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Nature's Law


So, who is your best friend? I’d like to say that although I’m grateful for my government entitlements, they are not affordable.  It is my duty to tell you this.  Those who give so generously to me are not going to receive the same when they are seniors.  Government entitlement goes against nature’s law.  


Islam’s Sharia law is one answer. It makes the statement that “man,” and especially woman, is born evil. Therefore, it is necessary for “man” to make harsh laws.  And, in Christianity we are born in sin. We’re on a guilt trip. In Judaism, one must place one’s self at the total mercy of God—whatever “man” says God is.  Some men say Jews don’t have the right to live. Some will not be happy until the last Jew is dead.  As to the promised land thing, when you look around,  especially Jews, you see that the concepts of God are not working to our advantage.   We note that in all life there are territorial disputes.  We humans are above other life forms, but acting like animals.


Nietzsche, the God is dead guy, wondered whether God made a mistake in creating “man” or whether “man” made a mistake in creating God. Nietzsche was an existentialist.  An existentialist is self-determining—responsible for his own choices, while the God Abraham created wrestles with various concepts of God, all of them external and lethal.


The astounding fact is that I found God in the County Law Library, in the Constitution; that is, in nature’s Higher Law. The Constitution says to be lawful we must be self-governing.  Authority, with zero backing, says the opposite. Authority says that we must be governed according to today’s needs; that is, as authority sees fit, because the law is whatever authority says the law is.  The proof is in the pudding that authority is wrong. The American people are fast becoming spineless jellyfish—bankrupt morally, spiritually, and more lately fiscally.  We know full well this can’t last and the longer we wait to correct the wrongs the worse the consequence.  We know that we don’t have leaders; we have followers of the status quo fraud.


America is precisely where I was, personally, 35 years ago.  The current choice: fly with eagles or fall into the abyss.  You can fly with eagles.  I didn’t look to authority for my answers. I went to the source, exactly as it is written in the Constitution, and took a stand.  My life is good.  All of my dreams have come true. Miraculously the Constitution worked for me.  Only if you allow yourself to be brainwashed by Washington, D.C. is the Constitution a historical document in a glass case in Washington.  By depending on Big Daddy Obama, and all that money he’s giving away, where are you?  Need I say more? It isn’t a pretty sight.


I did the whole nine yards of being the law abiding citizen—followed the rule of law and got absolutely nowhere.  As we’ve proceeded, Uncle Sam made the law favor himself. It’s the way of authority.  The courts complied.  Might makes right. The rule of law in America, complicit with Sharia law—the end justifies the means—we know what that means.  What is a hundred million human lives when the sacrifice is for the good of all. In Obama land,  both Mother Theresa and Mao were for the good of all.   


No way, Jose. I took the court record to the press and got a front page story. In the revelation of my legal case before the world, Uncle Sam ate crow.  Did I do America a service? No.  My noble cause didn’t change a thing. 


With the American people knowing that Uncle Sam is above the law, all I did was to frighten people into more compliance.   By court order, the government entitled have first call on our sweat. Taxpayers are expendable.  The IRS told me Congress has the authority, under the Sixteenth Amendment, to take one-hundred percent of my earnings and hand every penny to the voting constituency  deemed by Congress to be more needy of the fruits of my labor. What do you call it?  Paradoxically,  you are being robbed; I’m benefitting.  They say Jesus remains the most influential man that ever lived.  Maybe, but that isn’t good enough. Ten years of mind search, based on experience, tells me America is on the Yellow Brick Road.


In the Lord’s Prayer, I wonder if Christians know that when Jesus said “in earth as it is in heaven” he qualified it with “But first seek ye the kingdom of God?”  The kingdom of God isn’t limited to heaven. God is internal as well.  The religious are looking for an external God, an almighty authority to give us pie in the sky. That’s a hell of a note.   We imagine God looking down on us with a frown; to receive his grace we must fall to our knees, head to the ground, begging forgiveness.  It results in necessarily harsh laws to control evil people, or the guilt trip requiring confessing one’s sins, and of course a money contribution to the cause.  No thank you.  Rather than a God-self, the self-fufilling prophecy, the way “man” controls: Never allow the individual to know the power that lies within.


In Genesis 1:26,  “And God said, Let us make ‘man’ in our image,”  it comes down to making you and I in authority’s image—giving authority dominion.  Hey! You are intelligent . You know that’s wrong, but who are you to fight it, ye of such little faith?


At long last, I’ve found that Christ’s spirit has been working in me ever since I studied the Constitution and had my bigger than life calling.  There were signs all along the way .


The IRS says you don’t have any rights. Jesus said, “Come to me all ye that are laboring and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt. 11:28).  Jesus said that priests profane the Sabbath (Mt. 12:5), “but I say unto you that in this place (the temple) one is greater than the Sabbath.”  Yes, and one is greater than any authority.  I proved it. 


The IRS hung itself with its own rope. Why do you think that the Founding Fathers wrote a constitution with three branches of government and a Bill of Rights for you and me?  If you want your liberties to be honored, you have to demand.


The truth will set you free.   Jesus said, “Therefore all things whatever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” (Mt. 7:12).  And he further said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are raving wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits . . .”(Mt. 7:15,16).


What has religion found by looking for an external God?  a set of rules that goes against the harmony and symmetry of nature. Look for Jesus sitting on the right hand of God the father almighty on a golden throne and the facts speak for themselves.  You become a tax slave or to live by the sword and die by the sword.  Have it your way, but by looking within, I’ve found peace. All of my dreams have come true.  I found a friend in Jesus.

