2011 Americans Robbed of $105.464 Billion
The more we know, we discover as we age, the less we know. There are many subtleties in life that come to light as we grow older.
I live with a new age. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, quantum mechanics’ basic principle, is the realization that attempting to measure the absolute position of a subatomic particle leads to increasing uncertainty. The movements in nanotechnology are impossible to pinpoint. The experimenter cannot measure more than one quantum variable at a time. The old guard says pay no attention. The microcosmic has nothing to do with our world. We are self-contained. It is a ploy to contain us within the limits of the orthodoxy of lawyers, scientists, and theologians.
Today’s orthodoxy of intellectuals extrapolates the idea from advancing technology that we are coming to a time when we will operate like machines—one worldwide tribe of mindless monkey-men. This orthodoxy of intellectuals has been moving the world for a century toward their perfect solution—now one single mind ruled by computers. I got the whole story from a documentary I downloaded yesterday, Transcendent Man. Actually, it is a throwback in time, back 25,000 years or so, to our more animalistic state, when we lived in caves. Everything the intelligentsia can do, including collective salvation Obama, such as curtailing oil well drilling, and setting up penalties for coal burning power plants, everything the intelligentsia and Obama can do to shut down America’s economy, the latest word for Marxism in the movie is now “singularity.” In demonstration of singularity, the movie shows a star filled sky and then zooms in on one star until the whole screen is white, to give the viewer the allusion that Transcendent Man speaks for the laws of the universe. Jeanne Avery, a member of both the American Federation of Astrologers and the International Transactional Analysis Association, who lectures, teaches, and conducts workshops both in America and abroad, has a totally different view of the universe than does Transcendent Man.
Speaking of the stars, and I don’t claim to be representative of the one and only law of the universe, just by coincidence, I was born in the month and year, September 1925, that Heisenberg published his uncertainty principle. And just by coincidence, when I was born Saturn, the learning planet, was in its best alignment with Pluto, the generational planet. Astrologers call it a trine. Astrologers say the configuration meant that I would likely be interested in science and would know the subtle workings of the universe; and according to Jeanne Avery, that I could bring back information that has been lost for centuries; that I could be the forerunner in setting style; that I could know where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit. So who is this “transcendent man?” He is the self-contained, all-meat computer nerd of the 21st century, one of those quaint, out-of-date people who believe there is no Higher Law; there is only their law.
Keeping in mind Transcendent Man’s one star in the heavens, Marxism, the good news: I was born with Aquarius on the rise, meaning that as I grew older I would become more Aquarian. Coincidentally, on July 4, 1776, the day America’s Founding Fathers declared their independence from England, the planet Uranus was on the ascendant of the astrological chart, meaning the United States was born under the sign of Aquarius.
Coincidentally, my ruling planet, Uranus, had transited to a position in my astrological chart, in my forties, that indicated a big change was coming. My business enterprise went on the rocks. My wife divorced me. I challenged the IRS and went to the county law library to study my constitutional rights and the legal procedure for taking the IRS to court. This make a lot of coincidences in my life, and what has been going on in the world during my life.
We read in the Declaration of Independence that we hold these truths to be self-evident: “that all men are equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. . .” In U. S. courts today, I can tell you from personal experience, the right to government entitlement supersedes the right to exist on the fruits of one’s own labor. It is Marxism, the one star in the heavens that counts in the United States of America.
Before the South lost America’s Civil War, African Americans were owned by whites. The Constitution is whatever the courts say it is. But, since the law is based on reason, the United States is a lawless renegade, a throwback in time to the law west of the Pecos. In the United States today it is the law of the jungle, the group with the most political power favored, may the best man win.
Political expedience has been favored since the signing of the Declaration. Political expedience favors government entitlement. America, the leader of the free world, is bankrupt, morally, spiritually, and fiscally. Thanks to America’s leaders, and their entitled pawns, it looks as if America problems will be solved by relegating America to the third world and China to the world’s leading economy, a fitting end for people who depend on government, don’t you think?
Not so with me. If life could be any better, I don’t know how. I challenged the above mentioned unholy frauds. With the law, I beat them. It is awesome to think that when I took up “my Constitution,” when I turned to man’s “Higher Law,” the background of the Constitution, I turned from loser to winner. When everything should have gone wrong, you might say, everything started going right.
