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Wake up time

As far as I can see some of us have been handed a wake up call and we have come awake. The rest of the people are walking around in a daze thinking that it'll all get better on it's own. It's not going to get better unless We The People stand up and let it be known that we're not asleep anymore and we need to start holding the Politicians feet to the fire. In todays day and age it seems to only take alot of money and alot of lies to get elected. If the rest of the American people do not wake up soon the Country will not be recognizable anymore.
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by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism


As a continuing part of our series What Would Reagan Do, we’re going to discuss what Reagan would do to address our current immigration problems. Clearly Reagan would have been shocked by our current situation related to rampant illegal immigration, the violence across our southern border in Mexico, and the crime being brought into American cities by illegal aliens.


Addressing Reagan’s views regarding immigration is complex because he had two seemingly conflicting views. For one, Reagan believed in the integrity of the borders of the United States. This view would have been only reinforced by our current international terrorism risks in a post 9-11 world. In fact one of Reagan’s most well-known quotes is: “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.”


On the other side of the coin, Reagan believed the United States was the last great hope for the world. Reagan lived the American Dream and saw that dream as a gift from God for all free people. He fully understood the desire of the masses to come to America and to assimilate into the melting pot as Americans.  Continue...
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“Barack is Standing With Us”


“Wis-Cairo’s” Senate Desertion, “Capitol Take-Over”

Orchestrated by Re-election Committee and DNC



          Nancy Pelosi used the term “astro-turf” to describe what she saw as a “fake grass-roots” movement, the TEA Party, created, she said:  by the Republican Party.   It appears now that the “leftist pot” has been calling the “tax-paying kettle” black for quite some time now.


            It begins with information provide by two union workers . . . who said they took part in the planning of “Wis-Cairo” and were told “Barack is standing with us,” and who insisted, “They’ll kill us, I mean it, they WILL kill us, if they ever find out” . . . was revealed because the two men were active TEA Party members in the Midwest.  According to the men, who will be called “Tom and Jerry” because that’s not their real names . . . .


Item #1: The campaign of labor unrest was dubbed “Wis-Cairo” very early in the campaign. Union leaders in early spring, 2010, had visited Egypt, Tunisia, and many other Middle-Eastern nations to foment a “grass-roots” movement toward democracy among the young, the unemployed, the malcontented, students, etc. The idea was to make it appear that a world-wide grass-roots rebellion against the “evil” status quo was occurring virtually simultaneously. The Middle-East was chosen for the “first-wave” because so many of the leaders were dictators that almost no one approved of.


Item #2: Both the decisions for Democratic senators to abandon their posts and flee their states (thus preventing key votes) and for Union protestors to “take-over” the Capitol in Wisconsin came from the Obama Oval office with members of the president’s 2012 re-election campaign, “Obama for America,” the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and two key Union Bosses involved. Washington has been “calling every move, every step of the way.”


Item #3: The president referred to his “Wis-Cairo Campaign” as a chance to “revisit his roots” as a community organizer. (The President was an attorney for ACORN shaking-down mortgage lenders to force them to comply with the CRA ’77 law and make knowingly bad loans to high-risk of default clients. As an ACORN attorney, Obama was famous for not only getting the loans and promises of further loans from beleaguered bankers, but even coaxing out ACORN donations from them.) He reportedly told some Labor Department officials and at least one Union Boss, the exercise made him “feel like a General.”


Item #4: The term “Wis-Cairo,” invented by AFL-CIO leader Richard Trumka and it pleased Obama immediately. One thing that did not please President Obama was his own involvement . . . . Almost as soon as he made his (Cambridge-police-like) comment three weeks ago attacking Wisconsin governor Scott Walker for bringing an all-out attack on the rights of working people, President Obama regretted his words. He regretted them even more once Walker suggested that Obama needed to pay attention to Washington matters and work on “reducing his own debt.” Rather than following up on his comment about Walker being out to destroy collective bargaining, Obama elected to remain silent for roughly three weeks because media attention on himself, the White House, the DNC and his election committee would undermine public perception that a grassroots, simultaneous up-swelling of emotion was taking place in Wisconsin. 


Item #5:  From the start “spreading the excitement” to Indiana and then backlash against Governor Chris Christie in New Jersey was part of the plan as were all the coordinated union demonstrations at other state capitols held on Saturday, February 26.


Item #6: The campaign has just begun. According to Tom and Jerry, further coordinated efforts aim at . . . .


a)    “making ‘them’ start laying off people”

b)    “making  ‘them’ shut down the government”

c)    “embarrassing FOX to get a ‘media neutrality’ law passed”

d)   “spreading this thing across the entire country”


          In related news, President Obama elected to re-join the fray today both personally and through his Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. Solis said, “The fight is on” and vowed that she was going to be part of it. Nice, the federal government entering a labor battle to the detriment of a state’s citizens and taxpayers, NICE! Obama’s comments were much more toned down, he not only did not mention Wisconsin or Walker by name, but also merely re-iterated his opinion that “attacks upon working people” by government entities must be fought. Both put efforts at “collective-bargaining” repeal among Wisconsin government employees at the heart of the matter. Solis, meanwhile went further and blamed not just Walker but the entire Republican Party for “trying to strip the rights of America’s workers.”