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Please read if you are planning to contact me via tea   I am FEMALE, and not GAY.  So, all of you women from where ever the hell your from, stop sending me bio's and pictures!  Even if I was not straight, I would not bring another person in to this country, so back off!
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Verdict is in: Obama’s Political Correctness Kills

Does Administration Understand Yet?



     Today in a speech before the U.S. Senate, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano spoke passionately about the terrorist- threat our nation faces.   So passionate was Madam Secretary that during the speech she used the words “terrorism” and “terrorist” more than sixty times. This marks an incredible reversal of form and adoption of reality for Ms. Napolitano because in her initial speech to the Senate after her appointment was confirmed in 2009; Napolitano used the words “terrorism” and “terrorist” exactly . . . ZERO times. 

     You do remember that the Obama administration’s tortured political correctness originally banned the term “War on Terror” and rather than using "terrorism" spoke instead of “Man-Caused Disasters.” You do remember that immediately after the Fort Hood massacre, President Obama called for “patience” and insisted that Americans NOT “jump to any conclusions”^^ about Major Hassan, the man who yelled “Allah Akbar!” before killing thirteen fellow soldiers and wounding 29 others. You do remember that Major Hassan had been sharing his hate-filled inner life with fellow soldiers for seven full years prior to the Ft. Hood shooting . . . and that for his open anti-Americanism Hassan rather than being given a dishonorable discharge had instead been rewarded with three promotions. 

     You also do remember that in the Army’s 84-page report on the Ft. Hood disaster they never once named Hassan and never once used the words “terrorist,” “terrorism,” “Jihad,” Jihadist,” “Islamic radical” or “Islamic terrorist.” Political correctness, in other words is nothing but what in psychology they label “DENIAL.” And since whether in psychology or self-defense, denial leads to disaster: we are pleased to mark Ms. Napolitano’s belated return to reality, but wonder what’s keeping Mr. Obama** himself from similarly embracing reality . . . .


Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,



** The Army report also insists that Major Hassan “acted alone” which is 100% false: Major Hassan was in contact with Al Qaeda and specifically prior to the shootings exchanged numerous messages with Anwar al-Awlaki, Hassan's former imam.   We are not safer thanks to all this self-delusion, but rather much, much more imperiled . . . .
  ^^Mr. Obama made no such request after the Tucson shootings and allowed his supporters in the House and Senate, and the media and internet three days to villify the TEA Party, Republicans, and Conservative talk shows as guilty of driving Jared Loughner to the acts . . . finally the President made a mild request for "civility"  without criticizing his own party. Loughner, of course, was a disturbed Leftist/Liberal nut-case who listed the Communist Manifesto among his favorite books.  Don't be shocked, but no apologies were ever made to conservatives.
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Article II, Section 3 of the United States Constitution states:


“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.”


Much discussion and speculation has been put forth as to whether or not President Obamugabe is guilty of treason. In light of the above excerpt from the Constitution, my opinion is NO. As much as it irritates me to not be able to hang the traitor tag on the ONE, I can find no grounds, yet, for treason. Such may indeed exist, but I have seen no evidence. He is obviously guilty of conduct unbecoming of a President, but that indicates his arrogance and ego, not an impeachable crime.


Having said that, I do strongly believe that the  ”Great Leader” is guilty of an almost equally heinous crime, namely perjury. Even this charge may be a case of overreaching. Perjury involves the foreswearing of an oath that affects the outcome of a judicial process. Strictly speaking, I would be hard-pressed to apply the textbook definition to Obamugabe. However, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he has violated his presidential oath of office and as such, he is definitely guilty of an impeachable crime.


Obamugabe took an oath to “ …  faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  By refusing to accept Judge Vinson’s ruling on ObamaCare, he has violated that oath. He has placed himself and his administration above the law and outside the scope of judicial review. In doing so, he has declared himself to have imperial or dictatorial powers above those granted to the Executive by the Constitution. This, in my humble opinion, is a criminal act. At present, there is absolutely no chance of a conviction for these “crimes”. While it is entirely likely that he could be impeached by the House, there is no chance of a Reid controlled senate convicting their boy of a crime that could remove him from office. He is bullet-proof for now. But his increasing boldness will eventually put him at odds so onerous and indefensible as to cost him his job. Hopefully this will be the case before he can do irreparable damage to the foundations of the United States’ rule of law.

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My Miracle Message

We all know we have a problem. Here is my alert for an Obama underware bombing event, how to secure your liberties.

My life had been like trying to climb a greased pole.  The truth is stranger than fiction. This message is to all who share my early life experience.  Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find (Mt. 7:7).


My bigger than life calling came in the county law library shortly before my departure.  I was there to study the Constitution, my rights under it, and the legal procedure for taking the IRS to court. I blamed Uncle Sam for all of my woes. When I read the Constitution and U. S. Code sections concerning it, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. I felt a bigger than life calling. This was a first sign.


On Good Friday, 1975, said to be the day Christ died on the cross, I cut from the heard, the pioneer seeking to find my true identity.  The first two years of my  reborn life were spent on a sailboat I named Bold Venture, sailing in the Bermuda Triangle, where many people have vanished and never a trace of what happened.  When I left my life at sea, I’d saved seven lives, including my own, from a watery grave.  Christ is said to be his brother’s keeper. This was a second sign.


It is said that God works in mysterious ways. I’ve come to believe that Jesus is my savor and redeemer, although I’m not a Christian. The religion turns me off.  I’m not against believers, but I’m too independent for the dogmas and doctrines.  I look within for my answers.


