyrocketing" oil prices: "The price of oil is at the doorstep; $4-plus per gallon for oil is attributed to two oilmen in the White House and their protectors in the United States Senate."

In 2007, when the average national price ranged from $2.17 to $3.22, then-Sen. Barack Obama demanded that the Federal Trade Commission investigate Big Oil for "price manipulation." In 2008, presidential candidate Obama urged the Justice Department "to open an investigation into whether energy traders have been engaged in illegal activities that have helped drive up the price of oil and food


We allow Obama to get away with this because the Media Protects Him.

The Democrats ar the first to go Negative and telling mistruths.We have the Truth but do nothing

  • 10 year cost estimate is based on 10 years of taxes, Medicare cuts, and penalties, but only 6 years of service.  Can anyone say “red flag?”
  • Takes $50 Billion in Social Security revenues and applies that money to Obamacare.  Um, what about Social Security?
  • Takes $72 Billion from the CLASS Act premiums (long term care subsidy) and counts them as Obamacare funding.  Um, what about the CLASS Act?
  • Takes $500 Billion from Medicare directly.  But not as part of a fix, it just guts the program.  What do you think happens to Medicare providers and Medicare recipients?  Hmm? Hmmm?
  • Ignores the $370 Billion bill to make Medicare providers whole – they are short changed every year, so the government appropriates money to pay them.  This is not counted at all in Obamacare.

If I am wrong plese school me !!


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Press Release

Feb 20th2012


On Friday February 24th2012 exiled Cubans, ex-political prisoners, and human rights activists will be protesting in front of the Cuban Interest Section and various other points in Washington DC:


  • Because of the increased repression against pro-democracy activists in Cuba
  • Because of the assassination of Wilman Villar Mendoza another recent death of a peaceful activist along with that of Laura Pollan and Orlando Zapata Tamayo
  • To commemorate all those who died in hunger strikes in Cuba’s political prisons like Pedro Luis Boitel along with the thousands of other patriots who have been assassinated by the Castro regime like the Brothers to the Rescue who were murdered in mid air while on a humanitarian search and rescue mission on February 24, 1996.


Cuban exiles from Miami, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut will be participating in the demonstrations (many of them ex-political prisoners) will be dressed in black and carrying photos of some of those assassinated by the Cuban government. A coffin with the names of more than 10,000 victims will be displayed.


The demonstration will begin at 10 am in front of the Cuban Interest Section at 1:30PM there will be a march down 16thStreet to the White House where there will be a silent protest between 2-4 pm and from 4:30 to 8 pm the demonstration will move to Union Station, Washington’s main train terminal, where a film about the reality of the Cuban people will be aired.


Simultaneous demonstrations will also take place in other countries including but not limited to Canada, Venezuela, Chile, Italy and Spain.


For more information contact:

Maritza Lugo (786) 201.1221

Sergio Rodriguez (786) 287.8807

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Greek Anarchy Carries a Message





The graphic is a logarithmic image of a hologram. Einstein proved that the universe can be reduced to vibrations. Vibrations can be reduced to numbers.

Marcos Rodin, a follower of Islam, the Bahai’i, a movement originating among Shia Muslims in Iran in the ninetieth century, emphasizing the spiritual unity of mankind, Rodin, a mathematician, a nuclear physicist, far beyond the present in his thinking, produced this graphic.  


Glenn Beck came back from a visit to Greece telling us it sent cold shivers up his spine. The camera shows Greek Graffiti on a wall. Glenn tells us it says anarchy brings freedom.  This idea is explained under anarchy in my Webster’s College Dictionary as “theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.”  This definition dovetails with free enterprise, Greek anarchy with socialist dictatorship.

What do we know? A hologram can be cut into two pieces and you get the complete picture on each piece. Cut it into as many pieces as you like and you get the full picture on each piece.Photons, once connected, even if separated light years, communicating instantly, the universe is self-organizing from chaos—a hologram. The picture is the same everywhere. The universe begins with information.

From the Lord’s Prayer: “in earth as it is in heaven… But seek ye first the kingdom of God,” Jesus’s words, what do we know? We are at odds with nature’s “Higher Law.” Jesus was predicted by Persian astrologers referred to as the “three wise men.” America was born under the sign of Aquarius, the water-bearer—our brother’s keeper. Jesus said he would return, Jesus, a prophet of the Age of Aquarius.

