trump (121)


     And God shut down the Garden of Eden and sent Adam and Eve out into the real world to work for their food. And he sent the Serpent to crawl upon the earth;  and it came to pass that the descendants of Adam and Eve all did not heed the lesson of their forebearers, and did wish that they might live in such a wonderful garden and not suffer, and the  descendants of the Serpent tried to tempt them by giving them free food and shelter. Yet these gifts were not enough: these gullible descendants of Adam and Eve cried out for more gifts and the descendents of the serpent who now had gained much experience in tempting the gullible, heard  their cry. 

       And there arose among those Serpents, one who had fooled the gullible descendants of Adam and Eve into electing him to the highest office in the land. and he said ' I will force these descendents of Adam and Eve to accept these free gifts;                  

        But among the descendants of Adam and Eve there were those who were wise and did see the Serpent's deception and did expose him: then, seeing  his power begin to slip away,  the Serpent proposed amnesty for those who had entered the land without permission:  and did say to himself, 'these fools will keep me in office and they will  bring more power to the Serpents'. And the wise also saw this deception and did provoke him;                             

    Whereupon the Serpent became desperate:  and  he proposed free education and free health care for all.  And he called upon the Serpents who sat in the highest court of the land to approve this proposal. Yet the wise were not fooled. They knew nothing was free -- as Adam and Eve had learned when they ate the forbidden fruit: that which the Serpent offers free always conceals a price.                                                                                                  

    Now those wise descendants of  Adam and Eve cried out for justice, urging their colleagues to remove the Serpent from his place. Yet, many among them were still fearful of the Serpent, because the Serpent was in them.  And the Serpent remained in place and continued his proposals to weaken the Constitution of the land, which was written by the wise descendants of Adam and Eve to limit the power of the Serpent. And the Serpent became more powerful in the land, while the descendants of Adam and Eve became more fearful.  And the Serpent rejoiced. Yet there arose among the wise descendants one who was witout fear and challenged the serpent to remove his mask. The Serpent's mission is always  to glorify himself - to become a god and  justify his evil in the name of good, but, ultimately, he fails.  Here is the serpent's dilemma:  He can never show his face as God, for God is all Good:  The Serpent can never be good, for that would undermine his evil, so he must conceal his face with the mask of good.  In God, there is no fear. God needs no mask: God is good.               

      The Serpent will always be with us, yet the power of God will always weaken him. 



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Hello Mr. President,

Of course I hope this letter reaches you Mr. President Donald Trump though word of mouth or stumble upon in your busy days. It's kinda fun writing to you Mr. President even if you don't get the message leaving me to my pretend world :)

I would like to talk to you about the vaping problems going on in the United States since I too vape. I quit smoking when I took up vaping although I had started off with the patch that did help to some extent. People like to puff because it's (Click Link Here Or Picture To Read The Full Article)

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Here's a new article I have written that explains why business and all of our failed politicians have been running towards immigrants and letting U.S. Citizen wallow in failure.

All the information in this article is fact. Most likely the culprits of this tragedy will try to get "Yellow Book" to take down their facts page through the link above soon after this information spreads out some.

It's becoming well known now that U.S. Citizens are being neglected purposely because there's a major shift thats been engineered by Business, The democrat party and the libertarian republican rinos to empower immigrants with more economic purchasing power than U.S. Citizens. This shift explains why there's so much U.S. Citizen poverty in the (Click Link Here Or Picture To Read The Full Article)
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This social networking entity has been developing for over 10 years and nobody knows about it. After reading much literature on it my understanding it is a playground for social communists.


I keep looking around for social networking web sites where Republicans gather and I'm not surprised anymore that they are few and far between. When you find a Republican place of gathering not to many people are there. I finally realized Republicans only come out when they are stirred up and really pissed off. The democrats are buying up the (Click Pic Or Link Here To Read The Full Article)

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Yes, I've been shadow banned on Facebook and Twitter to no end. Twitter just outright hid my posts from others and Facebook shadow banned me through their new algorithm that automatically ranks people through activity.

I just found out I most likely was shadow banned because I post my articles like this one in about 40 groups or so and when the algorithm picks this up I automatically get shadow banned. Most likely this happens to many media organizations when people share a certain post. Lets say a member of a social media site shares a "Fox News" link and the link gets repeatedly shared by (Click Link Here Or Picture To Read Full Article

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I couldn't believe it! "Tulsi Gabbard" the democrat presidential candidate who's forced to keep quiet by her handlers blasted the favorite "Kamala Harris" with keeping people in prison for longer terms than necessary so the state of California will have plenty of "Cheap Labor". This is slavery in its purest form. Most likely it's illegal aliens that are being tapped for longer prison terms and it's all backed up by activist democrat judges.