After I left my life at sea, I took a job in Portland, Oregon, where I met Karen.  The moment we met I felt as though I were meeting an old friend I’d not seen in a long time.  Our first date was a hike to nearby Multnomah Falls, unbelievably, on May 18, 1980, the day Mount St. Helens erupted, not 50 miles from Multnomah Falls.  A third sign, after the calamity my life had been, hope and renewal. It’s legendary.


Just before the sky in the northwest turned black and we hurried back to the car, Karen had blurted out, “I want ours to be a platonic relationship.” She says it just “popped out.”  Fifteen years later I read in an astrological compatibility report, under Your Relationship with Karen, “The platonic thing was there from the start, and there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you.”  Was Karen’s appearance the luck of the draw? How could this be? Karen is heaven sent. It happened after I looked within and discovered who I really was. I got on my path of destiny, symbolized  by the ancient Chinese yin and yang. This is a fourth sign.   


I was born with Aquarius on the rise.  In The Rising Sign by Jeanne Avery, under Aquarius Rising, “When this sign is on the ascendant, the individual has a unique approach to life . . .He becomes the water-bearer by walking to the beat of a different drummer. He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries.”


“The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way. . .He is willing to let go of the trunk of the tree to walk out on the edge of a limb. He knows where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit.  He is not one to hide is light under a bushel” (Mt. 5:15).  


In Astrologer’s Handbook, under Aquarius, “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.  Born with Aquarius  on the rise, this is a fifth sign.


Welcome to the Age of Aquarius. Let us not hide our light under a bushel.


My video

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Legislating Inspiration

I have recently come to believe that one thing that drives the momentum of larger government is that people think you can legislate inspiration. This is the same thought that says the reason for poor education performance is because we don't spend enough money on schools and school support. This country originated as an inspiration and that is something that can not be bought. It can be sold in the form of a goods or service the inspiration brought to fruition. However if you attempt to buy inspiration one of the things you might get is a beauracracy trying to protect the influx of money.
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Speak in Anger and...

Speak in anger and you will deliver the greatest speech you will ever live to REGRET! Winston Churchill

The airwaves today are filled with pundits and experts who constantly badger, butcher or blow up anyone who might disagree with their point of view. While this might be entertaining talk radio or night time television, it has produced a horrible precedent for dealing with people in general.

Many have come to believe that silence is weakness, that calmness is cowardly and that you must engage in a tit-for-tat exchange of point and counterpoint, claim and counterclaim to compete and survive in any relationship. If an unwanted fire has broken out the last thing you want to do is throw gasoline on it. Yet many seemingly cannot resist the urge to throw their last bit of fuel on the fire then spar, thrust and parry back and forth long after the source of problem has been left behind.

Often it is the preservation of ego which keeps us engaged in verbal combat, somehow believing that having the last word will win the day. Learning to check your ego at the door and determine what truly matters most is key, not only to success, but to happiness and peace of mind. Whether speaking to someone live or going back and forth in email, you must ask yourself if the messages you are about to speak or send are going to move the conversation, and more importantly, the relationship, forward or whether they will simply fuel more anger and angst. Winning a verbal battle at the expense of a relationship war is never wise.

General Robert E. Lee was once asked his view of a man he had had many disagreements with. Lee responded that the man was a good, just man, who he happened to disagree with greatly. The questioner then stated that the man in question did not hold such a respectful view of the General and often expressed that negative opinion to others. To which General Lee replied, “You asked me my opinion of him, not my view of his view of me. My view is the only one over which I have control.” The way you communicate with those you disagree with speaks volumes about who you are as a person. Petty, personal attacks never produce positive results and often keep us a safe distance from real solutions.

Be ware of your emotions and your ego, especially in the highly volatile arena of interpersonal communication. Silence can be strength, a kind word can carry a conversation, stepping away can be the best step forward. Words have weight and their impact is immense – so choose them wisely, use them with caution and whenever in doubt – don’t!


The Most Effective Way to Communicate is Video Communication

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Moving On From O'Reilly

After watching O'Reilly "interview" The One, Obamalinsky, many should be questioning the continued viability of Fox News.  With a majority stakeholder of that network being a Muslim, and with AOL having purchased the Huffington Post for $315 million bucks and cedeing editorial content oversight to that nut-job, the pattern is pretty clear, if you have an eye to see, and an ear to hear.  While Fox News still remains the premier cable news outlet with the most objective, non-biased (ahemmm) content, the plan should be clear.  Take-over.  Control of the flow of information.  Internet "kill-switch".  A man that has been put into place to engineer the complete destruction of the Republic we've known for 235+  years, must have a clear path without the petty voices of the great unwashed to impede the process.  It's all very simple.

     The international handlers have figured this out  years ago.  Soros has engineered the near-destruction of at least FOUR national economies.  This, the United States, is THE PRIZE HE SEEKS.  He failed to destroy Bush43 in 2004, as he vowed to do.  He's getting even now.  But, as with all Cinderella stories, there's always a wicked witch, or an evil mother-figure, or another wrench that gets thrown in the gears.

     That would be Obamalinsky.  The man is not an idiot.  He is not an American, by any stretch of the imagination.  He was not, nor ever will be, eligible to hold the office he has been given by the internationalists, and the global unionist cabal.  He has been put into place because he resembles, in great measure, his mentor, George Soros, who funded Obamalinsky's "coming-out" political debut in the house of Bill Ayers, terrorist, and spent millions trying to influence the election of 2008.

     To get to the point, as stated, that Obamalinsky is not an idiot, he is also not a man that a majority of Americans will gravitate towards.  He is artificial, superficial, thin-skinned, and has absolutely no concept of the ideals and principles that made this nation great.  It would've been more effective if "Evil Dude" Soros could have found a true American Traitor that actually had an American narrative behind him, a tapestry of an American family to give him credence, authenticity.  Actually gone to school in this country, had a history of child-hood friends, just very basic things that most of us take for granted as a part of growing up in America.  Obamalinsky has NONE of that. 

