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“Showcased” Obama-Endorsed Green Company

Wasted $ 390 Million in Stimulus Funds



            Here’s one more story the mainstream-lamestream media won’t cover. Is that thirty-six or thirty-seven major scandals or lies within Mr. Obama’s corrupt administration we’ve been spared?***

            As the country once again moves toward $4 a gallon gasoline, this time with an anti-oil administration running the Oval Office which swore to create five million green tech jobs and begin the end of oil dependency, do you remember that $787 Billion Obama stimulus that was supposed to keep unemployment below 8%?   A green-tech company that raised huge amounts of  money for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, which then became the poster-boy for  his green-tech initiatives and the first company to receive  Obama stimulus money, Solyndra, Inc. of Fremont, California, has it turns out wasted at least $390 million of $535 Million of federal Stimulus funds.  

          Solyndra, which received three ringing TV appearance endorsements personally from Vice-President Joe Biden and two from Obama himself, is now the subject of a congressional investigation into waste, fraud and abuse by the House Energy and Commerce Committee which has revealed that the company was not eligible for a loan guarantee which the company stated would help them create 3,000 construction jobs and 1,000 permanent green jobs in the manufacture of solar panels. Solyndra is also closing plants instead of opening new ones. The oversight committee has also revealed details of an $800,000 ad campaign designed to promote good eating habits which might have created 2.5 advertising jobs, but did nothing seriously to fight unemployment. While the advertising company did turn a profit from the stimulus, Solyndra has never turned a profit during the six years of its existence despite being a pet project for Oklahoma billionaire George Kaiser who did a better job as a major campaign fund raiser for Obama-Biden 2008 then he did running a green-tech company.

           Mattie Corrao, government affairs manager with Americans for Tax Reform, said the Solyndra loan shows how hollow Obama’s promise to “keep close track over how stimulus money has been spent” has proven itself. “They (the Obama administration) are trying to pretend we’re creating jobs and hoping the taxpayers are dumb enough and blind enough to believe the lie,” Corrao said. “After two years of unemployment about 9 percent, people aren’t going to believe it anymore.” Because of the close personal connection between Kaiser and Obama, Corrao says the loan should never have been considered in the first place. No Solyndra officials would speak with conservative reporters about the story.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



***          Let’s count backwards, OK? But first, when you go to:


You’ll find a 40-page list of the stories that the mainstream media has refused to cover or investigate about president Obama’s administration; their associations; their lies; their failures etc. Stories which, if a conservative were involved, would have each rated about two weeks coverage . . . judge for yourself. It begins with him seeking 1995 political endorsement in Chicago from the coalition (of ACORN and the union SEIU) which called itself:  the “Marxist New Party.” Obama at the time was an ACORN attorney browbeating and shaking down lenders to get them to comply with the deliberate-bad-loans requirement of the CRA-77 legislation that led to the subprime crisis that eventually bankrupted the country and caused the financial meltdown in late 2007.   His rant on “White Folks Greed” is actually a quote of Jeremiah Wright (the pastor he says he never listened to while spending 20 years in his church) which Obama put in his own book “Dreams from my Father” . . .  runs through 175 appointment scandals (44 Czars never vetted by the Senate or FBI include at least 35 with acknowledged communist ties) . . . etc., etc.  How can the mainstream media refuse to show this guy’s true stripes?

Here is a list of ten key stories taken at random by Rajjpuut that 95% of Americans have never heard about because the liberal press refuses to bring this guy’s very suspect record up for examination. He’s their darling and they will protect him. Here are the stories and the nature of the scandal involved:

10.    Solyndra: stimulus money goes to firm of major Obama fundraiser. $390 million of the $535 million stimulus money is wasted and 4,000 promised jobs are NOT created.        CRONY-CAPITALISM

9.  Third revelation of General Motors and Chrysler closing down profitable car dealerships owned by Republican donors so that nearby failing or barely profitable dealerships owned by Obama 2008 supporting dealerships benefit from near monopoly status.       


     8. Two things here . . . . a) Not only was President Obama lying when he said his plan (Obamacare) would allow you to “keep your present plan, if you like it;” and he failed to tell the public that an “interim final rule” filed as regulations by three agencies (among the 390+ agencies created within Obamacare) made it against the law for your plan to make certain changes required to keep them compatible with Obamacare, so these plans (including plans specifically ‘grandfathered in’) are non-compliant and you can’t keep using them. And b) you’ll remember that Obamacare passed first by reconciliation in the Senate so that the 60-40 majority wasn’t required to allow a vote; and then Obama had to sign a last minute piece of paper guaranteeing that no federally-funded abortions would be allowed under Obamacare. This got him 12 last-minute anti-abortion Democratic votes led by Michigan’s Bart Stupak. Over 100,000 federally-funded abortions have already occurred under Obamacare; indeed they were made the very first covered Obamacare operations.         HHS (sometimes called the “Dept. of Health and Abortion Services”) run by Kathleen Sebelius has also not been in compliance with the federal government’s financial management laws so it’s impossible to trace exactly how widespread this federal-funding of Obamacare abortions really is and literally cannot account for hundreds of millions of dollars.  LIES, DOUBLE-DEALING, and DELIBERATE MISUSE OF FEDERAL FUNDS 

7.   Remember all those promises of openness and square-dealing that Obama would insist upon as he dramatically changed the “climate in Washington?”  The Obama administration has on at least 40 occasions denied release of information under the Freedom of Information Act by claiming that “such-and-such report is still in draft form” and therefore exempt from the FOIA and somehow the final form is never ever completed. Most recent case of this broken promise game: The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) promise made in federal court that they’d be forthcoming and release an internal memo detailing their investigation into how and illegal alien known criminal was never deported and allowed to stay in the country long enough to kill a Virginia nun in a drunken-driving incident. When did she get killed?  August, 2010. The latest missed date on this case: January 18, 2011. And, yep, the report is still in “draft” form.

                                DOUBLE-DEALING; OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE; LIE related to OPENNESS

6. You know all those continuing resolutions (CRs) that are passed so that the government continues to operate? Why isn’t any permanent “fix” ever passed? Obama sneakiness. Virtually every permanent spending bill Barack Obama has tried to get passed has been full of freebies and other goodies for his union supporters. One that caught my eye was back in September last year when one bill turned out to contain a $20 Billion list of add-ons benefitting the unions with taxpayer money. For example: the $1.9 Billion “Race to the Top” grants supposedly aimed at rewarding better-performing schools . . . was, it turned out, merely  $1.9 Billion so that school districts could hire $1.9 Billion worth of new UNION teachers . . . the bill discriminated against teachers who would not join the teachers’ union.



5.   You’ve heard of the New Black Panther voter-intimidation case in Philadelphia that was already won which the Obama DOJ chose to drop? Well this one is much, much more serious. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) boss Andy Stern, according to White House logs has been the most frequent single visitor of the President over the first two+ years of his administration. SEIU was the biggest contributor to Obama-Biden 2008. The Federal Election Commission under the Obama DOJ has dropped an election violation case against the SEIU union that was also won. The union required local affiliates of SEIU to contribute to the union’s political action fund violating federal election laws.   Of the $9 million war chest the SEIU amassed how much might have gone to Obama’s Democrats? 97%? More? SEIU is now squeezing its local workers for the 2012 elections. How often do you hear of prosecutors with already won cases dropping them?



