integrity (9)

If House Speaker John Boehner wants to level the debt negotiating playing field he should ask Congress to verify whether President Obama is a tax fraud?  Last fall President Obama challenged Mitt Romney to come clean and release his tax returns so voters would know whether he paid his fair share.  Randall Sorensen, CPA is asking President Obama to come clean regarding the filing of his 1990 tax return when he signed a six-figure contract book deal with Poseidon Press. Failure to do so would be a violation of Title 26-Internal Revenue Code.


Tea Party members will question my sanity for alleging that President Obama committed a felony via tax evasion.  My decision is simple…   if President Obama wants 310 million Americans to follow mandated federal law then President Obama needs to prove to Americans that he has ALWAYS been in compliance with the US Tax Code as required by every citizen of the United States.    


Tom Draper reported in GQ Magazine’s November 2009 issue ( that President Obama signed a six-figure contract with Poseidon Press on November 28, 1990.  The exact amount was reported as $150,000 by Christopher Andersen in his book Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage.  According to Jack Cahill, Barack Obama was advanced $75,000 for the book.  It’s not unusual in the publishing business to receive one-third to one-half of the contract value upfront. However, a $75,000 advance would have required a recent law school graduate strapped with heavy student debt to pay the IRS $25,000 four and ½ months later.  I have been a CPA for 33 years and I’m Certified in Financial Forensics. In 1988 I was hired by the Arizona House of Representative in the Senate Impeachment Trial of Governor Evan Mecham.  My forensic analysis of an improper $80,000 loan from a political fund to a private car dealership justified the Impeachment of Governor Mecham. 


Last fall I reviewed the tax returns of both presidential candidates.  During my analysis of President Obama’s 2001 Individual Tax Return, I found 10 math errors.  All of the errors were simple arithmetic errors that would have been prevented with a computerized program such as Turbo Tax. 


President Obama’s 2001 tax return wasn’t signed by a paid preparer and it would appear the tax return was prepared by President or Ms. Obama.  I determined that the Obamas prepared three drafts of their 2001 tax return.  The first draft calculated an income tax liability of $79,000.  This would have required taxable income of $271,000.  In contrast, President Obama’s website shows 2001 taxable income of $250,000.   President Obama ended up paying income tax on $21,000 of phantom income that resulted in sending Uncle Sam an extra +$7,300.  I think Republicans and Democrats will unanimously agree that President Obama is one of the greatest orators of our time.  The same can’t be said regarding President Obama’s skill as a tax preparer!


Based on the fact that President Obama used bits and pieces from three different 2001 tax drafts, made 10 errors, overpaid his taxes by $7,300 by claiming $21,000 of phantom income, it would appear that President Obama lacked the accounting skills to competently prepare his tax return.  If President Obama wasn’t proficient at preparing his taxes in 2001 it’s not a stretch to assume that he wouldn’t have been proficient in 1990.


I believe President Obama’s has a massive skeleton in his tax closet as it relates to the mishandling of the est. $75,000 book advance from Poseidon Press in November of 1990.  I have determined only three tax scenarios exist: 1) filed correctly and paid the IRS $25,000, 2) reported income as passive, failed to pay social security taxes and owes the IRS $41,000 or 3) failed to properly report the income and currently owes the US Treasury in excess of $123,000. (


Barack Obama was flush with cash at the end of 1990.  However over the next 1 ½ years he failed miserably to deliver a completed manuscript to Poseidon Press in June of 1992.  Tom Draper reported that Obama had other things on his mind, namely the impending October 3rd marriage to Michelle. Writer Christopher Anderson wrote “when Barack informed them that he had spent the money and that he and his wife were still chipping away at their massive student loan debt – the publisher agreed not to press the issue”.  Draper wrote that Poseidon terminated Obama’s contract on October 20, 1992.


In January of 2007, Barack Obama engaged in some skeleton housekeeping. According to the Somerville News, Barack Obama shelled out $375 to pay 15 parking tickets accumulated at Harvard in the late 80’s. The majority of Americans abide by parking restrictions and if we’re unlucky enough to receive a ticket we stuff money in an envelope and mail it within days. This wasn’t the case for Barack Obama.  He waited nearly 20 years before deciding to settle his delinquent ticket balance. The apparent reason was his decision to enter the presidential campaign two months later.  Why didn’t Obama come clean earlier after banking millions in book royalties in 2005/06?  


