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by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism
When you examine Obamacare in detail, you find that the facts of the legislation contradict most of the selling points that the Liberals used as their basis for voting for the bill.
#1 – 18 Million People Added to Medicare while Cutting $500 Billion from the Program
Obamacare claims to cover 34 million new individuals with insurance. The primary approach that the legislation uses to cover the uninsured is to expand the number of people under Medicare. Yes, Medicare. The same Medicare that was already scheduled to go bankrupt by 2017 before Obamacare passed. The new legislation will add 18 million people to Medicare while reducing funding for Medicare by $500 billion. Thus there is no choice but to reduce benefits to the existing Medicare recipients. Given that more than half of the doctors in the United States do not accept Medicare, the further constraint of doctor availability will be another form of institutionalized rationing.
#2 – 17.1 Million Individuals with Private Insurance Will Lose Their Existing Coverage
Although more people are covered under Obamacare, the plan also causes a major redistribution of how individuals are covered for health care. 1.4 million citizens will lose their employer sponsored coverage and 15.7 will lose their other private coverage while they are shifted to either Medicare, “exchanges” under the plan, or will become uninsured. Yes about 1 million individuals with insurance today will become uninsured and have no coverage under Obamacare. So the economics of Obamacare will cause at least 17.1 million Americans to lose their existing coverage under Obamacare although the President assured us all that we would be able to keep our existing plans. Continue...Can We Trust Muslims?
If Islam is superior to Christianity then Muslims would not leave their home country. You do not have Christians migrating to Islamic lands, because Muslim society is inherently oppressive. If Muslims were loving then every Muslim would expect prosecution of terrorists. Instead we see Muslims celebrating the death of Christians, Jews and non-Muslims. It appears that Islam is intolerate and only grows not because of the superior ideology, but through intimidation.
Love is far superior than hate. Christianity is a belief were our God is loving and does not mandate servitude. Christian faith is based on Free will, not by oppression and threats to non-believers. Christianity does advocate lying, cheating and stealing, however, Islam the end justifies the means. Truthful people are self correcting and until Muslims spend more energy countering the bad behaviors and extremism of Islam it is insane to believe that Muslims can be trusted or have a legitimate religion.
Fast review in committee of Colorado House Bill 11-1290
Friday, Colorado House Bill 11-1290 was introduced. The Colorado Statesman explained that it might be debated soon. The installment loans origination fee of $20 per $100 loaned for the first $300 and $15 per $100 loaned for the next $200 up to a maximum of $500 loaned nets loan companies up to $75. A finance charge of 45 percent is allowed also in accordance with Colorado law. Another $7.50 maintenance fee per $100 lent per month is also allowed.
As two-week pay day loans can no longer be offered in Colorado, loan providers argue that being able to charge a full origination fee as HB 11-1290 stipulates is necessary for survival.
HB 10-1351 and HB 11-1290 sponsors argue
The legislation has 10 co-sponsors in the House, including Rep. Sue Schafer, D-Wheat Ridge, who voted “no” on HB 10-1351, also as Rep. Ed Casso, D-Commerce City, who favored HB 10-1351. U.S. Senate sponsors consist of other anti-HB-1351 legislators for instance Sen. Mary Hodge, D-Brighton, and Sen. Lois Tochtrop, D-Adams County.
Technical correction or incentive to re-borrow?
Supporters of Colorado House Bill 11-1290 maintain the origination fee change is merely a technical correction to the provisions of last year's HB 10-1351. Bell Policy Center’s Rich Jones doesn't agree. He says:
“It's an incentive for the lenders to get customers to pay off their loans early and then take out more loans,” Jones told the Statesman Friday.
Information from
DORA HB10-1351_2.pdf
State Bill Info
Colorado Statesman
'Steering Colorado's economy back on course'
Numbers and logic dovetail. To determine how logical a crow was, an enclosure was placed in a corn field. Two people entered the enclosure and one came out and left the corn field. The crows didn’t appear. They knew someone was in the enclosure. Three people entered the enclosure and two came out and left the corn field. The crows stayed away, and so on, until six people entered the enclosure and five came out and left the corn field. The crows, thinking all the people were gone, flew in and started eating corn.
The number 5 is the limit of a crow’s logic. Man has learned to use numbers to make logic far beyond our human sensibilities and yet man does not know as much about living together in peace as crows. Why?
There are those of us with a burning desire to control, which comes from feeling inferior. Not only do these folks want to control their own lives, but other lives as well. It is called inferiority complex. Their desire for control insatiable—all-consuming—some of these folks become monsters. They will do whatever it takes. Their end justifies any means. You know people like that in America—labor bosses, communists, one and all.
