Michael J. Fell's Posts (98)

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The "progressive" "Agenda for America

Despite voluminous amounts of saccharine coated “progressive” rhetoric to the contrary, today’s "progressives" do not care about “the little guy”, women, children, or minorities of any shape, color, creed, form or substance.

4063697374?profile=originalTheir method is to surreptitiously use cultural Marxism, critical theory and political correctness in combination with gradual inevitability to create divided, hyphenated special interest victim groups. Once those groups have been created, the next step is to inflame those groups with hate-filled red herring and straw-man hyperbole in hopes that the under-educated, under-informed and/or fully indoctrinated members of those hyphenated special interest victim groups will vote against Conservative Americans who have been targeted for character assassination.

“Targeted for character assassination?” one might ask?

Witness the multiple, repeated violations committed by the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security on behalf of the “progressive” agenda driven Barack Hussein Obama administration. All aggressively committed against Tea Party Patriot groups, religious groups, assorted members of the news media, private donors to Conservative political campaigns and others perceived by members of the White House and their political/philosophical brethren as enemies of the “progressive” agenda.

Additionally, four Americans were left to die in Benghazi because the Obama administration neglected to 4063697430?profile=originalrespond appropriately to terrorist threat warnings from their own people prior to the Commander in Chief being absent without leave during a seven hour battle. Apparently it was more important for Obama to get his beauty rest before flying the next day to a fund raising event in Las Vegas where he could once again reassure his deep pocketed “progressive” allies that the treat from Islam was finished because Seal Team 6 killed Osama bin Laden.

Never mind that Islam has been a threat to Western Civilization since the seventh century AD and continues to be a threat to every country, culture or faith that refuses to conform to their doctrine.

Not only were reprehensible actions willfully taken by Obama, as well as card carrying members of the “progressive” movement within his administration; orchestrated cover ups, stonewalling of issues, denial of facts and revolving, shifting and changing stories have been employed in continued attempts to derail ongoing investigations.

The true goal "progressives" hope to attain is their long lusted after dream of unopposed, perpetual control over the American population.

"Evidence?" one may ask?

Try Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Food Stamps and Obamacare.

4063697390?profile=originalIf unopposed, perpetual control over America is not the “progressive” goal, why the rush by “progressives” to grant amnesty to predominantly under-educated and under-informed illegal aliens who are thereby ideal for recruitment into a “progressive” hyphenated special interest victim group? Why are illegal aliens freely allowed access to America’s big government “progressive” “entitlement” programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Food Stamps and Obamacare, despite their unlawful status if the desired end result is not to incorporate them into the “progressive” political agenda?

Using a combination of the Fabian Socialist strategy of gradual inevitability and Frankfurt School tactics of cultural Marxism, critical theory and political correctness, today’s "progressives" softly whisper sweet little lies that sound oh so good into the ears of their low income, low information “progressive” hyphenated special interest victim group voter base, hoping they will continue to fall for sugar coated “progressive” rubbish.

All in the hopes of successfully imposing a European socio-economic class structure upon America…while casting themselves (of course) in the role of the superior upper-class ruling elite.

Can you say the Soviet Politburo?

The end results of adhering to “progressive” philosophy and employing “progressive” policies will be an end to America’s centuries old traditions of individual liberty and the right to own private property. American Citizens will experience dramatically increased costs of living, measurably lowered living standards and ultimately, national bankruptcy and an end to national sovereignty.

Instead of being the land of the free and the home of the brave, America will be at the mercy of a self-4063697348?profile=originalimagined, self-appointed oligarchy of supposed intellectual superiors who achieved their position of perpetual power through the most egregious display of selfishness and ruthlessness in American history. In the name of social or economic “justice” “progressives” will dismantle the Constitution and reverse the gains made by individuals and society that came about as a result of the American Revolution.

History will show that once they persuaded enough unsuspecting Americans to trust them, progressives” seized private assets and outlawed private property. It will be because when “progressives” looked into network television cameras and lied about having the best interests of America at heart, too many Americans bought it. It will be because when “progressives” took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, swearing on the Bible and imploring “So help me, God,” too many Americans believed they actually meant it.

Future generations reading the story of American history will be left to ponder: How could Americans have been so wrong, so mistaken and made such poor choices? Why would America abandon a highly successful blueprint for society, economy and governance after centuries of their own history demonstrated the success of that structure? How could Americans have been so stupid as to believe that the model and methods responsible for their success had suddenly become what was wrong with America?

It has taken a century for the “progressive” use of Fabian strategy and Frankfurt tactics to bring America to this point; a tipping point.

The damage will not be repaired overnight. It will take longer than one, two or three election cycles to return America to its original, correct course. Americans demanding immediate gratification will long suffer unbearable periods of dissatisfaction.

Is that insidious "progressive" smile one of approval for the acts of God fearing, freedom loving Americans? Do not be deceived, it is a trap. Do not be betrayed by their words. Instead, ask how their glorious words agree with acts committed by the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security. Are such actions necessary in a land where government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed? Do not be fooled. These are acts which will lead to subjugation and slavery. These are the acts to which tyrants resort. Why were these actions taken, if not to force Americans into submission? Can intellectually honest people assign any other possible motives to them?

If Americans hope to save themselves from the chains of “progressivism,” they must be willing to fight. Will they live in liberty, or will America die?

Revolution is coming.

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"progressives" in American Politics

4063693645?profile=originalWhile “progressives” have existed in both major American political Parties for over a century, in recent years "progressives" have consumed the Democratic Party’s structural hierarchy while simultaneously increasingly insinuating themselves into the ranks of Republican Party leadership. This has led to a blurring in the minds of the American voter of the distinction between the two. Combine that blurred distinction with the growing reality that members of both Parties are increasingly interested in keeping their own powerful positions, replete with benefits comparable to royalty, and it becomes dangerously less possible to distinguish between them.

When Republicans sound and act like Democrat-light and Democrats hijack the rhetoric of and abduct issues from the Republican Party, how can the voter reasonably expect to decipher the difference?

The American political system has been corrupted by self-interested career politicians far more interested in their own political survival and the accompanying feeding from the public trough than they are in looking out for the interests of the American voter.

Americans need to realize that the Republican versus Democrat political paradigm, if not dead, is on failing life support.

Being a Republican no longer consistently means standing for constitutionally limited affordable 4063693762?profile=originalgovernment, lower taxes and a free market capitalist economic system. Today’s Democratic Party is definitely not the Party of John F. Kennedy. The Party of “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” has become the Party of steal from the productive and control the redistribution of that wealth to a government dependent class which cries out “give us more free stuff.” In the interest of getting themselves re-elected, members of both political Parties have moved in the direction of giving away “free stuff,” be it in the form of Welfare and Food Stamps to the inner city poor or in the form of subsidies and tax breaks for special interest groups eager to be on the receiving end of crony capitalism.

In the twenty first century, the contemporary political paradigm in America is no longer Republican versus Democrat. It is Americans versus "progressives."

If you are a "progressive" you are not an American, and if you're an American you will never be a "progressive."

Upon what foundation can such an assertion be made?

Today, the political philosophical divide in the United States lies between the intent of America’s Founding Fathers and the intent of “progressives”, who favor the Marxist view. The Marxist view is directly, fundamentally and diametrically opposed to the uniquely American view.

America is the birthplace of freedoms that allows everyone the right to own private property.

How would Americans react if, after years of struggle to make their mortgage payments, they finally owned their own home, then, what they thought was an American government “informed” them that their home did not belong to them after all, it belonged to “all of the people” and Americans had to follow government mandates to allow strangers to live on their property and in the home they had long labored to purchase…whether they liked it or not?

