Thomas Kiley's Posts (129)

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Be Encouraged! 4/19/12

Howdy all!  How are you surviving the week?  Well, it's Thursday, so not much further to go until we can start all over again!

Any hoo,..

The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. ~ Psalm 103:13

Would it not be better to simplify the system of taxation rather than to spread it over such a variety of subjects and pass through so many new hands. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, 1784

Did you hear that the democratic run Senate has decided to NOT submit a budget until after the election?  So, we as a nation will have waited for a total of 1293 days, give or take a trillion dollars or so, for even an attempt at having a Senate budget submitted.  So, why again do we have a financial crisis?  I know what Jefferson would have said.  In fact I've shared it with you!  He would be upset because the present administration along with an inept, corrupt, vile, incorrigible Senate and an almost as bad House have done exactly what Jefferson warned against; the spread of the people's taxes over such a variety of subjects and passage of the money through sooooooo many hands.  Simplify it?  Well, there are two ways out there that would simplify the tax codes so much that either could alleviate the economic crisis within one or two years.  One is the Fair Tax which already has a bill number (HR 25).  The other is the plan devised by Herman Cain, the 999 plan.  Rick Santorum even had a plan to reduce the tax rates to only two.  Mr Romney unfortunately wants to revise the tax codes by adding 59 more points to the present codes to do something, although I'm not quite sure what.  Wish I knew what that something was.  But even this would be better than the plan the democrats have.  You do know what that plan is, right?  Sure you do.  We've all heard about thistype of plan before.  Just remember, if there are unused checks in your checkbook, you have enough money for everything!  That's the Senator Conrad plan.  He must have found a couple of boxes of unused checkbooks in his office supply closet.  At least he is sharing them with his fellow democrats so they all have enough money to last until December.  We conservatives (true conservatives) instead must control our own urge to spend.  No doubt, we also have the need and want to spend money like the spendocrats.  The challenge is to maintain control, use common sense, and understand that those checks in the checkbook have no value without an account balance.

Maybe Conrad should give some of those checks to Obama.  Wouldn't it be fun to watch him try to pay for the next vacation with insufficient funds?

The Lord is like a father to his children.  We need to be like parents as well.  Tender and compassionate, but also stern enough to say when enough is enough.  We have been doing this in concert for over three years now.  We have been doing this individually for yeeeeeears.  Soon, we parents will take the toys away from the federally elected children.  Then they can all go in their rooms and sulk without any more toys.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged!n 4/18/12

Howdy all!  How has your week been so far?  I must admit mine has been outstanding.  Even the mighty Steve, Great Dane extraordinaire, had his case of being a dangerous dog dismissed in court!  Maybe I should run for office.  Better yet, maybe I should be plaintiff's council for eligibility hearings!  I wish!!

Any hoo,..

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. ~ Matthew 20:28

The discipline and character of the national forces should not suffer, nor the cause they defend be imperiled, by the profanation of the day or name of the Most High...  The first General Order issued by the Father of his Country, after the Declaration of Independence indicates the spirit in which our institutions were founded and should ever be defended:"The General hopes and trusts that every officer and man will endeavor to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country."~ Abraham Lincoln, Order for Sabbath Observance, (including quote from General George Washington) Nov 15, 1862

So, does this sound like these great gentlemen were promoting a specific religion?  Well they're not.  But is does suggest something even better.  Lincoln wanted the forces to be able to celebrate their sabbath, plain and simple.  He related to the Christian faith method of celebrating sabbath, but his words did not say celebrate AS a christian.  The same can be said of Washington.  Endeavor to live and act 'AS BECOMES' a Christian soldier.  He was using a Christian Soldier as an example to follow, not mandating to BE a Christian soldier.  Why is this important?  Just read the verse from Matthew.  He came not to be served, but to serve others, even to die for others.  As far as I know, there is only one entity besides Jesus Christ that has been willing to give their lives to serve others.  That is the American military members.  All of them, in all races, all creeds, all sexes.  They are not all Christian.  But, to act 'AS BECOMES' a Christian soldier is to lay down one's life to save another.  Lincoln wanted the troops to celebrate their faith as an effort to allow the troops to stay close to their Creator, therefore keeping them within their calling to be as a Christian soldier.  The US armed forces are all voluntary forces.  These brave men and women have chosen a life that may cause them to be in harm's way, even give the ultimate sacrifice.  For you.  For your neighbors and families.  For your opponents.  For anyone you like or dislike.  For freedom and liberty.  In recent history, members of the armed forces have been given much greater respect and honor than before.  Medals, awards, hugs at airports, parties upon return.  This is not enough.  You might think this is all you can do, but it's not enough.  There is only thing you can do to honor the sacrifice these finest of the finest have offered.  Smile, look them straight in the eye, and say thank you.  There isn't anything more important you can do than that. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 4/17/12

Howdy all!  First day on the new job.  And I like it very much!  And I have to get a passport.  Seems that there is sometimes a need to travel to meet up with other maintenance managers to discuss best practices, policies, successes and failures.  And some of the places thrown around at orientation were (and I don't know if I will truly get to go but,.) Sweden, India, and for some reason Scranton Pennsylvania.  Scranton would be nice.  I heard they speak like people on the east coast.

Any hoo,..

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me." ~ Matthew 16:24

Let's roll. ~ Todd Beamer, His last words heard on United Flight 93, Sept 11, 2001

I don't know about you, but just reading those two words from Mr Beamer brings back a lump in my throat and the pride to my chest.  The guts, and resolve they all had on that flight will be remembered forever.  When I read the verse from Matthew, I could think of no other famous quote from a founder to match. 