This really blew me away! California gave prison guards huge pay raises and now the information is released that prisoners are Click Link Here Or Picture To Read Full Article

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I heard our President Donald Trump state in news reports that Robert Mueller wanted the head the FBI again in the Trump administration and Trump turned him down. Lucky for us Donald Trump had the moxy to turn his request down. We now know about the "Deep State" Robert Mueller wanted to protect when Jim Comey got fired. Robert Mueller with his open ended report that gave the democrat party the much needed breathing room to attack Donald Trump just exposed himself as a true "Deep State" operative and Click Here To Read The Full Article

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By Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, a former KGB and CIA "Filament", the author of the White House Special Handbook, Espionage and Counterespionage Handbook, Barack Obama Operation.  

kryzhanovsky77@gmail. com  

New York  


April 18, 2019, Washington, D. C.  


On May 17, 2017, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice. In this capacity, Mueller oversaw the investigation into "any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation".  

ATTENTION : President Donald Trump responded to news of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's 2017 appointment by telling then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he was "f****d, " according to a redacted version of Mueller's report released on April 18, 2019. “Oh my God, ” the President told Sessions, according to the report. “This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m f****d. ”  

Do you know why Donald Trump was sure his Presidency was finished?  


Questions for U. S. President Donald Trump  

1. Have you, KGB agent, used my instructions “How to win presidential elections” ( my White House Special Handbook )? If yes, you have to pay me a former KGB, for your 2016 victory.  

2. Have you, KGB agent, ever used my instructions “How to Manage the White House”? If yes, you have to pay me as I, a former KGB, actually perform your job since 2017.  

3. Have your, KGB agent, ordered the U. S. Secret Service to arrest me in 2017 and place me in Elmhurst Hospital, Queens, NY psych unit to shut me up? If yes, when are you going to pay me for my sufferings?  



Introduction. "Passive sabotage” and “The Boomerang”  


PART 1. Kill Bill Clinton.  

PART 2. Kill Barack Obama.  

PART 3. Kill Hillary Clinton  

PART 4. How I helped Putin to get Oval Office for Trump  

PART 5. Donald Trump is KGB  



White House Special Handbook (abridged)  

Espionage and Counterespionage Handbook (abridged)  


A gift from President George Bush (to shut me up) I didn’t ask for.  





Republican National Committee 319 First Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003  

May 20, 2006  

Platinum member Mykhaylo Kryzhanovsky Member since 2006  

This Platinum card has been issued to the bearer by the Republican National Committee in recognition of an extraordinary level of commitment to Republican ideals and values.  

I believe your exemplary record of loyalty and patriotism proves you are a leader President Bush can count on. It is therefore my distinct privilege as the Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) to present you with your 2006 Republican Party Platinum Card on behalf of President Bush. Your proven leadership is just what President Bush and our party need right now.  

Sincerely, Ken Mehlman, Chairman, Republican National Committee  



Putin ordered WikiLeaks to hack my computer and got my letter ( and got my “The Professional” system) to Stratford, American geopolitical intelligence platform. Here's the link :  

https://wikileaks. org/gifiles/docs/51/5127100_-analytical-and-intelligence-comments-the-professional. html  

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defense Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.  

[Analytical & Intelligence Comments] "THE PROFESSIONAL" system by Kryzhanovsky (White House Special Handbook).  

Released on 2012-08-11 00:00 GMT  

Email-ID 5127100  

Date 2010-07-22 09:21:43  

From prof7prof@yahoo. com  

To responses@stratfor. com  

[Analytical & Intelligence Comments] "THE PROFESSIONAL" system by  

Kryzhanovsky (White House Special Handbook).  







World War III : Russia is the prize or Why KGB recruited Bill, Hillary, Obama and Trump  

The sources of energy (oil, gas, uranium, coal) are rapidly coming to an end. At the same time China, India, Brazil, Indonesia are rapidly growing. We have 9 billion people on Earth with energy, food and fresh water supplies coming to an end in the next 25-40 years. That means that 500 million Europeans and 300 million Americans have to lower their standards of living – and they will not accept this! On top of it we have the global financial and economic crisis which is actually killing America. The only way out – to capture resources that still remain to preserve our standards of living. Russia has the world's largest reserves of mineral and energy resources, the world's largest forest reserves and 25% of the world's fresh water. Russia is energy superpower : #1 in the world in natural gas reserves, #8 in oil reserves and #2 in coal reserves.  


"THE BOOMERANG" Operation  

Russian President Putin said once that collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was the "tragedy of the century" and named the USA a killer. Now comes revenge – "the Boomerang" operation and the "New Russian World Order" or a "controlled chaos” strategy – Putin's “new world order” to be established through the international chaos, permanent wars, civil wars and revolutions.  

My definition :  

"Controlled chaos” strategy – geopolitical re-division of the world by provoking riots, revolutions, civil wars and overthrowing regimes in independent from Russia sovereign states to establish the Russia's world hegemony. Political, national, religious and social conflicts in target countries have to be permanent. The strategy is being covered by a "struggle against international terrorism". The operation is preceded by information war against the target regime and backed by the Russia military forces if necessary.  

