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 By John W. Lillpop

 Government exists, at the will of the people, to provide a common defense against enemies of America, both foreign and domestic. We the people neither need, nor want, government bureaucrats telling us what to eat, how to raise children, what light bulbs to use, or other matters best left in the hands of the family.

 America was founded by men and women strong in the Christian faith. Denying our religious heritage for the purpose of politically-correct inclusion is morally wrong.

 Government has neither the resources nor the expertise to provide health care, to educate our youth, or to create jobs. In these ,as well as in most areas of life, government serves we the people best by getting out of the way!

 Racism is a wretched evil, made all the more damaging by its devastating impact on the human spirit. On the other hand, alleging racism, where it does not exist, for political, social, or economic gain is just as evil.

 Using the tax code to punish the accomplished in order to reward the less talented and bone idle is un-American and immoral. Taxes depress economic growth and the creation of jobs for American citizens and should always be challenged and opposed.

 Every dollar paid in taxes is one less dollar available to private enterprise for job creation.

 The use of armed military force should be limited to situations involving a vital national interest of the United States. No president, regardless of how brilliant, should make war(or Kinetic whatever) without the consent of Congress.

 Illegal immigration is a serious breach of borders and rule of law which harms America’s economy, employment, education, culture, and homeland security, and which costs American taxpayers more than $110 billion a year. Exploiting this issue as a means for growing the Democrat Party base rather than enforcing the rule of law to protect American citizens is un-American and immoral.

 There is nothing racist about defending American sovereignty, language and culture. On the other hand, racism is abundant when foreigners come here illegally and refuse to learn English and refuse to assimilate into American society.

 Character, integrity, and fidelity do matter! Without these qualities, no politician can possibly serve we the people.

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 By John W. Lillpop

The story of Jose Antonio Vargas is hardly one of courage, hard work, and dedication to principle. His is NOT an American story that one can point to with pride.

Rather, it is a sad commentary about self-centered lying, deceit, and stealing through manipulation with no regard for the rule of law or other people.

It is about a nation that has lost its way and apparently no longer cares enough to enforce the rule of law, the foundation of our American Democracy.

The fact that Vargas and much of the mainstream media see his criminal behavior as justification for passing the race-based Dream Act is nearly as sick as his despicable criminality.

Jose Antonio Vargas is owed no sympathy or kudos.

He should be arrested and deported immediately, lest his persona be martyred by those who despise the rule of law, American sovereignty, language, and culture.

Adios, and good Riddance!
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Alert! Be skeptical about Rick Perry.


Amid the latest speculation about Mr. Rick Perry running for the Republican nomination, we must be skeptical.  Perry is a globalist, implying that he wants to continue what the Bushes started via NAFTA.  In other words, he would have on his agenda the continued planning and implementation of the proposed super highway connecting Mexico, the U.S., and Canada.  If this were to occur, the area of the highway would become international territory, thus destroying our national sovereignty.  Furthermore, this position by Mr. Perry would require that he continue to allow illegal immigrants come in from Mexico.  In other words, he would not enforce illegal immigration law, even though he gives the appearance now that he would enforce illegal immigration, but again, this may very well be another ruse by the liberal elite to help get him nominated and elected. 


Furthermore, reports that Mr. Perry was invited and attended the annual Bilderberg Group Meeting in 2007.  His speech topic was on the relationship of federal to state government relations.  To prove the kind of people invited, Comrade Obama has also been a Bilderberg invitee and attendee.  For those of you who do not know, the Bilderberg is a highly secretive international group of the upper crust of liberal elite who think it is their job to shape events in order to bring in the "New World Order".  Why would they invite the Texas Governor and why would he attend, rubbing shoulders with corporate and international Marxists?  Any New World Order, by definition, will require the destruction of all national sovereignties, and that includes our own.


I am a native Texan and love my state, but L.B.J. was a Texan too.  We must not allow our state loyalty or personal charisma of any candidate to blind us from nominating a true patriotic, constitutional loyalist with courage this time.  The enemy's primary tool is deception.  Like McCain, if the enemy can get us to put forward a wolf in sheep's clothing, we will have been defeated yet again.  Never forget that my friends!



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Understanding America!

What follows is a nine-part series of research reports published by the Heritage Foundation under the title of “Understanding America” that explore how the United States’ commitment to the universal truths of human equality and the right to self-government-as proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence-requires a vigilant defense of the cause of liberty, both at home and abroad-You Decide:

I. Why is America Exceptional?-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Matthew Spalding,  Ph.D.-On October 1, 2010:

II. What Is America’s Role in the World?-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Marion Smith-On November 16, 2010:

III. Why Does Sovereignty Matter to America?-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Steven Groves-On December 3, 2010:

IV. Why Does Religious Freedom Matter?-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Jennifer Marshall-On December 20, 2010:

V. Why Provide for the Common Defense?-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Mackenzie Eaglen-On January 19, 2011:

VI. How Must America Practice Diplomacy?-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Theodore Bromund-On March 3, 2011:

VII. Why Does Economic Freedom Matter?-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D. andMatthew Spalding, Ph.D.-On April 7, 2011:

VIII. Who Makes American Foreign Policy?-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Baker Spring-On April 29, 2011:

IX. How Should Americans Think About Human Rights?-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D.-On June 13, 2011:

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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To Thomas Nufer

You bet you bro, any old time. I am a Watchman for the Cross of Christ. God gave me that title and office back in 2003 as a focal point of how He was turning me into what He needed to see in and through me of Him.

8 years of homelessness brought me to my knees unto learning solely of Him. The particulars of how I got there are of no importance really. The real deal about that spance of time was studying my own Obedience level unto Him in my learning of who He really is, His Son and the importance of His duty and call in His Life before, during, and after His death, burial, and resurrection. But, most importantly of all was knowing who and where His Holy Spirit is.

I'd asked Him 5 times over the course of 1 of those years to show me His Holy Spirit. I said, Father, Show me Your Holy Spirit. I need to know who He is. For You had our Patriarchs mention and write about Him. He must be important to You and knowledge of Your Wisdom and Grace. Please show me Your Holy Spirit.

You know what He told me every time?

Shut up! And Keep Reading! All 5 times.

The 5th time though, I got it. What I had been doing, as He instructed of me to do, as a simple act of Faith and Obedience, was reading out loud His word unto Him. For Jesus said: "And Ye shall be Witnesses unto Me!" Sure, it goes on, but the BUZZ words in that abbreviated sentence struck home. He gave me a little prayer which goes: Father, may I minister unto You? From Your Word? From one You LOVE "In" Your Word; From one who loves You, Me!

Then I would read His Word aloud unto Him, ministering and praying fervently as it went.

When I got it (the Knowledge of His Holy Spirit), it was at that 5th time when the Father told me to "Shut Up! and Keep Reading!" It hit me like a ton of lead, lights, bells, whistles, I mean to tell you brother it was one great big WOW! all the way through me. Here I'd been so close to Him all that time, yet, because of the learned behaviors of the Traditions of Men, I was aloof of the real thing.

The Realization and Rationale of His Spoken Word "ALOUD" is the Holy Spirit come alive in the performance of Reading His Word unto Him.

Nothing magical or mystical. I just learned that I had become too intelligently smart for my own spiritual health and well being. I had to Dummie Down to get what I'd yearned to learn all of my life.

My soul Hungered and Thirsted for His Right Righteousness. I intuitively knew that there was more in His word than just the written word on those pages. I'd read my Bible 25 times in my life, but the last 5 times were the greatest thing and eventfull movement ever.

And, all the while I'd been taking notes, read - study, 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for 4 years of my 8 years of homeless.

In 2005, October I believe, I'd gathered so much information through His tutilage through His blessing me with the spirit of Discernment, and the Revealings He'd given me, I once thought about putting them together in a book form, quite possibly for myself to read again and again to keep these things fresh, alive, and new throughout the rest of my life. And the Holy Spirit tagged me on it and said, Write it! Whoa! Dude! Chills of WOW! filled every crevass of my being. I'd never written a book before, I'm a musician, I write songs to go along with my guitar playing.

But, I put that baby to task, actually He did, within me, just for this point! Once completed, it wasn't all cut and dried! Nope! I had to live it out in my own life to somewhat test the waters as it were, as to verify what He'd given me was of a truth, or if it had all been a driving force of the anti-christ, or Satan himself.

Another 4 years of homeless, but now ministering to others as homeless as myself or worse, to Proof Him Faithful and True, that all He'd given me had come to fruition and exactness of life eternal with these proofs.

Looking back now, I wouldn't have changed a thing. Tough going most times, usually on a moment by moment basis every day. If it had been any at all different, I may have continued missing the mark and never reached any goal in Him at all, and remained the self-righteous pig I'd always been to that point.

He is an Awesome God we serve in and on this earth my friend.

Just a snippet of the things I'll share with you. The COMMUNION!

Jesus said: Every time you eat and drink! (there too it goes on) Yet, every time, "This Due! That's right, this due ( as in paying our dues, OK?) in Remembrance of ME! Well, I'll tell you brother, that settles a lot in my heart, mind, and life, knowing that if that's all it takes,(not titheing, being put to the axes to grind type of stereotypical worldly chris T Nanny, nanny, boo, boo, Hannity and Holmes, anity) to know Jesus as Lord, and to Please Him, to know Him and forthrightly know for a certainty that He knows me, is just so simple as to welcome Him to my table every time I eat and/or drink, well so be it done, amen! And to Remember Him until He comes, simple acts of Obedience go a long way my friend.

The title of the book He gave me is called:

Keeper of The Knew, The Fullness of The Gentiles, copyright 2006. If you would like to have a complimentary copy (FREE) please send me your email address to: or and I'll zip it out to you asap.

The Real Zeal of the Living God is jam packed inside each and every page of the book. Yet, I enforce it by appealing to each ones soul to fervently open and study avidly with your own King James Bible to partner with your souls learning capacity. For, the soul is what needs to grow in leaps and bounds, so the Personality leaves its denial, manipulations, and distractions out of the equation of hearing the Voice of God, as you seek His Face, to know His Thoughts of and about you, in every moment, of every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day. For all we really have is Right NOW!

Bless you my brother, Keep the Faith of Christ alive within you, always, and in all ways, in Jesus' name, amen.

See you soon. Keep in touch. Smile Big for Jesus!

Always in Christ,

Max Simon Uhrig

San Tan Valley, AZ

Like Jesus said: Do Not let your Left hand (the hand which holds the leftovers)

know what your Right hand (the hand that is always doing, believing, and acting upon the Word of God and the Compassionate Heart of Jesus, Gods RIGHT Righteousness, not selfrighteousness of man)

IS (it exists and is profoundly straight up on this issue)

Doing! (active, pro active, alive and well meaning always.)

Pretty simple huh?

Always in Christ, Always American

Max Simon Uhrig

San Tan Valley, AZ

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In God We Trust

Yea, here we go again with usual pack of lies. What do you expect from those egomaniacs?  It was good of our makers and keepers of the law, and our bankers, the Fed, to leave “In God We Trust” on our medium of exchange, Federal Reserve Notes. By watering our money down with trillions of dollars in printing press currency, said authorities will soon enough leave our money “not worth a continental damn.”  Can we even trust God? Islam’s god wants to control the world. If we are to survive, trust in God isn’t enough.  It we are to survive as a free people, we must define God.