How many of us would have rolled like Todd and his flight mates?  They had to know their lives would be over one way or another, and decided to go anyway in the hopes of saving their lives and countless lives on the ground, as well as fight back in a war that only they knew was being waged.  Obviously, He was there that day, on that plane, in that group ready to save the flight.  Those passengers turned from the selfish fear of not wanting to get hurt.  They knew the cross they bore was as heavy as anything they ever carried.  And they rolled. 

We are asked today and every day to roll.  Our nation is under attack from the very people who manage it. They are not leaders, they are managers.  We must take our nation back from those managers who want to manage us into oblivion, then run with the remainder, to set up a nation of their choosing.  Not if I have anything to do with it.  And not if you have anything to do with it either.  But we need help.  We need family, friends, neighbors to have anything to do with it as well.  The word needs to get out.  The socialist media won't do it.  The web sites we read are not read by those ostriches we all know and love in our families and neighborhoods.  So, try this; send any blog you write to a local paper editorial page, and see if it gets published.  Keep sending.  Send to papers across town, across state, across the country.  See if any of them would print it.  And when they do, blast it over the internet.  So the world will know that a paper printed a conservative letter.  Are you a Todd Beamer?

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 4/16/12

Howdy all.  Can't wait till the work day starts.  The end of the work day will be here as well, but the beginning is what I've been waiting for.  The anticipation has been increasing, but that will soon wane.  The only question left now is; what do I bring for lunch? 

Any hoo,..

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!  His faithful love endures forever. ~ Psalm 106:1

Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens.  They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people in order to betray them. ~ Joseph Story

Yes, I start today.  Ought to be fun!  I've given my thanks and will continue to give Him thanks for getting me through this period.  So there is life out there, and jobs too.  I found one, so there has to be more.  Which makes me wonder more and more each day; why does the media and the political 'experts' claim the crisis is getting better but not fast enough?  Simple, that's what they want you to believe.  Don't get me wrong.  It is not easy.  But there is a reason for the crisis.  Propaganda.  There are thousands of jobs out there waiting to someone to fill them.  But, because the media and the political dorks have made the situation appear as close to devastation as they could, the people looking are getting discouraged.  Worse, the companies with the jobs seem to be hoarding them, looking for the absolutely perfect person that will do better than anyone else on the planet.  Of course, they want the best for their company, don't get me wrong.  But when a kid out of school can't even get a job pushing shopping carts because his resume is not as good as someone else?  What??  Look around.  How many recent high school graduates are still at home playing video games and borrowing the car every day so they can go to their friends house to play more videos?  Ask them why.  And you may get sick from the answer. 

These bright and energetic kids have become like zombies.  They have learned from (and I mean this sincerely) the public school system that it's ok to not do as well as the others.  You know the story.  Don't keep score in little league.  Winning isn't important.  You'll still get a trophy and ice cream anyway.  Now look at those kids.  They think it's ok not to have a job.  We will get food from someone anyway.  They've been taught that instead of daring to be an entrepreneur, stay with your parents and enjoy the day! 

Doesn't this sound disgusting?  Well it's happening, right down the block from you.  I kept at my job search and finally succeeded.  Others are giving up.  Some never try to start.  What to do?  we need to teach them reality.  We need to teach these people perseverance.  We need to instill an air of public spirit, and encourage them to use the intelligence God gave them.  Because without these kids, the profligate will be 'rewarded' and those who wish to end our republic will flatter them continuously, until they are ready to betray them.  

It is up to us.  There is no one else to do it.  Sounds as if I am on my high horse?  Well my favorite mare is over 16 hands tall, which means I look down on monster trucks when in saddle.  So maybe I am.  And maybe you should be too. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 4/15/12

Howdy all!  Tea party rally day!  Took the 17 year old son of our friend, and my lovely wife.  She has a way with words that I could never approach.  And when she met some of the folks there in Richland WA, including our local fave Clint Didier, she got validated.  In other words, her voice which is much more, .. to the point than mine so to speak, has now been given the green light.  I guess she will be running for office soon.  Maybe you will see me soon in a runoff against Todd Palin for first dude!

Any hoo,.. (yes dear I won't be long!)

Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous.  Be Strong. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13

There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire.  If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage. ~ John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men. 1776

How many liberties have been assaulted over the past few years, or few decades for that matter?  Even the word freedom has been assaulted.  Conservatives want freedom from tyranny, while liberals want freedom to smoke pot.  We want to maintain our right of free speech to hold our federally elected employees accountable.  The progressive liberal OWS people want to maintain the freedom of speech so they can elaborate on their words by defecating in public on a police car or a flag.  And now freedom of religion, which by the way is written in front of freedom of speech in the first amendment, is under assault, by mandating the availability of contraception and abortion products be made by even those organizations which hold that in violation of their faith.  Witherspoon's quote is from 1776.  This is 2012, 236 years later.  I ask you what has changed since he first spoke of the loss of liberties.  We have been losing liberties for a while.  Now the effort to remove liberties has moved into high gear.  Religion is in the sites even now.  Look at what is going on between the Catholic church and our federally elected employees!!  OUR EMPLOYEES!!  It is time to take up the direction found in 1 Corinthians.  Be on Guard. Stand FIRM in the faith, whichever faith you follow.  Be courageous.  And be strong.  It will not be easy.  You will be harassed for your position.  Example WA state government has been lame and useless in finding a way to get a balanced budget.  Mostly because the majority party (the ones who have an ass for a logo) like what they see in DC, so they mimic the fed govt.  Well, enough democrats jumped the aisle and the WA state government has actually voted for a republican backed, balanced budget!  The down side, the democrats who were brave enough to do the right thing have been harassed by thugs and union dorks from SEIU because they did the right thing. 

We all need to get involved, at what ever level we can.  We must get our family, friends and neighbors to see the light.  Or at least get them to understand what the dark will look like if they stay 'neutral'. 

