Gary Jeffrey Grover's Posts (8)

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Bonnie & Clyde

We all remember the famous 1967 movie, starring Warren Beatty and Faye Dunnaway, depicting the lives of the legendary 1930's bank robbers. In modern times, however, the stars of the movie are Bill & Hillary Clinton; except they don't enrich themselves through bank robbery, they do it through the Clinton Foundation. There are numerous examples of these criminals coldly turning themselves into super millionaires by selling favors to foreign governments (Syria), withholding money from disaster victims (Haiti), selling arms to terror organizations (ISIS), granting favors to select insiders (ambassador appointments) and so on.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for Bonnie Parker; and if Bonnie gets to be President, Clyde, better known as Bill, gets back into the White House as well. Will they return the stolen George Washington dishes if they move back in? How about the silverware and oil paintings? Do those get to return as well? Do you really want this pair of White Trash back in the White House? I don't think so. We need everyone who sees this posting to remind everyone they know, a vote for Hillary is a vote for Bonnie & Clyde. We don't want to find any more dead bodies wrapped in carpet in Fort Macy Park. Do we? We can't take any more "suicides" by 2 shots to the head. Can we? Do something about it. Don't vote for Bonnie Parker. Tell everyone you know. 


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And so this is Christmas........We are all busy opening gifts, watching Christmas Specials on the Boob Tube, playing video games on the "You" Tube, bending our elbows to wish everyone health, wealth and happiness, and stuffing our faces with holiday yummies, while loosening our belts to accommodate our expanding waistlines.

But wait.......while we are engrossed in diversionary Holiday fare and festivities, the Lords and Ladies who run our lives are engrossed in War Strategy - yes, we are all in a war; a war of the Global Elite against us - the Humans. Of course, they don't believe they are Humans; they believe they are a separate species, meant to rule over us and make decisions for us - for you see, we are beneath them; they belong to the future Breakaway Civilization, we are yesterday's news, doomed to the ash heap of spent resources.

Here's the latest battle in the War Against Humanity - "Social Credit".......

As we speak, the Chinese have a new internet game called Sesame Credit - how cute and loving and trendy! Just like Sesame Street, right? Wrong - more like "open says me". Open up your lives to the scrutiny of the government and international corporations that rule over you.

It works similar to Financial Credit that we know and "love". In the U.S. if your financial credit score is 700-749 you have Good credit and are eligible for the "goodies" - mortgages, credit cards, auto leases, rentals, etc. If your score is 750+, the sky is the limit; you not only get the aforementioned goodies, but you get the Prime deals, and have all the credit Vampires running after you and begging for your biz. However, the lower your score, the less inclined are the Vampires to seek you out; if your score is too low, say hovering in the 500s, you are road kill.

Well, with Social Credit, albeit a game (if you believe that I have a bridge I want to sell you), the government and corporations get to determine how "worthy" you are as a member of Society. Do you get a job? Do you rent an apartment? Do you belong to a Club? What school do you get to go to? What type of career do you get to be part of? Who do you get to socialize with? Do you really think you should be driving that model car?

The Chinese, with the help of social media "hero" Mark Zuckerberg (yes, Mr. Facebook himself), have come up with this new weapon in the War Against Humanity. It's being rolled out now over there, and is scheduled to be mandatory in China by 2020. Now, you know in a year or two, the social engineering geniuses over here will think this is the best thing since sliced bread; after all, Zuckerberg isn't exactly Chinese. So get ready for a further tightening of the noose around your necks.

If you think you're being henpecked into submission now, you ain't seen nothin' yet. This is one we can get a jump on before the lasso gets thrown around us. Look into this, get pro-active about stopping this before it begins, let people know about this, be the Paul Reveres in your communities - sound the alarms.

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The Masters of War

" I'm the Masters of War, I hide behind walls........" a song sung by Robert Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan, many moons ago; during the heyday of the '60s peace marches and, the love and happiness crowd. Next to Prostitution, War is the oldest profession. Followed by Drug running and Terrorism. We have moved into the Terrorism mode full force. The Masters must have Ordo Ab Chao, and what better way, next to drugging us and bending us over, is to get it done? Bands of zealots running around shouting "God is Great" and blowing "non-believers" away, of course - Terrorism, a constant state of fear.

We've already had attacks by these wind-up toys here in the U.S. The whore media, through not reporting this as the case, plays it off as the "lone nut" deal once again - the Marine recruiting center in Tennessee; Fort Hood in Texas; the Garland, Texas episode, and others no doubt. There's no need to look overseas to Paris, France or Mali in Africa. Those are just larger, more dramatic events. However, we can now look forward to similar attacks here in the USA. I'm sure schools, malls, office buildings, gov't. buildings, anywhere large groups of people gather will be targets: gun-free zones of course.