I’ve named just a few of the coincidences in my life that made me a believer in miracles. The Constitution tells us we are capable of being self-governed. If not to anyone else, I proved it to myself. The caretaker state is man’s doing, the Piscean state, the symbol of which is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. The so-called Islamic Brotherhood has the collectivists all coming together for a a great and glorious common cause: Socialism. Lost in the wilderness of their own doing, it’s the expedience of our leaders that has driven us to this low point.
It makes no difference whether one is a Christian, Muslim or Jew, my truth comes from within me. What did Jesus say about brotherhood? He told us to beware of raving wolves in sheep’s clothing. It is up to us to point the world away from the birds of a feather collectivist inspired, power based Brotherhood—toward the Age of Aquarius, an age of true brotherhood.
Jesus told us, “In earth as it is in heaven . . But seek ye the kingdom of God.” The kingdom of God is to be distinguished from the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of God is individual. This I tell you is God’s truth. Believe it. I’ve lived by my belief. I know the truth will set you free. Believe in your sacred self. We have no idea of the power that lies within us, but I promise you we will. We are going to change the world, for we are moving forward with the highest force in the universe, God’s law, the opposition with the ebbing tide. Long live the Tea Party.
Whats wrong? We keep electing the same dang people. I'm a one term Commissioner because the State of Ohio said we had to build a new jail. The NIMBY's came at us with a vengence and I lost. I've always contended that "The truth is the easiest to say because you NEVER have to remember what you said" The only problem with that is you won't get re-elected. I'm also a one term Mayor. I made my council do thier jobs and on re-election they went out with lies and I was defeated. You think I would of learned a lesson.
In my case I have seen Congress and the VA turn their backs on individuals who've sacrificed so much to protect our liberties. I see new generations that seem to be totally engrossed in abusing those same liberties, won with such sacrifice. +
My World War II father is wasting away with cancer. As for myself, my btain degeneration is slowly taking its toll. Random body movement are getting to be the rule rather that the exception. I always get the same old answer, you were on a carrier during the Vietnam War how could you of been exposed to anything? i believe a veterans last breath is what the VA and congress is looking for. Then they can close the book on one more veteran's life.
what is a terrorist and who decides who are, in my opinion a terrorist is anyone who terrorizes people. The word terrorist has been overrated as to who it applies too.
Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist, Gangs around this country are terrorist, all who participated in the shootings at high schools were terrorist, The shooter at Ft. Hood was a terrorist.
For what ever reason, people have linked the word terrorist to Muslims. A Muslim is an adherent of Islam, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the Qur'an. Muslim is a religion and anyone who hears the word Muslim and thinks or assumes they are terrorist, is ignorant.
If I come to your home and terrorize you and your family, am I not a terrorist!
With a heavy hard-hearted heart, I must announce a complete breech of civilized protocol on my part with David Davidson, seconded by Mini Mee. Apparently great insult and insular conduct unbecoming a rational human being has been commited on my part concerning certain questions asked on a previous post pertaining to the TEA Party movement, as apparently Mr. Davidson was quite hungry for information about this movement before he considered joining. I urgently appeal to all here to view my reply to Mr. Davidson and Mini Mee, and please review his post also. Perhaps someone here can persuade him to not leave, as we're not as vile and hateful as we must appear to be, according to his accounts of "actual" TEA Party activities, the very ones he has questions about.
So I appeal to the decency of this membership for mercy and forgiveness for my hard-hearted ways, and will accept any chastisement and rebuke as I may be judged to deserve. It's entirely possible I need re-education and enlightenment.
Radical Islam’s Osama bin Laden dealt a harsh blow to capitalism by taking down the World Trade Center. Millions of capitalist-hating Mid-East Muslims danced in the street. President Obama, neither capitalist nor socialist, but for “collective salvation,” his innovation, neither here nor there, the Muslims who destroyed the World Trade Center, says Obama, have a right to build a mosque next to the hole in the ground Osama left, and closed the subject for further discussion. He can do that, but history will report that Obama is the Pied Piper of Hamelin who led his child-like following to their departure, to never return. Good luck. You Obama lovers are going to need it.