This is not so much for us as it is for the 17 year olds of this country.  They must be shown what the future holds.  Maybe they will stop playing video games and go out and get a job.  (And don't tell me there aren't any.  After my last six months I am absolutely positive there is a job for everyone out there right this very second!)  So, Be courageous, be strong, and STAND FIRM!  And tell those young whipper-snappers to get off their donkeys and get a job!  Best way to teach them about our capitalist republic.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 4/13/12

Howdy all!  I guess I need to elaborate on last nights good news.  I have been hired by a very good company to be their maintenance manager.  I won't go into much detail here, but I will say that I am very happy with the opportunity, and it keeps me from moving out of state.  One of these days I think I'll pass on some perspective of the jobs crisis, from the inside.  And as a teaser, I can tell you that the debates in the media don't come even close to the reality of looking for a job.  A project for the near future.

But, in the mean time,..

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. ~ Hebrews 10:23

Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and slavery of fear had made men afraid to think.  But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing. ~ Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

If Thomas Paine were alive today, he would probably jump down our throats for not listening to him the first time.  In his time, as in our time, as in all time since the beginning of time, the human race has striven to be free.  Yet the mere thought of people in power allowing others to be free only meant the loss of their power.  So  people who spoke of reason with those in power were accused of treason and sedition.  And when captured they would meet their fate as swiftly and openly as possible to drive fear into others so they would not repeat.  But, Paine is correct.  We've all heard the phrase 'the truth will set you free."  All truth needs is to be seen.  Once seen, it cannot be returned to the darkness no matter how hard one tries.  Just ask Anthony Weiner, look at Richard Nixon.  They tried to hide the truth, but it would not keep silent.  It never can.  This is why freedom has been crushed around the world in so many places and in so many ways.  But we in the United States, we are free.  We have nothing of this to be concerned with.  Right?  Well, if you believe this, then let me introduce you to the Progressives, the Union thugs, The New Black Panthers, Aryan Nation, Drug Cartels, and of course, our federally elected employees in Washington DC.  Every one of these groups, and so many more have done everything they could to hide the truth; even so far as to attempt to limit freedoms granted in the Constitution.  And when groups such as the tea party come along to question the limitations, they are harassed, and mocked; called extremists and terrorists.  All done a s loud as possible to scare other potential tea partyers from joining.  So Paine might not like what he sees.  Unless we look for guidance, the kind of guidance that has been around for quite some time, and always readily available.  He can be trusted to keep His promise.  Without a doubt.  All we need to do is hold tightly without wavering.  Sounds hard; is hard.  And it sure as heck is well worth the effort.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 4/12/12

Howdy all!  I got to know, when is the last time you read a newspaper article or web story headline that was completely positive?  Whether it's a bad story about nature (tornado, earthquake) or political (marxists, shooting someone, taxes) no one leads their stuff off with a good story.  So, to break tradition, I would like to start this with a brief statement:


Any hoo (as in WOO HOO!!)

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable.  Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13

There is no good government but what is republican.  That the only valuable part of the British constitution is so; for the true idea of a republic is 'an empire of laws, and not of men.'  That as a republic is the best of governments, so that particular arrangement of the powers of society, or in other words, that form of government which is best contrived to secure an impartial and exact execution of the law, is the best of republics. ~ John Adams, Thoughts on Government, 1776

Although there are still 3 individuals vying for the candidacy of the republican presidential nominee, it does appear that one has a distinct lead over the others.  And I may not be the first to say this, but I will say it anyway.  Mitt Romney has got to come to my way of thinking to get my vote.  If he or the GOP believe that just because Willard gets the GOP nod the registered GOP voters will be lemmings, then they have a problem.  I watch in the news and on political sites how the GOP minimize the effect of the tea party.  And as a county delegate, I watched in real time how the local GOP/RINO's gave no respect to anyone showing true conservative values.  Sure, everyone calls Romney a true conservative, but I can say the same thing about Obama.  I mean he is meticulous in conserving his political butt on a daily basis.  So it depends on the context of the discussion to understand if Romney is conservative or not.  Bottom line, our republic needs us all.  As Adams said, 'for the true idea of a republic is "an empire of laws, and not of men".'  And a government best contrived to secure an impartial and exact execution of the law is the best republic.  Well, I can't say that the present group of federally elected employees live up to that standard.  Not by a long shot.  And they want to keep their cozy leather backed chairs in their pretty little offices we taxpayers pay for.  So they will come to you and me and say the most splendid of things, make the most gracious offers of camaraderie, while at the same time denigrate those that oppose them, even in their own party.  They all still believe the tea party was an anomaly, a fad like the hula hoop, or mini skirts.  Well let me tell you, I can still find national hula hoop contests, and I just saw a picture today of Jennifer Lopez looking great in a mini skirt.  So I guess some fads never go away. 

The tea party is not a fad.  It's a name, a moniker, a logo.  It is not a title.  It is a description of ideals that true conservative right/center Americans have had, and have passed down for generations over the last 236 years.  Ideals of love of God, country, family and neighbors.  Fads fade away.  The ideals labeled as tea party will never go away.  And those who believe in those ideals will never go away.  Because this country is ours.  This government is ours.  The federally elected employees are exactly that; our employees.  They have somehow changed the concept that they are in charge.  For a long time we bought off on that change.  Like con men, they got us to believe we need them to control us.  Well, that may have been true in the past, and shame on us for allowing it.

We have been gifted by God certain unalienable rights.  Our founders wrote the Constitution to guarantee a republican form of government.  It's true, see Article IV section 4.  It's the only place in the entire Constitution (amendments included) where you will find the word guarantee.  But as Ben Franklin said it's up to us to keep it.  Our present federally elected employees are doing everything they can to take that guarantee away from us, bit by bit.  We must not let them.  It is up to us, you, me, Bill, Mary, Todd, Ismael, Jack, Maureen, Chris, David, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  All of us need to be strong and immovable.  We must work hard for this republic, this gift from God.  It is He who gives us the strength.  It doesn't matter which faith you believe, your faith is a faith in God, believed in the manner of your choosing.  But be enthusiastic in your work, for nothing you do for Him is ever useless.  Amen, brothers and sisters!

