So, who is your best friend? I’d like to say that although I’m grateful for my government entitlements, they are not affordable. It is my duty to tell you this. Those who give so generously to me are not going to receive the same when they are seniors. Government entitlement goes against nature’s law.
Islam’s Sharia law is one answer. It makes the statement that “man,” and especially woman, is born evil. Therefore, it is necessary for “man” to make harsh laws. And, in Christianity we are born in sin. We’re on a guilt trip. In Judaism, one must place one’s self at the total mercy of God—whatever “man” says God is. Some men say Jews don’t have the right to live. Some will not be happy until the last Jew is dead. As to the promised land thing, when you look around, especially Jews, you see that the concepts of God are not working to our advantage. We note that in all life there are territorial disputes. We humans are above other life forms, but acting like animals.
Nietzsche, the God is dead guy, wondered whether God made a mistake in creating “man” or whether “man” made a mistake in creating God. Nietzsche was an existentialist. An existentialist is self-determining—responsible for his own choices, while the God Abraham created wrestles with various concepts of God, all of them external and lethal.
The astounding fact is that I found God in the County Law Library, in the Constitution; that is, in nature’s Higher Law. The Constitution says to be lawful we must be self-governing. Authority, with zero backing, says the opposite. Authority says that we must be governed according to today’s needs; that is, as authority sees fit, because the law is whatever authority says the law is. The proof is in the pudding that authority is wrong. The American people are fast becoming spineless jellyfish—bankrupt morally, spiritually, and more lately fiscally. We know full well this can’t last and the longer we wait to correct the wrongs the worse the consequence. We know that we don’t have leaders; we have followers of the status quo fraud.
America is precisely where I was, personally, 35 years ago. The current choice: fly with eagles or fall into the abyss. You can fly with eagles. I didn’t look to authority for my answers. I went to the source, exactly as it is written in the Constitution, and took a stand. My life is good. All of my dreams have come true. Miraculously the Constitution worked for me. Only if you allow yourself to be brainwashed by Washington, D.C. is the Constitution a historical document in a glass case in Washington. By depending on Big Daddy Obama, and all that money he’s giving away, where are you? Need I say more? It isn’t a pretty sight.
I did the whole nine yards of being the law abiding citizen—followed the rule of law and got absolutely nowhere. As we’ve proceeded, Uncle Sam made the law favor himself. It’s the way of authority. The courts complied. Might makes right. The rule of law in America, complicit with Sharia law—the end justifies the means—we know what that means. What is a hundred million human lives when the sacrifice is for the good of all. In Obama land, both Mother Theresa and Mao were for the good of all.
No way, Jose. I took the court record to the press and got a front page story. In the revelation of my legal case before the world, Uncle Sam ate crow. Did I do America a service? No. My noble cause didn’t change a thing.
With the American people knowing that Uncle Sam is above the law, all I did was to frighten people into more compliance. By court order, the government entitled have first call on our sweat. Taxpayers are expendable. The IRS told me Congress has the authority, under the Sixteenth Amendment, to take one-hundred percent of my earnings and hand every penny to the voting constituency deemed by Congress to be more needy of the fruits of my labor. What do you call it? Paradoxically, you are being robbed; I’m benefitting. They say Jesus remains the most influential man that ever lived. Maybe, but that isn’t good enough. Ten years of mind search, based on experience, tells me America is on the Yellow Brick Road.
In the Lord’s Prayer, I wonder if Christians know that when Jesus said “in earth as it is in heaven” he qualified it with “But first seek ye the kingdom of God?” The kingdom of God isn’t limited to heaven. God is internal as well. The religious are looking for an external God, an almighty authority to give us pie in the sky. That’s a hell of a note. We imagine God looking down on us with a frown; to receive his grace we must fall to our knees, head to the ground, begging forgiveness. It results in necessarily harsh laws to control evil people, or the guilt trip requiring confessing one’s sins, and of course a money contribution to the cause. No thank you. Rather than a God-self, the self-fufilling prophecy, the way “man” controls: Never allow the individual to know the power that lies within.
In Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make ‘man’ in our image,” it comes down to making you and I in authority’s image—giving authority dominion. Hey! You are intelligent . You know that’s wrong, but who are you to fight it, ye of such little faith?
At long last, I’ve found that Christ’s spirit has been working in me ever since I studied the Constitution and had my bigger than life calling. There were signs all along the way .
The IRS says you don’t have any rights. Jesus said, “Come to me all ye that are laboring and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt. 11:28). Jesus said that priests profane the Sabbath (Mt. 12:5), “but I say unto you that in this place (the temple) one is greater than the Sabbath.” Yes, and one is greater than any authority. I proved it.
The IRS hung itself with its own rope. Why do you think that the Founding Fathers wrote a constitution with three branches of government and a Bill of Rights for you and me? If you want your liberties to be honored, you have to demand.
The truth will set you free. Jesus said, “Therefore all things whatever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” (Mt. 7:12). And he further said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are raving wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits . . .”(Mt. 7:15,16).
What has religion found by looking for an external God? a set of rules that goes against the harmony and symmetry of nature. Look for Jesus sitting on the right hand of God the father almighty on a golden throne and the facts speak for themselves. You become a tax slave or to live by the sword and die by the sword. Have it your way, but by looking within, I’ve found peace. All of my dreams have come true. I found a friend in Jesus.