     So "Evil Dude" Soros may have screwed up, in his egalitarian rage and pathological egotism.  This is where our hope really exists.  More and more people are seeing behind the curtain.  A tin-eared narcissist standing before the Chamber of Commerce and lecturing them on creating jobs he is solely responsible for destroying?  As if he's just discovered the elixer of prosperity and needs to tell us how it's to be done? 

     So I wasn't truthful at the beginning of this, I'll admit, after re-reading it.  I DIDN'T watch the interview.  I tried.  I turned it over, and had to turn the channel.  Again, and again and again.  I just couldn't stomach it.  That doesn't mean I can't stomach the fight to come.  It's just more ammunition.  I've seen enough excerpts of it to know all I need to know about that obfuscation of reality.  We knew what he was going to say before he even opened his mouth.

     That, my friends, is EXACTLY where we've got them.  WE KNOW where they are going to go.




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Kennedy Millionaires In Line for Taxpayer HandoutIf a line of people looking for a government handout had formed outside the Capitol last week – two prominent people named "Kennedy" would have been among those with their hands outstretched.Victoria Reggie Kennedy, wife of the late Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy, wants $30 million more in federal dollars to help with the cost of a huge memorial to her husband, on top of the $38 million she managed to siphon off of budget lines such as the Defense appropriations bill.Further back in the line for a taxpayer-funded handout is former Congressman Joe Kennedy, who complains that this country doesn't spend enough on heating oil assistance for the poor -- when we're not funding shrines for his late uncle, of course.If you own a television in the Washington D.C. media market, you have seen Joe Kennedy thanking the people of Hugo Chavez's Venezuela and CITGO oil company for bankrolling a program to give discounted home heating oil to poor and elderly people in nine states here in America.You see, Kennedy actually pulling the hose from a big oil tanker from Venezuela to provide heating oil to a deserving family.The non-profit is called the Citizens Energy Oil Heat Program which, of course, has a website and a toll-free number just to remind you who's give you all that subsidized heating oil – 1-877-JOE-4-OIL.Any reasonable person looking at all this would have to ask – do these people ever talk to each other? Isn't there some break in the action at a Hyannisport touch football game or a big family gathering where they could compare notes about which Kennedy is getting how much from the U.S. Treasury?Maybe Victoria could scrimp a few million dollars on the Kennedy shrine – a towering pillar or two less – and ship the savings over to Joe. Or is Joe too busy making his deliveries of Hugo Chavez's oil for the TV cameras?One would think Joe would be trying to do anything to get a few million for fuel for the poor… before he goes begging to socialist dictators in Venezuela.TAKE ACTION: There's a very short window to stop this "shrine" to Ted Kennedy and prevent the $30 million of additional taxpayer-funding from going to fund this liberal pork-barrel project. Contact your elected officials in Washington right now and tell the Congress "no taxpayer funding for the Kennedy Shrine!"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Knowing Better Now

The Past in Light of the Present

When we look back at the past, knowing what we know now, we often find it difficult to understand how we made the mistakes we made. This is because once we learn new information, it is nearly impossible to reenter the headspace we were in before we learned that information. And so we look back at parents who spanked their kids, for example, and wonder how they could have thought that was a good idea. Similarly, our personal pasts are full of mistakes we can’t believe we made. We did things then that we would never do now, and this is precisely because we have information now that we didn’t have, or weren’t able to access, then.

From ideas about how to raise children to how to treat the environment, our collective human past sometimes reads like a document on what not to do. In many ways, this is exactly as it should be. We learn from living and having experiences. It is from these past actions that we garnered the information that guides us to live differently now. Just so, in our personal lives, we probably had to have a few unsuccessful relationships or jobs, learning about our negative tendencies through them, in order to gain the wisdom we have now.

In order to live more peacefully with the past, it helps to remember that once we know better, we tend to do better. Prior to knowing, we generally do our best, and while it’s true that from the perspective of the present, our best doesn’t always seem good enough, we can at least give our past selves the benefit of the doubt. We did our best with what knowledge we had. Beyond this, we serve the greater good most effectively by not dwelling on the past, instead reigning our energy and knowledge into our present actions. It is here, in this moment, that we create our reality and ourselves anew, with our current knowledge and information.DOM


Communicate more Effectively with Video Communication

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Standing in replication of the current oppositon, the Great Pyramid of Giza, its base a square opposing its pinnacle, and all that lies beyond, what is taking place today in Egypt is something bigger than life. We’re at the end of an old age, the beginning of a new age.


Ancient Egyptian priests were star gazers. They were mathematicians.  Sir Isaac Newton was into astrology. He studied Egyptian mathematics and came up with calculus, from which he gave us the laws of motion.  


The square in astrology represents opposition, and so it was in my life when my ruling planet, Uranus, had transited from my time of birth to a position opposing itself. It happened in my forties.  An opposition is indicative of change.  It began with my opposition to federal income tax. 


I went to the county law library to study my constitutional rights and the legal procedure for taking the IRS to court, as American as anyone can get. In the country law library reading the Constitution, I had the feeling that voices of the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling.  It was more than taking the IRS to court. And so it is with the Egyptian street protest.  There is more than the eye can see.  The change in my life is now being repeated on a worldwide scale.


The many obstacles in the way of the Egyptian protest, the same as in my own experience, I had those to overcome. From then on my life improved, to the end that if it could get any better I don’t know how. Along the way, I learned the power that lies within us.