Inside USA the strategy is used to provoke the U. S. government collapse  


Putin and 9/11  


1. Alexander Sakharovsky (1909-1983), Colonel General, Chief of KGB First Directorate (espionage) in 1956-1971.  

"The father of international terrorism", he oversaw the KGB foreign intelligence division during some of the key events of the Cold War, including the the Cuban Missile Crisis and JFK assassination.  




2. KGB Major General Viktor Vladimirov (1922-1995). My personal friend...  

1966-1970 – Chief of the PGU KGB (Intelligence) "V" Department (sabotage and terror abroad by KGB special forces). 1984-1987 – Chief of the "RT" PGU KGB Department (recruitment of foreigners in USSR). Ordered Trump's recruitment (the asset was recruited by Putin).  




3. A former KGB Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Putin, President of Russia. In 1985-1990 KGB spy under cover in Dresden, East Germany, trained illegal KGB spies, who worked then in the West as KGB recruiters, terrorists and sabotage specialists (in case of war against Russia).  




September 11, 2001, 11. 00 AM, Moscow  

Strategic Surveillance Center, underground secret facility, Military Intelligence Dept of the General Staff, Moscow  

Putin, General Shlyakhturov, Chief, Military intelligence Dept, Lebedev, Director, Russian Intelligence (SVR)  

PUTIN. – Good morning, comrades. For some people it's a good morning, but for many people it's the last one. What's the estimate?  

SHLYAKHTUROV. – Good morning, comrade President. We think, it's between two and four thousands Americans.  

PUTIN. So, what's the story?  

LEBEDEV. – As you know, airplane hijacking was KGB Intelligence Chief Alexander Sakharovsky's invention.  

PUTIN. – I knew him, he died in 1983. He said once, nuclear arms have made military force obsolete, terrorism should become KGB main weapon. CIA called him "the father of international terrorism". The airplane hijacking was his invention, in 1969 alone, 82 planes were hijacked worldwide by the KGB-financed Palestine Liberation Organization, right?  

LEBEDEV. – Right.  

PUTIN. – And Major General Vladimirov...  

LEBEDEV. – Yes, we still use his instructions on terror.  

PUTIN. – He was my teacher.  

LEBEDEV. – But mass terror isn't something we ever tried on the USA, but "The Boomerang" operation strategy gives us the opportunity to try it. Besides, we set up al Qaeda and bin Laden, whose guys killed thirteen thousands Soviet soldiers and officers in Afghanistan in 1979-1989.  

PUTIN. – OK, what we get out of it? I mean, strategic objective.  

LEBEDEV. – We get America into very expensive and useless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, up to 10, 000 soldiers and up to $500 billion worrth.  

PUTIN. – Not bad. How you've set up bin Laden?  

SHLYAKHTUROV. – Our undercover, a ”terrorist”, explained to him an unusual plan to attack America. The plan approved, the first team of terrorists sent to USA. They took the courses on how to operate the "Boeing", take off only.  

LEBEDEV. – CIA got the information on the "strange" students, but our agent blocked it.  

PUTIN. – "Passive sabotage" again?  

LEBEDEV. – Why not? It worked good with JFK.  

PUTIN. – It did. Next?  

SHLYAKHTUROV. – Another group of terrorists, no links to al-Qaeda, packed Twin Towers with explosives. Right after that, we eliminated the second team, their bodies burnt.  

PUTIN. – And today is the day.  

SHLYAKHTUROV. – Yes, Vladimir Vladimirovich. We've recorded the operation on tape, ready to show you.  

PUTIN. – Eliminate the tape and the team, no evidence.  

SHLYAKHTUROV. – Yes, comrade President. We'll see everything on the main screen, I mean, the final phase of the operation, New York, Twin Towers, on the main screen and then Pentagon and Pennsylvania. We start. Pay attention to four monitors to your left.  

PUTIN. – People boarding jets.  

LEBEDEV. – You see nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists boarding for Boeing jets in Boston, Washington and Newark, first three go to Los Angeles, the last one – to San Francisco.  

PUTIN. No more passengers.  

LEBEDEV. Right now our people arrest terrorists, kill them with the knives, pack in plastic bags, throw through the back airplane hatches and take away. Five minutes. Wait...  

PUTIN. Wow! Good job. Who secured the airport?  

LEBEDEV. CIA. Now other passengers board the airplanes. Nobody could see anything, including the terrorists' associates who might watch from the airport building.  

SHLYAKHTUROV. Now jets take off one by one, 165 passengers altogether plus crew members.  

8 a. m. EDT. American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 with 92 people on board, took off from Boston’s Logan international Airport to Los Angeles.  

8:14 a. m. United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people on board, took off from Logan to Los Angeles.  

8:21 a. m. American Airlines flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 64 people on board, took off from Washington Dulles International Airport for Los Angeles.  