4063693675?profile=originalThe American idea, the shot heard round the world, is that the people can govern themselves. By the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God Americans are entitled, by virtue of their humanity, to the maximum amount of Individual Liberties consistent with law and order, and to the Right of private ownership, not the least of which is the Right to own and decide for themselves. Where to live, what to do for a living, what to eat, where their children will go to school, what motor vehicle they will drive, what healthcare plan and which doctors work best for them. These Liberties and Rights are to be equally protected by a constitutionally limited, representative government that derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.

America’s Founding Fathers declared that all men are created equal; that in effect, all men are kings, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They believed that a self-governing people could thrive without the “benefit” of having an oligarchy ruling over them.

A system which allowed “common people” to own property without first obtaining permission from a 4063693724?profile=original“divinely ordained” ruler - the American system - was a radical departure from centuries old norms. As originally designed by its Founding Fathers, America was a place where anyone could come, work hard, earn money, save those earnings, purchase property and elevate themselves and their posterity to a level that had hitherto been unattainable where individuals remained shackled by the constraints of older political systems. America was the place where undue government interference did not prevent individual achievement.

The “progressive” idea is that an all-powerful centrally planned government, with extreme hostility towards private ownership, forces redistribution of wealth in the name of social or economic “justice”. In order to ensure “fairness”, an oligarchy of self-imagined, self-appointed “intellectual elites” will control businesses, industries and people who are incapable of governing themselves.

These “progressive” ideas are European in origin, not American.

By fleeing Europe, America’s settlers rejected Europe’s failed ideas in pursuit of a better future. A future where their dreams and ambitions were no longer restricted by the outmoded constraints imposed upon them by the European socio-economic class structure.

For over two centuries America has been an unprecedented success where a five thousand year leap was possible. Since its birth America has been a beacon to freedom seeking people because the American idea is the better idea.

Among Americans there is no debate that the United States of America is by far the most inventive, productive, prosperous and charitable nation in the history of the planet. Among “progressives,” America is populated by backwards thinking, greedy, evil bigots who need to be “enlightened” and shown the error of their ways by their “progressive” superiors.

There has yet to be put forth one rational, logical argument to support abandoning the highly successful American idea in favor of European ideas that are currently failing in Europe itself.


Love. Early American Style.

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"progressives" in The Media

4063693180?profile=originalThe American mainstream media has long been sympathetic to the “progressive” cause. For decades they have made subliminal editorial decisions regarding their reportage in favor of “progressive” concepts and candidates. They, along with teachers, professors, Hollywood producers, screenplay writers and actors have slowly, carefully but consistently nudged American thought farther to the left.

Case in point: Edward R. Murrow, who was a member of the John F. Kennedy 4063693097?profile=originaladministration and later awarded the Medal of Freedom by Lyndon B. Johnson. Murrow is best remembered for TV news reports that led to the censure of a pro-America Senator Joseph McCarthy. The memory of Murrow is championed by “progressive” outlets such as Newsweek Magazine and NPR. The “progressive" former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann considers Murrow his idol. Members of today’s “progressive” media and “progressive” academia view Murrow's name as synonymous with journalistic excellence.

By the year 2008, once the nomination of Barack Hussein Obama as the "progressive" Democratic Party’s candidate for president was secured, the "progressive" Party Pravda, also known as the American mainstream media, moved beyond the subliminal (and sometimes not so subliminal) bias they had manifested for decades and entered the realm of advocacy.

4063693193?profile=originalMake that "progressive" advocacy.

Media bias against Conservatives and in favor of “progressive” concepts and candidates is nothing new. Look at what they did to Joseph McCarthy, Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Dan Quayle and Andrew Breitbart.

However, in today’s world their tactics have exceeded bias and grotesquely mutated into deifying "progressivism" while vilifying Conservatism. Look at what they have done for Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Michael Bloomberg, Chuck Schumer, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Look at what they have done and are doing to Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Allen West, Mia Love, Tim Scott, Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz and Benjamin Carson.

At each and every available opportunity, the “progressive” Party Pravda has eagerly jumped to wrongly 4063693215?profile=originalsuggest that every violent public occurrence was likely committed by a potentially dangerous, Conservative right wing Tea Party extremist type. For example, take the cold-blooded Gabby Giffords shooting, the tragic Newtown Connecticut murders and the Boston Marathon Islamo-fascist terrorist bombing.

4063693255?profile=originalMeanwhile, what did the “progressive” Party Pravda do to truthfully report what happened in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11/2012, when four Americans were left to die? Did they level with America and disclose that the Obama administration was involved in a massive presidential election year cover-up or did they knowingly and willfully repeat White House talking points in order to aid and abet Obama’s re-election? How about the Department of Justice’s ill-advised, ill-fated Fast and Furious gun running operation which intentionally put semi-automatic weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, where those weapons were involved in the slaughter of hundreds of Mexican civilians and a U.S. Border Agent? Do Americans know the real unemployment numbers and why the reported numbers are artificially low? How many Americans know that the U.S. Senate, under the so-called leadership of “progressive” Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) consciously neglected to pass a budget in four years? Do they know about the gruesomely bloody late term abortion/murder trial in Pennsylvania of Kermit Gosnell? What do they know about the death toll in Syria’s ongoing civil war?

The "progressive" Party Pravda is government controlled media telling the American public what 4063693278?profile=original"progressive" politicians want them to think, want them to focus on and where their attention should be directed.

Trusting information disseminated by the “progressive” Party Pravda is a fool’s errand. They are not to be trusted. They are hiding the truth about America’s political system, the federal government’s centrally planned “progressive” controlled academic agenda, the degenerative nature of American popular culture, and intentionally misleading the public about events, facts, figures and the importance of adhering to and restoring America’s exceptional values and historic traditions.

Thanks largely to the “progressive” Party Pravda’s reinforcing wrong headed ideas being infused into the minds of the voting public by academia and pop culture, Americans are seemingly unaware of the shift in America’s political dynamics. They are oblivious to the swing away from the now obsolete century plus old Republican versus Democrat political paradigm.


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"progressive" Origins

4063691391?profile=originalThe "progressive" movement in America first appeared during the late 19th century in response to so called “robber barons" such as Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and J.P. Morgan. The “progressives” saw what to them was unbridled capitalism being practiced by these men and deemed it to be injurious to the well-being of the masses. Early "progressives" included Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Teddy Roosevelt and Howard Taft were Republicans. Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt were Democrats.

The American "progressive" movement leaned heavily upon and was greatly influenced by the Fabian 4063691447?profile=originalSocialist Society in England. The Fabian Socialists contribution to the "progressive" movement was the idea that their goals could be achieved most successfully if their society worked to re-mold the world nearer to their heart’s desire gradually, using tactics of harassment and attrition, and striking full force only when their moment was at hand. This strategy was employed by their namesake, the Roman general Fabius Maximus, who used it in combat against the superior military forces of Hannibal and the Carthaginians.

This strategy, also known as gradual inevitability, has been one of the cornerstones of the “progressive” movement in America. Instead of attempting to over-reach for their long term goal to subjugate the American public in one fell swoop, thereby ensuring that the electorate of a country founded upon the pillars of freedom and liberty would roundly and soundly reject their ideas, they decided to take on a seemingly insurmountable task in small steps that were both more easily hidden and more easily digested by the Republic.

