Global warming; biggest scam in history
By Jim Mullen
American children are under an all-out blitz by the corrupt, government-run educational system. It’s a continuation of an effort to indoctrinate young people at every age to a nonexistent calamity. Aside from the usual liberal ideologies with which they pollute impressionable, immature minds, the granddaddy of government-made crises; the fraudulent scheme of climate change, continues unabated.
From preschool to grad school, they teach children gloom and doom for the world if we don’t stop everything we’re doing in modern society and revert to Spartan-like amenities. Terrorizing young people is chief among the loony left’s modes of operation. As Saul Alinsky instructs; there are no rules, do anything to win! All forms of dictatorships cement their foundation of tyranny by indoctrinating the young.
To date, Obamacare was the grand-prize winner for the greatest con job in American history. Climate change, however, is the largest scam in the history of man. Its diabolical simplicity is genius, and the dedication to the plan by the evil left, is deserving of admiration. This cunning extortion would make the great con artists of the world envious of such brilliance.
It began with the perceived crisis of global cooling. In the 1970s, university grants by government were common to “prove” the theory of global. Of course, when money flows in to prove something, and dries up when they don’t, researchers and scientists can prove amazing things. And with the help of infamously inaccurate computer models and carefully preened and pruned data from around the world, mixed with free money, that became the accepted theory of many in government and science.
Later, we all know the crisis became global warming. It wasn’t just global warming, but MAN-MADE global warming. With eager help from bureaucrats and academic scientists, dollar signs dancing in their heads, they once again began feeding carefully preened and pruned data into computers. Being paid with mostly government grants that depended upon proving the government’s preconceived points, they concluded the earth is heating up at an alarming rate. The computer models announced to the world, ‘we were in a crisis mode.’ What a surprise!
Notice the use of the word crisis. It’s said that crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant. Remember Obama’s Marxist sidekick, Rahm Emanuel’s declaration, “Never let a good crisis go to waste?”
Other groups of researchers pointed out that there was little change in temperature for over a decade, and in fact, numerous scientists noticed a decrease. That caught the attention of the great con-artists, and they summoned all those enormous brains for a Mensa meeting. Predictably, like the conniving, thieving, scammers they are, their little cabal came up with an ingenious plan.
“Let’s call it climate change,” they squealed! We can’t go wrong with that. The earth has heated and cooled for billions of years, and hundreds of reasons. If the temperature goes up or down, we win. What would they win, you might ask? Well, we must understand that this whole con-job is about power and money. It’s about redistribution of the world’s wealth.
It’s simple. Americans have much of the money and Obama and the rest of the Marxists in the world want it. They’re willing to do anything to extract it from the rightful owners. Remember Alinsky’s rules.
Imposing crippling carbon taxes on Americans is the payoff to the leftwing revolutionaries. Redistributionists like Obama and the rest of his comrades betray our country, and are willing to collapse America’s economy and deprive more people of work. Implementing their plan would set us back decades while the rest of the world lives high on our money.
Carbon taxes use complicated formulae completely undecipherable by mere mortal men. Nearly everything upon which we live and otherwise depend involves using carbon. It begins, but does not end with utilities, and as Obama admitted, will send electric prices skyrocketing. Likewise, manufacturing and business will necessarily raise prices. Job losses will continue, and more people will join those trapped and confined on the federal government’s welfare plantation, where they are more easily controlled.
It’s a known fact - even if the theory of global warming is factual, and even if it is man-made, and even if we bite the bullet and sacrifice our country for the cause, it wouldn’t make a scintilla of difference in global temperature. China, India and developing countries around the world are building thousands of coal and gas-fired power facilities and will dwarf any carbon emissions we might reduce. Their participation is voluntary!
Charging large carbon taxes to Americans for energy use, takes our money, and then the thieves divvy it up between the Al Gores’ and dictators around the world. Climate scammers tell any lie, grease any palm, and use any and all branches and bureaucracies of government in this country and around the world to further their cause.
We can compare this government fiasco to the Affordable Healthcare Act.
Obamacare was never intended to give Americans better healthcare; it was designed by Obama and the New Democrat Socialist Party to redistribute the wealth and income of the American people. Not to mention, the secondary bonus was a massive power-grab by the federal government and its designated bureaucratic enforcers. The Democrats knew full well, it would cost lives and cause needless suffering and financial hardship on most of American society.
Remember the deliberate, shameful lies Obama put forth while he intently looked us in the eyes and repeated, for months, about Obamacare? It was one of the first, and climate change is the last step of the fundamental transformation in Obama’s vision of America. Obamacare and climate change exemplify rogue government gone stark-raving mad.
Con artists are so desperate to sell the swindle that the Justice Department is considering ripping up the Constitution and charging climate-change deniers, with racketeering and corruption under the RICO Law. This type of intimidation amplifies the calls to end debate. Obama defiantly cries, “Settled science!” He also assured us we could keep our health-care plan, and hundreds of other bald-faced lies. His latest whopper is that climate change is the principal threat to America. Obama’s treasonous policies are the biggest threats to this country.
Threats will silence voices if Americans do not stand up to the Gestapo terror tactics of the Marxist forces high-stepping across our country. The war Obama is waging against Americans via the EPA over the last seven years, pales in comparison to the all-out government blitzkrieg against America in the great climate-change shakedown. Like all shakedowns, there is only a whiff of truth to support the scam. Don’t let that hint of perfume override the horrendous stench of corruption, greed, special interest power, and government run amuck.
It’s us against the despots, and they are a powerful coalition of the worlds’ most powerful and notorious liars; including Barack Obama.