         Walker himself was not inactive, he gave the hooky-playing fourteen Wisconsin Democratic Senators “24 hours” to return to the state and vote on the bill so that he would not be forced by law to begin laying off 1,400-1,500 government workers to make up the state's budget red-ink. Wisconsin is facing a shortfall of $3.6 Billion.  While the unions belated agreed to accept some slight cuts in pay and benefits the crux of the matter has been "collective bargaining" on items other than pay.  Walker, saying that the typical budget battle and union negotiations at the county and local and state levels takes fifteen months . . . aims to remove the union's power to dominate Wisconisn affairs.  As one measure of how pervasive Wisconsin union influence is, according to Tom and Jerry, their workers never have to pay union taxes because the money is "automatically removed" from the workers' checks and then the state pays the dues in one lump sum to the unions.  Wow . . . . excuse Rajjpuut's "tell" (never have had a poker face) but what an obvious conflict of interest that's taken part in Wisconsin for 'lo these many years.


         At the protest site in and around the Capitol in Madison, FoxNews reporters and camera crew have been heckled, shouted down and otherwise interfered with. Reporter Mike Tobin was caught on camera being shoved and punched twice. Tobin laughed and called the affronts “part of my job.”


         Meanwhile in Washington, D.C., despite reports of “secret negotiations” between House and Senate Republicans and Democrats, no movement toward any sort of compromise or action leading to passing a new CR (continuing budget resolution) to keep the government “fully operational” has been spotted. A shutdown appears imminent, but complicating the issue is that the cuts most recently requested by Republicans were items President Obama approved of axing. One way or another, we can hope that some money will be saved, either by shut-down or by deliberate budget cuts.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

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Not only are Facts wrong but there is a political bias.

  • Pro Democrat

  • We work 40+ hours and they have an 8 Hour work week what is that all about?   

Read it in their own words:

Labor History

Wisconsin has long been a leader in labor rights. The Progressive Movement, which had its beginnings in our state, led to laws limiting child labor and safety in the workplace. Unions such as the AFL-CIO and Teamsters allow us to enjoy an eight-hour work week and vacation time. In fact, it has been argued by some historians that the history of the United States itself could be a history of labor.

In December of 2009, Assembly Bill 172 was signed into law, making Wisconsin the first state to require the incorporation of “the history of organized labor in America and the collective bargaining process” into the state standards for social studies. We are convening a workgroup to research, discuss, and implement this change, as well as to revisit and update the Lessons in Labor History curriculum guide that the Department of Public Instruction published in 2001.

There are some websites that offer information and ideas on how to incorporate labor history into your social studies classroom.