4063691513?profile=originalThe federal income tax began in 1913, courtesy of “progressives” William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson. Thanks to the unyielding activism of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who browbeat the United States Supreme Court into accepting his legislation against their better judgment, Social Security was launched in 1935. Medicare and Medicaid came into being in the year 1965 courtesy of Lyndon Baines Johnson and his Great Society agenda. Thanks to the concerted efforts of numerous “progressives” in both houses of Congress, who reached secretive backroom deal in the dead of night, twisted arms and employed the parliamentary procedure known as reconciliation in the Senate, they, along with the Barack Hussein Obama White House were able to pass "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," commonly known as Obamacare, which was signed into law in 2010.

This is an accurate description of a gradual “progression” toward the inevitable goal of an expanded government taking increasing control over the lives of individuals.

The next powerful influence on the “progressive” movement in America was the Frankfurt School.

The Frankfurt School was an openly Communist group formed in 1923 during the pre-Nazi Germany 4063691471?profile=originalWeimar Republic. After Adolph Hitler came to power in 1933 the Frankfurt School knew that if they stayed in Germany Hitler would kill them for being Communists. They then fled Germany to escape that fate and were welcomed into the United States by "progressive" President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

From the Frankfurt school, "progressives" in America assimilated the concepts of cultural Marxism, critical theory and political correctness. Cultural Marxism, critical theory and political correctness were the driving force behind the 1960s cultural-revolution in the United States.

Cultural Marxism is an offshoot of Marxism that maintains that human behavior results from culture, instead of heredity or race. Cultural Marxists promoted the idea of racially organizing non-whites in concert while asserting that for white people, race does not exist. Cultural Marxists promoted the impairment of white people, race-based affirmative action, globalization, coded speech, censorship, diversity, anti-Western education, dysfunctional sexual norms, the mass immigration of Third World populations into Western countries, multiculturalism over a nation rooted in common ancestry, and elevating non-Western religions above Western religions. Cultural Marxism advocates the idea that whites, instead of giving birth to white babies, should marry interracially or adopt non-white children.

Critical Theory is destructive criticism of the main elements of Western culture: Christianity, morality, capitalism, conservatism, authority, family, patriarchy, hierarchy, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethnocentrism and convention.

Political correctness was and remains another key element. The basis of political correctness is: when addressing the general public, present your beliefs attractively. It’s a matter of being “sensitive” to other people. Use words such as “tolerance” and “diversity,” asking: “Why can’t we all just get along?”

Political correctness in the USA was championed by Herbert Marcuse. Marcuse became one of the main gurus of the 1960s adolescent sexual revolution. He was the one who coined the expression “make love, not war.”

By using the Fabian Socialist strategy of gradual inevitability in combination with the tactics of cultural Marxism, critical theory and political correctness, “progressives” in America discovered a prescription with which to lethally poison America’s political system, academic atmosphere, mass media information delivery infra-structure and popular culture while attacking America’s exceptional values and long standing traditions.

Revolution is coming.

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The "progressive"

The “progressive” does not care about Americans.4063691302?profile=original

They do not care about the dim bulb, buck toothed flyover American’s life. They do not care about the Liberties of slope headed inferiors who bitterly cling to their Bibles and guns. Nor are “progressives” concerned with how Neanderthal hayseeds define the pursuit of happiness.

What “progressives” care about is ruling over the people who populate a country called the United States of America.

Note: ruling over, not governing.

The underlying, unflinching, insistent “progressive” belief is that Americans unknowingly adhere to a fatally flawed, unjust, reprehensible system of government that must be replaced by one envisioned by the superior intellect embodied within the “progressive” mind.

To their bone marrow the “progressive” believes that the American free market capitalist system is patently unfair to the masses. Most do not enjoy the privileges of those who rise to the top. The disparity of income distribution is “unfair” and must be rectified through “progressive” economic reform. In the mind’s eye of a “progressive, the key to a more equitable system lies in “progressive” taxation upon those who succeed, and a redistribution of their wealth to those who have been “less fortunate.”

The success of such a scheme depends upon the existence of a government big enough and strong enough to take what it wants from the successful and give it to “the needy.” The flaw in the system that “progressives” never explain to “the needy” is that a government big enough to give them everything they need is also big enough to take it away from them…especially if that government is big enough and powerful enough to force the successful, who achieved their status through hard work, discipline, intelligence, resourcefulness and adaptability to surrender their wealth to the collective.

To the “progressive” mind, the United States Constitution is an outdated document written by selfish, rich, white slave holders that has long since outlived its usefulness. It is beyond repair. The only solution to such a predicament is to “progress” beyond the Constitution.

Of course, it matters not to “progressives” that the U.S. Constitution, as written by America’s founders, is completely capable of revisiting issues that remained unresolved at the time of its ratification by the original thirteen states. Any child enrolled in a halfway decent political science class knows that the Constitution has been amended twenty seven times.

The “progressive” political modus operandi is: The ends justify the means.

There is nothing Liberal about “progressives.” Were the great William F. Buckley Jr. alive today, it is not hard to imagine that his famous quote: “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views” might well have been assigned to those who now label themselves as “progressives.”

This is the danger America is facing in the twenty first century. To say it is an existential threat is neither hyperbole nor fabrication.

Those who once described themselves as Liberals, have deliberately chosen to openly pattern their political ambitions and behaviors after the political ambitions and behaviors practiced by early twentieth century “progressives.”

Join the Revolution

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Welcome to the Hotel Mexifornia

On Wednesday, April 3, 2013, a group of women enjoying a “girl’s day out” noticed something amiss in Beverly Hills California.  They noticed that the Beverly Hills Hotel was flying the Mexican flag next to the American flag.    

4063683811?profile=originalThey proceeded to enter the hotel and ask why a hotel located in Beverly Hills, CA was flying the flag of a foreign nation alongside Old Glory.

Brandon (who did not give his last name) the front desk manager working in the hotel told them it had been raised to honor the heritage of Mexican farms that were located on the land before the hotel was built.

He then proceeded to tell them to “get used to it” and had security escort them from the building.

Apparently this is not the first time this issue has been raised with the hotel: http://immigrationbuzz.com/?p=2321

Why were American Citizens escorted from the premises for asking that question?

Why were American Citizens told to “get used to” seeing the Mexican Flag fly above a hotel located within the United States of America?

Not only does the day manager’s explanation sound dubious, it does not jive with the history shown in the hotels own video: http://www.beverlyhillshotel.com/anniversary-video

Anyone acquainted with American history knows that California has been part of the United States since the Mexican-American War (1846–1848) ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which determined that the states of California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and Utah would became U.S. Territories, while the lower region of California, the Baja Peninsula, remained a part of Mexico.

America assumed a $3.25 million dollar debt and paid out $15 million more for California. Translated to today's money, that $15 million comes to $376 billion.

Quite simply, this is part of the “progressive” assault upon America. This is happening while “progressives” within both major American political Parties attempt to devalue American Citizenship through “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Not only should American Citizens contact Congress and tell them granting American Citizenship to foreign nationals who broke the law to come and stay in America unwarranted, they should contact the Beverly Hills Hotel immediately and let them know that flying the flag of a foreign country within the United States of America is completely unacceptable.

Reservations@thebeverlyhillshotel.com  310-276-2251.

Watch Episode 1 for free 


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Courage Is No Longer Just a Word

On Sunday, June 26, 2011, the world premiere of the first episode of the new Colony Bay Entertainment series: “Courage, New Hampshire” took place in Monrovia, CA.4063681699?profile=original

The Inspiration channel, which ranks among the fastest growing basic cable networks in America with a broadcast reach of up to 73 million viewers, recently announced it will broadcast “Courage, New Hampshire” nationally on Memorial Day 2013.

