ammo (3)

A BILLION Illegal Rounds of ammo for DHS .... WHY?

I just sent this note to my Senators (SC-1 is currently without a rep)

I encourage you to share this widely and to send a similar/same note to our politicians.

For  their email addresses.........

Now, the Note

 = = = =

Senators Scott and Graham , SC.

… and to any other Senators or Congressmen who might receive this note………….

( because I will attempt to SHARE this Widely on the Net)

RE: DHS Hollow Point Ammo

Dear Senators,

It has come to my attention, and you need to know if you do not already, that DHS has ordered over a BILLION rounds of Hollow Point Ammo.

(IF you are unaware of this reported action, SHAME ON YOU)

To my knowledge, please instruct me if I am wrong….

  • Hollow Point bullets are outlawed for International use.
  • The US Department of Homeland Security is NOT authorized for “extra-National “, meaning International, activity
    • In my simple world, DHS is restricted to actions and activities WITHIN the USA
    • SO, the ONLY possible authorized(?)  use of Hollow Point ammo would be WITHIN the USA.
    • Please join me, and many other Citizens, to extract an explicit admission from Obama; not ANY of his henchmen, but Obama personally, that the US Government will NOT use Hollow Point ammo on ANY citizens.
    • IF we need another Filibuster, I’m available to “stand” and help.
    • We do not want ANY wishy/washy, qualified, ambiguous, comments about combatants, terrorists, or whatever, from any Obama operative of any kind. Illegal to use internationally includes within the USA where I come from.
    • REGARDLESS of any International Law loop holes, we want a clear, unequivocal, simple , irrefutable commitment that HOLLOW POINT AMMO will NOT be used by ANY US Government Department, Agency, Branch or other part of the Federal Government on US Citizens; either Internationally or on US Soil.
    • In case I haven’t covered any of the many slippery, bi-bifurcated, weasel-worded, pronouncements that politicians can invent, the simplest, most complete, unambiguous statement we want is………
      • NO PART of the US Government will EVER use HOLLOW POINT AMMO on US SOIL….
      •  IF the above mentioned language needs to be refined or strengthened, I welcome your suggestions

Finally, GIVEN such a statement, Obama personally needs to instruct DHS to distribute any and all such purchased ammo to Citizens on application from them.

THAT should warm the cockles of Bureaucracy…. The need to administer distribution/sharing of over 1 BILLION rounds of Hollow Point ammo to the Citizens; hopefully NOT to terrorists or illegal aliens.

Please provide a specific reply, not a “template reply” , about your agreement or DIS-agreement  to support the issues/actions in this note.

I am awaiting your specific (versus general, one size fits all, Thank You template letter) and pointed reply to this request.


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Constipated - Here's a CURE

Constipated?.... Here’s a cure.

Recently I stumbled upon THE scariest blog of the decade.

Click here

And I posted this reply

Click Here

Reading both might take a few seconds, but WORTH IT!

WHY all this armor for DHS?

Do we have enough “dedicated- to- America” Military to prevent an Obama holocaust?

Do we?




Read more…

As many of you know, communicating with our Senators is severely hindered by an archaic firewall they have felt necessary to put up.

I will send this in "plain text" via their protected protocol.

But y'all should know about this communication.

In fact you should each/all send the link of this Post  to your Senators and Representative

(I am currently UN-Represented in 1s District SC) so it only goes to my Senators

Perhaps with a burst of unknown reserve energy I will seek out email addresses for all 16 who wish to

"represent Me" and send this to them also.

Until then,


= = = = = = =

Sen. L Graham

Sen. T Scott


I am writing as a troubled citizen.

The course of our Nation, driven by y’all, is VERY troublesome.

In case this is too long for you to read thru, here is the wrap up

 = = = = = =

Strippling Warrior posted a very ominous thought.

This begins to address the Gov’t DHS orders for 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS of AMMO and 2700 Light Armored Vehicles (MRAP?)



 = = = = = =



Now, before you click off, read at least this……….

 we have public blogs trashing Sen. McCain.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Sen. Graham, your alliance with McCain on Immigration makes you especially vulnerable/suspect.


You likely don’t have the time or interest to personally review he links that follow.

But, trust me, they should OPEN your eyes.

At least charge your staff with reviewing and reporting on these views ; held by Patriots of America.

Don’t let that happen to you!

Here are some links to a blog and comments in reply.

Don’t let that happen to you!

The main blog………


Questions for Senators… this post from “bobmann101” is LONG but revealing.

Study it.

Don’t let that happen to you!



This post asks that you stop being complicit… also LONG but revealing

Don’t let that happen to you!



stranger said……. They aren’t listening anymore… We seem to have 535 Dead Fish in Washington.

Don’t let that happen to you!


Strippling Warrior posted a very ominous thought.

This begins to address the Gov’t DHS orders for 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS of AMMO and 2700 Light Armored Vehicles (MRAP?)




Read more…