Educational Communications Board Surf Report on Labor History

Wisconsin Historical Society Labor Collections

Wisconsin Labor History Society

For questions about this information, contact Kristen McDaniel (608)266-2207

Last updated on 9/28/2010 11:05:40 AM

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Wisconsin Guv Walker First Gets it Right;
Then Screws-up in Battle vs. Unions
“Collective Bargaining for government employment conflicts with the interests of the nation and the tax-payers.”  President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
I respect the right of workers in the private sector to strike. Indeed, as president of my own union, I led the first strike ever called by that union. I guess I'm maybe the first one to ever hold this office who is a lifetime member of an AFL - CIO union. But we cannot compare labor-management relations in the private sector with government. Government cannot close down the assembly line. It has to provide without interruption the protective services which are government's reason for being. It was in recognition of this that the Congress passed a law forbidding strikes by government employees against the public safety . . . . I must tell those who failed to report for duty this morning they are in violation of the law, and if they do not report for work within 48 hours, they have forfeited their jobs and will be terminated.”  President Ronald Wilson Reagan
Confusion Reigns on All Fronts as Nation Stagnates;
Seethes in Obama-Created Swamp
            “. . . She’s the most disgraceful country that ever you have seen,
            They’re hanging men and women there for wearing o’ the green . . .”
            The Founding Fathers must be spinning at 300 revolutions per second in their graves right now. And like “dear old 'Oirelan'” in the song The Wearing of the Green, something quite disgraceful is going on in America right now. 
Item: Democratic Senators from Indiana and Wisconsin have left the states where they won election and are now roasting weenies and enjoying the Iron Chefs reality TV show in Illinois. This “protest” (which is really a disgusting aberration of their responsibilities as elected representatives of their state) is in its second week.
Item:   Spend, spend, spend and spend some more. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka is propagating the Democrats message that taxing creates jobs. Trumka, who next to SEIU President Andy Stern is the second-most frequent visitor to the White House and therefore ranks as an Obama-advisor, wants to dramatically raise the federal gas tax so that “a dedicated source of revenue will be created to fund infrastructure permanently.” Of course the unions and Democrats, who claim to be the proponents of the poor and the middle class, have to realize that taxes upon necessities like food and gas are “regressive” . . . that is they harm the middle-class and especially the poor by taking a far greater proportion of their meager disposable incomes for taxation. And then there’s the fact that a tax on gas amounts to a huge inflation as the costs of it will show up in every single item that’s bought or sold in the country. Of course, yes, more union and government jobs would be created at the cost of 2-5 times that many jobs in the private sector. This is an example of the well-known economic gaff called the “Broken Window Fallacy.”
Item:  the Democrats are now talking about renewing their highly successful, they say, “Cash for Clunkers program which is an example of “The Blessings of Destruction” another gaff that an Econ-101 should never make, much less an elected official.
specifically, Cash for Clunkers created a scarcity of used cars (they were destroyed in huge numbers, remember) and pushed the cost of the average used car in the country up $1,800.  Mr. President, the rich don't buy used cars, so who do you suppose your stupid law hurt?
Item: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has been thwarted in his attempt to bring his state back from a $3.6 BIllion shortfall and to free all state and county and local governments from the shackles of collective bargaining and may soon have to start laying off government employees to make his budget balance. By the way, there is no “right” to collective bargaining either in the constitution or the laws of nature, no matter how often such a “right” is trumpeted about.
Item: The just mentioned Governor Scott Walker is, however, playing favorites. No doubt because of the political realities, Governor Walker is not addressing unionized police and unionized fire-fighters in Wisconsin they are exempt under his new bill which otherwise would be an impossibly unpopular move.   A real statesman does the right thing, not the popular or expedient one.  The good governor needs to familiarize himself with the history of the 1981 Air Traffic Controllers Union that resulted in the firing of 11,000 ATC employees who refused to honor the law created by Reagan’s predecessor, Jimmy Carter; and who violated their oaths of office. Carter removed the ability of federal workers’ unions to strike or use other collective bargaining against the taxpayers with Title VII of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. In Walker’s defense, President Obama who often speaks without knowing anything about his subject: vowed that he would “put on comfortable shoes and march with a picket sign” anywhere where the collective bargaining process was being challenged . . . sounds like it’s been really challenged in Washington, D.C., Mr. President, no need to go to Wisconsin.
Item: President Barack Obama has ordered his INjustice Dept. to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act. The aim is twofold:  to please his gay supporters cementing their votes in his behalf; and to eventually make gay marriage legal with all the rights of real marriage including adoption. The folks at NAMBLA must be enjoying bouts of orgiastic excitement about now. Who cares about non-voting children after all?
Item: It’s begun abundantly clear since the revelation of the pathetic Obama budget that in his eyes no single government spending or government interference or government abuse or fraudulent government boondoggle deserves to be cut; apparently no federal government program ever created suffers from fraud, abuse or incompetence and all must be continued into perpetuity with ever-increasing budgets?   The United States’ federal government officially faces a $14.1 TRillion national debt and $112 TRillion in UNfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare, and the federal side of Medicaid; and NOT including all the Welfare programs) and the president and his Progressive buddies on the left side of the aisle cannot understand why the America voters kicked so many of them out of office last November. They are refusing to consider $30 Billion in spending cuts and moving the country closer to a federal government shutdown. ‘Lest you think this is just the Rajjpuut’s interpretation of the economic situation . . . two voice no less far apart on the political continuum than Secretary of Defense Hillary Clinton and new TEA Party Senator Rand Paul when asked what constitutes the greatest threat to America’s security gave the same answer: the nation’s DEBT.
Item: That privileged class known as unionized government workers has become the new elite that President Obama prefers above and beyond all others. It works like this: The government unions use up to 85% of the union dues they collect for the salaries of union officials and for political contributions. 96% of those political contributions go to the campaign funds of Democratic candidates. Those candidates when elected create a bunch of new “goodies” for the unionized government workers whose dues again fund the bloated salaries of union officials and the war chests of the Democratic Party. If, occasionally, they are not successful in electing a lot of Democrats one year, little will be lost between then and the next election and the dues-campaign funds vicious circle continues eternally. And who pays for this vicious circle profitable to progressive Democrats and union leaders alike? The taxpayer, of course.
Item: Even without Obamacare, the ridiculous budget submitted by Obama will almost double the National Debt in the next decade: $13.2 TRillion more. The present Republican budget (which is just a preliminary <designed to make up for the fact that the last Pelosi House did not pass a budget> doesn’t include necessary further cuts . . . but IF the present Republican budget extended into the next decade it would result in additional debt of over $10 TRillion dollars. Of course with Obamacare, both budgets would swell by another $2.4 TRillion over the next decade.  When will the voters wise up? When will they understand that government spending programs and entitlement programs are all PONZI SCHEMES? When will they understand that Thomas Jefferson had it right when he said, “That government is best that governs least . . . “?
Item: The Obama administration is drawing up a bill that will charge sellers of artificial trees a “tariff” to support a marketing fund for the natural Christmas tree industry to make up for their ever falling share of the holiday tree market. Can one eagerly look forward to the day when the feds will bailout the natural tree promoters?
Item: You may not know these facts, but facts they are . . . the United States has discovered and verified the discovery of the biggest oil deposit in the world 88% beneath us and 12% below Canada called the Bakken Fields oil deposit. This makes Saudi Arabia look like energy-paupers. Even without the Bakken deposits (now outlawed for use except those portions under Indian reservations), recent advances in natural gas and oil drilling technology would presumably soon allow the United States to become an exporter of natural gas and IF drilling were maximized, to be virtually free of foreign oil dependence . . . but, of course, that would mean that green energy subsidies would not have any merit. Government studies showing that wind energy is NOT practicable for large scale use; and the Spanish economic study of the results of that nation’s 23-year failed (Unemployment went from 4% to 21%) green energy program have been stifled by the EPA and not reported in the mainstream/ lamestream media. The EPA and Progressive Democrats are attempting to quash reports contrary to their green agenda . . . for example: turbines require enormous quantities of concrete, steel, copper, and rare earth minerals – and huge orders of difficult resource extraction, refining, smelting, manufacturing and shipping and monstrous amounts of pollution and carbon dioxide emissions (which the EPA has called “toxic”) at every step of the way.
            Greater wind-turbine development which the Obama administration is describing as a “MUST” would also necessitate greater dependence upon China. Roughly 96% of the world’s rare earth production is centered now in China and Mongolia. Theirs is a very pollution-concentrated process which hopefully we will not emulate seeking rare earths here in the U.S. In 2009, China produced 150,000 tons of rare earth metals – and over 15,000,000 tons of waste.  As mentioned earlier, wind turbines do NOT work on a large-scale basis. Why? Because the backup power plants (the wind doesn’t always blow, hence the need for backups) are not only far more INefficient but according to the EPA’s own literature they also generate far more pollution and carbon dioxide than if they were able to run at full capacity. As backups for turbines they must operate constantly but ramp up to full power, and back down, numerous times daily, in response to shifting wind electricity production.

