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The "Tea Party Express"

The Tea Party Express?

Please people, correct me if I'm wrong on this one.

Tea is the authentic movement.

It seems the Tea Party Express has hi-jacked our grass roots movement for thier "Throw the bums out campaign"??

They are not who they appear to be in my opinion.

They ...are NOT us!

I am a member of THIS movement here in Rhode Island.

My concerns are non-partician and so are the people that I meet with.

I would rather vote the bums out ourselves than to "sell out" attending a Tea Party Express rally.

Are you all with me on this??

I want them (the politicians) to come to us for our support,

I dont want to go to support them because they use the name "Tea Party Express"

If you are with me on this..what do we do about it.

How can we distance ourselves from them? Or should we?

Your thoughts please

My e-mail

Or shout me an e-mail to my Inbox

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It was one of those nights, not paying much attention, when I heard -- "and my next guest is Jon Voight!" Being a lifelong fan, I was glued and elated to have caught this special moment. Pajamas Media was also impressed enough to include it in their superb collection of great works.


A call for the American people to join the tea party movement

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The End of the World

Tomorrow is income tax day, also tax revolt day. My one man tax revolt commenced in 1973. Here’s the story.We’ve many indicators, the Mayan Calendar, Nostradamus, the Bible, that the end is near. Richard Tarnus, renowned philosopher and cultural historian, from his 30-year study of the unfavorable alignments of Saturn and Pluto says the unfavorable alignment that began in the month and year of Obama’s election, and will end in three to four years, is the end of an epoch.It’s darkest before the dawn. Coincidental with the end of an epoch prediction is the fading away of the Age of Pisces, the symbol of which is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, which is where the United States is at this moment, as divided as we’ve ever been. Obama, the divider, is bringing us to the end of an epoch of personal irresponsibility, decadence, and corrupt government. It all fits like a hand in a glove. A great change is certain.Behold, we’re fading into the Age of Aquarius, the symbol of which is the water-bearer. I’m an Aquarian messenger. What will this water-bearer’s message be? I was born with Aquarius rising and Saturn was in its most favorable of alignments with Pluto. That’s a good omen, so you surely want to know my message.Going back to 1973, Uranus, my ruling planet, had transited in its orbit around the sun to a position opposing itself, meaning pressure to change. My business enterprise was on the rocks and my marriage as well, by reason that Neptune was on the cusp of my Seventh House, the house of partners, when I was born.I didn’t know anything about astrology. All of this was like a sack of cement falling on my head. I was having terrifying nightmares. I blamed it on government.I studied my Constitution and brought legal action against the IRS. The IRS called me a “Fifth Amendment freak.” The news media called people like me nutcakes. Federal judges called me a “spurious constitutional objector.”Voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. I had a bigger than life calling. This was bigger than my own personal fight.In the summer of 1975, I was going through a divorce. In order to survive, I’d taken a security guard job. At 12:30 P.M., my key would not open the door of my apartment. My landlord had locked me out for non-payment of rent. It is darkest before the dawn.The IRS, who called me a Fifth Amendment freak, was lawlessly holding my refund money due to net operating loss carry-backs, which would have paid my rent. The deal the corrupt IRS offered me was to drop my lawsuit if I wanted my refund, and allow them to deduct their erroneous tax assessment. I was convinced I was going to win my fight. I told the IRS I’d see them in court, and I did ,and the tax court ruled in my favor. The case was closed and the IRS immediately resorted to the same lawless tactics. It’s obstruction of justice, but I didn’t stand a chance in the lawless system of justice in place. Judges looked the other way. The IRS is permitted to make unlimited mistakes. I took the court record to the press. A front page story had the IRS falling over itself apologizing. Not only did I beat the IRS, but my life got better and better. I’ve been rewarded. All my dreams have come true.From The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” “He becomes the water-bearer by marching to the beat of a different drummer. . .The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods and showing the rest of humanity the way.”I’m an Aquarian messenger—ahead of the time. As you are now aware, the powers-that-be are using every trick in the book against you. You are racists, Nazis, frauds. The pot is calling the kettle black. They are desperate. They will do anything they can to keep the change you want from happening: when you take the driver’s seat. Never, never give in! You’ve got hard times ahead. It’s darkest before the dawn, but the stars say to keep the faith and all of your dreams will come true.
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The Power Behind the Presidents

In order to save our country from global elite-ists, we have to demand the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913! Both parties --but not every congressperson, but most, are controlled by the Federal Reserve, et al.

The Federal Reserve gives campaign contributions to both parties. THey either control the President or remove him.

At and purchase 8 DVD's that tell in detail who is destroying this nation and why. These are NOT copywrited so that one can burn as many copies as desired and flood the universities, military personnel and all citizens with this information.

I do pray you are successful in unseating this corrupt government, but am not optimistic!
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Limited Government

A Principle of The Traditional American Philosophy

5. Limited Government

Governments derive "their just powers from the consent of the governed" - (Declaration of Independence)

The Principle

1. The traditional American philosophy teaches that government must be limited in power if Individual Liberty is to be safeguarded, if each Individual's God-given, unalienable rights are to be made and kept enduringly secure.

"Just Powers" Defined

2. This philosophy asserts that the self-governing people allow any government they may organize to possess, by grant from them, only the limited and few powers with which the people think the particular government may sensibly be entrusted in order to serve their purposes without endangering their rights--their liberties or freedoms. These powers constitute the "just powers" of government, as the Declaration of Independence phrases it. This is in keeping with the primary purpose for which the people organize governments: to make and keep these unalienable rights secure and most beneficial to themselves and to Posterity--time without end.

