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Hillary’s Qualification - Marrying Bill Clinton

By Jim Mullen

Another Hollywood-produced, Democrat convention is history. Directed superbly by the main-stream media, this fiasco of smoke and mirrors left a nightmarish image to haunt Americans through the November election.

Useful idiots, parasites, Marxist/communists, pathological liars, anti-police and military delegations represented the grievance wing of society.  Joined by haters, anarchists, thieves, anti-Semites, and every variety of lowlife racists in American society, they presented a perfect cross-section of this New Leftist Party.

As their propaganda unfolded, a few things were immediately apparent:

  • The connecting thread tying the convention to the typical parasitic, modern Democrat was a brutal anti-American, anti-Constitution theme.
  • The Democrat Party contains more criminals than our prisons and jails! The truly terrifying fact is, Obama and his leftist comrades are emptying prisons and flooding states with un-vetted Muslims from terrorist nations.  As a result, the Democrat Party grows at an astronomical rate directly proportional to the number of aliens, and their welfare benefits. Europe made the same politically correct, deadly decisions, and they’re being repaid with death, destruction, loss of sovereignty, and demise of European culture.
  • The primary goal of the Democrat Party is, as always, keeping blacks and poor whites on the Democrat plantations and reservations. Their entire scheme is a conspiracy calculated to keep these people voting for their masters to maintain power, in exchange for paltry welfare benefits. Keeping the masses poor and uneducated is the foundation upon which all tyrannical governments build.
  • Open border and immigration policies by Democrats, and burgeoning welfare rolls they create are designed to enlarge the party and control an even larger segment of America. These are the largest segments of society to whom the Democrats direct their big-government largesse. Granting them the right to vote is paramount in leftists’ plans to wrest control of the government for generations to come.
  • One of the standout issues of note was witnessing the tragic consequences of our corrupt, failed educational system led by Democrats and abetted by Republicans. From pre-K through graduate school, young people are taught capitalism is evil and government is their savior. Marxist philosophy runs rampantly through academia, and like all leftist ideas they use it to indoctrinate, not educate, America’s youth. Just a cursory glance at the product turned out by these ideologues demonstrating in the streets and in the convention hall should lead Americans to shriek in horror. Keep in mind, they demonstrated for more government control, more welfare, higher taxes, and less liberty!
  • Not even the Communist Party Politburo of the Soviet Union contained a larger assemblage of Communists and Marxists than this gathering of Democrats.
  • The most shocking item from this historically racist party was the purely anti-American theme. The entire tone and substance featured and promoted freedom bashing, chaos on the streets, violence against police, open border fanaticism, and American flag burning. Marxism thrives on anarchy; in fact, it cannot gain traction without lawlessness. Nearly every dictatorship in history became entrenched by creating anarchy and promising order by eradicating freedom ruling with brutal force. We must understand; this is exactly the goal of Obama, Clinton, and all their comrades. Chaos and violence now define the Democrats.
  • Representations and exhibitions of pathological liars plying their trade were unparalleled. Pretense, fabrications, deceptions, and outright lies streamed from the lying post through the poisonous atmosphere like rocket-propelled fireworks. Appropriately, the grand finale of falsehoods launched by the queen bee of the Marxist hive, Hillary Clinton, reached a crescendo of fire and brimstone lies.  The evening culminated with this unqualified and dishonest seeker of the United States presidency, spewing thunderous communist propaganda that slashed through the rented crowd and echoed off the massive Cleveland arena’s rafters. She closed out the appropriate rhetorical theme from Obama’s oration of lies.
  • Not one speaker touched the edge of sensibility or reality. Conversely, words of wavy, feel-good, Marxist dreams and talking points put believers in a Shangri-La trance. Predictably, the parasitic-lemmings swooned at the idea of unearned rewards for a promise of meager financial security, paid for by overtaxed, working Americans.
  • Most of these self-absorbed, useful idiots at the convention follow the radical leftists’ feel-good ideology.  In reality, they follow it so closely, they never learned to think or reason successfully. Blind allegiance to a destructive ideology, and government propaganda left them ignorant of Americans’ opportunities. As a consequence, they fell for Karl Marx’s fatal vision and empty promises. It’s doubtful there’s ever been a larger group of government-indoctrinated misfits gathered into one place to abet the destruction of our constitutional Republic.

Marxist/socialism is all about an omni-powerful centralized government controlling commerce, manufacturing, financial institutions, and every aspect of every American’s life. In other words; a dictatorship!

They use punishingly high taxation and crushing regulations handed down and enforced by bureaucratic fiats with tyrannical power. These powers are the weapons and instruments to destroy. Communism and Marxism/socialism differ only in the means of government enforcement. Communists use the gun; Marxism and socialism use the club of financial ruin and threat of prison. Naturally, If all else fails, they resort to guns.