8:41 a. m. United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 44 people on board, took off from Newark International Airport for San Francisco  

LEBEDEV. – After 4 jets took off, their pilots were ordered emergency landing on one of the military bases where crews and passengers boarded a special military jet packed with explosives. It exploded in the air and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Two other empty jets, guided by autopilots, with explosives crashed into Twin Towers.  

SHLYAKHTUROV. Look. 8:46:40: Flight 11 crashes into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99. The aircraft enters the tower intact. 9:03:00: Flight 175 crashes into the south face of the South Tower (2 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 77 and 85. Parts of the plane, including the starboard engine, leave the building from its east and north sides, falling to the ground six blocks away. 9:37:46: Flight 77 crashes into the western side of The Pentagon and starts a violent fire. 10:03:11: Flight 93 crashes southeast of Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.  

PUTIN. Good. Eliminate the tape and kill the team involved. Now.  

LEBEDEV. – Yes, Vladimir Vladimir Vladimirovich.  

PUTIN. – Thank you comrades, it was very impressive. I want to tell you why are we killing America and I want you deliver my message to every officer at your departments.  

We have to protect our country, because Russia is the economic target of the World War III. We have the world's largest reserves of mineral and energy resources, the world's largest forest reserves and its lakes contain 25% of the world's fresh water. Russia is energy superpower : #1 in the world in natural gas reserves, #8 in oil reserves and #2 in coal reserves. The world sources of energy (oil, gas, uranium, coal) are rapidly coming to an end. At the same time China, India, Brazil, Indonesia are rapidly growing. China is increasing its economy (GDP, gross domestic product) by 10% a year – in 5 years there will be 1, 5 China, 1, 15 India, 1, 5 Brazil, 1, 15 Indonesia. 9 billion people on Earth with energy, food and fresh water supplies coming to an end in the next 25-40 years. That means that 500 million Europeans and 300 million Americans have to lower their standards of living – and they will not accept this. The only way out – to get Russian resources to preserve the Western standards of living. Clear?  

LEBEDEV. Absolutely.  

PUTIN. Talking about today’s successful operation. It's extremely important for Russia to re-direct radical Islam vector. It goes through Afghanistan and then through Muslim Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan (former Soviet republics) to Muslim Tatarstan and Muslim Chechnya, constituent republics of Russian federation. We’ll re-direct it to Europe and the USA. I'll stay here for the rest of the day and watch America suffer. Alone...  


“Passive Sabotage” or how KGB killed JFK  


It was KGB revenge for the Caribbean crisis, "the Boomerang" strategy operation, and a very simple one.  

The Cuban (Caribbean) Missile Crisis, was a 13-day (October 16–28, 1962) confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union concerning American ballistic missile deployment in Italy and Turkey with consequent Soviet ballistic missile deployment in Cuba. The confrontation is often considered the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war. President Kennedy ordered to blockade Cuba and forced Soviet leader Khrushchev to withdraw the missiles from Cuba.  


Now, let me show you the technology.  

August 5, 1962, Los Angeles, California  

KGB agents killed Marilyn Monroe (staged suicide – "acute barbiturate poisoning") who somehow got information on planned JFK assassination and desperately tried to contact him or his brother, Robert Kennedy. It’s simple to kill without any traces or in the body if you use a suppository.  

November 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas  

President John Kennedy was assassinated at 12:30 p. m. in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald -?  


Do you know what's conspiracy?  

It’s when you ask a simple question and nobody wants to answer it. And if you ask the wrong questions you get the wrong answers, as with the Warren Commission. Let’s ask some good questions.  

Question 1. What would have happened if the snipers missed the target or Kennedy survived, being merely wounded – sniper is a human being – he makes mistakes?  

Answer. Kennedy would have won the 1964 Presidential election and then conceivably his brothers, Robert and Edward, would keep the Oval Office until 1984. No war in Vietnam.  

Question 2. Why would KGB take such a huge risk?  

Answer. There was no risk at all and there was no "huge conspiracy – there was a "passive sabotage" operation. KGB recruited:  

CIA Director John McCone,  

FBI Director Edgar Hoover  

Secret Service Director James Rowley  

Those three KGB agents ordered their field offices to ignore Oswald until operation is over.  

Question 3. Why was Kennedy murdered in public? President Kennedy was a sick man, taking a lot of pills daily. He had Addison’s disease which, in addition to susceptibility to infection can cause weakness, weight loss and low blood pressure; so he was taking cortisone. For his back pain Dr. Max Jacobson injected him (and Jackie) with a mixture of unspecified (! ) multivitamins, hormones, steroids, enzymes, and animal organ cells. Kennedy also used cocaine, marijuana, hashish and even LSD, especially during dates with women, including prostitutes —- for many people this was not a secret. There were enough opportunities to stage a death in private.  