"Limited" - a Key Word

3. "Limited government" is a key term in the American philosophy. Its great significance is indicated by describing the purpose of limiting government's power in these words: Limited for Liberty. This summarizes what is meant by the statement in the Declaration of Independence about governments being limited in power "to secure these rights"--to make and keep them ever secure. "Limited" means limited by a written Constitution adopted by the sovereign people as their basic law--never changing in its meaning, as originally intended by The Framers and Adopters, except subject to change by the people only by amendments at any time and to any extent they may see fit. All governments in America are thus limited by written Constitutions--by the United States Constitution as the "supreme Law of the Land" and, as to each State government, by that States' Constitution. (Note again Par. 4 of Principle 3, regarding the first eight, or Bill of Rights, amendments being intended to apply against the Federal government only.)

Limited Powers, Duties, Responsibilities and Limited Threat to Liberty

4. The few and limited powers of the United States government are enumerated and defined in the people's fundamental law--the Constitution, as amended. This is the basis of Rule-by-Law (basically the people's fundamental law, the Constitution) in contrast to Rule-by-Man. The limited quantity of its powers means it is limited in potential threat to the people's liberties. These "just powers," being few and limited, automatically define the limits of the duties which the people assign to this government. It can have no duties, no responsibilities, other than those consistent with the limits of the powers granted to it by the people in the Constitution, as amended, It is equally as violative of the Constitution for government to assume duties--to pretend to have responsibilities--as it is to grasp powers, beyond these prescribed limits.

Division of Powers and Checks and Balances

5. As a further safeguard for the people's rights, The Framers and Ratifiers of the Constitution provided for division of powers not only between the Federal and State governments but also within the Federal government between its three, separate Branches and, further, specified various checks and balances among these Branches, to help prevent either usurpation of power (grasping unauthorized power) or misuse of the limited quantity of power granted to it by the people: as explained, for instance, by Madison in The Federalist number 51. Each of the Branches was designed to help restrain the other Branches from any violation of the Constitution. The admonition on this topic expressed in Washington's Farewell Address reflected the conviction of all of The Founders.

"It is important, likewise, that the habits of thinking in a free Country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration, to confine themselves within their respective Constitutional spheres; avoiding in the exercise of the Powers of one department to encroach upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create whatever the form of government, a real despotism. The necessity of reciprocal checks in the exercise of political power; by dividing and distributing it into different depositories, and constituting each the Guardian of the Public Weal against invasions by the others, has been evinced by experiments ancient and modern; some of them in our country and under our own eyes. To preserve them must be as necessary as to institute them."--George Washington (Farewell Address; Emphasis added)

The Compound Republic

6. The limitation of government's power, by a written Constitution adopted by the people (by the electorate), is the main distinguishing characteristic of a Republic. The correct definition of a Republic is: a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment--with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Each American government, Federal and State, is a Republic; and such a form of government is expressly guaranteed to each State by the United States Constitution. (Article IV, Section 4.) This makes the American system a combination, or federation , of Republics--a compound Republic as noted in The Federalist number 51 by Madison. Although the term "Federal Republic" has sometimes been used to refer both to the central (Federal) government and to the federated system of Republics--including both central government and State governments (all Republics)--it will facilitate clear thinking if this term "Federal Republic" is applied only to the central government while using the phrase "federated system of Republics" or "federation of Republics" to designate the combination, or confederation, of all of these Republics. Clarity of understanding will be best assured by referring to the central government as the central Republic.

The electorate adopt a Constitution as their basic law by utilizing a Constitutional Convention to frame it for their final approval, or ratification, as was done successfully for the first time in history by the people of Massachusetts with regard to its Constitution of 1780; it was so framed by a convention specially chosen by the people for this sole purpose and then submitted to the people for approval. Final adoption, or ratification, may also be effected in behalf of the people by a specially chosen convention for this sole purpose; and later amendments may be so approved for the people or through the regular legislative body--the alternatives specified in the United States Constitution. This Constitution was framed by the Federal (Constitutional) Convention in 1787 and then adopted in 1787-1788 by State Ratifying Conventions especially chosen by the people for this sole purpose; which is the complete and perfect method of Constitution-making. A Constitutional Convention--one chosen by the people for the sole purpose of framing or ratifying a Constitution--is one of America's greatest contributions, to the mechanics of self-government through constitutionally limited government.

Federal Delegated-Power, and State Full-Power, Republics

7. The Federal government is a delegated-power Republic which possesses only the comparatively few and limited powers granted to it by the people as enumerated in the United States Constitution, as amended--chiefly the powers concerned with "war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce" (quoting The Federalist, number 45 by Madison. It is in sharpest contrast that each State government is a full-power Republic which possesses the vast and varied powers needed to administer intra-State affairs--"all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State" (again quoting number 45). The full-power Republic of each State is subject to the State Constitution, as well as to the united States Constitution as the "supreme Law of the Land." Neither the Federal, nor any State, government therefore possesses legal sovereignty--the unlimited power of sovereignty--while the people's political sovereignty is limited in favor of preserving inviolate the God-given, unalienable rights of each Individual. (See Par. 3, Principle 4.)