Then there are lawyers, highly trained professionals in the art of putting their spin on the law. Politicians are their kin. Of course there are the rich who use their power in making the law to favor themselves. In defense, we form groups. As a result, the Constitution has become a historical document. The battle for control rages. In Wisconsin, a judge, favoring the group that screams the loudest, has overturned the law and threatens contempt of court on the governor. I’ve been before 18 federal judges. Drunk with the power they have usurped from the American people, this we see before us is legal spin at its very worst.
Remember, Hitler was legal. I was there. Seeing is believing. You would not believe the suffering that monster caused. Do you want to wind up a slave? German judges gave Hitler the go ahead nod. The Jews did not act. They prayed to God. God helps those who help themselves. Do I ever wish I was the governor of Wisconsin right now. I would send that lawless Wisconsin judge to hell.
I’m not one of those millions who feel inferior and are willing to be controlled, who don’t feel they have the ability to direct their own lives. They are easily sucked in by handouts. Obama is their man. Woe be unto the likes of me who keep this wolf in sheep’s clothing empowered. At best, it will take several generations to pay the debt Obama and his colleagues have created before working people start to pay for their own keep. There is an excellent chance that America will become a communist dictatorship.
Yesterday, we learned from a South American Indian shaman that we are mysteriously connected. There is but one logical answer: A universal soul or consciousness. “In earth as it is in heaven,” said Jesus. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Where is the kingdom of God? Where is Obama’s “collective salvation?” A Harvard educated slick lawyer, Big Daddy Obama, the silver-tongued orator, you can’t believe a word he utters.
Let me tell you how I found universal consciousness. I was out to get my rights back. The IRS claimed it had the right to take 100 percent of my property. The IRS does have the legal right to take everything I have and put me on the street. I have the right to take my case to a court that favors the IRS. I claimed Uncle Sam was unconstitutionally taxing me. I went to the country law library to study the Constitution and the legal procedure for suing the IRS. I’m the only American, it seems, who knew at the time that my Constitution was not a historical document. While I studied the Constitution, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. My fight turned from my constitutional rights to rights for everyone’s. I had a bigger than life calling that empowered me.
I sidestepped my ego-self and entered the kingdom of God. I matured. If you have been reading my stuff, you know I’ve been blessed. Unfortunately, most of you have not. You are wondering what the future holds for you. It could be very bleak.
Shades of the past, last night I viewed the History Channel’s presentation of the “Dark Ages.” Following the glory of Rome—centuries of divine rulers and ruthless, inhuman behavior—came the Dark Ages and great human suffering under barbarian war lords. The only hope was in the Christian Church, and it was into brutal acts against people. Fifteen hundred years after Jesus was hung from the cross, Martin Luther’s protest was a blow to the Holy Catholic Empire, as was Galileo’s proof that Earth was not at the center of the universe. Came the Age of Enlightenment and the colonization of America, opportunity seeking Europeans asking only for the chance to make a life of their own. Came the American Constitution, a carefully crafted document whose aim was to divide power in such a way the people would be protected in their God-given rights.
It is clear now that the powers that be don’t have the answer. They are phonies playing a shell game. Sad to say, they are trying to make the American people think they know. Two hundred and thirty years after America had her Constitution the battle for control rages. The American free enterprise economy, coming closer and closer to a meltdown, how long we remain a free market economy depends on how long we think it will be free. Collectivist control freaks are doing all they can to bring down America’s free market economy. Who needs enemies when you have friends like these? We have our work cut out for us.
The Tea Party is the only hope out there that America as we know her will be saved.
In 1776, tired of royal mistreatment, the peoples of the assorted colonies were at wits end. A handful of brave, very wise men gathered together to sign a document that would forever change the face of world politics. They put their very lives and personal honor on the line. The Declaration of Independence announced to the world that we no longer wanted or required an imperial presence in our affairs.
In May of 1787, after the Revolutionary conflict concluded, another group of wise and honorable men gathered once again to try to formulate a plan to govern the new states as a unified entity. There were statists, nationalists and federalists present at this historic event so debate and rhetoric was abundant and heated, to say the least. Many were the points of disagreement. Cooler heads prevailed and after many hot months, in late September of 1789, these men managed to put together one of the most important documents the then modern world had ever seen, the Constitution of the United States of America. There were still areas of disagreement, such as the need for an explicit Bill of Rights, but for the most part it was generally considered to be the closest one could come to the “perfect” republican form of government. Benjamin Franklin spoke of this at the close of the convention: “ … For when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views. From such an assembly can a perfect production be expected? It therefore astonishes me, Sir, to find this system approaching so near to perfection as it does; and I think it will astonish our enemies, who are waiting with confidence to hear that our councils are confounded like those of the Builders of Babel; and that our States are on the point of separation, only to meet hereafter for the purpose of cutting one another's throats. Thus I consent, Sir, to this Constitution because I expect no better, and because I am not sure, that it is not the best.”
