Thomas Kiley's Posts (129)

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Well, I went to the movies for the first time in many years Saturday night.  My wife and I had to see the OBAMA 2016 movie.  We had to know if we are right in our thinking of him and his plans, or are we off base.  Well, I can tell you that, well first this message from our sponsor,..

But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, "You are my God!" ~ Psalm 31:14

So, as I was saying, I have never left a movie madder than I was when I entered; at least until Saturday night.  If you haven’t seen this movie, you must.  It does explain a lot of what has been going on, and why.  And, as a retired Navy Submariner, who spent his entire career fighting a very silent Cold War with Poseidon and Trident nuclear missiles, it really got my blood boiling during the discussion of the reduction of warheads.  The US has presently 8 ballistic missile subs capable of carrying nuclear weapons to protect us from the threat of annihilation.  But the number given as to what Bobo wants will not support that many subs.  It won’t support the protection of our nation at all.  Given the number he wants to go to, Luxembourg could kick our butt!  So I left the movie shaking my head, mad as all get out, and tried to maintain some sensible demeanor.  Then, I looked at the faces and heard the whispering of the others in the audience as they left.  I was not alone.  They all felt the same as me; probably for their own reason, but the feeling was the same.  So I urge you all to go to this movie, and take someone who is riding the fence, undecided, or just not caring.  They will surely walk out with a different opinion. 

So, where you might ask is the encouragement?  How about this.

As I said, I came away mad.  In fact I can’t remember the last time I was this mad.  But what do we do about it?  How should I react, or behave, or respond?  Simple; I need to maintain my focus on the road through November.  Our nation is on a path that is very uncertain.  There are many who have many paths.  And it seems that no one in charge will choose a path that is right.  And you know that isn’t their job!  It’s our job to pick the path.  We the People have the responsibility to choose how our nation will proceed.  That does not end at the November elections; it starts there.  Until November, we will suffer through many challenging events – debates, polls, special television events.  We will be twisted every which way by those trying to get or keep a job.  We need to focus on what our principles and values are, and decide who is aligned closest to those principles and values.  The chosen might not be the ones who are exactly like us.  In fact, the only way to ensure the chosen are exactly like us is for us to run ourselves.  Then, we must submit our vote.  One by one, we will all have a say as to who our local councilmen, aldermen, commissioners, mayors, reps, senators, governors and president will be.  Once the votes are tallied, we then need to formulate the plan to monitor those chosen.  No one gets a pass any more.  No one.  Will we be correct?  Will we be successful?  Will we be able to restore the Constitution to its proper stance in our government?  Will we once again be the exceptional land?  To answer, we just need to read today’s offering from Psalm 31.  But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, "You are my God!"  God had his hand in our nation’s beginning.  He has been there for us during all of our very hard times.  He is here with us now, while I write, while you read, while we formulate this path of ours.  He was with us in the movie house, helping us understand what has been going on. 

Go to this movie.  Take someone who isn’t quite sure yet.  Buy them some popcorn, and a greater-than-16 ounce-beverage for the show.  (Mine was the 54 ounce monster!)  Learn from it.  Know your opponent.  Understand the thinking.  It’s not just Obama.  There are many more terrible surprises to understand.  Then let’s formulate OUR path through November to restore the Constitution, regain control of the wasteful spending and fix our economy American Style.  We can do this! 

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Yup, still around!  Take a look at today’s offerings.  I sense a strong tea party message.

What do you think?..

Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful. ~ Proverbs 16:20

Patriotism is as much a virtue as justice, and is as necessary for the support of societies as natural affection is for the support of families.  ~ Benjamin Rush, letter to His Fellow Countrymen: On Patriotism, 1773

What I get from these:

1. Follow rules and you will be successful. 

2. Trust in God and life will be fulfilling. 

3. Patriotism and justice are equal virtues. 

4. And, society needs patriotism to survive, as much as love is needed for families to survive.

These are such simple attributes to have; easy advice to follow.  Why is it so hard to understand?  We see, read and sadly some of us experience so much of the opposite these days.  And worse, it comes from those we entrust with our governance.  Our managers (I will NOT call them leaders) in DC have become so selfish and pompous, they forget they are employees, OUR federally elected employees. 

So, do we forget about following rules?  Do we leave patriotism behind?  HECK NO!!  We the People will not back away from our responsibility.  We, the tea party, the 9/12 groups, the conservatives throughout our shining city on the hill will NOT allow tyranny and subservience to prevail.  Sound radical enough?  Sound extreme enough?  Yeah it does, just as it sounded 240 years ago.  And it’s just as RIGHT as it was 240 years ago.  The tea party is not dead.  And as long as we have a republic, it will never be dead.  And, if we lose the republic, it will remain as well.  Many of us have taken the oath.  Many have taken their own oath.  We have taken the oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies foreign and domestic.  For me, the oath did not end when I retired from the Navy.  It will only end when I retire from life and He calls me to serve Him in heaven.  Do you think the tea party is dead?  See above.  If you find that following four simple ideas is right, then you know the answer.