I’m 36 years ahead of the time. In early 1975, I came to that proverbial fork in the road and took the road less traveled. All of my dreams came true.  Naturally, at this crucial time, I’d like to share what I’ve learned. At Tea Party’s blog, I’m but one voice in the wilderness, with a message far removed from mainstream thinking. Last February, I decided to purchase my own domain on the Internet, not for the usual purpose—to sell something tangible—but something intangible that was free. Bluehost is my Internet host. WordPress provides my foremat.  This setup happens to be a favorite for entrepreneurs with something tangible to sell.  They have wondered why I’m going to the trouble and expense. Some write that if I’d ask they would be happy to pay for my advice. Jesus said “lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and rust doth corrupt” (Mt.6:18).  The fact that my site is something special has attracted these entrepreneurs’ attention. The attention is growing like Jack’s beanstalk. It is a sign of the future—innovators setting the pace.  The powers that be are in a race for their lives.  They are not keeping up. The world’s religions are also in the race, and lagging far behind. Innovators do not look to the establishment for their answers. 


This comment today on


I needed to send you this bit of observation to finally thank you very much over again about the beautiful views you have discussed on this site. This is simply extremely open-handed with people like you giving without restraint what exactly a number of us could have sold for an electronic book to end up making some dough on their own, certainly considering that you could possibly have tried it if you ever desired. These advice likewise worked to become good way to fully grasp that some people have similar keenness much like my personal own to know good deal more regarding this issue. Certainly there are several more pleasurable occasions ahead for people who start reading your blog post.     Investir Bretagne


Fortunately, when I came to that proverbial fork in the road, I discovered Edward S. Corwin’s The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law. Corwin’s essay gave me the answers I needed.  This little book by constitutional historian Corwin will absolutely put you on the course of destiny.  It can be purchased at Amazon. By the way, Amazon is an example of innovators using the Internet to sell their wares.  General Motors went bankrupt, became Government Motors. Need I say more?


Be one in the movement toward the “Higher Law.” The Constitution was written for you and your God-given rights. Quit complaining to the authorities. In so doing, you build their misbegotten and corrupt egos. Let them know that you know your rights. I wrote the Attorney General of the United States that I’d see him in court over his interpretation of federal income tax.  I took the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to the U. S. Supreme Court, the Attorney General appearing against me. I was not heard. So what else is new? I took the court record to the press and got a front page story. The IRS ate crow. I gave the Attorney General my middle finger. He’s not enforcing the law. The U.S. Attorney General, as a matter of legal precedence, is a proven liar in every way possible. That’s what is new. So, I did not help you. It helped me. How many of you can say all of your dreams have come true? God works in mysterious ways. Live and learn.


Ask Glenn Beck why Christians claim Jesus to be exclusively their savior? Ask Glenn why Jews think God gave them their Promised Land?  For that matter, why do Muslims think God wants them to control the world? Why do we have faith in the past?  Hey Glenn, it makes absolutely no sense.


My friends, you did not come to this life to sit in your comfort zone and listen to Glenn Beck’s tales of woe. I’m not saying that Glenn is not telling the truth. I question that he is not telling the whole truth.  You did not come to sit in the bleachers, to piss and moan over what Glenn tells you. Innovators do not look to authorities for their answers. They look within. The Tea Party may not think much of it, but it is most gratifying to read what entrepreneurs think of my far-out philosophy. My friends, don’t get left at the switch.  Get on the express train to your future.


Hey Glenn, Jesus taught that we should treat others the way we would like to be treated. Jesus preached that we are our brother’s keeper. I dare say we are not following Jesus’ teaching when we exclude anyone.  I’d like for you, Glenn, and your Christian brothers to quit taking the Lord’s Prayer as simply part of Christian ritual. Think about what you are saying.  Jesus said, “In earth as it is in heaven. But seek ye the kingdom of God.”  God is in all of us.  Religions replace the true God with man’s idea of God. Glenn, you are showing religious prejudice.  Why do Christians claim Jesus to be exclusively their savior?  Jesus was not a Christian. Why do Jews think God gave them their Promised Land? Jesus was not even a good Jew. Why do Muslims think God wants them to control the world?  Faith in the past?  Give me a break!  None of it makes sense.


Glenn, you are of the old school—our minds inside our skulls. Hey Glenn, there is no difference in our minds and our souls.  Quit excluding the mind.  This is the approach that we are all meat, a categorization; the spiritual supernatural.  Glenn, you cannot expediently categorize us.

Because the past is gone and of no concern to clear thinking people, a new age God is presently being created, a God that is scientifically proven, in fact a God that can be observed in the physics lab. Science has finally observed in lab experiments that before anything can exist, first comes consciousness.  Our minds interact with a world of infinite possibility. Glenn, I have not heard you mention this.  


“And God said, Let us make man in our image (Gen.1:26).” Hey Glenn, there would not be atheists were it not for the religious.  If we forget religion and understand that God does not pick any man to control our lives, we would understand the power that lies within us and act.  Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

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I am a Watchman for the Cross of Christ. God gave me that title and office back in 2003 as a focal point of how He was turning me into what He needed to see in and through me of Him.
8 years of homelessness brought me to my knees unto learning solely of Him. The particulars of how I got there are of no importance really. The real deal about that spance of time was studying my own Obedience level unto Him in my learning of who He really is, His Son and the importance of His duty and call in His Life before, during, and after His death, burial, and resurrection. But, most importantly of all was knowing who and where His Holy Spirit is.
I'd asked Him 5 times over the course of 1 of those years to show me His Holy Spirit. I said, Father, Show me Your Holy Spirit. I need to know who He is. For You had our Patriarchs mention and write about Him. He must be important to You and knowledge of Your Wisdom and Grace. Please show me Your Holy Spirit.
You know what He told me every time?
Shut up! And Keep Reading! All 5 times.
The 5th time though, I got it. What I had been doing, as He instructed of me to do, as a simple act of Faith and Obedience, was reading out loud His word unto Him. For Jesus said: "And Ye shall be Witnesses unto Me!" Sure, it goes on, but the BUZZ words in that abbreviated sentence struck home. He gave me a little prayer which goes: Father, may I minister unto You? From Your Word? From one You LOVE "In" Your Word; From one who loves You, Me!
Then I would read His Word aloud unto Him, ministering and praying fervently as it went.
When I got it (the Knowledge of His Holy Spirit), it was at that 5th time when the Father told me to "Shut Up! and Keep Reading!" It hit me like a ton of lead, lights, bells, whistles, I mean to tell you brother it was one great big WOW! all the way through me. Here I'd been so close to Him all that time, yet, because of the learned behaviors of the Traditions of Men, I was aloof of the real thing.
The Realization and Rationale of His Spoken Word "ALOUD" is the Holy Spirit come alive in the performance of Reading His Word unto Him.
Nothing magical or mystical. I just learned that I had become too intelligently smart for my own spiritual health and well being. I had to Dummie Down to get what I'd yearned to learn all of my life.
My soul Hungered and Thirsted for His Right Righteousness. I intuitively knew that there was more in His word than just the written word on those pages. I'd read my Bible 25 times in my life, but the last 5 times were the greatest thing and eventfull movement ever.
And, all the while I'd been taking notes, read - study, 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for 4 years of my 8 years of homeless.
In 2005, October I believe, I'd gathered so much information through His tutilage through His blessing me with the spirit of Discernment, and the Revealings He'd given me, I once thought about putting them together in a book form, quite possibly for myself to read again and again to keep these things fresh, alive, and new throughout the rest of my life. And the Holy Spirit tagged me on it and said, Write it! Whoa! Dude! Chills of WOW! filled every crevass of my being. I'd never written a book before, I'm a musician, I write songs to go along with my guitar playing.
But, I put that baby to task, actually He did, within me, just for this point! Once completed, it wasn't all cut and dried! Nope! I had to live it out in my own life to somewhat test the waters as it were, as to verify what He'd given me was of a truth, or if it had all been a driving force of the anti-christ, or Satan himself.
Another 4 years of homeless, but now ministering to others as homeless as myself or worse, to Proof Him Faithful and True, that all He'd given me had come to fruition and exactness of life eternal with these proofs.
Looking back now, I wouldn't have changed a thing. Tough going most times, usually on a moment by moment basis every day. If it had been any at all different, I may have continued missing the mark and never reached any goal in Him at all, and remained the self-righteous pig I'd always been to that point.
He is an Awesome God we serve in and on this earth my friend.
Just a snippet of the things I'll share with you. The COMMUNION!
Jesus said: Every time you eat and drink! (there too it goes on) Yet, every time, "This Due! That's right, this due ( as in paying our dues, OK?) in Remembrance of ME! Well, I'll tell you brother, that settles a lot in my heart, mind, and life, knowing that if that's all it takes,(not titheing, being put to the axes to grind type of stereotypical worldly chris T Nanny, nanny, boo, boo, Hannity and Holmes, anity) to know Jesus as Lord, and to Please Him, to know Him and forthrightly know for a certainty that He knows me, is just so simple as to welcome Him to my table every time I eat and/or drink, well so be it done, amen! And to Remember Him until He comes, simple acts of Obedience go a long way my friend.
The title of the book He gave me is called:
Keeper of The Knew, The Fullness of The Gentiles, copyright 2006. If you would like to have a complimentary copy (FREE) please send me your email address to: or and I'll zip it out to you asap.
The Real Zeal of the Living God is jam packed inside each and every page of the book. Yet, I enforce it by appealing to each ones soul to fervently open and study avidly with your own King James Bible to partner with your souls learning capacity. For, the soul is what needs to grow in leaps and bounds, so the Personality leaves its denial, manipulations, and distractions out of the equation of hearing the Voice of God, as you seek His Face, to know His Thoughts of and about you, in every moment, of every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day. For all we really have is Right NOW!
Bless you my brother, Keep the Faith of Christ alive within you, always, and in all ways, in Jesus' name, amen.
See you soon. Keep in touch. Smile Big for Jesus!
Always in Christ,
Max Simon Uhrig
San Tan Valley, AZ
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This is the New Millenium. 2011  Star date,     shut up!

The EU wishes to implement the New World Order and usurp American Sovereignty at all costs.

While all this time we have had at our disposal the Western Hemisphere's Act of 2000.


From Alaska to Gallapogos Island we are the Western Hemisphere.

Turn Northern Mexico into the Drug Mecca of this Hemisphere between the central Mountain Ranges and the Baja Peninsula.

Everywhere else is Fair Game for New Business, Factories, Jobs, housing, even Corporate Sponsorship and NASCAR would love it.

Stop outsourcing our goods, natural resources, etc elsewhere, when the entire shootin' match can be done right here on our property and make this Hemisphere a Land of Opportunity and Peace with and to our International Neighbors of Canada and Mexico, South American Countries and all of our resources, including the bolstering of our peoples.

Sounds good, feels right, lets get on it and ride baby!


Always in Christ, Always American

Max Simon Uhrig 3

San Tan Valley,  AZ

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A PASS from FT

IT's Wednesday, which means it's time to mock the First Ego.


