Jack Smith's Posts (52)

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The politics of lying and the culture of deceit are wrapped in the logic of absolute certainty, an ominous harbinger of a kind of illiteracy in which one no longer has to be accountable for justifying opinions, claims, or alleged arguments. Blacks are immune from it. Moslems are immune from it. Communists are immune from it. But you????

Stripped of accountability, language finds its final resting place in a culture of deceit and arrogance in which lying either is accepted as a political strategy or is viewed as simply another normalized aspect of everyday life. Every conservative and republican has submitted to the culture of deceit. The rest of us are fighting this cultural war. Are you mature enough for that?

The lack of criticism surrounding both government practices and corporations that now exercise unparalleled forms of power is more than shameful; it is an utter capitulation to an Orwellian rhetoric that only thinly veils an egregious form of authoritarianism and racism. Why have you surrendered and why are you becoming a slave? Why do you worship Ben Carson simply because you are conditioned to fawn before the black skin color?

In the face of evil political events, we must develop a critical discourse to address the gap between rhetoric and deeds of those who hold economic, political, and social power.We must argue, confront, express our rage, demand reform. Your elected black person will not do it for you. Why are you a lazy coward?

As Hannah Arendt has argued, debate is central to a democratic politics, along with the public space in which individuals can argue, exercise critical judgment, and clarify their relationship to democratic values and public commitments. What ever crimes you see, scream out your discontent! make demands! Do not accept any more double talk ! Why? Because you are not a caged animal although you act like one. What does it take for you to become an adult?

Critical consciousness and autonomy are, after all, not merely the stuff of political awareness but what makes democratic accountability possible in the first place. They are also the foundation and precondition for individuals, parents, community groups, and social movements to mobilize against such political and moral corruptions. Why are you not mobilizing to fight the tyranny. Why are you still pretending to believe in fixed elections that place in power over you ,the most evil of race and peace criminals?

We are dealing with crazy, vicious people who have terrorized and buffaloed many of you. A large minority of you will DIE muttering to yourself..."This is just not right. They said that black leaders will save us." How many are awake and gathering the courage and strength to fight?

How can any of us convince warped, disgusting, childish weaklings to become a man or woman after they have entered middle age as a brainwashed pawn, maintained and fed lies daily, by the communist propaganda monolith?

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An Introduction to the Oligarchic Police State

How We Lost Our Freedom

In Marxist philosophy, the term cultural hegemony describes the domination of a culturally diverse society (it's much easier to dominate a diverse or multicultural society than a homogeneous one)  by the ruling class, who manipulate the culture of that society—the beliefs, explanations, perceptions, values, and mores—Thus the ruling-class worldview becomes the “worldview” that is imposed and accepted as the cultural norm by the masses. The totalitarian world view is touted as the universally valid dominant ideology that justifies the social, political, and economic status quo as natural, inevitable, perpetual and beneficial for everyone. The fact that that those  artificial social constructs benefit only the ruling class, is ignored.

In America, the ruling class of over 1100 billionaire-communists (also called Marxist-Capitalists) dominates the culturally diverse US society. To make their control more stable, less detectable and more intimidating, the oligarchy is allied with black racism. Through the main propaganda creators and distributors, the media and so-called educational institutions, the idea of black societal control was modeled repeatedly in movies, television dramas, commercials and other advertising. At all American Universities, pro-black propaganda was manifested and controlled by communist: black supremacists, administrators, professors, segregated black organizations and “cultural centers”, all-black sports teams, student newspapers, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. This entire schemata was planned orchestrated and engineered for a decade before Obama became the dictator.

The media, through false and one-sided “news” reporting, (has for decades) suppressed or reinterpreted daily reports of black criminology, hate crimes and special privileges. At the same time, television shows, movies and commercials ensure that black slang, depiction of blacks as sexual athletes with huge genitalia,  and propaganda dramas depicting blacks as paragons of virtue, are continuously broadcast. At the same time, numerous movies and television model blacks as bosses, CEOs, generals, mayors, senators, freedom fighters and presidents who earned those positions on account of fantastic genius and leadership. Black music, dancers, singers and other entertainment dominance is maintained and modulated also by the media. As a result, American culture is now felonious dominated by a ten percent minority. In order to exploit all of the above groundwork, the oligarchy put forth the black minority as the rightful rulers of America, and suppressed all news or potential investigations of selected black candidates with bribes, financial ruin and intimidation.