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Well, I guess it was going to come to this.  For over 2 years now.  I was keeping the pace of once a day, but life has its way of offering other directions.  That sounds ominous, doesn’t it?  I have come to realize that every day may be more than I can keep up with anymore.  So, I just wanted to tell you all that I will be sharing all the time, but not every day.


Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. ~ Psalm 100:2

Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition." --Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, Query 19, 1781

Can there be any doubt that Thomas Jefferson is a gift from God, as well as all the founders?  So much wisdom from these men and women (remember Mercy Warren- the conscience of the American Revolution).  These people had such a passion for freedom, liberty and the end of tyranny.  Just read the last paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. 

“We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”


They were willing to offer up their lives fortunes and sacred honor for the freedom of America.  They knew that, as Thomas discusses that dependence begets subservience; that is suffocates the germ of virtue.  So here we are in our time of history.  We the People feel the coming swell of subservience; coming upon us like a tsunami to wash away any desire of ambition.  And to answer, we have all made some sacrifice to resist the tyranny.  It hasn’t been a violent resistance for sure.  We have gone to rallies; stood with our signs.  We have asked our federally elected employees direct questions.  We have given them clear direction on how we want to be represented.  The response has been far less than adequate.  Our employees have chosen a path they want us to take, regardless of the outcome.  There is our quandary.  Our employees are not listening to us.  And it doesn’t matter what letter is after their name, what color our state is on the political map, or even what percentile range we fit into.  So, in only 72 days we will be taking our employees to task, evaluating them in our minds and hearts, and deciding if they keep their jobs, or do we bring in someone else who will follow the direction given.  Our employees will try everything in their power to convince us that they are worthy of continued employment.  But the choice is not theirs.  They will pump up their chests and praise themselves and their accomplishments.  But the choice is not theirs.  They will even lower themselves to make the opponents look as bad as Lucifer if they think that will save their employment.  But the choice is not theirs.  The choice is ours.  We the People will choose who will continue the fight against tyranny.  We the People will not give worship to any man or woman on this earth.  We do gladly worship Him in all His glory, as mentioned in Psalm 100:2.  I certainly do.  But I will not ever worship an employee of mine; not an Obama, Romney, Hastings, or any other federally elected employee, or even a state or local employee for that matter.  They are not the leaders.  They are the representatives.  The People are the leaders.  The governed is the government.  It’s time to remind the employees of the office rules on who gives the orders!


Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Friday is upon us.  What?  What the heck?  Friday is upon us?  That sounds so,.. stuffy.  Can’t be stuffy about Friday.  Not FRIDAY!  So, WOO HOOOO!  It’s Friday!   Whooopiieeeee!

And now, for your entertainment (oops stuffy again),..

No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety. ~ Psalm 19:14

The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy." --Benjamin Franklin, Emblematical Representations, 1774

Can someone please forward this to the DOJ, DHS, and maybe the entire cabinet?  It’s obvious that Obama doesn’t care about the law.  Probably why he and Miss Obuttma can’t practice law anymore.  Even Benjamin knew.  Even all the founders knew!  Equal justice, equal rights, equal dispensation of protection.  That is the charge of our government.  It’s in the Constitution.  That is what government is supposed to do.  So, why are we laying back and letting the administration’s flunkies decide what laws they want to enforce, and which ones they don’t?  Members of ICE have filed a lawsuit against DHS for not letting them do their job.  How brave these agents are.  How stupid that they even have to do this.  And, how despicable that the government would even consider mounting a defense.  Well, I say bravo to those agents.  They only want to do their job, enforce the existing law.  They should be heralded as heroes for fighting for their work.  You know, in the military, if a member is given an order from a superior, and the member believes the order to be unlawful, then the member is NOT obligated to follow the order.  I wonder if the same allowance exists in DHS?  Be kind of fun to watch, eh?

In the meantime, I look forward to the time I can rejoice for my heart being glad, while it rests in safety.  I have been there before.  I look forward to being there again.  Until then,

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  It’s fair week in SE Washington.  We have bands such as Foghat and REO Speedwagon playing.  So, is that good?  Well, it tells me how old I am.  I took my fiancée to see REO; been married over 26 years.  And Foghat?  I saw them on their farewell tour – in 1978!  So is this good or bad? 

Any hoo,..

