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As Thursday's Tax Day demonstrations drew over two million enthusiastic protestors out for the occasion, totally ignored by the mainstream media was the unveiling of the TEA (taxed enough already) Party’s “Contract FROM America.” The Contract from America consists of the “Top-Ten” most popular planks from among the group’s twenty-one original planks. Of the top-ten planks in the Contract, the number-one issue is clearly protecting the Constitution . . . not just because a plank by that name received the most internet votes and a closely related plank was voted into fifth position, but also because each and every one of the other eight planks honors the concept of limited federal government, returning power to the people and the states vis a vis the federal government and controlling size, spending and interference of the federal government. Here are the Contract From America's Top Ten Planks:

Protect the Constitution of the United States

Reject Cap and Trade legislation

Demand a balanced budget

Enact fundamental tax reform

Restore fiscal responsibility and constitutionally limited

government in Washington, D.C.

End Runaway government spending

Defund, repeal and replace government-run health care

Pass an “all-of-the-above” energy policy

Stop porkbarrel spending and earmarks in legislation

Prevent further tax hikes

These are the ten yardsticks for measuring candidates this coming November which the TEA Party will employ. Rajjpuut finds nine of the ten items he supported on the list as well as his item #13 and is deeply impressed with the wisdom shown by those who voted on the twenty-one item list. For those of us who believe that informed and caring citizens are the nation’s only chance of stepping back from the precipice of doom, this is a most heart-warming result. For the imbecilic mass media who called these gentle and concerned people “racists, haters and violent extremists,” Rajjpuut reminds you of Glen Beck’s nightly close using this Gandhi quote. “Let truth be your anvil and non-violence your hammer. Whatever does NOT ring true when struck on the anvil of truth by the hammer of non-violence must be rejected . . .” so let it be when the media’s lies and hate and extreme left-leanings are brought upon us . . . they are all rejected in the process. Just as the TEA Party says to the legislators “You work for us, we don’t work for you,” Rajjpuut says to the liberal media, “you either cover the truth or you only pretend to cover the news.” This fine document (these top-ten planks making up their 2010 Contract from America) is truly exactly what this country needs now. Let the media cover this great grassroots revolt truly and honestly or let them all die from lack of solvency as people refuse to pay to read or hear their lies.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Just thinking out loud

We, as a nation, are so far into the demise of America that it will take a sacrifice greater than the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and every other war we’ve fought here in America. These wars were fought essentially to preserve our principles and to defend our borders (and maybe even oil). But if you really believe this country is reversible from its current path, then don’t we need to begin with its people? A great country such as ours, need great leaders. But I also contend that our leaders only represent our people. I believe, if we look at our leaders you’ll see a clear image of us. Freedom IS the greatest thing this country possesses, but if it’s not under the auspices of constraint, then it’s not freedom—it becomes moral decay.

I suggest, if we’re not willing to give up things like, our greed for good, pornography for our own wives, our time for our kids and senior citizens, then we’re not ready to sacrifice for the betterment of this country. Like the average dysfunctional person, we’re only willing to point fingers (such as I am) at what others AREN”T doing right. I strongly believe our moral compass has gone haywire and is the reason we can't get along anymore. There are reasons why lying, stealing, racism, cheating, greed, adultery, sex before marriage, homosexuality, are wrong. And, I’m certain I don’t need to be the one to point these reasons out. But I often ask myself questions such as,

Why aren’t we prosecuting those who commit adultery?

Why can’t we allow the churches, who really care about the people, take back the power of treating the sick? After all, who built most of the hospitals?

Why can’t we rid the government of all welfare programs and hand it back to the churches? “Those who don’t work, don’t eat!"

Why do we put up with all nonsense litigation that costs us so many tax dollars, like the inmate who sued the government because he couldn’t get the crunchy (or smooth, I forget) peanut butter while incarcerated… and won???

I would really like to get this country back to its Christian principles it was founded on. Freedom of religion to the founders meant freedom of the Christian denominations, not world religions. I don’t mean to force the Christian religion onto others, that’s not how it works. It only works when we show others how much we care for them and their future along with a strong moral stance and apologetics. I strongly believe we all need to reach and convince this lazy, greedy, adulterous generation (including me), that it is our moral depravity that is sending us to our doom, not the health care bill, not Obama, Pelosi, or Reed. If we had a moral foundation, these leaders would not be known today.