Wright was arrested for murder, and convicted. Sentenced to death,
President Obama spends all day on the telephone trying to convince the
Governor to give a stay of execution.

His last minute plea for clemency had failed and he was feeling worn out and depressed.

soon as he walked through the door into the private wing of the White
House, Michelle started on him about, 'So that's all you can do? I
thought you had some stroke? What, the old fist-bump lost its touch?'.
And on and on and on.......

Too shattered to play his
usual role in this familiar ritual, he poured himself a shot of whiskey
and headed off for a long hot soak in the bathtub, pursued by the
predictable sarcastic remarks as he dragged himself up the stairs.

While he was in the bath, the phone rang.

answered and was told that Rev. Wright had been granted a stay of
execution after all, and would not be hanged that night.

Finally realizing what a terrible day he must have had, she decided to go up stairs and give him the good news.

As she opened the bathroom door, she was greeted by the sight of her husband, bent over naked, drying his legs and feet.

'They're not hanging Wright tonight,' she said.


Max Simon Uhrig 3t'
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What follows is my correspondence with our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall, listed in chronological order, regarding “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!” 

For your information, my initial letter/email to Senator Udall, of June 12, 2011, was also sent to the President and all other NM State Officials, to include Governor Susana Martinez. The only other response that I have received to-date is from our NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich, which I previously shared with you.

I. Email forwarded to Senator Tom Udall on June 12, 2011. (Ref: “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!”):

June 12, 2011

The Honorable Tom Udall

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Udall:

The story of whom and what Barack Hussein Obama II really is - is a forty-year story that requires a book, not a column, to tell. Strong evidence suggests that he was being groomed from a very young age for the moment in history that would end American supremacy in the world, and usher in a new era of Global Marxist Governance.

But there was a major hurdle that had to be overcome - the U.S. Constitution, in this case, Article II - Section I - Clause V specifically, which requires that "no person except a natural-born citizen of the United States" can hold the office of President. - Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States...and may not even be a legal citizen of the United States. So, how can he be President?

This column focuses upon the period 2003-2008 and the political maneuvers that took place in order to make way for America's first unconstitutional resident of the White House.


Jake L. Martinez”

II. Email received from Senator Tom Udall on June 23, 2011, in response to my letter above of June 12, 2011. (Ref: “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!”):

“June 23, 2011

Dear Mr. Martinez,

Thank you for contacting me regarding President Barack Obama's eligibility for the Office of President of the United States.  I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

As I am sure you are well aware, there have been allegations surrounding the legitimacy of Barack Obama's birth certificate, and an ongoing question by some as to whether or not he is eligible for the presidency.  Under Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, any candidate for President of the United States must be 35 years of age, a resident of the United States for 14 years, and must be a natural-born citizen of the country.

Proponents of the theory that President Obama is not eligible for the Nation's highest office argue that the he has been involved in one of the most in-depth conspiracies in the history of America by forging several important documents required in proving citizenship.  Others believe that President Obama has provided sufficient evidence in supporting the fact that he is a natural-born citizen of the United States, and that he would not be president if there truly was a discrepancy regarding his birth. 

Recently, the controversy surrounding the authenticity of President Obama's birth certificate has been widely covered by media outlets, causing an unnecessary distraction from the important issues of governance that face this nation. In an effort to refocus attention to these critical issues, on April 27, 2011, President Obama released the long-form version of his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. As the President declared in his statement to the press upon the release of his birth certificate, "We live in a serious time right now and we have the potential to deal with the issues that we confront in a way that will make our kids and our grandkids and our great grandkids proud."

I too, hope that this unnecessary distraction will finally be put to rest, and look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate on the important issues that face our country.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me.  Please feel free to contact me with your concerns regarding any federal issue by visiting my website at  For more information, you may also visit my Facebook page at and receive up to the minute updates through my Twitter page at

Very truly yours,


Tom Udall

United States Senator”

III. Email forwarded to Senator Tom Udall on June 23, 2011, in response to his letter above of June 23, 2011.  (Ref: “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!”):

“June 23, 2011

Senator Tom Udall

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: (202) 224-6621

Fax: (202) 228-3251

Dear Senator Udall:

Thank you for your speedy response to my recent correspondence regarding the “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!” of June 12, 2011.

By now you are probably aware that President Obama’s recently released “Certificate of Live Birth” has been found to be fraudulent by an international expert on scanners and document-imaging software and he has recently filed a 22-page criminal complaint with the FBI to that effect.

For your information, I have included some information regarding subject criminal complaint below:

On or about May 31, 2011, Mr. Doug Vogt, an international expert on scanners and document-imaging software filed a 22-page criminal complaint with the FBI charging that the long-form birth certificate released by the White House, on or about April 27, 2011, is criminally fraudulent.

Background on Mr. Doug Vogt:

Since 1993, Vogt has owned Archive Index Systems Inc., in Bellevue, Wash., a company that sells a wide variety of document scanners worldwide and develops document-imaging software.

Before that, Vogt owned Nova Typesetting for 11 years.

Mr. Vogt stated the following in the Criminal Complaint:

“What the Obama administration released is a PDF image that they are trying to pass off as a Certificate of Live Birth Long Form printed on green security paper by the Hawaiian Health Department,” Doug Vogt writes, “but this form is a created forgery.”

Mr. Vogt’s criminal complaint asserted: 

“I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 27, 2011, is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs, and the creation of this forgery of a public document constitutes a class B felony in Hawaii and multiple violations under U.S. Code section Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, Sec.1028, and therefore an impeachable offense.”

“It is a logical conclusion,” he says, “that since President Barack Obama felt it necessary to have a Certificate of Live Birth forged for himself then we must conclude that there is in fact no birth certificate in Hawaii and therefore he was not born inside the United States, as the Constitution requires, and he knew it and others also knew it but wanted him in office for whatever reason.”

When the Obama birth certificate “forgery” comes to the public’s attention, Vogt continues, “It will surpass all previous scandals including the Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration.”


Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record ‘forged’! (Part 1)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 31, 2011:

Criminal complaint details birth-certificate ‘forgery’! (Part 2)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 5, 2011:

Why did Obama release electronic birth certificate? (Part 3)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 7, 2011:

On or about June 2010, Mr. Tim Adams, A college instructor, who worked as a senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu from May 2008 through September 2008, made a stunning claim that President Obama was definitely not born in Hawaii as the White House maintains, and that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for him did not even exist in the Aloha State.


Hawaii Elections Clerk: Obama birth not here – Official who oversaw ballots in 2008 race says long-form birth certificate non-existent!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On June 10, 2010:

On or about January 20, 2011, Mr. Adams, a former Hawaii elections clerk signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.


Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On January 24, 2011:

On or about June 13, 2011, Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, stated that the “Certificate of Live Birth” released, on or about April 27, 2011, by the White House as “proof positive” of President Obama’s Hawaiian birth is a forgery, but the FBI is covering the fraud and no one in Congress is willing to tackle the situation because of fears of a “black backlash” if the failings of the nation’s first black president are revealed. He revealed this during an interview that was aired on the Terry Lakin Action Fund Radio Show on June 13, 2011.


Ex-CIA: ‘Forged document’ released as birth certificate!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 15, 2011:

On June 12, 2011:  The following eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed overwhelming evidence that we in fact have a fraud and a usurper that resides in the people’s White House, despite the overt lack of journalistic investigating on the part of the American press. The new evidence indicates that the conspiracy to carry out that fraud was much broader than originally thought, which includes a forty-year story that requires a book, not a column, to tell because the evidence suggests that our President was being groomed from a very young age for the moment in history that would end American supremacy in the world, and usher in a new era of Global Marxist Governance.

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!-Posted on The Post & Email-By JB Williams-On June 12, 2011:

I will be looking forward to hearing from you on this disturbing and time sensitive issue.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

God Bless You and God Bless America.



Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for your message!

I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.

Before you leave, I hope you'll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I've been doing on important issues and legislation as your U.S. Senator.”

P.S.:  Upon receiving a response from Senator Udall I will provide you with a copy. Please be aware that I am not providing you updates on this issue in attempts of impressing you, but simply as a means of providing you with an example of what peaceful and legal action you could take too regarding this disturbing and time sensitive issue-You Decide. 

Have A Great Day-Keep The Faith.

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Republicats have no chance in 2012

As the republican clown car tours the USA with a group of candidates that cannot win you begin to wonder.  As Michael Savage stated the republicats have thrown in the towel with this batch of candidates...

You begin to wonder why Fox news is pushing for no chance,no way, waste of vote Bachman.  Everyone raved about her during the debate, She was unforceful appeared like all the other candidates canned answers. Even though he is disliked Newt G apeared to have a brain.

With a depression that is called a recession if The Repubicats can  do no better than a Bachman ( retired viking cheer leader) or Romney ( brainless), this country will die with Oblahblah in charge until 2016.


As many conservative political analyst state the 2012 election is the most important election since 1860..  Tea Party needs to pressure the Republicats to get a person who can articulate policies, debate forcefully and of course has a brain.



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Posted on Susan Jones-On June 18, 2011:

“( - An effort to stop more than a billion dollars of taxpayer money from being redistributed to “anonymous claimants” failed in the House this week, but it may have set the stage for a congressional investigation.

Rep. Steve King’s amendment to block $1.15 billion allocated for the “fraud-plagued” Pigford II discrimination settlement with black farmers failed on a vote of 155-262 on Friday.

All 155 votes in favor of blocking the money came from Republicans. And 78 Republicans – including Reps. Darrell Issa (Calif.) and Alan West (Fla.) -- joined Democrats in killing the amendment. (See roll call)

Rep. King (R-Iowa) offered the amendment to an Agriculture Appropriations bill because of concerns about widespread fraud in the Agriculture Department’s second settlement with black farmers who claim they were discriminated against in getting USDA farm loans and benefits in the 16-year period from Jan. 1, 1981 to Dec. 31, 1996.

Although his amendment failed, King noted that 155 Members of Congress “are prepared to join me in pulling the plug on funding” for the settlement, dubbed “Pigford II” after the name of the lead plaintiff.

“In light of the strong showing of support for my effort to block funding for Pigford II, the House should now be prepared to initiate a Congressional investigation. The 155 votes my amendment received indicate that the stage has been set for this Congress to investigate Pigford II fraud fully,” King said.

As previously reported, the federal government in 1999 paid out about $1 billion to 15,640 black farmers who claimed the USDA had discriminated against them by refusing to provide them with federally subsidized farm loans and benefits in the years 1981-1996.

In 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama got another $100 million appropriated through that year’s farm bill to compensate African American farmers who alleged discrimination by USDA during the 1981-1996 period but had missed the 1999 filing deadline under the original Pigford case.

Then in 2010, President Barack Obama signed a bill awarding another $1.15 billion to African American farmers who supposedly missed the Pigford I deadline—and on top of the earlier $100 million. It is this $1.15 billion that Rep. King is seeking to block.

King has said the settlement with black farmers has morphed into a “modern-day slavery reparations programs.”