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again rejoice! ~ Philippians 4:4

The foundation of our Empire was not laid in the gloomy age of Ignorance and Superstition, but at an Epocha when the rights of mankind were better understood and more clearly defined, than at any former period." --George Washington, Circular to the States, 1783

On face value, George’s statement is sad.  At no other time in history did man better understand the rights of man?  Really?  Well, for a very long time, this was true.  Our founders had exceptional vision most of us would agree was given to them as a gift from God.  And we know how effective they were at utilizing that gift.  But what about now?  Many people don’t (or won’t) understand.  They don’t pay attention outside the snippets of lies presented in such a nice package on the national ‘evening news’ broadcast.  But, there has been a growing swell of understanding by those who do nothing more than pay attention, and say we have had enough.  Before the last 4 or 5 years, maybe as far back as ten or even twenty, how many times had you heard the phrase unalienable rights?  How many knew more than the first line or two from the Declaration of Independence, or part of the Preamble of the Constitution?  And now; how much do you know of these documents?  HOW MANY HAVE A FAVORITE LINE??  I do.  Article IV, Section 4 – “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.” (BTW, When the President is whistled over the brow of a US Naval ship, he is announced “United States Arriving”). 

So, there are a lot of things going wrong with our government.  Our federally elected employees have run amok.  We have charged them with managing our national affairs.  And they are blowing it.  So, here we are, set to make a change; many changes.  Changes are to be made because our employees have not performed up to our expectations.  We need to clean house, and hire people with integrity to perform the tasks given them by the governed.  We the People have that power.  Nowhere else on earth, at no other time in known history have a people been able to do that without war.  There are those around who feel this absence of aggression may change this election year.  I happen to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that we will prevail, our Constitution will prevail, and The United States of America will remain as one united land.  American Exceptionalism is not dead.  It has had a headache.  It’s time to massage the temples, take the medicine to correct what is wrong.  Exceptionalism has some pains, but the pain will go away.  There is nothing to fear, as they say.  So let’s rejoice!  Paul’s words to the Philippians can be very encouraging here.  Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again rejoice!  No matter what may lay before us, we will prevail, as long as we maintain our faith, our principles and our values.  Summer is almost over.  Autumn is just around the corner.  It’s time to rejoice!

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Quick share.  Today I had a conversation with a Marine who finished his tours a few years ago and was back home and working.  I knew he has PTSD.  The conversation turned to his past when he saw the company of my car’s maker – KIA.  He said he could never rid in that car or any other made by KIA.  Not because he doesn’t like the cars, but the name is a bad memory for him: KIA or K.I.A.  He could never ride with a moniker that means Killed In Action.  He saw too much of that.  I asked him if he minded talking about it.  He not only agreed he was thankful I asked.  You see for him, the only way he could accept what has happened in his life was to talk freely about it.  Without the ability to vent, he would have problems.  He is even in a group of other vets who have the same need to talk.  And he counsels many other vets who can’t talk, and are having many problems.  So, if you have the opportunity to speak to a vet, do so.  Be sensitive to them, since it still may be hard for them to open up.  But they are our heroes, and our sons and daughters.  They need us now in their time of trouble, just as we needed them in our time of trouble.

And so,..

Jesus told her, I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.                            ~ John 11:25

An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy; because there is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation. ~ John Marshall, McCullough v. Maryland, 1819

It’s amazingly obvious that throughout our nation’s entire existence, the trouble caused by overtaxing was well understood.  John Marshall was spot on then, just as his words are spot on right now.  There is no secret formula to understand.  People only have so much.  There is a limit to what taxpayers can give without losing everything they have.  But when you hear the government speak of needing more and more taxes, there is way to interpret that except they want to control us, and to destroy the country we have.  What was the phrase we all learned in school about why the revolution happened?  “Taxation without representation.”  TAXATION.  Tax, tax, tax.  There is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation. 

So, our duty to us and each other is to ensure our government; our federally (AND statewide) elected employees understand the charge We the People have given them.  They do NOT rule us.  It is the rule of law – republic – which rules us all with no color, creed or religious slant to blind us.  Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.  Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.”  Follow me and you will live forever in my kingdom.  This is His offer to us.  He never says he rules over us.  Our king, our savior; does not rule over us.  He asks us to follow.  We should teach our federally elected employees this lesson.  They certainly need it.

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  What is this world coming to?  You look around and you can see the signs.  They’re all over the place!  Every town, every block, even the animals YES THE ANIMALS know it!  It’s coming soon.  It’s……..WINTER!?!?!  AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!  We won’t have the 100+ temps any more, we won’t have short sleeve shirts.  WE WON’T HAVE SUN TAN!!  AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!?!?!?