Thus, after a long ratification period, there was created a constitutional republic. It was intended that the Almighty reign as the ultimate sovereign, followed respectively by the people, the states, and finally the federal government. There are many who, through hubris or ignorance, will contest this hierarchy, but nonetheless it was then the consensus and the intent of the men who codified this great experiment in human governance.
Now, two-hundred years plus, we once again find ourselves at the mercy of an “imperial” government. We no longer have the vestiges of a Constitutional government, except when it suits the needs and goals of the Imperium. The only time this revered document is quoted is when it obliquely fits the whims of the moment. Otherwise, it is considered a nuisance and impediment to “progress”
What are patriots to do? What can we do? What should we do? What are we willing to do? Therein lays the conundrum. So many things are amiss that it is difficult to simply decide where to begin.
The Tea Party spoke and many of the RINOs and progressives found themselves on the outside looking in. This was a good first step. The major problem is that the very people to whom we gave the reins of the House now lack the moral courage and intestinal fortitude to make use of them. With a few pleasant exceptions, the Republicans have once again succumbed to a lack of will and instead, consent to the status quo. Their “solutions” are toothless and lacking in boldness and intent. The Speaker of the House fails to lead. He instead acquiesces and makes supplication to the gods of the progressives (AKA Socialists and Statists).
Defeating Obamugabe at the next presidential election is of course a no-brainer. This must happen. But that is only a minor start to the monumental task to regain our liberty and freedoms. We must also send honorable, wise, and selfless, men and women to the halls of congress. We need to close down most of the cabinet level departments. And, we most definitely need to rein in the countless alphabet agencies that “create” law through regulation. Most. If not all could simply disappear with no harm to the people or their needs. We must downsize this many-tentacled leviathan and quench its rapacious appetite for yet more and more of the people’s wealth and prosperity. Can this even be considered, let alone accomplished? Yes, with certain caveats.
It waxes strange, that in this age of almost instant communications, that the people of the United States are so ill-informed about things politic. Oh, to be sure, they might listen to the news each evening; they may even sit long enough to read a newspaper. They see our government at work in all its obscene glory. Yet, they don’t comprehend. They accept the spin the media spews forth without any effort at analysis or understanding. Apathy and ignorance reign supreme! This is not entirely the fault of the people. The fault lies before their time for the most part. The fault lies at the feet of those individuals who decided to eliminate the study of government and civics from our school curriculums. The fault lies with those religious "leaders' who forfeited their claim to moral and spiritual leadership by bowing to the government and its offer of exemption from taxes for those who turned a blind eye to the sins of the country's nobility. The fault lies with parents who failed to step up and enlighten their offspring in the absence of such from other sources. Even more fault lies with those among us who permitted them to do so. We have, as a result, the most politically naive and clueless population in history.
The good news is that there is an awakening in progress. Many of our younger citizens have begun to realize that this is not the life their parents and grandparents enjoyed, They wonder where things started to come apart. More importantly, they seek a remedy to the problems. They are becoming increasingly aware that the federal government, indeed any government, is not necessarily the solution, but may if fact be the problem. They are beginning to question why they should work and strive, only to have the fruits of their labor siphoned off and “redistributed” in some scheme of fairness. They question why we support tyrants and dictators in other countries with our wealth, when those very people hate us as a nation. They question why we aid and support the poor of other nations when Americans suffer and starve here at home. They question ... BRAVO! I begin to think that there may actually be those young people who are capable of critical thought processes. Perhaps there is a light at the end of this very dark and gloomy tunnel.
In the meantime, we, the informed, must nurture these young people and see that they are given the real facts on which they will formulate a strategy for recovering the republic. We must see that the nefarious ramblings of the main stream media are negated by the truth as we know it to be. I see the rescue of America as an educational task. We must teach, we must educate, we must reason with those in need of enlightenment. We must return their thoughts to why the Constitution was worded such as it is. They must understand that words have meanings and once they are put to paper or parchment, they never change … ever. These powerful words must be engraved on the hearts and minds just as they were put to parchment so long ago.
God bless America and those who would sacrifice to return her to her rightful greatness and glory! Woe to those who would stand in the way. We are angry and we will not accept half-assed promises and measures. We expect to be heard and we expect results. If those in power cannot or will not deliver, we will see them cast aside and will elevate those who share our vision. BEWARE! We are serious.
We are a nation trapped in forty years of failed energy policy, forced to fight wars at the behest of our oil suppliers in order to maintain a society that cannot function on its own.
Cap and Trade is just the latest ruse to keep the system from failing under its on weight.