Answer. This had to be a public execution with a very clear message for the next Presidents – "Don’t touch Soviet Union! " and it worked. No World War III…  


June 5, 1968, Los Angeles, California  

After winning the California primary election for the Democratic nomination for the US President, Senator Robert Kennedy was shot as he walked through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian immigrant, was convicted of Kennedy's murder and is serving a life sentence for the crime.  

ATTENTION. Robert Kennedy promised a full investigation of his brother's assassination in case he was elected.  

1995, New York City, Carlyle Hotel, New York City  

ATTENTION. John Kennedy Jr. announced that his father's death investigation was the most important thing of his life. He'll use his "George" magazine resources to get to the truth.  

In New York he approached Princess Diana Spencer for an interview for his magazine. They met at New York Carlyle Hotel where JFK dated Marilyn Monroe – a holy place for John Kennedy Jr. It was a business meeting, an "investigation" meeting.  

August 31, 1997, Paris, France  

KGB used my instructions on staged car accidents to kill Princess Diana. Diana was fatally injured in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris, which also caused the death of her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed.  

If I have to investigate Diana's death, I would start with a very simple question :what happened to the driver, the Ritz security chief Henri Paul? He tried to out-run paparazzi by speeding down a Riverfront Expressway, but lost somehow control of the Mercedes S280 near the entrance to the Alma Tunnel and crashed into a concrete pillar at an estimated speed of 65 to 70 miles per hour. He died on impact of a severed spine and a ruptured aorta.  

Attention. The tests showed an extraordinary high (not explained until now) level of carbon monoxide in his blood (20. 7 %), which should have caused a severe headache, dizziness, confusion and absolute aversion to alcohol. Very heavy smokers can have a level of up to 9%, and Henri Paul was not a heavy smoker. There were no ventilation problems in his apartment, office or car. The gas didn’t appear from inside Mercedes because no other passenger was affected. So, what happened to Henri Paul?  

July 16, 1999, Atlantic Ocean off Martha's Vineyard  

KGB killed John Kennedy Jr. in a staged plane crash. Kennedy along with his wife Carolyn and sister-in-law Lauren were reported missing when the Piper Saratoga II HP he was piloting failed to arrive at its planned destination, the Martha's Vineyard Airport in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts.  

Anybody else wants to mess with KGB, I mean, Putin?  


Why KGB Trump wanted Bill, Hillary and Obama dead?  

He tried to kill Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to remove the competitors and speed up the process of his own full-scale presidential campaign.  






September 1, 1995  

I was recruited by CIA and had to work as a killer and special operations expert for CIA and FBI. I had to spy on the White House and the U. S. Congress and kill American politicians.  

Also, I, a KGB spy, had to teach American presidents how to rule America and created "The Professional" system – special instructions on successful election and re-election campaigns, strategic planning and top decisions making, national security, foreign policy and diplomacy, propaganda, economy, war and special operations. That’s why Bill Clinton won 1996 re-election campaign. In 2007 it was published as the White House Special Handbook. Obama was using it, and now – Trump.  

I could never imagine that in America I could have a unique status, "carte blanche" which means a “license to kill” any politician who is the threat to CIA. CIA and FBI also asked for effective interrogation, tortures and murders methods and readily used them in Guantanamo, Iraq and Afghanistan. I, not Condi Rice or Hillary Clinton, designed the world domination, “controlled chaos” and “color” revolutions strategies successfully used to blow up Yugoslavia, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, and unite USA and EU for the World War III for Russian resources. But CIA wanted more from me – they had "a hell of a job up to my high professional skills as a former KGB anti-terror “Nabat” (”The Bell”) group sniper. Working abroad – Europe, Asia, Middle East – was OK with me, but I had no intention to kill politicians in America and play Lee Oswald-2. They've pressed me hard in return.  

Who was the first target? President Bill Clinton – CIA wanted me "to stay close to him".  

CIA and FBI awarded me with immigration status for my consent.  



CIA didn't guarantee my personal security, so, and I couldn't do “a big job” and Bill Clinton has to thank for saving his life.  

Now I understand who was behind the operation – Donald Trump. Why? Because Bill Clinton was the target of Italian mafia and Trump was the New York mafia most powerful families associate. Look.  


Bill Clinton, the target  


About 700, 000 people are the victims of Latin American, Italian and other mafia organizations international trafficking each year. In order to combat the growing and widespread issue of trafficking, the UNO members concluded a new protocol to the Transnational Crime Commission that banned trafficking, resulting in the Palermo Protocol, which the U. S. President Bill Clinton helped develop and support. During this process and ultimately to provide for both implementation of the Protocol and to fill gaps in U. S. law, Congress passed the bipartisan Trafficking Victims Protection Act, and it was signed by President Clinton on October 28, 2000 (Public Law 106-386). The issue of trafficking in persons included those trafficked into the commercial sex industry, modern slavery, and forced labor.  

