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Posted on American Thinker-By Stella Paul-On June 22, 2011:

Conventional wisdom has it that Bill Clinton was a flawed man, but a good president.  Let’s blast that claptrap to smithereens with a Fast and Furious AK-47, because Bill Clinton was an unadorned calamity for our national security, and, in all probability, remains one to this day.

In the last week, we learned some piquant facts about Clinton’s associates: First, his wife’s most intimate aide, Huma Abedin, has a Saudi mother and brother who are both prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Glamour girl Abedin accesses our most sensitive national secrets through her longtime, joined-at-the-hip relationship with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  This jihadist penetration into our government’s innermost sanctums is A-OK with Bill Clinton, who risibly presided over Abedin’s wedding to proud pervert Anthony Weiner.

And then there’s Clinton’s former chief of staff, CIA chief Leon Panetta, who we now discover may be hiding a colorful past of Communist entanglements.  Naturally, Panetta’s odd choice of friends proved no impediment to his confirmation as Secretary of Defense; the Senate just unanimously approved him.

This Unholy Trinity in the news  -- Weiner, Abedin, and Panetta—brings back memories of the many splendored treacheries of the Clinton years. 

It seems just yesterday that Bill and Hill were guzzling down illegal campaign contributions from China and handing them advanced military technology in exchange for cash.  And who can forget the Clintons’ most heinous betrayal of all, which was...what, exactly?

We’ll probably never know because Sandy Berger took care of that.  Remember him?

“Sandy Burglar” is the light-fingered bandit who served as Clinton’s National Security Advisor and pled guilty to stealing and destroying classified documents from the National Archives.  At Clinton’s behest, Berger was prowling the Archives to prepare testimony for the 9/11 Commission.

By his own admission, Berger secretly stashed classified documents in his socks on multiple occasions, hid them under a construction site trailer, snuck back to retrieve them, and then cut them to shreds.

Purely by accident, of course!

By the way, whatever happened to Sandy Berger?  

Maybe he and a certain disgraced ex-congressman can open up a high-end Berger and Weiner stand.

As the country reeled from 9/11 and our national unity crumbled under leftist assaults against the war, Clinton rushed in to help.  Using the unmatched authority of his former office to unite the country, Clinton urged every American to see Michael Moore’s steaming pile of enemy propaganda, Farhenheit 9/11.

So what damning secrets were in those documents that Berger risked jail time to destroy?  

Opportunities Clinton had to take out bin Laden and rejected?  His malfeasance in handling the Millennium terrorist plot?  Facts about the unanswered bombings under his careless watch: the World Trade Center in 1993, Khobar Towers, the USS Cole, the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and Oklahoma City?

And what else don’t we know about the mysterious downing of TWA Flight 800?

Here’s a Clintonian snake pit we should smack a stick into: after receiving campaign cash, Clinton appointed Abdurahman Alamoudi to select and train Muslim chaplains for the U.S. military.  Alamoudi is a charming, industrious man, who, nonetheless, is now serving 23 years in federal prison for Al Qaeda-linked plots.  So far, only one of his protégé chaplains has been arrested for espionage.

The craven media stampeded to Juneau to breathlessly inspect every jot and title of Sarah Palin’s old emails.  All that they discovered is that she’s a God-fearing, hardworking, honorable woman who loves her family and country.

How about a little media curiosity about Bill and Hill’s squalid antics, past and present?  

Bill continues to troll the world, vacuuming up unknowable quantities of foreign cash for his foundation, while Hill is perfectly positioned to deliver the quid pro quo in James Madison’s old job, Secretary of State.  And the lovely Huma can quietly broker the deals.

Let me ask you the most basic question: When you see photographs of Hillary and Huma showily whispering together, do you have any confidence about whose side they’re on?  How about when you see Bill yukking it up with various Arab potentates or Vladimir Putin?  You do?  Really?

When pathetic Anthony Weiner committed a complete Twitter-ectomy of his career, the spotlight suddenly turned on his most curious marriage.  A devout Muslim married to a Jew, with no repercussions from the excitable elements back home.  An elegant sylph with expensive tastes married to a dorky jerk on government pay.  And a rushed romance that seemed oddly timed to suggest a deal: the Clintons’ support for Weiner’s New York mayoral ambitions, in exchange for him dousing the growing scrutiny of Hillary’s unusual relationship with her closest aide.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s charter explicitly states its plan to infiltrate the infidels’ highest ranks.  The sad thing is, I don’t think our betters are putting up much of a fight; do you?

Oh well.  Maybe President Palin can order an investigation into how the Muslim Brotherhood penetrated our government.  First witnesses: Bill and Hillary Clinton.


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Bill Clinton Embarrassing Obama?-Posted on The Patriot Update-On June 23, 2011:

II. Weiner’s In-Laws and the Secret Muslim Brotherhood Connections Revealed!-Posted on Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack-On June 15, 2011:

III. Did Weiner Secretly Convert to Islam to Marry a Muslim?-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Guest Writer-On June 9, 2011:

IV. Clinton Hosts Islamic World Forum For Obama In D.C.!-Posted on Judicial Watch-On April 11, 2011:

V. Are You Ready For a World Governed by Islamic Law?-Posted on The Blaze-By Billy Hallowell-On June 21, 2011:

VI. Top spy points finger at Panetta friend!-Posted on America’s Surival-By Wes Vernon-On June 20, 2011:

VII.   Suspect in Custody for 'Suspicious' Backpack Is Marine Corps Reservist!-Posted on Mike Levine, Jennifer Griffin, Justin Fishel and The Associated Press-On June 17, 2011:

VIII. The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The Islamic Infiltration: Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets!

Should Americans Fear Islam?

Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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By Dan DeWalt

Newfane Vermont


While Vermont may be stirring the waves with its march towards universal health care, and marching to its own drummer by expanding collective bargaining rights in the state, its most pressing and immediate issue is one that should rally tea party folks from across the nation to come to its aid.


I'm not talking about the Dick “never met a prostitute's toe I didn't want to suck” Morris' Tea Party, which is simply an attempt to co-opt the movement for the Republican establishment, or the “official” Tea Party, which is more interested in suing to protect its name brand and selling ads disguised as policy statements than it is in actually doing something constructive. No, I'm talking about Americans who are simply mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore. Americans who have had their fill of federal government overreaching and stepping on states' rights. Americans who are tired of seeing powerful corporations raiding the U.S. Treasury for taxpayer dollars in order to cover for their failed business plans. I'm talking about people who are well represented by their local and even state representatives, but discover that that representation is only something to be trampled by corporate lawyers and the federal judiciary.

In short, I'm talking about Americans who recognize that Entergy Nuclear of Louisiana's bid to usurp Vermont state authority in order to shove twenty more years of the leaky Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor down our throats against our will is not only a moral outrage, but is also a key threat to aspects of the Republic as outlined in the Constitution.


The tenth amendment reads as follows: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people.”