Smoke and mirrors used to camouflage the creation of a dynamic system of money transfer to third world nations is the essence of “cap and trade”. It will require a huge investment in people to manage a trading system that creates money out of thin air in an attempt to buy appeasement. The reduction of so called green house gas, CO2, is never accomplished.
Like the ETF, and factious stock market of today where no one is interested in owning the underlying companies preferring instead to gamble on the market, cape and trade, creates an international pyramid scheme where only those in the know benefit. C&T is a project of “community engagement” to funnel money to people in order to secure a stable base of funding and support. Obama has increased the EPA budget to the highest levels in history for enforcement by hiring radical individuals to infiltrate American industry in ways never imagined.
Just in the attempt to jump start the system the EPA budget has been increased to a record $10.020 Billion dollars. What a waste of money. Check out the 102 page budget and ask yourself if there is anything which supports its mission statement[i]. How is it being used other than to destroy the efficiency of the American industrial base? What is the real objective?
Listen to his speech today and try to discern what is going on in the background. Then TAKE ACTION! REDEFINE THE MISSION OF THE EPA OR JUST TOTALLY DEFUND IT!
The future of the United States of America is depending on “WE THE PEOPLE”.
Stay tuned for a look at a real energy policy coming Thursday morning.
In Genesis 1:26, we read, “Let us make man in our image.” What has come around now goes around making man, once again, in a flawed image.
Newton's laws of motion are immutable, but we are not fixed in our movements. We make things happen, one has to assume, for a purpose. The U. S. Constitution, whose background is God's purpose, was painstakingly pieced together to individually unite us. United we stand, divided we fall. What could be more clear? Obama does the best he can with “collective salvation.” Without the Constitution, it isn’t good enough.
Obama takes us into war against a third Muslim state for humanitarian reasons. The way Obama put it, it sounded reasonable, but what is he going to do when the Muslims attack Israel? Is he going to start World War III, or will he allow Muslims to brutally kill Jews and take Palestine back?
It is not hard to understand that man's purpose, for control, is to divide and conquer individuals. Obama, the loser, is currently up a creek without a paddle and Congress has painted itself into a corner. When men and might make the determination, this is what you get.
It seems odd that nature would make man the only life form on the planet capable of our awareness. Why? We obviously don’t yet know. None of the powers that be understand God's law. Even though man was created with consciousness far beyond that of all other life on the planet, we live today in America by the law of the jungle, the individual forced to jump though the high and mighty’s hoops. And under Sharia law, Mid-East Muslims view America as the Great Satin. War is the inevitable outcome, after which the mighty divide the spoils and proceed to manipulate and maneuver the masses for the next conflict. Animals know more about life than these runts called man.
On the History Channel last night I got the truth of the matter in "Science of the Soul," from a South American Indian shaman who uses a plant named Ayahuasca to discover the hidden secret that we have souls. This "vine of the soul," the shaman called it, has divine power. When the plant is harvested, the limbs and leaves crushed and boiled in water in a large kettle, and the potion derived, together with the shaman, who knows that these plants are sensitive and intelligent, and that inside the plant is a soul that hears our voice, many times in our dreams, intuitively, or in visions, this plant communicates, he tells us. After ingesting this potion one can have out of body experiences.
Well, a Dr. Achenhauffer (sp) is studying this plant's effects. He has studied the brain patterns of Buddhist monks and thinks this is a clue. Through meditation, Buddhist monks achieve an altered state of awareness that brings them, they say, closer to the universal soul.
So, thirty minutes after drinking the vine of the soul potion, Dr. Achenhauffer, lying with his eyes closed, wired to a brain wave machine, saw in his mind’s eye moving patterns that became more complex. Then he saw faces and soon felt that he was moving on a journey. He started moving his hands as though he was conducting an orchestra. After examining the brain wave graph the next morning, he found that his brain “was on fire.”
Dr. Masaru Emoto, in The Hidden Messages in Water, reports that he has found in frozen ice crystals expressions of gratitude, stupidity, and various other expressions formed by what people think when near them. The planet Earth, a water planet—life began in the ocean—what does this say about the cosmos? How did Earth become located exactly right for life? What were the chances? Are we connected with the cosmos in a way we don’t recognize? It seems so.
In Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography. In The Physics of Consciousness, brain doctor and quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker says there are happenings that are left to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will.
Now we are getting down to the nitty-gritty! In Astrologer’s Handbook, under Pisces, we read that Pisces, as a rule, is weak willed and easily influenced by external factors, like glib tongued Obama, like with “collective salvation.” Hey guys! We are moving away from the Age of Pisces, entering the Age of Aquarius. Obama losses.