4. Goldman-Sachs company is sometimes called “Government-Sachs” because of all their political connections and their ability to come out smelling like a rose no matter how scandalous their behavior.   You’ll recall that G-S earned several billion dollars acting on behalf, supposedly for AIG, in the federal bailout of AIG.   You’ll also recall that G-S was forced to make restitution to thousands of clients for double-dealing when it sold them with glowing reports virtually worthless security options. Now it turns out that a)  Goldman-Sachs “minted” most of the horrible real estate investments that got AIG in trouble and that Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner helped them to hide that information. Geithner is a former Goldman employee as is his chief of staff, Mark Patterson.  According to web watchdog “When a congressional panel convened a hearing on the government rescue of American International Group Inc. in January, the public scolding of Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner got the most attention. Lawmakers said the former head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank had presided over a backdoor bailout of Wall Street firms and a cover-up… Representative Darrell Issa,…placed into the hearing record a five-page document itemizing the mortgage securities on which banks such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Societe Generale SA had bought $62.1 billion in credit-default swaps from AIG. These were the deals that pushed the insurer to the brink of insolvency — and were eventually paid in full at taxpayer expense. The New York Fed, which secretly engineered the bailout, prevented the full publication of the document for more than a year, even when AIG wanted it released.”  By the way, Geithner also once ran the NY Fed Reserve Bank. The Obama Administration has obstructed a proper accounting of what went wrong in the financial crisis. More from Bloomberg: “The public can now see for the first time how poorly the securities performed, with losses exceeding 75 percent of their notional value in some cases. Compounding this, the document and Bloomberg data demonstrate that the banks that bought the swaps from AIG are mostly the same firms that underwrote the CDOs in the first place. The banks should have to explain how they managed to buy protection from AIG primarily on securities that fell so sharply in value… Professor James Cox of Duke University School of Law says: “They may have been trying to shield Goldman — for Goldman’s sake or out of macro concerns that another investment bank would be at risk.” — points out there are numerous Goldman Sachs pals of Barack Obama and Timothy Geithner who now work for the Obama Administration. They include: Adam Storch, Neel Kashkari, Geithner himself, Mark Patterson, Gary Gensler, Gene Sperling, and Jide Zeitlin.


3. A story that got absolutely NO coverage in the mainstream press was the dissolution of CCX. Funny, over the nine years of its existence the Chicago Climate eXchange’s very existence was dubious; at least the lame-stream mainstream media saw no reason to tell the taxpayers and voters they existed.    Based upon Al Gore’s dubious premises about global warming now proven only supported by corrupt “scientists,” in the background,


Progressive Democrats (including Gore, Kerry, both Clintons and Obama) have been trying to sell Americans for the last nine years on the need for cap and trade legislation. In 2001 based upon money illegally diverted from federal homes programs by Franklin Raines, a patented computer program for carbon-trading was created. A group of about 100 progressive insiders including Gore, Obama, Raines, Goldman-Sachs officials, George Soros, and numerous self-declared Marxists from the sixties established CCX. If Cap and Trade law had ever been passed carbon-trading would have changed the American economy overnight from a $15 TRillion economy to a $25 TRillion one without creating a single new product or service . . . in effect an overnight 67% inflation ($10 TRillion cap and trade charges divided by $15 TRillion REAL economy) as the holder of the patent and owner of CCX this scandalous progressive consortium would have extracted huge commissions on every carbon-trade that ever occurred for the next twenty years and beyond making virtually every member of the group a hundred-billionaire. When Conservative news gatherers like FOXNews caught the scent several participants sold out their shares. When Cap and Trade failed again and a largely Republican House was voted in – CCX dissolved and the participants moved to England where’s Gore’s shell company is still hoping for Cap and Trade to become global.

                SIMPLE PURE CORRUPTION . . . LIES . . . Cover-up’


2. We have a tie for the #2 spot. a) After conservative press and bloggers got wind of the connections behind Obama’s 44 Czars showing that most of them were self-admitted Marxists and other radicals the mainstream media (MSM) refused to cover the stories of these Czars’ background. When two of them made their outright communism evident (Anita Dunn (praising Chairman Mao killer of 58 million Chinese in peace time) and Van Jones (several of his speeches calling for “revolution” got out across the internet), the MSM still ignored the stories. Finally, it came out that Van Jones’ radicalism included being  a “9/11-Truther” who claimed the U.S. government had conspired to create 9/11’s devastation . . . after the conservative press carried the story for three weeks, Van Jones quietly “resigned” and Dunn as well. Total coverage by most of the MSM: two minutes. b) Obama’s plan to seize over ten million acres of land in nine western states using an obscure clause of the Antiquities Act of 1906 to designate all the land as “monuments” went totally uncovered by the MSM. For those of you who don’t know it, the vast majority of federal land is already owned in the west with Nevada, for example, belongs 55% to the Feds rather to its own citizens and in Alaska even a larger percentage is federal land. This proposed law misuse much like the cap and trade scandal was so egregiously corrupt that even with large majorities in both chambers of Congress, the measure was defeated handily when S.C. Senator Jim DeMint of TEA Party fame exposed the facts on the Senate floor. ZERO Coverage by the MSM. 

                                                   POWER-GRABBING UNETHICAL USE OF INAPPLICABLE LAWS


1.  One of the bigger untold stories by the MSM is the absolute idiocy and corruption and total INCOMPETENCE involved in Obama’s energy policies. We’ve already mentioned Solyndra; already mentioned CCX and cap and trade . . . but things get much, much worse very quickly . . . .

       a) During a 2008 campaign interview with the San Francisco Chronicle Barack Obama admitted his policies would bankrupt the coal industry and “necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket” his own words. The Chronicle sat on the story and the MSM has deemed it unworthy of print for 31 months now. If all Americans were aware of that story, how much credence would Obama’s confused and contradictory “energy plan” have?

     b) You can thank the FOIA for this little gem. The “success of Spain’s and Denmark’s wind energy programs” frequently touted by candidate and President Obama was disproven by two studies that outright refuted his claims. Immediately Obama turned to progressive multi-billionaire George Soros and his own Department of Energy and former CEO Cathy Zoo of Al Gore’s company to begin massive lobbying efforts on behalf of wind energy legislation despite the fact that more Freedom of Information Act efforts are being thwarted to reveal documents showing that Wind Energy may be fined for pumping water or running a mill here and there, but it does NOT work on a large scale. The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is still filing requests for FOIA information still being withheld by the Department of Energy. How many people do you know who are aware of this story?

C. Recent surveys show that only about 8% of Americans have heard this and 82% of those who know about it say they were “unpleasantly surprised” when they learned of it. Mr. Obama has repeatedly promised/threatened to create “five million new green-tech jobs” in America.    Spain which saw its economy go from #1 in Europe and 4% unemployment in 1996 to one of the most fragile economies and 21.3% unemployment now was the leader in the green movement beginning in 1997-98. Mr. Obama frequently cites Spain as an example of a great green success although those unemployment figures make that lie hard to swallow. A study of the Spanish green debacle by a noted Spanish economist gives us these details: 1) government subsidies of Spanish green technology cost 2.2 jobs in the REAL free-market economy for every single green job created 2) cost of the average green job was $676,000 each 3)some of those green jobs lasted less than six weeks but they were counted the same as the permanent green jobs 4) only 10% of all the green jobs proved permanent 5) Spanish green jobs typically paid only $10-$14 per hour which was less than the average REAL job lost ($16) . . . . OUCH! So let’s extrapolate Obama’s promise of creating five million green jobs here in America:   the cost would be eleven million REAL free market jobs for creating the subsidized green jobs; given rising prices, the cost would be around $840,000 to create the average green job; some of those green jobs would still last only six weeks and they’d still be counted as if they were “permanent;” only 500,000 permanent green jobs would be created and they’d be moderate-paying at best . . . in sum 22 REAL jobs would be lost to create one permanent Obama green-tech job.


