USA 4ME's Discussions (331)

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'What I Want' Rant

12487755669?profile=RESIZE_400x I’m will pay my taxes but not for government crazy shit, I want to practice my religion even if people don’t like it. I want to buy guns and ammo without having to look over my shoulder to see if the government is watching. 

I want to know which fo

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Rant 3 What They Want...

Rant 3  they refuse to deport Illegal aliens but try to delete white people, they label citizens who believe in the constitution as deplorable, yet embrace communists as visionaries, they starve farmers of water, but fail to build desalination plants

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RANT: What They Want.......

10860578271?profile=RESIZE_180x180They take our money, ban our religion, grab our guns, steal our taxes, give away our money, make us wear masks, force us to get an injection of an unproven substance, call us names, ridicule heterosexuals, mutilate our children’s genitalia, destroy o

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WARNING! Do Not Drink Lumpy Water!

12343088453?profile=RESIZE_584xLiberal states are trying to persuade their residents sewage water is good for them and claim it is better than fresh spring water! Do you believe them? Are you willing to drink "toilet-to-tap" repurposed water, feed it to your pets and children?


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Is Kamala Harris A Houseplant?

0601115c8032c3f9d4c93957bcb4db69?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=2556&cropW=4544&xPos=199&yPos=305&width=862&height=485&profile=RESIZE_584x🌿Several commentators have cleverly drew a parallel between Kamala Harris's role and  of a houseplant. 🌿 With a touch of humor has highlighted how Harris appears to be low-maintenance and unobtrusive, much like a houseplant quietly sitting in the cor

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Underground Political War Exposed

UNDERGROUND In a stuning turn of events, the true extent of the deep state's machinations has been exposed, sending shockwaves through the nation. Indictments and accusations have emerged, revealing a web of corruption and deceit  threatens the very

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Trump Blows The Top Off Iowa

? State Fair. Overwhelming and exciting was some of the responses of the thrilled crowd when Trump arrived, and then it got better!

In a powerful address delivered at the Iowa State Fair, the esteemed former President Donald Trump, flanked by a de

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