Any hoo,..

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep. ~ John 10:11

We are either a United people, or we are not. If the former, let us, in all matters of general concern act as a nation, which have national objects to promote, and a national character to support. If we are not, let us no longer act a farce by pretending to it. ~ George Washington, letter to James Madison, 1785

There is a great message here tonight.  And it is for Obama specifically; leading the flock, DYING for the flock, not having the flock do your bidding.

But I want to share a bit about my experience in layoffs, and how that relates to the claim about Romney killing that woman.  In my post-military career, I have been blessed with great jobs.  There are times that being a manager you have difficult things to do.  And, at times, your manager has difficult things to do.  I have had the responsibility to offer recommendations for layoff names.  It sucks.  And, as I’ve mentioned before, my name was recommended for layoff.  So I have the unique perspective being placed on both sides of the fence.  There is an issue that has been totally missed.  So may I share?

When you have to lay off personnel, there is a process to follow.  Not everyone does it exactly the same, but the management team has to decide what positions they can do without to fit a budget.  Then those in the positions need to be notified.  Some companies offer extensions for some benefits to help during transition.  But in all, the employee is notified that the management decision is made, and you have to go.  The management TEAM, not the manager at the top makes the decision.  The first line management team discusses with the next level team, and so on up to the CEO’s direct reports.  Now, the list is approved ensuring that the personnel loss meets the needs for budgetary limitations.  So, if the management team makes the decision, where is the claim against everyone in the Bain group?  In fact, Bain is a financial company that supports other companies.  So where is the outrage against the CEO of the company the man worked for?  Example, Bain didn’t change the name of Staples, or Dominos.  Do you eat Bain Pizza?  Do you get your office supplies at Bain supply?  No!  There is a company that has its own CEO.  Why isn’t that company’s CEO charged like Romney?  And back to me.  My wife has an illness that will be with her the rest of her life.  I got laid off from a government contractor, in part due to the end of the ARRA funding.  So, if my wife had complications with her illness while I was unemployed, should I have sued Obama for letting the ARRA money run out? 

My point is this; the CEO of a company cannot be solely responsible for any actions that occur after a layoff.  If anyone was to succeed in a loss suit, they would have to go after their direct supervisors, and their supervisors.  They are the ones who made the decision.  So why is there no effort to go after the remainder of managers from that company the guy worked for?  Because there is no case.  It is only to rile up people against Romney.  There is no way that Romney could ever be held liable for the woman’s death.  But, if so, Pandora’s Box would spring wide open with thousands of lawsuits against many CEO’s all over the country, even the world.  And, Obama would be right there in the midst as a defendant himself.  I would do that. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  I have been in and out as usual due to the heat in SE Washington State.  Today, we have the added joy of heavy smoke from a wildfire to our east although there was one close by on Red Mountain.  Red is the home of a number of world class wineries and vineyards.  So those folks around here were busy getting away from the smoke.

So, to pass the time with light reading,..

Jesus replied, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. ~ John 6:35

Under all those disadvantages no men ever show more spirit or prudence than ours.  In my opinion nothing but virtue has kept our army together through this campaign. ~ Colonel John Brooks, 1778

The words of Colonel Brooks are truly inspiring, especially to us in this period of time.  Remember back in his time, the troops were out ‘everything’-ed by the British.  Yet, the colonists succeeded. Why?  Their belief, their virtue, their honor, their love of God, family and country gave them the strength to persevere.  They had supply problems, they had bad weather, they had morale problems,..  yet they persevered.  It was through this virtue, and as John puts it, their belief in God who delivered them to these shores to start a better life.  That is what they fought for.  That is what they offered and sacrificed everything for.  They heard the words of John, and believed.  Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again.  Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. 

Now, we find ourselves in a similar predicament.  We have no weapons to fire, but still the campaign is in front of us to fight.  Now we have a team who speaks of promise, who speaks of returning to us what belongs to us.  It is our choice to accept their promise to us, or not.  So what do we do?

Believe in what He has given us.  Believe in the words, the deeds, the love, and the power of freedom that He gave us all.  Believe that He loved us so much that He gave us His only son.  He is the bread of life, which will sustain us.  With this, we can show more spirit and prudence than any others, even under all the disadvantages we have now.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Well, by the time you read this, you will probably already know the answer to the big question.  Everyone has been waiting to know.  Where are they from?  How far can they go?  And will they shine brightly in the night for all to see.  Yes, the meteor shower is coming, and I for one intend to see a couple or two!  (huh?)

Any hoo,..