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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

White House Has No Time For Cabinet Secretaries But Plenty of Time For Richard Trumka

Just about a month ago John Heileman wrote an article in New York Magazine reporting that President Obama hasn’t yet conferred with some half dozen cabinet members during the first two years of his administration.

The more pointed variant of this critique was directed specifically at Obama. Unlike 42—who loved to stay up late, jabbing at the speed dial, spending countless hours gabbing with local pols and businesspeople around the country to gauge the political wind and weather—44 not only eschewed reaching out to governors, mayors, or CEOs, but he rarely consulted outside the tiny charmed circle surrounding him in the White House. “What you had was really three or four people running the entire government,” says the former White House strategist. “I thought they put a pretty good Cabinet together, but most of those guys might as well be in the witness-protection program.”

 A funny line, no doubt, but an overstatement, surely? Well, maybe not. “I happen to know most of the Cabinet pretty well, and I get together with them individually for lunch,” says one of the most respected Democratic bigwigs in Washington. “I’ve had half a dozen Cabinet members say that in the first two years, they never had one call—not one call—from the president.
We're not talking about group cabinet meetings, we are about the slightest phone call from their boss or a one-on-one personal sit down. Imagine working at a job where you haven't spoken to your boss for two years.

But now we have a reason why the President has no time for his cabinet secretaries, in the video below AFL/CIO boss Richard Trumka brags about how he speaks to the White House every day and visits 2-3x a week.

Is Trumka telling the truth? Or is this simply the bragging of a union bully? Do you think that anyone in the press is going to ask the White House about this? It would be nice to know if our president has more time for a union boss than he has for his own cabinet. 

Certainly Trumka's relationship with the White House is working as the president has gone out of his way to protect unions. Be it the waivers given to unions for Obamacare or the support the President's PAC has given to the Wisconsin protesters.

Sadly it seems that our national government is not being run for the good of the American people but for the benefit of Big Labor, less than 12% of the population.
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Spent the day in Columbus!

My wife who in a Kindergarten teacher along with 3 other colleges drove the 2 hours to support there brothers and sisters.  20 degree weather and the Republican adminatration and sorry to say Tea Party members agreed to lock out the public employees. It took a threat of a law suite for the capital building to open its doors allowing taxpayers, supporters and public employees to enter.  What is wrong with these people? Legislators do not want to discuss a compromise, they are just waiting to pass Senate Bill 5 and send them all away!   
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by: Trent Derr - Morning in America


I swore I heard that right.  Did the President say this is our “Sputter and Nicked Up” moment?  Was this the first time that he decided to finally come clean with the American people?   I thought to myself, well at least he was being honest in his State of the Union speech.  He’s finally breaking it to everyone that after his first two years in office he’s set the economy up for another dip… and a bad one.  Yes I know that the stock market has been going up for the last couple months and other economic indicators have had minor upticks.  This temporary uptick has been due to the FED pumping liquidity into the financial markets at a level nearly matching 90% of our current GDP.


But Obama has decided to come clean.  He’s telling us when the FED’s stimulus runs out again, the economy is going to sputter, fall back into recession, and we’re all going to get nicked up.  The latest stimulus by the FED is known as QE2 (Quantitative Easing 2).  Why is it called QE2?  Because QE1 didn’t work.   Yes Obama was able to leverage QE1 to trigger a rebound in the stock market but that happens when the FED pours cash into the financial market.    The impact of Quantitative Easing 1 stopped working in late April 2010, and the stock market swooned. continued...

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Everything is in Divine Order

People all over the world are fed up with their leadership.  A great change is in the wind.  But beware:  predators are licking their chops. The leadership of Islam’s Brotherhood preaches that it wants every Jew dead.  It’s crazy talk.  There is no link.  Political progressives, those leaders who have a vision of the way things ought to be, who try to force all the pieces to fit their wills, their end justifies the means—more crazy talk; there is no link.  The Brotherhood and Fabian Socialists are two peas in the same pod.  Their joint aim, complete control of the individual,  is manmade.  They live in La La Land; refuse to believe that man is not a herd animal.



“Exhibiting the majestic progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity,” wrote Reverend C. I. Scofield in the Introduction of the Scofield Reference Bible, the increasing purpose, as he put it, “which runs through and links the ages together, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity,”  I made a connection with Scofield’s observation that “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used; utterly false if the whole divine revelation is in view.”  I wonder if the average Christian minister or rabbi  grasps the true meaning of human life.  The Brotherhood doesn’t.  When I was subjected to Christian preaching, I was turned off.  I’m way ahead of them.  The clergy lives in the past.  It’s days are numbered.


Understand the increasing purpose and the scriptures harmonize, said Scofield and Augustine. “The Bible tells the human story,” says Scofield, beginning, logically, with the creation of the earth and of man. The story of the races, sprung from the first human pair, continued through the first eleven chapters of Genesis. The twelfth chapter begins the history of Abraham and of the nation of which Abraham was the ancestor.  It is that nation, Israel, with which the Bible narrative is thereafter chiefly concerned from the eleventh chapter of Genesis to the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles.  .  . The appointed mission of Israel was, (1) to be a witness to the unity of God in the midst of universal idolatry; (2) to illustrate to the nations the greater blessedness of serving the one true God; (3) to receive and preserve the Divine Revelation; and (4) to produce the Messiah, earth’s Savior and Lord.”  Genesis 1:26—“Let us make man in our image,”  what on earth are we about?  It’s crazy.


With the faith that God was with me, all by myself, starting 35 years ago, I stuck my finger in the eye of the IRS—proved that I was more powerful than the whole lot of them. Believing that I had God on my side; I had the U. S. Constitution, the IRS misplaced power, and the courts don’t give me the Constitution, and God is out of bounds, I was not daunted.  


U. S. courts are conspirators in the federal rip off called income tax.  I took my case to the free press and got a front page story. Throughout, the IRS ate crow. I defeated the unholy frauds, big time. Did the American public pay any attention? No. 


It wasn’t until 2010 that the public began to wake up, when the Tea Party came into being.  You still don’t know the power potential of the determined individual.  Take a good look at Governor Scott Walker, the most determined governor of the 50 states.  Where did  we get our power?  It was born in us.  We were predestined.


There is a lot you don’t know. It just so happens that we are leaving  the Age of Pisces, entering the Age of Aquarius.  While Pisceans are easily influenced and prone to accept external factors, Aquarians are determined and stubborn in their beliefs.  Aquarians are prone to look deeply within for answers. We believe we are meant to be our brother’s keeper.  While the Piscean symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, the Aquarian’s symbol is the water-bearer to humanity.


Bell’s theorem tests prove that objective reality, as it has been conceived, is not the true fabric of reality. The observer interacts with matter. A range of happenings is left open to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will.  This is the latest science.


“In earth as it is in heaven,” said Jesus, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and the righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Jesus said: “Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find;  knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for every one that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”  The establishment is far, far behind the time.  Wake up to the world you are entering.  The new world order is nothing like you have ever even dreamed.  The Brotherhood and Fabian Socialism are history. Don’t get left at the switch.  





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by: Trent Derr - Morning in America


As I mentioned to some friends, due to the amount of money the President is borrowing from the Chinese, Obama is no longer able to refer to the Chinese leader as Hu Jintao. Now Obama is required to call him Hu JaDaddy.  To paraphrase Jay Leno, the bad news is the Chinese Leader came to the White House this week.  The good news is he said we could keep it.