ATTENTION : Italian mafia is involved in everything from the drug trade, sex trafficking, gambling to real estate and construction. In 2000, the BBC reported that Italian mafia groups had a combined capital of $800 billion. Italian gangs cooperate with Albanian gangs in the trafficking of women and girls to USA for prostitution.  


Donald Trump, the mafia associate : the facts are:  

1. Trump bought the property that his Atlantic City casino Trump Plaza would one day occupy -- for twice market price -- from Salvatore Testa, a Philly mobster and son of one-time Philly mob boss Philip "Chicken Man" Testa. Testa and a partner, who together headed a Philly mafia hit-squad called the Young Executioners, bought the property for "a scant $195, 000" in 1977. In 1982, Trump paid $1. 1 million for it. The casino was built with the help of two construction companies controlled by Philly mobsters Nicademo "Little Nicky" Scarfo and his nephew Phillip "Crazy Phil" Leonetti ( data оf a New Jersey state commission's 1986 report on organized crime).  

2. In Manhattan, Trump used the mob-controlled concrete company S&A to build Trump Plaza condos. Anthony "Fat Tony" Salerno, head of the Genovese crime family, and Paul Castellano, the don of New York's Gambino family, controlled S&A ( according to federal court records).  

He built the Trump Tower out of concrete, instead of steel, at a time when the mafia controlled much the concrete industry. Trump and Salerno were both represented by high-power attorney Roy Cohn. On at least one occasion Trump and Salerno had a sit-down in Cohn’s apartment. Trump has denied this claim in the past.  

3. Trump was a target of a 1979 bribery investigation and was questioned in a 1981 racketeering probe, but neither federal investigation led to criminal charges.  

4. Trump sent lawyer Harvey I. Freeman, to negotiate with Ken Shapiro, the “investment banker” for Nicky Scarfo, the especially vicious killer who was Atlantic City’s mob boss ( according to federal prosecutors and the New Jersey State Commission on Investigation).  

5. Scarfo, whose reign as head of the Philly mob was one of the bloodiest in history, controlled the bartenders union, which represented Trump’s workers in Atlantic City.  

6. Gambling addict and racehorse trader Robert LiButti would frequently refer to gangster John Gotti as “my boss. ” His gambling losses scored over $11 million to Trump’s casino between 1986 and 1989. Trump said that he knew that LiButti was a high roller in the town but never actually knew him and “had nothing to do with him. ” But that’s not what Trump Plaza head Jack O’Donnell, said, “It isn’t like [Trump] saw LiButti once or twice—he spent time with him, saw him multiple times. ” O’Donnell said that Trump also attended LiButti’s daughter’s birthday party. It’s illegal for casinos to give high rollers money to gamble with, but the above mentioned commission also found that Trump Plaza gave LiButti $1. 65 million in gifts and cars. Trump also bought a $90, 000 horse from LiButti for $250, 000.  

They said that Libutti ‘was in Donald Trump’s pockets’ – meaning Libutti knew of serious rule violations at the Trump casino that would interest the regulators. Had these claims been investigated and proven, they would surely have cost Trump his casino licence, but Trump’s relationship with Libutti was just another part of his long history of flouting the supposedly strict regulations of New Jersey casinos.  

7. One of Trump’s attorneys at the time was Roy Cohn who also had mob clients including Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, who owned a cement company. Former Trump Organization executive Barbara Res said that Trump would pull out a photo of Cohn and threaten to sue people and tell them who his lawyer was. Trump denies it, however. Cohn and Trump also had a tight relationship with Teamsters official John A. Cody, who had ties to mob bosses Carlo Gambino and Paul Castellano, a Justice Department memo from 1982 outlined.  

8. Russian-born Felix Sater was once a stockbroker but lost his license. Still, he was involved in a Mafia-linked scheme to artificially jack up stock value of marginal stocks and then dump them on investors who don’t know any better and funnel the profit in offshore accounts. Sater worked with Trump on the Trump SoHo condo project as well as the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Fort Lauderdale, FL. General counsel to the Trump Organization, Alan Garten said that they vet companies but not individual employees of companies they do partnerships with. Because Sater’s racketeering case was sealed, he said that it was unfair to look back and say “you should have known. ” However, in 2010, after Trump and his lawyers knew about Sater’s conviction, they offered him free office space in Trump Tower and he served as “Senior Advisor to Donald Trump, ” according to his business card. Garten says that Sater was unpaid and Trump claims the “deals” Sater brought him weren’t any good.  

9. Trump decided to lend his name to a line of luxury stretch limousines. The entrepreneur who came up with this Trumpian idea was a wealthy and successful auto dealer from Long Island John Staluppi. According to the FBI, Staluppi was also a made member of the Colombo crime family. Trump proudly unveiled the lavish autos—complete with Italian leather upholstery, liquor dispensers, TVs. Staluppi had been under steady investigation by federal and state law enforcement for more than a decade and detectives had followed him to meetings with Colombo family boss Carmine "The Snake" Persico.