Critics also say the numbers don’t add up. Members of Congress and attorneys for the plaintiffs said there could be as many as 94,000 potential claimants for the $1.25 billion Pigford II settlement, but the U.S. Census Bureau reports that from 1981 to 1996, the number of African American farmers peaked at 33,000. As noted, more than 15,000 of them already have received settlements under Pigford I.

“How is it possible that (Agriculture) Secretary (Tom) Vilsack can identify 94,000 ‘victims’ of USDA discrimination against black farmers from a total universe of only 18,000 black farmers?” King asked on Friday.

“The original USDA estimate predicted that 3,000 of 18,000 black farmers would file a discrimination claim (under Pigford II). Now, Tom Vilsack and (Attorney General) Eric Holder have taken it upon themselves to negotiate a $1.15 billion agreement in Pigford II with the anonymous representatives of a universe of anonymous claimants that has swelled to 94,000. When added to the tab of the Pigford I settlement, this new $1.15 billion agreement brings the total taxpayer funded Pigford payout to $2.3 billion.”

King also sees Pigford II as a boon to lawyers:

“We do not have the list of all the attorneys who are collecting commissions as part of these settlements, but we do have video footage of one of them admitting that 10% of his clients are frauds. Despite this, Secretary Vilsack asserts there are only three cases of fraud in the 94,000 -- yet the USDA has not identified, let alone disciplined, a single employee who discriminated against even one of these 94,000.

“We’ve all heard the expression ‘victimless crime’, but now we have ‘crimeless victims’—individuals who, without basis for a grievance, claim to be victims even though no one can be identified as having discriminated against them.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I.  No More Taxpayer Money to Settle ‘Fraudulent’ Pigford II Claims!

Posted on Susan Jones-On June 16, 2011:

“( - A Republican lawmaker is trying to protect taxpayers from what he calls fraudulent racial discrimination claims filed against the government by black farmers.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) on Wednesday filed an amendment to an Agriculture appropriations bill that would prevent any additional taxpayer money from being used to settle claims associated with the government’s “fraud-plagued Pigford II program.”

The money, King said, “is being used primarily to build political goodwill for the President.”

As previously reported, the USDA allegedly discriminated against black farmers in dispensing federally funded farm loans between 1981 and 1996. In 1999, the federal government settled a class action suit brought against the government by black farmers. The case was dubbed “Pigford,” after the name of the lead plaintiff.

As a result of that Pigford settlement, the government eventually paid $1 billion in compensation to 15,640 claimants.

However, 73,800 additional people applied for compensation after the September 2000 filing deadline.

In 2008, then-Sen. Barack Obama managed to get $100 million included in the annual farm bill to pay compensation to black claimants who missed the September 2000 deadline in the original Pigford settlement.

But in February 2010, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Attorney General Eric Holder reached a new settlement with the black farmers — called “Pigford II”—to provide an additional $1.15 billion to black farmers, on top of Obama’s $100 million earmark.

In November 2010, the lame-duck Congress approved the $1.15 billion (to add to the $100 million Obama had inserted into the 2008 farm bill), making a total of $1.25 billion available to black farmers. Obama signed that funding bill into law late last year.

It is the $1.15 billion figure that concerns Rep. King:

“In the 2008 Farm Bill, Congress limited taxpayers’ exposure to the Pigford II settlement program at $100 million, a figure that was deemed sufficient to resolve the racial discrimination claims leveled against the United States Department of Agriculture by black farmers,” King said on Wednesday.

“Since that time, a lame-duck Democratic Congress agreed to President Obama’s request to pump an additional $1.15 billion into the Pigford II settlement program, doing so even though the program is rife with credible allegations of massive fraud that have not been fully investigated. This was an irresponsible act, and it violated Congress’s responsibility to be good stewards of taxpayers’ money.”

King said the House of Representatives, now led by Republicans, should not ratify the lame-duck Congress’s decision to increase American taxpayers’ exposure to the Pigford II “fraud.”

“I believe that an investigation into the program will reveal that the majority of the claims that have been filed are fraudulent, and Congress should not turn a blind eye to the real possibility that the money is being used primarily to build political goodwill for the President instead of being used to properly redress the much smaller universe of people who have actually suffered harm.

“If passed, my amendment would put the brakes on Pigford II funding, and it would prevent the Secretary of Agriculture from paying fraudulent claims one $50,000 check at a time.”

As has reported, King and some other members of Congress believe that the USDA did in fact discriminate against black farmers in the period from 1981 through 1996. However, they are concerned that the number of people who have received compensation payments from the government, and who are anticipated to receive compensation under the new settlement, may significantly exceed the number of people who were actual victims of discrimination.”


II. Pigford Blues: The Curious Case of Dr. John Boyd!-Posted on Big Government-By Lee Stranahan-On April 12, 2011:

III. Pigford Files: What Is the John Boyd Institute?-Posted on Big Government-By Lee Stranahan-On February 25, 2011:

IV. Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley Supports ‘Dr.’ John Boyd!-Posted on Big Government-By Lee Stranahan-On April 13, 2011:

V.  Pigford’s Harvest: ‘From the Feb. 21, 2010, issue of NR.’-Posted on National Review Online-By Daniel Foster-On February 17, 2011:

VI. Black Farmers Betrayed by Congressional Black Caucus!-Posted on Big Government-By Lee Stranahan-On January 18, 2011:

VII. Lawyer Admits Hundreds of Black Farmers Conned Govt-Posted on Big Government-By Lee Stranahan-On December 19, 2010:

VIII. A Black Farmer Blows the Whistle on the Black Farmer Settlement-Posted on Big Government-By Jimmy Dismuke-On December 6, 2010:

IX. Pigford and New Black Panthers: Friends at DOJ-Posted on Big Government-By J. Christian Adams-On December 2, 2010:

X. “Give Them the Wealth”: Obama’s Stealth Reparations!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On October 20, 2011:

XI. Video: "500%" of Black US Farmers Sign Up for Reparations From Obama Administration Program!

XII. Obama Wants $1.25 B to Compensate up to 66,000 African American Farmers for USDA Discrimination in 1981-96; Census Says African American Farmers Peaked at 33,000 in Those Years!-Posted on Nicholas Ballasy-On October 14, 2010:

XIII. Obama is sneaking “Reparations” by us to buy Black votes with our money-Posted on The Coach is Right-By Kevin “Coach” Collins-On September 2, 2010:“reparations”-by-us-to-buy-black-votes-with-our-money/#

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Should Shirley Sherrod's hiring by USDA be investigated?

President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Is responsibility dead?

Something to be noted of all the "events" occurring in America.  The underlying position, below all the bluster from both sides, seems to me to be the idea of responsibility.  The primary dividing line among Americans comes down to this;  Do I embrace the idea of personal responsibility or do I give up on personal responsibility and let the government do it for me.


When an educator of our nations children, an educator in a public school, paid for by taxpayers, uses the email address given her for performance of her position, disregards those constraints for this;   Shelly Moore was well aware that she was not supposed to be using her school account to coordinate and encourage both the Big Labor protests earlier in the year and recall efforts against Wisconsin Senators, particularly since she ended up being the Democratic candidate opposing State Senator Sheila Harsdorf.


What she stated about this is scarily prominent.  "We are not supposed to use school email, but since all of our rights are being taken away, I frankly dont care."


All of their rights?  What rights?  Oh, I know what rights she is referring to.....those rights granted to her by man, not the rights that are all encompassing, given to all mankind by God.


Dont care.....pretty pervasive attitude of the left.  Regardless, they are gonna do and say whatever they want to do, because they dont care.  I cant help but reflect on the words uttered by Janis Joplin, Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.


The differences between the left and the right are HUGE.  One should be able to see that the increase in this division has the potential to lead to an escalation of the hostilities between the two side.  This would leave a massive group in the middle, unfortunately, this group could really care less which way things go, as long as they are okay and dont have to really make a stand for anything.

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By John W. Lillpop

In February 2010, President Barack Obama advised people trying to save money not to “blow a bunch of cash in Vegas.”

That was the second time this anti-business President has seen fit to use his bully pulpit to wage war on the Las Vegas tourist industry, known affectionately all across America as Sin City.

Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, fuming with rage at Obama’s intemperate remarks, summed up the president’s second faux pas thusly, "This president is a real slow learner."

Current budget battles over taxes and spending, the War Powers Act, and a host of other crises, prove that Mayor Goodman was prophetic about Obama’s learning disability!

While Obama misuses his pulpit/teleprompter to destroy the economy and jobs, there is a major economic risk that Obama and Democrats are ignoring.

Namely, anyone under 55 who is paying into the liberal-created Ponzi schemes known as Social Security and Medicare is throwing money down the toilet.

Both of these progressive mistakes are destined for bankruptcy.

The only question, really, is WHEN?

That question seems unanswerable because liberals like Obama and Harry Reid refuse to fact the facts.

Truth, as it were, is just too painful, especially so close to an national election.

“Let’s wait 20 years and see what happens,” is the counsel answer from geezers like Harry Reid who will probably be dead and buried long before the Social Security administration starts issuing monthly bills rather than benefits checks.

Obama and Reid need to read and understand the report issued by the CBO, which paints a dreary picture, indeed.

That report is shown,in part, at the reference and summarized below:

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its Long-Term 2011 Budget Outlook Report, Wednesday, with dire projections for the nation’s fiscal future if the current path is not changed. The CBO called its budget outlook “daunting.”

Under current law, federal spending will continue to soar and an aging populations will increasingly draw funds from programs like Medicare and Social Security. According to the new report, in order to prevent the debt from becoming unsustainable, revenues need to increase and spending needs to be cut from projected levels.

One of the more dire figures in Wednesday’s report is the CBO’s projection that by the end of 2011, federal debt will reach approximately 70 percent of gross domestic product – the highest level it has been since the end of World War II.

The report also says that under current law, the aging population combined with rising health care costs will cause spending on health programs like Medicare, and Social Security, to rise to 15 percent of GDP in 25 years. Right now, that spending is 10 percent of GDP. To put that number in perspective, over the last 40 years, all government spending, except for interest payments on the debt, has averaged 18.5 percent of GDP.”

On the same day as the CBO report made the breaking news headlines, Harry Reid and other moon bats on the left demanded additional stimulus spending to create jobs!

Talk about “slow learners” !

Add the names of Dick Durbin, Nancy Pelosi, and all the rest on the far-left to the list of those who have learning disabilities brought on by a lifetime of deluded liberal thinking.

An urgent message to anyone under 55: Ignore the words coming from our President and Democrats. Do NOT count on living on Social Security and Medicare.