Entergy Nuclear wants the federal courts to take away Vermont's right to regulate affairs within its borders. For the sake of promoting profits, Entergy wants the federal government to trample Vermont's right to determine the policies that its citizens demand and deserve. It wants the feds to say that we have no voice in determining our own future. If there ever was an issue that brings together a host of important questions that should galvanize citizen action, this is it. Vermonters are calling on citizens from across the country to join us next March, when we will close down the reactor if the feds and Entergy Corporation are still colluding to keep it open. Vermont Yankee was licensed to run for 40 years. That license runs out on March 21, 2012. Entergy, in spite of lying about the existence of underground pipes that leaked large amounts of tritium, along with cesium and other dangerous elements, wants to run the plant for another 20 years. Vermont said no. We said it in town meetings, not town meetings where people simply get a chance to let off steam, but actual legal town meetings where the official business of our towns is decided for the year (one of the last vestiges of true democracy still extant in our nation). We said no in the legislature where, by over a four to one margin, the state Senate voted no to continuing VY operations past 2012. And we said no last November in a clearly defined gubernatorial election when we voted in the governor who campaigned emphatically to make VY close on time.

What part of NO do these people not understand? The part that interferes with their profits. The part of NO that they have not yet experienced is the NO that they will discover on March 21 next spring, when thousands of us will be clogging the streets and fields surrounding their leaky reactor, making operation impossible and forcing them to shut down simply to be able to maintain public order. This is an opportunity for all Americans to say that we have had enough. We have had enough of corporate welfare, enough of federal government over-reach, and enough of having our democracy crushed by powerful monied interests. Vermonters are now calling on the nation to join us in this definitive fight that will stop the erosion of our rights. Help us rebalance the lopsided power that has been concentrated in the hands of the establishment elite. Help us defend the Constitution. Vermont is a state where community and citizenship are still valued and practiced. Join us and become part of a movement that brings our nation back to its democratic roots. Ask yourselves one question: who could you expect to represent your aspirations and interests more, citizens using the democratic process to control their lives, or profit greedy corporations and their political lapdogs trying to promote an industry that the free market has abandoned.


The choice is yours. The future belongs to all of us.

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When Will We Wake Up?

When will we realize that Obamugabe is setting the stage for his becoming the President for Life?  He has to know his re-election chances are getting really bad. Will he invoke executive orders and suspend the Constitution and Congress? All it takes is a little "national  crisis".


When will we realize that the Islamists are deadly serious about burying our Constitutional Republic? The militants make no bones about their intentions. The "moderate" Muslims are content to use taqiya (condoned lying) to cloud their intentions. We continue to believe that they can be "converted" into good little law abiding Americans. Seems that England and Denmark and France thought the same thing. DUH!


When will we reliaze that we, the working class, can no longer be the piggy bank for the millions that can't or won't support themselves? We are bankrupt. If we don't cut back the entitlement programs, we will collapse economically.


When are we going to realize that socialized healthcare is the worst possible choice? Are we going to wait for our employer to cancel our insurance or maybe wait until we need special care and find we can't get it? We must put people in place who will quickly repeal this onerous piece of legislative crap.


When will we realize that government meddling in our educational system has resulted in a generation of young people that would rather spend quality time with their X-Box or Playstation than worry about current events or our country?  We are rapidly producing a citizenry composed of "educated idiots". Admittedly, there are a few pleasant exceptions, but few they are. These are the next generation of leaders. Not a warm fuzzy feeling is it?


When are we going to realize that the US borders MUST be closed until we can devise some sane immigration policy? We can't afford to discuss it any longer. The burden on social services is overwhelming now;  in a few years it will be impossible. And what about "reconquista?" Are we prepared to let thousands or millions of militant Mexicans take over the southwest United States simply because they won't admit we kicked their butts and own the property? Mexico is a failed nation. They are now exporting drug gangs and terror to the US. When will we stop it?


When are we going to realize that the GOP isn't offering us a really good alternative to the Obamugabe Democrats? I don't know about the rest of you, but none of the proposed candidates rings my bell. Too little, too late. And the lesser of two evils thing is wearing kind of thin. If we could just get Sam Rohrer to consider running for President.....hmmmm. Nah, he is a real Christian, Conservative, Patriotic American. This would never fly.


When will we reaize that we have been apathetic for too long and need to get off our butts and take charge if we are going to actually save the country? Most people simply can't be bothered. I speak from first hand experiance, most people just don't care. I am tired of banging my head against a brick wall.

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For this great nation under God

Finds mention of Him very odd.

If Scripture now the class recites,

It violates the Bill of Rights.

And anytime my head I bow

Becomes a Federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,

That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.

The law is specific, the law is precise.

Prayers spoken a loud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall

Might offend someone with no faith at all.

In silence alone we must meditate,

God's name is prohibited by the state.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,

And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks..

They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.

To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,

And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.

It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,

We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,

Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.

But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,

No word of God must reach this crowd.

It's scary here I must confess,

When chaos reigns the school's a mess.

So, Lord, this silent plea I make:

Should I be shot; My soul please take!From the mouth of babes...

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Cypers like us

The whole idea behind the push for everyone in America to be HDTV by 2009 was so the UHF/VHF channels could be used exclusively by the US Military and Government Agencies for ultra Top Secret Communique.

The alleged problems this country has about the Internet is the overkill of Spam, Hackers, and Phisher scams.

If they'd pay closer attention to those incidents of wrong doing, there'd be a greater focus given and more productivity achieved by these agencies to curtail the misuse and abuse of OUR Internet viabilities nationwide and internationally.

To bust them all is at the same level as busting illegal immigrants. It is massive at best. Yet, achievable.


Our Governments terminology for

As Low As Reasonably Achievable.

This standpoint must be overtaken by a new set of orders from the highest Pentagon and Department of Defense authoritative processes and procedures as possible.

The glut of the American way of life is usurped 100% of the time by the Corporations in America. We live from spoon to mouth each and every day we live, which is a close to 3rd world poverty as we can get without an all out WMD event upon our own nation, which may not be that far away, all for the sake of blaming another country for the doings for further Corporate support programs and shipping our jobs and livelihood elsewhere. And that, for the name of progress.

I joke not.

150 Nuclear power plants within the continuous 48. One NUKE upon just one of those places and kiss our , good bye!

They'd still insist upon the addage of Creating Jobs! WHAT?


I'm beside myself just thinking about it.

We all need to stop this Machined Beast we've allowed this country to produce and spawn from within our midst, regardless of the loss of some sort and form of comfort zones and free ourselves of this great evil.

Otherwise, the counter effects are brutal, massive, and all consuming.

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The Great Global Warming Fraud

The Great Global Warming Fraud
These are great, especially when combined with the series of videos after these first ones. They'll really help educate the average thinking, open-minded American to the point where few, if any of them will fall for Global Warming/Climate Change Hoax Propaganda ever again.
The Global Food and Water Crisis:
In a paper published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, four British scientists report that "agriculture accounts for 80-90% of all freshwater used by humans," that "most of that is in crop production," and that "in many areas, this water use is unsustainable." As a result, they say that "farmers in many countries are now faced with legislative restrictions on use of water," noting that the Chinese government "has set a target of a reduction of 20% in water use in agriculture by the year 2020," such that "if food security for the region is not to be threatened, this must be achieved without a loss in production." So how is this global food and water crisis to be met and overcome?
Your "Carbon Legacy":
A new study signals what may be on the legislative horizon if proponents of large CO2 emission reductions (Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama) have their way with the USA. And what it is may surprise if not shock you.
CO2 Science:
The Morality of Climate Change The true morality of climate change is explored. Make sure you see this one, and then teach yourself to respond with this whenever the subject is broached; it will baffle your pro-Global Warming Hoax peers!
Free Energy is Not Cheap:
In a recent Repower America ad that laments our weaker economy and "a worsening climate crisis," we are told we can "take advantage of free energy sources like the wind and sun" to solve our problems. It sounds like a good deal ...Click here to watch the original ad upon which our response is based.
Getting Real About Coal and Oil:
In a recent Repower America ad, a wizened old rancher, who's obviously spent too much time exposed to the wind and sun, decries the use of coal and oil as an answer to our energy problems ... Click here to watch the original ad upon which our response is based.
Seeing is Believing:
Isolated for 42 days in chambers of ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations, we periodically document the growth of cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata) via time-lapse photography
Elevated CO2: How Sweet it is ... for Sugarcane!:
We all learned back in grade school that CO2 is good for vegetation, and that plants need it to grow and construct their tissues. Might not the extra CO2 projected to be in the air by the end of the century therefore actually be beneficial for the planet's vegetation?