Ya'll live long, strong and ornery,
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Astrological Profiles

4063282011?profile=originalI’m Aquarius rising. Around here I’m known as Joseph Aquarius Smith.  So let me tell you about us.  Astrologers say we are different, can be so far ahead of our time that we are accused of being eccentric. We can express strong human concern; have a strong sense of freedom for ourselves and others. We can be musical and be a genius. I don’t know about being a genius, but I’m musical.  We can brand ourselves mavericks and oddballs.  People who know me would verify that.  Aquarius rising screams to the world, “Don’t fence me in.”  The universe is my playground. I bring back information that has been lost for centuries.


Naturally, rather than on the street protesting, I’m 100 percent behind Governor Walker.  I’d go further.  I’d force public service employees to accept equal pay for equal work and bar them from unions.


Now let’s talk about the Pisces profile.  The symbol for Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.  That’s interesting. Astrologers say the symbol says, can’t make up the mind, inability to take direct action, the need to be directed.  Astrologers say this weak willed individual, strongly influenced by external factors, tends to keep him in a hopeless situation.  He may appear with large dreamy eyes, and you can almost see a halo encircling his head. He seems to stay 10 feet off the ground. He expects people to be perfect; that is, to live up to his expectations.  We read that he may be totally unaware of his faults.  Often, he can see only good and refuse to see evil.  All of this makes him want to save the world.  His trouble is that he can’t see the forest for the trees.


After reading all of the above, we read that we are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius.  Time waits for no man.  Congratulate yourselves  for being part of the Tea Party movement.  Tell a friend what I reveal.


 Tim Pawlenty:  “The message of the tea party, as I see it, is pretty simple, it’s pretty straight forward,” Pawlenty said to loud cheers. “And it’s this: God made us to be free and the Founding Fathers made the Constitution to keep us free.”  I’m for Tim Pawlenty.


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Opposition to unions in general.

                        Let me start off by saying I'm a union member as well as a tea party member.I believe some would say I can't effectively be both.I beg to differ.Contrary to popular belief,being a union member does not automatically mean fiscally irresponsible.I am one union member who is sick and tired of being put under the same umbrella as the teachers and state workers.My union dosn't have that kind of power,and other than the two mentioned,and possibly construction unions in NY,I don't know any who do.In my opinion if they don't pay towards their retirement,and health care,they should.However I do not think collective bargaining is a bad thing.and Remamber,it took two sides to make the agreement their working under,and it took years(and many contracts) to get to this point.I'm not opposed to correcting the problem,but I don't think it's fair to try to do it in one fell swoop.What will happen is you run the risk of pushing these people into financial ruin.Is that what this nation's become ? If I fall victim to circumstances of my making or not,misery needs company ? It will only make things worse.Remember these people(again,contrary to popular belief)pay taxes,and if they stop,and go on any form of public assistance,it's only going to make the burden on the rest if us greater.Admittedly,"some" unions have gotten VERY GREEDY over the years,and they need to come back to reality and show the same understanding their expecting from others.Everybody is suffering,and if we're going to pull out of this every body has to help.I just think the general hatred of a few unions,and the excessive benefits they get, should not manifest itself into a general hatred of all unions.Unions do serve a purpose,and those of you who think thier not needed, remember that when your employer decides your no longer needed because a younger person will do the same job for less money,or a personality issue(not job performance)with a supervisor costs you your job,and you have no recourse.When your told(after what you know to be a very profitable period) we can't afford to give you a raise,or contribute to your profit sharing plan,and again you have no recourse, because there are a hundred people standing in line to cut your throat and take that job,and your employer knows it.Collective bargaining can guarantee that raise,or that contribution,and can protect you against being fired on a whim.If an employee screws up the employer should have the right to fire you.If the company is having legitimate financial hardship they should be free to make responible choice,but don't take advantage.and that is what a good union should do,protect the employee from being taken advantage of.Reigning in out of control organizations(some unions,greedy corporations, GOVERNMENT) is a good idea.In my opinion,breaking all unions will lead to corporate greed and "legal" abuse of the american worker, like we have never seen before.And it will drop drastically the american standard of living.BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU WISH FOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I say Amen to this advice.