See the ISPN trailer:


“We are very excited to make this announcement,” said INSP Senior VP of programming, Doug Butts. “Original scripted dramas are going to play a significant role in INSP’s future programming strategy. Courage, New Hampshire is an outstanding addition to our already strong programming line-up.”

“With the overwhelming success of period shows like Downton Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, North & South, etc., audiences will find Courage, New Hampshire equally compelling,” Butts said. “Courage, New Hampshire fits perfectly with the INSP brand.”

Visionary, screenplay writer, director, actor and co-producer James Patrick Riley noted, “I am looking forward to seeing INSP deliver a large audience.  I am hoping that we will eventually go into regular production, with many more seasons to come.  Likewise, it would be great to establish ourselves in mainstream media, because we have done something really special here.  To have created an American 18th century serial episodic period drama is something really phenomenal.  Not even any of the major networks have attempted that.”

When asked about the future of Courage, Colony Bay Entertainment executive and Courage co-producer Jonathan Wilson replied, “Currently, we are in the pre-planning stages for a season two, so stay tuned.   We can’t say a whole lot about the number of episodes, but we’re pretty sure about one thing…There will be more romance.”

In episode one-“The Travail of Sarah Pine”- The viewer visits the frontier township of Courage, located in western New Hampshire.  When British soldiers arrive in search of deserters their quarry escapes, but one of them catches the eye of Justice of the Peace Silas Rhodes and a dramatic, gripping trail ensues.

Dramatic, believable acting by an outstanding cast of talented actors (featuring Alexandra Oliver as Sarah Pine, Nathan Kershaw as British deserter Bob Wheedle, James Patrick Riley as tavern keeper and Justice of the Peace Silas Rhodes  and Basil Hoffman as royal solicitor Simeon Trapp) propel the show.

In episode two-“The Sons of Liberty”- Justice Rhodes travels to Portsmouth for the execution of two notorious criminals.  Royal Governor Wentworth details how ruling New England will require a “light hand”, and the Township of Courage greets the arrival of a new pastor.

Performances by Donal Thomas-Cappello as the deceptively sinister Reverend Silence Laud, Isabelle Gardo as the desirable Abby Lamb, Greg Martin as the burglar and Joe Massingill as the counterfeiter make this episode delightful and compelling.  Mike Gallagher appears as a jovial barkeep and Andrew Breitbart plays the part of the High Sherriff.

In episode three-“A Snake in the Garden”- Governor Wentworth begins enforcement of the unwelcomed, unpopular white pine act.  The “Reverend” Silence Laud makes romantic advances on the lovely Miss Lamb, and the sons of liberty are the only one who stands between royal imprisonment and a farmer’s freedom.

Donal Thomas-Cappello reprises his role as Reverend Laud, and Isabelle Gardo returns as Abby Lamb.  Jonathan Salisbury as Noah Pine, Allen Marsh as Abraham Fox and Patrick Finerty as William Bramley further drive the drama of this episode.

In episode four-“Ambition”- Reverend Laud becomes ensnared in his own deceit while Governor Wentworth takes steps towards enforcement of royal justice upon Courage.  While at a training day in Portsmouth the neighboring towns’ gathered militias are pushed by Courage townsmen to ponder the question: “are you with us?”

The circle of drama continues as the Sons of Liberty stand against corrupt British rule.

The production quality is top notch, featuring crisp photography and well-paced editing that tells the story while avoiding the pitfalls of encryption or dragging scenes.  The beautiful music is consistently appropriate.  The compelling screenplay employs clever, time appropriate dialogue which evokes a wide range of emotions while conveying time tested morals.

James Patrick Riley and Jonathan Wilson, co-founders of Colony Bay and the driving force behind the success of Courage are to be congratulated for their fine production.  It is highly recommended and can be enjoyed by children of all ages.

To obtain a four DVD copy of Courage, go here:

Give the Gift of Courage



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It Can Happen Here

For years now, the Euro zone has been experiencing difficulty absorbing the costs of bailing out relatively small countries with relatively small economies that have relatively small amounts of debt.

Most recently, Euro zone leaders agreed to fund a bailout of Cyprus with a deal that includes taxing private 4063677972?profile=originalbank deposits.  The deal to fund 10 billion euros worth of rescue loans for Cyprus imposes a 6.75 to 9.9 percent tax on those with cash in Cyprus banks.  Without the EU bailout Cyprus cannot avoid default, but the unexpected and unprecedented decision to take money from private depositors fueled a sense of crisis across the euro zone and led to a run on Cyprus banks by depositors.

The Cyprus deal could lead savers in similarly indebted countries like Greece, Italy and Spain to withdraw money from their banks, leading to a regional economic crisis that would affect bond and stock markets world-wide.

Imagine the difficulty faced by the world’s economy when the United States of America can no longer finance its debt.

It can happen here.

Greece recorded a government debt to GDP of 170.60 percent in 2011.  In 2011, the United States government debt to GDP ratio was about 100 percent.  Should the United States continue deficit spending at current rates, the United States will soon surpass Greece in debt to GDP ratio.


What the United States government must do is stop spending money it does not have.

Before that will happen, American taxpaying voters must be made aware of the realities of the situation.

For so long as American taxpayers are unaware of the danger that looms just over the horizon, their concern will be focused on maintaining current levels of government payouts for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.  Until American voters understand that not restructuring big government socialist programs will bankrupt the U.S., they will not vote for the necessary revisions.  They will continue to vote for the status quo.

The truth about the danger American debt poses to the U.S. economy is not being disclosed by “progressives;” be they politicians, media pundits, college professors, Hollywood producers or government bureaucrats…including but not limited to winners of the Nobel Prize for economics.

It does not take a Nobel Prize winner to see that whole sections of the European economy have governments whose budgets are in horrible shape and teetering on the brink of true insolvency.  It does not take a genius IQ to realize that the cause of debt in those countries is big government spending money it does not have on socialist programs to support citizens dependent upon government for their existence.

It also does not take a Nobel Prize winner or a genius IQ to find information that makes it past the “progressive” filter NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, The Huffington Post, The Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek and the rest of the “progressive” Party Pravda use to misinform the American public.

All it takes is a desire to learn the truth and a willingness to search beyond the filtered information used by “progressives” to nudge people into believing what “progressives” wish them to believe.

The last time America faced an existential threat during WWII, Americans fought and died by the thousands on foreign lands.

Is asking Americans to view the “mainstream media” with a skeptical eye and seek out second opinions now too much to ask?


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Lady Liberty

4063677017?profile=originalLady Liberty stands in New York Harbor proclaiming: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Lady Liberty: A beacon of freedom the entire world sees.  A symbol of a better way of life anchored in liberty, opportunity and equal protection under the law.

Inspiring yes, but that is not the entire story.

Lady Liberty also stands as a reminder to America that the the American way of life is why people have come to this country for centuries.

What the world is currently witnessing is the collapse of the European socialist economic model; the failure of government dependency. As more people become dependent on government, fewer people are left to pay the cost.

But it goes beyond simply spending other people’s money. The socialist entitlement mentality makes people less productive. As more and more people become less and less productive, an ever-smaller minority of productive people become responsible for shouldering the burdens of a completely lopsided, unfair system. When a tiny number of productive people are required to deprive themselves of the fruits of their own labor in order to finance the lives of the remaining population, where is the incentive for them to produce?

If that is not enough, reliance on a big government nanny state makes people less responsible for themselves; less self-reliant. That is the antithesis of the American way of life.