This God, who loves and cherishes his children, has often used the enemy of His people to destroytheir nation once they have forsaken Him. It just might be the radical Islamic nations that will be the instruments used by God to finalize our judgment of moral decay. I think, He is warning us...
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Iran Will Gain Apocalyptic Nukes Soon
Barack the Ditherer’s vacillation in dealing with Iran has now, after sixteen months of playful diplomacy, brought us to a crucial point in Middle East and World History. Now, early 2010 is the point where a Muslim theocracy hating the Jewish state of Israel and believing that an Islamic Apocalypse is necessary, in accordance with their theology to “bring back the twelth Imam” (a Messianic figure called the “Mahdi”) which is the highest and noblest possible purpose within their belief system . . . such a nation is within days, weeks or months of gaining nuclear wartips for its missiles. Thank you, Barack! Allah be praised! And as for those veiled threats (“we will take nothing off the table”) Obama's made in recent days, Rajjpuut reminds the less devout infidel westerners that the deterrent power of our own nukes and our own veiled threats have never been nearly enough to stop ANY jihadist contemplating an after-life full of virgin brides . . . and now thirty years after their country first brought Islamic Revolt to the attention of the world by attacking and occupying our embassy, Iran will NOT be deterred by the probability of its entire nation being vaporized –- realizing wisely that to get to heaven, you’ve first got to die, Iran will aim for heaven.
Deterents against madmen are worse than useless. Deterring Iran's mullahs from their commitment to fiery apocalypic messianic death is not in the cards, don’t fool yourself. After all those years of America's confrontations with the former Soviet Union . . . it now appears that the planned nuclear attack by a fourth-rate nation achieving its first bombs is now almost inevitable.
According to former high-ranking Reagan security official Frank Gaffney, in a recent interview, “The only country Barack Obama can lead to de-nuclearization is our own.” Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy says that sanctions against Iran will definitely fail and only a military strike can now stop Iran becoming a nuclear power. According to Gaffney, Iran has been trying to build or acquire a nuke for over twenty years. “It took the United States three years to invent a nuclear weapon, to then develop the capacity to build them and then to use two of them for military ends. We had no idea of the science, lacked all access to computer science, lacked most of the technological breakthroughs deemed fundamental in today’s nuclear world . . . it could be any day now, if not, maybe a few months. I would be surprised if it’s as long as a year. Certainly, it would be the height of folly to think you’ll be alble to dissuade them from pursuing their theological ends and even starting a nuclear war.”
President Obama, according to media sources, has recently made breakthroughs in getting both Russia and China to talk seriously about sanctions for Iran. Gaffney scoffs at the idea. “China regards Iran as one of their most important clients and their most important energy source.” Gaffney says that an American military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities would likely have very severe repercussions, but must be seriously weighed because as the chief exporter of terror in the world, Iran acquiring nuclear weapons would be “a huge threat for freedom around the globe.” He also said that the Taliban was almost as big a threat to get nuclear material or nuclear weapons from Pakistan (the only Muslim nation currently among the nuclear powers).

Gaffney said that Obama’s effort to reduce stockpiles of nuclear weapons and his vow not to modernize our weapons, amounts to a “unilateral denuclearization of the United States. The truth of the matter is, the only country Barack Obama can denuclearize is ours, and I personally don’t think that’s advisable. And I don’t think most Americans will either once they focus on it.” Amen!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Rajjpuut’s guessing at least 60% of Americans (the vast UNinformed) might have felt great relief seeing the recent Newsweek cover saying “America’s Back!” (Hopefully, they didn’t waste their needed funds actually buying that rag.) The two best statistics in Newsweek’s favor are the stock market’s year-long climb and this month’s upswing in housing construction. You, however, as a reader of Rajjpuut's Folly, know that overall the real picture is not that rosy: unemployment is quite high; foreclosures and bank failures are rampant; deficits and national debt are growing semi-geometrically; two of the three American auto companies despite $100+ billion in handouts have NOT turned-around significantly; government size and scope are growing to dangerous liberty-endangering proportions; a new entitlement program Obamacare threatens to put the final nail in the coffin of American capitalism; unions are not interested in cooperating with management to return the nation’s products to competitive-price desirability; unions are not cooperating with states to help the states meet their own financial disasters; and most importantly, we have short-sightedly failed to cut taxes or decrease government spending. How far are we from financial Armageddon? Are we already there?

In actuality, we stand on the cusp of the disintegration of the American Republic as we’ve known it since 1776, the finest experiment in freedom and responsibility ever seen on this earth. For the first time in our history, one generation looks to pass on far less than it inherited from its American predecessors. The politicians have sold away our children's and grandchilren's future. The fiscal-cataclysm that brought us to this point, rather than abating still intensifies creating great distress for our citizens. This distress and the problems leading us to this point have been deliberately shrouded in mystery and dissembled (lied) about for the protection of those who caused the problem, thus the problems persist and intensify rather than improving. Rather than getting to the matter of in depth individual and collective guilt, let’s take a few brief paragraphs and allude to two different approaches to fiscal-downturns: the well-known “New Deal” and the virtually never seriously discussed “Get Government out of the Way” approach a.k.a. the Warren G. Harding “Invisible Depression Approach” . . . .

In 1920 the nation began suffering “the Unknown Depression” a.k.a. “the Invisible Depression,” one of countless such financial panics that the nation has endured in its history. This panic might have been part of the normal ebb and flow of the economy, those normal ups and downs found in all free markets. However, the situation was greatly compounded and exacerbated by the problems created by the end of the economic boom upon many industries and for the American farmer by World War I’s end and the return of the troops (jobless now) to American shores, and the difficulties repaying loans owed America by many nations almost ruined by the war, and the de-stabilizing effect of the so-called Spanish Flu pandemic which began in and around Ft. Riley, Kansas and killed at least 800,000 Americans and up to 100 million people worldwide. On the government front, President Woodrow Wilson was sickly and his wife actually ran much of the government continuing his progressive policies (feeling that the U.S. Constitution is a flawed and thus an insufficient instrument for dealing with modernity and is therefore, something which must be “progressed” beyond by current politicians so much wiser than the founding fathers). Wilson was replaced in 1921 by Warren G. Harding, a do-nothing president more excited by chasing White House staff women into closets than governing and certainly totally UNinterested in creating any grandiose government initiatives. Harding became known, somewhat unfairly it seems although the President is ultimately responsible for what happens on his watch, for the Teapot Dome Scandal (that emerged after his death) and little else. He probably should be remembered as “the nation’s greatest depression fighter.”