However I’m not picking on the Chinese.  I’m opposed to the United States owing that amount of money to anyone.  Let alone a country that crushes dissent in their citizens, imprisons their Noble Prize winners, thinks that America is a temporary aberration in history, and has nuclear weapons pointed at us.    In any debtor relationship, you lose authority and the ability to negotiate from a level playing field.  Anyone who doesn’t think it matters where you borrow money is a fool.   Just ask a person who has ended up in “cement shoes” in the waters off of New Jersey whether it matters. But I digress…


Personally, I’m not as concerned about what our debt to China says about them as what is says about us.  The reckless increased spending by the Obama Administration is not primarily being driven by building infrastructure, fighting a war, or funding social security.  Continue...
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The Debt Is Just Too Damn High!

The Debt Is Just Too Damn High!


Our new Speaker of the House John Boehner is too busy shrinking from Nancy Pelosi’s shadow to be of much use to anyone.  He is calling for and losing key votes that are an embarrassment to his party.  He is not paying attention to the mandate the American people gave him and the Republican Party last November, or to his own campaign promises.


To make matters worse it would seem that most of the new Republican leadership since assuming the reigns of power have joined him and turned into what the “Governator” would call a bunch of “girlie men”.  Surely Nancy Pelosi must have left a pound or two of brass behind somewhere.


Reps. Boehner, Cantor, McCarthy, Rogers and Issa among others all started out balls afire, swore they were going to turn this ship of state around, starting day one.  So far their efforts have been more like “window dressing” and hype.  They have set very poor examples for the entering freshmen.  They have been dodging the hard votes.  They were re-hired to force the hard votes, to cut spending, with a machete, not a scalpel!  De-funding Obamacare completely in the 2011 CR would have yielded over $105 Billion in spending cuts, more than their target $100 Billion in other areas.  It would have been a doubling down and shown how serious their commitment was.  The promise or pledge to repeal, de-fund, stop it or otherwise “Kill Obamacare” was the defining issue on Nov. 2nd, 2010 and nothing has changed!!   Wait, back up, the judge in the 26 state lawsuit against Obamacare ruled it un-constitutional!!  That alone should have been reason enough to completely stop any and all spending for Obamacare


The only thing they have shown they are serious about other than a few rules changes is the continuation of “business as usual” in the “Swamp”.  A paltry $60+ Billion in cuts is like changing the curtains when the windows are cracked and leaking!  What happened to all of the tough talk when the present leadership was in the minority just a couple of months ago?


We do have leadership in the House; folks that meet the definition of a leader, that could serve and would not hesitate to stand up for us and our principles and values.  Rep. Mike Pence, Rep. Steve King, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Rep Paul Broun, Rep. Jack Kingston, many in the freshman class and many others are all honoring their pledges to us and care deeply about our Constitution and preserving and defending it.


Our current Republican leadership is more concerned with maintaining the status quo and relationships across the aisle than honoring their promises.  One would think that after being kicked around viciously for 4 years, and after the runaway spending that was jammed down our throats this last 2 years, that there might be a sense of urgency about turning things around.  Alas, it doesn’t seem to be materializing.


They, and we, have another chance to extend some more spending cuts and that is by refusing to raise the debt ceiling permanently!!  Enough is enough and somewhere, at some time we have to draw the line.  The time is now, and holding the line on the spending limit is the where!   With just a “smidgeon” of the brass it took for the Democrats to jam us with Obamacare, the Republicans can keep the debt ceiling capped where it is, or with no more than a temporary bump, till spending cuts catch up if it becomes necessary.  Remember we have had over $3,400,000,000,000.00 ($3.4 Trillion dollars) of deficit spending forced on us in just the past two years!!  It should be relatively easy to find enough cuts to not have to tamper with the debt ceiling permanently. 


Leaving it alone, or guaranteeing only a temporary bump up, would send tremors around the world that we are serious about addressing our debt crisis.  It would give businesses another solid measure of assurance that their investment in new jobs would make sense!  And wish upon wish, think what would happen if we were to reduce it slightly!!


It is high time to rein debt in.  Any stimulus not spent, rein it in.  Obamacare spending, rein it in.  Across the board spending cuts in all agencies, rein them in.  Duplicative program and agency cuts, rein them in. Want to save the value of the dollar, rein the spending in.  Want to head off inflation, rein the spending in.  This is a no-brainer folks! 


Don’t believe for one minute the nonsense about the possibility of the US Government defaulting on its debt.  The interest we pay represents just a small part of our overall spending and is the first thing we would pay in order to not spark a worldwide financial crisis and meltdown.  Any one insinuating that we might default is an outright liar or totally delusional.  At worst we would have to furlough federal government workers for a few days (Hmm…sharing the pain?).  Treasury Secretary Geithner says we may hit the ceiling by March 31st 2011, maybe, maybe not.  There is an option, however.  Tie a temporary increase to substantial and immediate spending cuts that would automatically return the ceiling to the present level or lower within 6 months!


Call your Representatives and let them know that you want to rein in spending, NOW, and to start with not raising the debt ceiling permanently!!  Ever increasing debt is not a forgone conclusion.  It is the result of foregone irresponsibility.  Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202)-224-3121 or (202)-225-3121 also Toll Free at (877)-762-8762 ask for your Representative by name and also call the leadership and tell them: “The debt is just too damn high”!!  Do Not Raise The Debt Ceiling Permanently!!  Stop Talking and Stop The Spending Now!!  Show Some Brass!!


For Liberty’s Sake,


Tom Whitmore


Copyright 2011 Thomas J. Whitmore
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Our Rights

Ah, yes, Joseph, you are right, only you left out 99 percent of the truth of the matter.  I note with puzzlement that deficiency in a number of the people—1 percent right and 99 percent wong.  I wonder how long you’ve been here, Joseph. What I witness in America today is utterly confounding.  When I was 19 years old, I was witness to the ruins of Nazi Germany. I wondered how the German people could have ever allowed the Nazis to take charge of their lives.  Now I know, and you’ve helped, Joseph.  


Our Constitution grants us the right to pursue happiness in our own ways, as long as we don’t take other people’s right for the same; that is, redistribute the nation’s wealth. It is not only unconstitutional, it is about as stupid anyone can get.  Unions are great as long as they adhere to constitutional principles.  Unions are headed by people with Nazi mentality. They have power and control. They don’t believe what they preach. They are not for the good of all.  The same is true for progressive politicians.


What is going on in Madison, Wisconsin is a political game based on power and control.  More than half of the American people, in one way or another, depend on government.  It’s bankrupting the nation.  But Joseph, you would not know that those with Nazi mentality would call Governor Scott a Nazi.


 To those of you who are government entitled, what if government told you it was going to have to significantly cut your government check; it doesn’t have the money. You depend on your entitlement. Would that be fair?  Of course not.  What are you to do?  The big spenders would be quick to ask that question.  What would you be forced to think about those who robbed you of your existence?  I would bet my hat that you would be on the street protesting.  


You have been dumbed down—taught to believe the rich are greedy and grasping.  If you are rich, it is more than likely that you took a risk and put out a lot of effort. We won’t mention those who took the risk and lost everything they had.


If you are successful in business, it is more than likely that you hire people.  In fact, seventy percent of the jobs in America are attributed to the people I mention.  The money they make doesn’t all go in their pockets to spend.  A lot goes into expansion of their businesses.  Obama wants that money.  He does not want the money of corporate executives earning millions of dollars.  They gave generously to his election.  Obama bails them out with our money.