When European settlers colonized the New World, they left the security of Europe behind in favor of North America’s unknown wilderness. They left homes, family, friends and country in exchange for an opportunity to build better lives for themselves. They were freed from the constraints of Europe’s restrictive class system.  They openly rejected the European way by their leaving.

When the British Monarchy deemed to re-impose that system on Britain’s thirteen North American Colonies, that attempt was adamantly and thoroughly rejected. Hence: the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution and the founding of the United States of America.

When America’s pioneers ventured forth to traverse the Great Plains and cross the Rocky Mountains they were completely self-reliant. They took care of themselves. They did not have, want, or need a big nanny state government to take care of them from cradle to grave.

This is the stuff of which America is made.

Because it gives them control over “the masses”, “progressives” have long sought to fashion America after the European socialist model, to make Americans more government dependent. There was FDR with the New Deal and Social Security. LBJ gave America the Great Society, Welfare Programs and Medicare.  Then, Obama forced upon an unwilling America the crown jewel of European style socialism; government controlled medicine.

Every time “progressives” hold a press conference they sound exactly the way they have always sounded: they inherited the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Their policies are working, but need more time. Congress needs to quit stalling and enact more of their policies. The private sector is doing fine but to grow the economy government needs to spend more money to create more government jobs at the state and local level.

Repeatedly, “progressives” show exactly how out of touch they are with the private sector, how the American economy works, the lessons of American history and the nature of America’s people.

Europe will not work in America. Neither will out of touch narcissists who insist on imposing a long rejected European system upon America.

It is time for Americans to reject the following proposal, long foisted upon America by the self-imagined, self-appointed, “progressive” intellectual elite:

We, the government, are your lords and masters.  You will do as we say, not as we do.  For we are the enlightened "progressives" and you are but melting pot bitter clingers.


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The Phony White House Charm Offensive

Not only did the White House disavow the GOP’s 10-year budget plan put forth by House budget chief Rep. Paul Ryan, the White House will not release its budget until early April, a pattern true to the form displayed over Barack Obama’s time in office.

4063674973?profile=originalWhite House press secretary Jay Carney verbally attacked Ryan’s budget, saying it would punish middle-class Americans, cut taxes on the wealthy, and “the burden is doubled or even tripled on everyone else.”

Carney claimed Ryan’s “voucherization” reform of federal programs, including Obamacare and Medicare, “does nothing to deal with the fundamental problem, which is rising health care costs, but actually exacerbates that problem.”

These statements are in direct conflict with Obama’s heavily publicized attempt to convince the public he is trying to work with GOP legislators, which includes dinner with a group of GOP Senators, lunch with Ryan and two visits to Capitol Hill.

The real hope is that Obama’s efforts will boost his poll ratings, which have fallen noticeably since Obama tried to stop sequester cuts to the 2013 federal budget through demonization of their effect and by impugning the GOP’s motives.

Ryan’s plan is actually a reduction in spending, and does not cut federal spending at all.  “On the current path, we’ll spend $46 trillion over the next 10 years [but] under our proposal, we’ll spend $41 trillion,” Ryan wrote in a Wall Street Journal article. “On the current path, spending will increase by 5 percent each year. Under our proposal, it will increase by 3.4 percent.”


The GOP would be well advised to proceed at their own risk with every one of their senses on full caution mode.

The current Oval Office occupant has displayed disingenuous intent on more than one occasion and there is no real evidence to assume that his “charm offensive” is anything other than a change in tactics.  The destruction of his political opposition remains the underlying strategy.


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Time for Old Soldier McCain to Fade Away

Senator John McCain (R, AZ) continues his criticism of fellow Republicans for filibustering confirmation of CIA Director John O. Brennan over the White House’s drone policy.

4063673156?profile=originalWhile interviewing with the Huffington Post, McCain used the term “wackos” to describe Senator Rand Paul (R, KY), Senator Ted Cruz (R, TX) and Representative Justin Amash (R, MI).

“They were elected, nobody believes that there was a corrupt election, anything else…But I also think that when, you know, it’s always the wacko birds on right and left that get the media megaphone,” said McCain.

When pressed for clarification on who the wackos are, McCain responded “Rand Paul, Cruz, Amash, whoever.”


It seems like just yesterday that McCain was relishing his role as maverick, while using the megaphone provided him by the media to gain the 2008 GOP presidential nomination.

Some Republicans, led by McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham (R, SC), worry that the filibuster, which focused lots of positive attention on Paul, might end up reflecting poorly on the party.

Might these be the same Republicans who nominated Gerald Ford in 1976, sought to nominate John Connally or George H.W. Bush while opposing Ronald Reagan in 1980, nominated Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney?

Clearly, the most successful nominee in that bunch was the most Conservative: Reagan.  That the GOP continues to cling to the notion that presidential electoral success hinges on nominating the most moderate candidate largely explains their lack of recent success.

To his credit, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, who may prove to fit into the Conservative new blood category, described the filibuster as “completely awesome.”

Meanwhile, in a radio interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, Paul responded to McCain: “You know, I think he’s just on the wrong side of history, and on the wrong side of this argument, really.”

Paul continued by saying he respects both McCain’s military service and his legislative record, but stressed that McCain’s experience does not mean he is always right: “I treat Senator McCain with respect. I don’t think I always get the same in return.”

Americans on both sides of the aisle honor McCain for his service.  However, McCain must realize that it is time to pass the torch of leadership to a new generation of Conservative leaders demonstrably capable of filling his seemingly vacated role as maverick while leading Republicans to electoral victory.



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Stand with Rand

Some of Senator Rand Paul’s (R, KY) colleagues were left unimpressed by Wednesday’s filibuster.  The day following Paul’s action, Senators John McCain (R, AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R, SC) criticized him, saying Paul was doing a “disservice” to the debate about drones.

When was the last time either McCain or Graham raised concerns over the White House’s use of drones?4063672685?profile=original

“I don’t think what happened yesterday was helpful to the American people…What we saw yesterday is going to give ammunition to those who say the rules of the Senate are being abused,” McCain said.

Since when is proper use of the Senate filibuster abuse?  McCain seems more concerned with getting along with “progressives” in the Senate than preserving the United States Constitution.

Paul was attempting to get the Obama administration to confirm it will not kill non-combatant Americans within the United States.  Graham apparently viewed that as a farcical question.

“I do not believe that question deserves an answer,” Graham stated.

What question would Graham consider worthy of reply?  Do assurances from the DOJ that they will not selectively ignore constitutionally protected rights of American Citizens to judicial due process not qualify?


Concerns over the administration’s drone program led lawmakers to question Attorney General Eric Holder about legal justification for targeting American Citizens.   Similar concerns prompted Paul to begin his filibuster, demanding answers from the White House.  Paul said he would relent only if the Obama administration stated publically that it will not target Americans on American soil.

The administration apparently believed it could kill Americans it suspected of having terrorist ties without putting them on trial.

Concerns over protection of due process for American Citizens are bipartisan.

“You can hear almost unanimous concern about transparency and wrestling with how to move forward here in a way that protects both our constitutional liberties and our security as a nation,” Senator Christopher A. Coons (D, DE) told Holder.

Under careful examination by Senator Ted Cruz (R, TX), Holder repeatedly stated U.S Citizens on American soil were not “appropriate” targets for executions without due judicial process.  Cruz said that was an insufficient answer.  “You keep saying ‘appropriate.’ My question isn’t about propriety. My question is about whether something is constitutional or not,” said Cruz.