 Astrologer’s Handbook tells us the people of the old age are desperate to do the right thing, “but as a rule they do not have strong willpower.  Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.” They have as their symbol two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, indicative of dual emotions; they can’t make up their minds about what is taking place.  We are told that people of the new age are “born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity. They have as their symbol the water-bearer. . .” They are stubborn in their beliefs and operate as equals among equals. Wouldn’t you know, I’m the latter type?   Yes, I’m Aquarius rising.  This means that Aquarius is the part I show the world, and as I age become more Aquarian.


In numerology, since Uranus completes its orbit around the sun in 84 years, an average lifespan, and the numbers are from 1  to 9, numerology divides life into 9 cycles, the first of which is discovery of who we are.   In my reinvented life, in 1975 I cut from the herd and discovered the real me. The second cycle is the pairing.  After I learned who I was, I found the right mate, on my fourth try. Knowing who I was made the difference. In 30 years of wedded bliss, she is still the right mate for me. The third cycle is diversity. Together we’ve lived a really diversified life.  The fourth cycle is stability and justice, and I got into that big time.  My legal battle with the IRS lasted 11 years, with the IRS hanging itself with its own rope.  How’s that for stabilization and justice?  Being Aquarian, it was due to my bigger than life calling.   


Rather than chaos, disorder and confusion, under the definition of anarchy in my Webster’s College Dictionary,  thinking about such as the situations in the Mid-East we wring our hands over,  we read: “the absence of direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes  cooperative and voluntary associations  of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.”  Who needs the kind of leadership we see in the Mid-East?  Out of chaos comes order. In my Aquarian mindset, God helps those who help themselves.  The least government is the best government.  


We don’t need a Washington daddy. Please, President Obama, won’t you get out of our lives?  Rather than the world’s police force, merely making the bad situation worse, let us be the world’s inspiration.  Besides placing our security in jeopardy, you are bankrupting us. We can’t afford this. Please stop stigmatizing us.  You give the world a very bad image of us.  Let us individually take care of our own needs. Our problems will vanish like mist in the morning sun.  It takes two to Tango. The best way to pit the Jewish state against the Arab states is to remain in the status quo. With us, it is individual to individual. You can be sure we, individually, are not going to get us involved in the Mid-East holy war. 


And, as to the great disparity in wealth,  officialdom leaving us with no logical remedy, in fact, with the world’s economy teetering, an economic meltdown on the brink of happening, we love you President Obama. You are a great orator, and so charming, too. Your toothy smile is catching. But pathetically, your Marxist education does not know the first thing about the economy.  


Kevin Kelly of Wired magazine, sees a bright future. Kelly’s economic prediction:


The Law of Connections: The collapsing microcosm of chips and the exploding telecosm of connections will tear the old laws of wealth apart and prepare territory for the emerging economy.

The Law of Plentitude: Curious things happen when you connect all to all.  Adding a few more members can dramatically increase the value for all members

The Law of Exponential Value: The chart of Microsoft’s cornucopia of profits is a revealing graph because it mirrors several other plots of rising stars in a Network Economy. However, the same forces that feed on each other to amplify network presences into powerful overnight standards can also work in reverse to unravel them in a blink. Success will become nonlinear and self-regulating.

The Law of Tipping Points:  Significance precedes momentum. Success became infectious and spread pervasively.  It became difficult not to be infected. For instance, how long could one hold out not having a telephone?

The Law of Increasing Returns:  Them that’s got shall get. It depends on this: while centralized government gets more punishing, the Network Economy rewards schemes that allow decentralized creation, and punishes those that don’t.

The law of Inverse Pricing: While the worst—government—gets more costly each year, the very best gets cheaper each year. It is a major engine for the new economy.

The Law of Generosity:   Microsoft makes huge profits by giving away its Web browser, thereby creating a need. 

The Law of Allegiance: The prosperity of the company is directly linked to the prosperity of the network.  

The Law of Devolution: The tightly linked nature of any economy, but especially the Network Economy’s ultraconnected constitution, make it behave ecologically. The fate of individual organizations is not dependent entirely on their own merits, but also on the fate of their neighbors, their allies, their competitors, and, of course, on that of the immediate environment.

Which is it going to be folks, wishing for Obama’s success, and dying in despair, or the law of all times?   



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NATO sees migrant risk to Europe from Egypt unrest

Mon Feb 7, 2011 1:16pm GMT
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BRUSSELS Feb 7 (Reuters) - NATO said unrest in Egypt and elsewhere in North Africa and the Middle East, could lead to an increase in illegal migrants seeking to enter Europe.  


NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, a former Danish prime minister, said the unrest was not a direct threat to the 28 members of the military alliance, but could have an impact on the Middle East peace process and regional stability in general.


"That may also in the longer-term perspective have a negative impact on economies, which might lead to illegal immigration in Europe," he told a news briefing in Brussels.


"So of course, indirectly, there might be a negative impact on Europe caused by the evolving situation in North Africa and the Middle East." (Reporting by David Brunnstrom, editing by Rex Merrifield)


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    I downloaded the decision by Senior United States District Judge Roger Vinson.  It's 78 pages of federalist paper, constitution greatness.  He sited previous supreme court decisions and explained his reasoning very well.  It was not only informative but an education as well. If you have kids it would be a great idea to maybe read it to them and have them go over it with you.  He basically said that the Federal Government is to promote equal and fair trade between the states so that one state does not gain an advantage over another.  For example if Pennsylvania has a trade agreement with New Jersey, and New Jersey charges a tariff on the incoming goods from Pennsylvania the state of Pennsylvania is at a disadvantage.  The Federal Government can step in and prevent New Jersey form charging a unreasonable sum or may order the removal of the tariff altogether.  This is a form of taxation without representation.  This is what our form of government is built to prevent.  The Federal Government cannot order anyone to buy anything based on this principle.  The Judge uses other examples in his decision and follows up with references to the Federalist papers, previous Supreme Court cases, and last but not least the constitution.  I recommend everyone read his decision.