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. ~ Proverbs 4:23

Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. ~ Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

So, it is true that the Republican VP nominee will be announced tomorrow.  Why is that so important?  Simple; whoever it is will be expected to take the reins if President Romney can no longer hold the office.  Everything else is hogwash to me.  But why do we wait for this announcement with as much or more anticipation than the crystal ball dropping on New Years?  I think Mr. Paine has the real answer to that.  His flowery prose of the times may be melodic, but he is saying that government is an evil necessity, and that we the people must choose wisely those we wish to govern us.  And that’s when it’s working for the people.  But, when we employ a government is as bad (or worse) as no government at all, we only have ourselves to blame.

So, why is it so important to watch who the VP choice is?  Well, because we have no say in whom it is.  But that person may be the president.  We the People choose every four years through the primary process who our presidential nominee will be.  And since we cannot choose the VP the same way, we watch to see whether we are looking at just another necessary evil, or a calamity of anarchistic proportion.


Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Can you imagine?  Only 89 days, and we get to vote for a new manager.  And to think, only 1297 days ago, we thought the nation was going to be at risk of financial ruin.  So now, here we are at financial ruin, and in need of a new manager.  How times flies when you have a perpetual anxiety attack.

Any hoo,..

Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. ~ Romans 3:24

I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that 'all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.' To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, not longer susceptible of any definition. ~Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, 1791

So, here we are, 89 days from Election Day; 164 days from inauguration day.  We are carrying 132 executive orders around like a gigantic sack of potatoes, wondering how many more will come before January 20.  Numbers, all these are nothing more than numbers.  They don’t matter.  What they represent does not matter.  So what does matter? 

Honor, dedication, principles, decency, respect, responsibility, you name it.  No matter what obstacles are placed in front of us, these traits are ingrained in all of us.  Not a single number in that sentence.  He gave us His son, whom he sacrificed for us.  No greater gift could be given.  And this gift of the United States of America; designed, crafted, and developed by gifted men such as Jefferson, is slowly be squandered by selfish people.  Jefferson, like so many of his time, tried to pass down warnings to watch out for selfish people.  Those who have taken the cause to save the republic, the constitution, the financial strength, and the security of our land have heard the warning and are acting on it.  We are only 89 days away from a turning point: but only a point in time.  Afterwards, we will need to watch even closer.  It doesn’t matter what letter defines their political preference, they can all be wolves in sheep’s clothing. 

89 days, 164 days, 1461 days.  They represent quantities of time.  They don’t mean anything.  Honor, dedication, principles, decency, respect, responsibility; they mean everything.  They are our tools to serve our nation and our fellow citizens.  It is how we use these tools throughout the quantities of time that make us what we are.  Exceptional Americans.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all! I have been busy with work, which has prevented me from some recent opportunities to share with you.  Am I sad?  Actually, no I’m not.  I enjoy sharing with you, but I enjoy my job also.  And you know, I have to agree this time with the president.  I didn’t make this job.  Someone else did.  I don’t own a business.  I don’t have a payroll to worry about.  I don’t have overhead.  I don’t have a store to pay mortgage and insurance on.  So then, what do I have?  I have responsibilities.  I have trust earned.  I have my experience, my wits, and my humor.  I have my sense of decency.  I have my honor, my courage and my commitment to be the best maintenance manager I can be.  And again, the president is right.  I didn’t make these things.  I was given these things by God; gifts from God that I cherish every time I go to work.  I have a gift of intelligence; I have the gift of patience; I have the gift of tolerance.  Nobody on earth gave me these things.  Many have helped me develop them, like my parents, my wife, my kids, friends, co-workers and customers.  But God gave me the gifts I have.  He has also given me and you all, a place that has offered the opportunity to develop and nurture these great gifts.  The United States of America has been the shining city on the hill for over 2 centuries.  And we are at risk of losing it, due to man’s selfishness and greed for power and fortune.  I have joined the effort to prevent this from happening as you all have.  We have had tough times, and glorious times.  But our work is not yet over.  It won’t be over for a long time.  But, there have been, and there will be times that just make you so happy.  Those are the moments to rejoice, and be glad for the gifts you have received.

This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it. ~ Psalm 118:24

Thank you, Mr President, for reminding me how much I have to be thankful for.  And if I may, can I ask for one more thing, come November?  Don’t leave too many incidentals behind while you pack.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Well this week is just flying by.  I can tell by the grass I watched.  It’s like I turned my head around, and Poof!  Lawn forest!  It’s almost like that feeling I got the last time our President did something great for all Americans.  And when the Vice President had that great speech where everyone understood exactly what he said.  And speaking of sayings, when Pelosi stood on the House floor, turned to the Speaker and said “OK.  Whatever you say is fine by me.”  Wow, remember those times?  Oh look, the snail is back already!

Any hoo,..