McCain and Graham aside, Rand Paul, Christopher Coons and Ted Cruz are on the right side of the debate.

Since McCain and Graham apparently believe it is most important for them to get along with “progressives”, no matter the cost to the Rights of American Citizens at home, their criticism of Paul is out of hand.

Let them face the repercussions in their next election.



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The Reality of Long Term Unemployment

4063657898?profile=originalIn his “Mission Accomplished” moment, Barack Hussein Obama ended his jobs council on Thursday, January 31, 2013.

Despite the fact that more than 12 million people in the U.S. are still out of work. 

Obama’s allies will point out that when the jobs council began two years ago, unemployment was above 9 percent and has since improved to 7.8 percent.  What they conveniently overlook is that the unemployment number has shifted downwards in large part due to people who have exceeded their unemployment benefits are no longer being counted.

So, if you are a middle aged worker who has experienced long term unemployment, you have forever lost what for most people were the peak earning years of life.  A time when under normal circumstances, the opportunity to save for retirement was most feasible financially.

Instead you were drawing unemployment benefits worth less than half what you used to make.  As the result, instead of saving for retirement, you reduced your expenditures (read: standard of living) by half.

Not to mention the loss of medical, vacation, 401k and other employer provided benefits.

Then to add insult to injury, the self-imagined, self-appointed “progressive” intellectual elite ruling class decide that the expiration of the unemployment benefits that sustained your Spartan existence means that for the purposes of their statistics, you are no longer out of work.

Even if you have honestly sought work for years and have been unsuccessful thanks to an economy crippled by their “progressive” economic policies, have used up all your personal savings and are a month or two away from living on the street.

The reality of long term unemployment is not being accurately portrayed by the Obama administration, their4063657978?profile=original “progressive” political allies, or their devoted supporters within the institutionalized “progressive” left.

The economy is not growing.  Jobs are not being created.  If you are unemployed, prospects for future employment look bleak.

Their big government “stimulus” spending was devoted primarily to helping their “progressive” allies in blue states that needed the money to balance their own indebted balance sheets.

Every dollar spent on “stimulus” was obtained through a tax on the private sector.  Instead of the private sector having the money they earned to invest in growing business and creating jobs, it was sent to Washington DC, where the cost of an ever growing, bloated bureaucracy was first removed, then redistributed to those deemed fit by the same self-imagined, self-appointed “progressive” intellectual elite ruling class that has shown through their handling of the nation’s unemployment statistics that they are far more concerned with retaining their own grip on power than truly helping the little guy.

If you have a job, thank God and pray to keep it.


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Orwellian Inauguration 2013

Except for the date, 1984, George Orwell had it right.

Replete with doublespeak, innuendos, and outright falsehoods, the Inauguration speech given by Barack Hussein Obama to launch his second term was a verbal déjà vu of the 2009 $787 billion stimulus package…a wish list for “progressives.”

The full blown Orwellian hypocrisy was on clear display before Obama even opened his mouth.4063654142?profile=original

Beginning with an invocation where the United States was describes as “One nation…indivisible…with liberty and justice for all.”  What happened to “under God” in that invocation?  When does one give an invocation at a presidential inauguration where the words of the American Pledge of Allegiance are intentionally edited to omit the word “under God”, and why?

That this glaring omission would be immediately followed by a magnificent rendition of The Battle Hymn of the Republic was truly ironic.

Then the Oval Office occupant, who happens to be the most politicized, divisive, partisan human in Washington DC, who has openly launched multi-pronged assaults upon the U.S. Constitution, publically committed perjury by taking the oath of office.

After that, the utter hypocrisy in his inaugural address was spoken before a gathering roughly one third the size of the 2009 inaugural crowd.

Obama preached that: “Together, we discovered that a free market only thrives when there are rules to ensure competition and fair play.”

Who decides what fair play is?  Who decides what rules will ensure competition?

The American free market Capitalist system and free people making decisions that are in their best interests ensure competition and define fair play, not government interference.

He continued: “For we, the people, understand that our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it. We believe that America’s prosperity must rest upon the broad shoulders of a rising middle class. We know that America thrives when every person can find independence and pride in their work; when the wages of honest labor liberate families from the brink of hardship.”

A people, freed from the shackles of needless government involvement, built America into the most inventive, prosperous, generous and powerful nation in world history.  No matter how long or how often the Marxist mantra of equality is repeated, those recitations do not change that a people free to pursue their happiness within a free market Capitalist system have a better chance of achieving prosperity than do unionized government sector clerks working for a federal ministry.

Obama pronounced: “For we remember the lessons of our past, when twilight years were spent in poverty, and parents of a child with a disability had nowhere to turn. We do not believe that in this country, freedom is reserved for the lucky, or happiness for the few. We recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, any one of us, at any time, may face a job loss, or a sudden illness, or a home swept away in a terrible storm. The commitments we make to each other – through Medicare, and Medicaid, and Social Security – these things do not sap our initiative; they strengthen us. They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great.”

When twilight years were spent in poverty?  Before big government socialist programs, which now account for over fifty percent of federal spending by a government that is over $16 trillion in debt and which borrows over forty percent of every dollar spent, one’s twilight years were spent living with family, who took better care of their elders with far more love and concern than is possible from an impersonal government bureaucracy where the elderly individual is little more than a number.

When parents of a child with a disability had nowhere to turn?  Disabled children were loved and cared for by their families.  When families looked for help, they looked to churches and private charities.  They did not look to a bureaucrat more concerned with their own salaries and benefits than with the public they allegedly “served.”

4063654205?profile=originalHe went on: “We, the people, still believe that our obligations as Americans are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity. We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms. The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot resist this transition; we must lead it. We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries – we must claim its promise. That is how we will maintain our economic vitality and our national treasure – our forests and waterways; our croplands and snowcapped peaks. That is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by God. That’s what will lend meaning to the creed our fathers once declared.”

This is where another item on the “progressive” laundry list comes to light.  Here Obama reveals that based upon the junk science propagandizing “climate change” mythology, the disastrous waste of money on green energy companies and the lining of his political supports’ pockets at taxpayer’s expense will both continue unabated.

A true display of “progressive” doublespeak followed: “We will defend our people and uphold our values through strength of arms and rule of law.”

Through the strength of arms?  This coming from a politician who, despite the fact that Islamofascists are waging war on America, is bent on retreating from the battlefield, unilateral nuclear disarmament and reducing national defense?

Rule of law?  This from a fringe leftist career politician who chooses which laws his Attorney General enforces based upon their partisan political agenda?  Who ignores legally passed laws while violating the U.S. Constitution by dictating his own through Executive Order?

On foreign policy the newspeak was on crystal clear display: “America will remain the anchor of strong alliances in every corner of the globe; and we will renew those institutions that extend our capacity to manage crisis abroad, for no one has a greater stake in a peaceful world than its most powerful nation.”

America will remain the anchor of strong alliances?  This from someone who upon taking office shipped the bust of Winston Churchill back to Great Britain and who displays open disdain for Israel and its leaders?  Who continues to put Israel at existential risk by insisting on negotiating with an inflexible Iranian theocracy committed to Israel’s destruction?  Who rushed the withdrawal from Iraq, thereby squandering the blood, treasure and sacrifice spent to create another ally in the Middle East, and is rushing withdrawal from Afghanistan, risking that the Taliban and Al Qaeda will fill the vacuum?