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4064737178?profile=originalBy Oscar Y. Harward

It is disturbing as 12 Republicans in the Senate would vote against President Donald Trump’s Executive Order to build a wall in protecting Americans safer.  All criminals must be stopped from entering into the USA through Mexico.  This is a foremost divisive issue vote against President Donald Trump’s and America’s


economy and safety policies.

There are approximately 1,347,000 active members of the Armed Forces in America.

There are approximately 11,000,000 illegal immigrants in America.

By the numbers, ‘illegal’ immigrants in the USA out number active members of our Armed Forces in the USA by some 8 to1.

Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Susan Collins (R-ME), Mike Lee (R-UT), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Rob Portman (R-OH), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Patrick Toomey (R-PA), and Roger Wicker (R-MS) are 12 registered GOP US Senators who voted for Democrats’ Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, and the left-wing Democrat Party.

A vote for Schumer, Pelosi, and all other Capitol Hill Democrats is a vote against President Trump’s plan of building a wall on the southern border to ‘Make America Great Again’ and ‘Make America Safe Again’; and a vote against President Trump’s National Emergency Executive Order.   

Republican voters must remember these 12 Senators who choose to vote with the Democrat Party are determined to allow more criminal lawbreakers by attacking, robbing, raping, and other criminal acts against Americans.  These lawbreakers also bring illegal drugs onto America’s streets and into our schools and our communities.

All 12 Republican Senators joined in voting ‘NO’ with the Democrat Party’s message for President Trump is to stop building a wall to ‘Make America Great Again’ and to stop efforts to ‘Make America Safe Again’.

According to Real Clear Politics,Uncle Sam spends a staggering $775 per day for each child housed at a shelter near Florida's Homestead Air Reserve Base. There they have access to medical care, school and recreation. They stay, on average, 67 days at the Homestead shelter before being released to a sponsor. Do the math. That's almost $52,000 per child. American parents would appreciate the government spending that money on their kids. Imagine the government handing you a check for $52,000 for your teenager.”

Common sense for economic and safety reasons shows building the wall is an economic and safety decision.  Results show that President Trump and Americans should and must build a wall on the southern border to ‘Make America Great Again’ and ‘Make America Safe Again’.

Americans must join with President Donald Trump in his effort to stop crime from crossing into the USA bringing more crime.                           

All so-called ‘RINO’ Republicans and Democrat Party Senators who vote to promote or allow more criminality to enter the USA need to be defeated in their next elections.

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US House Democrat Party majority members vote to allow ‘illegal immigrates to vote in US Elections.

What is more dangerous than Capitol Hill Democrats to give our CONSTITUTION RIGHTS to give away our ‘PRECIOUS’ RIGHTS to illegal immigrants?

Capitol Hill Democrats have gone totally CRAZY.   

Today, Democrat Party Democrats voted to give ‘illegal’ immigrants the RIGHTS to vote in America; all contrary to the RIGHTS of our US Constitution.

The final US House votes were as listed; Democrats 234; Republicans 193:


























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Remember, in some states, it is now legal for a mother and her doctor to decide what to do with a perfectly live baby after a botched abortion; let the baby live or kill it.

WOW!  It appears the left-wingers are now misleading our young girls as the Scout Leaders steer our Girl Scouts to Planned Parenthood and its affiliates. – Oscar Y. Harward

The Girl Scouts haven’t been the beacon of moral example for girls in some time, and their latest event proves just how far they’ve fallen.

According to Life News, one Girl Scout teen organized a project that teamed with the Women’s March in order to further the goals of what these groups refer to as “women’s healthcare”:

“In a national survey in 2013, seventeen Girl Scouts councils admitted to partnering with Planned Parenthood; other councils refuse to answer the survey question,” wrote Life News. “Of the 315 Girl Scout councils in the U.S., 17 councils reported having a relationship with Planned Parenthood and its affiliates, and 49 reported they do not. The other 249 refused to disclose any relationship.”

What is next?  Are our young girls being taught in the Girl Scouts that it is now legal to kill our babies?

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During the previous Presidential Obama administration, it seems many liberal left-wing activists developed aggressive and illegal attack habits on conservatives. 

Inasmuch has President Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election, these liberal left-wing activists of aggressive and illegal attack habits on conservatives have grown.

This activity must be stopped.

University of California-Berkeley Police, Zachary Greenberg, was arrested by the University of California Police Department (UCPD) and booked into jail at 1 p.m. for Greenberg’s totally unnecessary attack on Turning Point USA activist, Hayden Williams.

Zachary Greenberg, an out-of-control ‘left-wing’ activist must be firmly sentenced for his assault on Hayden Williams; only because Hayden Williams was a conservative.

Zachary Greenberg should be expelled permanently from being allowed to enter onto any school of higher education properties, sentenced to a long term in prison, and denied any other appearances when Conservative speaker were speaking in any assembly.