The "General Welfare" in Relation to the Constitution

8. The Preamble of the United States Constitution specifies "the general Welfare" merely as one of the listed goals to be served by the Federal government in the exercise of the limited powers delegated to it, as enumerated in the body of that instrument. This mention of "the general Welfare" in the Preamble was intended, therefore, to serve in effect as a limit on the use of those delegated powers. The Preamble does not constitute a grant of any power whatever to the government. The only other mention of the words "general welfare" in the Constitution is in the Taxing Clause (Article I, Section 8) which authorizes Congress to collect taxes ". . . to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States . . ." Here, too, the words "general Welfare" were designed to serve as a limitation in effect--as a limit on the power granted under that clause. This excludes any power to tax and spend for all purposes which would not qualify as being for the "general Welfare of the United States" as a whole--for instance, it is excluded if for the benefit merely of a locality or some Individuals in the United States. The clause does not empower Congress to spend tax monies for any and every purpose it might select merely on the pretense, or even in the belief, that it is for the "general welfare." (Discussed also in Pars. 4 and 5 of Principle 11.) Congress possesses no "general legislative authority," as Hamilton stated in The Federalist number 83.

Hamilton's Opinion

9. All of those who framed and ratified the Constitution were in agreement on this point of the limited and limiting meaning of the words "general Welfare" in the Taxing Clause. As Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton contended for the first time in 1791 ("Opinion as to the Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States") in favor of a broader interpretation of this clause than he had formerly espoused and broader than that which Madison - with Hamilton's silent acquiescence--had presented in 1788 in The Federalist (especially number 41) as reflecting the controlling intent of the Framing Convention, which Madison and Jefferson consistently supported. Hamilton did not claim, however, that this clause gives to the Federal government any power, through taxing-spending, so as in effect to control directly or indirectly anything or anybody, or any activities of the people or of the State governments. Despite his assertion that this clause gives Congress a separate and substantive spending power, Hamilton cautioned expressly (Report on "Manufactures," 1791) that it only authorizes taxing and spending within the limits of what would serve the "general welfare" and does not imply a power to do whatever else should appear to Congress conducive to the "general welfare"--that it does "not carry a power to do any other thing not authorized in the Constitution, either expressly or by fair implication."

The Supreme Court's 1936 Decision Ascertaining and Defining the Original, Controlling Intent

10. As the Supreme Court decided (1936 Carter case) in ascertaining and defining the original, controlling intent of the Constitution as proved by all pertinent records and confirming its prior decisions over the generations since the adoption of the Constitution, the contentions advanced from time to time that "Congress, entirely apart from those powers delegated by the Constitution, may enact laws to promote the general welfare, have never been accepted but always definitely rejected by this court." It also decided that the Framing Convention "made no grant of authority to Congress to legislate substantively for the general welfare . . . [citing 1936 Butler case] . . . and no such authority exists, save as the general welfare may be promoted by the exercise of the powers which are granted." The American people have never amended the Constitution so as to change the limited and limiting meaning of the words "general Welfare" in the Taxing Clause, as thus originally intended by The Framers and Adopters in 1787-1788.

The Founders' Warnings

11. As Jefferson warned many times in his writings, public and private--for instance in the Kentucky Resolution--in keeping with the traditional American philosophy, strict enforcement of the Constitution's limits on the Federal government's power is essential for the protection of the people's liberties. This point was stressed at great length in The Federalist (notably numbers 17, 28, 33 and 78 by Hamilton and 44 and 46 by Madison) in reporting and explaining the intent of the Framing Convention expressed in the Constitution--as was understood and accepted by the State Ratifying Conventions. Hamilton's repeated warnings against permitting public servants to flout the people's mandate as to the limits on government's power, as specified in their basic laws (Constitutions) creating their governments, were in keeping with his words on one occasion in relation to the New York State Constitution. He stated ("Letters of Phocion," 1784) that any such defiance, by public servants, of the Constitution would be "a treasonable usurpation upon the power and majesty of the people . . ." Washington's Farewell Address expressed the conviction of The Founders of the Republic and their fellow leaders, in keeping with history's lesson, when he warned that usurpation "is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed."

Resistance to Usurpers, as Tyrants, Is Obedience to God

12. It is a traditional American motto that: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." This motto was suggested by Benjamin Franklin in mid-1776 in the Congress as being an appropriate one for the seal of the United States; and it was so truly expressive of traditional American thinking that Jefferson adopted it for use on his personal seal.

A major part of the American philosophy underlying the resistance to the tyranny of king and parliament prior to the Declaration of Independence, and in support of that Declaration in 1776, was as follows. Public officials who exceed the limits of the powers delegated to them by the people under their fundamental law and thus violate, or endanger, the people's God-given, unalienable rights thereby and to this extent make of themselves defaulting trustees, usurpers, oppressors and tyrants. They thereby act outside of this supreme law, which defines these limits and the scope of their authority and office, and therefore act without authority from the people. By thus seceding and violating the restrictions of this law, they act outside of Law: lawlessly, as "out-laws." As Samuel Adams stated: "Let us remember, that 'if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others [Posterity] in our doom'" (Emphasis added.) They thereby, in practice, replace Rule-by-Law with Rule-by-Man. These defaulting trustees--thus acting lawlessly--thereby free the people from any duty of obedience; because legally and morally, under Rule-by-Law, obedience by the self-governing people is required only to Law and not to law-defying public servants.