I’m Aquarius rising. In The Rising Sign, under Aquarius Rising, Jeanne Avery points out that Aquarius rising “is willing to let go of the trunk of the tree to walk out on the edge of a limb. He knows where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit.” Absolutely! Our world is due to change for the better.
Avery says the planet Uranus is on the ascendant of the chart of the United States. That means Uranus is the ruling planet. Uranus is representative of freedom. On my chart, the planet Uranus is on the ascendant. By the time I was in my forties, Uranus had transited from the time of my birth to a position opposing itself. It meant pressure to change, to want to be free to do my thing. It fits like a hand in a glove.
My business enterprise went on the rocks and my wife was divorcing me when I was forty-nine. I was forced to change. On Good Friday 1975, the day Jesus was supposed to have died on the cross, I cut my umbilical cord with my past. I took the leap into an unknown future. I bought a sailboat I named Bold Venture. On Christmas Eve 1975, I set sail on the South Atlantic Ocean and tied up at a marina on Grand Bahama Island for the first day of my new life, on Christmas day.
Reborn on Christmas day, during my time at sea I psychically picked up on three young people who had been snorkeling over a reef, who were taken by a current miles out to sea. I sailed straight to them. In a storm at sea between Nassau and Florida’s Lake Worth Inlet at Palm Beach, I felt somehow removed, as though I was looking at myself and boat from above. My hands on the wheel were like those of an orchestra conductor keeping in time with the beat of the storm. Even though we changed course 90 degrees when the storm hit, we arrived at our destination at our estimated time of arrival. With seas breaking completely across our inlet, we slid down a giant sea into the inlet that never broke. My friends with me called it a miracle.
During my time at sea, I saved seven lives from a watery grave, including my own. I’m now age 85, living in the tall timber near Mt. Hood, Oregon. All my dreams have come true.
The present world situation is much like my personal situation in 1975 when I cut my umbilical cord and headed into an unknown future. The Constitution was involved. I blamed the United States for all my woes. I went to the county law library to study the Constitution and how to proceed in suing the IRS. While there, I got the feeling that voices of the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling—got past my ego-self. God is internal. Whatever the way one takes to the universal soul of man, it comes from getting past the ego self and into the inner self.
I don't know how many people saw or heard Donald Trump this morning on Fox News' "Fox and Friends", but I had to clean up my coffee mess after I jumped off the couch hollerin' and clapping.
It's wayyyy past time that somebody with a national voice stood up and said what needs to be said, and the "Donald" did it again.
He was asked about his appearance on "The View", and Whoopie Goldberg's reaction to his comment that Obama should just produce his birth-certificate and be done with it.
It really was quite the thing to hear. Mr. Trump said that all he wants to see, is Obama produce his original long-form birth certificate and end the controversy. He then added that he didn't think it was that big of a deal at first, but now, with additional information he's been receiving, and the continuing refusal to provide confirmation of Constitutional eligibility by the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, he's really curious about the refusal to provide documentation. Just a short time ago, Trump posted his own long-form birth certificate on Newsmax, among other places. "It took me less than an hour", he said.
He also said that..."the COLB means nothing. Any one can go to the state of Hawaii and get one...", which is absolutely true. He went on to question the ads that announced the birth days later in the papers, and the claim of the governor of Hawaii, Abercrombie, as to remembering visiting the baby Obama 50 years ago in the hospital after his birth.
Well, I applaud the Donald whole-heartedly. He wasn't that concerned until he started seeing what a lot of us have seen all along---Obama is a fraud, and an illegal one at that. He cannot, nor ever could, pass Constitutional muster, and has been engineering the greatest downfall of a nation ever witnessed in history.
Like Donald Trump, I'm not a "birther" either. I just want to see the birth certificate.
And, having spent a few years and many hundreds of hours researching and writing about this usurpation, my final question to any deniers or obfuscators would be this:
The Libyan Fighting Group (LIFG) also known as Al-Jama’a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya is the most powerful radical faction waging Jihad in Libya against Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi's regime. Shortly after the 9-11 attacks, LIFG was banned worldwide (as an affiliate of al-Qaeda) by the UN 1267 Committee.
LIFG was founded in the fall of 1995 by Libyans who had fought against Soviet forces in Afghanistan. It aims to establish an Islamic state in Libya and views the current regime as oppressive, corrupt and anti-Muslim (which is what makes it corrupt and oppressive to the rebels), according to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. LIFG claimed responsibility for a failed assassination attempt against Gaddafi in February 1996.
Fierce clashes between [Qadhafi's] security forces and Islamist guerrillas erupted in Benghazi in September 1995, leaving dozens killed on both sides. After weeks of intense fighting, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) formally declared its existence in a communiqué calling Qadhafi’s government “an apostate regime that has blasphemed against the faith of God Almighty” and declaring its overthrow to be “the foremost duty after faith in God.” This and future LIFG communiqués were issued by Libyan Afghans who had been granted political asylum in Britain….