National Anthem at the Super Bowl - an editorial


My sentiments EXACTLY… AMEN! 


“So, with all the kindness I can muster, I give this one piece of advice to the next pop star who is asked to sing the national anthem at a sporting event: save the  

vocal gymnastics and the physical gyrations for your concerts. Just sing this song the way you were taught to sing it in kindergarten — straight up, no styling. Sing  

it with the constant awareness that there are soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines watching you from bases and outposts all over the world. Don't make them  

cringe with your self-centered ego gratification. Sing it as if you are standing before a row of 86-year-old WWII vets wearing their Purple Hearts, Silver Stars and  

flag pins on their cardigans and you want them to be proud of you for honoring them and the country they love — not because you want them to think you are a  

superstar musician. They could see that from the costumes, the makeup and the entourages.  Sing The Star Spangled Banner with the courtesy and humility  

that tells the audience that it is about America , not you.”


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Today's Big News

“US labor groups hoped to turnout the largest crowds yet in demonstrations planned in every state capitol in the nation to show solidarity with Wisconsin in fighting the proposal they see as trying to break the labor movement.” 


One can assume millions of people all over the world are out on the street today protesting, because they don’t have it as good as they want it.  Every single one of those protesters have some authority they look to.  Not one of them knows he has the power within himself to control his life.  Not a single one of the protesters knows that he was created with the same reason and logic as the authorities he looks to. Every last one of the protesters has been taught to look to the powers that be to  produce the lives they desire.  Every single one of the protester’s energies are concentrated in the particular movement that supports whatever his hopes and aspirations happen to be.  Thanks to powerful, self-serving groups, America is almost bankrupt morally, spiritually, and fiscally.  


I observe that powerful groups don’t exist in nations such as Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran. There is only one group with power, the dictator’s group. Come the revolution, that’s the group I’m going to join.


Until then, the Tea Party, people from all walks of life who appreciate their freedom to do their thing suits me.  We don’t have a powerful union or politician to look to. We do the talking; they do the listening.  We look within for the power to bring us the kind of lives we desire. I’ve got no reason to protest.  My life is good.


You can never get what you want by massively protesting. The labor movement protesters will not be satisfied until nobody as anything—everyone equally with nothing.  But this is a fast moving storm. When it’s over, and protesters are satisfied, we will pick up the pieces and move on to our intended future.  Some will make their lives good, others will not.  It will be back like it was again because that’s the way it is.  

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2012 election

I'm a registered candidate for the 2012 election for U.S. Senate for Maryland.  Please view my website: <>.  Your support is greatly appreciated!


Rick Hoover

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WE really need to think about this seriously.





Let us pray.  Don't worry about Obama. 







President  Truman
established  one  day  a  year  as  a

National Day of Prayer." 


President Reagan
designated the
First Thursday in May of each year as
the National 
Day of Prayer.   

In June

Candidate Barack Obama
declared that the USA
"Was no longer  a 
Christian nation." 

This year
President Obama
canceled the 
21st annual National Day
of Prayer ceremony
at the White
House under the ruse 
Of "not wanting to offend anyone"


BUT... on September 25, 2009
from 4 AM until 7 PM,
a National Day of Prayer
was Held on Capitol Hill, 
Beside the White House.
There were over 50,000 Muslims
in  D.C. that day. 

Description: cid:14D3B3CEDB7D4153AA42449B3A893CA3@DrYoung 


I guess it Doesn't matter
Are  offended  by  this  event - 
We  obviously
Don't  count  as
"anyone"  Anymore. 

The direction  this country is headed 
should strike fear in the heart of every Christian,
especially knowing that the 
Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be
converted, they should be annihilated. 

This is not a Rumor -
Go  to  the  website 
To  confirm  this  info:

Send this to ten people 
and the person who 
sent it to you!...
to let them know that 
indeed, it was sent 
out to many more.





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The Truth is Incredibly Simple

While I write my answer, you have time to think and write your answer.


My Answer:


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know where we are going, but, obviously, the American people don’t know how to stop an impending catastrophe.


I listen to Glenn Beck every day. He has been accurately predicting what is taking place in America, but like the rest of the people, doesn’t have the answer. Beck reveals that he has thought a great amount of time about his life. He says he has faith that he is here for a purpose. He is living his purpose, and I think for the good of all.  It is up to us to come up with our own answers.  Beck agrees.


I believe we are each here for our own unique purpose. It is what makes us human.  We’re not herd animals.  This very truth is fundamental to the problem.  You’ve heard it: the end justifies the means; it’s for the good of all; collective salvation; power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Bottom line: might makes right, the law of the jungle.  Dare to attempt to be human—go your own way—and there are dire consequences.


The aims of the powers that be, although the means may differ, is control of the masses—in violation of  the  U. S. Constitution;  which has it that the law is king; it gives we individuals inalienable rights, rights that cannot be bartered or taken by any manner or means without individual’s permission.  The majority of the American people don’t choose to believe that.  The courts don’t believe that. The courts and the people accept the end justifies the means, for the good of all. The majority believes the law of might makes right. The majority are herd animals doing the bidding of their leaders.  