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 4/10/12

Howdy all!  Have you all paid your tribute to the American Citizens club?  Annual fund drive ends this week!  Some folks around the country are celebrating this weekend.  Remember, as long as Obamacare is the law, the IRS will have plenty of personnel to make your day a special one!  (Do they make happy face emoticons with vomit pouring out?)

Any hoo,..

My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident.  No wonder I can sing your praises! ~ Psalm 57:7

It is a singular advantage of taxes on articles of consumption that they contain in their own nature a security against excess.  They prescribe their own limit, which cannot be exceeded without demanding the end purposed - that is, an extension of the revenue. ~ Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 21

It's interesting what Hamilton says here.  The advantage of taxing goods is that it will limit the excessive consumption of those goods.  And as a by product, it will also increase tax revenues for the government.  And I guess this philosophy, if you will, stood on good ground for a long time.  Governments at all levels used taxes to gain revenue and limit overly excessive use of goods such as gasoline.  Not a totally bad idea for sure.  But now, that whole concept is being perverted.  Increase the taxes on goods for the revenue, but also there is the expectation of continued excessive use of those goods.  And, when there is a need to increase the availability of goods based on supply and demand, the government will not support the increased production.  It would rather instead get the goods elsewhere.  This forces the price of the goods themselves to 'necessarily skyrocket' as one famed economist once said.  And then add on the tax, and you have the makings of a good revolt on your hands.  Sound familiar?  Yooooo betcha! 

So, what to do?  Well, do what we have done for the past few years.  Go to rallies, bring your signs and garbage bags.  Sing patriotic songs, scream at the government with words of good taste and biting truth.  We own this country, and have vested the powers of government to congress and the president.  Funny they think it's the other way around.  But, I don't recall there were tea party members in the original constitutional congress along with Franklin, Madison, Washington or Jefferson.  Hmm, too bad they don't teach that stuff in school anymore.  No, I guess these great founders and all the rest had some guidance of their own to help them formulate the greatest government structure this earth has ever seen.  They had confidence in Him that they would get it right, despite the disagreement and even ridicule they experienced. I and a great many of you obviously have confidence in Him that our federally elected employees will finally see the light and follow the laws passed down to us all by their predecessors, AND also follow the instructions given them by their employers, who would be none other than We The People.  I am confident this will happen.  I know it will.  How do I know?  It's simple; it has to.  There is no other option.  So I am confident it will happen.  No wonder I can feel so at ease through all this craziness.  See you this weekend at the tea party rallies!

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 4/9/12

Howdy all!  Sorry I missed sharing with you for Easter.  I had a long day at the Benton County (WA) GOP convention on Saturday, and then had to go Ham shopping at an all night supermarket.  Do you know how hard it is to read those little price tags on a big ham at 1:15 am?  And it's true about those Wal-Martians coming out at night!  At least I was able to find one of those as-seen-on-tv door screens with the velcro and the magnets!  I didn't even have to call in the next 5 minutes or act now before it's too late either!

Any hoo,..

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. ~ Romans 4:10

Give up money, give up fame, give up science, give up the earth itself and all it contains rather than do an immoral act.  And never suppose that in any possible situation, or under any circumstances, it is best for you to do a dishonorable thing, however slightly so it may appear to you... From the practice of the purest virtue, you may be assured you will derive the most sublime comforts in every moment of life, and in the moment of death. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, 1785

Like I said, I attended the Benton County GOP convention.  Was third alternate but still got seated as a delegate!  Cool!!  Until it started.  I thought they were supposed to be exciting, a place to spread your conservative wings and puff out your proud republican chest feathers and Be The Eagle!  WRONG!  These guys couldn't even count.  Let's see, there were 310, no 311 delegates, no,.. right!  310 delegates from my state congressional district.  So you would think they'd be able to count out 310 ballot sheets.  A couple of hands went up asking for ballots after we got ours to start voting state delegates.  OK, pass them back in, so we can check credentials.  . . . OK WHO DIDN'T TURN IN YOUR BALLOT?  We sent out 310, but got back 299!  Oh, and this was after the 'party leadership' was finally able to verify credentials initially.  That took 4 hours.  Our first vote for delegates finally finished tallying up about 3:55 pm, after starting at 8:30 am.  40 out of 42 were selected, so another round for the last 2.  It only got worse after that.  So, while I was steaming, I realized that all the GOP 'leadership' tended to lean toward those who had a certain business like perspective for the candidate of their choice.  Hmm, is it possible that what was being said in the press about the GOP could be true?  So I watched closer.  When time came for nominees from the floor, some folks did not get recognized to nominate.  And when they tried to get attention, there was suddenly a motion from the floor to end the floor nominating.  When that person questioned they were told that a motion is made and seconded, so we must deal with this first.  The motion was voted and passed, therefore the person with the request to nominate was told no, we already shut it down.  That type of occurrence happened a few times. There was a delegate from my precinct who leaned the same way as I do.  And she told me something interesting.  She is of the same faith as one of the business men running.  Those in her faith were leaning heavily towards this former governor.  When she made it known she did not lean that way, she was basically harassed fro NOT leaning as they were supposed to.  That's when I knew the fix was in.  And our candidate's county leadership were in dire need of leadership training.  They basically rolled over and played dead, when they were paying attention instead of shooting the breeze that is.  Well, at least there was a national campaign officer from my guy's camp in house.  I watched him too.  He left after the first vote's tally where zero delegates from our side got elected.  0 for 42 in total.  But that's OK.  I still got his personal email address, so I have a way to tell him a few things one on one, if you know what I mean.