Dirty Old Fuels:
In a recent Repower America ad, a young construction worker urges cutting our dependence on "old dirty fuels that are killing our planet" ... Click here to watch the original ad upon which our response is based.
Here's The Great Global Warming Swindle; this is very well done, quite detailed, and it'll take more than a couple of minutes to watch, so don't start this if you can't make a bit of time for it right now.

But let me emphasize this: this is an EXCELLENT video; any thinking person who is intellectually honest
cannot dismiss the excellent argument(s) put forth in this video. This is far and away the best documentary exposing the Global Warming Hoax I've seen. Upon first inspection, my impression is that they covered all of the basics, especially when you also consider what was already presented above. The producers of this documentary definitely have their ducks in a row!

While this video isn't HD,it's watchable; until I can get my hands on a physical disk and upload a better copy, this is as good as it gets. Please watch this if you haven't seen it already; it's a must-see!

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That's just how bass ackwards this country has become.

The man has suffered greatly, even now I'd think is in much anguish if not sweating bullets in pain.

And these A-Political Proselytes are thinking they're doing him a favor by releasing him. Oh yeah, and probably on Probation too.

God that's gotta suck!

Well, I'm praying God Please Heal this man, in Jesus' name. Amen!

I sure hope so. For Gods sake, and the sake of this mans soul.

Thank ya'll.

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Atheism, Liberalism, intoMeism is all it is.

Don't ruffle anyones feathers or ----WHAT?!

Political Correctness is Out of here!

Put God and the 10 Commandments and Prayer and Decency and Innocence and Shivelry back in the Class room, Court houses, Public buildings Barring NONE, American Flags, All of it, PERIOD comes back with both Barrels Blazing as bright as the Sun and the Son of God, Amen!

And this IS what it is going to take on the logistical side of life:

Shut down all XXX ratings everywhere

Knock out punch to the Video Game Industry

Same magnitude of blows to the Lottery and Gaming commissions Nationwide

STOP Abortion, I don't care how they say for the Life of the Mother, CRAP! What, 1 every 12 years dies in child birth?

Dry counties, every other county, in every state

Official Spay and Neutering of ALL Sex Offenders within the first 48 hrs of their confinement

Mortify Tatoo and Body Piercing parlors

The Calculated round up of all gangs known in these US of A with ties to any and all brands of Violence, Drugs, and sex rings

Kill the aptitudes of:




And everything and body else alive known to usurp anti-American authority NationWide, disbarring and disallowing their return   - - - EVER!



Well, just look where we're at now with their Radical!

Tell me I'm wrong! I double Dog Dare you! Do it! or Lose it!

Nobody else in America wants it nor you for that matter if you even think there's a snowballs chance in hell that this THING is going to live anymore in America.


America    S A V E   AMERICA! ! ! ! !


Glory to the Lamb of God.

Always in Christ, Always American

Max Simon Uhrig 3

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What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on The Blaze-By Billy Hallowell-On June 21, 2011:

Are you ready for a world dominated by Islamic law?

On July 9, the international political group Hizb ut-Tahrir will meet for the “UK Khilafah Conference” in London. During the gathering, meetings will focus upon ways in which a caliphate can be instituted. As The Blaze explained back in February, a caliphate is an Islamic state that draws its authority from, and is based upon, Sharia law.

Hizb ut-Tahrir, which stands for the “Party of Liberation” in English, is an international political organization that seeks one, unified Muslim state that is dominated by Muslim law. This particular group stands firmly planted against the United States, accusing the Super Power of colonization, among other offenses.

Additionally, the group would like to see Israel, which it deems “illegal,” be dismantled. Below, you can see a graphic that the group is using to promote the conference:


(h/t CreepingSharia)

Below, you can watch the conference’s “trailer” for more. In it, you’ll notice that the group targets Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, among others, for assisting in “colonialism” and “oppression.” Also, look out for the words, “An Islamic call spanning the globe.” Watch below:


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I.  Obama to face Shariah court? ‘Cleric says president ‘must embrace Islam’ or be tried when Muslims take over U.S.’-Posted on February 27, 2011:

II. Video:  Obama Must Convert To Islam, Or Else!

III. Obama’s Grandmother Prays for Conversion to Islam!-Posted on Israel National News-By Maayana Miskin-On February 26, 2011:

IV. Islamic education on the rise in US!-Posted on MSNBC-By Kari Huus, Reporter-On June 15, 2011:

Note:  My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Should Americans Fear Islam?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Sorry Baaaarack. We’re Not Sheep.

by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism


The President quipped last week that part of the reason why his stimulus plan didn’t work was “the shovel ready jobs weren’t as shovel ready as we thought.”    Since Obama has no business experience and hasn’t ever created a free market job, he’s totally befuddled why none of his economic plans are working.   Even the President knows we are slipping into a double dip recession.    He’s doing his best to still blame George Bush but even Debbie Wasserman Schultz admitted that the Democrats now own the economy.


The root causes of the economy continuing to swoon are the Progressive and Keynesian policies that Obama has implemented in the last two and a half years.   Poor Barack.  He doesn’t even realize that he sabotaged his own re-election.   He took all the liberal economic classes in college, and he listened to all of his leftist professors and mentors.   He believes the ruling class in the government should be able to dictate a recovery through amping up government spending and implementing regulations that will force business and consumer behavior into triggering an economic recovery.  Obama believes if the peasants would just do what the ruling class says to do, we’ll be just fine.


Sorry Baaaarack.  We’re not sheep.   That’s why Liberal government policies and Keynesian economics don’t work.  Progressive expect the working class to follow orders from the bureaucrats and to behave the way the Liberal rules and regulations dictate.   In fact, the Progressive policies are dependent upon people not adapting their behavior to work around the rules to pursue their own self-interest in spite of the new government dictates and regulations.  If the working class isn’t willing to be dependent upon the government, Liberalism fails. Continue...
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By John W. Lillpop

Hey, Nancy P., what happened to your promise to “drain the swamp” after foolish Americans gave Democrats majority status in the U.S. House back in 2006?

Say what? Your swamp-drain-machine was programmed to remove only those with an R next to their names?

Which is why the goofy leader from San Francisco overlooked (ignored?) the less than honorable Alcee Hastings, Democrat from Florida.

Did I mention that Hastings is a DEMOCRAT?

As reported, in part, at the reference:

“The House's independent ethics office is looking into sexual-harassment claims leveled months ago against Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., the Wall Street Journal is reporting.

Citing sources familiar with the inquiry, the Journal reported the investigation, which began at least a month ago, is being conducted by the independent Office of Congressional Ethics and not the House Ethics Committee.

A lawsuit, filed against Hastings on March 7 by the conservative group Judicial Watch on behalf of Helsinki Commission staffer Winsome Packer, alleged that the congressman sexually harassed Packer over the course of more than two years and threatened retaliation if she tried to report it.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told the Journal that his organization had been contacted by investigators and confirmed that Packer is cooperating with OCE.”