On the internet hundreds of supposed Republican and conservative forums, blogs and information sites were set up in 2007-2009. These sites,  supposed enemies of the left, were actually controlled and moderated by the left. Pretending to be real Americans, these false forums punished any intelligent person that : (1) complained about the 2007-2008 coup in which the Republican Party headquarters was captured by a group of democrats who immediately put in an unelected black director of the Republican Party; (2) Pointed out that large numbers of Republican senators like John McCain were already leftist, did not represent their patriotic constituency, and yet were re-elected without opposition every time; (3) Criticized black racism or the fact that the Democrat Party promoting a black for president whose questionable background, competence, patriotism, and even nation of birth was suppressed by the media and political/judicial system.

At the same time the false internet blogs, forums and sites:

(1)               Carried out pro communist/pro Moslem and black supremacy propaganda.

(2)             Recruited new renegades to their ranks.

(3)             Made a lot of money by selling junk info on their sites.

(4)             Focused on white women, who are considered very pro-black and too ill-informed to understand who their real enemy is.

(5)             Serve as a distracting holding corral where brave and intelligent potential activists were forced into time-wasting debates, useless petition submissions, and money-wasting calls to elected officials.

(6)             Continued the worn-out loser tactics of conservative Republicans (see 5 above) as well as stressing: “patriotic” unity under the new dictator, hatred of Russia, hatred of any strong leader that might emerge, and suppressing any talk of organization and polarization.

What did the false conservative Republican sites on the internet do? They name- called anybody who criticized any of the above concepts: racist, nazi, troll, ignoramus, white trash, white supremacist and foreign infiltrator. Such tactics were used as many potential resistors were further confused and forced out of those forums. Every one of the false leftist-controlled internet sites disallowed free speech and especially any criticism of the closet communist John McCain.

The most fanatic oligarch in America, the Hungarian communist George Soros, led the preparation for a communist coup in America. Soros, and other communist billionaires, enjoy access to insider information from traitors within the American governmental bureaucracy. Exploitation of that insider information insured a constantly expanding stream of billions more dollars into communist  coffers. Utilizing their ever-expanding wealth, the oligarchs spent billions of dollars to bribe most of: the Congress, the federal judiciary (to refuse to hear the hundreds of lawsuits that would be filed to challenge Obama’s usurpation of complete power by presidential edict), the electoral college, the electoral process itself and anybody of even minimal influence that might attempt to hamstring the on-going, power-acquiring, communist coup.

The oligarchy realized that  a black promoted as president must be: a black racist like 98% of the black population, in order to be accepted as a leader by the black minority parasites, and a Moslem in order to obtain the backing and support of the main competition for world control. The newly earmarked black dictator-to-be would be a Machiavellian communist who pretended to be a lover of mankind. The black racist candidate would offer nebulous “change” as his platform, which brain-washed minority dunderheads (zombies) could interpret any way they wanted too.

The new black dictator would behave like a saint, only until he could consolidate his totalitarian communist dictatorship. Each year he remained in office, which was predicted to be 8-12 years or more, the dictator would grab greater and greater power. During the dictator’s power-gaining process:  he would be changing America from a Constitutional Republic into a communist, multi-racial, Moslem dominated dictatorship. The oligarchs told each other that a new black dictator would be made immune from any criticism by intensive anti-racist propaganda especially directed towards the Republican Party and conservatives. Anyone who did anything but praise the black candidate would be pummeled with a drum fire barrage of accusations, threats and financial penalties. That propaganda was carried out by the aggressive and intimidating, monolithic-communist US media. At the same time the media monopoly on information would be exploited to suppress all attempts to investigate and report any facts about Obama. Thus Obama was guarded by a “bodyguard” of lies.

Cunningly reading the psychology of the 270 million white majority, the oligarchs realized that the American white masses would have only one hostile political party to present its grievances to. The oligarchs deviously maintained the Republican Party simultaneously as a stooge of the ruling Democrats and as a false legitimate opposition to the Democrats. They infiltrated the Republican Party and conservative groups with a huge number of communist young adults. Fanatically-ignorant, young communist adults,  turned out annually by US universities, joined older communists, pretending to be conservative Republicans.