The Phoenix was a legendary bird that after five or six centuries immolated itself on a pyre and then from the ashes to begin a new cycle of years, an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope, this is the other side of the Islam-Obama coin.
The 9-11 event could be the sign of the ending of the age of orthodoxy and control freaks, the beginning of an age of brotherhood, without government coercion, “that in retrospect may seem to have been marked by widespread indulgence, decadence, naïveté, denial, and inflation, wrote Richard Tarnas in Cosmos and Psyche, under “World Wars, Cold War, and September 11.” Tarnas is a distinguished philosopher and cultural historian who demonstrates in his book the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. It is amazing that people are not aware of the signs of the time. By the way, Obama was elected president in November 2008. Tarnas points out that in November 2008 Saturn and Pluto went into quadrature alignment, the very worst of alignments. Coincidentally, many of us think Obama is the worst president America has ever had. It all fits. He doesn’t know whether he is afoot or horseback. Let’s talk about the weak-willed people of the Piscean nature who elected him.
But first, let me say one of the most magnificent works of nature is Crater Lake, Oregon, and as a result of a volcanic eruption 40 times as great as the Mt. St. Helens eruption. It just happened that on May 18, 1980 my wife Karen and I were hiking on a trail near Mt. St. Helens. It was our first date. Karen, my fourth wife, the love of my life, reminding me of the legendary Phoenix and Crater Lake, our first date was a sign of reborn idealism or hope, and the same for the 9-11 event if you look at it my way.
We’re each here for a purpose. Karen and I were united for a purpose. Our lives together have been exciting and blessed with good fortune. This reminds me of all of those now jumping through the hoops of control freaks—in support of union control—and for the good of all, of course. They are under the conception that might makes right. But, gee, where did their power go? They are not ready to face facts.
I sympathize with them. I was experiencing a repeating dream shortly before I departed my old life. Speaking of the Phoenix legend, I was flying on the back of a giant bird through a narrow, winding canyon, terrified. I could not see around the bends. At the time, I feared the fast approaching drastic change in my life. I had no idea of what my future held for me. I was right where the world is today.
We can either fly with eagles or fall into the abyss. It is our individual choice. Based on personal experience, my advice: be prepared for the worst. You come equipped to cope. Look within for answers. In a boat full of holes, the bail-out establishment, as always, a day late and a dollar short, my friends, the establishment is not going to do what the voters want. It never does. It’s enough to make the Speaker of the House cry. Nice guy! He is so sorry to have to disappoint us. Congressional bumblers are going to continue to search for an easy way out, all the time digging a deeper hole. That’s the orthodoxy. That’s control freaks. And look who the President is, the worst leader ever. The next two years , the most shameful period in America’s history, is going to be something nobody want to seriously talk about. America’s is going down the tube, but in this fast paced world, it will not be for long.
Shades of the past, after I got used to the idea that a drastic change in my life was coming, unconsciously, I reacted, first to go after the cause of my demise. My wife was divorcing me. My business enterprise was on the rocks. The United States was the cause. I reacted by studying “my” Constitution and my rights. The United States had informed me that, under the 16th Amendment, my personal income was taxable up to 100 percent. Does that sound like the law to you? Well, it isn’t. Congress doesn’t pay any attention to “my” Constitution. Consequently, we’ve had it. The lawlessness will soon come to its rightful end.
The law is based on reason and logic. Somebody please tell the politicians we’ve just elected that they are frauds and they are going to be voted out of office. For years, the law in practice has placed the government entitled ahead of my right to exist on the fruits of my own labor. That’s why Islam calls America the “Great Satin.” Actually, both the United States and Islam are bed fellows. Both are in violation of the “Higher Law.” One is as wrong as the other. According to the control freaks, there is no “Higher Law.” Theirs is only the law.
You had best start personally dealing with the change. Listen to your union bosses and be left up a creek without a paddle. You people on the street: It is not going to be your way or else. You are kidding yourselves. And you folks with the government entitlements, if you look externally for answers, the change is going make your life get worse and worse, while your opposition, with reduced competition, is going to do better and better.