So as not to interrupt his Clinton-like oval office carousing, Harding largely kept his hands off the government making almost no serious expansions whatsoever in the structure or functioning of it. There was definitely a depression going on: gross national product plunged 24% from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped 133% from 2.1 million in 1920 to 4.9 million in 1921. Harding did make three changes, however. The first two changes were seemingly too small to actually matter, but they were important. The last change was huge and utterly inspired:

A. Wilson had (like Obama today) stopped all direct press conferences. Harding restored them twice a week and enjoyed personally dealing with the press’ questions. And the word historically is that he never dodged a question but sometimes clarified things later or asked for cabinet input or said “That’s one I don’t know, but I’ll find out, boys!”

B. Harding, from the first, explained to the press and to the people how the economy worked and constantly decried the negative effects of high taxes, government waste and government spending and interference (what Rajjpuut calls GSBs and GIBs – government spending and government interference boondoggles) on the nation’s productivity and economic health. Harding also championed a completely non-interventionist foreign policy as the best hope for peace. This was completely opposite to Wilson’s approaches. Wilson, as a progressive, had greatly multiplied the size and scope of government during his two terms even before the country entered WWI in 1917. He had promised to keep the nation out of war but as soon as he'd won re-election deliberately steered us into it; and then he'd gone gallivanting around Europe etc. trying to sell the world on a League of Nations (in other words Wilson was almost as huge an “interventionist” as Herbert Hoover, FDR and Obama).

C. Harding’s third change was the single largest lesson in economic history for America and its leaders in business and government ( a change which history books totally ignore and no one, therefore, learns from) . . . he slashed the national government to the bone! Tax cuts and spending cuts were huge. 1920’s $6.3 billion budget dropped to $3.2 billion in 1922 Harding’s first-full year controlling it.

Harding slashed taxes on corporate profits and “excess profits” dramatically as well. He established the General Accounting Office to provide oversight on government spending and waste and he stuck by his guns despite (his Secretary of Commerce) Herbert Hoover’s unceasing urging to help** the unemployed. The low point for federal taxes was reached in 1924. Federal spending reached its low in 1925. The federal government paid off debt, which had been $24.2 billion in 1920, and debt continued to decline and then small surpluses accumulated until 1930. The rebound was swift and almost painless and it ignited the single-most prosperous years in history “the Roaring Twenties” which Hoover’s progressive policies brought to an end and FDR’s ultra-progressivism expanded into a twelve-year depression only alleviated by putting 16 million men to work in the armed forces after Pearl Harbor.

Overall federal taxes decreased almost 40% in less than two years under Harding. As a result, wealth for private citizens increased tremendously. They came for the first time in large numbers to own automobiles, ice boxes and refrigerators, radios and often their own homes. Most rural citizens gained indoor plumbing and electric lighting for the first time. America for the first time became the haven for the world’s investors. The gold-backed U.S. dollar became the world’s default currency or international 'reserve' currency. Later, the true nature of progressive policies (a.k.a. theft) became obvious to our citizens and the world’s investors who would suffer the theft of much of the dollar’s value when FDR confiscated the nation’s gold and changed the exchange rate from $20.76 per ounce to $35 an ounce in an overnight inflation of 41%.

Harding suffered a stroke and died in early August, 1923, the sins of some of his cabinet were supposedly part of his legacy according to progressive historians. His real legacy is, however, that his Vice President (Calvin Coolidge) adopted precisely identical economic policies and the country thrived as never before until Silent Cal chose “not to run” in 1928 and the nation elected Republican progressive Hoover into office. Harding’s 18-month Depression compared to Hoover’s and Roosevelt’s dozen-year malaise stand as stark reminders of the benefits of government “staying out of the way.” Nevertheless, FDR got all the good press and Harding all the bad and the wrong model has been adopted today by FDR-admiring Barak Obama. Let us return to our present economic problem and its causes . . . but first a quick review . . . How exactly did Harding engineer such a stupendous turn-around? In a sentence: he cut government spending by almost 50% and cut taxes by 40% . . . our own predicament is so much worse that in a 21st Century Harding’s place, Rajjpuut would advocate a ten-year plan to maintain spending cuts of 60% and decrease taxes by 45%. Back to 2010 . . . .

Presumably, by now the full-truth about our present financial crisis clearly should have been 100% revealed to the people/voters and the congress and the world by an ever vigilant and conscientious press and honest able economists. However, the ever vigilant conscientious press . . . apparently no longer exists. However, honest and able economists are in short supply . . . certainly those of the Keynesian school which advocate inflation as a viable tool of mega- (and also totalitarian) government have proved themselves repeatedly neither honest nor able. The truth is NOT being revealed . . . why? The truth is not being revealed because it is in the IRrational best interests of the parties involved to keep that truth hidden. Ultimately the voters and the press bear a huge and enduring share of the blame and each would like to point the finger elsewhere. Most of the voters don’t want to be pushed away from their couch-potatoism and so they deny responsibility. The incredible failures of the press to not only NOT alert the public but to actually and willfully hide the truth from the public and present a slanted and self-interested viewpoint clearly verges on the brink of criminal in many cases with our most prestigious and honored newspapers, in particular bearing the largest responsibility (perhaps why they're all going as bankrupt in financial matters as they are in journalistic ones?). But ultimately, the sins of the press and of the voters pale in comparison to those of the politicians and, in particular to the culpability of the Constitution-Trashers and law-abusing legislators.