Why do I tell you all this?  Here?  Well one reason is I want to share my experience, that was not as good as others who went to their county convention.  Trust me I DO plan on going as many times as possible in the future.  But to bring in today's message, I gave up my time with my family and friends to prepare for Easter to do what I believe must be done by as many citizens as possible.  It is an honorable thing to stand up for your fellow constituents and citizens.  I did not do anything out of line or dishonorable.  But I witnessed what I find dishonorable (aka political) and I will make sure I do what is honorable for the candidate of my choosing, as well as the citizens who voted me a delegate alternate.  And, I know I will learn from this for future attendance at conventions.  This will help me develop endurance, and improve my chances of having a better convention next time.  At least a more honorable one.

Take care, God bless, He Has Risen!


Tom Kiley, precinct 3101, Benton County WA.

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Be Encouraged 4/5/12

Howdy all!  Been a great day at the Kiley compound.  Had a lot of folks praying for me in my quest for re-employment.  Well thanks to those prayers, my quest has ended!  Got a call today, and was offered a position at a really good company, offering a great salary for a challenging job which is what I was looking for!  What else could be better!  Now the ironic part.  Also received a letter in the mail; more like a statement/payment notice.  And from all places, the state unemployment office!  Seems their records show that I was over payed.  Huh??  Guess it's true that God sure does work in mysterious ways.  And it seems He also has a good sense of humor!!

Any hoo,..

So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. ~ 1 Timothy 6:8

Objects of the most stupendous magnitude, and measure in which the lives and liberties of millions yet unborn are intimately interested, are now before us.  We are in the very midst of a revolution the most complete, unexpected and remarkable if any in the history of nations. ~ John Adams, letter to William Cushing, 1776

So, alright.  We are not in a physical revolution.  But politically the revolution is ongoing.  Whether we are being fundamentally transformed, or restoring our Constitution and limiting the government, we are all involved with a revolution, of the most stupendous magnitude.  If the Constitution is not to stand, then we will have to conform to some other form of government.  And I can see that some, if not most or all of the states may bow out of any new form of government, which would end the united part of the name.  And many of these states will have trouble maintaining their sovereignty due to the fact that their constitutions vector to parts of the US constitution.  Example; Washington State's constitution does not have its own qualifications for federally elected positions such as senator and representatives.  It instead states that the qualifications for federal elections are found in the US constitution.  So they will need their own constitutional convention.  I believe that the US Constitution will stand throughout this form of revolution being waged, because of the mess that would follow, because the states would want their sovereignty back, and because the winner would have nothing to show for it.  So, as we a prepare for the coming election, the administration to follow, and whatever political or economic havoc that may ensue, remember what is said in 1 Timothy.  If you have enough to get by, then be content.  Our republic will survive.  After all, the Constitution has only one guarantee in all the articles and amendments.  Article IV, Section 4.  'The United States shall guarantee to every State in this union a Republican Form of Government'.  Can't get any more content than that.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 4/4/12

Howdy all!  I had a great conversation with other citizens of Washington State over who may be the republican candidate for governor.  It was very much similar to the debates all over the country about who will be the GOP pres candidate.  I won't tell you how it turned out (although I thought I did pretty darn good), but if you have a state or local election that may be a close race in the primary, get involved with it, even if only in a discussion.  It'll be good practice for the coming election.  (and just who is this guy to give such advice anyway, right?)

Any hoo,..

Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours. ~ Isaiah 61:7

I am not influenced by the expectation of promotion or pecuniary reward.  I wish to be useful, and every kind of service necessary for the public good, become honorable by being necessary.  Nathan Hale, Remark to Captain William Hull, 1776

Nathan Hale.  A great patriot.  He even had a submarine named after him.  Pretty cool, eh?  But the real cool thing is that all he wanted was to be a part of the revolution.  Read his words. He wished to be useful.  He wasn't looking for a promotion, "fame and fortune" as is said today.  He wanted to be part of gaining freedom, at any cost.  And we all know what cost he paid.  In Isaiah, we see the laying of foundation for what is coming for Israel.  The verses before speak of the freeing of Israel, freedom from slavery.  And when this would be achieved instead of dishonor there would be double shares of honor.  Everlasting joy would be theirs.  But it would through much sacrifice that they would achieve their freedom.  And so, centuries later, the people of the American colonies wanted their freedom.  There would be sacrifice, as Hale had to pay.  But it was that willingness to sacrifice to each other their 'Lives, Fortunes and sacred Honor' that gave the colonies a new title; the United States of America.  Today we find ourselves striving again for our freedoms.  Now, we are striving to retain the freedoms our founders gave us, and our present employees in DC are trying to eliminate.  We all need to be a part of this service,necessary for the public good.  Not for promotion or pecuniary reward, but for the success of our republic.  And those who wish to end the republic will try to shame us, defame us, even destroy us.  Know that we will have no shame or dishonor in restoring our republic.  Our honor will be doubled instead. 

Now, you know one reason why I always invite you to stand with Israel.  They won their freedom from tyranny.  We won our freedom from tyranny.  They have always been under threat to lose their freedom.  Now we are under threat to lose our freedom.  And you wonder why Israel and America have always been friends?

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 4/2/12

Howdy all!  And what a weird weekend for yours truly.  I spent most of it getting the squirrels fed so the computer would work right.  The rest I spent trying to find all of my old bookmarks without knowing what their internet addresses were.  In the immortal words of the Beatles, "I got blisters on my fingers!"

Any hoo,..

