cair (21)


Nationwide Protests Boil Over
As True Identity of Movement Crystallizes
OCCUPY Denver Fits Disorderly Profile
                Examine something camouflaged long enough and its true identity is likely to emerge. However, some phenomena only take a once-over to understand in full.   At TEA Party protests American flags abound and the Pledge of Allegiance is honored; Constitutional- small government- and fiscal-conservative patriots are everywhere and no underlying violence, racism and stupidity such as Obama’s administration and the American mainstream media (MSM) claim fuel the “Taxed Enough Already” T.E.A. movement is seen.
Meanwhile, the MSM, mainly emphasizing “police brutality and heavy-handedness,” is finally forced by the power of video images to show the ugly, violent, and unruly anti-Americaness of Occupy Wall Street and other “Occupy” movement demonstrators such as “Occupy Oakland.”  The partially-hidden identity of these demonstrators is noW crystal-clear . . . .
By their fruits we know them:  TEA Partiers leave protest sites cleaner than they find them and so orderly that police forces across the nation generally only arrested disruptors of TEA Parties. Occupy Wall Street, etc. are infamous for public urination; garbage; unruliness; defecating on police cars; theft, violence and rape in their midst; and interrupting banks and other businesses . . . and now, in Oakland, widespread riot.
            They call themselves "The 99%" but closer examination shows the Occupiers to be the most radical 3% of the progressive left.  Many Oakland arrestees are former ACORN (Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now) personnel. Across the nation, CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) members show up; President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and other House/Senate progressives express sympathy for the “goals of the movement;” protestors include Union members paid in New York for protesting; money-manipulator George Soros funds several of the progressive organizations protesting (e.g. Code Pink and CPUSA; and during interviews, protestors praise violent revolution; capitalism’s destruction; and replacing the American Way of Life . . . goals that normal Americans deplore . . . it’s about time the MSM reports truth.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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