Rajjpuut counts a full eighteen guilty political groups, including to mention a few: President G.W. Bush and Republicans and Democrats in congress who passed Medicare D; President Obama and other lawyers working for ACORN at forcing banks into clearly unwise housing loans with virtually no chance of ever being paid off; the three Democratic congresses responsible for passing Carter’s 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977, the forced mortgage-guarantee expansion to Freddie and Fannie in 1992; and the Clinton 1998 mortgage-guarantee act of 1998, which put the whole process on steroids; and most importantly of all the left-wing think tanks which revered Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals." Even before the Cloward-Piven Strategy expanded Alinsky's evil, however, we needed no government-overthrowers to do us in. Today Social Security, Medicare and the federal government side of Medicaid have left us with almost $108 TRillion in unfunded debt and obligations . . . $108 TRillion. How did that happen?
For all Rajjpuut's denigration of FDR, it must be said that SSI (Social Security Insurance) was probably a good idea. But as soon as it was created and ever since . . . the law-abusers (for instance ACORN abused mortgage guarantee laws to get expensive housing for people without jobs; without ID; and even illegal aliens) went to work. Here is a little known fact that paints social security in a completely different light: although, the average life span of men in those days (1935) was roughly 54 years and women lived to roughly 58, the insurance features of SSI kicked in many years after most men and women could be expected to already be dead, in other words it insured that in old age, if you had a relatively extra-long life you were taken care of. Clearly the whole purpose of the original law has been willfully subverted by the Congresses and Presidents that followed. And SSI, just like Medicare and Medicaid are supposed to be "set-asides" like a savings account. The law-abusers have never set aside that money but have confiscated it almost from the start and passed laws with the money confiscated to spend it on other things and NOT just once-in-a lifetime things but on growing more government. In other words, the set asides have triply-fueled the massive growth of government since 1934 via establishment of the bureaucracies themselves; spending the set-aside money; and the new federal programs created and ongoing with the set-aside money now budgeted in.

It is these anti-American Constitution Trashers and law-abusers that more than any other group that have brought us to this financial precipice. Today they are still alive in all the various ACORN clones fully-expecting that Obama’s bill for “reforming” American financial institutions will refund them . . . . Their sordid history should be known by every American but our left-aligned press has willfully refused to investigate the ACORN EVIL history and purposes or the history of the think tanks aiming to overthrow our government. It is these left-wing think tanks that latched onto the “greatness” of Alinsky and continued “perfecting” their vile thinking and processes with the Cloward-Piven Strategy which they used deliberately and purposefully (and bragged about their planning and using) along with their NWRO (National Welfare Relief Organization) they created to bankrupt New York City by 1975 and only missed by a hair of bankrupting the entire state of New York. Since 1977, they have been using the poor as unwitting footsoldiers in their attempt to bring down America and impose their dreary revolution upon us. Now under Obama, blessed by the ACORN-created sub-prime lending crisis . . . their goal is in view. Heaven will never forgive us, should we allow them to succeed.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** when told of a natural disaster in Texas, Harding refused to get involved and vetoed a $50,000 disaster relief bill (big money in those days), saying the bill would just “kill people’s normal charitable instincts." Sure enough state and local individuals and agencies raised over $200,000 to help the stricken area.

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Let's be remembered 100 years from now!

Amend the constitution, term limits for those in congress now. Either Congress does this "not" we already know what they won't do, then lets push for States to push for amendment. This is the core of our "current" problem. if we are to be viable, have a purpose for continuation, then let's not stop until this one thing is done!
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Social Justice v. God-Given Rights

President Obama says he is amused by the Tea Party. He said he felt that we in the Tea Party ought to thank him. It drew guffaws from his eager audience. Big Daddy Obama is for social justice: spreading the wealth by law—giving hope to the hopeless at the expense of America’s hard workers, by taxing the rich and giving to the poor, as opposed to the Tea Party idea of the natural desire to better one’s existence by work, and the realization that cooperating with others helps make one’s life better. It’s the American value of independence, the freedom to do one’s thing, and the reward for hard work, the industrious making things happen that President Obama apparently finds amusing. How he has manipulated himself into the position to do it to us, and there is nothing we can do about it, we lost the election, is very amusing.

What has Obama accomplished in his year in office? Thanks to the industrious making things happen, he, Pelosi, and Reid could rush through a trillion dollar spending package in the dark of night, right off the bat, to pay off their supporters—to the end that he has tripled Bush’s deficit spending—to save America from depression, said Obama. Very amusing.

Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, in sleazy backroom arm twisting tactics, crammed a health care bill down the throats of the American people. With this going on, his illustrious support says the Tea Party is racist, Nazi, fraudulent, and inciting violence, no less. Indeed, we’re the kind of people who caused Timothy McVey to blow up the government facility in Oklahoma City, says Billy, the Kid, Clinton. Obama reminds me of other leaders in the world for social justice, leaders like Stalin, Hitler, Castro, and Chavez.

How did this outrage come about? It began with the best of intentions, the American people felt. Actually, it was out of self-interest that politicians instituted class warfare in America—copying what the Europeans did. Obama’s unsustainable spending spree, and coincidentally, the same in Europe, is raising our taxes. There is no other way. So, I predict, with all the pats on the back Obama gives himself, he isn’t going to be amusing himself and his crowd long at our great cost.

In 1776, there were less than three million Americans, concentrated on the east coast of America, nineteen of twenty of whom were engaged in agriculture. By and through decentralized government, one in twenty are now engaged in agriculture to feed America’s 300,000,000 people, and plenty left over to export. In India, Russia, and China, with strong central governments, from twenty-five to fifty-percent of the population is engaged in agriculture, and to keep their populations from starving, importing food from the United States. Why do we want to change to Obama’s Constitution?