The oligarchs also realized that they needed the hard work of a gelded white mass which would be herded about by media propaganda. To keep the whites miserably terrorized, black crime would increase as the governing elite, including the bribed and infiltrated Supreme Court, began to lean more and more towards ignoring black racism. Black hate crimes would also be ignored, and black riots would be celebrated since they were to be utilized to place blacks in control of thousands of small cities and towns.

Other control mechanism planned by the oligarchs included:

(1) Making obvious that the US was a minority tyranny

(2) Bringing in millions of illegal immigrant blacks, moslems and international criminals through seventy sanctuary cities that have been  disobeying US laws for over forty years. The purpose of bringing millions of parasitic criminals into the USA, was to further bankrupt Social Security and the federal budget by wasting billions of dollars providing, food, housing, medical care, jobs and education for them. White tax dollars finances the scam.

(3) Attacking the white southern states of the old Confederacy and robbing them of every historical hero, tradition and symbol.

(4) Requiring the republican party to run candidates that could not win against a black candidate (a communist who structured his campaign so that he would lose) .On some occasions the ruling elite will order the republicans to run a black candidate too,  so that the people would still have a black president regardless of what happened.

The collective menace of so many communist engineered fiascoes in America was calculated to remove all stability from white families. Whites would have to learn that as long as they supported the black dictatorship, paid ever increasing taxes, paid ever increasing prices falsely jacked up by price-fixing, served as cannon-fodder in the wars of the dictatorship, and groveled appropriately, they would not be raped, beaten, murdered, or imprisoned.

There is so much more that I have left out of this introduction. It will be in my new book which will describe the crimes of the dictatorship, the names of main actors now unknown to a public kept ignorant by suppressed and twisted news. Finally I will outline how to annihilate these evil communists and race criminals.

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Why are there socialists, communists, illegal immigrants, black racists, and wiggers on this site? I thought that the Tea Party would be composed predominantly of people who pretend to be patriots? Instead we are getting, on this site, the same commie BS we get 24-7 on the media and all over the internet. Why can't there be a real patriotic site on the internet where real patriotism has a voice? Why does every one of these phony patriot sites have to be controlled by communists?

The answer is simple. We live in a communist dictatorship wherein all "conservative" and "republican" sites, forums, bogs yada yada, are controlled by the commies, every single one.Our enemies are using our tax money to stomp us. Taxation without representation.  Everything media,  is phony, feminist, socialist, Trump-hating, and obsolescent, totalitarian black-racist terrorist. Why? Because people pretending to be patriotic are leftist actors and actresses, making monkeys out of many of you who believe them.

What about the honest and sincere patriots that are on this site? Most of you are dead men walking. You sit silently, making a brave comment every now and then, but the smart ones of you know that this site is like the republican party, a servo-mechanism of the democrats. You don't fight for this site because you are habitually avoiders of violence. Its time to embrace the fight.

You and I support Trump because we know he sees all this and has the brains and savvy to lead us out of the wilderness. But what do we get on this site? We get insane commies pretending to pray to God, that "his only begotten son, Ben Carson" be president. They spew out hatred of Donald Trump, and lies too, while pretending to be retired colonels in the Army, impeccable patriots and other lies.

Our enemies are totally unscrupulous and they will ruin or kill anyone who stands in their way. At least they will try to do that. That's why I am here, to strip them naked, and to spit in their face until they eject me from their phony mud-making project, or this site is ideologically cleansed. Because the commies are rich and they own everything, especially Fox Entertainment.So what !; there are 270 million of us and we will defeat these malignant minority dwarfs.

Know this. The commies are trying to ruin Trump, while the dirty-back-stabbing conservatives and republicans are helping the commies, just like they have for the past 30 years. Only now they are openly, on this site, announcing their bigotry and ideology. At the same time they call it "Americanism, democracy and anti-racism" (a code word for anti-white).The reds (commies) wave the former US flag too. That's why we of the right wing, wave the Confederate flag.

The commies, aided by some people on this site will try to assassinate trump. They are already trying to terrorize him, an effort led by the republican party. We won't let that be a successful hit.

We have a plan to win and it will work.