One in a million, I cut from the herd.  There were consequences.  I prevailed. Was it the luck of the draw that my life is now as good as it gets?


Some of you government workers living on the backs of the taxpayers on the street protesting, the same as I, are going to learn the simple truth the hard way. But something for all of you protesters out on the street in Madison, Wisconsin to think about, those of you who have the good sense to awaken to reality will look back at this protest as the death throes of a bygone age.  

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Get A Little Bloody

Do politicans have any conception of rights? To acquaint you with what has gone before, Warren Harding, a Repubican, President from 1921 to 1923, a self-made newspaper publisher, promised to undo Woodrow Wilson’s progressive government escapade, which ended in depression.  Calvin Coolidge, Harding’s Vice President, after his death, continued to reinvigorate the hopes of the middleclass. I call myself Joe Smith, the Original.  I was born in 1925, in the “Roaring Twenties,” in the year that the politicians authorized the IRS to examine personal income records.  It only affected the very rich. Yea! We now face the consequences.  We are being taxed out of house and home to enhance the power of unions and politicians—only because we’ve accepted this outrage.  The voters of Wisconsin voted for Governor Walker to get government spending in balance with expenditures.  Get a little bloody, politicians tell union workers.  Your rights mean nothing to politicians.  This is raw power on the rampage.


The current scene in Madison, Wisconsin clearly tells us what progressive government means.  Group rights have superseded individual rights. The teacher’s union deprives us of the education we need to keep life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness alive.  The power of the union—collective bargaining—causes us to get a poor education at the highest cost in the world—all  for the purpose of stigmatizing us.  Get on your knees and pray that this will end now and forever after.   Never compromise!


In order to effectively cure the problem progressive government caused, Governor Walker knew it required taking away some of the collective bargaining rights of teachers.  Otherwise, the problem would never go away. What are governments always about?  Without being controlled by the taxpayers, they will rob the taxpayers of every right they have.  That’s why the U. S. Constitution gave the individual inalienable rights.  That’s why I had my bigger than life calling. That’s why my life is good.  That’s what President Obama, the unions, and all of those whose philosophy is after me you come first, want to change.  They have for years and will continue their self-serving rampage on rights unless the majority stops them.


I’m known here as Joe Aquarian Smith.  I was born Aquarius rising. The United States was born under the sign of Aquarius.  We are leaving the Age of Pisces, whose sign is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.  Does the sign of Pisces not exactly describe the current world situation, and the situation your President calls democracy? The sign of Aquarius is the water-bearer to humanity.  The sign stands for brotherhood and fraternity.  The sign of Pisces means oppression—you under control—you the slave.  It starts with dependence on government—government entitlements.    


You come to this life a unique individual with a destiny all your own.  From that time forward you are dumbed down by politicians to think in terms of a cog in the wheel of progress (progressive government). You people on the street are probably doubting Thomases  who give lip service to God.  But progressive government has you by the nap of your neck.  Personally, a nobody; the good of all is all that counts, how otherwise could the scene in Madison, Wisconsin have come about?  You people with the signs are weak willed Pisceans. Not a single one of you on the street knows the power that lies within you. You mindlessly take orders from your herd hierarchy—union bosses.  I know because I’m witnessing  your deplorable  behavior.  And to think you are teaching our children makes me sick. 


I took up the torch of liberty and justice.  Everyone I know thought I’d lost my mind.  Alone, I challenged the politicians in court, claimed they were unconstitutionally taxing me.  I fought them singlehandedly eleven years to no avail.  I didn’t give up. I took the court record to the press and got a front page story.  Why?  Because I did something no else had done.  That’s the difference in me and you people on the street. The IRS ate crow throughout the newspaper story.  I won big because I had the guts to stick my finger in the IRS eye.  The difference in me and you ranting and raving on the street is that I know I came with a purpose.

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by: Trent Derr - Morning in America


Are you better off than you were two years ago? For most people, the answer is no. Compared to two years ago, more people are unemployed, the credit markets are still a mess, businesses are still being stymied by further federal regulation, and the global community has no idea what we stand for with our foreign policy.


What if we could roll the clock back? Roll it back a little more than two years to September 2008. At that time, the United States was at one of our more critical inflection points. We had military actions in both Iraq and Afghanistan, our southern border states were seeing a serious uptick in crime being committed by illegal aliens, the economy was starting to stagnate, and we had a looming credit crisis. Over a series of postings, we’ll address how Reagan would have addressed each of these issues. What Would Reagan Do?


The Credit Crisis


Reagan was a true believer in the free market. He believed in capitalism, American businesses, and most importantly the American people. Reagan knew that one of the key mechanisms of the free market is to correct imbalances that occur in the exchange of goods and currency. If you ever had any doubt about Reagan’s belief in free markets, look at how he handled the stock crash on “Black Monday”, stock market collapse of October 19, 1987.  Continue...
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Your Tea Party has been a target of spammers, leftist wacko's, scallywags, trolls and the politically diseased.

So, if you receive an unwanted message from anyone on this site, then, please report them.

With many sites and thousands of members there is no way we can police it all, so please watch our six's for the usual trouble-makers.


Thx. Steve

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Who’s Law Prevails?