     I also heard that the Republicans we elected into the House of Representatives voted to pass the Waxmann bill on Cap & Trade. I hope this is not true.  All our efforts in getting them elected and they go and pass a job killing measure such as this. Especially when the intelligent state of California has passed their form of this already, and that legislation is failing miserably. We have to be vigilant people.  I hope the senate Republicans will know better and stop this before it gets to President Obama to sign, AND HE WILL SIGN THE THING.

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Saving Your Butt as Monetary System Collapses

            Hopefully, the politicians will regain their senses in the next couple or three months and the survival information in this little blog will never have to be used . . . call the odds on that happening 200/1 since the tax and spend Democrats still control the senate and Barack Obama still wields the veto pen in the Oval Office. The last time an American President showed courage and wisdom in the face of a severe monetary crisis was 1921 (Harding slashed government spending 48%; taxes 49%; and paid down the National Debt 30% in turning the depression left him by Woodrow Wilson into the "Invisible Depression" within fifteen months).  Unfortunately,Barack Obama won't join with the Republicans to save your butt; indeed he's still suggesting mad policies (in the State of the Union speech) that guarantee the grand-daddy of all fiscal meltdowns.  Either kiss your butt goodbye, or take matters into your own hands because your survival in the coming meltdown depends upon you.

Rajjpuut began advising readers in early 2004 of the dangers represented by the sub-prime lending crisis to our economy and to their wealth. You know how that turned out . . . . Since roughly April, 2009, he’s been warning of a complete fiscal meltdown in America associated with the U.S. Dollar’s collapse (when the greenback is no longer accepted as the World’s Reserve Currency) and hyper-inflation attacks our way of life . . . since Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has been busy at the money printing presses and electronically creating dollars as well, the 2011 dollar is technically worth 3.4 pennies of a late 2008 greenback.  Our National Debt stands at 95% of our GDP even though Ben Bernanke put the figure at 64% in a National Press Club speech three days ago (he did not include the $4.6 TRillion we've stolen from Social Security and Medicare "lockboxes" which moves the debt from $9.5 TRillion to $14.1 TRillion).  Our UNfunded liabilities stand at $113 TRillion.  We will soon be able to tax every citizen 100% on their earnings and not be able to fund the profligate Obama budget.  The nations of the world individually and the leaders of the world's monetary foundations are in agreement the American Dollar as the world's reserve currency is no longer acceptable; the system stands on the verge of disintegration and you are innocently sitting on the couch watching "reality TV" and playing video games?

To fight against this growing present threat, even more than gold, Rajjpuut has been advising readers to consider buying so-called “junk silver.” Junk silver needs a new name because purchase of a $100-face value bag of American silver coins (pre-1965 dimes, quarters, half-dollars with 90% silver content) now costs -- depending on the price of silver on a given day -- between $1,850 and $1,950 dollars. Few people realize that as an investment, silver has outperformed gold in the 21st Century. Yes, yes, gold has risen roughly 300% (quadrupled in value since the original 100% is added in) but silver has risen 521% over the same period or gone up to 621% of its original value.

One other little thing: people don’t realize is that silver is now more rare than gold. While virtually every ounce of gold that’s ever been mined is still with us today; approximately 96% of all the silver that’s ever been mined is believed lost forever. Silver has a huge present day demand and  has long dominated the industrial markets: it’s still used in photography; and is the preferred metal for electronics, pollution control, tableware and utensils; chemical catalysis; medical use; and in some countries it’s still used in coins . . . but let’s get back to the junk silver we were talking about, when silver reaches $33 per ounce, each silver dime will be worth $2.00. If hyper- inflation hits silver will be in far greater demand than that, for the price of a single silver dime, it’s likely that you’ll be able to buy enough to feed a person three-squares as merchants desperate to trade their wares for something of intrinsic/real value look to silver as their own best investment. These same merchants might NOT accept $4,000 paper dollars for the same food under the same circumstances.

Does that sound far-fetched?   At the end of the Weimar Republic’s savage hyper-inflation, German citizens in late 1923 insisted upon being paid three times daily and having splurge-breaks to run off and buy anything just so their money wouldn’t lose all its value before they could spend it. Eric Maria Remarque, famous author of All Quiet on the Western Front, displayed these facts quite graphically in his stark novel The Black Obelisk as 26 TRillion Deutsch Marks traded for one American dollar. Rajjpuut’s stamp collection contains Weimar Republic German stamps with printed prices cancelled out and new prices overprinted . . . in short, hyper-inflation is a mess you’d prefer not to deal with, but one it’s best to prepare for . . . .

However, while silver coins are a great idea, there is one truly great investment that trumps virtually everything else imaginable: farmland. Yes, real hold-in-your-hand coins are absolutely necessary, but the best investment of all over the last 40 years has been American farmland which easily outpaced bonds; stocks; gold and even silver. Farmland was about twelve times more lucrative than the Standard and Poors stock index; and more than four times better than gold during those 40 years. 