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God is Disgusted Help Yourselves

GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES. God, not the Christian Churches who are busy signing Sharia statements of surrender to Islam, gives us strength. The Christian Churches have been infiltrated and subverted into evil by the communists, just like they have the entire nation. All of this has happened WITHOUT A FIGHT. All we hear is the stupid bleating of ignorant, weak willed, confused and narcotic-crazed masses.The coming apocalypse will cure  those millions of mentally confused masses of their narcotics supplies. Maybe a few normal people will be left. I already know where to find hundreds of normal people who have proven immune to the USSE virus.

There is much hatred and fear in this balkanized state. It is more like the Austro-Hungarian Empire than a nation and like that empire, it will disappear. The communists have turned this God-forsaken place into a Union of Soviet Socialist Enemies. THE USSE. It is a place filled with communists, foreigners, and minority races all hoping to leach off the white majority for the rest of their lives. That golden calf  of white wage slaves will be melted down thermobarically. There is much irreparable hatred here. Unity has been destroyed forever unity which  cannot be maintained in a dictatorship where the majority must simultaneously finance and grovel before minority tyranny. You who support blacks for president want to send a message to the world that you are STILL the wage slaves of minority tyranny. A black president symbolizes your rotten depravity. We, the sane white majority will not allow that! Soon we will begin Civil War II which will last many years as we fight to re-establish a nation. Because a wicked, hate-filled, cowardly and evil segment of the  majority population surrendered to minority tyranny without a fight, only a protracted war will buy back freedom for the working, tax paying, war fighting and law abiding white majority that refuses to behave  itself to death!. New life will be breathed into the people who have an ideology. This new nation will not be anything like the current USSE we live in now. The white majority will have its own nation. It will be a place of freedom where we will not feed, house, take care, grovel before or accept the dictatorship of, minority parasites, We will have our homeland if we have to wade through buckets of blood for a hundred years.

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Who Are The Leaders of American Totalitarianism?

Communists within the democrat and republican parties fall into two categories: the deliberate and the unwilling. With the first category I am referring to people not of the so-called Soft Left or of the Trotskyite aberration, both of whom abhor strict communism, albeit for different reasons. I refer to those of the Hard Left with, at their core, the Ultra-Hard Left. These are dedicated, dyed-in-the-wool Marxist-Leninists, who would not appreciate being called Communists since this implies membership in the quite useless US Communist Party. They are, nevertheless, staunch communists and in nine cases out often will act in accordance with the dicta of Marxist-Leninism, even though those wishes may remain unexpressed and even though the person concerned would stoutly claim he was acting for “conscientious” or “patriotic” reasons.

The second group of communists inside, and now dominating, the “American” democrat/republican Party can be characterized as follows: those persons with a deep political and emotional commitment to a form of socialism so far left as to qualify as Marxism-Leninism; persons who will, in any given set of circumstances or in any contingency, almost invariably react quite spontaneously in a manner completely parallel to, or convergent with, the desires of Marxist-Leninist foreign policy vis-à-vis America and/or the European Union; persons who need no briefing or instructions whatsoever, and who would probably be offended if such were proposed; persons who, wittingly or unwittingly, whether impelled by personal conviction, a warped patriotism, a desire to destroy, a craving for self-advancement, a fear of intimidatory pressure, a sense of their own self-importance, or a desire to move with the herd, will conduct themselves in a manner that suits communists interests perfectly. They all constitute agents of influence for the New World Order or Globalism.

They all, of course, claim to be seekers after democracy. Happily, the overwhelming majority of Americans today still understand by the word democracy a pluralist (multiparty) state, whose governing body shall be chosen at periodic intervals by universal adult suffrage based upon the secret ballot.

Obviously, Hard Left US communists, being people who eat, drink, breathe, sleep, dream, and work at left-wing politics every waking hour of every day, mean by the word democracy a “democracy of the committed,” with its controlling roles performed by themselves and like-thinkers. Unfortunately, the American takes few steps to correct this misapprehension because they are the propaganda arm of American communism (a triad of progressives, black racists and moslem jihadists). Only the minuscule American Right Wing (not to be confused with the totally infiltrated and controlled American “conservative” mass) contains men and women of sufficient mental toughness, competence and ideological fervor to defeat American communism that is currently consolidating its hold on the balkanized USA.