Then, a true display of the “progressive” agenda for the next four years was displayed with: “For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers, and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts.  Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. Our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. Our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see America as a land of opportunity; until bright young students and engineers are enlisted in our workforce rather than expelled from our country. Our journey is not complete until all our children, from the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalachia to the quiet lanes of Newtown, know that they are cared for, and cherished, and always safe from harm.”

Our wives, mothers and daughters earn a living equal to their efforts?  This coming from a White House 4063654262?profile=originalwho’s underpaying of female staff is public knowledge?

Promoting gay marriage, attacking voter registration laws, amnesty through immigration reform and disarmament of Americans through gun control will be on the Oval Office check list.

Then the ultimate in hypocrisy was revealed: “For now decisions are upon us, and we cannot afford delay. We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate.”

We cannot mistake absolutism for principle?  This from quite possibly the most inflexible absolutist in American political history?  The real crisis lies in “progressives” mistaking Americans standing on American principles for absolutism.

We cannot substitute spectacle for politics?  This from a non-stop political campaigner who is the poster child for photo-ops?

We cannot treat name-calling as reasoned debate?  This from a rigid political ideolog who lectures and scolds his political opponents over their choice of words but remains absolutely silent when his political brethren use far more incendiary, unreasoned and divisive words?


There was nothing about the economy.  There was virtually nothing about job creation, deficit or debt reduction.

This was a declaration that once again the era of big government is at hand.

Unlike the great inaugural speeches of the past, this was not a call for national unity, but a call to arms for his “progressive” allies.  

With this speech Barack Hussein Obama ensures that America will remain the divided States.  He confirms that compromise in any way shape or form is at the bottom of his list of priorities.  As was the case in his first term, the destruction of his political opposition remains his primary concern.


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Illogical Extremism of the left

Recent events prove beyond reasonable doubt that members of the institutionalized "progressive" left are more than enthusiastic about attacking guns and gun owners.  True to their Alinsky roots, they are ready, willing and eager to demonize gun owners and Second Amendment proponents by disparagingly using the 4063653262?profile=originalterm "gun lobby" to describe them.  It is no secret that they are openly hostile to the Constitutionally protected Right of Americans to keep and bear arms.

They are also primed and ready when it comes to attacking Capitalism.  "progressives" persistently promote the notions that guns kill people and that Capitalism is inherently greedy and corrupt.

By applying this illogic to other situations, it would be required to conclude that computers keyboards are responsible for misspelled words and silverware causes obesity in America.

It would be quite entertaining to hear a "progressive" attempt to relay, in minute detail, the sequence of events on that monumental day when an unattended gun jumped up all by itself and shot an innocent child.

It would be equally fascinating to hear a "progressive" convey exactly how an economic system, without the benefit of human involvement, engaged in illicit price gouging, ponzi schemes or criminal quid quo pro transactions.

The fact of the matter is, the way a gun shoots anything is by a human being picking it up, aiming it and pulling the trigger.  The problem is not the gun, it is with the killer behind the gun.

In similar fashion, the only way any economic delivery system leads to unlawful behavior is through the involvement of the criminal mind.

The answers are not found in gun control or ending Capitalism.  The answer is to catch the perpetrators of the crimes and lock them away from society.


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“progressive” Gun Control

The Second Amendment is not about hunting.  It is about the Right of the American people to prevent the 4063652269?profile=originallikes of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Diane Feinstein, Andrew Cuomo et al from obtaining unrestrained power.

It is about the power of the people to prevent their being rounded up and put in gulags and/or concentration camps.

The American people are not demanding gun control.  NRA membership has increased by a quarter of a million in the past month.

The American people are demanding that the tyrannical government of Barack Hussein Obama and his “progressive” co-conspirators back away from their ongoing assault on the God given Rights protected by the United States Constitution.

A “progressive” government tyrannical enough to empower the Attorney General of the United States of America to put automatic weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels so discovering those guns at the scene of Mexican crimes would justify gun control in the United States is fully capable of the most egregious actions imaginable.  There is a high probability that the recent outbreak of mass shootings have been tactically planned and carried out as part of the long term “progressive” strategy to disarm Americans. 

Gun control advocates repeatedly ask questions like: “Why should ordinary people be allowed to own semi-automatic weapons?”  “Ordinary people” are the people referred to in the preamble of the U.S. Constitution as We the People.  We the People are not “allowed” to own semi-automatic weapons.  It is the Right of the people to keep and bear arms; a Right that “shall not be infringed.”

For a tyrannical “progressive” government, which possesses the most deadly weapons in the history of human civilization to dictate that We the People cannot own the weapons necessary to prevent that very same tyrannical “progressive” government from imposing the will of an oligarchy of self-imagined, self-appointed intellectual elites upon an opposing population is as much proof of out of control un-restrained government power any Patriotic American needs to say NO.

Not one step further.

Not the passage of one more unread bill.  Not one more day without a budget.  Not one more borrowed dollar spent on “progressive” big government socialist programs.

Stop it.  Stop it now.

You have been warned.


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It’s Still Government Spending, Stupid

Barack Obama, who has stayed in continuous campaign mode since birth, persists in insisting House Republicans submit to his demands to hike tax rates on “the rich.”  If Republicans do note cede to his 4063645222?profile=originaldecrees, Obama will let everyone’s tax rates go up and cut one trillion dollars from the budget, half of which will come from defense spending.

If he were truly interested in solving America’s fiscal troubles, this would not be his position.

Most definitely not…

Obama carries on with his nonstop campaign-style appearances, claiming that higher tax rates will reduce the U.S. deficit and cut the national debt.

That is categorically complete, total, absolute, utter fantasy.

The amount collected by the IRS from Obama’s long lusted for tax hikes would fund U.S. federal spending for fewer than nine days.

For members of the self-imagined, self-appointed “progressive” intellectual elite: That is less than two weeks.

At current spending levels the U.S. federal government borrows forty six cents of every dollar it spends.  Despite the fact that 2013 has not yet begun, through the first two months of fiscal year 2013 the U.S. is already approximately $300 billion in debt.

The biggest drivers of U.S. deficit spending are Medicare, Social Security, “safety net” programs and interest on the debt.  The looming short and long term costs of Obamacare have yet to fully reveal themselves, but given the U.S. federal government’s track record one can safely predict that it will be far more than what taxpayers were told and will rape their wallets for billions every year.

In other words, under the White House’s current “progressive” policies, it is only going to get worse, not better.

4063645141?profile=originalThe Oval Office occupier and his “progressive” Party Pravda press secretaries willfully ignore and refuse to mention that under the current tax rates, revenues are up by thirty billion dollars over last year.

Obama keeps claiming that raising tax rates on America’s highest earners, those who already pay forty percent of the revenue to the IRS, will be the silver bullet that solves America’s financial woes.  He continues blaming today’s deficits on his predecessor.

During his time in office, George W. Bush’s highest deficit was $438 billion.  Obama’s government has posted a $1 trillion plus deficit for four straight years.  2013 will make five.  America’s fiscal gloom and the looming “fiscal cliff” “crisis” are the result of “progressive” spending on wasteful big government socialist programs.

That is the reason.  Any other claim is pure unadulterated political snake oil.

America’s debt and deficit problems can only be resolved by cuts in spending.  When the United States receives another credit downgrade, it will be because of “progressives”, not Conservatives.  America needs to cut spending, not increase taxes.

Anyone who says differently should be in organic fertilizer distribution…or is that redistribution?


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Guns: Freedom or Tyranny?

4063643941?profile=originalFollowing the school massacre in Newtown, CN, Joe Biden, chosen by Barack Obama to lead the administration’s effort to stem the gun 'epidemic', met with “law enforcement leaders.”