Welcome, Mr. Hastings, to the Pelosi House of Corruption! Your admittance is a welcome upgrade to the recent House of Ill Repute which includes recent inductees Charles Rangel and Anthony Weiner!

Nancy Pelosi: The woman who ran the cleanest, least corrupt House in History!

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Time Waits for No Man

In my last 16 blogs on this Tea Party site, and not a single comment, this says something. On my own site,, on blogs covering the same ground, 9,420 comments, and nearly all highly favorable from people all over the world says something else.    


Let’s discuss it. Alexander the Great conquered Egypt. He was immortalized. Alexandria became the largest, most advanced city on the planet. Alexandria was populated with Egyptians, Greeks, Jews, Romans and other peoples, the best and brightest in the Mediterranean world. Romans conquered Egypt and burned the great library in Alexandria, destroying the storage house of the ancient world’s knowledge. Rome’s animal brutality was met with brutality. Northern Europe’s barbarians conquered Rome. While western Europe languished in ignorance and poverty a thousand years ago, under capitalism, China prospered.  Personal reward and prosperity go hand in hand.  America’s pioneers, utilizing the world’s knowledge, under capitalism, built the greatest nation the world had ever seen.


The ancient Egyptian gods held much the same philosophy Jesus held. In Greek philosophy, the word “logos” is the rational principle that governs and develops the universe.  In Christian theology, “logos” defines the divine word or reason incarnate in Jesus Christ.  Based on this background, the U. S. Constitution was written with self-government in mind, that which Obama wants to abolish.  He calls self-government greed.  Under Obama’s philosophy, the individual should be government regulated in every aspect of his life.


In ignorance, President Obama speaks in terms of what is good for all—“collective salvation,” he calls it. It is Obama’s way or the highway, which has no background of success. Government doesn’t make wheels turn.   Human energy is generated by being rewarded, not by what is good for all.  We don’t have hive mentality.  Take it from me that your representatives in Washington of soon to become history. I learned a long time back that you might as well say nothing. Just listen to them beat around the bush. The House Speaker is good at weeping, while he picks your pocket.  While they agree with you, your representatives in Washington, D.C. have all the answers, and none of theirs are your answer for what ought to be done.  


The moment of great change is now upon us. It is now or never. Progressives are making their move, and a groundswell is building to stop them, I can tell you.  From past actions, it is clear that your representation, for its own sake, is going to cling to the status quo, leaving the choice yours.  You can take it like it comes, complain, or do something.  By the way, the bulk of the comments to are coming from entrepreneurs.   When it is all said and done, you can bet your life it is the world’s innovators who are going to have it their way.  

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By John W. Lillpop

With so many vying for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, and with several more likely to still join the fray, the task of culling and selecting the best candidate to defeat Barack Obama can be daunting.

There are exceptions: Tossing out the name of Newt Gingrich is a no-brainer given recent defections by his own people, which show, convincingly, that Newt lacks the skills to run a birthday party, much less the Republican Party and, even less, all of America.

Deciding one way or the other on other contenders is far more complicated, save the most recent combatant, Jon Huntsman.

Huntsman who announced his candidacy with great flare and drama at the Statue of Liberty, immediately received an unexpected and, perhaps unwelcome, endorsement from an unlikely source: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

As reported at the reference,in part, Reid’s meddling in GOP politics mixed religion and ideology:

“Hours after formally announcing his presidential bid, former ambassador to China Jon Huntsman (R) won an endorsement from an unexpected source: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

At his weekly Capitol news conference, Reid was asked whether he thought the United States was ready for a Mormon president. Huntsman and his fellow rival for the 2012 GOP presidential nod, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, are both Mormon, as is Reid. A Gallup poll released Monday showed that 22 percent of Americans would not vote for a Mormon for president.

“I feel very comfortable that they’re not ready for – certainly they’re not ready for the former governor of Massachusetts,” Reid said. “Which says, in that race, if I had a choice, I’d favor Huntsman over Romney.”

Fortunately for all Americans and the future of our great nation, Harry Reid does NOT have a voice in deciding the Republican candidate.

At least not directly.

However, Reid’s endorsement of Huntsman proves that Huntsman is not qualified, by reason of character or ideology, to be anything more than a token Republican in the administration of Barack Obama, the most anti-American, befuddled, and inept president in U.S. history.

Hats off to the goofy Reid for unwittingly providing a terrific reason for crossing through the name of Jon Huntsman.

Got any other endorsements we should know about Harry?
Read more…

Posted on Joseph Farah-On June 18, 2011:

Joseph Farah, chief executive officer of WND and publisher of an explosive, undercover book exposing the hidden workings of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, has been interviewed on air about CAIR’s newest efforts to bury the book that blows the lid off the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration of America.

Farah, interviewed on “Crosstalk” with host Vic Eliason, told of CAIR’s efforts to pull from the shelves and confiscate all copies of the blockbuster book “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.”

According to Farah, the book – built on thousands of documents discovered in an undercover operation by co-author P. David Gaubatz’s son Chris Gaubatz – “exposes the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into our media, into our government, into other cultural institutions in America like I don’t think any other work has done before.”

Fight back against CAIR’s attack on First Amendment by making a contribution to WND’s “Legal Defense Fund.” Donations of $25 or more entitle you to free copy of “Muslim Mafia” – the book so devastating to CAIR the group is trying to ban it.

Though unsuccessful in previous lawsuits to stop the book, and though WND Books has returned the original documents to CAIR, the Muslim advocacy group has filed a new motion to cover up the condemning paper trail exposing the group’s connections as a tentacle of the radical Islamist group Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist organization Hamas.

“It wasn’t enough that we gave all the papers back to CAIR,” Farah said. “CAIR’s new filing says that they want all copies of the documents that have ever been distributed around the country. Well, what does that mean? That means the book. Because the book has the important documents in it.

“They want to confiscate those for a very good reason,” Farah said, “because if any American sees this book and sees these documents, they will be outraged to the point that they will be walking to Washington, D.C., to insist that their representatives clean up this … national security disaster.”

The full interview with Farah can be heard below:


“Crosstalk” is a longstanding Christian radio program heard each weekday on over 90 radio outlets across the nation and worldwide on the Internet.

In the interview, Farah explained that CAIR, rather than refuting the evidence presented in the book, has undergone a legal campaign to silence it.

“They went after the Gaubatzes, not on the basis that anything in the book was not true,” Farah said,“they went after them on the basis that they stole the documents from CAIR. So that began this long, protracted, now almost two-year-old lawsuit.”

The powerful Washington, D.C., Islamic lobby group, established as a front for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, has been asking a federal judge to expunge all copies of the book, which exposes its ties to radical jihad through original documents secured in Chris Gaubatz’s undercover operation.

Posing as a Muslim, Chris Gaubatz gathered some 12,000 pages of documents, which were meant to be shredded, while serving as an intern at CAIR’s national office in Washington, just three blocks from the U.S. Capitol building. Information gleaned from the documents was compiled by authors P. Dave Gaubatz and Paul Sperry in “Muslim Mafia.”.

After filing two unsuccessful versions of its complaint, CAIR has asked federal Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly in Washington, D.C., to bar the Gaubatzes and anyone related to their effort from publishing the documents and recordings obtained in the undercover operation.