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Sam Smith "Comes OUT" As a Tea Party Liberal

Sam Smith, while proclaiming that there are no liberals in the Tea Party, marks himself as one. First of all he is a black racist (that's a leftist value) He is also a feminists (also a leftist value) And he has a distorted erotic hatred towards men who stand up to forces that others lean over backwards to placate (also a leftist value). Sam is obviously a highly emotional back-stabber who ignorantly BELIEVES (without consideration of any evidence) that a man, President Trump,  who has earned over a billion dollars, is only "lucky."This low life defines Trump's courageous stand in the face of ignorant, intimidating and bigoted media, as the behavior of a "spoiled brat." Sam does not criticize media (Another leftist value) For that he deserves to be bitch slapped by one of his buddies. Sam comes out as in favor of the highly bigoted and very politically ignorant Megyn Kelly, another phony conservative who gets ahead by her good looks. In supporting Kelly, Sam simultaneously reveals his anger at strong men (President Trump) and his "solidarity" with other feminists: (quote)"TRUMP STILL MUST answer Megyn Kelly's VALID question about his attitude toward women! Until he does, NO WOMAN should vote for him."

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Who are you Kidding Samuel L. Smith (you talk like Samuel L. Jackson)? You pompously proclaim yourself as another renegade republican. While touting yourself as an expert you expect my percentage of black racists to be accurate down to the decimal point. Then you swing towards, "See I'm Sam Smith. Some of My Best Friends Are Black and Believe me Hardly any blacks are racist." And Jack Smith is an ill-informed "white supremacist" because Sam Smith , being "precise" of course says: "truth is truth and right is right and oh yeah wrong is wrong." Then I am called uniformed, of course Dozier, Carson and Smith are totally informed? but smith offers no evidence to support his bias EXCEPT his butt-licking, fawning black lick spittle attitude that Ben Carson is  a Black God, and therefore entitled to be president." I ask why? Sam Smith boils it down to the fact that Ben Carson's skin makes it so, he's black doncha know? Then we learn that Carson is a HERO OF GIGANTIC CHARACTER. Why? Because he performed surgery and that too is supposedly an excellent qualification for president. It just means that Ben Carson is not qualified and an unknown factor, just like obama...No he is not qualified for any political office, except to fools like Sam Smith. Smith claims he knows that wrong is wrong , because down in his tummy, his feminine intuition tells him. (He wants to be the first white renegade to call Jack Smith a racist supremacist and force him to shut up! Opps you are too late renegade!) Sam's brain is not in gear. If it was, he would have read what other people introduced as evidence against Ben Carson (See James Lake's excellent report.) But the swooning Sam Smith, an egotistical narcissist of the obama grade, explains that he is a member of the American historic nobility and therefore should be believed. "Any damn white supremacist or racist" is not on the par with the emotionally messed up Sam Smith (a typical she-male follower of Carson) Why? Because his family history is soo great. I say, Smith's ancestors would roll over and spit in his face if they knew what an unthinking black racist pig he has become. Then Smith raves about what he wants to do to obama, but wait, he's too busy pimping Carson to do anything. I am sickened by such shallow, ignorant, bigoted, emotion-crazed black racists as Sam Smith, typical CONservative republican media zombies. They are conditioned by the media to be black supremacists and the facts don't matter. Sam is too typical of the followers of Ben Carson who worship the idea of a black boss and an intense bro-hug from such a black god. I am disgusted with Sam Smith, a typical republican effeminate who thinks with the pitter pater of his black-yearning heart rather than using his limited brain power. I refuse to let such an unthinking lout influence me. I am angered by Sam giving lip service to ideas that take imagination, hard work, courage and organization, while he is actual pleading with silly female emotionalism for sanctification of his own personal black racist yearnings. Of course men like Sam Smith, back-stabbing white renegades, will do anything to destroy people  who who dare challenge and confront his icons. After 50 years of losing, there day of reckoning is coming.

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The Exchange between Dozier and Me

When reading Dozier's remarks as first written, I interpreted them as I saw them.

Dozier's reply to me was both different from my interpretation of his original comments, and a correct statement of truth. In fact Dozier's second comments sounds quite sensible, except for his snide insult. I will pit my knowledge and intelligence against him, simultaneously with  any segregated black posse in the country. 

  As I said before, about 98% of blacks in this country are racist and black supremacist, in fact they have a death grip on American culture. They did not obtain that death grip in a fair arena or by any objective rules of honor. They obtained that power because the major propaganda monolith in this country is the enemy of the white majority. The same can be said of the government, most universities, and practically all institutions where neo-communism reigns. The fact is that ugly, vicious and genocidal, minority parasites control this country. Their power must be broken by any means possible and at any cost.