Could Barack Obama have decided to clean up any tax obligations from 1990?  Absolutely….  but highly unlikely for the following reasons:  First, failure to file and pay income taxes would be admitting to the commission of a felony.  Second, the original $25,000 tax balance had grown to over +$100,000 with interest and penalties. Third and probably a game changer, is the consequences surrounding an ethics violation for failing to accurately complete his United States Senate Financial Disclosure Report.  Senator Obama would have been required to list the outstanding tax liability on his 2005 report.  Failure to do so is a violation of 5 U.S.C. app. 4 § 104, and 18 U.S.C. § 1001. The fine for filing a false report is up to $50,000 be imprisoned for up to one year.  If discovered this would have probably ended his candidacy before it got started. 


People have grown tired of the manner in which President Obama talks down to his peers. Former President Ronald Reagan could be tough but according to a Marine friend who served in the White House, he had a heart of gold.  If President Obama is able to mandate 310 million Americans to follow the US Tax Code, then I want proof that President Obama complied with the US Tax Code his entire life. The IRS cuts no one slack.  The manner in which the IRS aggressively pursues tax evaders should be the same….   even for Presidents. I informed Senator Cruz, Senator Grassley, Congressman Boehner, Congressman Issa and Congressman Gowdy how in 1 minute they can verify whether President Obama committed a felony.  If President Obama wants people to buy into Obamacare then he needs to show 310 million Americans that he has ALWAYS been in compliance with the US Tax Code.  What is wrong with Congress checking the integrity of our President?  Especially if it can be done in 1 minute!

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Immigration - 06

Senators, Congressmen

Especially the Immigration Gang of 8 and Supporters


Why do you ask for a Cadillac when you haven’t shown you can ride a bicycle

Why make immigration so intricate?

We have existing Immigration Laws which YOU choose to ignore in violation of your Oath


Instead of 844 pages of complexity (plus who knows how many more amendments),

how about .....keep it simple.

Why enact 844+ pages of “stuff” that only lobbyists have read and will be forgotten tomorrow?


DO YOUR JOB…. Live up to your Oath

Jump all over the Executive Branch for FAILURE to Enforce existing Law.

But most of all, FOCUS on America…. Is your allegiance to 316,000,000 Citizens or 11(33?) million illegals?


Let’s go back to fundamentals, like

Don’t get the cart before the horse……..

TRANSLATION: Border Protection FIRST. Amnesty (or whatever you call it, LATER)


Don’t let the Horse out of the Barn…

In this case…..don’t let the fox into the hen house!



Don't wanna build a fence?

Why not? Fences are Great. Look at the Great Wall of China! YOU can become Famous

Besides it helps to keep out all sorts of things



Remember that old saying Feed a cold, starve a fever?

Well, it applies to our Illegal Immigration FEVER


Just give e verify to visa or amex Let them set the penalties…..but the penalties have to be returned to taxpayers….

Rubio says………..

Marco Rubio: We need to legalize immigrants so they can pay for border security


Are you kidding?

Where is there one single shred of logic/data/evidence that the Illegals are NET contributors?

…unless he means ( political doubletalk) that they will have taxes confiscated from their pay check, while US Citizen contributors pay for food stamps, housing, education healthcare, cell phones …..etc to the tune of $6,000,000,000,000?


With NO attractions (amnesty, jobs, free stuff) who will be interested in sneaking in?

ANSWER: Terrorists…. Which is why we STILL need Border Protection…. Fence +


So………….. KISS……. Keep It Simple, SIR !




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Constipated - Here's a CURE

Constipated?.... Here’s a cure.

Recently I stumbled upon THE scariest blog of the decade.

Click here

And I posted this reply

Click Here

Reading both might take a few seconds, but WORTH IT!

WHY all this armor for DHS?

Do we have enough “dedicated- to- America” Military to prevent an Obama holocaust?

Do we?




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As many of you know, communicating with our Senators is severely hindered by an archaic firewall they have felt necessary to put up.

I will send this in "plain text" via their protected protocol.

But y'all should know about this communication.

In fact you should each/all send the link of this Post  to your Senators and Representative

(I am currently UN-Represented in 1s District SC) so it only goes to my Senators

Perhaps with a burst of unknown reserve energy I will seek out email addresses for all 16 who wish to

"represent Me" and send this to them also.

Until then,


= = = = = = =

Sen. L Graham

Sen. T Scott


I am writing as a troubled citizen.