Giant corporations, whose money comes from thousands of stockholders, who take the risk, are too big to fail.  They fail largely because it isn’t their money they throw away in failed Ponzi schemes.  Politicians  and the managements of giant corporations, birds of a feather, don’t live by the moral code of ordinary folks.  Including union heads, they are not for America. They are strictly for themselves.


Ever since the Great Depression, political games—redistribution of the wealth—not unlike Nazi games, have sought to make the American people dependent on government.  Why should Washington be in charge of redistributing our sweat? We must be out of our minds. We are now seeing the consequence.    The super rich are in the game with politicians. Tax the rich is a joke!  Pfizer has four times been fined for felony with the intent to defraud.  In 2010, Pfizer paid a $2.5 billion dollar fine. It represents people being taken by Pfizer’s snake oil remedies. That money fined didn’t go to you, did it? It was distributed to the cronies of Washington’s Nazis.  Congress gave Pfizer a tax break that put $47 billion in Pfizer’s pocket, and you wonder why you are paying outrageous prices for your drugs. It costs $200 million to get FDA approval on a health remedy.  The drug industry is in cahoots with Washington to keep new  remedies off the market, in order to sell remedies that kill us.  We must be sick in the head. Why are not politicians talking like I’m talking?


Thanks to out of control, lawless government spending, the choices are getting slim.  In a few days, Congress is going to be forced into raising the debt ceiling.  If the increase is not approved, the majority of the American people will not receive the things they depend on government giving them. If the debt ceiling isn’t raised, the big spenders will win.  The Republicans don’t have the American people behind drastic cuts in spending.  I was for not allowing the increase until I analyzed the situation.  It’s going to take time and the full truth from those we elected. And don’t think the opposition isn’t going come back swinging.  Those we put in office are afraid to tell it like it is.  We’re going to have to grab the ball.    


Government does not produce; it spends. If you tax the rich more, the rich are not going supply jobs.  Then government supplies jobs with your money.  You think the rich, with their money in the bank, should have it taken from them in taxes, so it can be spread to the people in need.  The basics are totally ignored.  Your government is killing the goose that laid golden eggs. The American masses are too dumbed down to know that. They cannot relate Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, or Communist China with what America’s government is up to. It is ironic that over 90 percent of America’s blacks vote for politicians bent on making them slaves again.  Ask them where the money they receive comes from. They will tell you it is Obama’s money.  You and I have no right to our money, unless we are willing to fight for it. That’s the way it is.


It is incredible to me how easily people are influenced.  There is a reason.  The easily influenced are  Piscean in nature.  I’m Aquarian. I’m stubborn in my belief.  Do you want to get left at the switch, Joseph?  You need to climb aboard my bandwagon. We are leaving the Age of Pisces.


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Budget cuts

I am sick and tired of the way the budget is cut.Don't misunderstand,the cuts are needed and we all know it.My problem is what gets cut when any government agency has their overall budget cut.When school budgets are cut,the first things to go are the things that most adversely effect the parents and students.We all know the biggest waste in most school budgets is overlapping administration,and transportation to other than public schools.When a commuter railroad's budget gets cut,fairs go up,and service gets cut.Again the very things that hurt the public the most.We can all site examples of our own.Hurt the people as much as you can,and your funds will be left alone in the future.                                                                                                                Let them submit proposed cuts to a citizens panel,or some other impartial group,if such a thing exists,and let them give the thumbs up,or down. It is painfully obvious that when left to their own devises,the only ones who suffer are our children and us.When anything is said to the agencies in question,they shrug their shoulders,and point the finger at whoever cut their budget,and tell us it's not their fault,"their hands are tied".I'm tired of the nonsense.                                            Joe Finkle
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If you missed it a disable vet was recently heckled by fellow columbian students, when he spoke up at a public forum in favor of ROTC at Columbia.  Students booed, hissed and called him a racist.  The disabled vet is in a wheel chair after having been shot 11 times while serving in Norther Iraq in 2008.  The school administrations response was simply we have trans gender people who are part of the Columbia community.  Instead the administration should have stood up for civil intellectual discourse.  Universities like Columbia receive millions of dollars from the federal government, ranked 10th in overall receipt of federal government funds.  Yet they still refuse to allow ROTC or military recruiting on their campus.  It is time we stopped funding Universities like this.  A drop in the bucket overall, but over 300 million at Columbia, no telling how much at Harvard and Stanford.  Education is supposed to be about learning different perspectives, but pro-American, pro-military perspectives are absent from these Universities. Recommended Action:  Write your congressman about cutting federal funding to Universities that oppose ROTC or Military recruiting on their campuses.
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Ohio retirement investments bombed

I am not a public employee. Public employees are not the problem or the enemy. The retirement fund lost billions in Wall Street speculations that went awry. Ohio's govenor would know about that! Employees followed the rules. Your community's teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, street and highway workers, and others are NOT the enemy or to blame. We live here, pay taxes, work hard, and are trying to support our families, too. If you are a public employee or even if your not we didn't cause this problem. We just have to live with it.
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Are Republicans seeking to force a shutdown of the federal government?

Should we do 'Whatever It Takes' to balance our budget and reduce spending?

Get This: House Speaker John Boehner, an Ohio Republican, said on Feb. 17 that he won’t accept a short-term extension of the government’s current spending authority without cuts.

How far is too far?

Should Congress approve short-term extensions with spending cuts in the interim?

The Republican-controlled House voted 235-189 to cut at least $61 billion from fat-cat spending! This could set the stage for a dog-fight with Dems! If so that dog-fight could bring government to a standstill after March 4! That is when the current continuing resolution expires.

So, do what it takes? Or play it safe?

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What It's All About

How about our congress now spending their limited time on debating the Military sponsorship for NASCAR. Maybe they will implement the old way of advertising for the Army, remember? I remember! Sitting around the TV tube as ping pong balls associated with a birth date determining your future for at least one year of your life.That system was being utilized during a conflict, which looked to me a lot like a war, and I,m sure it was cheaper than actually trying to recruit volunteers to serve. How insane can this Congress get. Whats next? Stay informed and read the next "What It's All About".
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Too Big to Fail

Too Big to Fail by Andrew Ross Sorkin, the inside story of how Wall Street and Washington  secretly fought to save themselves, is just part of the story. It includes all of the biggest corporations in America.  But to say capitalism is at fault is the same as saying guns kill people. Common sense tells us otherwise.  Common sense says that too much power in too few places kills people by the hundreds of millions.


Incidentally, I wonder who is running the stock market up.  I wondered why people rushed out to buy a home when common sense said the bubble was going to burst.  What is going on is inexplicable.  Every day something is brought to my attention to think about and write about.


Russell L. Blaylock, a nationally recognized neurosurgeon, asks if vaccines bring more harm than good.  They contain dangerous amounts of aluminum. Aluminum increases the immunization effects, but it is absorbed by the brain, and every time one is vaccinated.  This can cause all manner of health problems, including death.  And this is absolutely unbelievable.  Government does not require vaccine manufacturers to submit to independent safety studies.  One of the chief concerns is contamination.  Many vaccines are manufactured in unreliable China.


It costs $200 million dollars to get your health remedy FDA approved, but once you are in you are pretty much home free.  It keeps the completion out, competition that would otherwise sell safer cures at a fraction of the price.  And how about this: Pfizer pled guilty in 2010 to “felony with intent to defraud.”  They paid a fine of $2.3 billion, and this was the fourth time they pled guilty to intent to defraud.  If you think this hurt Pfizer in any way you are wrong.  A single tax law was enacted in 2004 that allowed Pfizer to reap $37 billion in profits.  It’s a conspiracy for which the dumbed down public pays.  It isn’t capitalism that it at fault, not anymore than guns kill people.