In the meantime, it will take more than words to convince me that people like Dozier, Carson and other apparently honest blacks,  really mean what they say. Why?  Because by supporting that truth, they become enemies of 98% of their race. If the truth and honesty gains sway in this country then minority parasitism is dead.

In this cultural/racial war there is no compromise. We are fighting for our survival,  for the fruits of our labor and a majority voice in what is now a totally unrepresentative minority tyranny. We must refuse to pay taxation and the elevated fixed prices of marxist-capitalists, until we get REPRESENTATION in our own government. We must establish new political parties that do not pretend to represent "everybody," but only represent the white majority. The minority parasitic government has brought about a great polarization in this country and they are to blame for the fact that a civil war will be required in order to throw them out of control. We will beat minority parasites and all the white hyenas, whether mentally degenerate or simply corrupted renegades, who support the racist totalitarianism that now stands between us and liberation.

Minority Tyranny has brought about a great polarization that will result in civil war. Why? Because the criminals now in control of the USA will never relinquish their dishonestly acquired power, without a blood bath.

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The Iron Law of Oligarchy Despotism

The Iron Law of Oligarchy

The Iron Law of Oligarchy works as follows:

First, there is always a rather small number of persons in the organization who actually make decisions, even if authority is vested in the body of the membership. This is a purely functional, if decisions are left to the “vulgar masses” then nothing get done. The decisions go on at great length without getting to the necessary issues, until either people leave or keep quiet.

Second, the bosses who have this delegated authority tend to take on more power than the members who selected them do. Once in power they tend to remain there for a long time and are not influenced by the opinions from below. Reasons for this is partly functional, but more so because of the way resources of power are distributed in an organization The leaders are a much smaller group than the body of the organization; therefore they have the advantage of being better organized. The members, as a whole, come together infrequently if at all; but the leadership is in constant contact with each other. The leadership tends to form a united, behind-the-scenes, informal group, this way making it much easier for them to make plans, carry out programs, etc.

Third, the leaders gradually develop values that are at odds with those of the members.That is to say that peoples outlooks are determined by their social positions. For the ordinary member, the organization is something he or she belongs to and participates in from time to time, but it is not usually the center of his or her life The leader's position is different; the organization is usually a full-time job, or at least a major part of their life. The leader becomes less interested in the concerns of the rank and file or the ideology of the group, and more concerned with staying in power.

Unlikely Action By Followers

Does this conflict, dare I say corruption, of the leaders bring them into conflict with their followers? Sometimes it does, but the leadership has the upper hand in such struggles. Unless the bulk of the membership is extremely upset about something, they are very unlikely to dispose of their despot.

Despotic Power of the Oligarchy

The power of the organization goes to those in control of the administrative resources. They control the communications within the organization: distribution of news, setting the meetings, it agendas, etc. Most importantly they have “legitimate power”, therefore, they can claim dissenters as "factions" and "splitters" who represent only themselves and their own interests, thereby making the factions the organization's enemies by creating internal dissension.

Who says organization, usually means oligarchy.

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How can a racist like Dozier, who was invited onto this site by its liberal leadership, come on here and instruct us? He is here to tell us that any "zealot agendas are no longer welcome here."

So Dozier and black racist minority parasites like him, are in control of this "tea party" site?

This site hates Trump and so does the "addelpated" and semi-coherent Dozier. Next stop in process...This fake "tea party" "leadership" apologizes to the black racists for any white man expressing his opinion which undoubtedly offending the short-tempered black racists?

I consider Dozier as a phony on the level of that Kayne person intermarried with the Kardashians. Tit for TaT, I will go on to his most favored black racist site and deliver a far more legitimate message. In the meantime ethnic cleansing has begun, along with teary apologies and self righteous anger. Hooray for Trump. Hooray for the Confederate Flag which will never be destroyed.

