Zuckerberg went on Fox News—a hate-for-profit machine that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracy theorists—to talk about how social media platforms should essentially allow politicians to lie without consequences. This is eroding our democracy
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the city will not tolerate vigilantism after groups of mostly white men patrolled the streets of the Bridgeport neighborhood on Wednesday night in response to a nearby city protest.
Besides the the elderly getting assaulted by “peaceful” protesters as CNN would put it, there isn’t much more humiliating or cringe than watching police officers across the country bow down to protesters in the name of equality or justice or white p
jerky gatherings form a mob left at school a slime behind marking up and defacing rule of law; kneeling before them mockery of principled men they cower before thugs; a vacuum exists meaning we stand alone; defend what remains the rest won't last government h
WATCH: Terry Turchie, former FBI Counterterrorism Official, on Laura Ingraham show, describing similarities between methods and doctrine of BLM/Antifa with Black Panthers & Weather Underground.
It’s same Marxist Communist game. Same lies, same divis
The tragic death of George Floyd while being restrained by police in Minneapolis sparked major protests all over the country, and today we’re seeing the first impact in the toy department.
The Toy Book has received a copy of an email sent to affilia
Vice President Joe Biden blamed police for “escalating[ing] tension” across the nation in a speech delivered Tuesday in Philadelphia’s city hall to respond to President Donald Trump’s nationwide crackdown on violent protest and looting.
{ city-journal.org } ~ People watching these things think of 1968, which is apt enough. Some venture that this is “a second Civil War.” But in 1968, we referred to what was going on at that time—the nightmare procession of
This great nation of ours can not exist with HALF MEASURES ... once committed to the return of the Rule of law, the President must not waiver or pull back... to waiver will signal a lack of decisiveness and the commitment to follow through. The Presi