Furthermore, He should be forced to pay total payments for medical recovery as long as the victim needs Healthcare as necessary. - Oscar Y. Harward

Man arrested for assault on conservative activist at UC Berkeley

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By Oscar Y. Harward

Democrat Party’s leaders say there are no threats on the Southern Border.

Democrat Party leaders oppose a wall at the Mexico/USA border. President Jefferson said, “A nation with no border is not a nation.”

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

FY2018TD list of recent illegal immigrants’ criminal activity FY18TD
Assault, battery, domestic violence 506
Burglary, robbery, larceny, theft, fraud 322
Homicide, manslaughter 3
Illegal drug possession, trafficking 816
Illegal entry, re-entry 3,637
Illegal weapons possession, transport, trafficking 98
Sexual offenses 78


From 7 to 77: There's been an explosion in building border walls since World War II

Democrats oppose a wall on the Mexico/USA border.
Democrats support sanctuary cities; prohibiting ICE from investigating, arresting, prosecuting, sentencing, and/or deportation.
Democrats oppose ICE law enforcement
Democrats support criminals in sanctuary cities who are allowed to function openly without the fear of being arrested.

Republicans support a wall to stop illegal immigrants and criminals from crossing into the USA.
Republicans support a wall and want to stop illegal drugs from entering the USA.
Republicans support a wall to stop criminal illegal immigrants from entering the USA.
Republicans support a wall to stop attackers, rapists, and murderers, etc. from entering the USA.

Republicans support President Trump to restore Secure Communities; allows ICE to obtain local law enforcement agencies for removal of noncitizens who were deportable, whether convicted or not.
How many Americans must be attacked, robed, murdered, raped, or otherwise become victims of illegal immigrants before Capitol Hill Democrats decide to protect Americans?

Many nations around the world have built walls for their peoples’ successful protections. Why does Democrat Party’s Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi refuse to support a wall on the southern border to protect Americans?

As illegal immigrants and many criminals are openly entering the USA, Democrat Party leaders are supporting criminal activity over the safety for Americans.

President Donald Trump and Republicans want to make America GREAT again.

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Rep. Omar Doesn't Know How Her Comments About Gaza War Is Offensive To Israel from Wayne Dupree Show on Vimeo.

How Democrats may be destroying America

By Oscar Y. Harward

Islamic Muslims are invited to come into America; more than the usual during the President Obama administration.  Since President  Trump’s inauguration, US District Judges may, by order, allowing more Islamic Muslims into the USA.  Many immigrants come in and study our Constitution, our US Code, and our entire government.

Islamic Muslims continue to grow in population.

 From a report from VOA, “Jetpac estimates that 128 Muslims ran in the 2018 election at all levels of government from very local (precinct captains) to national (U.S. senators).”

“Four of them won, notably Michigan Democrat Socialist Rashida Tlaiband Ilhan Omar of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. They will become the first Muslim women in the U.S. Congress. In addition, Indiana Congressman André Carson was re-elected and former Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison won his bid for state attorney general.”

Muslims have now started becoming candidates for public office and after winning, they may lead in changing legislation to replace America, our Constitution, our American flag, and God’s Word from Judeo-Christian values ‘TO’ a nation under Islam, Sharia Law, an Islamic flag.

Voters are now voting for and Muslims are winning elections as Islamic Muslim candidates.

Democrat Party’s Speaker of the House, Nance Pelosi has now appointed newly elected Ilhan Omar (MN-D-5) to serve on the Foreign Affairs Committee. 

With Ilhan Omar’s (MN-D-5) openness and in her open opposition to most all of President Trump’s positions allowing her to learn all intelligence while serving on the US House Intelligence Committee may allow her to damage America on America’s national, international, and political policies around the world that may leave America in danger from protecting our own citizens.

Now, they’ve invited Ilhan Omar from Minnesota into their ranks and she is not only radical, but she’s also super hyped up on changing a few things. The House of Representative rules has already been changed to accommodate her.

Omar allegedly defended men in her state who chose to join the Islamic State terror group and against the US military.

As you  read and understand the Declaration of Independence, it is clear America was based on Judeo-Christian values; and nothing else.

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Which Political Party on Capitol Hill is responsible for our US Code when Illegal Immigrants create crime, even rape or murder, don’t go to jail; they are deported? – Oscar Y. Harward

The media never cares when Americans are killed by illegal immigrants

The criminal alien DUI problem is also completely covered up by the media. Every year, ICE apprehends illegals responsible for roughly 80,000 DUIs, 76,000 other traffic offenses, 76,000 drug offenses, and 50,000 assaults. Yet the majority of illegals live in sanctuary jurisdictions that won’t turn over those with such “low-level” charges. Thus, one could imagine that the severity of the illegal crime wave is much worse than the ICE apprehensions suggest. Sure, even sanctuaries will turn over illegals once they’ve committed murder, but the murderers usually come from the pool of those who committed these other offenses for which the sanctuaries will not honor ICE detainers. - Conservative Review

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