While the land appreciates in value, it can also be rented out or farmed by you in case of the utter end of civilization, and NO, farmland did not fall in price during even one quarter during our recent meltdown. Investments in the stock market in 1970 (adjusted for inflation) returned only 16% and the stock market can’t save your family in a serious crisis. Just as physical silver is a great idea, owning a farmable plot of land has its great attractions as well. If that’s impossible, you can invest in private Argentine farmland for about $7 an acre; the well-respected Stansberry Report even suggests buying Argentine farm property management via NASDAQ whenever such stocks sell for below book value. To get the full (it's a long presentation) picture, visit:


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The Truth About the Middle-East

Aquarius rising, astrologer Jeanne Avery tells us, can be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries. He is the forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way. 


My story begins in 1975 with my being at a jumping off place and forced to leap into the unknown.   It was predicted by astrologers and numerologists.   I cut from the herd. The first thing I did was to discover who I really was. After that discovery, it was natural to move into my path of destiny.  All of my dreams have come true. I’m 35 years ahead of the hounds.


 I was less than 50 miles to the southeast of Mt. St. Helens when she erupted on May 18, 1980. I was on my first date with Karen, my soul mate.   Crater Lake, one of most beautiful places on the planet, was once the scene of a volcanic eruption 40 times as great as Mt. St. Helens’.   I woke up this morning thinking about my sanctuary, Crater Lake.  I lived close to Crater Lake and often went there to meditate.

All being said and done at this crucial time in mankind’s history, out of the chaos of our solar system came the beautiful  water-planet  Earth, as far as we know, the only planet in the solar system capable of supporting life as we know it.  Newton’s laws of motion and Einstein’s relativity, notwithstanding, there had to be a reason. The physical universe is governed by immutable laws. “But these law leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will,” says my mentor, quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker.  Before the physical universe, there had to be conscious awareness.


For a time, we are physical beings with advanced consciousness, in fact, the most conscious beings on the planet, and surely not by chance. We would not be the only such life form if it was by accident.  There is no real argument:  we may be physically descended from apes, but consciously aware of far more than any other life form, and for a reason.  We were created with increasing purpose. Linked with the ages, from the beginning of our lives to our end in eternity, said St. Augustine, “distinguish the ages and the scriptures harmonize.” 


Jesus said in the Lord’s Prayer, “in earth as it is in heaven,” but, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.” The kingdom of God is to be distinguished from “in earth as it is in heaven.”  The kingdom of God is conscious awareness of nature’s God, and the beauty and harmony in nature. It’s the here and now.


I’m sorry to have to deprive the religious of their pie in the sky, but in religion’s notion of the kingdom of God, man’s doing, we witness in the Middle-East the Jew’s god, the Muslim’s god, and the Christian’s god, all derived from Abraham’s god, and, unfortunately, for 5,000 years the three religions fighting holy wars for the pie in the sky—not a pretty picture, but what would you expect when you let man invent God?


This brings me to my point for discussion:  the Egyptian uprising and the fear of the consequences. We’ve a lesson as old as the hills to be learned.  We fear that radical Islam will hijack the revolution, fear the closing of the Suez Canal, fear the voiding of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty.  We cry out in anguish!   The prayer of Habakkuk: “O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even  cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!  Yes, and as a consequence of all of these woes, Mubarak, lying fraud that he is, is given the excuse to circle the wagons and fight the revolution—and the truth. His thugs are brutally beating reporters.  Yes, to be sure, we are all for democracy and freedom of choice, but we live in fear of the unknown.  Roosevelt was wrong about most of what he advocated, but he was right about this: “We have only fear itself to fear.”  


To the Egyptian revolutionaries: “Yet I will rejoice unto the  LORD. I will joy in the God of my salvation” (Habakkuk 3:18). Keep the faith!  Long live your freedom from oppression.  


Linked with the ages, we are now moving from the Age of Pisces, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, into the Age of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer to humanity, water the elixir of life.


H. G. Wells, who wrote about the future, was Vigo with Aquarius rising. I’m Virgo with Aquarius rising.  Astrologer Avery says I’m “a chance taker.”  I know “where the fruit grows.” I’m “not one to hide my light under a bushel.”  I’m writing the story of my life.  It fits this crucial time like a hand in a glove.











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Happy Birthday to The Gipper

Ronald Reagan Remembered

Ronald Reagan was a Conservative icon for sure
A kitchen table patriot, whose wisdom will endure,
Embracing power with the responsibility of office and without thirst
A man of strong values who loved God, family and Country first

A true culture warrior who revered the sanctity of life
He taught us to love thy neighbor and not covet his wife
The Reagan’s slice of heaven was at their Rancho del Cielo
He seemed happiest at the Ranch where life was so mellow

Atop his horse he evoked an almost royal or heroic air
He commanded respect from world leaders everywhere
Always unpretentious, unassuming the leader of our land
Was as at ease with Kings and Queens, as with a ranch hand

He was a man of the people and in all ways lived for them
Among a world full of leaders he stood tall and was a gem
He spoke of the American people with love and affection
He set our national moral bearing in a righteous direction

Of personal freedom and responsibility he would speak often
With his smile and wit the hardest heart he could soften
I don’t think he knew the meaning of the word quit
It was not very often that you would see him sit

Three times he ran before winning the nomination
And twice was elected President of our great Nation
The first time he thanked God for being on his side
God rewarded him next time with an enormous landslide

Of the Russians he declared they were an “evil empire”
And winning the arms race was a need, of ours, very dire
To Mikhail Gorbachev he said, “Tear down this wall”
So that, democracy and freedom could be enjoyed by all

Reagan thought to lower the tax rates to create more growth
Which expanded the tax base and increased revenues both
Some said Reaganomics and Defense spending the debt did increase
I say small price to end the Cold War and bring a new era of peace

“Peace through strength” was his mantra and call to arms
He struck when Libyan terrorists did dare our troops harm
Against international terrorists he declared relentless war
For the longest period in our history the economy did soar