Playing the odds in Las Vegas may provide the only real hope for surviving the liberal destruction of the “America Dream.”
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‘Watermelon’ Opposition to CO2 Emission
Threatens World’s H2O, Food Supplies
With Fewer ‘Drops per Crop’
          Could global warming alarmists be deliberately or inadvertently about to unleash history’s greatest man-killing famine upon us? Could the resulting deaths of hundreds of millions, even billions outdo even the evil of Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Carson combined? Could limiting carbon-dioxide  emissions much beloved by plant-life create a worldwide scarcity of water harming not only plants, but domestic and wild animals and, of course man himself?   Are very real potential catastrophes being overlooked while the “cure” for a pseudo-scientific one (global warming) threatens our survival? Read on . . . and discover the world of “mean greenies,” “watermelons” and incidentally . . . the world of actual CO2 science and what it tells us . . . .
            Over 2,400 years ago, the most important advice ever aimed at doctors was spoken and recorded. It was, of course, the famous Hippocratic Oath. The most famous plea within that ancient call for ethical medical behavior, were these four simple words: “First Do NO Harm!” Your blogger, Rajjpuut, believes that it is now high time that politicians and purported do-gooders take that same oath as well. The harm done to human beings by these two groups of “well-meaning” idiots is uncanny and immeasurably monstrous.   The destruction of our present American economy is one cautionary tale; 97 million deaths created by the words of a pseudo-scientist is another. The proposed destructive practice of limiting carbon emissions in the name of preventing global warming is, however, potentially about to bring the world’s worst human disaster down upon us all in short order.
Those four simple words “First Do NO Harm!” are perhaps the single most intelligent sentence in human history. An awful lot of harm has been done by progressive** individuals, groups and political parties over the last forty-five years and the ill-effects are still doing huge damage to us today. Those of you who’ve read Rajjpuut’s blogs recently are familiar with:
wherein we discover not only why Texas is now the only American state significantly producing jobs which also significantly avoided the financial meltdown . . . but we find out that an orchestrated progressive** law and its five expansions (four by Bill Clinton) created the sub-prime lending crisis and ensuing financial meltdown by interfering with the free market in a shocking and debilitating manner with something called CRA ’77.
            Loyal readers are also aware how in the 60’s a pseudo-scientist named Rachel Carson wrote a best-seller (Silent Spring) claiming incredible ill-effects upon the environment from the insect-killer DDT used to fight mosquito-borne illnesses; how the United States and United Nations took her untested, unproven words to heart after 1972 (when malaria deaths worldwide were roughly 43,000) and banned the safest, most effective and tested insecticide in history. Since that time at least 76 million needless malaria deaths and 97 million overall deaths from mosquito-borne tropical diseases have marked Carson’s ignominious legacy.
            Hard to believe, but appears that another righteous progressive cause is today threatening us with even more mayhem than Ms. Carson and CRA ’77 combined. Since Carson is every year adding to her legacy as the world’s greatest mass murderer (20th Century Totalitarian Democides by Mao only killed 60-80 million; by Stalin only 54 million; and by Hitler a mere 25 million <including 13 million victims in concentration camps>) . . . . “What in hell?” you might well ask, “could be these idiots be bringing our way NOW?? In a phrase: worldwide famine.
            As you know, Rajjpuut, has debunked the pseudo-science behind “man-caused global warming” and recently astronomers are now pointing to the effects of sunspot activity . . . or more accurately severely decreased sunspot activity to suggest we may now be running into a period of global cooling (such as the 650 year Little Ice Age^^ which preceded our own times when sun spot activity was relatively subdued??; but NOT necessarily as long). The nature of the debunking of global warming is shocking:
When the ultra-liberal London Times spends eleven days researching the Climate-Gate Scandal story and then finally runs it without caveat or proviso; when Europeans have all but discarded all notions of ‘carbon-trading’ and the whole theory of global warming . . . . a hoax has been promulgated upon mankind. 
In Europe today’s climate (pun intended) has turned dramatically against environmentalists on all fronts. Some call them “mean greenies.” Some call them “watermelons” (“green on the outside, red or very pink in the middle) because once the Climate Gate Scandal broke in European newpapers everybody fled the bandwagon except communist- and socialist-sympathizers who apparently all shared a desire for creating totalitarian societies such as those necessary to implement all-pervasive carbon-trading schemes. This, of course backing up Rajjpuut’s long-time thesis that the real global warming agenda was all about power and control and making the rich (like George Soros and Barack Obama and Al Gore) richer and putting us all under their thumbs.
And it is these perennial malcontents, these nattering nabobs of nihilistic global warming alarm currently operating in virtually all the Third World Countries; still dominating the United Nations (remember, the U.N. and Al Gore got the Nobel Peace Prize for their global warming “studies”); and still dominating the entire progressive wing of the Democratic Party and still very popular among progressive Republicans like Susan Collins and Olympia Snow both of Maine, Massachusetts’ Scott Brown and most notably among powerful Republican presidential candidates John McCain and Mitt Romney . . . it is these folks, by design or by wilful ignorance who may be pushing us toward the brink.
If they have their way carbon dioxide -- a substance that plants adore and which they use to create the oxygen that animals, plants themselves and humans need – emissions would become very rare indeed. Already the Obama administration via the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is shutting down coal mines and coal powered electriciy plants here in the United States.  Now we all agree that dangerous emissions like the old sulphur dioxide from power plants which created the notorious acid rain in the 70’s need to be eliminated as far as possible. But right now it has definitely NOT been proved that CO2 is dangerous . . . quite the contrary.   
Not only is reasonably priced power at stake but WATER as well. You see the simple science is that CO2 in the air is good for plants and generates oxygen. And CO2 dissolved in the soil is a wonderful stimulant for plant growth including for tropical rain forests.   Most importantly from the oxygen production angle, CO2 is necessary for diatoms: river, lake and ocean algae to survive and produce the largest amounts of oxygen of all. And CO2 in the upper atmosphere is vital for producing rain . . . that’s right, and now ain’t that a shocker. The Watermelons could mess up the water-cycle; diminish worldwide rain; dramatically hurt plant life further limiting the water cycle and oxygen production as well . . . getting the picture here, are we? Ignorance is NOT$$ bliss. First Do NO Harm!
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** Progressivism is the doctrine that we must “progress” beyond the ‘ill-conceived and outdated U.S. Constitution’ if we are to ever make “progress” toward an earthly Utopia. You’ll recognize the direct influence of Communist theorist Karl Marx in those words, no doubt. American Progressivism is an offshoot of Britain’s Fabian Socialist movement. They named themselves after the Roman general Fabius who eventually defeated Hannibal of Carthage (remember him crossing the Alps with war elephants?) after a nearly twelve-year war of attrition. Here’s the Fabian Socialists’ infamous stained glass window from the London School of Economics: note the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing society emblem of the Fabians; and the stack of socialist reading material:
Rajjpuut thinks of progressive this way:  at least half an hour every week they make some public pronouncement that amounts to “praying for” their fellow man. The other 167 ½ hours of the week they’re busy “preying upon” their fellow man.
^^ The starting date and length of the Little Ice Age is much debated. Rajjpuut takes his figures from the excellent History Channel DVD Little Ice Age, Big Chill.
$$ Rajjpuut is being very kind and generous here by insinuating that the Watermelons and George Soroses of the world are NOT deliberately aiming to create chaos they can profit from. The history of the progressive movement and its incorporation of strategies like Cloward-Piven Overloading tells us that the opposite is true (see link below) . . . .
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Posted on American Thinker-By Jason Lee-On June 12, 2011:

Periodically, the professional left and their comrades in the traditional news media highlight religious leaders cheering for President Obama’s compassionate statism or denouncing  Republicans as sons of the devil.  I’m sure we can expect this pattern to become more frequent and more frantic as we approach the 2012 elections.

As Obama’s allies on the Religious Left step forward to promote Obama’s agenda and build momentum for his 2012 campaign, we should be prepared to expose them for who they really are.  In many cases we will discover that these religious leaders are well-compensated hyperpartisan mercenaries whose religious rhetoric is merely a threadbare cloak for their core values—values that have no basis in traditional religion or biblically-based teachings.

Over the weekend, Think Progress provided a megaphone for their brothers and sisters of the Church of George Soros

Four members affiliated with the religious group Faith In Public Life held a brief press conference during FFC’s afternoon intermission to denounce the GOP’s adherence to the philosophies of anti-government, anti-religion author Ayn Rand. The leaders—Rev. Jennifer Butler, Jim Wallis, Rev. Derrick Harkins, and Father Clete Kiley—asserted that the GOP efforts to cut funding from many anti-poverty programs while balancing the budget on the backs of the poorest Americans were not in line with Christian values...

So who are these “religious” leaders, and what is this organization, Faith in Public Life? 

Let’s break it down. First, we’ll look at the four leaders listed above, then we’ll look at the board members at Faith in Public Life (FPL)...

Jim Wallis, one of the aforementioned religious leaders denouncing the GOP’s modest efforts to save future generations from crushing debt, has deep roots in Marxism, Communism, and radical anti-Americanism:

Wallis founded an anti-capitalist magazine called the Post-American which identified wealth redistribution and government-managed economies as the keys to achieving “social justice.” He also railed against American foreign policy and joined the Students for a Democratic Society.

In 1971 Wallis and his Post-American colleagues changed the name of their publication to Sojourners, and in the mid-1970s they moved their base of operation from Chicago to Washington, D.C. Wallis has served as Sojourners’ editor ever since. 

In parallel with his magazine’s stridently antiwar position during the Seventies, Wallis championed the cause of communism. Forgiving its brutal standard-bearers in Vietnam and Cambodia the most abominable of atrocities, Wallis was unsparing in his execration of American military efforts. Demanding greater levels of “social justice” in the U.S., he was silent on the subject of the murderous rampages of Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge. Very much to the contrary, several Sojourners editorials attempted to exculpate the Khmer Rouge of the charges of genocide, instead shifting blame squarely onto the United States.

Giving voice to Sojourners’ intense anti-Americanism, Jim Wallis called the U.S. “... the great power, the great seducer, the great captor and destroyer of human life, the great master of humanity and history in its totalitarian claims and designs.”

More here.

As Barack Obama’s spiritual advisor, Jim Wallis has been a reliable enemy of the tea party

Jim Wallis reluctantly admits to accepting large donations from radical left-wing billionaire George Soros (transferred from Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) to Wallis’ organization, Sojourners). Wallis minimizes the importance of Soros’ donations, but the numbers speak for themselves:

Wallis said that Sojourners applied for and received three grants totaling $275,000 from OSI between 2004 and 2007. After consulting with a staff member on the specific dates, Wallis said Sojourners received $200,000 in 2004 that was spent on “broad civic engagement.” In 2006, OSI gave Sojourners a branding grant of $25,000 that Wallis said was used to merge the organization Call to Renewal with Sojourners. In 2007, Sojourners received a $100,000 grant for immigration reform, half of which went to another local organization in Los Angeles, he said.

“I have no apologies for taking a donation on immigration reform from Open Society. We’d do it again.”

Rev. Jennifer Butler, another member of FPL, sees clash a between Christianity and capitalism.   Executive director of the Washington-based group Faith in Public Life, Rev. Butler said the fact that religious values seem to trump political or class differences can help groups like hers advocate for the poor.

And in ongoing debates in Washington over the budget and cuts to domestic spending, that means “making the wealthiest Americans and corporations pay their fair share in taxes” she said.

“People of faith have a unique ability to show political leaders that the economy is a moral issue,” she said. “Even some members of Congress are beginning to echo our argument that protecting the most vulnerable as we get out of debt is a moral duty.”

Butler clearly echoes Jim Wallis in suggesting that statism is “God’s politics.”