The “Higher Law” places the individual in charge of his life. There is no such thing as collectivism, for the good of all, or the end result justifies the means, or government entitlements. All of it is manmade manipulation—control freaks taking charge of your freedoms, fools who think we are not capable of managing our lives. They are the smartest, the very wisest of all. If you think they are right, you are right. You never gained control your life. You exist in a government controlled hothouse. I can control my life. I am in control of my life. You people living in La La Land can’t answer the question: why would we taxpayers want to make your lives better than ours at our expense? You are not the law. You are slaves of the smartest and wisest. Your good fortune is short lived.
The far-out control freaks, those perpetrating the wrongs, are doing their best to convince you that the 9-11 event was the fault of the present government. They got their education from Hitler. Our constitutional form of government gets the blame for everything these revolutionary freaks do that goes wrong. Listen to Islam. Hitler was God’s will. Says Islam, Hitler was here to punish Jews. The world is full of simple Simons who never mature, who believe whatever self-serving authority tells them.
The 9-11 event was a sign that the Age of Aquarius has arrived, an age of brotherhood. I’m telling you that Islam’s knuckleheads, desperately clinging to a bygone past, are in their death throes. Are you going to capitulate in fear? Believe me: Those freaks, like Neanderthals, will soon be history. Where will you be?
You are equipped to control your lives. It’s all playing out according to plan. Everything is in divine order. Those clinging to the past make it all the easier for you. Count your blessings. Take it from one who knows.
Please go to the National Tea Party Fund LLC web-site. They have the FIRST TEA PARTY FLAG!
Go to: National Tea Party Fund. Com
Lying, bribing, subverting election laws, payoffs, aiding the nation's enemies, seeking the abrogation of the U.S. Constitution – which of these does not fall under the "high crimes and misdemeanors" required in the nation's founding documents for the removal of a sitting president, asks a new special report.
"The Case for Impeachment: Why Barack Hussein Obama Should be Impeached to Save America" by Steven Baldwin covers all of these issues and more in making its arguments.
"This is the beginning of the end for the United States unless the people exercise their precious remaining liberties and stand and demand that their elected representatives impeach this president before further mortal damage is inflicted upon America," the report concludes.
The author explains that the Founding Fathers enshrined the impeachment clause into the United States Constitution because they feared that a president intent on subverting the very principles upon which the American experiment was built would someday rise to power.
A Republican congressman has told a left-leaning blog that if there is collective support, he would favor the impeachment of Barack Obama over his decision to stop defending the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Scott Keyes of ThinkProgress.org asked U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz.: "I know Newt Gingrich has came out (sic) and said if they don't reverse course here, we ought to be talking about possibly impeaching either Attorney General [Eric] Holder or even President Obama to try to get them to reverse course. Do you think that is something you would support?" Keyes asked.
Read all about the grounds for impeachment.
Franks replied: "If it could gain the collective support, absolutely. I called for Eric Holder to repudiate the policy to try terrorists within our civil courts, or resign. So it just seems like that they have an uncanny ability to get it wrong on almost all fronts."
Uploaded by TXCOC on Sep 4, 2010
Anybody involved in any conservative movement these days, are radicals, if you were to believe the MSM and the liberally insane. Okay...whatever you say. Go take your meds, the guards will be here shortly to lock you up in your rubber room again.
The outright violence, vitriol and assaults committed by union thugs, and encouraged by their leaders, starting with Barack Hussein Obamalinsky and trickling down through people like Richard Trumka (not to mention a large number of Congressional leaders) is unprecedented in American history. Maybe I've got that wrong---trickling UP from the like of Trumka, et al, TO Obamalinsky might be more accurate.
Point being, we're in the perfect storm now, and the forecaster is Obama, the unions and Soros are the real storm. The globalists, anarchists, communists, Islamacists, facsists and all other "ists" that have longed for the destruction of the only free-market the planet has ever known, the only true beacon and example of human liberty, are all coming together in the culmination of a long thought-out strategy.
It's been an obsession of mine for many years as to why the contempt for liberty and dignity has always been so prevalent in the human psyche over many millenia. Even the most seemingly honorable people, those whom you might respect and emulate, seem to have at least a seed of the dementia. So what is it?
First thought---They're ***holes. Period. Not hard to get your mind around that one. Self-explanatory.