The reasoning supporting the above-quoted motto's concept of moral duty is this: Man, being given by his Creator unalienable rights which are accompanied by corresponding duties, has the moral duty--duty to God--to safeguard these rights for the benefit of self and others, including Posterity. Man is therefore obligated to oppose all violators of these rights; and such failure betrays Man's duty as the temporary trustee of Posterity's just heritage. This is in keeping with the philosophy of the Declaration of Independence as reiterated in part, for example, in 1788 in the Virginia Ratifying Convention's proposals for amendments to the Constitution including a Bill of Rights stating in part as follows:

". . . that the doctrine of non-resistance against arbitrary power and oppression is absurd slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind."

Applied to the United States Constitution, which Federal and State officials are sworn to support, this means that--in resisting Federal officials who, as usurpers, defy the limits on their powers imposed by the "supreme Law of the Land"--the people and governments of the States are opposing Rule-by-Man and defending Rule-by-Law (basically the people's fundamental law: the Constitution). They are thus defending the Constitution against its violators: the Federal usurpers; and they are acting in defense of the people's God-given, unalienable rights and the States' reserved powers. The American philosophy and system of constitutionally limited government contemplates that the people of the several States--acting through their State governments--will, in last resort, use force to oppose any force employed by the Federal usurpers, that they will use military force (Militia of the States) to oppose any military force used by such usurpers; as Hamilton and Madison explained in detail in The Federalist, numbers 28 and 46.

The Conclusion

13. The American philosophy reflects the knowledge that the history of Individual Liberty is the history of the effective limitation of government's power, which is expressed in the traditional principle summarized in the phrase: Limited for Liberty.

Quotes from The American Ideal of 1776 supporting this Principle.

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In the scriptures of the big book and what they say is that all anxiety and doubt is cast from the devil. People become addicted to this or have mental issues with it and if not treated feed off it. This leads often to resentment and when stuck in resentment, people naturally want to get even. That is where poison envy comes in. It stems from the fact that Satan was the most beautiful on the outside, but was not on the inside and he was extremely envious (poison envy ) regarding Jesus. I believe all the Socialists are stuck in this and the '60's rad's are perfect examples. They can't get past resentment and that the people of the capitalist world built a better and more productive nation because God granted us the serenity to accept the things we could not change, gave us the key to wisdom, along with the freedom to come up with our great land of Capitalism -minimal gov,t. I just want to say to all you Socialists, Karl Marx, Lenin Mussolini,Hitler,Mao are(were) tea party all false leaders (IDOLATRY). At the tea party from the Mark 7:20-22 CRASHERS REMEMBER THIS


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My health care for 2011

I just got news from my company of 25 years regarding next years helath insureance. Needless to say it may be going through the roof. I have kept this job mostly because of my benifits. This comes at a time when I have a son that will be starting colledge next year. The money I will be needing for him will be used to pay for someone who want take care of their own health care. I find this outrage! I just want to say you have my support. Go Tea Party!
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So the song goes, “you picked a fine time to lead us, Barrack.” Amen to that. In Cosmos and Psyche, we read that in November 2008, the month and year Obama was elected, Saturn moved into unfavorable alignment with Pluto. It meant “an atmosphere of gravity and tension” for three to four years. It meant “epochal closure:” “the end of an era,” “the end of innocence.” It meant “the destruction of an earlier mode of life that in retrospect may seem to have been marked by widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial, and inflation. Profound transformation was a dominant theme.” So let us take a look at your future.
The author of Cosmos and Psyche was Richard Tarnas, a distinguished philosopher and cultural historian, who spent 30 years on the bad alignments of Saturn and Pluto. He found them astoundingly consistent with the archetypal patterns human history.
Consistent with the current bad alignment of Saturn and Pluto, we are moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. The symbol for Pisces is two attached fish, one swimming upstream, the other downstream. Pisceans can’t make up their minds. In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read the Piscean nature is sensitive and extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others. They unconsciously absorb the mental outlook of those around them. They desperately want to do the right thing but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Their charm, humor and sympathy open gates of opportunity, but unfortunately, for opportunists as well. Their kindly nature allows them to get in the habit of allowing things to drift.
The Aquarian personality, on the other hand, operates under the sign of the water-bearer, of brotherhood and fraternity. The planet Uranus rules Aquarius, and by the way the United States. Those who befriend Aquarians have their unswerving loyalty. Aquarians can be eccentric, determined and stubborn in their beliefs. The key phrase of Aquarians is “I know.” There is no snobbery in the Aquarian nature. They hate hypocrisy. Aquarians operate as equals among equals. They say, “don’t fence me in.”
The transformation Obama is hastening is from Piscean to Aquarian. So there you have it. You will no longer think of yourselves as African-American. Thanks to Obama, by the time he leaves office you will all be All-American. It is written in the stars. We will all get along.
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A wide range of polls over the last three weeks show that as Tax Day approaches Americans are becoming more and more convinced that congress and the president do not listen to them, tax too much, spend too much, have run up too much debt, and are on the wrong track for curing the ills of the nation, particulary jobs and the economy. Whether old respected polls or the polls of the networks or spot polls on the internet, the conclusions have been the same. More recent polling paints a “hardening” of those attitudes . . . today, Rasmussen Reports pollsters found "more of the same" in their surveys:

Item: only 21% of the voters believe that the decisionmakers in Washington have the consent of the governed while 61% believe Washington does NOT have that consent

Item: 66% of those polled say Americans are overtaxed including 81% of mainstream America feeling we are overtaxed . . . but in contrast 69% of the political class feels Americans are NOT over taxed

