USA 4ME's Discussions (333)

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WW III Has Begun, R U Ready?

maxresdefault.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) The impact on the United States will be immense and no matter what the soothsayers are telling the Sheeple it will get harsh!

Food shortage, to massive supply-line delays to whole product lines disappearing off the shelves WW III will tou

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RED ALERT: White Paint Is Racist!  

10962594294?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Soon to come to America, Norway (which is over 90% white folks) have declared white paint is racist! Looks like they discovered what the secret white supremacists have been hiding all these years! Busted!

As the depravity of the White Sup

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😱 ALERT: Democrats Declare War!

10961844670?profile=RESIZE_710x(PatriotHQ) ……. But Not On Who You Think! In the name of freedom and equity the Washington masterminds have declared war on your dish washer, clothes washer, freezer, and refrigerator!

Those forbidden appliances are in addition to gas stoves, gas wat

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Chinese Army Invades America

_119901872_gettyimages-1233704969.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) First the Chinese buy hundreds of square miles of farmland, then they release the covid virus (by accident) now tens of thousands of Chinese storm the US/Mexico border demanding entrance and guess what the Biden Regime does, nothing!

Is C

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Homer Simpson Public Enemy #1

homersimpsonmugshot-800x410.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Is nothing holy anymore? A Simpsons episode has been hacked by (wait for it) Disney!

You may ask why would the ‘Happiest Place On Earth want to delete, destroy and demolish a cartoon comedy such as the Simpsons? The truth be told the Simp

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Secret Balloon About To Pop 😨

8dda73798a150a0a7f836d63951522f8cb-13-jan-erichsen.rsocial.w1200.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) YIKES! US credit card debt balloons up by 18.5+% to $930.+ billion, but somehow no one is talking about this balloon! No one is talking about this secret balloon, wonder why?

Credit reporting czar TransUnion says Americans' total credit c

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Church Of Woke

maxresdefault.jpg?profile=RESIZE_584xPatriotHQ) Since when are the American people required to tolerate the intolerable? When is enough, enough?

Indoctrination of Woke Cults should be treated just like the government and religion are required to treat each other which has been outlined

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Prepare For Malnutrition

corn-rot.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=wVEtlz9-PF4L9pKPjMr_Xbc-k3gk47097rfwOIrEDFY=&profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Maybe America can live without chicken and eggs, but can America survive without corn?

Corn meal, food fillers, corn oil to corn on the cob and who can forget livestock feed, but the global government has found a way to deny Americans of

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Stone Age Republicans Must Upgrade

PUOOPNRFAJCLFGBVMJ2P3WOQOY.jpg?profile=RESIZE_584x(PatriotHQ) The old stone-age methods of winning elections and running the government belongs in a museum! The soon to be extinct Republicans have always believed their brand of politics was very appealing to the mass voters, but what they didn’t rea

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Off The Wall Question....

d0dc1b9bd9003177fa340fc90f486d20--plastic-pallets-plastic-injection.jpgIf the libtards get their way and end all crude oil production and purchase how can America make plastic? (crude oil product) If we can't make plastic then how can Telsa build electric cars? Electric cars are produced with up to 50% plastic parts. Wh

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Tax Slavery Test Program Launched

slavery.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Much of America views California as the ‘land of fruits and nuts’ and thereby ignore much of what goes on in the Hollywood State. This is why the tax Golden State of California is a perfect proving grounds for the Federal government to te

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Biden Is Addicted to Failure

st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Instead of fixing our economy Biden loves to blame the other guy (Republicans) for his failure, but seldom create a success to brag about. The American people, rather than being the beneficiaries of his misguided policies, are the ones wh

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Crescendo or Phony Crisis

sddefault.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) A lot of negative things have just taken place; is it a crescendo of a failed Dem Regime or a fabricated phony crisis?

Just look at the Biden Regime and the depth of national mismanagement and what Socialist Sociologists Cloward and Piven

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It’s Your Fault America Is In Debt!

shutterstock_716347498.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Congress has been printing and spending trillions of dollars like drunken sailors on shore leave after payday BUT of course it is your fault the national debt has ballooned!

Hey Citizen, how could you have done this to America? …or perhap

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Go Gay Or Pay

Hot-Messiah.jpeg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Sexual preference is a personal choice and must be respected for that, but not if you are a free-thinking individual! It has become mandatory to display opinions and beliefs even if they are antithetical to your own and possibly even viol

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