Emerged in 1995 among Libyans who had fought against Soviet forces in Afghanistan, the organization declared the government of Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi un-Islamic and pledged to overthrow it. Some members maintain a strictly anti-Qadhafi focus and organize against Libyan government interests, but others are aligned with Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda organization or are active in the international mujahidin network.
As recently as February 2004, then-Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee that “one of the most immediate threats [to U.S. security] is from smaller international Sunni extremist groups that have benefited from al-Qaida links. They include … the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.”
Derna is famous as the home of a large number of suicide bombers in Iraq. It is also deeply hostile to Gaddafi. “Residents of eastern Libya in general, and Derna in particular, view the Gaddadfa (Gaddafi’s tribe) as uneducated, uncouth interlopers from an inconsequential part of the country who have ‘stolen’ the right to rule in Libya,” US diplomats were told in 2008, in a cable since released by WikiLeaks.
The last 110 members of the LIFG were freed on 16 February, the day after the Libyan uprising began (the 1995 uprising not the 2011 uprising). One of those released, Abdulwahab Mohammed Kayed, is the brother of Abu Yahya Al Libi, one of al Qaida’s top propagandists. Koumi fled Libya and is said to have ended up in Afghanistan working for Bin Laden. Captured in Pakistan, he was handed over to the US and sent to Guantánamo Bay in 2002. In 2009 he was sent back to Libya....
Also Search:
Armed Islamic Group of Algeria
Al Qaeda in the Maghreb (Libya) and the Safist Group for Preaching and Fighting:
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links (searchable headline)
In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya". Mr al-Hasidi insisted his fighters "are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists," but added that the "members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader".
Not me. I concentrate on solutions for the problems. It's a win-win situation.
+ Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border.
+ Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levies.
+ Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.
Any other problems you would like me to solve today? Yes?
Think about these:
1. Cows
2. The Constitution
3. The Ten Commandments
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.
They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq .... Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.
T H E 1 0 C O M M A N D M E N T S
The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this: You cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal,' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians...It creates a hostile work environment.
As Congress finally returns to work, many are reflecting whether or not they made the right choice in the GOP's "second chance" election. This doubt began within a few short weeks of the historic November 2010 election shellacking, and the shellacking began to fade away, as the Democrats appeared unsinged.
It is understandable why the Senate is so afraid to offer its own spending plan.
Check out the new music here on my page.
Who Has War Powers?
Our Constitution provides that the Congress make declarations of war or define and punish international offenses, in Article. I. Section. 8. “The Congress shall have Power to declare War, grant letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations; To raise and support Armies; To provide and maintain a Navy; To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”, although the President is “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States" he has no such power to declare war.
As Commander in Chief the President has full authority to direct the military of the United States of America in her defense by repelling attacks, but within the confines and regulations set forth by the Congress. Nor was that executive power meant to extend to foreign soil or the high seas except in self-defense without the express consent of Congress.
It is clear that the Congress was meant to be in control of the armed forces and that only the Congress has the Constitutional authority to declare War or to "define and punish, Offenses against the Law of Nations", as in the case of Libya.
The fact that many previous Presidents and Congresses have ignored the Constitution, whether it is in matters of war or otherwise, is not solid grounds to support an argument. The Constitution is very clear in it's original intent, it is when we fall prey to the "living Constitution" advocates or the precedent of other failures, that it's meaning becomes vague.
The founders were very careful to create a Republic with a separation of powers so as not to vest our President with another monarchy like King George enjoyed. One of the powers they strove to separate from the President was the ability to make war (as opposed to defending the country). A constitutional student would find that, even President George Washington, more than once, reinforced this separation of powers by deferring to the Congress when asked to endorse an offensive operation.
The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (commonly referred to as the War Powers Act) was an effort in part to make sure the intent of the Constitution would not continue to be ignored. It states that “(c) The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.” Whether heretofore ignored, it is still the law of the land, and should be adhered to and enforced, unless/until it was to be found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
The original intent of the founding fathers was that, Congress was to make the rules and regulations, and decide when and where we went to war or enforced international laws and the President directed the armed forces in that effort and in the defense of the Union. The founding fathers’ concept of maintaining a standing Army and Navy was for the sole purpose of defending the Union and its interests from uprisings and foreign attacks.
I believe, too many people view the Commander in Chief, as like a head coach directing the offense and defense. Where, indeed, it is the Congress that is the head coach of our armed forces, the CinC is like the defensive coordinator by default (directing training and defensive operations) and may take on the duties of the offensive coordinator when under attack and/or authorized by the head coach (Congress).