Item: 69% say the American Dream is becoming impossible for their children and grandchildren and 58% favor repeal of Obamacare and 47% say repeal of Obamacare will be good for the economy and only 33% say repeal of Obamacare will be bad for the economy
Item: 50% of unaffiliated voters say their views are closer to the TEA Party than to President Obama 38% of unaffiliated voters align with President Obama’s views and overall 48% of Americans feel closer to the TEA Party views than to Obama while 44% feel the President represents their views better.
Item: 96% of the political class** have an UNfavorable view of the TEA Party movement but 58% of the mainstream hold a favorable view of the TEA Party. To understand this polling statistic better . . . the Political Class typically varies from 6% to 18% of the populace depending upon the answers to three key questions on any given polling date. The mainstream percentage typically varies from 46% to 70% depending upon when a given poll takes place. The upshot is that the political class believes that the people in Washington are the experts and they know what’s best for America. The mainstream believes the voters have a much more realistic idea of what’s needed and what’s NOT needed at any given time.

Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,

** Understanding "Mainstream and Political Class" designations
Rasmussen's designations of "political class" and "mainstream" do more to clarify attitudes than perhaps any other system of classifying voter trends. The two groups not only shift in temperment from time to time, but also shift in the sizes of the respective groups over time, for example, a late January, 2010, Rasmussen poll showed that only an unbelievably low 4% aligned with the political class at that time. It is unusual for the political class to drop and stay much below 8% for any extended period of time. The three questions Rasmussen uses to calculate the Index are:

-- Generally speaking, when it comes to important national issues, whose judgment do you trust more - the American people or America’s political leaders?

-- Some people believe that the federal government has become a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Has the federal government become a special interest group?

-- Do government and big business often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors?

To create the designations, each response earns a plus 1 for the mainstream answer "YES", a minus 1 for the political class answer "NO", and a 0 for not sure.

Those who score 2 or higher are considered part of the Mainstream. Those who score -2 or lower are considered to be aligned with the Political Class. Those who score +1 or -1 are considered leaners in one direction or the other.

In practical terms, if someone is classified with the Mainstream, they agree with the mainstream view on at least two of the three questions and don’t agree with the Political Class on any; and someone is classified as part of the political class if they agree with the political class view on at least two of the three questions and don't agree with the mainstream view on any.

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If you have studied Ancient History, World History and American History, that gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach about now should be a full blown ulcer. Although the signs were there for people to investigate, or ignore, Obama's dirty little secret has painfully reared its ugly head. Joe the Plumber was right, and the man is "soc--ial--ist--ic". Even the eloquent Congressman Maxine Waters admits it, and Obama's history and actions prove it.


Give up some of your sovereignty and independence. You won’t need it anymore

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Obama's First Year in La La Land

Here are the first eight of msnbc’s 68 highlights on the Obama Administration’s first year in office. (1) Obama was sworn into office with his right hand on Lincoln’s Bible. (2) Obama signs the order to close Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. (3) Obama signs the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the worker’s right to sue for discrimination. (4) Obama goes to Elkhart, Indiana to tell his audience that doing nothing is not an option. (5)Obama at his first press conference tells his audience he inherited a deficit of more than a trillion dollars. (6)Obama is roundly criticized for preventing bonuses to AIG officials. (7) Obama appeared on the J Leno show and Letterman show, where he riffed that “it’s important to know I was actually black before the election.” (8)Obama made the outreach to the Muslim world with a foreign policy priority in his administration.

President Obama, in his first year in office, has succeeded in becoming the biggest divider in U S history.

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Look Alikes


Upper picture of Joseph W. Smith, Sr. taken in 1918 in Paris France, shortly after he received the Distinguished Service Cross and was named one of Pershing’s 100 heroes. The lower picture of Joseph W. Smith, Jr. (me) taken north of Tokyo in 1945, I was in the Army of Occupation and a combat rifleman in Nazi Germany until Germany’s unconditional surrender.

We are now in La La Land. Between the World Wars, a new revolution, a pyramid game, began in America with Roosevelt’s New Deal, and continued after World War II for no other reason than back room politics (Johnson was a master of the art) with Johnson’s Great Society, to bring America the present out of control spending.

Don’t expect the politicians to cure the problem. They caused the problem for their own gain. They will continue with the shell games, if allowed, whether they be Republican or Democrat. They are going to keep the power and control in their hands—whatever it takes—as long we allow them. When have you ever seen those in control willingly step down? If this is a nation of the people, for the people, you better act now. We are going down the tube.

Obama’s health care knife in the back—taking from senior citizens—(me) is typical for politicians. We pay, they gain. The logical way to cure the double wrongs of the New Deal and Great Society is to phase out government entitlements the way they were phased in—throw away the crutches and walk on your own two legs, painfully at first.

At the same time that you phase out government entitlements, you must do away with Federal income tax and the IRS, not only at a tremendous saving, but at a huge boost to the economy. Replace the income tax with a tax on spending and balance the budget, whatever the cost.

This is the way to put yourself back in control of your life. Think about all the blood, sweat, and tears that have gone into building this great nation—for you! Those who came before you were determined to keep control in the individual’s hands. What I see taking place is absolutely the most shameful behavior in the history of man.

Obama gave us platitudes. Nobody asked him specifically what he planned to do to fix things. What does this tell you about politicians? Obama made it three times as bad as Bush made it. Obama is the socialist dictator politicians have been scheming and conniving for 73 years, when President Roosevelt declared, “The balance of power between the three great branches of the Federal Government has been tipped out of balance by the courts in direct contradiction of the high purposes of the framers of the Constitution. We have reached the point where we must take action to save the Constitution from the Court.”