Now, more to the point. Perspectives from the bunker. That bunker being the patriot bunker, the TEA Party bunker, the really-tea'd-off bunker. Got an e-mail last night from a fellow who had been getting our weekly alerts, etc., from our local TEA Party organization. Don't know how he got on there, or why, if his tone was any clue. He basically said "Take me off your list. I don't want any editorializing. I quit doing that. I want solutions. If you're going to be a leader, then lead."
So I wrote him back, very respectfully, and informed him that if he had been paying attention to our e-mails, he would have seen that we are very active in forming new groups, have organized a number of educational summits etc., with Americans For Prosperity, and Joel Foster, among others, and have a huge seminar coming up in April festooned with nationally-prominent speakers, numerous break-out sessions and training programs. We DO offer solutions. But we can't lead those who don't want to do anything. We can "editorialize", because the times, they are a'changing fast, Conversation can be illumination, and the arena of ideas must never be silent. If anything, we need to be louder, and at the same time, more informed. For me, a good rant is packed full of statisticts, commentary, and various points of view, culminating in a crescendo of inspiring oratory that has blown away all the lies and vapors of deceit.
But that's just me.
So we're in this time-frame, and it's being defined FOR us, not BY us, and the structure of it's definition began a very long time ago, by very evil men. Think 1846, or thereabouts. Communist Manifesto. Social revolution. Social "justice". It began even before that. Way before that.
See Genesis chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6. Then read the entire story. That should explain just about everything, if you have an eye to see and an ear to hear.
Then read the Federalist Papers. Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and all the correspondence of our Founding Fathers that you can lay your hands on. That, fellow patriots, is our true BUNKER, where we can hunker down, re-group, and come out shooting.
If that analogy offends you, try not to choke on your spit-balls.
God Bless the United States of America! God Bless all of you Patriots!
Washington Young Americans for Freedom: Seattle Declares War on Non-Minority College Grads!
(Seattle, WA – 3/2/2011) Washington Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) announced their opposition to the City of Seattle’s social justice policy as outlined in the City’s “Race and Social Justice Initiative.” The city’s adoption of the initiative has sparked a national debate on “social justice,” which amounts to preferential treatment for minorities. This preferential treatment includes different standards by police when citing or arresting minorities. It also included decreasing hiring standards because, since more whites have college degrees than minorities, jobs that require college degrees are now considered “racist.”
In a supposed attempt at equality, the City of Seattle has embarked on a social engineering nightmare. By selectively deciding on the basis of race, the city has assaulted the rights of all citizens. Of particular alarm is the admission that prosecuting attorneys are requesting lighter sentences for illegal immigrants to decrease the likelihood of deportation.
“We affirm the right of all Americans to equal treatment,” said Anthony Wallace, Acting State Director of Washington YAF. “This policy,” he continued, “is an attack on basic Rule of Law and eliminates the cornerstones upon which the values of our great nation were founded—personal responsibility and liberty. Institutionalizing a lowering of standards in regards to crime—under the guise of social justice—is simply another aspect of the liberal war on law-abiding citizens and the moral fabric which binds us.”
Young Americans for Freedom is the nation’s oldest, largest, and most active conservative – libertarian youth organization. YAF was started at the estate of William F. Buckley, Jr. in 1960 to uphold the principles of the Sharon Statement. To learn more about the Sharon Statement and YAF please visitwww.YAF.com.
The Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI) envisions a city where racial disparities have been eliminated and racial equity achieved.
RSJI is a citywide effort to end institutionalized racism and race-based disparities in City government. There was no roadmap for this work; no American city or other government institution had ever undertaken an initiative that focuses explicitly on institutional racism.
As part of the City’s commitment to RSJI, City departments develop and implement annual RSJI work plans. City employees also attend RSJI training to learn more about the Initiative and how to apply racial equity tools to City business.
In 2008, the Mayor’s Office released a report that assessed the Initiative’s accomplishments and challenges so far, as well as looked ahead to the Initiative’s next phase. In 2010, RSJI will continue to address racial disparities internally within City government, as well as externally, in partnership with community members and stakeholders.
The City’s Race and Social Justice Initiative is coordinated by the Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR). For more information, please contact RSJI Manager Glenn Harris at 206-255-7556,glenn.harris@seattle.gov or Elliott Bronstein at 206-684-4507, elliott.bronstein@seattle.gov.
Want to learn more about the Race and Social Justice Initiative? Please read “Race and Social Justice Initiative Report 2008: Looking Back, Movin...” or the “RSJI Overview.”
