blessings (1)


“We operate under the assumption that the President will be a net negative for us.”
An aide to a Democratic senator on the Power Play program while discussing their man’s election 2012 prospects.
Obama Hypocrisy Steps Up Front and Center
               Go figure! After spending a month claiming that after he’d personally stopped a full-blown depression only to suffer plain old bad luck and snakebite which stymied virtually all the nation’s economic engines, President Obama is now highly optimistic about the ability of Hurricane Irene to create a huge bunch of new jobs** along its East Coast path of destruction. This message, delivered as the President and his family deserted Martha’s Vineyard, once again reminds even the semi-literate in economics that President Barack Obama just doesn’t get it even 1/10 as well as any college freshman in any old-fashioned classical economics class might have. Obama and the Keynesian economists who have dominated the college and world scene for the last 70 years actually believe that destruction is almost always a blessing in disguise . . . somehow they just can’t see the hypocrisy in their own words. What you curse as personal loss canNOT be considered great good fortune when it happens to the masses around you . . . .
            How, Mr. President, can it be that “bad luck” turned your wonderful “Recovery Summer” into garbage and yet the oncoming Irene shows such great promise in your eyes? Among all the economic fallacies the progressive politicians don’t seem to have a clue about the three major ones are “The Broken Window Fallacy” and its larger context: “The Blessings of Destruction” (sometimes called “The Blessings of Tax Thievery”) and the nature of capitalism and creativity compared to socialism and destruction. Yes, Mr. President it is “an ill wind that blows no one good” and some individuals and some businesses REALLY DO prosper when destruction occurs. However, we have to look back only as far as Hurricane Katrina’s still lasting malaise upon the South Central Gulf region and Biloxi, MS and New Orleans, LA in particular to see just how asinine your thinking process is. You, Barack Obama, actually see Hurricane Irene as a God sent economic stimulus package.
            How thick are the heads of these Keynesian economics devotees and our muddle-headed president anyway? Keynes himself re-canted from Keynesian Economics during the last year of his life saying very specifically as the last month of his life approached, “I find myself more and more relying for a solution of our problems on the invisible hand which I tried to eject from economic thinking twenty years ago." That “invisible hand” was the combined effect of all the free choices exercised by free individuals in a free marketplace that Scotsman Adam Smith taught the world about in his monumental 1775 work The Wealth of Nations. It was, of course, Smith’s teachings which so influenced our founding fathers who not only established a government based upon laissez-faire religion, laissez-faire speech and laissez-faire economics but also based upon laissez-faire government (Amendment X of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution) to create a capitalistic federal system that has succeeded far beyond any government in the history of the world and served as a shining beacon to freedom lovers everywhere. 
            Keynesian (socialist) economic policies are based upon taxing, spending and UNsound money policies creating inflation which can become the cruelest UNseen tax of all. Keynes, at the end of his life was a born-again believer in Classical Adam Smith economics, but only one man in a thousand knows that . . . Keynesian economics is such a thinly-veiled and utter failure that every year a brand new Keynesian theory wins the Nobel Prize for Economics and none of these theories has ever worked either on the micro- or the macro-level. It is just this kind of thinking that had a Democratic Senator’s aide on Power Play telling us, “We operate under the assumption that the President will be a net negative for us.”
In a Nancy Pelosi-esque way, the President has been saying, “We have a plan, but we won’t reveal it until September” which the Rajjpuut book of Obamaese translates as “We have absolutely no plan except to recycle our previously failed initiatives and then blame the Republicans when they won’t go along.”
            Let Rajjpuut in one paragraph destroy forever the nonsense expressed by President Obama implying that there are blessings in destruction. If you wanted to replace an ancient barely useful building and build a more modern and efficient structure on the site . . . it would indeed be the absolute greatest luck if a Hurricane Ezekiel came along and completely erased the old edifice from the landscape like it never existed . . . luck so great that we might label it a once in a billion situation. For the other 999,999,999 times when such a situation might occur you’ll just have to pay for the people with the cranes and wrecking ball to smash the old building to smithereens before you could expect to start work on the new structure. The same is true of a bomb being dropped upon the plant: imagine that the bombing happened just in the middle of a fire-drill when your old building was 100% vacant, thus forgetting for the sake of convenience all the loss of life and permanent and temporary injuries that would occur if the bombing occurred at some “unlucky time,” certainly that would speed up and reduce the price off beginning the new installation. Other than such true Godsends, destruction in the other 999,999,999 instances is always a net negative, kind of like Mr. Obama himself. The same is true obviously of wild-eyed nonsense like Cash-for-Clunkers ($4C). $4C was a net big negative for the economy of the whole country even while providing a temporary spike for the automobile industry. By destroying thousands of useful and even valuable used cars $4C has made the price of the typical used car rise $1,900 and hurt the lower middle and lower classes dramatically. So much for the notion of blessings found in destruction. So much for the myth of Barack Obama’s intellectual acuity. Ooops, saying that just made me a “racist,” “extremist” and “terrorist” now, didn’t it?           
                  And what is the economic foundation for understanding that destruction brings no blessings? All economic good beyond mere survival is based upon surplus (a.k.a. “profit”) and the main effect of destruction (beyond death, dismemberment, severe injury and full-blown inconvenience) is always destruction of surplus. Even if no one gets hurt and insurance covers everything 100% we’re talking about destruction of the insurance companies’ surplus and in some cases destruction of the insurance companies themselves and all the jobs that they provided. And then again there’s always all those irreplaceable items like photos and keepsakes that are destroyed or lost as well . . . so talk about your “fundamental transformations,” Obama the grand critic of capitalism is criticizing all economic good.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Ex-Obama green jobs czar and Marxist, Van Jones obviously sees things far more clearly than the president.  Jones says Hurricane Irene should be called "Hurricane David Duke" referring to an infamous Ku Klux Klan former politician from Louisiana.  Jones is putting forth the proposition that everything was just getting great in Obamaland and now this "racist" hurricane is going to upset the apple cart.
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