I first revered Jefferson and then along came Ronald Reagan
Both were men of great virtue with nary a hint of the pagan
Men of strong character, sacred honor and stalwart devotion
Great statesmen whose words carried across the wide ocean

Limited government was one of their common goals
As was personal liberty that sparked a fire in men’s souls
Anti-federalist was a label you could put on both men
Majestic words and ideals they could either put to pen

But with Reagan I felt a kinship born of shared values and a love
That he had for the American people and the Creator above
He was a contemporary leader and we could see, hear and feel
The wisdom, honor and character of he, who led us with zeal

He represented his nation as a “Shining city on the hill”
And always revered those, who for freedom, blood did spill
Indeed, his own was spilt from a would be assassin’s shot
But God spared his life that day, so that we might grieve not

He gave us hope that sprang eternal and did not fade
I am grateful for his inspiration of which my debt is unpaid
Until conservative values have been restored throughout the land
And our faith in God and family are renewed, with His helping hand.

Tom Whitmore

Copyright 2011, Thomas J Whitmore
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Obama is a Christian


Yes, Obama is a Christian who schemes in terms of liberating the poor by taking from the rich, and now praying for peace in Egypt. It sounds good in theory to the poor but it is not good for the poor or the rich.


The Egyptians are not fooled.  According to the Egyptians, Obama’s words mean nothing.  Furthermore, they don’t like being told. Most Americans wonder what Obama is.  One thing for sure, Obama is a master of duplicity We have but to look at the politics of the Middle-East, which has it death to Great Satin America. Look at Liberation Theology, Obama’s brand of Christianity, Marxist. It dovetails with Islam’s political goals, which are socialistic. These two birds of a feather are all about power, the people, the pawns of both.  


Seventy percent of the jobs in America are provided by small business.  Most small business owners are classified by Obama as rich.  They couldn’t be in business if they were not “rich.”  If taxed heavily, since they take a risk with their investment, and they don’t always make a profit, small business owners would be foolish to stay in business giving their profits to government.  The reason unemployment is high in America is primarily due to Obama’s predatory redistribution of wealth. Not only does it drive the hiring public out of business, but it encourages dependence on government.


Government drove this entrepreneur out of business in 1975, but not without my kicking government’s butt.  It took me eleven years to do it, but the IRS apologized to the world on the front page of The Palm Beach Post for making repeated “mistakes.” Those so-called mistakes were the IRS’s effort to let me know there was nothing I could do to stop their lies and frauds.  It is all recorded.

The Internet ad says, “Make 2011 the year you pay zero taxes. This comprehensive guide, written by an accomplished team of tax experts, contains dozens of tips and techniques to preserve your income through exclusions, credits, deductions, shelters, smart investments, and more!”

 What if your income is barely enough to make ends meet?  You are trapped into paying the full income tax burden; the rich get a free ride; the government entitled live on your poor aching back. Playing the American people for suckers, the most corrupt in the world United States, tantamount to an invite, asked for the 9-11 attack.  The American people are being deliberately delivered to the Islamic Brotherhood.  At the last moment, at the cost of your freedom, America’s phony knights in shining armor, in a pre-arranged deal with the Islamic Brotherhood, will come to the American people’s rescue.  Without a shot being fired, America will be placed under Sharia law.  You will lose all control over your life. Don’t worry about Egypt. Worry about your own country.   



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How to Discover Yourself

Anti-Mubarak protesters in Cairo yesterday climb on an army tank

We humans have the gift of reason and logic but, oddly, prefer to rationalize utopia—a dream that never happens.  But living in hope and dying in despair, once again the world dream of utopia is in its death throes. Mubarak’s own tanks are on the streets celebrating liberation from a dictator’s oppression, the tank crews clapping the chant, “Mubarak get out, your regime is over.”


In Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image,” Egyptians throwing rocks, Sharia law, and international terrorism, not my idea of what God had in mind.  The world has placed itself in a position that forces change, a pretty ridiculous way of discovery. Nevertheless, here we go again, moving back to square one.  I know all about that.  Some of us learn from our mistakes.


Dear President Obama and following, I pray that you will be aware of the fact that Egypt is the focus of your attention because the world is in transition, the movement away from central government and toward self-government. People are not buying your idea of transition to central government.  The election and now Egypt, how much is it going to take to convince you that your way is not in vogue anymore?  If you know someone in need of enlightenment, please send the poor soul this post.


Speaking for the ancients, we’re moving away from the Age of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius.  The symbol for Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.  In practice, it is both sides against the middle, the way to gain control.  The symbol of the Age of Aquarius, the water-bearer, water is the elixir of life. The Age of Aquarius stands for brotherhood and fraternity. Where and when have we heard this?  at the beginning of the Age of Pisces in Judea.  Jesus promised that he would return.


I speak for the ancients.  An idea, having no form by itself, but giving figure and form to shapeless matter, becomes the manifestation—Plutarch (40-120 A.D.). I speak for the cutting edge of modern science.   There is a dimension of infinite possibility.  This has come to light from the study of the microcosmic, a world that is not yet real.  A thought is not yet real; it has no shape or form.  By observation, the mind interacts with the dimension of infinite possibility, thus giving the observer manifestation of his thoughts. The ancients thought it; modern science proves it. At the same time that the ancient authoritarian way is winding down, new economy rules leading to prosperity are gaining momentum. 


The chance of such as the Islamic Brotherhood gaining control is slim to none, but keep in mind the self-fulfilling prophecy:  in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come 'true'. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.  This law gives rise to the fact that it is our social choice to either remain immature dependants  living in a hothouse, or be the wave of the future, self-governed.






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