“This book at any time can be taken off the shelves forever and kept in the hands of Hamas,” warned Gaubatz attorney Daniel Horowitz.

Recently, retired Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, former U.S. deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, made an impassioned plea for Americans to learn about the inner workings of stealth jihadists by reading “Muslim Mafia.”

“There’s a recent book that came out called ‘Muslim Mafia,’” said Boykin at a major Christian conference. “Have any of you read this? Have any of you ever seen it? I encourage you to get this book – ‘Muslim Mafia.’ … This book will scare you. This book will open your eyes. This book will shake you. What this book says is frightening.”

Watch Gen. Boykin describe “Muslim Mafia” below:


CAIR continues to keep its lawsuit alive despite the exposure by Horowitz and his colleagues of the fact that CAIR doesn’t even legally exist and was therefore unqualified to file the lawsuit.

He warns that WND must continue to be vigilant: “In the end, they can just keep getting more and more money from overseas and burn out opposition with lawsuits.”

While CAIR repeatedly has denied it receives foreign support, the covert operation that produced “Muslim Mafia” obtained video footage that captured CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper boasting of his ability to bring in a half million dollars of “overseas money,” including from Saudi Arabia.

Continue Reading:

Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Herman Cain Yells at Reporter While Trying to Clarify Muslim Comments!-Posted on Conservative Byte-On June 19, 2011:

II. A Warning to America: Geert Wilders in Nashville, Tennessee 5/12/11-Posted on Family Security Matters-Andrew Bostom-On May 13, 2011:

Note:  My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

Posted on Susan Jones-On June 21, 2011:

( – Amid reports that Kenneth Melson will be forced to resign as acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a Republican congressman says “he should” lose his job. 

Melson “was part of the bad judgment” ATF exhibited in allowing guns to be sold in the U.S. to people acting on behalf of Mexican criminals, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) told Fox & Friends Tuesday morning.

But the bad judgment attached to ATF’s “Operation Fast and Furious” goes higher than Melson, Issa said:

Attorney General Eric Holder “should have known – I believe it was his obligation to know” what was going on at ATF, Issa said. Holder wasn’t doing his job properly if he didn’t know, the congressman added.

The ATF intended to track the guns sold to straw purchasers in the U.S. to find out where in Mexico they were going, but the ATF lost track of the weapons.

The guns that were sold in the U.S. didn’t necessarily go to Mexico, Issa said. Two ended up in Arizona, at the place where U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot and killed in December.

The botched mission “did sort of develop at ATF,” Issa said on Tuesday, but higher-ups in the U.S. Justice Department had to know about it – all the way up to Lanny Breuer at least, he said. Breuer is the assistant attorney general in the Justice Department’s Criminal Division.

Issa also noted that a federal judge had to sign off on wiretaps used as part of the ATF operation.

Issa indicated that even if Melson does resign, people at the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Justice Department must be held accountable.

Issa chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which held hearings on Operation Fast and Furious last week. He recently told that he believes the Justice Department is covering up information relevant to the congressional investigation.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I.  Acting ATF Director to Resign Over Gun-Buying Sting!

Posted on Martin Gould-On June 20, 2011:

Kenneth Melson, the acting director of the Bureau of Tobacco, Alcohol and Firearms (ATF), is expected to step down in the wake of the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scheme in which weapons were sold to Mexico’s drug cartels.

Melson, who has been acting director since April 2009, is likely to resign within the next couple of days, says CNN.

Attorney General Eric Holder is to meet with Andrew Traver, head of the ATF field office in Chicago on Tuesday, about replacing Melson, the network says.

Under Operation Fast and Furious and its sister program Project Gunrunner, about 2,000 weapons were sold to so-called straw buyers, who in turn sold them to the cartels. The idea was that it would allow the ATF to trace the weapons and discover who was selling them down the line.

But the plan went disastrously wrong and the weapons have been used in at least 150 shootings. The ATF now admits it lost track of two-thirds of the guns.

The controversy came to a head in December when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in Arizona and two weapons discovered at the scene were found to have been part of Project Gunrunner.

President Barack Obama has acknowledged that the plan was flawed. “There may be a situation here in which a serious mistake was made. If that’s the case then we’ll find out and we’ll hold somebody accountable,” he said in March.

Obama said he had no prior knowledge of the operation.

Last week, Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley called for an independent investigation into the operation and called for heads to roll.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said the operation “looks an awful lot like Iran-Contra,” the scandal that put a shadow over Ronald Reagan’s presidency, during congressional hearings he chaired.

During those hearings, John Casa, an agent at the ATF’s Phoenix Field office called the program “a colossal failure of leadership.” He said every time there was a shooting in Arizona, including the one that killed six and seriously injured Democratic U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, agents worried that guns from the operations could have been involved.

“This happened time and time again,” he testified.

Another agent, John Dodson, told lawmakers, “I cannot begin to think of how the risk of letting guns fall into the hands of known criminals could possibly advance any legitimate law enforcement interest. I hope the committee will receive a better explanation than I.”


II. Issa: DOJ Claims Are 'Outright Lie'!-Posted on Jim Meyers-On June 23, 2011:

III. ‘Gunrunner’ Whistleblower Vince Cefalu Speaks!-Posed on Pajamas Media-By Patrick Richardson-On June 24, 2011:

IV. Is Project Gunrunner Gun Control Chicago-Style?-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Guest Writer-On June 20, 2011:

V. Issa: DOJ Covering Up on Mexican Gun-Running Scandal!-Posted on Fred Lucas-On June 17, 2011:

VI.  Video: DOJ Covering Up on Mexican Gun-Running Scandal!

VII.  Video: Issa, Obama’s Holding No One Accountable for Fast & Furious!

VIII. Obama Eyeing Anti-Gun Backer to Run ATF!-Posted on Newsmax Wires-On June 20, 2011:

IX. Democrat Says Obama Not Showing 'Leadership' on Gun Control!-Posted on ERICA WERNER, Associated Press-On June 20, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?

What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

America S A V E AMERICA! The Curse:

Yeah brother, that's exactly the Plan of the Evil One himself to do.
Divide and Conquer. Steal, Kill, and destroy.
People play it off as some kind of a Joke.
The Entire world is giving us, We The People tidbit hints of what we
should be expecting this administration to do and perform, right out
of the Eternal Playbook, The Bible.
Prophesy is not a laughing matter. But, tell that to our Clergy across
the board, they say, not now, not until, not, not, not.
It's harboring upon rediculous. And we even pay them with our Tithes
and Offerings. Yet, they back our government only in namesake, placing
upon the hoards of believers in this country Blame, Shame, and Guilt for
1) Not or Failure to Tithe, yet, Jesus never -- uh hmm, N E V E R spoke one
word about the Tithes, offerings, love gifts (other than love one another)
2) Taxes, saying, well Jesus told Peter to catch the first fish, take the coin out
of it's mouth and pay the Tax. singular tax. And that unto Ceasar. Not the
IRS, HOA's, City, State, Federal, County, Municipal, etc
Jesus said, Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars (our bodies, toil, work, etc)
and Render unto God what is Gods! (our souls, sacrificial servitude to our
fellow man, widows, orphans, and strangers, which in this age are the
homeless, destitute, hungry, Water, Food, Shelter, Clothing, Visitations in
Jails, Prisons, Hospitals, their own homes, etc)
We are at a Turning Point in America, yet everyone wants someone else to
step in and do the dirty work so they can lounge in the fruits of others labors.
Well, look where it has gotten us. 80 Million unemployed or nearing that Blacks.
55 Million Hispanics/Latino's bucking for everything that moves. God only knows
how many Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabs, etc, the list goes on.
It started with ease of entry back in the day after WWII. And that is the exact
time we should have had Immigration Reform. Pass the proverbial Buck is
what our leaders did then, and they still do now.
We have before us a Golden Opportunity to turn back the tide in America
if people would just buck up with one another, trust one another and do
even 3-7 hours of real Bronco Busting work for the common good.
Canvasing towards getting people out to vote.
Helping one another by monies assistance to their fellows in harms way.
This would Yes include the dead beat moms and dads in this country.
Where, once discovered they OWE are refused job placement for the company's
own fear of the Court System in this country. No hire, No job, No child support
payment, Plenty of Jail time, no real Days for Dollars towards payment, just a
Felony Charge and they still owe the monies.
Do the math.
How many millions of inmates behind bars doing time for drug violations, simple
possession. Non-violent, and most cases were either in the wrong place and time
or some SNITCH turned states evidence to clear their punk lilly white asses.
Yet, they're recieving Days for Dollars. But not so for the DeadBeat Parent.
Nope. Just Days and a Felony Rap. Simple mathmatics eh?
No one wants to hear about it, thinking it will never happen to them
and I pray to God for their sakes it never does.
This country needs to wake up.
Threats don't work. Even those that do work are milking their jobs
just for the simple Cash Cow mentality.
What happened to fairness in this country?
The Unemployed are drawing checks for up to 99 weeks.
Back in the day, when I did recieve unemployment, 26 weeks tops.
Even as late as 1996 it was like that.
Now, folks in AZ are sweating bullets for fear their 99 weeks of getting
paid for doing nothing attitude, will be shot down to a loatesome 78
Oh Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Too bad, so sad.
I've been turned down 4 times here in AZ for my entitlements of
Unemployment Insurance. I worked. Lost jobs legitimately, Filed
claims forms and jumped through hoops for these idiots with 6
fingers on each hand, all for naught.
Oregon State had it right. Allow them to recieve a one-time Lump
Sum payment of all their entitled insurance claims to start small
businesses. And it must have worked, for haven't heard word one
about it since.
Nope, dear brother, part of this proverbial curse We All have brought
upon ourselves to a certain respect.
Oh, I'm not leaving out the Fed, State, etc gov't,s Hell no.
But, to play Tiddly Winks with the very LIVES of American People,
Their Bread Winners of this Great Nation is beyond Travesty. Its SIN!
Not A sin neither. S I N ! ! ! ! !
America Needs America right now, and from now on.
Free lunches for Students up to age 18, sure, and God Bless them.
Free Health Care for that same age group, sure.
Same as for the elderly, homeless, dysenfranchised.
The RETRAINING of America is the initial Key to a successful and
Sustainable future.
But, these corporations farming out any and all brand new jobs
that hit the market is terribly wrong.
Any Corporation doing that is just the same as a Contractor stopping
in the middle of traffic to pick up an illegal immigrant for a cheap days
labor, not wanting to hire a legitimate American to do the honest days
work for the honest days wage. They are One In The Same.
Bring back the Big Unions Nationwide and see this garbage go away.
If need be, bring back the Mafia, American Style. Enlist the KKK to
help control the streets of America.
I have HIGH HOPES for this country. But the time is short for us to
make our move.
Most say it is way too late.
Bull Pucky!
You're alive and breathing aren't you?
You're still able bodied to work if given the REAL chance to show
your stuff, aren't you?
I am.
I was Born Ready.
Lets Do This!
Larry the Cable Guy don't fail me now.
Git R' Done! ! ! ! ! !

Always in Christ, Always AMERICAN

America S A V E AMERICA!

Max Simon Uhrig
San Tan Valley, AZ
Read more…

Can't Trust The Republicans any more.

It has been the policy of the Republicans to offer up Rinos in the hope that guys like me would consider them the lesser of two evils and vote for them instead of the democratic candidate for president. Well, it worked for a long time but now I am done. Last time they wanted to play chicken with me and ran McCain, I simply stayed home and let Obama win. 


It appears that once again they will be offering up a Rino and once again, I will be staying home. In fact, I really no longer could trust anyone endorsed by the Republican party. I don't know who this Bachman is and I am so leery of being tricked again that I could not even vote for her. In fact, If I were to run, I would not want to be affiliated with the Republican name. It does not stand for any of my conservative values. 


Today I took the step of joining the Tea Party. The only person that I trust is Sarah Palin. Period. The lies and deceit of the Republicans have driven me away. 


Ok, So if Obama gets it again and pulls the country down even further, it could be a good thing. The Republicans could panic and see that we conservatives cannot be intimidated and that even their gated communities are being hit by Obama. That their grandchildren will no longer have jobs. Perhaps by hitting botton, the GOP will wake up. 


But it is doubtful. So let the games begin. 

Read more…

Posted on Susan Jones-On June 20, 2011:

( – The Obama administration is directing federal immigration officials to use “prosecutorial discretion” in deciding which illegal aliens to detain and deport. 
The intention is to kick out the worst offenders and release the all the others – specifically victims of domestic violence and other crimes; witnesses to crimes; or people who are charged with minor traffic violations.

The apparent goal is to make the Secure Communities program more palatable to the states and activists who have criticized it.

But the changes to the Secure Communities program, announced last week, did not mollify critics who are calling for a moratorium. One group called the changes inadequate – amounting to “little more than lipstick on a pig.”

Secure Communities is a voluntary, three-year-old partnership between Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and state and local law enforcement to identify and deport “criminal aliens.” Under Secure Communities, the fingerprints of every single individual arrested and booked into custody, including U.S. citizens, are checked against immigration records.

Immigration advocates say too many law-abiding undocumented immigrants are being deported under the program. They also say it encourages racial profiling and undermines public safety.
In a June 17 memo, ICE Director John Morton clarified that “it is against ICE policy to initiate removal proceedings against people who are victims or witnesses to a crime.” 

The same goes for people who are pursuing “legitimate” civil rights complaints and those who are involved in union organizing or who have legitimately complained to authorities about employment discrimination or housing conditions.

Morton said federal officials must “exercise all appropriate discretion on a case-by-case basis” when deciding how to handle such cases to avoid discouraging individuals from reporting crimes or standing up for their civil rights.

Unless the illegal alien poses national security concerns, has a “serious criminal history,” poses a threat to public safety, is a human rights violator or is involved in “significant” immigration fraud, “exercising favorable discretion, such as release from detention and deferral or a stay of removal generally will be appropriate,” Morton said.

ICE also announced it will establish an advisory committee—including police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors, court officials, ICE agents, and immigration advocates – to recommend policies that will stop the deportation of individuals charged with, but not convicted of, minor traffic offenses if they have no other criminal history.

Other changes include a new training program for state and local law enforcement agencies to explain how Secure Communities works with regard to civil rights; and a new complaint system for those who believe their civil rights have been violated.

ICE says Secure Communities is currently on track to be implemented nationwide by 2013 – and “refining the program”will allow ICE to focus its limited resources on the most serious criminals.

ICE noted that the money appropriated by Congress each year is enough to remove only a “limited number” of the more than 10 million illegal immigrants estimated to be in the country.

Critics want program scrapped:

So far, three states that joined the Secure Communities program have announced their intention to back out, even though ICE says state and local jurisdictions cannot opt out of Secure Communities.  Those states are New York, Illinois and California.