Biden met with Attorney General Eric Holder, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.  Obama’s drug czar Gil Kerlikowske, Senior Obama advisers Bruce Reed, Valerie Jarrett, Cecilia Munoz and Kathy Ruemmler also attended.

Biden remarked:

“I’ve worked with some of you for a long, long time.  We’ve worked on everything from cop-killer bullets to types of weapons that should be off the street. That’s what I want to talk to you about today. I want to hear your views, because for anything to get done we’re going to need your advocacy.”

While openly hoping to impose an assault weapons ban, the White House is actively seeking “advocacy” from Holder, Napolitano, Sebelius and Jarrett.

Holder has yet to adequately explain the Fast and Furious gun running scandal, Napolitano has accused Veterans of foreign wars of being national security threats and has yet to secure American borders, Sebelius is actively assailing American liberty through obamacare and Jarrett has never explained her ties to real estate scandals involving convicted felon and Obama fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko or her involvement in recruiting self-identified communist Van Jones as green jobs czar, Saul Alinsky devotee Mark Lloyd as chief diversity officer within the FCC, and wealth redistribution advocate Cass Sunstein as regulatory czar.

Meanwhile Obama was pushing Congress to quickly pass gun control measures, saying:

“A majority of Americans support banning the sale of military-style assault weapons.  A majority of Americans support banning the sale of high-capacity ammunition clips. A majority of Americans support laws requiring background checks before all gun purchases, so that criminals can’t take advantage of legal loopholes to buy a gun from somebody who won’t take the responsibility of doing a background check at all.  I urge the new Congress to hold votes on these measures next year in a timely manner."

On Sunday's "Meet The Press," National Rifle Association executive vice president Wayne LaPierre reiterated his statements made Friday at a Washington DC press conference, when he said armed security in every school is the answer to stopping shootings like the one at Sandy Hook Elementary School.4063644016?profile=original

LaPierre said:

“If it’s crazy to call for putting police in and securing our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy.  I think the American people think it’s crazy not to do it.”

At Friday’s press conference LaPierre made the statement:

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

The United States will descends into bickering between Americans and “progressives” over how to prevent mass murders committed in gun free zones by mentally deranged people acting on their own.  “progressives” seek to do this by depriving law abiding individuals of their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.  Americans seek to ensure safety by having armed, right minded, principled individuals capable of ending the violence present and acting before it spirals out of control.

This debate overlooks the point of the Second Amendment:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

When the Constitution was written, “Militia” meant ordinary citizens capable of banding together to fight threats to their liberty. It did not matter whether the treat was from an external source like an invading army, or internal, such as an over-reaching government.

The framers of the Constitution clearly expressed their views regarding a well-armed citizenry.

4063643982?profile=originalThomas Jefferson:

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

“Force is the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism.”

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

George Washington:4063643996?profile=original

“The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.”

“It will be found an unjust and unwise jealousy to deprive a man of his natural liberty upon the supposition he may abuse it.”

4063644037?profile=originalJames Madison:

 “Americans have the right and advantage of being armed – unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.”

“A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in arms, is the best most natural defense of a free country.”

“progressives” seek to totally ignore the second part of the Second Amendment “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed“.   This displays their willful ignorance of history.  Anyone who has studied history knows the first right tyrants abolish is the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

That the likes of Holder, Napolitano, Sebelius, Jarrett et al, who no longer secretly seek to impose their version of tyranny upon the United States, are now openly insisting that the Second Amendment be revised to suit their fancy should trigger the sound of alarm bells in the mind of every freedom loving American Citizen.



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Iran Gets Missile Shield

Barack Obama’s administration, despite all the blood and treasure America spent in Iraq, somehow managed to fail in reaching a Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqi government.  That means that the 4063643532?profile=originalUnited States, after overthrowing Saddam Hussein, and freeing a country uniquely located on the most strategically important piece of real estate in the Middle East does not have strategic residual forces within Iraq.

That failure has allowed Iran to fly freely over Iraqi airspace, prolonging the Syrian civil war by delivering arms to Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad.  Month after month, nothing has been done by the Obama administration to help the people of Syria while Assad has butchered them.

Could it be that the plan all along has been to enable Iran’s assistance of Syria so Iran could get their hands on a sophisticated, mobile missile defense shield, thereby tipping the balance of power in the region away from Israel towards Iran?


That Israel is destined to strike at the existential threat posed to them by a nuclear armed Iran demands the question: Has the Obama administration been actively working on behalf of Iran’s Islamofascist regime, enabling them to obtain the tools needed to ensure an Israeli attack is incapable of eliminating their nuclear capabilities?

Is this part of Obama being “more flexible” on missile defense now that the election is over?

Just a little something to think about next time you hear Obama and/or whichever weak, dishonest  enabler he names as Secretary of State to replace “Hillary-the disaster going someplace to happen” (read: John Kerry) bragging about how through the UN, America has imposed "crippling economic sanctions" on Iran.



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Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste…Ever

While speaking at a Dec. 16 prayer vigil for victims of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, Barack Obama, ever the divisive political creature with a burning transformative agenda, could not pass on the opportunity to politicize the event:

“In the coming weeks, I’ll use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens, from law 4063642083?profile=originalenforcement, to mental health professionals, to parents and educators, in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this, because what choice do we have? We can’t accept events like this as routine.

Are we really prepared to say that we’re powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are too hard?

Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom?”

Forget about the shock, grief, anguish, pain and suffering of the survivors.  Never mind that the vigil was intended to honor the innocent victims, not promote Obama’s ardent agenda to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.”

Never let a crisis go to waste…ever.

And to think, there are still people who wonder why America is so divided.

Congratulations Barack…Saul Alinsky would be proud of you.

If Obama is truly devoted to preventing such tragedies, how about he cease and desist being the most divisive American political figure of the 21st century?  Anyone who is paying attention knows he is leading a group of like-minded politicians whose strategy is “divide and conquer.”

If Obama is honestly concerned with preventing the routine slaughter of children in schools, schools will no longer be gun free zones.  The criminally inclined, mentally deranged people who have perpetrated these shootings clearly have not respected these gun free zones, including America’s shopping malls and other public gathering places.

For “progressives” to use these tragedies as a thinly disguised attempt to alter or abolish Second Amendment Rights for free American Citizens is further evidence that they are attacking, not defending the Constitution of the United States of America.  Why is it not surprising that those who desire a “fundamental transformation” of America would be derelict in their duties while ignoring their oath of office?

Here is a clue for Obama and his high falutin, fancy pants, smooth talking, words parsing “progressive” Ivy League chums:

The Second Amendment was not written so 21st century Americans could go deer hunting.

America’s Constitution secured the Right of the People to keep and bear arms as the last line of defense against tyrannical government.  Having just fought against and defeated King George’s military, America’s founders were keenly aware of the need for all Citizens to be prepared in defense of their Liberties.  It matters not whether tyrannical government is imposed by a foreign crown as it was in the 1700s, or from Washington DC, as is being done today.  Tyrannical government is tyrannical government.4063642100?profile=original

As Patrick Henry said during debate in the Several State Conventions on the adoption of the U.S. Constitution:

“Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense?  Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress?  If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?”

Barack Obama and his fellow “progressives” are not interested in defending the God given, constitutionally protected Rights of American Citizens.  They are interested in ensuring that “progressives” gain a firm, final grasp on unstrained power.

America had better wise up.  Fast.

Because of groupthink and a poverty of imagination, the story of American Freedom and of American exceptionalism may end far too soon in a tragic, final chapter.


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