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.  ~ Psalm 119:105

A man may, if he know not how to save, keep his nose to the grindstone, and die not wirth a groat at last. ~ Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1742

We are less than 100 days from choosing our next government.  A whole bunch of new employees at every level; federal, state and local.  It seems like an eternity.  But remember, it seemed like an eternity from Election Day in 2008 to the inauguration in 2009.  And the eons that passed until Election Day in 2010.  And it has been at least two ice ages since then.  So now we must suffer another 100 days or so.  Can we survive? 

Actually, yes we will.  We the People will survive not only these next few months, but afterwards as well.  But we do have a job to do.  We have responsibilities along the way.  Not every effort will be successful.  It’s important to work hard to replace our present federally elected employees, because let’s face it, they suck.

It is up to us to take the action prescribed in our Declaration of Independence,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Words of men, guided by divine light, passed down to our stewardship.  It is now up to us, in these next few weeks that will pass by much faster than the snail crawling along the shoreline.  Poor Richard’s quote is a warning to be frugal.  We must be frugal with our ballots, our voice, our choice.  Texas sent out a resounding message by asking Ted Cruz to be the Republican candidate for senate; above their incumbent LT Governor no less!  That is amazing!  Instituting a new government we are, just like in the Declaration.  No dying not wirth a groat here!

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  The week will begin in just a moment.  But first, a word from our sponsor.

But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

~ Romans 5:8

Our family had a loss this past week or so.  My wife lost her step mom to leukemia.  She was doing fine until she came down with shingles, and that triggered the leukemia to end her life.  ‘Mom’ had a bunch of kids and grandkids, but Nancy treated us like her own.  What a great woman.  Tough, and kind.  She worked as a lead maid in a number of upscale mansions in the Watch Hill area of southern Rhode Island, but she never let that get to her head.  She worked hard to take care of her large family, and never let anyone go without.  God has shown us all so many times how much he loves us.  He sends us our parents, our friends, our children; all to make our lives complete and filled with happiness and love.  And he gives us responsibilities along with these gifts.  Our challenge in life is to make the best of our lives, and of those around us.  Not a mandate or a dictatorship, but a challenge and a burden which come with happiness and sadness over time.  And we make mistakes along this way, this path we take.  God knows we will, so he places help along the path to offer direction and guidance.  Nancy was such a person.  She was always there for Terri and I when we needed her.  Christ was sent to us by God to save us, which I believe unconditionally!  He also sent people like Nancy, to give us a little nudge when needed.  Thank you God for the gift of Nancy.  And thank you Nancy for all you have done for Terri, me, and your wonderful husband, my father-in-law Ralph.  May you rest in wonderful peace along Their side.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Another week has gone by.  Another set of days to bring happiness and joy to the lives of the ones we love.  If you were to evaluate your week on these criteria, how did you do?

Think about it, and…

God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. ~ 2 Timothy 1:7

[W]hen the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, - who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually, by totally disusing and neglecting the militia. ~ George Mason, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 1788

Due to work and other commitments, I was not able to watch any of the freePAC conference live, or participate in the service activities in Texas.  And I won’t be able to watch the restoring love rally.  Am I sad?  Do I feel left out?  Am I wishing that I could, instead of what I am obligated to?  NOT A CHANCE!  I am so blessed with my family, my friends, my job and my life.  So why would I be sad about missing something?  Because I didn’t go, I didn’t miss my workers success.  I didn’t miss my granddaughter’s new word.  I didn’t miss my daughter buying her first new car (and it’s really cool!).  I didn’t miss having dinner and a great conversation with my best friends.  And I didn’t miss sharing my thoughts with you.  So, why should I be sad?  Why be timidly wishful of what others do?  I can still share my thoughts, prayers, and humor through this newfangled contraption.  So, my spirit has an outlet to be free, to share my love of God, country and family.  And that is not always an easy outlet to use.  As George Mason mentions, the most effectual way to enslave a people is to do so by weakening them slowly, quietly.  Van Jones corroborated this thought, when he suggested changing America through evolution, not revolution.  But we of the tea party, of the 9/12 project, of the true conservatives are here.  We have not gone away silently into the night.  We have not given up.  We have not become timid or fearful.  We the People are all over America.  We shine with the spirit of power, love and self-discipline.  We love our country, for it is ours.  The government is not the owners.  They are the hired management team.  They are not the leaders.  They are the managers.  We the People are the leaders.  The American Presidency has held the title of leader of the free world for a long time.  The reality is, The American People hold that honor.  We just place one individual into that role to represent us.  And it appears we have made a bit of a mistake.

So, it is time to make a correction.  And, when the correction is made, we must also conduct a ‘lessons learned review’.  What went wrong and how to keep it from happening again.  When the new representative in our White House arrives, he needs to know the rules. 