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Any group fighting for the Constitution and freedom must adapt itself to the demands of political warfare. It must self-train its troops for a war that could last a long time. Remember one thing: CONservatives have proven themselves incompetent to fight political warfare because they cannot adapt to reality and utilize tactics that work! Posting amateur polls will not lead to accomplishment of your stated objective, neither will the coining of another petition ever work. Do you assume that most members of this group share ideology or even know anything about political warfare? If you do make such assumptions, you are wrong and are inviting more embarrassment by ill conceived half-measures. This seat of the pants methodology is too familiar within CONservative and pseudo-conservative circles. Its either ad hoc polls or insanely derived petitions, thats all sad CONservatives ever "think " of (or so it has been for the past 50 years). But there is always the very ignorant assumption that such feeble activities will be seized upon by enemies of freedom in Washington, who will then quiver with fear and modify their authoritarian behavior. Who are you kidding? Such assumptions are adolescent fantasies of adults who know nothing about politics. What value are attractive faces if there is no imagination or political savvy lurking in the brain pan behind that cute smile? Such amateurish brain freezes are common to people who occupy political leadership positions within Conservative organizations. They know nothing about politics, psychology or promoting ideas. What does all this mean? Just another soon forgotten train wreck by very low caliber CONservatives. CONservatives drive away intelligent people with their bizarre attempts to fly by the seat of their yoga pants. Herein is a true example of how dumbed down CONservatives really are. Its shameful.There is one clear definition of intelligence accepted by all scientists: "Adaptation is a true sign of intelligence." There is no adaptation by CONservatives. They still all revolve around two ill gotten brain farts conceived over 50 years ago, then they do it again. There is no effective resistance to the police state in America if anything happens to Trump.

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Ideological consolidation is possible only through polarization. The obama dictatorship fears publicity about the growing polarization within America. The commies prefer to pretend that the minority parasite dictatorship is popular among all Americans. The Big Lie is that all Americans are fools, united behind obama. Polarization is important for several political reasons: (1) It is truth (2) It publicly confronts the lies of the obama dictatorship (3) It shows the masses that many millions are not afraid to criticize the police state and encourages their committed participation.  (4) Ideology is required for any group of citizens who want to win a political war. Polarization facilitates ideology. (5) Polarization identifies something to believe in. (6) Polarization is the necessary prerequisite for political victory. (7) Polarization begins to explain to the public how a small minority of communists, black racists and moslems got control of America because there was no organized polarization.   Polarization refers to differences in how people think politically, it refers to a political war between opposing ideologies that are driving people apart. Polarization is a struggle to clearly define friends and enemies by their beliefs and behaviors, instead of believing their lies and cover ups. Those who want consolidation of opinion are identifying themselves as deceitful infiltrators if they reject polarization.

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You are wrong, Senor Juan Reynosa,  and you know you are wrong. As a communist you claim that the 1600 oligarchs in America are all republican neo-cons. Neo-con is a code word like racist, neo-con is code for jew, just like racist is code for white.. Of course you commies are anti-jew, yet most of you are jews. That is another paradox of communism. Communism a criminal entity for world conquest and slaughter that is very similar to the even more heinous Islamic Jihad!. Of the 1600 American billionaires only about 15% are Republican/  85% are democrat, which is a code word for communist. So we understand why  you lie about it. You communist foot soldiers cannot bear to admit the truth that communism is run by rich people. Case in point:George Soros, who finances obama. He is the chief commie oligarch in America and he is a Hungarian Jew Communist, the architect of the new American black racist dictatorship run by Kenyan tribal thugocrat, obama. Reynosa, get a list of the American oligarchs, as I have done, and muster enough courage and integrity to view the facts. The commies have always been the party of the rich, just as the democrats are the party of the rich. That is why the democrats have been able to bribe dozens of republican senators and congressmen. The republicans are hungry for money and now they work for the communist democrats as bought and owned political slave-mechanisms. The subversion is complete. The truth has never tortured you communists for the past century. I am reminded how you blamed the Katyn Forest Massacre of tens of thousands of Polish intelligentsia (of the bourgeois, whom you rich scum hate). For decades you commie swine blamed the Katyn mass murders on the German Army. Only recently the Russians admitted their lies about the Katyn Massacre and apologized  to the Poles. As if a simple thugocratic apology would make it right? And now you, Juan Reynosa, long time communist apologists and liar, still brazenly practice your crude and evil deceptions! You have been officially entered into the journal of Communist Peace and War crimes and your name will soon be emblazoned throughout Europe as another communist propaganda coyote of long standing. Yes, you have been a mal hombre for too long, Mr. Bolshevik.There is no redemption for communists, moslems are black racists.