Meet Faith in Public Life’s Father Clete Kiley. He’s the new labor priest,” the spiritual leader of the labor movement,” and one of the four prominent FPL members mentioned by Think Progress, whose hackneyed hard-left rants are often cloaked in Biblical rhetoric. 

If you’re looking for a left-wing pastor who is radical enough to fill a void left by Jeremiah Wright, Faith in Public Life’s Rev. Derrick Harkins is apparently the best man for the job. Flashback to the earliest days of the Obama era:

Barack Obama and his family attended services yesterday at one of the oldest historically black churches in Washington, thrilling a congregation that honored the president-elect...

The Rev. Derrick Harkins focused his sermon on how God prepares people to do incredible things in challenging times. “Mr. President-elect . . . perhaps, perhaps, just perhaps you are where you are for such a time as this,” he said.

Rev. Derrick Harkins is a tireless proponent of amnesty for illegal aliens

Having taken a look at four of the most prominent members of FPL, let’s look at some of its board members:

The FPL board:

                  Dr. Nicole Baker Fulgham

                  Rev. Meg Riley

                  Rev. Tim Ahrens

                  Rev. Timothy Boggs

                  Rabbi Steve Gutow

                  Rev. Dr. Derrick Harkins

                  Dr. Nazir Khaja

                  Tom Chabolla

                  Fred Rotondaro

                  Rev. Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite

As noted above, Fred Rotondaro is among Faith in Public Life’s board members.

Fred Rotondaro is also a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress (CAP). CAP has received millions of dollars in contributions from radical left-wing billionaire, George Soros.

Tom Chabolla is another board member at Faith in Public Life who has a complicated web of connections to George Soros’ radical leftist groups

The SEIU representative on the CACG [Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good] board is Tom Chabolla, who serves as assistant to SEIU President Andy Stern. Before joining SEIU, he was associate director of programs for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), the agency of the Bishops that funded ACORN to the tune of $7.3 million over the last decade. Funding of ACORN-but not of groups like Gamaliel-has been suspended by the Bishops.

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good has been criticized for taking money from George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

Rabbi Steve Gutow, yet another board member at Faith in Public Life, frequently brushes shoulders with Jim Wallis, and other CAP cronies. He has ties [more herehere, and here] with the radical Islamic Society of North America [background information]. 

Board member Rev. Timothy C. Ahrens also has a cozy relationship with Soros’ friends at the Center for American Progress.

FPL board member Rev. Meg Riley provides some history

Following the 2004 elections, I gathered with other people of faith at the invitation of John Podesta from Center for American Progress, to reflect about what we might do. I emerged from that meeting as the leader of a group empowered to start another nonprofit, which has become Faith in Public Life (FPL).

The Washington Post connects the dots for us very nicely (May 20, 2006): 

Organizations and Web sites that meld religion and liberal politics have mushroomed since the 2004 elections, said Clinton White House chief of staff John D. Podesta.  The think tank he heads, the Center for American Progress, has helped form alliances between some of these new groups—such as Faith in Public Life, theCatholic Alliance for the Common Good and—and long-standing organizations, such as the National Council of Churches.

One big happy family of radical leftists!

As Neal Boortz might ask, “How many dots do you have to connect before the image starts to look like a hammer and sickle?”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. NBC Apologizes For Omitting ‘Under God’ In Video Of Children Reciting Pledge Of Allegiance!-Posted on The Blaze-By Scott Baker-On June 20, 2011:

II. Father’s Day and the Importance of Marriage!-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-On June 17, 2011:

III. David Tyree: Gay Marriage Will Lead To 'Anarchy'!-Posted on By NewsCore-On June 16, 2011:

IV. USA Today challenges Oprah on Jesus Christ: 'Absolutely contrary to the true teaching of Scripture and historic Christianity'-Posted on Joseph Kovacs-On May 25, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Faith of Our Forefathers!

Have the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?“power-elite”-and-pseudo-experts-covertly-sold-us-corruption-disguised-as-freedom/

Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

New World Order By Executive Order!

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

Prepared Statement of


John R. Bolton


Senior Fellow,


American Enterprise Institute

before the


Committee on Foreign Affairs

United States
House of Representatives




Iran and Syria:  Next Steps


June 23, 2011


Room 2172

Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, D.C.

Madam Chairman and Members of the Committee, I would like to thank you very much for the invitation to appear before you today to discuss next steps on Iran and Syria.  I have a prepared statement, which I will summarize, and ask that it be inserted in the record.  I would, of course, be pleased to answer any questions that you or other Members of the Committee might have.

The Iranian nuclear weapons program, and its potential linkages to Syria, remains one of the most critical national-security challenges facing America, perhaps even the gravest near-term threat. After nearly twenty years of fruitless U.S. and Western efforts to prevent Iran from achieving its objective of deliverable nuclear weapons, we are now at a critical point.  Iran is very close to reaching its goals, through its own efforts, its collaboration with North Korea and other rogue states like Venezuela that allow it to evade international
pressure, and its hegemony over Syria, where the extent of its nuclear activities is largely unknown.  Even as Iran’s efforts rapidly near success, the United States may yet prevent the emergence of a nuclear Iran.  But time is short, and we will surely fail if we continue to pursue our present policies. Once Iran gets nuclear weapons, the Middle East and the larger world will change forever, and much to the disadvantage of the United   States, and its friends and allies worldwide.


We should begin with blunt truths about Iran’s nuclear weapons program.  Despite years of diplomatic negotiations, multiple layers of international sanctions, and creative efforts at disruption (including, most recently, the Stuxnet computer virus), Iran’s seemingly inexorable march toward nuclear weapons continues.  The Pasdaran, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps, recently published on its website a story about the world’s reaction the day after Iran’s first nuclear test.[1]  Estimates based on publicly available information differ, but the theme underlying them all is entirely pessimistic, especially concerning Iran’s
vigorous uranium enrichment program. Iran is not only expanding its production capacity for enriched uranium, but is moving to ever-more sophisticated centrifuge designs that will allow its future enrichment production to be much larger than at present.  By almost all standards, uranium enrichment is “the long pole in the tent” when it comes to fashioning nuclear weapons, and there is little or nothing, except imminent regime change in Tehran or external military intervention, that can prevent that outcome.  While more work is obviously required once the concentration of U235 isotopes has been enriched to weapons-grade levels (“HEU,” or “highly enriched uranium”), such as converting it into uranium metal, fabricating that metal into a form usable for a nuclear weapon, and then building the final weapon itself, it is uranium enrichment that is the principal process to be mastered.


The most recent Iran report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (“IAEA”), May 24, 2011, concludes that Iran’s production rate for low-enriched uranium (“LEU,” containing approximately 3.5 % of the critical U235 isotope) is now 105 kilograms per month.  That figure represents a 17 percent increase in production from the IAEA’s previous report in February of this year, and an 84 percent increase over 2009.  And these figures, of course, are based only on the Iranian enrichment capacity that the IAEA can verify.

Independent researchers across the political spectrum also confirm just how close Iran is to having nuclear
weapons.  The Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control’s “Iran Watch” estimates that by April of this year, Iran had enough LEU for four nuclear weapons, assuming Iran further processed it into HEU, or weapons-grade uranium, (typically with U235 concentrations over 90 percent).  Using only the 8,000
centrifuges observed by the IAEA at Natanz, the Wisconsin project estimates that it would take 1.5 months to convert enough LEU into HEU to make one bomb, or six months to make four bombs.  All of the Wisconsin Project’s assumptions and calculations are spelled out transparently on its web page,[2] and are based on publicly available information, typically from the IAEA.  Should Iran have additional facilities not known to the IAEA, of course, with more centrifuges operating than those under IAEA observation at Natanz, its capacity to enrich to HEU would obviously be greater, and the time required shorter.  In that regard, Iran recently claimed it would triple its production of uranium enriched to 19.75 percent U235,[3] allegedly for its Tehran research reactor, using the Fordow facility, deeply buried in a mountainside near Qom, and revealed by United States intelligence in 2009.

Using the May 24, 2011 IAEA report as a basis, the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center
(“NPEC”) has published the latest in a series of reports estimating Iran’s proximity to weapons production.[4]  NPEC concludes that, “[w]ith Iran’s current number of operating centrifuges, the batch recycling would take about two months once Iran decided to initiate the process” to enrich enough LEU into HEU for one nuclear weapon.  Similarly, the Federation of American Scientists had concluded even earlier this year that
Iran’s production of LEU had increased substantially over previous years.[5]

Other aspects of Iran’s weapons program have also continued unabated, and quite likely did so even after 2003, despite the conclusions of the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate (“NIE”) that Iran had suspended its
nuclear weapons program in that year.  The United States has still not explicitly rejected the 2007 NIE, including in the recently released 2011 update, although this highly politicized and poorly reasoned document has not withstood the test of time.  Leaders of the intelligence community, and now the Obama Administration, have been reluctant to reverse its erroneous conclusions publicly, but in substance, top U.S.
intelligence officials and policy makers no longer operate in accordance with its conclusions.  Indeed, in substance if not in express terms, it was rejected as early as February, 2008, in Congressional testimony by Michael McConnell, the then-Director of National Intelligence. 

Even publicly available information at the time the 2007 NIE was published contradicted its conclusion.  On September 15, 2004, for example, ABC News reported a story about Iran’s armor and artillery weapons-testing facility at Parchin, describing activity consistent with nuclear weapons development.  According to the report, Iranian scientists and technicians were testing detonation devices for the high explosives that surround a uranium or plutonium “pit” in the “physics package” of a nuclear weapon.”  Simultaneous detonation of the high explosives is required to ensure that the weapons-grade metal implodes in a way
that ensures that the critical mass of fissile material produces the maximum possible explosive force.  No one ever contracted the ABC News story, which was reporting on contemporaneous, ongoing operations, not historical evidence. 

Unfortunately, it is almost certainly correct that there is much else concerning the Iranian nuclear weapons program that has escaped our attention.  We should openly acknowledge that our intelligence on Iran is far
from perfect.  Indeed, we are continually learning of Iranian efforts to build new nuclear facilities, hidden both from Western intelligence capabilities and from international inspectors from the IAEA.  What we don’t know is not good news.  There can be little doubt that whatever additional activities Iran is pursuing
will only increase the likelihood that it is approaching a deliverable nuclear weapons capability, and must undercut any confident assertions that we know with certainty when Iran will in fact achieve its long-sought objectives.  The only prudent approach to assessing what we know and don’t know about Iran is that the risks are almost certainly greater than what we have in our intelligence base or what it discussed in our media and other public fora.

One bright spot is that, fortunately, the IAEA has re-emerged under its new Director General, Yukiya Amano, from a disturbing period of willful blindness at its top level.  Amano has honestly and openly described Iran’s stonewalling and deception against the IAEA over many years.  He has been forthright in describing the potential weapons implications of what the IAEA has found during its years of inspections, and also, importantly, in characterizing what Iran has refused to answer, covered up or concealed concerning possible weapons-related activities.  The changing dynamic at the IAEA can only be applauded, although there are years of failure that Amano must struggle to overcome.