Rule 1.  We the People are in charge.

Rule 2.  When in doubt, refer to rule 1.

After all, “U.S.” is not just an acronym, or initials.  It’s also a word.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  You know, I have a beautiful wife, Terri, who was a bit of a Connecticut democrat when I met her.  She even lived down the road from one of Chris Dodd’s million-some-odd estates.  But she has evolved over our 26+ years, and now has the drive to survive and revive our nation.  She shared something that I really laughed at and I think you may too.  Now, what happened in Aurora CO is horrible.  But attempt to take political advantages of it afterwards has been truly disgusting and unacceptable.  So, I would like to share with you what she thinks about that. 

First a share from our dear friend Tom,..

It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution. ~ Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the Virginia Query 19, 1781

And the answer to the question, “Do we really need the government to tell us what to do?”,..

No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. ~ Micah 6:8


“So let’s ban guns of every type.  Let’s ban pistols because they can be used in car-jackings and robberies.  Let’s ban Assault weapons because they can fire more than one round rapidly.  Let’s ban Shotguns because, let’s face it, those damned things HURT!  Let’s ban any weapon that can hurt, maim or kill someone. I think I've heard that includes, but is not limited to; Forks, knives, any types of sharp tools, baseball bats, pitchforks, Hair spray, Wasp Spray, Spray bottles, cleaning fluids, ball bearings, baseballs, rocks, sharpened sticks, tent rods, pick axes, axes, chain saws, splitting malls, cars, lighters, matches, plastic bags, plastic wrap.... Gee, I guess ANYTHING can be used in a dangerous manner. Wow, we are going to need a LOT of restrictions and regulations!

Thank God we have the Liberal Progressives to take care of us and help us keep from hurting ourselves and others. OUCH! Sorry, I just stabbed myself with this sewing needle. It's OK, though! I have the emergency number to the White House!  They'll help me!   Damned Needle!   Glad I don't have anything contagious or I might infect myself. 

Once again this insane idea that Liberals and Democrats have of banning things as a way to protect us, is beyond reality or reason.  Of course you should not put your hand on a hot burner. DUH! I really cannot think of anything that you use or do that cannot hurt or kill you. Most of it was created or invented by the Government according to Obama, so, with that in mind, shouldn't we get rid of Obama and intrusive Government?   Seems I was a hell of a lot safer when I was left to my own.”

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  You know I read a lot of things yesterday about what happened in Colorado.  In almost every one, it appeared that those writings were making some attempt to take advantage of the situation either politically, or at least to support a certain vain they promote.  Saddest thought:  this came from every direction, even tea party groups.  The victims had not even been fully cared for, and the language of the left, the right, the up and the down were all pointing at something that would support their position, or point at someone for falsely accusing others.  I don’t know about you, but I didn’t get shot.  My relatives and friends were not there.  So what I believe about this tragedy, or what anyone to somehow include this into their political agenda means absolutely nothing.  What has happened to so many families in that town means absolutely EVERYTHING!  Just as in the shooting in Tuscon, the tragedy was still unfolding, when someone tries to make it political.  And just like in Tuscon, someone answers back.  And the distractions begin. 

I do remember what I went through personally; worrying about my family and friends in NY on 9/11/01.  I remember that what was being said on tv and radio about what happened and who did it meant NOTHING.  The only thing that mattered was that those I know are ok.  There are families in Colorado who don’t care about what is said on tv or radio.  They only care about their family members. 

Encouragement?  I think you know what to do. 

Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. ~ John 14:1

Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh. Announce my judgment against it because I have seen how wicked its people are. ~ John 1:2


Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Got thunder?  WE DO!  I asked a couple of nights ago.  But we still have the big botta booms.  Even started a fire near a new vintner to the Tri Cities.  But the good guys did their magic, along with a little rain help from Him.  

Any hoo,..

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. ~ 1 Peter 5:

I rejoice in a belief that intellectual light will spring up in the dark corners of the earth; that freedom of enquiry will produce liberality of conduct; that mankind will reverse the absurd position that the many were, made for the few; and that they will not continue slaves in one part of the globe, when they can become freemen in another. ~ George Washington, draft of First Inaugural Address, 1789

I tell you it’s just too hard to pass up a quote from George.  There is so much encouragement in this one.  He truly believed in the spirit.  Not just the spirit of America, but the spirit of mankind; all of us.  No difference, no separation.  He believed that man will realize that slavery, even slavery of tyranny will finally be overcome by the will of the people.  I wish we could see his reaction to the tea party and 9/12 movements, as well as all the other groups founded on the values and principles that he and the founders used to formulate our nation and our government.  So many say he would be discouraged by the direction our elected employees (THEY ARE NOT TRUE LEADERS!) are taking us.  I submit he, as well as all the founders would be delighted beyond belief of the efforts we all have made and continue to make.  So, don’t be discouraged by a setback, diversion, or other frustration.  Remember 1 Peter 5 – “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”  He is with us.  Don’t be discouraged by what you read, or what you don’t read.  Be encouraged!