How did we get to this sorry state of affairs? We’ve been following the dictates of tradition, applying the brakes while technology races ahead—failing to realize that we are here with increasing purpose.  One man can now do the work of a hundred.  It gives us time to think. Instead, we’ve been preoccupied with things—things without thought.

Five hundred years ago, western Europe was under the control of the Holy Catholic Empire, hardly an image of Jesus.  Heretics were tortured into acceptance of the Holy Father’s decrees.  Galileo came along. He proved that this planet was not the center of the universe. He was prosecuted as a heretic.  Jesus was crucified for the same reason. We do as we are told, or else. 

The Holy Catholic Empire was replaced with the Age of Enlightenment, and a better understanding of the makeup of the universe, which gave us materialism. Anarchy brings freedom?  Well, not necessarily. We hold to the outdated notion that by looking to the past we plan our future.  The future is going to be nothing like the past. We’ve learned enough about the makeup of the universe to make everything in the past something to forget.  We will look back at the present like we now look at the stone age.

 The Age of Pisces is ending, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, replaced by the Age of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer.  This idea comes from the ancients.  Glenn says the biblical battle of Armageddon is now taking place. What does Glenn know? He knows religious doctrine, the very thing that hides the underlying truth.  

In the Age of Aquarius we become our brother’s keeper.  Jesus came at the beginning of the Age of Pisces preaching that. He said he would be back.  No way are we our brother’s keeper.  He has not returned. We are still living in the past.

We Americans celebrate July 4th as the day America became independent.  America, born under the sign of Aquarius, assumed the role of individual opportunity and freedom. The American people in 1776 were self-governed. The aging process has left America without Jesus’s message, victims of dependence.

This idea comes from way back: the Aquarian, above all else, is independent. The change of ages doesn’t happen overnight. The change could easily begin with the world under the control of a socialist dictatorship.

An understanding of the makeup of the universe tells us that down the smallest excitation movement is directed.  What else but consciousness? From the Physics of Consciousness:

"As T. H. Huxley put it, 'Extinguished theologians lie about the cradle of every science as the strangled snakes beside [the cradle of] Hercules.' Materialism has served us well. It has enlightened us. It has brought us closer to many truths. But science’s investment in materialism has itself turned into a creed, with its own high priests ready to torment the unorthodox. Many phenomena have been ignored in the name of this materialism. The obvious—such as consciousness—has been shut out, exactly as if such ideas were the teachings of a heretic. Phenomena that would not fit materialistic concepts have been made anathema and estranged."

Sorry Glenn, you are living in the past. Obama praises Middle-East anarchy as democracy at work.  In praising the Muslim Brotherhood, he praises Sharia law—cutting off the heads of infidels. Clearly, Obama is an advocate of that Greek graffiti—anarchy bringing freedom.  What do we know?  If the election were held today Obama would win.  Glen is like the guy who wrote the St. Louis Greens. It didn’t sell.

The American people have a choice in the presidential election of 2012 of electing Obama, a self-appointed socialist dictator, or a representative of free enterprise. It proves that as we fast approach the future, we are missing a lot.  In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, book I’m finishing, fills the gaps.  

P.S. I forgot to mention that those Bahai'i utilizing the concealed mathematics of the unapproachable Most Great Name of God, as it applies to particle physics and medicine, are blessed as knowing God.  Come to think of it, would God bless those who call God unapproachable and cut heads off?  Mohammad, in one instance, cut off the heads of 700 infidels. Too often, religion is used as an excuse to control people.  Say I, look within for your answers. Your intuition will guide you.  


PPS Rev. Franklin Graham: “Most Christians would not recognize Mormons as part of the Christian faith.  I’m just saying that most Christians would not recognize Mormonism. Of course they believe in Jesus Christ. They believe in a lot of other things, too, that we don't accept theologically.”  Christians believe a lot that Jesus didn't teach.  That's why I'm not a Christian.





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Here is one reason why some Republican are leaving the party. In today news paper I came across a story about the Republican party chairman Tim Callanan for Berkeley County S, had put in his resignation so he could support presidential candidate Rice Sanatorium.Because the party laws or rules prevent the chairman from endorsing a candidate in a competitive. But one of the party member Linda Riney moved that the executive committee not accept the resignation so the meeting was adjourned with out accepting it.

Now Mr. Callanan was  re-elected back into office.

Well here my question how can one be re-elected when his resignation was not not accepted in the first place.because they did not want to accept it. It not only till all other Republican do not worrier you want lose you job just go a head and endorse a candidate doing a competitive or break the law nothing will happen.