Crunch time is upon us all; all of us Americans, that is. The ones who believe in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constitutional Republic; you know, us kooks who love what made America great; the place our forefathers chose to call home and where they invested in their futures and the futures of their progeny. This crunch time includes the need to protect ourselves. This is where the 2nd Amendment comes in. Everyone reading this needs to do whatever they can politically to stop any government "official" (in reality, public servant) from taking our guns away.

This is no time to get soft on gun ownership. If anything, we need to get more vehement about lawful citizens being able to own firearms AND be able to carry them; not just have them at home for Home Invaders. What good is having a firearm at home when you are outside the home, walking around, being targeted as a chump in a gun-free zone? None. We all need to push for the NRA, Gun Owners of America, and smaller gun rights groups to get on the backs of politicians and govt. "officials"; make them see the light on how important it is for American citizens to be allowed to CARRY firearms, so that when we get caught in the crossfire of one of these "mall" shootings, we're not defense-less.

In Mali, these raving lunatics rounded up innocent people, took them hostage, and over the course of 3 hours, asked each one if they were a Muslim. To prove that they were, they had to quote scripture and verse from the Koran. If they failed the test, they were shot on the spot at close range. Put yourself in that position; I'd say it's a no-win situation. But.....if these were gun owners, not in a gun-free zone (these should be illegal, by the way), the ones lying face down in the aftermath would be the raving lunatics; not the innocent victims. The Police can never get to any scene fast enough to prevent murder and mayhem. Haven't we learned that yet?

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Time Has Come Today.......

.......Young hearts go their way.......Can't put it off another day.......Time has come today. We are considered by the people who run the world, enemies of America. Not the America we grew up in; not the America of the 1950s, or the America of James Cagney in "Public Enemy", or the America of Teddy Roosevelt, or that of Henry Ford; but the America that has been hijacked by the Globalist Corporate Elite - the America of the scum of the earth.

These Devil worshippers have, since the late 1960s, turned America upside down and sideways, to create a society of bottom feeding vermin. These vermin now consider Liberterians, Veterans, Gun Owners, Christians, Families, Heterosexuals, Decency, Honor, Valor, all of it, obstacles to be eliminated in the name of One World Government. A system run by them, for them, without the likes of us to get in their way.

Make no mistake, you the Tea Party member are included in this group of "degenerates" marked for elimination. They plan to have their way with you; as they are now having in Europa. We are next - The Silent Majority Dick Nixon so eloquently coined. Unfortunately, the Silent Majority is more silent than ever. Actually, so silent, we can't hear a peep out of them as they are being crushed to pieces.

From today forward, the Silent Majority needs to open their mouths; not necessarily in a collective fashion, but one-on-one; over and over again. Picture yourself as Edward G. Robinson as Rico in the famous 1932 cinema classic, "Little Caesar"; or as James Cagney in his famous 1931 role as the tough guy in, "Public Enemy"; or as Humphrey Bogart. the Sam Spade character in the 1942 "The Maltese Falcon" classic.

These were people who, good, bad, or ugly, had the moxy to open their mouths, not be subservient, take risks, speak their minds, be real, not sell out, do what they had to do. That could be you, and me, and all of us - before it's too late. The Rulers are turning up the heat and we need to as well.

Stand up.......Speak out........This is America.......You are the Real Americans.......Get it done.

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Corporations and Combines

First they gave us the Patriot Act, but it turned out to be anti-Patriotic. Then they gave us the Freedom Act, which turned out to be anti-Freedom. Let's not forget about the Affordable Health Act, which turned out to be anti-affordable. It's all about the Orwellian 1984 - tell the proles we've never been at war with East Asia, but then tell them we've always been at war with East Asia. At least in that instance they actually told the proles that. In our time, they don't even bother to tell us anything; they just move forward without even acknowledging we exist. If we're dying of thirst, they won't even piss on us.

The latest fiasco is the Trans Pacific Partnership, a corporate combination of the North American Union (us, yes, we are a union now with Mexico and Canada, not a sovereign nation), the European Union, and the Asian Pacific Union. They claim it's about Trade, but the secret intent of it all is absolute control of the globe. Just picture the movie Springtime for Hitler, where he's dancing around his office with a beach ball painted as a globe, and he's merrily tossing it in the air, and perching it under his arm, as he waltzes around his desk, laughing and full of himself. He's the symbol for the current Corporate Combine that essentially is doing the same thing.

We as a Nation are not done yet. They may have passed this so-called Treaty, but they will have to implement it in the near future. That's where you come in. You must resist. You must point out to others the Fraud that will take place as the implementation of this commences. Stop obsessing on the Confederate Battle Flag, Peacock Jenner, Trans-sexual nonsense, Gay marriage, Genderless bathrooms, and all the pop culture trash that they lay before us as a distraction. They want us diverted from what's really going on - the destruction of the USA so they can roll in the NWO.