America got the name “land of opportunity” because her Founding Fathers designed a Constitution that prevented a strong central government. Guess who changed the Constitution to allow for a strong central government? Guess who Obama is copying? Franklin D. Roosevelt is Obama’s hero. Amusing, isn’t it? Roosevelt kept America’s economy in the Great Depression for eleven years. Roosevelt didn’t end the depression. World War II ended it. The same as Obama, Roosevelt caused class warfare. This “racist, Nazi fraud” bets that Obama’s days in the sun are numbered. He’s nothing more than a foul smell in a gale of wind. To his support, say I: laugh your way to the poorhouse.
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The second annual Tax Day Tea Party of 2010 was held in rallys across America yesterday without incident, racial slurs, spitting, or violence -- trash, alcohol, and drug free. I was privileged to attend the Monterey Tea Party Patriots Rally across from Dennis the Menace Playground, which was broadcast live by Mark Carbonero on KION 1460 FM radio who estimated was attended by 400-600 patriots, and also a local news station. Contrary to the biased New York Times recent poll, there were tea partiers of all ages and race. It was a gathering of Americans concerned with too much government, ignoring the will of the people, taking too much control, and spending out of control money they do not have and will not have for generations to come.


Monterey has another great one

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Let's Party

How's this for a show of American Patriotism? Let all the Tea Parties around the country hold a HUGE Fourth of July Celbration together with the biggest fireworks display ever in this country, patriotic music, celebrity supporters, concerts, a reading of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and not hold it in Washington, (why should we fight on their ground?) but instead in New England, the place where it started. Can I hear Boston?
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Free Trade Will Cost Us Everthing

I believe that one of the main concerns is the trade gap. Free trade with third world countries is killing American jobs. It is making China, Latin America, Africa, and India richer while we get poorer. America's jobs are being outsourced to the third world. We should re-instate tarriffs. Import taxes on goods and services coming into this country. The Chinese are selling us things we can make for ourselves. Then they are turning around and loaning us our money back and charging us interest on our own money.

I would like to see this issue entered into the Tea Parties' core beliefs along with Illegal Immagration and Lowering Taxes.

If we stand united on this we can affect real change. Start calling ellected officials and ask when we are sending american jobs to foreign counties. Lets take back what is ours. If we raised taxes on foreign importers it will make american companies competative and increase the amount of taxes we bring in so we can lower taxes for americans. Let China and India pay to support and defend our great country. God bless America, and her friends and allies as well.

Charles C. Sheppard II

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My Message to the Tea Party

Good job! I congratulate you. Congress and the Administration know all too well who we are and our goals. Fine!

What is good for all Americans? The end result does not justify the means. If nature created you with the ability to cope, then it is your responsibility to proceed without asking for government help. “Ask not what your country can do for you.” I think I’m safe in saying this is what the Tea Party stands for, and what Democrats and Republicans used to stand for, but no more. They’ve turned corrupt. They are self-serving. When the cat’s away the mice will play.

To ask for government help is asking for others to ask the same; the runts end sucking hind tit. It’s after me you come first. Socialists have their ideas on this; I have mine. My idea works; the socialist idea doesn’t work. It has never worked to depend on external authority, actually, because authority is just like you and me. Like it or not, we are not created with the mentality of hive insects. You can’t change our nature. There is no such thing as everyone taking only his needs: socialism. Show me one example where socialism worked. There is no such thing as objectivity. We are all subjective. Socialism is giving up your God-given rights in exchange for tyranny.

How could I say a thing like this! Obama is only trying to give us an even playing field, we’re told. Sure! We believe in the tooth fairy. Progressives are proud to live in La La Land. In any event, being subjective creatures, power needs to be controlled. That’s what my Constitution was designed to do. That is not what Obama’s Constitution is designed to do. Obama has his rules; I have mine. We co-operate; we don’t rob Peter to pay Paul if we know what’s good for us. It’s called capitalism.

Government’s socialistic entitlements account for 40 percent of the national budget. Nobody wants to throw away the crutches of those who can’t walk on their own two legs. I’d be the last. Government entitlements should be phased out the same way they were phased in. They are a pyramid game. In time, nobody would depend on government crutches. Wipe out socialism; encourage capitalism—the combination spells prosperity, the way to go.

Defense is the second biggest cost of government. The United States has not won a war since World War II. There have been six! What a useless waste! America’s socialists are only trying to establish a “global village”—peaceful coexistence, you see—not to worry. Bow and scrape; admit how wrong we’ve been. Bankrupt America by redistributing our wealth to the poor around the world. Everything is going to be alright, somewhere over the rainbow—up to our eyeballs in debt to China, and China’s economy is growing at 25 percent per year. Sure thing, guys, rich with an unsustainable debt. Come on! Give me a break. Defense should be defense of our nation. Couple that with a strong economy. Everyone will beat a path to our door, like it was. But don’t expect socialists to buy this. They don’t believe in capitalism.

Why do we have troops in Germany and South Korea? We are making enemies by being the police force of the world. And besides, we are bankrupting ourselves, leaving ourselves defenseless. Global Village, my eye! It is a sell-out. Bring the troops home! If we tried, we couldn’t be any dumber than we are now. But that’s socialists for you, all heart and no mind.