The course of our Nation, driven by y’all, is VERY troublesome.

In case this is too long for you to read thru, here is the wrap up

 = = = = = =

Strippling Warrior posted a very ominous thought.

This begins to address the Gov’t DHS orders for 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS of AMMO and 2700 Light Armored Vehicles (MRAP?)



 = = = = = =



Now, before you click off, read at least this……….

 we have public blogs trashing Sen. McCain.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Sen. Graham, your alliance with McCain on Immigration makes you especially vulnerable/suspect.


You likely don’t have the time or interest to personally review he links that follow.

But, trust me, they should OPEN your eyes.

At least charge your staff with reviewing and reporting on these views ; held by Patriots of America.

Don’t let that happen to you!

Here are some links to a blog and comments in reply.

Don’t let that happen to you!

The main blog………


Questions for Senators… this post from “bobmann101” is LONG but revealing.

Study it.

Don’t let that happen to you!



This post asks that you stop being complicit… also LONG but revealing

Don’t let that happen to you!



stranger said……. They aren’t listening anymore… We seem to have 535 Dead Fish in Washington.

Don’t let that happen to you!


Strippling Warrior posted a very ominous thought.

This begins to address the Gov’t DHS orders for 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS of AMMO and 2700 Light Armored Vehicles (MRAP?)




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Zionists: What if Ron Paul is Right about Iran?

I love Israel. I love my country, and the land that God gave my family. I would fight and die for this place. I live here. I am not a peace activist. Nor am I a warmonger. I don’t believe in peace treaties with anyone whatsoever, nor do I believe in going to war under shaky pretenses.

I’m 28. Much of my high school and college career occurred during the end of Oslo and Arafat and Barak’s meeting at Camp David, and the subsequent outbreak of the brutal and bloody 2nd Intifadah murder spree. Watching every single suicide bomb on the news right after it happened, as a high school kid, drove me mad with rage against Islam and “terrorists” and Arabs. I hated them for their method of murder and killing my Jewish family. It is hard for me to describe the dehumanizing emotions I had.

The emotions were so strong that any attempt to attach “motives” to “terrorist” actions made me react impulsively and with disgust at whoever suggested that terrorists even had “motives”. I just wanted them dead and out of my country. These are classic “neocon” feelings. We’re good, they’re evil, that’s it, end of story, if you even try to explain anything you’re getting us all killed.

Now, if you identify with these feelings, let me ask you a few questions. Try to clear your head and see things from above for a second.

Were any of America’s wars since World War II necessary? What did any of them accomplish? How many people did they kill? Did America have to go into Vietnam? Why? Did they have to go into Korea? Why? Did they have to go into Iraq? Why? Did they have to prop up the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia? What about Egypt? Was involvement there necessary? Did we really have to overthrow the Iranian government in 1953 in order to install the Shah?

WHY? Why did America have to do that?

What is the point of all of this? What has it accomplished? What would the world look like today if none of this ever happened? Would September 11th have happened? Would there be a “War on Terror?”

What the hell IS the “War on Terror”? Who is “Terror”? How does the war end?

The answer to this is actually pretty simple. The standard reaction is “America did all this for her security.”

I used to believe that. But I no longer do. America is not secure. She is a nation teetering on the biggest bankruptcy in world history, and running on the fumes of borrowed Chinese money. Her citizens are poorer and more dependent on handouts that they get from a government running on borrowed Chinese money.

In the last debate on December 15, every Republican presidential candidate talked about how they were going to A) Cut the budget and B) Massively expand the military. None of them realized the apparent contradiction here. Why? Because there is no substance to any of these war hungry power driven men with no souls. They fight not because they believe in something. They fight because it gives them power. Saying they’ll cut the budget will give them power. Saying they’ll massively expand the air force and the “modernize” the navy while at the same time dealing with a $15 trillion debt, this is just mad. It’s simply mad.

I wonder now if any of them are even conscious of the words that are coming out of their pandering mouths. These smiling, grinning, nonsensical people convinced that America has to put a no fly zone over Syria now and other such EXPENSIVE nonsense that CHINA  is running out of money to FUND.

Ron Paul’s strongest point in the debate was when he asked Mitt Romney, the guy talking about cutting the budget while  massively expanding the air force, the following question:

“How are we going to do that? We don’t have any MONEY!”