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Are we to believe that the people who write "happy Passover" and "Allah Akbar" on the blog site, as well as promote socialist. jihadist and black racist values/propagandists, are doing anything more than NOT serving the majority of subscribers to this so-called "Tea Party" site? How can this site worship Ben Carson and Hate Trump?

Is that happening because the majority on the Tea Party "Command" site agree with such neo-communist values? I support Trump for President and the Confederate flag and the Constitution. Evidently I am the only one on this site with such views. This is a Ben Carson, minority tyranny left wing site [posing as the Tea Party. Its a typically deceitful Oligarchy forum.

Now so-called "patriotic" cliches/drivel is being puked out by commies, moslems, black racists, homosexuals and others who are the enemies of the white majority. Yet they are prominently pimped on this forum. WHY? Is everybody on here, besides me and Mistor Lakes, a traitor who is using us as SUCKER BAIT?

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Mark my words. Neo-communism rules this balkanized state. The policy of the minority tyranny is to promote blacks, exclusively. Any organization or forum, regardless of what they claim is truth, will tolerate NO campaign against their black skinned ward. Therefore, they must shut down freedom of speech in order to maintain their hold on the promotion of minority tyranny.

Suppose a group of black racist females gets control of a so-called Tea Party site? Will they allow themselves to be displaced by a majority vote? Heck No! They will continue to rule behind the fraudulent smoke screen of democracy or republicanism. In fact they are agents of the enemy. It is only our enemies controlled by a consortium of rich communist OLIGARCHS who can afford these forums. Certainly we working white people are neither organized or funded to defend our own rights and voice. I have grieved over this inequality for too many years. Now it is time to FIGHT!

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The Tea Party Command Center ceaselessly supports the duplicitous and deceitful messages of the black racist, Ben Carson. Why? Are they a tool of the republican-stooge party that works for the democrats?

Why won't they conduct a poll of all Tea Party member and then support whom the Tea Party supports? They won't do that. Why? Because they are promoting the black racist, Minority Tyranny Card.

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Communist-Minoritarianism (Tyranny of the Minority) has led to establishment of a one-party dictatorship that benefits minority parasites at the expense of the whole population, oppression of the entire population (because the minoritarian government is not accountable to anyone except the ruling minority), and will not consider the rights and interests of the People. The entire one-party Congressional process in America has been restructured to serve the tyranny of the minority. To retain this power, above-the-law minorities are eager to commit genocide against the majority. The Law of the Jungle , only the strong survive, has identified the white majority in America as perishable. I disagree!

 A Tyranny of the Majority is preferable because only a fraction of the population would be victims instead of most of them as in Tyranny of the Minority.

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According to conventional democratic theories of government, public policy outcomes should reflect the will of the majority. According to the textbook view of democracy, policy decisions in the American political system tend to reflect this basic narrative. If most Americans favor or oppose a certain policy, then their elected representatives must comply with their wishes. It's not happening that way in America. Only minority desires and requirements are abided by although the majority obeys the law, fights the wars, pays the taxes, endures rampant price fixing, and pretends that American elections are not fixed by the democrat-republican one party dictatorship. For many observers of American politics, this understanding of representation grossly differs from the way things really work. Whether it is through anecdotes or systematic studies examining the responsiveness of U.S. politicians, there is ample evidence to suggest that elected officials often support legislation favored by a minority (blacks, moslems, neo-communists) of their constituents.

In his book Tyranny of the Minority: The Subconstituency Politics Theory of Representation, Benjamin Bishin offers a compelling theory to explain why politicians do not always live up the democratic ideal. According to his subconstituency theory of American politics, there are powerful incentives for members of Congress to cater to the concerns of specific minority interests in their constituencies, even if those concerns are contrary to what the majority wants. This theory holds that most citizens know very little and care even less about most political developments. Because of this apathy and ignorance, …

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Read Tyranny of the Minority, It's a Book

Tyranny of the Minority addresses fundamental questions about democracy with a careful and methodologically sophisticated approach. I found the argument of this book to be creative and persuasive. It should have a lasting impact on the literature on representation."
Vincent Hutchings, University of Michigan

"The power of some minority groups to continually fend off majority interests through democratic representation has long been under-theorized. Bishin's fascinating and empirically sophisticated account of subconstituency politics is a welcome remedy, and it is absolutely vital for any understanding of American democracy."
Paul Frymer, Princeton University

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