Massachusetts this month announced it would not join the program, although some Massachusetts communities have signed on.

Immigration advocacy groups say the changes announced on Friday do not go far enough: “These changes are nowhere near sufficient to address the well-documented problems with the Secure Communities program that has thus far torn apart countless families across the country by funneling people into a detention and deportation system rife with abuse,” said Andrea Black, executive director of Detention Watch Network. “The flaws with Secure Communities run so deep that the only solution is termination of the program.”

The National Immigration Project said it was “stunned by the inadequacy” of the changes. “ICE should listen to our elected leaders rather than ramming this federal program down the throats of localities that want nothing to do with it,” said Associate Director Paromita Shah.

“Secure Communities is a Frankenstein program – and no amount of makeup can help save our communities from its ravaging effects,” said Pablo Alvarado, director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network. “Secure Communities is a symbol of President Obama’s approach to immigration – more spin than substance. Nothing less than a cancellation of the program could move this administration towards repairing the trust it has lost with Latino communities across the country.”

“This Administration can no longer continue standing by Secure Communities,” said Margaret Huang, executive director of Rights Working Group. “By continuing to support the program, it is sanctioning racial profiling, eroding the trust local law enforcement agencies have built with communities of color and signaling to the international community that our immigration system does not respect the basic human rights of all persons in our country.”

The activists mentioned above are calling on the Obama administration to end all programs that create partnerships between state and local law enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security; halt the development of the vast data-gathering infrastructure on which Secure Communities depends; and allow state and local jurisdictions to opt-out of Secure Communities.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Former Intelligence Agent: Terror Group Hezbollah Has Infiltrated Our Southern Border!-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On May 6, 2011:

II. Sheriff Tells Congress That Border Patrol Agents Ordered to Reduce Arrests!-Posted on Jana Winter-On May 3, 2011:

III.  Congressman Outraged That 3 Convicts in Terror-Related Cases Were Granted U.S. Citizenship!-Posted on Edwin Mora-May 3, 2011:

IV. 34,448 Illegal Immigrants Spared Deportation!-Posted on Judicial Watch-On May 2, 2011:

V. ICE's Inability to Account for 10 Libyans It Caught and Released in U.S. ‘Cause for Alarm,’ Say Security Experts!-Posted on Penny Starr-On April 26, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

ICE Agents Vote ‘No Confidence’ in Leaders!‘no-confidence’-in-leaders/

Obama’s Arizona Immigration Law Hypocritical Lie!’s-arizona-immigration-law-hypocritical-lie/