In the Middle-East, they call America the Great Satin.  The American people are great fools, but in no way are we the fools that Middle-Easterners  are showing themselves to be. The reason I’m not believed is because people all around the world depend on others.  As the consequence, control freaks are moving fast to take over the world.


In my case, 35 years ago I cut from the herd and went on my own.   In my case, I employed the most powerful legal tool of all times, the U. S. Constitution.  I was transformed into one who got what I wanted out of life.  If everyone knew the power potential one has within, we would not have control freaks in control of our lives. We would know we can be anyone we want to be, and have anything we want, without government help.


Theory that regards the absence of direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society, that which my Webster’s College Dictionary calls anarchy, would be in place of what we have. Instead of allowing ourselves to be small and insignificant, we would all know the power potential each has.  If it works for me, it can work for you.


I repeat: The change is not going to be to Islamic Brotherhood, or Obama’s wild dream, a world socialist dictatorship.  The brotherhood is the one Jesus pointed out. It’s his second coming, with the individual in control of his life, doing unto others as he would have others do unto him.

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Signs of Our Time

Joseph Finkle is disappointed in us. We got a lot of Joseph Finkles.  I'm going to accommodate Joseph, talk about relevant things.


It is not enough that America’s government insists on protecting us at the cost of government perverts groping us and other government thieves robbing us at airports.  I read about a victim of government who turned on his CFL light and fire shot out like a blowtorch. When this light burns out, there is a chance that the ballast can start a fire, said his Fire Marshall.  The light was made in China.  Pass this on to your friends.  


And while we are at it, the Islamic Brotherhood is strongly on the minds of some of us.  Why is it of little concern to others, and even a sign of progress to some? Maybe Joseph could tell us.  An analysis tells us the strong concern is in those of us who value our individuality.  Those who have little concern over the Islamic Brotherhood are socialist minded. Those who see the Islamic Brotherhood as a positive move are socialist revolutionaries. Hey Joseph, am I right or wrong?


Common sense tells us what Obama is.  He calls himself a born again Christian.  If he had read the Bible, which he obviously has not, he wouldn’t be saying that.  Christ taught that I am my brother’s keeper—singular. Obama’s outrageous claim needs further explanation.  If we were to all believe we are our brother’s keeper, then, collectively, we would all be saved.  Joseph, am I right?


But this is not for Obama, Joseph. He places his desirable end—of being our brother’s keeper—ahead of the individual. That’s Sharia law: for the good of all, the individual is naught.  Sharia law comes from the ancient idea of employing the sword to gain control.  


Now Joseph, you know there is evil in the world, so how do we know evil? In the Bible, Jesus, the humblest of men, left us his message of brotherhood. His appeal concerned the inner self—and the “Higher Law”—Jesus called the kingdom of God, the idea of being self-governed, which happens to be what America’s Constitution makes plain, its background the “Higher Law.”  But wouldn’t you know, Obama wants to change the Constitution. Joseph, is this what you want?  Your president wants to be our keeper, his idea, collective salvation; that is, the good of all, as he sees it. Is that what you want, Joseph?


All governments have a hierarchy, “and even the best of men are liable to be corrupted by passion,” said Greek philosopher Aristotle.  Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters.” The choice: the inner self or the men like Obama liable to be corrupted by passion.  


I wonder, Joseph, how ancient man came to conceive of “as in earth as it is in heaven,” Jesus’ statement in the Lord’s Prayer. 


As I look back on my life, I was on track, arriving at every station on time.  The big change in my life, right on schedule, according to astrology, I could either fly with eagles or fall into the abyss. That was in 1975, right where the world is now. Now in the twilight of life, if my life could be any better, I don’t know how. I looked within for my answers.  


Sorry President Obama. You are not destined to have it your way. Do you agree, Joseph? What we witness in the world today is causing a reactionary groundswell.  The change is not going to be to Islamic Brotherhood, or Obama’s wild dream, a world socialist dictatorship.  The brotherhood is the one Jesus pointed out. It’s his second coming, with the individual in control of his life, doing unto others as he would have others do unto him.  O.K. Joseph, I'm being relevant.

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Obama, Lame Duck Semi-Conservatives

Sabotaged Nation



            America is now standing at the critical crossroads of fiscal- and Constitutional-destruction brought about by over a century of progressive (we must “progress” beyond the outdated and ill-conceived Constitution if we are to make “progress” toward our Socialist-Marxist utopia on earth) politics. This foolish progressivism has created a severe insolvency fiasco both in the states and the federal government created by 109 years of overstepping the Constitution. Right now the problem seems to be assaulting our states more severely because the federal government has shown itself willing to impoverish the people and the states by destroying the American Dollar, a resource thankfully not available to the individual states.  How did we get to this sad situation? It all began with the compromises of the 2010 Lame Duck Congressional Session.


           The most sensational sites for this national progressive shipwreck, besides Washington, D.C. itself, are found in a dozen moderate to high profile states. The strikes and nonsense now playing out in Wisconsin are likely to soon see ugly sequels in California, Illinois, Arizona, Nevada and even perhaps in Florida, Rhode Island, Oregon, Washington, and Michigan. Meanwhile two other states in very bad fiscal condition (New York and New Jersey) appear to have a great chance of avoiding Wisconsin’s fate because their two governors (Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie, respectively) have shown immense backbone and common sense in attacking their state’s debt crisis head on and their state legislative bodies have largely kept out of their chief executives’ way; not so in Wisconsin where the entire Democratic senate had refused to come to work and is now hiding out in Illinois.   How did we get to this sad situation? It all began with the compromises of the 2010 Lame Duck Congressional Session.

           The situation in the nation stood dramatically better on election eve, 2010 than it stood on New Year’s Eve 2010-2011. The deterioration of the prognosis owes itself to the idiocy of the semi-conservative Republicans holding forth in the 2010 Lame Duck session who caved into President Obama’s demands on virtually all fronts instead of standing strong and letting the newly-elected representatives and senators deal with Mr. Obama’s foolishness in 2011. At that time Mr. Obama’s “strong”-approval rating showed a minus -18 percentage points, while today in many polls the overall (mild + strong approval and disapproval ratings) ratings show President Obama has climbed from 41% overall approval and 56% overall disapproval (a -15% overall rating) to showing him at +2% (51% to 49%) a dramatic increase in the president’s perceived competence after Republicans compromised with the President’s agenda.

           It’s to be hoped that House Speaker John Boehner and his chief lieutenants Ryan, Simpson and Cantor and their House Republican colleagues . . . learned volumes from the failures of Newt Gingrich dealing with the clever Bill Clinton and of the recent 2010 Lame Duckers in facing Obama. But just in case they haven’t, here are the lessons they should learn:

1.       DO NOT compromise on principles. Make a stand for statesmanship.

2.     Do NOT compromise on the Constitution: follow your promises from the 2010 Republican “Pledge to America” 100% to the letter.

3.     Do NOT compromise on taxes, spending, deficits, borrowing, the national debt or the entitlement mess. Save our country.

4.     Do NOT compromise with our Marxist president on any single thing. He wished to gain re-election. He can only do that IF he appears to American voters as a reasonable and center-dwelling politician. Make the Marxist skunk show his stripes.

5.     HOW does the G.O.P. save this country?


           By never giving in and fighting the president tooth-and-nail at every step of the way, that’s how. Specifically: don’t swing for the fences, make solid contact on every ball and be content with walks and singles.   If baseball is NOT your cup of tea, look at things this way, the battle before them is a marathon not a sprint . . . because every easily-gained compromise makes Barack Obama look reasonable and statesmanlike. Every grudging compromise by Obama shows his true ultra-socialist colors plainly for the entire country to see.