Numerous states have passed or are passing laws to prevent judges from considering Sharia in cases before them. This is as it should be. But now the Executive Council of the American Bar Association and a do good federal judge have decided to block such legislation. It seems we are to allow Sharia to be considered in cases at law.


Sharia is counter to everything we stand for in this country. It is diametrically opposed to our very way of life and the Constitution. Muslims migrating (invading) our country should be forced to adhere to American Law. We should in no way be obligated to even pay lip service to a seventh century barbaric code of behavior. The ABA should immediately disband the Executive Council with extreme prejudice. The federal judge should be impeached for bad behavior and malfeasance in office-immediately.

We cannot allow such anti-American acts to go unpunished. The Republican representatives should immediately push for Articles of Impeachment for the judge who ordered this travesty. Call your congressperson NOW. Flood the ABA offices in your area with letters and phone calls. Let them know we will NOT tolerate this sort of behavior.
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Shall We Die?

4063281092?profile=originalDemocrats urge unions to 'get a little bloody when necessary'

  Sometimes it's necessary to get out on the streets and "get a little bloody," a Massachusetts Democrat said Tuesday in reference to labor battles in Wisconsin.

Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Mass.) fired up a group of union members in Boston with a speech urging them to work down in the trenches to fend off limits to workers' rights like those proposed in Wisconsin.

"I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going," Capuano said, according to the Statehouse News. "Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary."

Political observers have been the lookout for potentially incendiary rhetoric in the wake of January's shooting in Tucson, Ariz., where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) survived an assassination attempt, six were killed, and 12 others were injured.

On Wednesday afternoon, Capuano issued a brief apology: "I strongly believe in standing up for worker rights and my passion for preserving those rights may have gotten the best of me yesterday in an unscripted speech. I wish I had used different language to express my passion and I regret my choice of words."

Political rhetoric has become especially heated in Madison, Wis., where Republican Gov. Scott Walker has proposed major labor reforms that sparked more than a week's worth of rowdy protests at the state capitol.

"We take security seriously, whether it's for me, the lieutenant governor and all 132 members of the state legislature, Democrats or Republicans alike, because there's a lot of passion down here," Walker said Tuesday on MSNBC about his safety in Wisconsin. "And particularly when we see people coming in being bussed in from other states, that's what worries us."

Capuano made his remarks before a crowd of union members in Boston, along with other members of the state's congressional delegation. Massachusetts has an influential union population that could loom large over the 2012 Senate race. Capuano is considering getting in that race to challenge Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) next fall.

“This is going to be a struggle at least for the next two years. Let’s be serious about this. They’re not going to back down and we’re not going to back down. This is a struggle for the hearts and minds of America,” Capuano told union members.    By Michael O'Brien - 02/23/11 07:57 AM ET

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by: Trent Derr - Morning in America


Hey Soul Sister


“What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Lipstick!” And with that shot over the bow at the Republican National Convention, Sarah Palin announced her arrival on to the national political stage. From her position as a relatively unknown Governor of Alaska, Palin launched one of the most exciting Vice Presidential candidacies in U.S. history.


From the completion of that speech, even before McCain lost to Obama, there was the question about her aspirations regarding the Presidency. Will Sarah Run? And that question is still outstanding today. Although she hasn’t announced, she’s made several moves to improve her position if she does decide to run. She’s now a frequent commentator on Fox News, has written several books, has had a brief series on cable television on TLC, formed her own Political Action Committee, and most importantly threw her support behind many individuals in their respective state level candidacies. Yes, Sarah is collecting “chips”.    Continue...
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The Whole Nine Yards

The ancient sages of India said, so is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm. The cutting edge of science says that beyond the local forces of gravity and electromagnetism, there exists a supreme consciousness, without limit; that the observer emerges as the co-equal in the foundry of creation.  That’s the diametric opposite of what is being taught.


The old guard is desperately clinging to a past that is slipping away.  A look at the past and present tells me the story that on earth it is the same as in heaven, because I’ve now learned that earth and heaven are dimensional; that matter is governed by immutable laws. Also, I learn, these laws leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind.


Speaking of the selection of the mind, if in the beginning  one falsely identifies the situation, if one makes the false identification his reality, it evokes a new behavior which makes the original false conception come true.  We’ve been living through an age in which people have been easily influenced and the false has become true.  These folks desperately want to do the right thing, but don’t have strong wills; they are prone to accept external factors. One example is when Peter three times denied Jesus. This is the way it is in the Age of Pisces. Up jumps Ahmadenijad. The  fool doesn’t know whether he is coming or going. He makes no sense. But what do you expect when you have Islamic extremist lords in control.  Pisces has for its symbol two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.  It indicates people that have a hard time making up their minds, which gives rise to control freaks. Not good, but they are not long for this world. Their days are numbered.


We read that we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer.  We read that it is an age of brotherhood, fraternity, and spiritual growth. Therefore, it would be natural for the world to be in its present state of turmoil and uncertainty.  We will surely go through a period of hardship, but it isn’t going to last long. There is too much movement.  Beyond the hardship is a world living in peace and harmony, without coercive government, but with voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principle mode of organized society.  My dictionary defines it as anarchy. The other options are the Islamic Brotherhood and Communism.  