Politicians Need to Listen
to the Voters NOW!
Despite adding hundreds of billions of dollars in spending laws and Obamacare (a massive new entitlement program) in 2010, Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat-controlled House of Representatives didn’t bother to pass a budget last year. Now Pelosi and Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, another Democrat, have decided that despite the results of November’s election, the only budget concerns that matter today (spend, spend, spend!) are theirs. Taxpaying voters, meanwhile according to a recent Rasmussen Reports survey say, “A pox on both of your houses, shut down the government, until agreement on substantial CUTS*** is reached.”
While the two parties haggle, 58% of voters would rather see a partial shutdown of the federal government rather than maintaining spending at current levels ($3.7 TRillion in the Obama budget) according to the ever accurate Rasmussen Reports. Only 33% of likely voters told Rasmussen they’d prefer to see government spending continue at present levels rather than shutting down the government. Opinions fell upon partisan lines with 58% of Democrats opting for maintaining spending levels; contradicted by 80% of Republicans and 59% of Independents who thought partial shutdown until agreement on cuts was the better idea. Overall just 6% of voters support more spending while 61% say cuts are in order.
The public seems more clear-thinking on fiscal matters than our elected representatives according to numerous Rasmussen polls. The majority of voters for years have said that cutting taxes and reducing government spending are best for the economy. Of all Mr. Obama’s promises casually-made and super-casually-unfulfilled, voters have consistently rated “cutting the federal deficit by half by the end of his first term” as the most important promise that nominee Obama made. Today survey after survey confirms that few voters expect he’ll keep it.
Mr. Obama’s present $3.7 TRillion budget will see government spending increased taking it over $4 TRillion very soon unless some drastic cuts and changes to the Washington modus operandi are quickly made. Who’s going to make the hard decisions? 70% of voters believe that the voting public is more willing to make the hard choices necessary to reduce federal spending than our politicians are. 66% of polled voters say that the Democratic Party is NOT interested in cutting spending; and 49% say Republicans don’t go far enough with the spending cuts they’re seeking. These voter opinions on government spending have held very consistent since late 2005. The survey-meister himself, Scott Rasmussen observed in his 2010 book In Search of Self-Governance that . . . .
"The gap between Americans who want to govern themselves and politicians(and power brokers) who want to rule over them may be as big today as the gap between the colonies and England during the 18th century." Rasmussen added that “The American people don’t want to be governed from the left, the right, or the center. They want to govern themselves.”
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery
Geo, meaning “the earth,” like geography, or geological—a mathematical means of explaining things concerning the earth that are too complex for the sensibilities to fathom—it has come to mind something earth shaking I’m going to write about today.
Yesterday, I started reading The Mystery of Atlantis by Charles Berlitz. I only read a couple of pages. This morning I’ve solved the mystery. The human mind is an amazing thing. It can either reach into the unknown and pull in answers or be voluntarily limited to nothing past the end of the nose. I’ve been involved in a mind workout ever since I decided in the spring of 2001 to write my memoirs.
Berlitz pointed out to me in his book that the ancient Greek Plato, from information he got from Solon, who had learned from Egyptian priests of “an island continent beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the ancient name for Gibraltar) called Atlantis, the heart of a great and wonderful empire.”
I read that Troy was also a mythical place until it was actually discovered. Troy fit Atlantis so closely that Plato quit writing about Atlantis. The world continues to search for Atlantis. After sleeping on the couple of pages I read in The Mystery of Atlantis, I awakened this morning with the mystery solved. We will now take it from there.
Ancient Egyptian priests were astrologers. Astro, pertaining to the stars, Egyptian priests made logic from the stars. They used geological reasoning. Egyptian priests enabled the pharaohs to envision the future. Atlantis was not a place. It was a vision of the future. Astrologer Jeanne Avery informs us in The Rising Sign, under Aquarius Rising (I’m Aquarius rising), “He becomes the water-bearer by walking to the beat of a different drummer. He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost for centuries. The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.” Jeanne Avery said the sign of Aquarius was on the United States of America on July 4, 1776, the day she was born. If you had the mind of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, you would have made the connection I’ve made.