For those who can see the humanity in Ron Paul, who aren’t brainwashed by fearmongerers like Bachmann who say that if he becomes president Iran will nuke the US, you could read the horror in Paul’s face. “How am I on the stage with such…people? Is there anyone behind any of these shiny veneers? Do they even realize they are not making ANY SENSE?”

Every candidate, including Obama, is drunk on power. They go to war not for security, but because, as president of the most powerful country in the world, they can’t resist playing with their toy armed forces. And they CAN’T RESIST coming over here, to Israel, and telling us exactly how to make peace with our neighbors.

What if Ron Paul is right? What if September 11 really did happen because America simply can’t mind her own business? What if none of these undeclared wars ever had to happen, and 2 million vietnamese and Iraqis were still alive today?

If you ponder that question seriously, and it flicks a light on in your head and you recognize the possibility of it for even a fraction of a second, you can do one of two things:

1) Shut that recognition down immediately and go back to thinking America has no blame in any of this

2) Allow yourself to ponder further, ultimately culminating in a sudden rush of remorse that millions had to die for this pointless nonsense and you just didn’t realize it.

Whether it’s War Making or Peace Making, America feels they have to be in it all. What if Ron Paul is right? Imagine if he were president. Would he have forced Arafat and Barak to sit down and pretend to be friends at a meeting that was destined to explode in a murderous intifadah? Would he, like Clinton, pressure Israel to invite Arafat back into Israel to “make peace” with him? Would the second Intifadah have ever broken out? Would the first one? What if America simply left us alone to handle our own issues? Would any of the death and murder that drove me into a rage in high school ever have happened?

I remember when Obama ran and said something about talking to Iran. I thought it was a really really bad idea because I was a neocon back then. But I also never trusted Obama for a second and knew he was just saying this to get power. I knew he was just as fake as the rest of them and I didn’t believe in his “change” nonsense. I saw right through it. There was no human being there. Just a political veneer.

But Ron Paul is a real person. When he speaks to you at a debate, it’s a bona fide human being talking there. Imagine if we had one of those in the White House. Do you think the Ayatollah would chill out just a bit? We could back off each other, get some perspective? The White House could back the heck off of me in Israel and leave me alone? And if we feel like Iran is a threat over here, to let us deal with it how we want to deal with it without calling him up and asking permission like a lapdog?

What the heck does Iran have to do with America? Are they going to cross the Atlantic in the aircraft carrier that they don’t have and nuke Manhattan? Are they going to use their intercontinental ballistic missiles they don’t have and bomb Washington DC?

No. What America has to do with Iran is this: America thinks it runs the world. And there’s an annoying brat in Persia that America thinks has to be put in line. But it’s really none of America’s business. Leave Iran alone. All America is doing by threatening Iran is endangering me in Israel. Let us deal with it if we have to, but stay in your own hemisphere.

Don’t you think the world would be a much less scary place if there was a HUMAN BEING in the oval office?

What if Ron Paul is right?

What if?

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Have a Personal Value System

A personal value system is a set of principles or

ideals that drive and/or guide your behavior.

Your personal value system gives you structure

and purpose by helping you determine what is

meaningful and important to you.

It helps you express who you are and what you

stand for. If you are unaware of, or become

disconnected with your values, you end up

making choices out of impulse or instant

gratification rather than on solid reasoning

and responsible decision-making. Your values

define your character .


They impact every aspect of your life including

personal and work behaviors, your interactions

with family, friends and co-workers; your

decision-making processes and the direction

you take in life. This is why it is so important

to know what you value and what is

important to you.

Four Categories of a Personal Value System

Personal Values - Personal values are those traits

we see as worth aspiring to, and that define our


Spiritual Values - The values that connect us to

a higher power and give us a sense of purpose

beyond our material existence.

Family Values - To love and care for those we

are close to; our children, our parents, other family

members, and our friends.

Career Values - The best use and expression of

our talents and skills for the purposes of contributing

to society and for monetary compensation.

Which values do we as social beings find


No matter what tradition we are brought up in, there

are characteristics we value in others which transcend

social, economic and religious boundaries. Some of

these characteristics are:


Integrity is trustworthiness, honesty and uprightness

of character. We value people of integrity because we

know what to expect from them. We know they will act

honorably and that they will do what they think is right.

We want people with integrity as our friends, on our

teams and in our organizations.


Respect is honoring the worth and dignity of all

people. Those who respect others treat them with

fairness and courtesy. They treat others the way

they themselves wish to be treated.