Get focused on the important stuff - bought and paid-for politicians, puppet presidents, economic warfare, medical tyranny, high tech gadgetry designed to rob us of our humanity, political correctness implemented to divide and conquer us, things of this nature; not baseball scores, movie titles, television buffoonery, video game drudgery, women's issues that are, by and large, bogus. Where are the women regarding the horrible abuse of other women in the Middle East? Nowhere; hiding under the table and putting us, the relatively harmless Western jerks, in the cross-hairs to make themselves feel good and powerful, while the real atrocities go unchecked.

When all is said and done, You Are The Resistance. Don't let this mockery of the USA be enforced. Support the Laws of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; not the laws of their god, the Evil One.

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Who Will Stand Up?

Come out from under the table. Stop hiding behind the curtain. Where are the men? Was there only one "greatest generation" and now we're done? We are obligated to stand up and speak up whenever wrong-doing is perpetrated before us, and now it's being done 24/7.

- who will stand up for the kids?

- who will stand up for the veterans?

- who will stand up against the drug dealing?

- who will stand up against the pimps?

- who will stand up against the Hollywood scum?

- who will stand up against the corrupt Politicians?

- who will stand up against the spoiled, fake Socialists?

- who will speak up against the brain-washed feminazis?

- who will stand up against the deluded, mind-controlled greenies?

- who will stand up against the criminals in suits?

You & Me. Get busy. Start today. Speak up. Resist. Watch and Listen to - Now! 

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The Breakaway Civilization

We're not living in 1950. We are in 2015 now - it's Buck Rogers time, not Fred Flintstone time. It is incumbent upon us to snap out of our purple haze of distraction and manipulation; to put down the toys and stop sucking our thumbs. Jade Helm is on the horizon, the internet of things is in our faces, our privacy has been flushed down the toilet, our Bill of Rights and Constitution has been torn to shreds. We are on the precipice of economic collapse, widespread civil unrest, the dilution of the American Culture even further through calamitous immigration, more loss of jobs, more single parent families, more social debauchery, falling IQs, more disease, more damaged children, more GMO foods, more chemical laden drinking water, more deadly vaccines, and lots more of things that would take hundreds of words to document.

Yet, there are thousands upon thousands of the so-called Ruling Elite that are benefitting from technological advances and insider financial arrangements, to form a new Breakaway Civilization that will leave the rest of us dazed and confused; watching helplessly on the side of the road as they go forward into the future, leaving us behind to suffer the wrath being part of yesterday's news.

If you want to survive, and bask in the sunshine of tomorrow, you MUST wake up today. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid being handed out to you by the Mainstream. Start educating yourself. Begin tuning in to the Real Media, the one that offers truth and will bring you up to speed with what's going on, so you can Breakaway from the Social Engineering being performed on you, and Cultural feces being smeared in your face:


- Cutting Through The

- Caravan to Midnight

- The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

There are others, of course, but try these on for size and let go of Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and all the other Trojan Horses. You'll be more informed and less controlled. Then, we may have a better shot, collectively, at saving America. 

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Where Do We Go From Here? To Americana

I think it's fair to say that the biggest Republican victory in the last 100 years has been one of the biggest disappointments in the last 100 years. The party is controlled by Rockefeller Republicans; fake conservatives who get their marching orders from NWO "Paper-Clip" descendants. They are comfortable tearing up the Bill of Rights and Constitution, destroying the America we, and the families that gave birth to us, grew up in and prospered in. We are in serious trouble. If America, this time next year, even resembles the abomination it is now, it will be a miracle. We have gone through changes, since JFK was rubbed out, that are culminating in the outright dissolution of the USA; not that these changes were not manifesting themselves 50 years before the JFK event, they are now one city block away from parking us in an active driveway. One that has tractor trailers ready to roll into and over us, to deliver the goods ordered by the NWO.

I dare say it is highly unlikely we will have any political solution to this mess any time soon. We as a people need to band together and promote Pro-Active Resistance to anything smelling of NWO:

  • Television
  • Newspapers
  • Formal Education
  • Processed Foods
  • Tap Water
  • Movie Theaters
  • Musical Concerts
  • Sporting Events
  • Vaccinations

If we can either boycott, or severely restrict, our participation in anything the Power Structure gives to us, and create our own grassroots lifestyle centered around freedom, physical and mental health, character, morality, and selflessness, we can move the balance of power from the Super Class side to the Citizen Class side.

The Tea Party can play a huge role in this. It can move itself from a political organization to an organization dedicated to building Americana. It could even re-name itself the Americana Party. A Party that funds itself through promoting and supporting what made America great. The list of things would resemble our Bill of Rights and the products pushed would have to be direct outgrowths of these principles. Then through this Americana lifestyle would you be able to have Leaders that the citizens would clamor for. Eventually the movement would get large enough to drown the Super Class and float the Citizen class to higher ground.

Time has come today. 2015 is the year. We are the People.

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