Moreover, even apart from its uranium-enrichment program, Iran is also poised in the coming years to take advantage of plutonium from spent nuclear reactor fuel for weapons purposes. The Bushehr nuclear reactor, is moving toward full operational status, under Russian control and supervision, and marks a historic milestone in the region.  It is the first commercial-scale reactor (1,000 megawatts gross capacity) in the hands of an avowed enemy of Israel that has been allowed to begin functioning.  Although supposedly
“proliferation resistant,” it is still capable of producing sufficient plutonium from its spent fuel to provide Iran with an alternative path to nuclear weapons, as our own Department of Energy has concluded.  Tehran
now claims that Bushehr will be connected to the national electrical grid in August, marking its full operation for commercial purposes, and there are plans for many more reactors to be constructed.

In fact, although the term “axis of evil” may have fallen out of use in recent years, the connection between North Korea and Iran, certainly with respect to ballistic missiles, and quite likely with respect to nuclear weapons, remains strong.  Whether there are also other countries, such a Venezuela and Burma, now involved in these clandestine nuclear activities remains certain but entirely possible.  Venezuela’s deposits of uranium, worldwide the second largest only to Canada among proven reserves, makes it an attractive partner for Iran and other rogue states.  Hugo Chavez’s increasingly close relations with Iran can only be troubling, not only because of the support Chavez provides to Iran’s successful campaign to evade international financial and other sanctions, but because of the risk that Venezuela will pursue its own nuclear program, and perhaps ultimately nuclear weapons.  Burma’s geographic location makes it an excellent place for vessels travelling between Iran and North Korea to stop and reprovision, and the country’s isolation could also facilitate the construction of facilities involved in its own or other countries’ nuclear weapons efforts.

Just a few weeks ago, Iran launched its second earth satellite (the first having been launched in 2009).  While there is still considerable work required before Iran would be able to mate a nuclear weapon onto a ballistic missile for delivery as a payload, Iran’s capabilities to do just that are accelerating.  And when we consider North Korea’s progress toward the same delivery capability, and the extent of cooperation between Iran and North Korea on missile development over the years, we should indeed be gravely concerned.

Just as one recent example of disturbing information, on May 25, the U.N. Economic and Social Council for
Asia and the Pacific (“ESCAP”) decided to approve a “disaster information management center” in Iran,
which the United States had consistently opposed since Iran first suggested it in 2006.  Since early warning about impending disasters is critical to mitigating the harm caused, remote sensing techniques by satellite are extremely useful in the disaster context.  Under this humanitarian guise, Iran will now undoubtedly benefit in enhancing its scientific capabilities in both satellite and missile technologies.  When these risks were raised with a State Department spokesman after the vote, he would say only, “Those are all legitimate questions. But we can’t talk about them.”[6]  Clearly, our government recognizes the risks involved here, but so feeble are our efforts that we cannot even prevent a country under multiple Security Council sanctions from winning designation to host such a center.

The unavoidable conclusion from twenty years of failure to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program is grim.  The most likely outcome is that Iran will, in fact, achieve a deliverable, nuclear-weapons capability, and much sooner than later.  I fear that many in the current Administration believe that, as undesirable as a nuclear Iran would be, it is a situation we can accept and live with.  Under this analysis, U.S. security guarantees to Israel, members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) and others will allow us to contain
and deter Iran, as we contained and deterred the Soviet Union during the Cold war.  I believe this analysis is
fundamentally flawed.

First, whether or not Iran ever actually used nuclear weapons, its mere possession of them, or the perception that it possessed them, would radically alter the balance of power in the Middle East and beyond.  Linked with Iran’s aggressive financing and arming of terrorist groups  -- Hezbollah, Hamas, terrorists in Iraq and even the Taliban in Afghanistan  --  a nuclear Iran could dramatically increase its influence in the Gulf and the broader region, to the decided detriment of Israel, the GCC states and other U.S. friends and allies.  Iran’s aggressive pursuit of regional hegemony in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain and among Palestinians and in the internal conflicts within Islam, will be immeasurable strengthened merely by possessing a nuclear weapons capability.

Second, American security guarantees in today’s environment are not likely to provide much reassurance.  The United States’ broad retreat from the Middle East  --  from Iraq and now quite possibly from Afghanistan  --  is hardly reassuring to others seeking security assurances.  And America’s disdain for Israel, its truest ally in the region, can hardly be comforting to those who have never enjoyed such close relations.   If this is how the United States now treats close friends, how will it treat mere allies of convenience when convenience disappears?  Our feckless and irresolute policy in Libya can hardly be helping either.

Third, the calculus of deterrence for the Iranian regime originating from the Islamic Revolution of 1979 is quite different from that for the Soviet Union during the Cold War.  On the psychological level, for example, a theocratic regime that values life in the hereafter more than life on earth is not likely to be subject to classic theories of deterrence, which rest after all on ending life on earth for the aggressor. 

Moreover, deterrence during the Cold War existed between two superpowers with symmetrical destructive capabilities, whereas Iran even under the most expansive predictions will possess only a small asymmetric nuclear threat in the near term.  That means its nuclear weapons will not really be military, but will instead be weapons of terrorism, a threat not to military targets but to our innocent civilians.  Iran’s extensive record of funding and arming international terrorists, and itself engaging in terrorism, should be warning enough that its leaders are fully capable of nuclear terrorism as well. 

And as if this were not sufficient, any realistic reading of Cold War history should not give us boundless confidence that deterrence is automatically successful, as any number of Cold War “near misses” proved just how fragile deterrence is as a concept.  No one has yet explained why we should comfortably allow our collective futures to be held hostage to the whims of religious extremists in Tehran or rogue regimes elsewhere.

Third, even if I am mistaken, and Iran can be contained and deterred, the Middle Eastern nuclear weapons threat doesn’t stop with Iran.  If Iran obtains nuclear weapons, then almost certainly Saudi  Arabia will do the same, as will Egypt, Turkey and perhaps others in the region, and we risk this widespread proliferation even if it is a democratic Iran that possesses nuclear weapons.  Thus, in a very short period of time, perhaps five to ten years, the Middle East could contain half a dozen or more nuclear weapons states, an inherently dangerous and unstable situation.  Moreover, the risk that Pakistan’s arsenal of nuclear weapons might also fall into the hands of extremists, a risk dramatically heightened if instability in Afghanistan persists and permeates Pakistan, could also well play a destabilizing role in the Middle  East.  It is precisely because of this enormous risk of the wider proliferation of nuclear arsenals that we must bend every effort to stop Iran in the first instance.

Economic sanctions certainly have a worthwhile role in undermining the regime in Tehran, hopefully weakening it over time until it falls.  There is little doubt that the regime is increasingly unpopular in Iran, that it is increasingly divided within itself, and that sanctions may well stoke the simmering discontent.  The problem, however, is that regime change will likely take time, probably more time than we have before Iran achieves a nuclear weapons capability.  We should not let the pursuit of sanctions obscure the reality that, while imposing economic costs on Tehran, they have not materially impeded the weapons effort.  We should, therefore, suffer no illusions that sanctions are a truly effective response to Iran’s continuing march toward nuclear weapons status.  It is worth remembering that North Korea is today the most heavily sanctioned nation on the planet, and it has successfully detonated two nuclear devices and continues to pursue aggressively its ballistic missile program.

Since diplomacy has failed,[7] since sanctions have failed,[8] and since disruptive efforts have failed, the only realistic alternative, and it is a decidedly unhappy one, is to use force pre-emptively against Iran’s
nuclear weapons program.  I have written extensively about this possibility elsewhere, and will not dwell on it here today, except to make the following points:

--  “An Israeli decision to use force, if it comes to that, will be neither precipitate nor disproportionate, but only a last resort in anticipatory self-defense.  Arab governments already understand that logic and largely share it themselves….  Nonetheless, the intellectual case for that strike must be better understood in advance by the American public and Congress in order to ensure a sympathetic reaction by Washington.”[9]

-- “However much they might publicly protest, nearby Arab states would privately welcome an Israeli attack.  These governments fear Iran’s nuclear program as much as Israel does, but they are powerless to stop it.  If Israel does the job, they are in a perfect place:  Iran’s nuclear program will be badly damaged,
and they will have another opportunity to criticize Israel.  This also explains why Arabs will not interdict Israeli overflights to and from Iran.”[10]

-- Iran will likely retaliate, but its most likely strategic option will be to unleash Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel, rather than the more dramatic scenarios that have been suggested, such as trying to close the Strait of Hormuz.  Such retaliation enormously complicates Israel’s strategic calculus, but also demonstrates the danger of allowing Iran to actually acquire nuclear weapons.  Once that happens, any possible Iranian
belligerence becomes that much more threatening and dangerous.[11]

The use of force is a decidedly unattractive option, but since the only other realistic assessment is that Iran will soon have a nuclear weapons capability, it has to be taken seriously.

There is little doubt in my mind that the Obama Administration will not use force against Iran’s nuclear weapons program.  That means that the burden of decision will fall on Israel, which would face a literally existential threat should Iran achieve nuclear weapons.  Israel has never before, until the start-up of the Bushehr reactor, let any hostile state get close enough to achieving that objective to know what lies ahead.  But if Israel does not strike, we will have to consider the implications of a nuclear Iran, and a likely multi-polar nuclear Middle East.


This hearing marks the first time I have discussed Syria’s WMD programs before this Committee since September 16, 2003, when I was Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, and presented testimony in both open and closed sessions.[12]  You may recall that that testimony because a subject of considerable controversy during my confirmation hearings as U.N. Ambassador, when Senator Joseph Biden, among others, took issue with what I testified about Syria’s nuclear programs.  This was during a period, of course, when the Bush Administration was under intense criticism for “politicizing” intelligence, and allegedly bending intelligence analysis to reach conclusions favorable to already-decided policy positions.

In my case, the criticism was that I was overstating the dangers of Syrian involvement in nuclear weapons, essentially because, according to the critics, Syria had neither the financial resources not the technological capabilities to engage in an extensive or potentially threatening nuclear weapons program.  Senator Biden and others wanted to see not only my fully cleared testimony, both the classified and unclassified versions, but also earlier drafts and e-mails containing reactions to and comments upon those drafts.  As is typical for the Executive Branch, the Bush Administration resisted turning over such documents, although discussions were underway about a potential compromise when the President decided to grant me a recess appointment.  I can now confidently say, in retrospect, that I wish we had indeed turned over all of the materials in question, and that the intelligence about Syria’s program on which I rested my testimony, some of which was not cleared to be included in the testimony, could have become public in 2003.

Just four years later, Israel’s September 6, 2007, destruction of the Syrian nuclear reactor at al Kibar being constructed by North Koreans, essentially a clone of the North’s Yongbyon reactor, dramatically changed the public landscape concerning Syria and nuclear weapons.  What Israel had discovered was unquestionably a nuclear reactor almost certainly intended for only one purpose:  to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons, just as Yongbyon was.  This was obviously a serious threat to Israel, and one the Israel Defense Forces decisively eliminated, as they had previously eliminated Saddam Hussein’s Osirak reactor outside of Baghdad in 1981.  What was unclear in 2007, and what remains unclear today, is what, if any, other nuclear-related activities are underway in Syria, and what their connections might be to Iran and North Korea. 