The American people allowed their president to rewrite their Constitution. If you want your country back, best to stop the outbursts and proceed with quiet determination. I want to hear the candidates for president say exactly what they plan to do as president to fix the problem. They would be the first in a long, long time, in fact since President Harding. He told us how to fix the problem the granddaddy of pyramid games, progressive Woodrow Wilson started. Roosevelt’s depression lasted eleven years, until World War II fixed it. Wilson’s was the depression nobody talks about. President Harding ended it in short order.

Obama is taking us back to Roosevelt’s depression. There is only one fix, the fix Harding brought about. Drastically cut government. Drastically cut spending. Drastically cut taxes. You are going to have to demand this that I tell you or face the consequences. It’s as simple as that. Do what Harding would have done. Pass it on. Phase out government entitlements. Do away with Federal income tax and the IRS.

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Crash the Tea Party . org

After hearing about that Crash the Tea Party sight on my local Fox news channel here in Chicago - I had to go on it to see what group was organizing it. At the bottom of the page (the part that they did not show on the news), there it is in bold face "ARE YOU A CAPITALIST.......OR A SOCIALIST???" Aaaaaaaah, it became apparent who or what is behind that. That immediately prompted me to officially join the Tea Party - I am sick and tired of the image media tries to portray against the Tea Partiers - you never, ever, ever heard any of the same "hush" when it came to other organized protesters ie: The Million Man March, Union Pickets, the Immigration Rallies (where 90% are ILLEGAL!!) Since when do Illegal immigrants retain Freedom of Speech and American born citizens are hushed?? I've had it!! I am not a fat, lazy, old, racist - I am a 32 year old Mother of 3 - who is not fat - Married to a Veteran, raised in this completely LEFT Chicago area - I am not even close to being a matter of fact I have more energy now that I am motivated by their ridiculous accusations - I can spell and I am fluent in the English language (our National Language) - And as far as the racist part.....I am sick of being called a racist because I am "white" - the remark is racist in itself - accusing me of being racist based on the color of my skin??? Cuz why? Only white people are racist?? Ha ha ha - nice try! I think the media has helped beat that one to death and I foresee that argument going by the wayside soon.

I encourage women everyday, at the hair salon I own, to evaluate their positions - FORGET ABOUT REPUBS OR DEMS - CLARIFY IF THE CANDIDATE IS A PROGRESSIVE (since they are on both sides) - AND THEN DETERMINE IF THEY ARE WORTHY OF YOUR VOTE!!! You are not supposed to talk about Politics or Religion in a salon BUT it is a state of National Emergency - WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

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Citizens First: Ma’am, Who Would Know That?

I thought at first it was an April Fool’s Day joke.

For months I had been sending emails and making calls to ask my state’s Congressional delegation and others in the U.S. federal government how many citizens there are in the United States.

I couldn’t get an answer, so on April 1, close to the Census and tax filing deadlines, I called the White House and asked, “How many U.S. citizens are there?”

In late January I did find Tom Edwards, a Public Affairs Specialist in the U S Census Bureau who could track down a number of U.S. citizens. It was listed, sort of, many pages down from the U.S. Census Bureau home page . I took the URL, the page’s web address, and pasted it into a file for future use. It was both so lengthy and so buried that I could not find it again without using the address to get directly to it. Finding the number, that no one knew and cannot be easily found also increased my concern; my feeling that our federal government does not operate as I thought it would and should.

So, I began asking other people – Do you know how many U.S. citizens there are? Do you think our elected federal representatives to Congress, their staff, and the President and his staff should know?

Most folks I spoke to think as I did – Of course they know. The job of the US federal government is to work for US citizens. The Census done every 10 years is specifically done so they and we can know how many citizens the U.S. has. That is how Congress, the White House, and the federal offices who help them create a budget determine how much to spend each year. I was so wrong!

The U.S. Census, which costs billions of taxpaying citizen dollars, does not count citizens. The number of people counted, used by Congress and the President to set our federal budget, includes 6 to 81/2 %, between 18 million and 26 million people, who are not U.S. citizens.

That means, the annual U S deficit which may be as high as $13 trillion, includes between $780 million and $1.105 trillion our government spends to meet the needs of people who are not U S citizens.

How do I figure that? Well, after learning that no one representing me in Congress could give me a number of U S citizens, nor could the Congressional Budget Office, which serves and provides advice to Congress, and learning the numbers U S Census folks gave me varied between 282 million and 307 million, I again did an online search. A fellow named Ed Hall has a website U S National Debt Clock, which he says he gets by using U S Treasury data. He estimates close to $13 trillion in U S debt and about 308 million people in the U S sharing it. As of April 9, 2010, he estimates each U.S. citizen carries $41, 664 in debt. But, like official sources, his numbers are actually based in population estimates.

Using the U S Census figure of $282 million citizens – each citizen also has about $3500 more in debt to cover non-citizens.

So on April 1 I began double checking – I called my Congressional representative and two senator’s offices and asked how many U S citizens we are. None had a solid number; one said their office had never been asked the question. The estimate each used was somewhere around 300 million people.

I keep hearing on TV that we must fill out and return our Census form. It is critical so our government can be sure how many of us there are and be sure we all get our fair share of federal funds.