I’ve been involved in a mind workout for the past ten years, in fact, every since I decided to write my memoirs in the spring of 2001. Every day the real me becomes clearer. Not only am I building my image, but of mankind as well from what I read.
We read on the back cover of Cosmos and Psyche, “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between the planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography. Based on thirty years of meticulous research, this brilliant book points to a radical change in our understanding of the cosmos, shining new light on the drama of history and on our own critical age. It opens up a new cosmic horizon that reunites science and religion, intellect, and soul, modern reason and ancient wisdom.”
In The Physics of Consciousness by quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, I read, “Now we see that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space were false dogma. But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . . The tests of Bell’s theorem have shown us that objective reality as it has been conceived is not the true fabric of reality. The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.”
In The Scofield Study Bible, in the Preface, “the appointed mission of Israel was, (1) to be a witness to the unity of God in the midst of universal idolatry; (2) to illustrate to the nations the greater blessedness of serving the one true God; (3) to receive and preserve the Divine revelation; and (4) to produce the Messiah, earth’s Saviour and Lord. The prophets foretell a glorious future for Israel under the reign of Christ.”
Where is Israel? Israel, nowhere, is a state of mind. To know the ideal state of mind, turn in the Bible to The Gospel According to St. Matthew. We read of the visit of the Magi. The Magi were Persian astrologers who saw in the stars the coming of the Messiah. In Chapter 2 of Matthew, “behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and come to worship him.”
The prophets glorious future for Israel notwithstanding, it didn’t turn out under the reign of Christ, now let us proceed to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. In it he said, in Chapter 6, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” He followed this with, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Where is the kingdom of God? In Chapter 23, Jesus confronts the scribes and Pharisees, calling them hypocrites, “for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. . . Ye fools and blind for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold.” Where is this kingdom Jesus speaks of?
Alas, in Chapter 26, “And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished all these sayings, he said unto his disciples, ‘Ye know that after two days is the feast of the Passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.’”
The Son of man came with nothing and he left without leaving one tangible thing behind, and everywhere Jews have been in the past 2,000 years they have been persecuted. And now, regardless of the right or wrong of it, surround by enemies, say whatever you will in defense of Israel, but these are undeniable facts.
So what do astrologers say about all that has transpired in the past 2,000 years? Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read, “They (Pisceans) unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them.” It reminds me of my teenage years. “They desperately want to do the rights thing,” exactly the way I felt when I was a teenager, “but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.” What is the left wing doing today? The hypocrites are going after the young and inexperienced. Astrologer’s Handbook: “They (the young and inexperienced) must learn to stand alone and face the unknown with a simple faith.”
What do astrologers say about the coming Age of Aquarius? Astrologer’s Handbook: “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer.” By the way, the symbol of Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions—immature people who cannot see past the end of their noses, people who promote mediocrity. The screwed public has finally said enough of this! Alas, these simple minded brats of a bygone era have worked so long and hard for control. It is so very sad. Now, bitterly and hatefully, they head for ultimate and complete defeat, left at the switch, never to be seen or heard from again. Goodbye spooky George Soros. You wasted your time and money. We’re “moving on.” Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.
by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism
The other day on a Southwest Airlines flight back to Houston, I saw him, Cooter. He was one big dude, and he was making his way down the aisle of the plane carrying his duffel bag and his hardhat. As usual, his hardhat was decorated with stickers from most of the plants where he had worked. Since Cooter does contract work, he had a lot of stickers! The row I was in was full. It just so happened that Cooter’s traveling companion, Bubba, was seated in the window seat of my row. So Cooter put his carry-on in the overhead and sat in the row behind me.
Ok, I didn’t really know if his name was actually Cooter, but I know a lot of Cooters. Cooter is a slang name for a group of working people across the United States. Cooter builds cars in Tennessee, raises cattle in Kansas and installs cat crackers in refineries in Texas. Cooter is good at what he does. He takes pride in his work, his family and his yard. You wouldn’t want to make Cooter mad if you were another man. However, he loves babies and little kids.
Cooter voted for Carter, Reagan, Clinton and George W Bush (the first time). He didn’t vote at all in the 2008 election because he was disgusted with the candidates. Cooter often chooses not to vote unless something has him fired up. He can get fired up about anything that he thinks impacts his family. Continue...