            The G.O.P. was elected by landslide numbers across the country to stand up to the president and his apocalyptic philosophy of spending, taxes government interference and unfettered government growth. They must do what they were elected to do . . . bring sanity back to Washington. Sanity without the presidency or the senate means only one thing: deadlock. If the issues that doomed Democrats to wide scale defeat in 2010 are still foremost in the voters’ minds, the Senate and the Oval Office can be won and sanity can prevail. If Obama through slight of forked-tongue can make himself appear “reasonable” to the electorate and re-elected in 2012, there is no limit to the harm that our nation will face (bankruptcy will be the smallest part of it). It’s a strategic battle . . . a chess game.

            Rajjpuut has coached children as young as two years old to become strong chess players and helped some of them earn five Colorado Chess Team Championships in the elementary, middle school and high school divisions in Colorado. No matter what the game involved (or the personal, military or commercial requisite) is, strategy always comes down to this:

1)      Play so that the opponent’s weaknesses become the key factor in the game. If he’s got an exposed King, a bad Bishop or tripled Pawns . . . make them stink up the board.

2)    Play so that your own weaknesses are irrelevant.

3)    Play so that your opponent’s strengths are irrelevant or unusable.

4)    Play so that your own strengths are the dominant factor across the whole board.

5)    Play aggressively if possible; or play defense so tenaciously that the opponent will face a lot of tough situations and in frustration will eventually slip however slightly.

            What are Obama’s weaknesses? What lost the Democrats so much in 2010? Obama has said directly, he does not “wish to re-fight the battles of the past couple years.” Obamacare; willingness to tax; willingness to spend; creation of huge deficits; cap and trade and other EPA interference; card check; his inconsistencies and lies of the past four years (starting in January, 2007, when he declared his candidacy for president); his apology-tour foreign policy; putting federally-paid abortion in Obamacare; stopping drilling in the Gulf; creating inflation; weakening the dollar; taking over the economy so that government went from 15% control to 58% control of American life; the Beer Summit; and now his refusal to show leadership in financial matters but rather to provide a ludicrous and irresponsible federal budget. The biggest weakness of Barack Obama is a combination of 1) The Democratic Party’s part in CRA ’77 legislation (Bill Clinton expanded it four times; three times legislatively) 2) His connection to ACORN and Clinton’s Connection to ACORN and 3) When Bush was trying for 30 months to repeal CRA ’77, the Democrats stopped him and all of that led to the meltdown in late 2007 and 2008 via the sub-prime lending crisis.
            What are the conservative's potential weaknesses?  Social-conservativism especially as attached to anti-abortionism is largely unpopular.  It is, however, popular to prevent federal funding of abortion, such as President Obama swore he would to get Obamacare passed, IF the G.O. P. can confine itself to that:  no problem.  And of course the Lame Duck compromises showed Obama that some conservatives will not stand up for their principles.

            What are the G.O.P.’s strengths? The TEA Party “Contract from America” and the G.O.P. “Pledge to America say 90% of it all. If 60% of voters became familiar with these documents, Obama would have trouble getting 30% of the vote. The Republicans have also appeared more statesmanlike over the past two years and reasonable; and conservative-fiscal and Constitutional-conservativism is the approach that won the day on Election Day, 2010.

            What are Obama’s strengths? People don’t look at the truth of what he’s saying because they want to like him so much . . . thus, he can get away with almost anything and Republicans have not held his feet to the fire.   For example, the President has never told Americans that he worked as an ACORN attorney shaking down mortgage lenders to force them into compliance with CRA ’77 and he even went so far as to tell his “car in the ditch story” in at least 150 speeches while the Republicans were so foolish as never to expose Obama’s ACORN activities; CRA and Cloward Piven’s role in the meltdown; or Bush’s efforts to undo CRA ’77 and prevent the sub-prime lending crisis which led to our financial meltdown. This truth has never been revealed or understood by the voters as a whole, and until it has been, Obama will personally seem almost unassailable . . . .


            The TRUE CAR IN THE DITCH Story

                      In January, 2005, President George W. Bush saw that progressive Democrats, ACORN, Clinton and Obama were deliberately pushing the car (our American economy) toward a 500-foot ditch. He jumped in the driver’s seat and grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes. Despite Democratic opposition for 30 months, he was able to guide it into the nearest friendly-looking ditch by July, 2007.


             Since that is the 100% truth which 96% of Americans don’t know and since that underlined word “deliberately” ties the whole thing to the progressive movement and the aims of Cloward, Piven, George Wiley and Wade Rathke and to the ACORN presidencies of Obama and Clinton . . . no matter what obstacles the lamestream-mainstream media throw in their path, that history of treachery must be revealed.


             Here are five “fact paintings” to push the point into America’s permanent memory:

#1: In 1975 before CRA ’77 only 1 in 404 home loans was “suspect,” that is issued at 3% down-payment or less. America in 1975 with 62-65% private home ownership is the envy of the world. That solid beneficial status rests upon the accepted standards of long years: a 20% down payment requirement for home buyers and great credit ratings. CRA ’77 FORCED home lenders to knowingly make stupid loans to unqualified recipients at ultra-low down payments.

#2: In 1985 after eight years of CRA ’77 and ACORN operating in Clinton’s Arkansas alone and in no other states:  1 in 196 home mortgages was suspect. That is the rate of bad loans has doubled just from ACORN browbeating lenders in one state, Arkansas.

#3: In 1995 after three CRA ’77 expansions by Clinton (two of them legislatively) and the expansion of ACORN nationwide: now 1 in every 7 home loans was suspect. By the way, Barack Obama worked as an ACORN attorney during this era, browbeating mortgage lenders into making knowingly horrific loans to bad risks.

#4:  In 2005 following seven years of Clinton’s 1998 “steroid-version” expansion of CRA ’77: 34%, roughly 1 in every 3 home loans was suspect with many issued with 0% down-payment. Thanks to Clinton’s ’98 steroid expansion of CRA ’77 it’s now easier for ACORN to force home lenders to put an unqualified would-be home buyer into a $440,000 home than it was a decade earlier for Barack Obama and other ACORN attorneys to put the same person into a $110,000 home . . . and it’s now far more likely that the loan recipient a) won’t have a job or b) won’t even have a rental history or c) won’t even have I.D. or d) will list his only “income” as food stamps; or be on welfare or e) will have a terrible credit rating or f) will be an illegal alien.

#5 Luckily Al Gore didn’t win the presidency in 2000. Gore was a big believer in CRA legislation. Instead George W. Bush is elected between the two ACORN presidents, Clinton and Obama, and rather than driving the “car” into the ditch by incompetence as Obama loves to imply, Bush keeps the economy from utter ruin created by the deliberate actions of ACORN in abusing CRA ’77  (a deliberate Cloward-Piven effort to overload the system and create chaos using Saul Alinsky tactics) and prevents it going over the cliff, but rather he steers it into a friendly ditch and away from the abyss the progressives were pushing us toward. It happens like this . . . .

In January, 2005, George Bush makes the first speech (of 19 speeches he’ll make in the next 30 months) on the dangers of the CRA ’77 law and its expansions seeking repeal of the worst aspects of the laws. However, the bill he supports is defeated by the progressive Democrats and various compromise bills will continue to be defeated by them until a very weak version of his bill is  finally passed in July, 2007. It is, of course, too little and too late and the sub-prime lending crisis is soon underway. Nevertheless, the new law Bush passed is hailed in August 2010 by Obama’s Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner as saving the country’s economy from a truly hideous recession and an absolute meltdown in housing prices.