One of the greatest challenges our nation has faced, and will continue to face, is the usurpation of power by the executive branch, as forewarned by the founding fathers. A second great challenge is stopping and reversing the abdication of responsibility and power by a Congress engrossed in squabbling over how to spend (waste) our money.
Are you up to the challenge? Will you hold them to account, to debate and authorize with appropriations and limits of engagement, all offensive military operations? Will you help restore Constitutional limits? Contact your U.S. Representatives and Senators by phone (877)-762-8762, mail, email or fax, but do it!!
Darkest before the dawn comes from the knowledge that sometimes we have to hit rock bottom to see the light. Similarly, comes “necessity is the mother of invention.”
The way I read the Bible and the Constitution the “Higher Law” says we are here with increasing purpose. For instance the discovery of nuclear energy meant to use it for constructive purposes. We used it to build bombs. We’re not following the leads we get from the Bible and Constitution. We keep reverting back to the law of the jungle.
Speaking of the “Higher Law” opposing the law of the jungle, when Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president in 1933 (I was eight years old), America was in her darkest hour. Roosevelt’s answer: “We have only fear itself to fear.” His motive in saying that was to rewrite the Constitution. The “old Court” was hanging tough on its interpretations. Roosevelt’s New Deal law was considered welfare state socialism and unconstitutional. The old Court lost the battle. A Roosevelt appointee to the Supreme Court, Justice Brandeis, reasoned: “Property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means an end.” Individual effort and the rewards was no longer the end. The makers and keepers of the law, under New Deal law, made the welfare state the end. Your sweat, in addition to government services, is the state’s to use for the good of all. More than half of America’s population today depends on redistribution according to the dictates of those who make and keep the law.
Drunk with power, the self-serving defenders of New Deal law, both Republican and Democrat, have overspent to the extent that generations to come are enslaved to the welfare state. New Deal law is reverting back to the law of the jungle. The Constitution is merely a historical document in a glass case.
Since Roosevelt was elected, we’ve come full circle. There is no way out. The makers and keepers of the law, having painted themselves into a corner, are lying—Republicans and Democrats. With the nation bankrupt and divided, adrift and heading for the rocks, give them credit for doing a job on us. Our God-given rights are going up in smoke. We’re facing an economic storm the likes of which we’ve never before seen, and just when the Mayan calendar says the end of the world is on December 21, 2012.
President Obama and his like minded one-world friends, including Iran’s leadership, for the good of all, have orchestrated a situation that places the focus on Israel, the homeland of Jews, on their “promised land.” Their “promised land” has about as much chance of surviving as a snowball in hell. Israel provides the above mentioned leaders with their opportunity to start World War III, divide up the spoils, and fight amongst themselves for final control. What about other people’s belief in God. Nobody else has a promised land.
On the other hand, for the good of all—collectivism—it boils down to the final control of all. President Obama refers to it as “collective salvation.” Going back in time millions of years, the law of the jungle produced dinosaurs. When they grew so large the jungle could no longer support them, a rock fell from the heavens and destroyed them. The increasing purpose of life on this planet bought us humans. The above named, sub-humans, leftovers from the past, are still living by the law of the jungle.
In Matthew, we read that three Persian astrologers (the Magi), guided by “the Star of Bethlehem,” traveled to the birthplace of Jesus and gave the “King of Jews” gifts. We read that the King of Jews died on a cross, and that the Jews’ temple was destroyed. They were made Roman slaves.
The Jews have been persecuted since ancient times, and, coincidentally, the one and only people God promised land. Unfortunately, that is the bone of contention right now. Once again, Jews are looking to God for help. They got zero help from God in Nazi Germany. You would think they would have learned by now that God did not promise Jews land, not anymore than God promised Muslims land. Read it in the Bible in Genesis1:26. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion . . .”
You can take isolated passages in the Bible and make any case you want to make, but you are wrong to do that. You are out of context. The Bible is the moral story of man. You have to take the whole Bible to make the case. The Bible doesn’t give anyone land; it gives man a moral guide. Religion is man’s plotting to grab power, the cause of wars. Land is external. By looking externally, you will never find God, for God is internal.
An inalienable right is internal, a right that can’t be taken from you without your permission. You may be externally forced to obey man’s law, but God’s law is yours. It is by your choice when you give up your God-given rights. God takes care of those who take care of themselves.
By looking no deeper than my ego, I learned from experience long ago that if anything could go wrong it did. I was out to get my pound of flesh from the IRS. It was my ego that caused me to study the Constitution. It was when I studied the Constitution that I felt voices of the past were speaking to me. I looked past my ego, into my inner self. Instead of a personal fight, it changed to a fight for the good of all. So we’ve a choice: collectivism, for the good of all, managed externally, or the inalienable rights of the individual, for the good of all, managed internally.