Excluding socialists, everyone knows that money goes where money flows. Investing America’s wealth through government redistribution is cutting off our nose to spite our face. Poor people don’t create jobs. Government creates government jobs. Government bureaucrats are bloodsuckers. People with capital create jobs that create wealth. By redistributing the nation’s wealth, government is bankrupting the nation morally, spiritually, and fiscally. Dumb-de-dumb-dumb.

Federal income tax and the IRS are government’s means of robbing producers. It is an absolute disaster, but socialists love it. The IRS is privileged to make limitless mistakes. The IRS is never audited. The taxpayer is obliged to go to court to stop government from confiscating his property. So what! It’s all for a good cause. The courts favor government. Does the IRS make mistakes against the rich? No. The IRS makes mistakes against those who cannot afford to take the matter to court. It’s the biggest rip-off in history. Give government unrestricted power and this is what government does. Obama is a socialist, using the income tax and IRS to further his causes, such as ObamaCare. The income tax and IRS , supported by Republicans and Democrats, should be abolished, replaced with a tax on spending. This would not only be a tremendous savings, it would give the economy; that is, capitalism a huge boost. To socialists, what could be worse?

The corrections I present are practical ways of saving America from bankruptcy. If you’ve got a better plan, give it to us. But don’t think politicians are about to accept any plan other than their own. Be they Republican or Democrat, they will rip any but their own plan apart. I know. I’ve received their answers. We know what that means: zero, the status quo. No need to discuss it. My proposals would take power from them and give it back to the individual, not what any politician wants. It is not in their nature. Like I say, we’re all subjective.

Don’t think the special interests benefiting from big, powerful government are going to accept my proposals. They will fight them with everything they’ve got. This part of America’s bad scene, my friends, isn’t socialism; it is the pot calling the kettle black. The Tea Party is composed of racists, Nazis, and frauds. We might as well live up to our reputation, right? I’m not name calling. I’m telling it like it is. The name callers have nothing better to offer, so they call us names. The wonder is how anyone with good sense could buy Obama’s revised Constitution.

It is not enough to protest big government and high tax. The Tea Party has got to come up with a specific plan if it is to accomplish its goal, and back politicians who back the Tea Party’s plan, and target those who don’t. This is the hard part. Everyone wants to keep his piece of the action and force others to sacrifice theirs. Like I say, it’s in our nature. However, common sense tells us we are going to have to produce a plan and pay the price for saving this great nation. Believe in yourself and lead the way.

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What I stand for

I will stand up for anything that is in the original Declaration of Independence. I'm an Army veteran, I've served my country. I believe in family values. I do not believe in divorce. I believe that children should morals. I believe that people should examine what the are going before saying, or typing., me included. I believe in what is written in the Bible and God. I believe that the Federal Government has gotten too big for their britches. I do not like being told what to do with any money that I receive legally. I am sick to death that people have a certain amount of money to work with and still are being told that they are going to receive a 48% increase in home taxation, at least in some municipalities in my area. I am sick and tired of trying to phone a government agency and being told to use a myriad of options and then being put on hold. I see that things are not going to get any better. One voice will not change anything. I see senior citizens not being able to pay for their debts. I think that I am going to adopt the saying DON'T TREAD ON ME. I am the most law-abiding person around, so law-abiding that I squeak. I think it's terrible that our government won't allow a "normal" citizen to approach our reps (make an appointment). I feel that we, as Tea Party members, need to find like-thinking people to put in government offices. I hope that our Great Country does not continue being greedy and forgetting about the little people, which without them this country would not exist. This country has gotten away from what it was built on, and needs to return to what is right. I talked to a friend and tried to invite them to join our party, and got the (typical) reply- they're not a real political party, I'll keep my current political party. If people want to change the current way of things, they should join up with us. The majority of people have turned their backs on what is good and proper. I have not been outside the US for a vacation EVER. Please, Please keep up up wtih what you are doing and please remember to be patient with others that do not perceive things as you do (turn the other cheek). God bless you and every venture that you do today.
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Albert Snyder is in a legal battle against the Westboro Baptist Church, who picketed the funeral of his son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder.
He is taking the Church to the Supreme Court. They have been upsetting hundreds of Fallen Hero's funerals. They hit the grieving families at their most vulnerable.
Mr. Snyder was ordered to pay a $16,500 judgment that the congregation plans to use for more protests at funerals of Fallen Veteran Heros.
The info above is mostly quoted from MSNBC news article that can be seen in full here:
I think that helping Albert Snyder in his fight for justice would allow the Tea Party to stand up for fellow Americans and their families that have paid the highest price for the freedom that we enjoy.
The publicity would also help spread the word about the Tea Party and help us gain the support of many more good Americans. Supporting this family is an opportunity to show what the Tea Party is about.
I don't know Mr. Snyder but I pray for he and his son and that he will get the help he needs.
After reading this story as found on the link above I felt sick to my stomach. I am not sure how to best help this family hence my post here. Hopefully people can come together to help this family.
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all forms of government

we the people are being pick pocked by federal,state an local government. and as an american i have had enough.we the people should pay our servants 17 dollors an hr,limited health care an service no more than 4 yrs.job security....see them live on that
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The Effects of Taxation


I post this, as it may be helpful to understand just how significant the effects of taxation are.

Mathematician that I am, Irecently worked out the dollar effect formulas. And I think it is very enlightening and educational. If a dollar is doubled each day for twenty days, at the end of that period, the amount held will be over a million dollars: $1,048,000. If taxes of 30% are taken out of the original dollar, and each amount of increase thereafter, after 20 days that same dollar yields only $28,449. Staggering, but real! My own blog comment where I've posted this is here, and the rigorous formulas are here.