Loyalty is a commitment and faithfulness to a

person or cause. Those who are loyal to their

family, friends, organizations and country stand

behind and support them during good times and

bad times. They can be counted on to be there

when the going gets difficult and to help out

when the chips are down.


Those who accept responsibility are reliable,

dependable and willing to take accountability

for who they are and what they do. They believe

they have a moral obligation to help others

and to make a contribution to the society

they live in.

No matter what values we choose live by, it

is vital that we look at the big picture, assess

what we want our role to be, and map out

how we intend to conduct our lives.
Read more…

A personal value system is a set of principles or

ideals that drive and/or guide your behavior.

Your personal value system gives you structure

and purpose by helping you determine what is

meaningful and important to you.

It helps you express who you are and what you

stand for. If you are unaware of, or become

disconnected with your values, you end up

making choices out of impulse or instant

gratification rather than on solid reasoning

and responsible decision-making. Your values

define your character .


They impact every aspect of your life including

personal and work behaviors, your interactions

with family, friends and co-workers; your

decision-making processes and the direction

you take in life. This is why it is so important

to know what you value and what is

important to you.

Four Categories of a Personal Value System

Personal Values - Personal values are those traits

we see as worth aspiring to, and that define our


Spiritual Values - The values that connect us to

a higher power and give us a sense of purpose

beyond our material existence.

Family Values - To love and care for those we

are close to; our children, our parents, other family

members, and our friends.

Career Values - The best use and expression of

our talents and skills for the purposes of contributing

to society and for monetary compensation.

Which values do we as social beings find


No matter what tradition we are brought up in, there

are characteristics we value in others which transcend

social, economic and religious boundaries. Some of

these characteristics are:

Integrity is trustworthiness, honesty and uprightness

of character. We value people of integrity because we

know what to expect from them. We know they will act

honorably and that they will do what they think is right.

We want people with integrity as our friends, on our

teams and in our organizations.


Respect is honoring the worth and dignity of all

people. Those who respect others treat them with

fairness and courtesy. They treat others the way

they themselves wish to be treated.


Loyalty is a commitment and faithfulness to a

person or cause. Those who are loyal to their

family, friends, organizations and country stand

behind and support them during good times and

bad times. They can be counted on to be there

when the going gets difficult and to help out

when the chips are down.


Those who accept responsibility are reliable,

dependable and willing to take accountability

for who they are and what they do. They believe

they have a moral obligation to help others

and to make a contribution to the society

they live in.