I am also filing my annual taxes, so I hoped my dollars are being spent wisely. It made me pretty hot to think each U S taxpaying citizen is paying an average of over $40,000 for annual U S government debt – I bet most of it is interest. My financial institution and every responsible person who taught me about budget and spending says it is irresponsible to spend more than one has – I know first hand that interest quickly takes away money I try to save.

It’s wrong that my government does not follow responsible rules, rules I and all responsible citizens I know follow. I was still in disbelief, so called the White House at 202-456-1414. I asked if she could tell me how many US citizens there are. The answer I got first was that no one at the White House knows. They did let me leave a message for the office of the President’s Chief of Staff – I’ve been waiting 12 days for a call back.

I called the White House back, spoke with a different woman. Again I asked, “how many US citizens are there?

Her reply approximately was, ”What? Ma’am I don’t understand. What is it you want to know?”

I repeated, “I would like to know what the number of U.S. citizens is.”

Her response, “Now, Ma’am. Who would know that?”

I guess no one who sets the U.S. budget. I find it of grave concern. This is one U.S. citizen’s opinion. Please use it as you see fit.

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Another unsigned blast email THIS MUST STOP!

There should be NO unsigned emails of ANY SORT going out to membership. I don't care how innocuous it is - if its telling me your cat just had kittens, you should put your name to it.

Is there anyone else who sees this as a problem?

I do not want to belong to a faceless organization. If you send me an email, you better put your name on it. Or is this really an organization where a select few speak for the entire group? If so, I'll happily search for some other group of which to be a member.

Its cowardly and quite frankly, exactly what the leftist commie groups do to shield themselves in secrecy.
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Rajjpuut's Folly: Fun @

Obama Dirty Tricks Groups Expand
Internet Efforts to Disrupt TEA Party Tax Day Protests

This coming Thursday is April 15, a.k.a. Tax Day, the day when the TEA Party will unveil its “Contract From America." For several months Americans have been voting on which of the top twenty-one TEA Party concerns they believe belong among the top ten American issues this year and thus will become the 2010 TEA Party Contract from America. TEA means “taxed enough already” for most people and “taken enough abuse,” but if some shady Progressives get their way . . . then count on the TEA Partiers to take a lot more abuse . . . .

One TEA Party organizer quoting Gandhi, put it like this: the attempt to destroy our movement is evidence the message is resonating. "We've been ignored, we've been ridiculed. Well, now they're coming after us," said Judy Pepenella, a co-coordinator for the New York State Tea Party. "Gandhi's quote is one we understand: 'First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.'"

Obama and his Marxists admiration society have not only recently stepped up the hate attacks on the TEA Party via -- their always ready to broadcast (but never ready to check out the facts) Democratic hate messages -- the lamestream media . . . but have now expanded their internet efforts to recruit thugs and agitators to disrupt the group’s meetings; make them appear stupid in line with the lamestream media’s perceptions; do fake interviews; shout racist and inflammatory slogans in hopes of getting air time for negative perceptions of the group and otherwise using their dirty tricks to (they hope) do what truth won’t do: discredit the TEA Party movement. Here’s a typical website: one of about 200 that have sprung up in the last month:

which is owned/operated? by someone named Levins according to first impressions Rajjpuut garnered in looking things over. By the way, just type in "crash the tea party" or "crash the tea parties" and you'll get almost one million hits, ain't that interesting?

Opening the site, one is greeted by this joyful message: Welcome to “Crash the TEA Party” and then the lies start.

Under “About Us” we find . . . “Who we are:”

“A nationwide network of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are all sick and tired of that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes and morons; who constitute the fake grass-roots movement which calls itself “The Tea Party.”

Having been to TEA Party events Rajjpuut can tell you, he’s yet to hear a single racist or homophobic comment and would put the population density of TEA Party morons at about 5% what you’d find at a union rally or among the progressive Democrats. The only hate spouted is by TEA Party detractors not by its members in Rajjpuut’s experience. Comments about “astro-turf” and “fake grass-roots movement” began with Nancy Pelosi and come from only one place: the Democratic Party, the only group mentioned who has a lot to lose because of the existence of the TEA Party movement. The TEA Party is an intellectual defense of the U.S. Constitution. Since the Democrats dare not openly attack the Constitution except in 5,000 page bills that attempt to tear American tradition and American values to shreds . . . they have been singing a tune of lies for over a year now trying to discredit the movement. The site’s message continues . . . .

“What we want:”

“To dismantle and demolish the TEA Party by any non-violent means necessary.”

This is another lie, the union goons that have thrown eggs, shouted curses, and tried to pick fights and beaten lone TEA Party members have shown no interest in non-violence. Goons are goons. Violence is their thing. Saul Alinsky in his “Rules for Radicals” advocated starting fights and confusion and then blaming it all upon the victims as standard operating procedure whenever facing opposition. Let’s see more from the website:

After talking about the disruptions and possible mayhem they hope to cause, the site mentions its goal: “to distance them from the mainstream of America and damage the public’s opinion of them.” And then ends with this joyful thought:

Sound like fun? It is! If you’d like to join us, just click on the word ‘CRASH!’ Below.” Which takes you to this link:

Which gaily salutes the user with the message, “Hello, Party Crashers!”

Then you have to register to become part of the “fun.” Sean Hannity mentioned the site earlier today and the humorous comments filling it up by TEA Party sympatizers overwhelmed the serious Party crashers cyberspace: Here are a few . . . a user called “Veritas Warrior” had this to say:This may be the fastest growing conservative website on the internet!! With a picture of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the caption: "Rightwing Radicals" describing the founding fathers in the painting.