Be that as it may, there is no consensus of opinion of where the “whole nine yards” comes from, so here is my view.  It involves the buildup of what we are witness to in today’s world.  It all began in September 1925, in the month and year I was born, in the “Roaring Twenties.”  (see my video at


In 1973, I had purchased (for one dollar) in a secondhand law book store The “Higher Law” Background of  American Constitutional Law by Edward S. Corwin, published in 1925.  My second wife was divorcing me and my business enterprise of 25 years was on the rocks. The same as in the world today, I had no idea of what the future held for me.


I blamed my sorry fate on the Federal Government.  With price controls, it had shown favoritism toward the biggest corporations in the lumber industry, at the independent’s expense.  Thousands of we independents in the lumber industry were put out of business.  So what else is new?  It’s a game. Favoritism  toward the biggest corporations and labor unions, especially public employee unions,  all of it at the expense of independents and the taxpayers, it’s the number one greatest fraud of all times, is it any wonder that the Mid-East calls the United States the Great Satin?  Face it: we are the Great Satin.  We are now facing the consequences. 

Politicians  are hiding out.  Are you kidding me? This is not legitimate governing.  The United States is becoming the world’s laughing stock, it’s population crybabies incapable of common sense solutions.


The situation was out of control in 1974. I was experiencing  government caused double digit inflation. I was forced to sell land to meet expenses.  I made no capital gain on the sale, but the sleazy, lawless boobs in control didn’t allow for inflation, at the same time giving the government entitled cost of living increases. My government has become  the biggest, most costly crook the world has ever seen. The results have been disastrous for those of us earning our own keep. But the dumbed down population   did not see what had happened.  Is that not the same as the Egyptians and Brotherhood, the biggest religious fraud in the world? What’s the difference in political fraud and religious fraud?


I decided to constitutionally challenge the IRS. I went to the county law library to study my constitutional rights and the legal procedure for taking the IRS to court.  While reading my rights, I had the feeling that voices of the past were speaking to me.  My anger at the Federal Government was sublimated.  I had a bigger than life calling.


Not by choice, I departed on Good Friday 1975, the day Christians commemorate as the day Jesus was crucified, arriving in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life.  I wasn’t a Christian.  None of this had a thing to do with my reason for departing. Therefore, my departure had great meaning for all of us—Christians, Jews, and Muslims. It was an omen of the future we now face.


The Bible bears witness to one God.  Unlike the Koran, the Bible is one continuous story.  To Israel, let me say the Bible is dedicated to humanity in relation to God, from the beginning to end one great theme, the person and work of Christ.  Israel currently sits in the midst of people so filled with hate that they want every Jew in Israel dead. That shouldn’t be. Something  has to be wrong. The wrong is in the story of Israel, past, present, and if there is a future for Israel: (1) be a witness to the unity of God; (2) illustrate to the nations the greater blessedness of serving the one true God; (3) receive and preserve Divine revelation.  Isreal, you are deep trouble.


The whole purpose of Israel was to produce the Messiah, a Savior and Lord.  God put his only son here for Israel’s sake.  You failed to do what God put you here to do.  I come as an Aquarian messenger. Get right with God. Otherwise, Israel is not long for this world.


Searching for my true identity, I went to sea for two years, sailing in the Bermuda Triangle on a 37 foot sailboat I named Bold Venture. There have been hundreds of mysterious disappearances in the Triangle. I was out there on my own, facing all that nature could throw at me. Not only was my own life saved from a watery grave, but I saved six other people’s lives.  I was saved for a great purpose.  When I studied the Constitution, I had a bigger than life calling.   The number one in the whole nine yards:  Jesus’ hand was on my wheel.   


At sea, I discovered the real me and my destiny.    The number two in the whole nine yards; by chance, after I discovered the real me at sea, when I returned I found the right life mate for me.


After Karen and I came together, our lives became quiet diversified.  Diversification, the spice of life, is the number three in the whole nine yards.  


My legal cause for justice against the biggest crook on the panet kept me in court 11 years, first in the Tax Court, then three District Courts in all, including the U. S. Court of Appeals, and the U. S. Supreme Court, and all to no avail, other than the sorry record I took it to The Palm Beach Post. A front page story was printed, the IRS eating crow throughout.  Justice is the number four in the whole nine yards.


My life, after I cut from the herd, became exciting. The number five of the whole nine yards is freedom.  In April 1999, Karen and I purchased and RV and lived in it full time for nine great years.  Home was wherever we were.  There is nothing  that could equal the experience.  Our lives together have been full and balanced, in harmony with nature (see my videos on youtube).  Karen and I have been truly blessed.


Being close to nature, and in close companionship in our RV, our lives full of beauty and harmony, the need of a place to call home brought us to the tall timber near Mt. Hood, Oregon, where we bought our dream home. This represents the number six in the whole nine yards.


For the most part isolated from the rest of the world, our new home gave me time to seek answers. This is the number seven in the whole nine yards.


Add up all the foregoing; it was empowering.  From a jumping off place where I could have fallen into the abyss, I’ve gained full control of my life.  This is the number eight in the whole nine yards.


How could anyone ask for more?  Where do I go from here? The number nine of the whole nine yards is selflessness.  Encompassing a love for all, it desires to apply its energy to universal service.



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