            These truths, of course, are as unpopular with the mainstream, lamestream media as Bush himself was . . . yet, these are the truths that will set the country free . . . These truths; the “chess-like” strategy mentioned above and simple patriotic stubbornness*** are the secrets to dealing with Mr. Obama and his progressive ilk.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



*** D. Morris at his website put it like this:


                    “If the Republicans hold firm in demanding huge spending cuts and Obama does not give in, the question of whether or not to cut spending will dominate the nation's political discourse for months on end and will spill over into the 2012 election.


                    “To assure that it will, the Republicans should hold firm to their budget spending cuts without surrender or compromise. If necessary, it is OK to vote a few very short-term continuing resolutions to keep the government open for a few weeks at a time, always keeping on the pressure.


                    “When the debt limit vote comes up, they should refuse to allow an increase without huge cuts in spending. If the debt-limit deadline passes, they should force the administration to scramble to cobble together enough money to operate for weeks at a time.


                    “If Obama offers a half a loaf, the GOP should spurn it for weeks and months. Then, rather than actually shut down the government, let them accept some variant of their proposed cuts but only give in return a few more weeks' time, at which point the issue will be re-litigated. Don't go for Armageddon -- just keep fighting the battle.


                    “Same with the debt limit. Extend it for a few hundred billion dollars and then go back for more cuts in return for a further extension. Make Obama pay for each continuing resolution and each debt-limit hike with more cuts to spending.


                    “Always avoid cuts in Medicare and Social Security. Save those for after 2012. For now, focus on Medicaid block granting and discretionary spending (including some modest cuts in defense).


                    “Like a guerrilla army, never go to a shutdown (a general engagement) but keep coming up with cuts, compromising, letting the government stay open for a few more weeks, and letting the debt limit rise a few hundred billion, and then come back for more cuts and repeat the cycle.


                    “And don't just demand spending cuts. Go for defunding of Obamacare, blocking the EPA from carbon taxation and regulation, a ban on card-check unionization and constraints on the FCC's regulation of the Internet and talk radio. Put those items on the table each time, each session.


                    “Every time the issues come up, every time the cuts are litigated, Obama's efforts to appear to be a centrist will be frustrated. Time and again, he will have to oppose spending cuts. Over and over, he will come across as the liberal he is, battling for each dime and opposing any defunding.


                    “Obama's campaign strategy has two elements: Change the subject from the 09-10 agenda and move to the center. A tough, determined Republican budget offensive, embracing all these elements and fought in this guerrilla style, will frustrate both and lead to his defeat.”


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Wisconsin Capital Issues

The latest proposal that Scott Walker has come up with has divided the great state of Wisconsin. Everyone needs to do research before slamming public employees. It is very easy to say that it is only the public employees that caused this deficit the state is now facing.Here are some facts provided from the census bureau of labor statistics. The average High School Graduate in Jefferson Country earns $626 dollars a week which works out to an annual salary of $35,552. College graduates with a Bachelor’s degree have an average weekly salary of $1137 which works out an annual salary of $59,124 per year. In percentage terms, the average salary of a college graduate is almost 82 percent higher than someone who holds a high school diploma. This showing the importance of continuing education in this great state of Wisconsin. The average employer in the state of Wisconsin offers a 401k program with matching. The average employers usually have matching rates of 3% up to 6%. Let’s look at the private sector first line supervisor / operating employees in the production field. The average starting salary of an employee in Jefferson country is $38,577 per year. The average salary is $52,650 per year. The top end average salary is $59,686 per year. These positions do not require a degree.Then let’s break it down even further with in regards to our educators in Jefferson Country. A beginning educator has an average starting salary of $33,706 per year. The average educator earns an average salary of $50,960 per year. Then on the higher average salary with years of experience earns $59,586 per year. Then the educators are required to continue additional education to maintain there teaching license. They are required to earn 6 credits every 5 years. The cost per credit costs between $222.00 to $972.00 which the educators are required to pay on there own. So that adds up to $1332.00 and $5832.00 every 5 years. This is not reimbursed from the school districts. In the private sectors most companies offer tuition reimbursement plans for their employees. The educators can retire after 25 years per the state retirement as well as any other non-protected retirees.Now let’s look back to 1993. The Wisconsin legislature enacted the Qualified Economic Offer (QEO) law. The QEO law - and the revenue controls that restrict the amount of money school districts can raise - was enacted in order to limit school spending. Those measures were combined with a commitment that the state would provide two-thirds of the costs of schools on a statewide average (this figure varies by community). Under the QEO, school boards have the option of unilaterally limiting pay and benefits for K-12 teachers so long as the combined increase is 3.8%. The law allows school districts to avoid true collective bargaining regarding compensation and important school quality issues. As rising health insurance costs have eaten up most of the 3.8% total compensation target, teacher salaries in Wisconsin have stagnated and even declined. As a result, Wisconsin teacher salaries fell 6.8% from 1997-98 to 2007-08, when adjusted for inflation. For 2007-08, Wisconsin's teacher salaries ranked 21st in the nation at $49,051, down from 20th the year before, and below the national average of $52,308.This being said, none of us are the cause of this deficit that the state is now facing. It was caused by years of mismanagement. This Republican verse Democrat game must end. If you don't agree 100% in what Walker proposed, then you have to vote no. Just because you are one party or the other does not mean that you have to follow everyone else because you are in the same party. You have to follow what is right for the voters and citizens of Wisconsin. Just because someone jumps in front of a moving car does not mean everyone has to follow, Use some common sense. They all have been voted into office to stand up for and listen to the citizens of Wisconsin. I'm not saying that some things are not needed, because I agree that they do. But this has been pushed without thinking everything through item by item. What's good for one is good for all. It is time to stand together and work as one for the people of Wisconsin.What ever happened to Bipartisanship? If anyone forgot, it involves cooperation, agreement, and compromise between two major political parties. That is what made this county what it is today. What is taking place now is Dictatorship, a government controlled by one person, or a small group of people. In this form of government the power rests entirely on the person or group of people, and can be obtained by force or by inheritance. The dictators may also take away much of its peoples' freedom which Governor Walker is in the process of doing.Sincerely,Tom Mecikalski730 Crestview DriveWatertown, WI 53094(920) 261-0577
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This is an extreme statement but the financial reform is deeper rooted than in party lines and budget cuts. Don't get me wrong there can be light at the end of the tunnel, but there needs to be checks and balances to fractional reserve lending, an audit of fort knox, and several major financial reforms and compromises. I propose the government to use equivalent to greenbacks like President Lincoln did with government infrastructure projects. Why pay debt to a foreign nation or central banker when it is for the public good. I say bring back the greenbacks and also push for a higher required reserve limit that banks must meet. Several presidents were murdered fighting the banks like the Federal Reserve, which is not a government agency and the Bank of England. Money has ruined several great governments, I hope it doesn't ruin this one. I believe with a hybrid of what I'm talking about we as a nation could see taxes actually going down. On a side note, congress should curb lifelong politicians, outlaw big business lobbyist, and earmarked bills.
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Whos the IDIOT?

      Ohio Govenor calls a police officer a "IDIOT" after being stopped for a traffic violation. Govenors through out the U.S. are turning this country  into a dictatorship. Legislative Republican puppets are leading the way. Now whos the Idiots?  Senate Bill 5 is pretty hard to swollow since no dialog seems to be allowed . Has the soup nazis's sat down with anyone to see if they would give concessions to help figure this "crises " out? The govenors attitude is to push and shove and call out the National Guard to solve their problems.
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