Iran’s dominance over key aspects of Syria’s national security, and Syria’s critical relationship to Lebanon and Iran’s Lebanese proxy, the terrorist group Hezbollah, lead me to believe that we will conclude one day that the reactor was a three-way joint venture between Iran, North Korea, and Syria.  After all, looking at the two-fold criticism of my 2003 concerns about Syria’ s potential interest in nuclear weapons  --  lack of technology and lack of resources, --  North Korea could surely supply the former and Iran could surely supply the latter.  The possibility that a nuclear infrastructure to support the reactor’s operation, such as for processing raw uranium fuel, fuel-fabrication facilities, and reprocessing plants to extract plutonium from the spent nuclear fuel, is one that the United States and the IAEA should continue to investigate, on an urgent basis.

Moreover, both Iran and North Korea shared a fundamental common interest: hiding their illicit nuclear activities from prying international eyes.  What better place to conceal such activities than in a country where no one was looking, namely Syria?  Having hidden al Kibar from the IAEA and the rest of the world (except for Israeli intelligence), Syria has, since the Israeli bombing in 2007, essentially refused any meaningful cooperation with the IAEA or any other outside party to answer questions about the bombed reactor site or other questionable activities in country.  Accordingly, Syria has recently been referred to the UN Security Council, although I have no faith that the Council will deal any more effectively with Syria than it has with Iran since the Security Council received a similar IAEA referral in 2006. 

As in other examples of the “Arab Spring,” there has been considerable opposition to the authoritarian Ba’ath party regime that has long controlled Syria.  As has been the family habit, President Bashir al-Assad and his government have resorted to repression, repeatedly using deadly force against innocent civilian protestors.  What distinguishes Syria from other contemporary examples of repression, however, is the near certainty that Iran is doing everything it can, which is considerable, to keep the Assad regime in power.  Just as Tehran was willing to use violence against its own innocent civilians in order to keep its hold on power after the fraudulent July, 2009 presidential elections, so too numerous reports have indicated that Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps personnel have been involved in assisting Assad in suppressing the insurrection in Syria.

Iran has clear and important strategic interests in keeping Assad in power, not least of which are maintaining its hegemony over Syria and protecting its unrestricted access to Hezbollah and Lebanon.  But there may also be other reasons for Iran’s visible involvement in suppressing the Syrian dissident movement, related to safeguarding Iran’s own nuclear weapons program and whatever weapons-related activities in addition to the reactor might be underway in Syria.  If so, the stakes for Iran in Syria are very high indeed.

In the United States, many observers have asked why the Obama Administration was prepared to intervene in Libya under the “responsibility to protect” doctrine, but not in Syria.  Some believe that the Obama Administration still clings to the badly mistaken idea that Assad really is a reformer and may yet be persuade to moderate his regime’s behavior.  That may be one part of the Administration’s thinking, but I believe it also believes, correctly, that using force against the Assad regime may well be tantamount to using force against Iran, which could well generate an even wider conflict.  Whatever the rationale, U.S. military or NATO intervention in Syria seems unlikely.  Indeed, our incoherent and ineffective policies in Libya have created an unusual coalition here in Congress even against removing Muammar Qaddafi from power.

It is also possible that the nuclear activity in Syria does in fact represent a nuclear program that is entirely its own, independent of Iran’s control, however unlikely this may seem.  If so, given Iran’s influence over Syrian policies, any Syrian nuclear capability would simply constitute one more incentive for other Arab states to develop their own nuclear weapons capacities.  And given Syria’s border with Israel, there is manifestly no good news for Jerusalem whatever the explanation for Syria’s nuclear involvement.


Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East poses enormous risks for the United States, its friends and its allies.  We have squandered too much time  -- nearly twenty years  --  trying to “engage” Iran in diplomacy, all to no avail.  The net effect of all of our diplomacy, and that of the Europeans, has been to provide Iran a cloak of legitimacy and the critical element of time, under whose shelter they have made impressive progress toward achieving a deliverable nuclear weapons capability.  Our current options to prevent that outcome  --  either regime change or the use of force against Iran’s nuclear sites  --  are unattractive, difficult and uncertain. 


Unfortunately, however, by pursuing misbegotten policies for so long, we are largely responsible for our current predicament.  We may yet prevent Iran, or surrogates like Syria, from obtaining nuclear weapons, but our time to do so is limited, and growing ever shorter.  We can only hope that, years from now, we do not look back at the past decade and conclude that these were the years when America, by its failure, made the world safe for nuclear proliferation.

Thank you again, Madam Chairman, for the opportunity to testify this morning. I would be pleased to try to respond to any questions the Committee might have.

[1] Jamsheed K. Choksy, “Iran Postulates First Nuclear Test,”, June 14, 2011, referring to an April 24, 2011 posting on the IRGC’s Gerdab website.  The Forbes article may be found at

[2] See Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, Iran Watch, updated May 25, 2011, found at

[3]  See David E. Sanger and William J. Broad, “Iran Says It Will Speed Up Uranium Enrichment,” New York Times, June 8, 2011,

[4] Greg S. Jones, “Out of the Spotlight, Iran’s Rate of Enriched Uranium Production Continues to Increase:  Centrifuge Enrichment and the IAEA May 24, 2011 Update,” found at

[5]  The FAS report (Ivanka Barzashka, “Using Enrichment Capacity to Estimate Iran’s Breakout Potential”) can be found at:

[6] See George Russell, “U.N. Approves Iran’s Disaster Center Proposal Which Some Fear Could Boost Its Ballistic Capabilities, June 17,2011, found at

[7]  Consider for example the “agreement in principle” announced in the fall of 2009 to send some of Iran’s LEU to Russia for enrichment to 19.75 percent U235 in order to fuel the Tehran research Reactor.  Widely touted at the time as a major diplomatic breakthrough on the Iranian nuclear program, the agreement has come to nothing, as some predicted.  See, John R. Bolton, “Iran’s Big Victory in Geneva,” Wall Street Journal, October 5, 2009, page A19, column 5.

[8] “For Washington, the question should not be whether ‘strict sanctions’ will cause some economic harm despite Iran’s multifarious, accelerating efforts to mitigate them.  Instead, we must ask whether that harm will be sufficient to dissuade Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons.  Objectively, there is no reason to believe that it will.”  John R. Bolton, “Sanctions Won’t Work Against Iran,” Wall Street Journal, September 1, 2009, page A17, column 1.

[9]  John R. Bolton, “Get Ready for a Nuclear Iran,” Wall Street Journal, May 3, 2010, Page A21, column 5.

[10]  John R. Bolton, “Iran Outlook:  Grim,” National Review, October 19, 2009, page 30, at 32.

[11]See John R. Bolton, “What If Israel Strikes Iran?,” Wall Street Journal, June 11, 2009, page A13, column 1.

[12] The seven-page unclassified testimony may be found at:  John R. Bolton, “Syria’s Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missile Development Programs,” Testimony before the House International Relations Committee, Subcommittee on the Middle East and Central Asia, September 16, 2003,  The classified version was twenty pages long.

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The American Revolution

There are a few things missing in the dialogue here that I’d like to bring to your attention, one of which is the  American Revolution, a form of anarchy. Defined in Webster’s College Dictionary: a theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principle mode of organized society, the American Revolution replaced the dictating King George with the law.


Under self-government, America prospered.  The prosperity, however, was not equal.  A few prospered; the masses worked very hard just to exist. It was only right and just that government stepped in and redistributed the wealth. That was then and now is now. Where are we? Through 70 years of government redistribution, we are dependent on government.  With politicians in control of redistribution—and to their great personal economic benefit—it doesn’t take a genius to know the outcome: moral, spiritual, and fiscal bankruptcy.  The question: which is worse, out of control capitalism or out of control government?  At least under out of control capitalism you are not obligated to be robbed. You are not by law subject to being made slaves of the state.


Obama, with his “fundamental transformation,” bringing the king idea back, today’s lawless American revolutionaries, who give zero credibility to the freedom to be innovative and creative, who go on the theory of doing for the good of all, which is to take from “greedy capitalists” and give to the meek and poor: Marxist theory, the idea that the end result is all that counts, the individual, in all cases, is merely the means. Those receiving the benefits need to know that.  When the right time comes you receiving the benefits will find out how much you are worth. You are living on borrowed time.


We Americans have complacently watched as it all took place.  Now that the obvious has happened—politicians have painted themselves into a corner, and don’t have answers, there is no way they can live up to their commitments, America’s illustrious are simply dealing with the symptoms of the problem they created, uselessly and irresponsibly playing the blame game. Around and around we go and where we stop nobody knows. My friends, you can’t expect Washington to come up with sensible answers.  It isn’t a pretty picture. We, the people, are to blame for allowing this sorry state of affairs—but I would be remiss not to bring you the solution to the horrible mess the American people have gotten us into.


Being one from the past with an Aquarian’s vision of the future, I think in the past we would have grabbed the ball and run with it, but no, not us. Wall Street and government have conspired together to gain riches and control.  We can fail, but they are too big to fail—and we are too numbed from it all, too used to the lazy, good life based on easy money to see past the end of our noses—printing press money with nothing behind it the angelic Fed Chairman Bernanke uses to fleece us.  We’ll know after the horse is out of the gate.  Chairman Bernanke and the other conspirators look forward to a celebration on their conquest of the American people.  


King Barack Hussein Obama told Israel that he expects Israel to go back to the 1967 boundary. Netanyahu told the King that was not going to happen. It isn’t going to happen. King Obama is an aberration.  You need to know that while America sinks in a sea of debt, two of the poorest and most populated nations in the world, India and China, have grabbed the ball. They have surplus cash with which to buy and control debt ridden nations. Thus, in the face of a Piscean America at the end of its time—led by opportunistic fools—Middle East brothers envisioning ruling the world, America’s current Marxist revolutionaries envisioning sharing in that rule, it isn’t going to happen. Make up your mind to that right now.  I know without question that Obama and company are walking on thin air. Soon enough, they are going fall on their faces. Mark my words. Those who have relied on Obama are going to be up a creek.   Those who have relied on themselves are going to be in the driver’s seat.


Who would have thought we would fly to the moon when the fastest man could move was on the back of a galloping horse? Who would have thought we could sit in our living rooms and watch events taking place on the opposite side of the planet? Who would have thought that this nobody from Nowheresville could communicate one-on-one with thousands of people all over the world?  The world has changed as much in one century as it did in the entire history of civilization. We are here with increasing purpose. It is entirely out of the question that the usual and customary is going to take place in the future.  


Innovators all over the world are networking and prospering.  Given the advanced state of the world’s technology—one man can do the work of a hundred, no longer the hard work and long hours necessary, no longer greedy capitalists taking advantage of their power and wealth, a great awakening is taking place.  How do I know? Thousands of comments from innovators all over the world tell me that a groundswell is building that is going to break and sweep the world. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.


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Brutal Beheading, Revisited

Well, you know

if these barbarians wanna play that game?

I'll tell you what, you Obama Wanna-Be's

Two can play that game, Homie!

We pull out our troops, then NUKE CITY!

No excuses, reasons, alibi's, waiting period,

protocol, NADA!

JUST   N U K E' M.


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