Obama crowed, “We’re not done perfecting our union.” He means they’re not done transforming the US into the perfect Communist/Socialist state! Hillary is determined to continue Obama’s work. Successful implementation of totalitarian government requires extinguishing any spark of hope, and cooling all embers of liberty. Hillary has her mandate!

All of this foofaraw is lost on a woman whose only qualification for President was having married a man who became the President of the United States. How is this inspiring for young American women who strive for excellence and self- determination based solely on their efforts, not whom they married? The message resonates from one of the most corrupt and vile politicians in America’s long history. She portrays an image of exactly what she is, an incompetent, totally unprincipled woman using only marital power to gain her position.

Additionally, Hillary Clinton is eminently unqualified for every job which she aspired to and attained. She has underperformed at everything she attempted, is a notorious, pathological liar, a cheat, and is abusive to those around her. She habitually lies about events to which there is video evidence to countermand her assertions; like landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. There is no possible scenario when this woman should ever be believed or trusted.

Bill and Hillary demonstrated their legendary, disreputable character in a classic manner during their original staining of the White House. Main-stream media reports surfaced revealing they absconded with items from the peoples’ house valued at tens of thousands of dollars!

The entire fate of our nation is in peril as Democrats swamp us with illegal aliens, felons from prisons, questionable Muslims from terrorist countries, and pounding Marxism into every segment of American government and society; including the educational system.  

We elected one unqualified, community organizing, racist President simply because he was black. He has nearly destroyed this nation, and set the world ablaze. Are we now to elect another unqualified, pathologically lying, incompetent President simply because she is a woman?

If Hillary Clinton wins this election, it’s highly unlikely our Republic will survive. The inmates will truly be running the asylum!

Jim Mullen

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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Remember when I believed I was hacked on Alternet and even asked facebook users to send polite emails asking Alternet torestore USWGO. Well now facebook took down my event that was askingpeople to send polite emails and also Alternet ended up attacking mynext account titled UswgoLives.

So now I know this hack was deliberate and that now Alternet is engaging in active censorshipagainst different political viewpoints and then claims that the users have elected to delete their entire accounts worth of data.

This was a screenshot I taken from my UswgoLives Alternet Account:

Alternet uswgo censored

So it's official, even with many facebook friends public support toemailing Alternet to restore my posts, USWGO has been officiallycensored by Alternet and they masked it as a hack.

Also the entire Alternet page has been transformed into an Obama propaganda siteworking for the offshore elite bankers. You can tell they have totallytransformed Alternet into an Obamanation piece of sh*t:


Just like all other Obama run WebPages it talks only about the elite pushedpropaganda illusions of talking about the GOP, the usual Sarah Palinis evil, democrats are wonderful, republicans are evil, left right wingparadigm propaganda, and even promotes even though they refused to allow me to have a petitionon their website demanding that the 9/11 commission shouldre-investigate 9/11 while they were okay with banning offshore drillingto force America to be completely dependent on unreliable and foreignoil.

What scares me is that after people foolishly vote Republicans back in Political Office, Alternet will temporarily let meback on their website months later just to pull the same stunt to getpeople to re-vote democrats like We The People are becomingstupid hamsters running on hamster wheels till we die and will keepvoting in Bilderberg covered political parties.

This means that the truth will be forever censored, the war against blogs is stillcontinuing, and Alternet will be favor of Pro Obama, Pro Socialist, ProFair Tax, Pro Cap and Trade, and even Pro left right paradigm.

Alternet is a tax deductible nonprofit organization that has apparently becomeanother one of Obama’s Boys, another Bilderberg sponsored Coup-da-ta,that favors Big Governments controlling every facet of human life andenergy, and Free Trade doesn't exist anymore.

The WebSites the elite have taken over and taken control of before Alternet are:

  1. Facebook
  2. Google
  3. Yahoo
  4. CNN
  5. MSNBC
  6. Myyearbook
  7. RonPaulForums
  8. and thousands of other widely popular websites that may attract negativeattention against the elite and may start raids against the Bilderbergorganization.

AlterNet’s censorship will be a major blow since USWGO Statistics software says that lots of visitors thatdiscover the truth on USWGO has came from USWGO Articles mirrored

So if more and more sites such as Alternet will cater to Obama then the Bilderberg’s will be able to shut down prettymuch any Free Speech anywhere online since the Government factions andBilderberg’s can hide behind private entities they have the right totake down anything against the New World Order. The War on Free Speechis getting even more intense because the elite (Demons) know their timeto rule the world is short so they continue to harass and desolate thetruther protesters.

Freedom of Speech is in its last days...

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