$1,000,000,or $28,500. Taxes are a HUGE drain. I know we must always have some taxes; but it's incredibly helpful to understand just how much taxation really costs us, so that we may make better choices.

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It gets tougher and tougher to keep up with the ever-shifting sand underneath America's freedoms and the fight to keep shifty congressional hands away from our pocketbooks, not to mention staying current with the “shifting nature” of Obamatruth itself. It's a monstrous quagmire -- here are a few items you might be interested in . . . .


Obamacare, should it stand against legal challenges, requires over $3.9 billion in taxes from the middle class according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the official Congressional scorekeeper for legislation's tax effects. The new law begins somewhat gently and overall raises $15.2 Billion over a ten-year period but reaches the $3.9 Billion threshold in 2019 by limiting medical expense deductions on income tax. Present law allows a tax deduction of 10% of adjusted gross income (AGI) for medical expenses, but Obama care would cut that deduction to 7.5% of AGI which makes it not only a new tax on those earning less than $200,000 but surprisingly a new tax on sick middle-class Americans.


U.S. Congress members and their staffs are furious about Obamacare taking away their present “Cadillac” congressional health insurance (which did NOT happen to Reid, Pelosi and some of the top Democratic committee heads and their staffs). Rajjpuut is shocked. But, of course, these things will happen if you don’t actually read the bill you’re passing, eh?


The number of legal challenges mounted against the constitutionality of Obamacare by individual states threatened by the new law (Obamacare would eventually bankrupt each and every state of the union) has reached twenty-one while another 18-20 states are considering action. Florida actually has filed two separate suits against the federal government based upon Obamacare’s illegal status. Of course, it would be a lot easier to impose big government on the mass of American voters if all those nasty state governments weren’t in the middle shielding people.


Today is Tax Day, April 15th. 67 million American families, and most earning under $50,000, will pay little or no taxes and 73 million families will pay 98% of all taxes. In accepted tax theory “the rabble” gets real dangerous as they approach becoming the majority in any democracy because then they theoretically can feel free to demand all sorts of services from government and vote all the taxes upon the minority who will pay for all that government. Nevertheless, over the years 67%-70% of Americans consistently (69% in a recent study) say that the maximum responsible tax load anyone should bear, regardless of income is 20%. Currently 35% is the maximum tax level on any Americans due to the Bush policies. When those laws expire on January 1, 2011, the Obama tax requirements will immediately jump to 40% maximum taxes and aim at conversion to 77% taxes by 2013. Since many who pay no taxes also get “refundable tax credits” which thus amounts to a tiny, but guaranteed income . . . . we already have socialism in America.


Seven of the top eight state income taxers are suffering the seven highest rates of emigration out of their states. High tax states like New York, New Jersey, Massachussets and California are actually losing taxpayers to states like Florida, Texas, Nevada, Colorado or New Hampshire. New Hampshire with no state income tax benefits immeasurably when talented high earners from New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts get frustrated and decide to pull up stakes. The high tax states are the ones with the largest number or percentages of state employees; where the states involved offer them the highest pay and highest benefits; and those employees are members of the most vocal and strongest unions.

Item: Most people don't know that Liberty Central is actually a bigger "support the U.S. Constitution" movement than the TEA Parties. According to its president, Virginia "Ginny" Thomas, White wife of Black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, her organization and the TEA Party movement are disparaged by the mainstream media and MIS-characterized as racist and unintelligent hate-groups, but these two organizations truly reflect "the heartfelt concerns of patriotic Americans everywhere demanding a return to fiscal responsibility, eliminating deficits, and honoring the Constitution itself." Rajjpuut says, only 7% of the Obama administration and cabinet at all levels have ever held real jobs outside of education and politics and their unceasing "racism" charge against the TEA Party is an attack by the true racists and haters in hopes of using the confusion that arises in continuing their control over our country.

A recent USA Today newspaper poll showed that those who view the TEA (“taxed enough already”) Party favorably are somewhat wealthier and more educated than the voters at large . . . this despite the lamestream media’s efforts to label all TEA Partiers as uneducated rightwing racist buffoons. In the study, over 50% of those viewing the TEA Party movement favorably were either Independents or Democrats (despite the efforts of Nancy Pelosi to call the movement a “astro-turf” or “fake grassroots” movement created strictly by ultra-right wing Republicans) and Republicans while still the largest single sector in the survey constituted a minority of TEA Party membership and TEA Party advocates.


Kudos to President Obama for the words spoken about his new space agenda as he revealed in his Florida speech today, Far from dismantling the space program, he talked about revitalizing NASA and revealed some very ambitious forward-thinking dreams. Remember this for pennies on the dollar, NASA has been the best investment American Government has ever made. Flat screen TVS; Tang (hee-hee); GPS navigation systems; cell phones; etc. are just 0.1% Too many jobs were at stake. Too much technical advancement was at stake. Too much national pride was at stake. Rajjpuut would, however, advise the president, to replace his own totally-inept NASA supervisory staff or perhaps better yet, eliminate them altogether. Right now his speech amounts to a lot of pretty words only . . . unless competent people are put in charge of things, that’s all they’ll remain pretty words.