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Got thunder?  WE DO!  Bright lights and big booms.  Sounds like the back end of a bowling lane.  Now, as long as the dry grass doesn’t light up.

Any hoo,..

For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!  ~ 2 Corinthians 4:17

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined. ~ Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 1788

Do you think our present troubles are small?  In comparison to what our lives to date have been no way!  But, in comparison to the troubles our founders experienced,..  They endured so much tyranny that they decided as a nation to fight for freedom.  I can’t really fathom what must have gone through their minds.  But they had enough.  They were guarding with jealous attention their public liberty. 

Today, we have our own fight for freedom; freedom from tyranny – from our own government!  The government of we the people!  It has been taken over by zealots and selfish predators.  Sounds rough doesn’t it.  Maybe.  But when the president allows his cabinet level folks to disregard laws, disregard the will of the people so they can make the nation in their mold, it’s hard to think of saving the republic any other way.  We do have a way.  We have a few ways, before we get to the kind of action our founders took.  But no matter what kind of action we take, we MUST guard our public liberty with jealous attention.  Suspect everyone who may encroach.  In the big scheme of things, our troubles are really not that big.  But we must still protect our republic.  With His help, our efforts will overcome the effort to destroy what our founders built, which by the way was also done with His help.  And with this work our nation will last forever; for our children’s great grandchildren’s great grandchildren.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Well, Saturday here in SE Washington State was certainly weird.  Thunderstorms, sun, storm, sun, sunny!  Clouds, muggy, bright, clouds, sundown.  Muggy, bit of a breeze then a beautiful sky full of stars!  And I slept through most of it!  Ah, gotta love Saturdays!

Any hoo,..

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. ~ Philippians 1:6

The American war is over; but this far from being the case with the American revolution. On the contrary, nothing but the first act of the drama is closed. It remains yet to establish and perfect our new forms of government, and to prepare the principles, morals, and manners of our citizens for these forms of government after they are established and brought to perfection. ~ Benjamin Rush, letter to Price, 1786

See!  It has been said since, well at least since 1786!  The war for independence was over, but the American Revolution was not.  It is yet to end.  It will only end for two reasons; we lose to socialism, or we rejoice in His return.  Just like in Toby Keith’s song ‘Made in America’, we are all like the wife.  She’s that wife who decorates on the 4th of July but says, “Every day is Independence day!”  The founders spoke of principles and values.  We speak of principles and values.  We must ALWAYS speak of principles and values.  They are what make us American.  No other place on earth, at no time in existence has there been such a nation.  The people rule by the laws of the land.  They select representatives to speak for them, but make no mistake – THE PEOPLE RULE THIS NATION.  Says so in the Declaration of Independence.  Says so in the Constitution.   Says so in my heart.  And I bet it says so in yours.  Share you principles and values with others.  Don’t demand that every accept them.  Just share them.  Let the people accept as they choose.  That is also very American.  Do the good work this country deserves and desperately needs.  We must continue until He returns.  That is our burden.  That is our responsibility; our duty.  That is our honor.  That is our gift. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Finally Friday!  Plans?  I know some of you are having a multi-tea party/9-12 bash in Indiana.  Gosh I wish we could be with you.  We will go to a local pool party.  At least we can get away from the 100+ heat.  Sure hope the water doesn’t evaporate before Saturday.

Any hoo,..

I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer. ~ Psalm 120:1

I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death. ~ Thomas Paine, The Crisis, No 1, 1776

OK EVERYONE!  IS YOUR HEART FIRM?!  ‘YEAH!’  Do you smile in trouble?  ‘YEAH!’  Do you take those troubles to Him?  ‘OH YEAH!!!!’

Then, you are ready. 

We all need to bask in some comfort, take refuge for a little while.  Our strength will be tested very soon.  It is time to prepare our souls, our principles, our resolve.  The mainstream everything believes the tea party is gone; run out of steam.  I for one am certain beyond any reasonable doubt that the tea party, 9:12, Black Robe Regiment, Christian Conservatives, and all the great folks working to restore our constitution, our nation’s values and principles, are READY!  We the People are finishing up our rest.  We may have gone quiet, but not for lack of interest.  Only to do what true Americans have always done; spend time with family before going back to work.  Time to clock in is just about here. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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