He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.  He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. ~ Proverbs 2:7

Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without a rudder, is the sport of every wind.  With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Smith, 1822

What do you think of Jefferson's quote?  Does it sound like he is dissing faith, calling it gullibility?  Sounds like it, but he is definitely not.  And one only has to look to the verse from Proverbs for proof.  He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.  Common sense; aka, reason.  With reason, He also is a shield to those who walk with integrity.  Now a s Thomas says, the man who gives up his reason has no remaining guard against the most monstrous absurdities.  So,if one has the common sense (reason) granted by our Creator, we have His guard remaining, and therefore protected.  We must only walk with integrity.  To illustrate this one simply needs to look at the difference between a tea party rally and an Occupy Wall Street rally.  I don't think I need to describe these two scenes to clarify.  What about the difference between the Restoring Honor rally and President Obama's Inauguration.  The national grounds were left pristine by the restoring honor crowd, but the aftermath of the inauguration looked like nuclear winter.  Or in other words, a wreck.  Jefferson's message is not one of bashing religious faith over reason.  Instead it is a message to Americans on how to maintain the republic. It is a message expecting Americans to use the reasoning, the treasure of common sense granted by Him to the honest, as the shield of integrity against the most monstrous of absurdities which will send this ship of ours aimlessly into the rocky shores of socialism.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 3/29/12

Howdy all!  How's the week going?  Don't know yet?  Well, it'll soon be over.  Then we can all relax, watch for the pile of paper excrement come from DC and start a new week trying to figure out which paper goes in which receptacle.  At least I've had some training in this matter; had a couple of granddaughter's special blends to change.  Gotta love them little darlings!

Any hoo,..

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.  Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. ~ 1 Timothy 2:1

It is very imprudent to deprive America of any of her privileges.  If her commerce and friendship are of any importance to you, they are to be had on no other terms than leaving her in full enjoyment of her rights. ~ Benjamin Franklin, Political Observations

What have we gone through as a nation this week in the Supreme Court?  I believe we have witnessed the power of the Constitution.  I believe we have witnessed the life that is still in that wonderful document which gives us our strong republic today.  Year after year, the SCOTUS has met to discuss issues of law that pertain to the Constitution and had to decide which side is constitutionally correct.  There have been major cases that have gone like a slam dunk to the correct decision.  There have been decisions that have been so controversial, they are still questioned today.  But what we have witnessed this week may well be the truest test of the Constitution ever.  We may have witnessed the most direct debate on whether the Constitution is still worthy to be the document by which we formulate our government, or should the United States as we know it cease to exist and be reformulated.  And the strangest part is, the answer from the Supreme Court is not needed to decide that any more.  Why, you ask.  Well, I'll tell you why I think so.  Consider this: There was a case brought through the legal system, finally ending up in the court room with the Supreme Court.  Arguments were heard from both sides.  The justices asked very direct questions.  The legal representatives answered, and now the justices will return to chambers and review and decide how to decide.  They have taken on their role as the check and balance for the federal government AS DESCRIBED IN THE US CONSTITUTION!  The Constitution worked this week.  It worked very well.  It survived.  Yes, there is an answer due this June on the constitutionality of Obamacare.  That will in itself have great impact on the future of our country.  But, the Constitution is intact.  It worked.  It worked very well.  And, it is still there.  Now, I know you think I am a bit weird.  Maybe that's because I'm from NY.  And you're probably right.  Maybe you think it's because I spent years cumulative under water.  Again, spot on.  But I have been following the guidance of Timothy as written above.  I've been praying like anything, and giving Him thanks for being with us all.  I know he did NOT sway anyone.  He was just there, making His presence known to those who also prayed.  His intercession may be present soon.  I have already given Him and will continue to give Him more thanks, as you should.  Benjamin has some great advice in his quote.  Even though his advice was more towards foreign entities, the advice is good for anyone internally as well, who will wish to do business with the Americans; NOT the government I might add.  Americans love their rights.  Americans will fight for their rights, and die for them as necessary.  So, if you want to do business with Americans, don't interfere with their rights.  Some good advice that the federally elected employees should have followed when they thought up this idiotic 2000+ page law.  Aunt Nancy said we need to vote for the bill so we can know what is inside of the bill.  Too bad she didn't take the advice of her opponents.  Had she, then Justice Scalia may not have had reason to refuse reading the bill to find out what's inside.  He may not have had reason to liken the reading to the 8th amendment- cruel and unusual punishment.

Yes, the Constitution is working just fine, thank you!  Sorry Barry; you'll have to try harder, and time is running out.  Which reminds me folks.  Time is running out on this regime.  Watch for political speed bumps and hand grenades.  After this catastrophic failure, Barry may get desperate.  Eyes wide open, listen, and report what you find.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 3/28/12

Howdy all!  Gosh, is it Wednesday already?  I know I have missed sharing with you here and there, like yesterday.  But halfway through the work week already!  And like I said previously, this week is turning out to be a very big week.  Life changing moments for some even.  I mean, even my little granddaughter found out how hard the window sill can be!  Thank goodness the fat lip will not be permanent.  It does give her a little character though, and she is still sooo cute.

Any hoo,..