No matter what values we choose live by, it

is vital that we look at the big picture, assess

what we want our role to be, and map out

how we intend to conduct our lives.
Read more…

Two questions appear to be answered even before a single vote is cast in the 2010 mid-term elections: Republicans are going to pick up a lot of seats in the House of Representatives and a lot of governorships as well. The G.O.P. winning 30-35 governorships is a crucial must in the eyes of the politically savvy if the personal popularity of Barack Obama is to be overcome in 2012 so the country can veer quickly away from Marxism. The governors will be in charge of drawing up district boundaries based upon the 2010 Census and for the G.O.P that means a huge opportunity to counter the Democratic Party machinery that so dominates in Big States with Big Cities like Illinois, New York, Ohio, and California.
Listening to House Republican Leader John Boehner, one comes to believe that the Republicans have faced up to the shortcomings which betrayed the voters in 1994 and again in 2004 . . . and that the G.O.P. will focus on creating jobs; express and enforce Constitutional-fidelity; aim to dramatically reduce the size and interference power of the federal government; defund Obamacare; aim to cut taxes, spending deficits, the National Debt; and the size and scope and power of the federal government. More than his words, it is the fact that Boehner has never, not even once, given us an “earmark.” That’s an utterly distinguished record of integrity.
Boehner talked about such “Congressional reform” themes last week while speaking at the American Enterprise Institute. Unlike the “reform” touted by Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Obama in naming all their corrupt bills, Mr. Boehner promised straightforward changes that would increase transparency and assist in reducing the growth of government -- including a promise that all legislation be constitutional—which may appear to be a token bow to the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) party but which would, according to the Wall Street Journal” provide the wonderful “practical effect of making the Constitution's limits on government part of our contemporary debates.” Glenn Beck must be purring like a kitten to hear that kind of talk.
Mr. Boehner's vow to publish the full text of all bills online at least three days prior to a vote, as well as allowing open rules on all spending bills are both simple, but sensational ideas clearly in line with the intents of the Founding Fathers. Besides joining the progressive Dems’ spending binge, the G.O.P. most disappointed conservative voters when former GOP leader Tom DeLay abused open rules constantly. Of course, Nancy Pelosi has seen DeLay’s evil practices and pushed all-in so that her legacy is the first Congress (in history? in long memory?) not to consider one single bill under an open amendment process . . . nothing is more corrupt than the agenda and the policies of Sweet Nancy from Nob Hill.
The country needs a statesman like William Proxmire again. Mr. Proxmire’s “Golden Fleece Award,” highlighting the most self-serving and corrupt use of the public trust and our taxes, kept his fellow politicians on their toes and somewhat honest. Thanks to Pelosi’s abuse of process, Arizona Republican Jeff Flake, a noted spending critic, has been absolutely prevented from putting embarrassing spending items before the media and public and up for a floor vote. Flake is also the sort of guy who would have exposed Obamacare to such intense ridicule that the bill would never have become law. Imagine him talking about the provision referring to Gold-Sellers in a healthcare “reform” bill . . . it would be hilarious. It’s unimaginable that the present funding of abortions under Obamacare would have occurred with Flake focusing every eye on the bill. If Republicans want to win back the respect of the voters for Congress . . . process reforms such as these are crucial. The G.O.P. canNOT succeed in their professed goals of restoring the Constitution, cutting spending, re-energizing the economy, and abolishing the entitlement state without first undoing the corrupt base of Congress’s evil tax-and-spend machinery.
A few crucial questions are still to be determined on November 2nd. Will the Republicans win the House (yes, they only need 39 seats, but will they win it , or win it with a 61-vote majority – a pickup of 100 seats overall – like Dick Morris is predicting?); will Republicans win the Senate (which Morris is also predicting)? Will the G.O.P. sit in 33 or more of the governors’ mansions? Will the apparent national “wave” of disgust with incumbents and progressives carry over to the individual states and see a lot of incumbents and progressives of both parties shooed out the door? But if the Republicans take the House, one has the feeling that a statesman of absolute integrity will be wielding the speakers’ gavel. Ex-health educator Rajjpuut, only hopes that Speaker Boehner is indeed in our future and that Mr. Boehner's either quits or cuts down markedly on his smoking . . . he looks like one we could bear to have around a long, long time.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Nine Reasons to Hold the Republican Party

in Contempt, One Reason to Hope

1. 1. Despite the natural advantages of being a conservative group, they’ve been largely impotent since Ronald Reagan’s days.

All surveys for decades show the country is center-right in fiscal matters and Constitutional matters. Yet the direction the country has moved in since 1964, has largely been dictated by the ultra-progressive wing of the Democrats not by Republicans.

2. 2. The Republicans are inarticulate.

Except for Reagan, no one seems to have caught on to the simple Buckley-Will trick of speaking to 95% of the issues as opportunities to clarify exactly what Fiscal conservativism means and exactly what Constitutional conservativism means on a personal level to the voter-citizens. As a result, the lies and propanda of the left have dominated the political argument for decades.

3. 3. Republicans in the last 20 years have become Progressive Lite

Progressivism (we need to “progress” beyond the outdated and flawed U.S. Constitution) is an insidious cancer eating away at the American way of life; Americans’ freedoms and wealth; and the American Constitution and far too many Republicans such as our two Maine senators are continually voting progressive. Citizens can’t trust Republicans to be Republicans.

4. 4. Most Americans think being a “Pure Democracy” is a good thing and have never heard terms like “tyranny of the masses” because Republicans are seemingly afraid to defend Republicanism.

5. 5. Most Americans do not know that the most Republican Document in the world after the Declaration of Independence is the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 Amendments).

6. 6. Most Americans do not even know what the 10th Amendment is. Nor do Americans appreciate that above all other concepts, this is the one that makes America a place where you can vote “with your feet” and that keeps the size of government under control and the power of government as small as possible. Because of the 10th Amendment no place in America can get too oppressive (with taxes, for instance) because people can pack up and move to a place where more respect for the taxpayer is evident.

7. 7. Republicans are perceived as “holier-than-thou” and sexists and have proven they aren’t willing to be the major party in the country.