We are all subject to acting out of passion. It is never a good idea to entrust people, no matter how good their intention, with doing what is for the good of all. We don’t learn from other individual experiences what is for our own good. We don’t learn from the majority vote what is for our own good. The Higher Law doesn’t make us worker bees. It is not in human nature to all work the same. Why is it in man’s law that we should all share the same? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know the answer to that. The fact that we’ve lost sight of the “Higher Law” is the reason America is now going down the tube.
The latest scientific discoveries tell us that ultimately it all comes down to universal consciousness, each of us inextricably attached. We, individually, limit our conscious awareness, but what would we be without our thoughts? A thought has no shape or form but from our thoughts comes our reality. If you want to know how something works you take it apart. That’s was quantum physicists do. By studying the microcosmic world, they find it to be our world before it becomes reality, in a state of infinite possibility. Why don’t you know that you are more than meat? You’ve been dumbed down by the orthodoxy. The observer is a co-equal in the creation of reality.
Quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker: “in the development of quantum theory, the observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.” So give yourself credit for being human.
The seemingly disparate nature of the Tea Party movement is an asset to us all. It is through our affiliation, as sovereign, collegiate entities, that we have our strength. We cannot be taken down as an organization, as we have none codified. We are many, all sovereign, seperate yet united in purpose. If you've ever watched a bird build it's nest, we reside in the same atmosphere. We take many seperate pieces, and place them in just the right place. A piece of straw here, a leaf there, a twig here, a swatch of earth there. When you watch the bird build the nest, you've got to wonder..."how does it know?"...
The answer is very simple. The laws of Nature, and Nature's God.
Now, if you read the above, and thought that it sounded just like what the left, the communists, socialists, Marxists, Islamists, and anarchists do, you would be correct (except for the reference to the Laws of Nature and Nature's God.) It is the same principle they use, but without God.
The cornerstone is the key. The foundation...the first layer of the nest...
The first layer of the nest, if you've ever found one on the ground after a storm and examined it, is a tightly woven layer of twigs, grasses and then leaves. How the birds know how to do it would be a mystery, unless you were aware of the Laws of Nature.
We are all bound by the same laws. They are immutable, unchangeable and timeless. Times may change, birds nests may change according to climate or location, but the basic laws remain the same.
When we look at the changes that are imminent, we know that there were, and are a set amount of variables, and CERTAINTIES, that exist to codify the nature and extent of that "change." When we look at the vaccuous words of a narcissitic wannabe spouting off about "Change we can believe in", we instinctively know, just by the character and nature of the one saying it, that we can truly believe there is a change coming, and it will not be good. That nest has been in the process of building for a long time, and it's got serious bugs in it. Eventually, those bugs will kill the host and the babies in the process.
Anologies aside, everyone reading this, and involved with this site and any other of like-mind, please know this: We are in this together, there is a complete disaster awaiting us if we do nothing, and probably one to come anyway no matter what we do. Which is why it is absolutely imperative that we get ourselves together in defense of this Republic, under the banner of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, and refuse to capitulate in any way, means or manner to anything less than that which has already been sacrificed for us..."Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness..."
"Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then ask yourselves, 'What should be the reward for such sacrifice?' Whether ye love wealth better than liberty, servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor arms. Crouch down then, and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains rest lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were ever our countrymen."---Samuel Adams, in the Philedelphia Statehouse, August 1776
by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism
As part of their dogma, the Left believes society only operates “fairly” when more power is concentrated in the Federal Government and fewer rights are exercised independently by individuals. In their view, one of the major purposes of the Government is to equalize outcomes across society (try to find that in the Constitution). Note that it’s the equality of outcomes, not equality of opportunities, that is their definition of fairness. To achieve that goal, Liberals need an excuse to take rights and responsibilities from individuals and shift that power to the Government. Then that Governmental power can be used to institutionalize fairness by passing laws and regulations that provide for the equality of outcomes across society. However in spite of these plans, the Left has a major cultural roadblock in their way. One of our traditional American values is to treasure and defend our individual rights. When Americans are thinking rationally, we rarely, if ever, voluntarily give up any of our rights.
When the Liberals want to influence American opinion on an issue, they need to overcome that obstacle. To do so, they use a consistent formula to warp the public perception in their favor. Their approach does not involve an in-depth analysis of the facts with the subsequent generation of possible alternatives to be evaluated. Frankly facts get in their way. Their strategy is simply based on manipulating the public’s emotions. Liberals want to generate guilty feelings or stir up hate or trigger rage. Their tactic is to generate strong emotions in the public and with those emotions shut down rational thought. Create a crisis. Create an injustice. Pretend there is no time to think about, discuss, or even read the bill. We have to act now! Sound familiar? Continue...