The Tradesman's Discussions (620)

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illegal immigrants-Part VI-crime

Source SNGLR

“A community of people are…within limits—masters of their own environment…Citizens should be free to choose to shape their community so it embodies their conception of the ‘decent life’” ---Chief Justice Warren Burger

The Bureau of Justic

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illegal immigrants-Part V-big business

Source; SNGLR

The idea that big business promotes illegal immigration so it can profit from cheap labor has been widely disseminated by the left-wing media. That this is a myth, and is not founded in solid economic or political reality, is easy to sho

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illegal immigration-part IV-labor

Source; SNGLR

The U.S. annually brings in millions of mostly low-skilled immigrants. In the last decade the U.S. admitted, not counting millions of illegal immigrants, tens of millions legal immigrants alone, forcing American workers to compete agains

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illegal immigrants--Part III-costs

Source; SNGLR

"Very few Americans ... are inherently opposed to immigration. For the most part, the controversy we face isn't about immigration at all. It's about the systematic failure of federal government to enforce the law or offer rational policy

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illegal immigration---part I: Culture

Source; SNGLR

“High levels of immigration and ethnic diversity seem to cause a reduction in social capital...makes people turn inward, become more selfish, less interested in contributing to their communities.”---Robert Putnam

“The history of immigrati

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Why Our Powers Are Usurped

Source; From anonymous B

The Constitution expressly defines the Federal, State, and the Peoples powers in government.

Article I, Section 8:

Powers of Congress
The Congress shall have the power

·        To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excise

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Sunday Sermon III

Source; Anonymous;

The declining faith in the supernatural was accompanied by the rise of the monstrous totalitarian creeds of the 20th century."-Arthur Schlesinger, among others.

The left-wing pressure groups have displaced the civic organizations tha

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