Rajjpuut denies that any provable global warming caused by human actions is occurring. Certainly, the recent Climate Gate revelations of global warming fraud by scientists would back up his point of view. However, the huge recent Icelandic volcanic ash clouds that are cancelling flights all over northern Europe may make us wish we REALLY HAD been creating global warming. In past history, volcanic eruptions have severely affected weather and even climate (long-range weather patterns) and caused frigid conditions such as the 1816 “Year without a Summer” also known as “1800 and Froze to Death.”
This nation's oil dependency on the Middle East costs American soldiers dearly. Every time the cost of a gallon of gas increases a dollar the Iranians gain $1.6 Billion from us. Iran is the top exporter of terrorism in the world and designer of some of the worst improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that have endangered, maimed and killed our boys.
Comedian Mark Klein told a crowd that the difference between Obama and terrorist Osama bin Laden is that "one is an anti-capitalist trying to destroy America. The other is hiding in Afghanistan."

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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So what? and Now what?

Two questions I always try to ask myself when self educating are "so what?" and "what now?"

For many years my friends and family have gathered around the dinner table and vented about the government getting out of control. For all of Bill Clinton's 8 years, that seemed to be all we did. At times I thought we were all kind of nuts, maybe a strange cell group that given the wrong kinda meat loaf would suddenly "turn rogue". However there was a closeness, an intamacy that we all experienced, knowing we were not alone. I remember times when new people would show up to dinner and we'd all get excited to find out they shared a lot of the same dissatisfactions we did. So we would re-hash all the same 'ol arguments with a lot of emphasis and visseral not really knowing who we were arguing with, being as we were all on the same side. I guess we could say it was iron sharpening iron. We all became experts at expressing our opinions about what was wrong with our country.

Well, now, a few years down the road, looking at this tea party movement, it would appear there were many dinner tables where people met at to discuss the status of the government and how it has become totally out of control. For years we've been talking about the "so what", but now, it seems we're asking "what now".

Erick Erickson wrote a good blog today on where he was back-peddling a little, trying to explain his flippant remarks in his blog yesterday. For the most part I really enjoyed what he said today, but the following is what I've been asking myself and I believe many of you have been asking as well:

"But I go to tea party events all over the country and hear people say "Get involved," only to have actual tea party activists go home, email me, and ask the "how" that the person on stage never bothered to get to.

We must move beyond the protests and get to the fight. We are effective now. We should not settle. "

He goes on to list some very smart ways the average American can "get involved":

  • Learn how to be a better online activist.
  • Start paying attention to your local government.
  • Learn how to run for office and be a campaign strategist, whether or not you want to run or want to be a strategist. You will find the skills extremely useful.
  • Write letters to the editor of your paper.
  • Call in to local radio shows — not national, local.
  • Find candidates you like and support them, blog about them, promote them and fund them.
  • Stay connected to like minded souls in your community to know you are not alone — why I still like and support local tea party groups.
  • Become active in the political party of your choice. Change it from the inside, not the outside.
  • Learn to discern.
  • Above all else: remember that when the left attacks the tea party activists, they are attacking the foundation of America. Stop responding as an aggrieved tea party activist and start asking what part of the American way of life they have a problem with. "

I couldn't agree more, and would encourage all of you to follow through and not only do these things, but, pick one or two in particular and become an expert at them. Self governance takes people that are experts at all different kinds of skills. What good will it do if we are all just cookie cutter activists?

I would also like to add one to the list that we can all do. Like Glenn Beck says, we need to become an evangelist of this movement, we need to spread the word and invite others to come check it out. With that said, I hope to see you all the next tea party meet-up, you and someone you brought with you.

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When Obama swore to protect and defend the Constitution, he placed his right hand on Lincoln’s Bible, Lincoln the emancipator of America’s slaves, in defiance of the Taney Court’s ruling that white men could constitutionally own black slaves. With Obama president, America is now as divided as she was during the Civil War.

In Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R., in 1916, challenging the Sixteenth Amendment, the income tax amendment, the Supreme Court upheld the amendment with the limitation that if “under the seeming exercise of the taxing power, the taxing statute is so arbitrary as to compel the conclusion that it was not the exertion of taxation, but the confiscation of property, or is so wanting in bases for classification as to produce such a gross and patent inequity as inevitably to lead to the same conclusion,” the income tax was confiscation of property. No matter what, no longer can the income tax be confiscation. The Federal Government, having painted itself into a corner, today’s Supreme Court refuses to hear the case.

Specifically, in my case, which I took to the Supreme Court in the October term, 1980, case number 1570, Joseph W. Smith, Jr. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the IRS ignored a U.S. Tax Court Order in my favor and confiscated my property, an obstruction of justice. The Supreme Court refused to hear the case. The Solicitor General, Wade H. McCree, Jr., used Acker v. Commissioner. Acker claimed that his income tax was confiscatory. The U. S. Court of Appeals, in 1946, held that the income tax, although high, had not reached the point of confiscation. The government and courts have determined that in no case since has the income tax ever reached the point of confiscation, or ever will, as it turns out.

After being turned down by the Supreme Court, I filed a complaint in the U. S. District court for the money the IRS confiscated in defiance of a tax court order. The District Court held for me. The Department of Justice admitted that my property was “wrongfully” taken by the IRS. My property was refunded. Then the IRS went to my bank and demanded every cent in my checking account. The District Court refused to reopen the case.

I took the court record to The Palm Beach Post. A front page story revealed that the IRS had been “mistaken.” The money the IRS seized from my checking account was returned to its rightful owner. But the fact remains that the IRS is permitted to make unlimited mistakes, and for every mistake the IRS makes you are required to go to court. Obama can’t deny it. It is all recorded. You are Obama’s tax slave. Obama is a hypocrite and a fraud.

This is your country. It is time to take it back.

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