Unfortunate as it may be, abortion is the law of the land. Thanks to ridiculous Republican constraints against (very young girls; victims of rape; victims of incest; and women whose lives are endangered by childbirth) sentiment against the right-wing stance has hardened into virtual “abortion on demand” in this country. Commonsense says Republicans need to never say another word against any abortions but late-term ones for about 40 years and stick to areas where the country can agree with Republican stands (fiscal and Constitutional conservativism only). 56-60% of women vote against Republicans routinely because Republicans are seen as a male-dominated party and males, not getting pregnant, have NO RIGHT to decide the decisions that belong between a woman and her God.

8. 8. Unwilling to lose the most radical 8% of the ultra-right, Republicans willingly abandon the combined 27-30 % of conservative Independents and conservative Democrats. Ideas are important, but practical politics is all about winning too. The Republican Party has not since Reagan latched on to pure fiscal conservativism and Constitutional conservativism, common sense small government and integrity in politics as its guiding principles. And the present mess is just part of the price America has paid because the country's major conservative party has expressed very little common sense.

Some Republicans apparently are nearer to fundamentalist Islam than they are to patriotic Americans . . . that is, they believe their religion should be the dominant or perhaps only one allowed in the country. When Republicans willing ignore the doctrine of separation of church and state and insist upon teaching Christmas carols in public schools; and that Creationism must be taught in public school science classes they earn utter contempt. This is why school voucher programs are important . . . send your kids to private or parochial schools as you prefer, but don’t attempt to proselytize your version of religion upon the whole country. If Mormons tried to get “predestinationism” into public school science classes we’d all be outraged . . . what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

9. 9. Neither positively nor negatively have the Republicans shown any stomach for the fight over ideas. Every ridiculous progressive argument holds ten times more value in Americans’ minds than the most sound of Republican ideas. For example: 80% of the people believe these lies are true (they’re discussed** in the footnotes).

a. Nazis were Fascists

b. Nazis and Italy’s Fascists were both conservatives

c. Communists are liberals and the opposite of Nazis and Fascists

d. Communism is a benign philosophy at worst, and has worked well for many countries

e. Right-wingers are racists and are ruining the country

f. Feminism has been a great positive and belongs to the left

g. “Creeping Socialism” is a natural evolution and has been totally positive

h. The rich are the country’s enemies and need to be forced to do their share by super-high taxes

i. Government can create jobs

j. Socialism works real well and protects the poor

k. Just a little government tinkering can make good free-market systems much better

l. Lack of regulatory control played a major part in causing the present financial debacle

m. G.W. Bush and Conservatives put us in our present fiscal hole. That is, drove us into Obama’s metaphorical “ditch.”

n. Barack Obama is a great American patriot and statesman

o. ACORN has little to do with Obama or the Democrats

p. Bill Clinton was a great president

q. Bailouts and stimulus from government eventuall do work and put the economy back on track

r. Once we get past this present bump in the road, it’ll be smooth sailing for America

And meanwhile these truths go unspoken and unknown in America:

There is, however, one great reason for hope. A large group of natural conservatives, many of whom have great disdain for the Republican Party have taken upon themselves the role of activists pushing for fiscal conservativism, Constitutional conservativism, dramatically smaller common-sense government and integrity in politics. I give you the single-most Republican document in America since the Bill of Rights, the TEA Party’s “Contract from America” hopefully about 85% of Republicans (and perhaps 20% of Democrats?) will sign this pledge at:

The Contract from America

We, the undersigned, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items, work to bring each agenda item to a vote during the first year, and pledge to advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.

Individual Liberty

Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices.

Limited Government

The purpose of our government is to exercise only those limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders. When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.

Economic Freedom

The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market. The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty. Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.

1. Protect the Constitution

Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)^^

2. Reject Cap & Trade

Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures. (72.20%)

3. Demand a Balanced Budget

Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike. (69.69%)

4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform

Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words—the length of the original Constitution. (64.90%)

5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington

Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning. (63.37%)

6. End Runaway Government Spending

Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%)

7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care

Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries. (56.39%)

8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy

Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs. (55.51%)

9. Stop the Pork

Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. (55.47%)

10. Stop the Tax Hikes

Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011. (53.38%)

More than ever Americans need a strong conservative choice offered to them in the voting booth and the Republican Party has abandoned that initiative and the country has suffered greatly. Now, if ever, is the time for a renaissance in the Republican vision.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** The recent blog

discusses all these LIES and the truths no one seems to know
^^ TEA Party members and Americans at large voted on which of their original 24 concerns should be included in the final ten planks of their Contract from America . . . the percentages shown indicate how much support from the voters backed each issue.
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