All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.  We have left God's paths to follow our own.  Yet, the Lord laid on him the sins of us all. ~ Isaiah 53:6

Men must be ready, they must pride themselves and be happy to sacrifice their private pleasures, passions and interests, nay, their private friendships and dearest connections, when they stand in competition with the rights of society. ~ John Adams, letter to Mercy Warren, 1776

So, the good news; there are thousands, perhaps millions who are following the message of today's verse and quote.  They are involved, holding signs, watching, listening, sharing what we have learned from the SCOTUS.  And there are probably just as many who are not.  Some have even strayed away due to frustration, and exhaustion.  To those folks I say, take the rest!  You are needed so much, but not to the point you run out of gas when your efforts will be needed most.  But for us all, we cannot lose sight of everything that goes on.  The mandate case in DC is one of the most important cases this or any SCOTUS group will ever hear.  But, it may not be the biggest issue we need to monitor.  Fast and Furious, Governor Walker, primary season, World Bank nominee, and many many more.  We cannot let these issues cause us to stray away.  We must be ready to sacrifice at least some of our private pleasures and interests to keep these types of issues in the forefront.  Our society as a republic deserves no less than sacrifices we make to protect it.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 3/26/12

Howdy all.  I certainly hope you have all had the chance to relax, enjoy your families and friends this past weekend.  I know I have.  We are about to enter a week the likes of which we haven't been through in a long time, if ever.  The Supreme Court is giving unusual if not unprecedented amount of time to argue the case brought by Florida and all the other states on the Obamacare mandate on health care insurance.  So much has been said,and done.  Demands for waivers, demands for repeal, demands for impeachment, and unfortunately demands for violence.  We won't even know how successful the arguments will be until June.  We cannot and should not stand still waiting until then.  The Constitution is at stake here,and many other places as well.  So, the ultimate court in the land will hear this issue, and it will be out of our hands.  So, lets listen to the week's progress, but not lose focus on so many other things going on.  Although the liberals/progressives/Marxists/socialists/whatever else they are understand this point very well.  Personal experience.  Funny, but to the point.  When I was a kid, my next neighbor had lots of fireworks.  My friend's Dad had his birthday on July 4.  Grandma would always bring fireworks from the south to Long Island (yes they were and are illegal, but heck I was just 6).  They set up one skyrocket on the old picnic table, since it had the umbrella hole in the middle to use as a 'stand'.  Just as it took off, it leaned over to almost horizontal.  Everyone watched the skyrocket hit the garage next door and ricochet to the house on the next block.  No one paid attention to the exhaust from the skyrocket, which just happened to flow into the big box next to the picnic table; yes the box containing the remaining fireworks.  Within seconds, the backyard was lit up better than the show on top of the Space Needle in Seattle.  40 people vanished; under tables, over fences, down the block, in the house, anywhere there was a shred of cover.  It was funny after my Dad turned on the garden hose and threw the nozzle into the box.  We all watched the one anomaly, but missed the real problem until it was too late.  Let's not focus so much on the SCOTUS arguments that we miss something major on Agenda 21, Fast and Furious, the nominee for the World Bank who has no financial background, and everything else I don't have space to mention. And, we must watch for other success.  Look at Australia, where this past weekend they voted out the socialists, and I mean voted them OUT!  They've held control of their parliament for over 20 years.  Some seats have been held over 100 years.  They are calling it a political earthquake.  And it was done by simply a vote.  We need to look for these successes as well as watch our backs.  We must be vigilant.  We must be,.. well I think Paul says it best:

Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous. Be strong.  And do everything with love. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 3/25/12

Howdy all!  And how's your bracket doing?  Having trouble keeping you bracket going?  You know, not all bracket pairings will go on to be successful.  I mean, if one bracket is made of wrought iron and the other made of tin foil, or worse, balsa wood...(You thought I was talking about the NCAA basketball brackets didn't you.  Well those brackets won't even hold up a bookcase.  I know.  I tried.)

Any hoo,..

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable.  Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:58

The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people. ~ George Washington, First Inaugural Address, 1789

OK.  This week coming up is going to be historic.  Even thought there have been many historic events occurring over the last couple of years, this week will hold more significance in the restoration of our republic, our Constitution, our economy and most importantly, our humanity.  Six hours dedicated to discussion that will change the course of our country.  No pressure there, eh?  We have been looking forward to this time, for a long, frustrating and exhilarating time.  And remember this discussion will not be the end.  We will not know the final outcome until June.  So, even though the case will be heard, we must continue with our efforts.  So let these words from 1 Corinthians, and President Washington give you guidance and strength.  We must continue to be strong and immovable.  Work enthusiastically for Him, for nothing we do in His name is ever useless.  In doing so, He will help us preserve our fire for liberty, and the destiny of our republic.  No matter what anyone says, especially our federally elected employees, the republic, the experiment is entrusted in only one place; the hands of We the People.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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We know what you know and we are watching

Folks!  Something to research.  What I found out is simple but appears to be a domino in line with world wide health care financing. 

The President's nominee for the World Bank is Dr. Jim Yong Kim.  He does NOT hold a doctorate in finances.  In fact He is a physician.  Doctorate of anthropology.  He worked in the World Health Organization.  He worked in a group for world wide health care for the poor.  he's even getting low grades from another Ivy League professor

I don't like what this looks like.  WHO doctor who was working on health care for the poor, nominated by a President, who can't get his health care plan going in the US, to run the worlds financial organization.  Can you say, world wide financing for the health care?  Ability to tie Obamacare to European health care?  I mean this guy has absolutely ZERO experience with financing.  But he DOES have 17 years of experience in the WHO.  I don't like the looks of this at all.

Research and get some info out.

Take care, God bless,

Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 3/23/12

Howdy all!  And welcome to Spring!  Spring?  ??  Spring has sprung.  And just to celebrate, we had snow on the ground yesterday morning!  Dropped about 6 inches in Salem, OR.  Gosh, I can feel the warmth already!

Any brrr,..

Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:11

As parents, we can have no joy, knowing that this government is not sufficiently lasting to ensure any thing which we may bequeath to posterity: And by a plain method of argument, as we are running the next generation into debt, we ought to do the work of it, otherwise we use them meanly and pitifully. ~ Thomas Paine, Common Sense, January 10, 1776

I hate watching my government squander so much of our national treasure.  I don't mean the treasury, or the gross domestic product or anything like that.  I mean our future, our children.  They have been raised by great people.  Yet they also were taught by schools that had to follow certain requirements to maintain the level of government funding to stay afloat.  In some cases, the schools became more than complicit in teaching our children to be lazy slovenly socialist whiny children.  I see grown children - 22, 23 years old - sit at home and play video games, get thoroughly involved in cyberspace.  And you'd think that some of them would delve into the seedy side of the internet with pornographic sites.  Some of these kids pass that up and go to sites that show extreme stupidity bloopers!  You know, skate boarder who lands jewels first on the railing, or the cars that fly off the track into the crowd.  'Wow did you see that!  Bet it totally crushed his head!  Coool!  Gimme another energy drink!'  Yes, they don't even drink beer.  They spend all their hard earned cash (12-18 bucks) on energy drinks and tortilla chips.  Isn't this sad?  Work?  Work is what it takes to get to the bathroom after waiting too long on the couch.

Thomas Paine had it right,as did all the founders when it comes to the legacy they leave behind.  And his comments may explain why the kids now a day stay at home and play on the computer instead of getting a life.  If our children understand the mountain of debt the federally elected employees have dumped onto their shoulders,why try to get a job?  They'll only lose half or more of it to taxes.  Why not work odd jobs, get a bag of chips and be a stupid person watching other stupid people on the computer? 

What to do?  First thing is follow the advice from 1 Corinthians.  We need all the strength we can get, and no better place for great strength than from Him.  Next, communicating with our managers in Congress (remember, not leaders).  Tell them to listen or leave, obey the people of vacate the office.  Even the popular ones are to be put on notice.  Don't give any relief from the demands.  If they are truly one with us,then they need to get on the bandwagon and earn the respect a 'leader' would get. Remember what Vince Lombardi said, "If you aren’t fired with enthusiasm, you’ll be fired with enthusiasm."  Let's find out how much enthusiasm our managers in DC have, before we are forced to do their work meanly and pitifully. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 3/21/12

Howdy all!  I tell ya, sometimes the work we do can be so strenuous, even the little things can be overpowering.  I mean, have you ever tried to feed spaghetti-o’s to a tired 1 year old with a load in the diaper?  Eeewwwwwwwwww!!

Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. ~ 1 Chronicles 28:20

The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time; the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them. ~ Thomas Jefferson, Rights of British America, 1774

Well, as it happens once in a while, the message is self-explanatory.  As Jefferson was saying you can destroy what we have, but you cannot damage the spirit.  Only we can let our own spirit be damaged.  I will admit it’s hard to keep up spirits when so many destructive events occur all around us.  It is even harder when those we have placed in position to conduct a proper governance of our nation are so weak and seemingly apathetic to our problems.  But we have real hope, real support.  It is right there, in 1 Chronicles.  He is with us.  He has since the beginning.  He was with Jefferson, Washington, Story, Franklin, the Adams’, Warren, Paine, Hale, Greene, and all of the founders and patriots.  He is with us; with DeMint, West, Rubio, Lee, Grassley, Beck, Limbaugh.  He is with us.  He is with you.  He will not forsake us.  He will be with us until the work is finished.  Trust this message.  Believe it in your hearts.  There will be a time that your spirit will need strengthening.  Remember, He is with you.  So be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God is with us.


Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Be Encouraged 3/20/12

Howdy all!  Well, busy and crazy at the compound as always.  But I am determined as ever to make it through, no matter what the circumstances.  I mean, I keep telling them I like chocolate but they keep giving me vanilla ice cream!  Man, when can I get some relief??

Any hoo,..

For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light. ~ Matthew 11:30

Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them." --Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833

This is so cool.  Every time I get a quote from Joseph Story I get these chills, because he is so in tune with today.  Most of the founders were prolific writers.  And it is so amazing how prophetic they were.  They DID know what they were doing, and they DID know what we should expect from those who would see our republic falter.  Take today’s quote from Story.   Does it not fit into the situation we are all facing today?  We have an administration led, oops sorry, managed by a dictator-in-training.  While more evidence arises about his qualifications to manage, he dumps another Executive Order on the nation, which takes him one step closer to martial law.  Now I’m not trying to get you riled up.  That’s his job.  But he wants control.  How can he get that kind of control with the Constitution in place?  Only by dissolving it or setting it aside.  But wouldn’t that also mean that the states are no longer bound to the federal government?  Wouldn’t they all then become independent sovereign countries?

So, what to do?  Well, contact your representatives, your senators.  Give them an ear full, read them the riot act.  What have they done to question this executive order?  What will they do?  When??  The Constitution allows for the people to be the leaders.  The Declaration of Independence also gives power to the people to abolish the government and start anew.  Vote is one way.  But ending the silence is the more direct way, and gets the point across quicker.  And, it also gives the federally elected employees their notice, and chance to save their positions.  So do so.  It might seem hard.  It might seem futile.  But listen to the words of Matthew.  The yoke we are given is easy to bear; the burden we all are carrying right now is light.  In other words, no matter how hard it might seem, we can do it!  Yes, we can do it!  It is NOT impossible.  In fact it is highly possible.  And each day we try, each call we make, each discussion we have about this with someone new makes it easier, and easier, and easier.  The burden becomes lighter; the yoke becomes easier to bear. 

We will do this.  We will save our nation, our Constitution.  We will get our economy back on the track it is supposed to be on.  We will give our grandchildren and their grandchildren a future in the America we grew up in.  As long as we are not ostriches with the head in the sand, or a lemming walking off the well-marked cliff, our founders work will be safe for generations to come.  We may not see the restoration in total.  Some may not see it begin.  But know that we will succeed, and believe that our efforts now will be worth it.  I know it will.  I know it deep in my heart, it will be worth it.  I know we will succeed.  Why?  Because we have to.  And if someone comes to my door and says I must follow the executive order of the present manager in the oval office, I will not comply.  I will not comply with an unlawful order.  I will not.  Amen.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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