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Progressive Racial-Genderism
Unreported in Liberal-Biased Media
          Rather than fulfilling their time-honored roll as truth-revealers and watchdogs for our Republic and its Democratic principles, today’s media prefers to serve progressivistic^^ ideology and obscure truth repeatedly behind the lying buzzword “racism” aimed at those who opposed this left-wing slant on American life.  Once this situation reached such a deplorable state it could no longer be covered up, the American people began seeking truth on their own making the left-wing mainstream media almost irrelevant. As a great man once said, “Then you will know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you free.” This blog represents a condensation and compilation of the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH which Americans need to help set themselves free from those in government and the media who believe it is they who should govern us rather than we governing ourselves . . . .
            It’s been known for at least the last half-century that America is a “center-right” nation.   Despite the fact that typically only 16-24 percent of American voters at any given time call themselves “liberals” compared to the roughly 40-42% who say they are “conservatives,” the liberal wing of the Democratic Party has controlled 1) Taxation 2) Spending 3) Creation of entitlements 4) both houses of Congress and 5) the subject matter and timbre of political rhetoric in this country for at least the last sixty-two years and 6) often controlled the Oval Office as well. In that time they’ve brought the country to crisis after crisis including the financial meltdown beginning in 2007** (see footnote) which has been blamed upon the previous administration and yet as mentioned above, they control our country’s direction. How? Why?
            Three major reasons stand out: “Conservatives” have tended to align themselves with the Republican Party and over the years the G.O.P. has repeatedly “shot itself in the foot”;   The media have been left-leaning since the time of Woodrow Wilson and since the time of Lyndon Johnson have been hard-left leaning and abused the word “racist” to the benefit of the Democratic Party; and lastly the Republican Party has to a slightly lesser extent been a tax-and-spend party as well which generates apathy within conservative ranks. What are we talking about specifically?
1)     Conservatives in the Republican Party and some Libertarians (not Rajjpuut) have long insisted upon a litmus test for political rhetoric by “conservative” candidates including such matters as A) staunch anti-abortionism since the 1973 Roe-Wade decision in the supreme court B) strict interpretation of the 2nd Amendment C) Support for public schools which promote Christian dogma including singing Christmas Carols and D) Preference for the teaching of creationism in public school biology classes alongside evolution . . . because strict anti-abortionism is a flat-out loser as a political stance (study after study, year after year shows that 40-42% support it and 58-60% oppose it) and the other items on the litmus test are also somewhat unpopular, conservatives and the G.O.P. have been the minority party for many decades.    This is now changing dramatically. The TEA Party uprising in the last couple years has given new life to conservativism by only concentrating conservativism upon fiscal responsibility and Constitutional fidelity its natural arena. The TEA Party document “The Contract from America” has the potential if acted upon to become the most influential “freedom paper” since the Bill of Rights and to take its place with the American Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and Magna Carta among mankind’s greatest ideas.
2)    It’s well-documented that the media in the United States have been liberal-favoring for decades. Their primary tool against non-liberals has been the use of the words “racist”, “racism”, and exaggerations and lies about specific conservatives and their candidates aligning conservativism with fascism, Nazism and White Racist organizations.
3)    The antipathy so many conservatives hold for the political process is tied up with the Republican Party’s hypocrisy. “Progressive-Lite” seems to have been the Republican Party’s direction since President G. H. W. Bush infamously reneged upon his “Read my lips, no new taxes” pledge. To top matters off, the Republican Party and its leaders have been every bit as corrupt as the Democrats once voted into office . . . scandal after scandal from a group that pledges Christian values is NEVER going to be overlooked by a media that hates those values.
Now, however, the TEA Party has brought a new game to town: fiscal- and Constitutional conservativism. The power of the TEA Party playbook is potentially unlimited. IF, huge IF, it’s handled properly (not as a political party, per se, but rather as the kingmakers in the background – at first aligning primarily with conservative Republicans and later once the Democratic Party returns to sanity keeping both parties CLEAN and LEAN and MEAN) it could indeed help restore this country to our former greatness and direction; and it could save the country from the seemingly direct attempt by the progressive-left to bankrupt the nation and its future. What stands in our way?
Now that the TEA Party has roused up the nation, one single word is, more than any other thing standing in the TEA Party’s way: “racism.” As mentioned earlier hardly a day goes by when some Democrat’s or some media pundit’s use of the words “racist or racism” never backed up by facts isn’t hurled at the TEA Party. Here’s what we’re facing and what we must NOT and must NEVER fail to counter at every juncture:
1.       The McCain Factor: Barack Obama supporters in the media made hay against McCain and Palin by treating them and their programs as racist. What’s the truth? Obama in 2008 got more WHITE votes and a larger percentage of WHITE votes than either John Kerry in 2004 or Al Gore in 2000 . . . roughly 48%. Instigated by the media coverage John McCain received only 4.4% of the BLACK vote . . . roughly 1/11 of the racial crossover voting of Whites.   Abetting highly encouraged institutionalized racism against Republican White candidates (as racists) and Republican Black candidates (calling them Uncle Toms and worse) is the tried and true playbook of the liberal media. When Americans understand the powerful import of these simple facts, then the country will be free to return to its powerful Constitutional roots.
2.     Forgetting and altering history: Think of just the words “rednecks,” “fascists” and Nazis constantly hurled at conservatives . . . . The original “Rednecks” were violent union miners wearing red bandanas so they wouldn’t shoot each other by mistake as they tried to force West Virginia mine owners to comply with their demands. The original fascists were union bosses in Italy who grew so powerful they took over the corporations and eventually promoted their man Benito Mussolini to control the whole country. The National Socialist Workers Party (Nazis) clearly displays the two key words “socialist” and “workers” right there in their name no reference to capitalism or freedom (the chief tenets of conservativism along with our American Constitution) at all. The Nazis claimed from the start that they “represented a third way: not communist and not capitalist but something better.” The last ones to come aboard the Nazi bandwagon in Germany were the corporations and they did so only after Hitler had come to power with the support of others 13.5 years after Hitler came to dominate the party. These groups (rednecks, Nazis and fascists) all started as anti-capitalist left-wing organizations and hold no appeal to freedom lovers anywhere.
3.     The words “capitalists,” “capitalism” and “profits” are used as negative slur words in the left-wing press. The left never seems to appreciate that “surplus” is what profits are. Without surplus, new jobs and new opportunities cannot be created. Thanks to the particularly strong incentivization of the American Constitution something akin to (but alas not the same as) true Laissez-Faire capitalism was established in the United States with a power and wide appeal that has never been seen anywhere else in history. That is why, when left-wing governments the world over had to pen their people in behind iron curtains and machine gun toting guards, the place everyone wanted to get to was America. Unmentioned by the left-wing media (in an American cultural climate where Che and Chairman Mao T-shirts are seen everywhere) is the DEMOCIDE of 122+ million people under communist rule in the 20th Century.
4.     Unmentioned by a left-wing press that vilifies White Men (they’ve cornered, they think, the White Female vote) is that a group of angry White males created the most free and successful society in history and eventually even won the freedom of Blacks enslaved among them for almost 170 years.
5.     Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is that Old Glory, the Stars and Stripes and the Pledge of Allegiance have long been drawing cards for foreigners seeking freedom for almost two and a quarter centuries. This should be an area of pride, but is denigrated regularly by them.
6.     Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is that those who decry the actions of Barack Obama do so because of his fiscal and foreign policy incompetence, racial bias, and anti-Constitutional actions endangering freedom in this country.
7.     Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, this country was a place for diverse people to come and respect and become a part of a superior culture. That “melting-pot” effect so denounced by the left made us great. People who oppose using taxpayer funds to print ballots and government information and educational materials do so not out of prejudice or racism but because English is the language of this country.
8.    Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, people who have voted Republican over the years were just “misguided” conservatives who had no other outlet until today’s TEA Party arose. Conservative people believe in the Constitution of the United States and in common sense fiscal responsibility by individuals, corporations and all levels of government.
9.     Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is that America is a sovereign nation and perfectly justified in protecting our borders from terrorists, criminals and other aliens who would enter our nation uninvited and illegally.
10.Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is that the rule of equal law (NOT 'social justice') for all is the basic tenet of our Republican form of Democracy.
11. Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is the fact that the progressive experimentation which has given us a $14.5 TRillion national debt has also given us $116 TRillion in UNfunded liabilities just from their ill-managed and ill-conceived social programs: Medicare, social security and the federal-side of Medicaid not to mention UNfunded welfare obligations in the tens of TRillions of dollars as well. People who despise the tax-and-spend system of legislating are in favor of common sense financial actions NOT racism.
12.Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, do indeed oppose affirmative action, bilingualism and other reverse discrimination alternatives. The melting pot and the concept of a “hand up not a handout” has served this country very well for 224 years and should not be replaced by systems that institutionalize misguided notions of victimization.
13.Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is that most conservatives realize that the so-called anchor-baby law is a severe over-reach of an amendment designed to protect the rights of Black former slaves and their children after the Civil War and has zero-applicability to illegal aliens.
14.Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is the fact that Sanctuary Cities are aiding and abetting the crime of illegal entry in this country by aliens. Sanctuary cities deprive our state and local governments and thus the taxpayers of half a TRillion dollars in resources every year.
15.Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a Communist flag is that conservative Americans revere the American Flag and though left-wing leaning journalists seldom cover it . . . we are proud to fly our flags, our American flags and do not seek to be part of a new world order headed up by the corrupt and ineffective United Nations.
Up until the rise of the TEA Party, the left-wing media wins in the vast majority of demographic groups with the exception of the White-Male category. Hence, White-Males as a group are racists. This racial-genderism by progressive^^-supporting media is of course totally UNreported because it is their very own well-documented bias and therefore, by definition: OK.  The fifteen items above constitute the beliefs that are the credo of the noble Americans who call themselves "conservative" and you, the left-wing journalist label as "racist."  As a certain book which they hate asks: “why lookest thou on the mote that is in the eye of thy brother, but observest not the beam that is in thine eye? Hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine eye, and then thou wilt see clearly to cast out the mote out of the eye of thy brother.” 
Thank God for the TEA Party. Now conservatives can pursue the fiscal- and Constitutional-sanity we’ve so long desired!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**Before the progressive Congress under Jimmy Carter passed the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act requiring mortgage companies and banks to knowingly make stupid home loans to unqualified recipients . . . only 0.24% of home loans were (issued at 3% down payment or less) suspect loans. After five expansions of CRA ’77 (three legislative ones and one regulatory one under Bill Clinton, the first ACORN President, alone) by 2005, 34% of all home loans were suspect loans and many of them were (pushed by ACORN) granted to give people without jobs, without even decent credit ratings, whose only “income was food stamps and even illegal aliens loans at adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) at ZERO PER CENT down payment. The final expansion of CRA ’77 in 1998 legislatively under Clinton made it EASIER for such people to get CRA-inspired loans for $440,000 homes than it had been to put much better qualified (but still UNqualified) people into $110,000 homes a decade earlier.   The state of Texas was virtually the only state that avoided misfortune due to this progressive-created sub-prime lending crisis. Why? Because its governor George W. Bush passed a state law requiring 20% down payment on home loans in the state. Later, as president, Bush sought to repeal the CRA ’77 nonsense in January, 2005, and for thirty months thereafter. When finally a weakened bi-partisan bill passed in July, 2007, it helped enormously (to keep housing prices from dropping to rock bottom) but it was still too little, too late to prevent the financial meltdown. Now we’re told that Bush, conservatives and capitalism “drove us into the ditch” . . . told by a former ACORN attorney Barack Obama, who spent two-plus years forcing banks to comply with the ridiculous law that forced them to make horrifically-ill-advised home loans.
^^ Progressivism is the political doctrine that we must “progress” against the ‘ill-conceived and outdated Constitution’ so we can make “progress” toward an earthly Utopia. That doctrine is straight out of Communism and Fabian Socialism.  When one realizes that the LITERAL symbol for Fabian Socialism## is the wolf in sheep's clothing and that they propose that our lives be governed by them, the self-chosen elite . . . then you start to understand what we're dealing with . . . .

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I Believe

"I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some governmental stooge with a bad comb-over who wants to give it away to crack addicts for squirting out babies." - Andy Rooney (lol, f%@#ing awsome!)
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