Now I feel it time for not only Mr. Callanan step down put all of the Republican party member's in Berkeley County, we need to have new member's put in place that will not break the rules or law of the party just to keep a person or persons in office This will show that we as Republican or not truly believe in the law of our party and that the law this land truly counts

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This will bother many of Christian (and –probably Hebrew persuasion) But I cannot help that.
   I am a rabid, radical extreme right wing Christian, with a moderate bent; expecting the world to understand what I mean.
   I believe that America was protected by GOD since before its inception. I posted the why last year, about the time of the “Twin Towers Mosque story”.
   I am having a hard time with all the ignoring of America’s trying to disprove the Christianity of America.
   Remember how Colin and others tried so hard to say GOD had nothing to do with the creation of America?
   Now many more people are spouting the same stuff..
   So, let me reiterate:

  I am thankful for the nation I live in.
I am thankful that we can still do what Dr Martin Luther King did; I only wish he had lived to see how we are progressing toward his dream. We are not there yet, but we are on the way.
Yes, I am thankful that GOD is as forgiving as HE is.
 Others created my country. And when I realize the blood sweat and grief that went into creating this country; WOW!
I believe this nation was created with the help of GOD. How else can it be!
Our forefathers fought against one of the greatest and strongest nations in the known world; and WON!
Then, again I believe it was the hand of GOD, when we fought a war against ourselves; brother against brother; son against father in what is called a CIVIL WAR, which IF the south had won; we would be have split into a bunch of city states, speaking a different language. Think on that!
We would not have been available to fight off the Germans or the Japanese.
Both of these latter wars were against the Germans.
 The second one, they were allied with the Japanese.
You can say what you want; HE was with us.
The secular people will have to agree, there were so many coincidences, and they could not have all been coincidences.
Consider; General Patten asked his Chaplain to write a prayer for him as he was socked in with a pea soup fog and could not get the planes off to fight.
The Chaplain wrote; Gen Patten prayed; and the events moved in the battle to win those battles.
Can we say that today? Will HE be willing to save us from what we are facing today? Are we not in a spiritual war?
If we have another time when we need Spiritual help; will HE be with us? Well, I believe we need HIS help again..
I think HE left Scriptural Prophecy in such a way for U.S. to have a choice to do something.
You see I do not see anything about America there;
I see Russia (Magog), I see Israel (Israel), I see the East (China, with trouble on the horizon) I see the   Mediterranean. Look in Daniel and Revelation, See?
I think HE left something for U.S. to fight for as well. HE protected U.S. for hundreds of years; I just believe He will help; if we do what HE asks.
That is when you start to understand Christianity.
To whom much is given, much is required; that is us!

I believe HE has placed U.S. in THIS position to say
I think HE has given U.S. this bastion of freedom to fight for so the persecuted can have somewhere to run to during the end.
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Be Encouraged 2/21/12

Howdy all!  What a day Tuesday can be.  They even have a song for it.  Tuesday Tuesday, ba daa, ba.. no wait.  I met her on a Tuesday and my heart… no not that.  Tuesday night’s alright for fighting,.. No its not!!  Well I know what song is good for today, Tuesday 2/21/12.  My Dad is 81 today, so I will sing Happy Birthday to him.  But in private; you wouldn’t want to hear how off key I am anyway.

Any hoo,..

Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. ~ 1 Timothy 2:2

The bosom of America is open to receive not only the opulent and respectable stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all nations and religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights and privileges, if by decency and propriety of conduct they appear to merit the enjoyment.      ~ George Washington, Address to the Members of the Volunteer Association of Ireland, 1783

Today’s message will be short.  The theme lately has been legal immigration with lawful acceptance and obedience of our rules and regulations.  George reminds us that the introduction of new neighbors is not limited to those who have everything they need and more.  Those who come with merely a shirt, shoes and a dream are welcome also.  Of course the legal enforcement of the rules and regulations must be true and consistent; otherwise there will be gleeful lawlessness.  And, unfortunately, that is exactly what we have been experiencing, especially at the southern border.  I suspect it is also true to the north, although it isn’t spoken of as much.  In Timothy, we are asked to pray for our leaders.  We should.  We may not like them, or approve of their behavior (even if this is an understatement).  But we need to maintain a prayerful vigilance not only over our federally elected employees, but for them as well.  Sometimes they actually do something right, (just don’t ask for any recent examples).  Let us also pray for the new neighbors, that they will follow the laws of our land, including the first one they need to follow regarding legal entry.

(Wow, I guess for me this was pretty short.  Cool!)

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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