A contributor called “Common Sense” said, “Just trying to figure this site out because it doesn't make much sense to me. The site says that they want to show how racist, hateful, and stupid the tea party people are by infiltrating their events and shouting racist hate speech and holding intentionally misspelled signs. Umm, if the tea party people are stupid, hateful, racists, why do you have to show up and act stupid, hateful, and racist in front of the media? Isn't it your position that they already are?

I have this sinking feeling that this is a parody website and I'm looking really foolish right now for not getting 'the joke'.

But seriously, what is this?”

In answer to Common Sense, a real Party Crasher replied, “How 'bout we just bust a boot off in your skinny, white, racist tebagging butt? Naaah...Waste of a perfectly good boot.” Which proves that all Party Crashers are not humorless.

The response his humor received was this:

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds." Albert Einstein. From a user named HeyMentallyIllLibs.

Not finding any authentic Party Crasher content, Rajjpuut slid over to another subject in their forum: Tea-Baggers are Racist Radical Terrorist (Proof) (excuse their grammar). Someone calling himself enhancelogic: said,

You Tea-Baggers perversely murder in the name of 9/11.

You shout racial hateful words at your protests.

You all belong in jail with your Christian Militia friends.

GTFO my country you stupid racist radical tea-bagging terrorist!

GTFO my country you stupid racist radical tea-bagging terrorist!

And he got this response:

LMAO. Quoting the huffers at huffing post and cbs. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Couldn't you get a quote from bill ayers or jeremiah wright?

lol. The Tea Party is your worst nightmare. You and your parents may even eventually have to get a job.

Someone called Party-of_Kuffar with 86 posts on the site to his credit asked,

Jesus-fuc__ng-CHRIST. Who's gonna throw the first Molotov already?” Rajjpuut edited out two letters from his message.

You get the idea, Rajjpuut is sure. The real haters, now that they’re known are being overwhelmed by polite but firm TEA Party responses.

Then something very strange and possibly verifiably true, but who knows?? Rajjpuut is only copying it here, because it gives you the flavor of what’s going on at the Party Crashers site . . . whatever you do, do NO violence, it could even be deliberately false information, again, who knows? But here it goes, from a user calling himself JohnLocke:

Here's the info for you patriots who would like levins info

6300 crown avenue
Oakland, CA 94611

Domain name: ZANE-LEVIN.COM

Administrative Contact:
Levin, Jason
6300 crown avenue
Oakland, CA 94611
510-595-1634 Fax: 000-000-0000

Technical Contact:
Manager, Domain
2800 28th Street Suite 205
Santa Monica, California 90405
+1.8885114678 Fax: +1.3103141610

Registration Service Provider:
888 511 4678

Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC.
Record last updated on 25-Aug-2007.
Record expires on 21-Aug-2010.
Record created on 21-Aug-2005.

Registrar Domain Name Help Center:
So, on balance, it seems really did turn into a “fun” site after all . . . but, remember some 200 such sites have sprung up . . . so expect violence and confusion at the TEA Party celebration and protest over Tax Day . . . .

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Brenda Murphy

Only 4,000 members? I am shocked that there aren't hundreds of thousands. Why so few? Just received an e-mail about "housing licenses".....this was the catalyst for me to join. I have been desiring to do so for some time, but today is the day. I'm in.......
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The Higher Law

For every cause there is an effect. I studied my Constitution 35 years ago and had a bigger than life calling, a cause: The effect: all my dreams have been fulfilled. America’s Founding Fathers wrote my constitution in the knowledge of the Higher Law: they were not subject to the old-world’s laws. They gave the individual God-given rights, and then, unfortunately, went about taking them away. Today’s Constitution is the diametric opposite of the original Constitution. Weird, but not as weird as hundreds of millions readily accepting the myth that God is somewhere out there and we are here to glorify God. How much that idea is like high and mighty men!

From the Bible, we learn that Moses led the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage to wander in the wilderness 40 years in search of a land of milk and honey. The Israelites found their promised land and took it from the Canaanites. Came the Christians worshiping Christ, the one and only perfect man, followed by the Muslims and their savior—and all time holy wars, all over the promised land. We had the Christian Crusades and now Israel the bone of contention. It is always something to take the eye off the ball. The Bible is the moral story of man. You have to read it in its overall context.

Nietzsche, the philosopher who coined “God is dead,” wondered whether God created man or if man created God. He concluded that the individual was responsible for his own life. Lastly, the cutting edge of science now finds my answer for God, the bane of conventional authority.

A physical domain exists that is governed by immutable laws. But these laws leave open the creative mind, which is more than matter. This observer element in our nature interacts with matter. Says the cutting edge of science, beyond the space-time dimension is a dimension of infinite possibility and we, the observer, create our reality. Consciousness has been added to the mix. Conscious awareness has no bounds. It flies in the face of thousands of years of indoctrination, and in particular the Obama Administration’s agenda: the transformation of America, which is now so dividing America.

The cutting edge of science finds that in nature there is unity. In unity, we have the engine that drives our immortal souls. The latest science now sees space and matter springing into existence by and through universal consciousness. In Genesis 1:26, And God said, Let us make man in our image. The Age of Pisces, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, is being replaced by the Age of Aquarius, an age of true altruism. A new age God is in the making.

Along with the new age and unity comes the Tea Party. Don’t allow yourselves to be manipulated by the dividers. You are on the path of America’s future.

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