tea party (23)

Well done with the Tea Party Command Center

I've been a member for a while but havn't been back here since Sept. of 2019. It looks like the script was changed and I have to learn how to navigate this site all over again. The founders did an excellent job re-designing it. OK, I'll now help steer Republicans this way. Facebook just put me in jail until Nov. 15th so I will help Tea Party Command Center. The only reason I stay on Facebook is I have a fairly popular group. Other than the group and the messaging in other groups I do I feel Facebook is a place I don't desire to be at. 

I did try to share a link to my group even though I cannot post and a message appeared that said, "This Message Cannot Be Posted Because Members Reported It As Abusive Language". Yes, Facebook has labeled "Tea Party Command Center" as abusive language. I have noticed that Republican activity has deminshed over the past few years and now I know why. I at first thought Republicans got Donald Trump elected and didn't need to campaign as much but now I know it's Facebook harrasing Republicans and Republicans stopped frequenting Facebook.


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Nationwide Protests Boil Over
As True Identity of Movement Crystallizes
OCCUPY Denver Fits Disorderly Profile
                Examine something camouflaged long enough and its true identity is likely to emerge. However, some phenomena only take a once-over to understand in full.   At TEA Party protests American flags abound and the Pledge of Allegiance is honored; Constitutional- small government- and fiscal-conservative patriots are everywhere and no underlying violence, racism and stupidity such as Obama’s administration and the American mainstream media (MSM) claim fuel the “Taxed Enough Already” T.E.A. movement is seen.
Meanwhile, the MSM, mainly emphasizing “police brutality and heavy-handedness,” is finally forced by the power of video images to show the ugly, violent, and unruly anti-Americaness of Occupy Wall Street and other “Occupy” movement demonstrators such as “Occupy Oakland.”  The partially-hidden identity of these demonstrators is noW crystal-clear . . . .
By their fruits we know them:  TEA Partiers leave protest sites cleaner than they find them and so orderly that police forces across the nation generally only arrested disruptors of TEA Parties. Occupy Wall Street, etc. are infamous for public urination; garbage; unruliness; defecating on police cars; theft, violence and rape in their midst; and interrupting banks and other businesses . . . and now, in Oakland, widespread riot.
            They call themselves "The 99%" but closer examination shows the Occupiers to be the most radical 3% of the progressive left.  Many Oakland arrestees are former ACORN (Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now) personnel. Across the nation, CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) members show up; President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and other House/Senate progressives express sympathy for the “goals of the movement;” protestors include Union members paid in New York for protesting; money-manipulator George Soros funds several of the progressive organizations protesting (e.g. Code Pink and CPUSA; and during interviews, protestors praise violent revolution; capitalism’s destruction; and replacing the American Way of Life . . . goals that normal Americans deplore . . . it’s about time the MSM reports truth.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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Ape-Man Discovery in South Africa
Might Make Perry
Into Foolish Fuddy-Duddy
            You might ask what the link and headline above have to do with the price of tea in China or politics in the United States?   Perhaps more than immediately meets the eye . . . .
            A noted anthropologist's child recently stumbled onto something "earth-shaking" which has now been named Australopithecus sediba or the "Southern Ape" as a nickname.  If ever there was an actual missing link:  this appears to be it. 
These Australopithecus sediba fossils (young male and older female) are dated to just short of 2 million years old and mark the first and only time that such a fossil has been labeled as both a hominid (highly advanced ape) and a hominin (of direct human lineage) by responsible anthropologists. 
The discovery was made in South Africa far, far from where Louis Leakey’s “Lucy” (Australopithecus afarensis dated to 3.2 million years ago and apparently a hominid ancestor of this recent discovery) was first discovered. Hominids like gorillas; chimpanzees; our closest living relative, the bonobo (sometimes called a "pygmy chimp"), and their extinct ancestors have been dated to roughly 6 million years ago.  No scientist is yet calling these Australopithecus sediba fossils the long-sought "missing link."  They tend to shy away from such “bold” labeling for a good twenty years after key discoveries are made, but it certainly could make Charles Darwin smile . . . what about the price of tea; or the fate of TEA Parties?
            On the contemporary front, while Texas governor Rick Perry (G.O.P. Presidential contender) performed decently in his first presidential debate and at this point looks very much like the eventual G.O.P. standard-bearer in 2012 . . . Ol' Rajjpuut suspects Mr. Perry is going to keep having the echoes of his "personal debate" with a ten-year old New Hampshire child coming back to haunt him. 
            You may remember that the kid instigated by his Mom, asked Perry about the age of the earth and about "Evolution" and was lectured by the governor who said that "It was a theory that had a lot of gaps in it."  Mr. Perry, unfortunately for Constitutional-conservatives/fiscal conservatives is clearly what's known as a social-conservative.  Mr. Perry was more than disingenuous with the child.  Yes, Governor, there are gaps in a lot of scientific knowledge, but anyone who takes the Bible 100% literally (they say it all happened precisely as written including 7-day creation in 7 24-hour days exactly where intelligent people might say that to God a day might be 1.5 billion years long or whatever) and insist upon Creationism being taught in high school biology classes in public schooling is probably not worth our votes.  Well, Mr. Perry, this discovery might well rule out 99% of the serious gaps.  We're not talking about bull-shi_ like so-called "global warming" here, Charles Darwin was a serious and thoughtful scientist and he had worlds of evidence for his beliefs about the Origin of the Species.
            The seemingly-unending problem with the Republican Party is that they persistently ignore the stuff that 70% of Americans can agree upon (smaller, less-intrusive federal government; lowest taxes possible; following the Constitution; necessary defense and border control; and fiscal responsibility that includes NOT bankrupting the future for our children and grand children) and persist in sounding like people who want to shove their religions down our throats (Christmas carols in PUBLIC schools where Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics and believers in Herman the Carrot God attend alongside Christians), and like they totally lack compassion; and that they want to interfere in everybody's bedroom activities.  One fact dooms them to not being able to turn this country around: 
Most sensible voters distrust social-conservatives . . . .
            For example, social-conservatives are typically 100% anti-abortion.  First of all abortion is the law of the land for almost 40 years now.  More importantly IF you say that no abortion is ever allowed even for
                        rape victims
                        incest victims
                        very young girls
                        mothers whose lives are endangered
then you mark yourself as a fanatic who believes that our God-given brains are not to be used to make life better; a madman who doesn't believe in human free agency/free will.  For at least 30 years this matter has been widely-polled among American voters and without fail the results are the same:  59% believe that 100% anti-abortionism is just plain WRONG!   And that rape and incest victims and very young girls who are pregnant and mothers whose lives are endangered should have a choice. 
These same polls have also consistently shown that 70% of Americans believe there are "too many abortions in America." So 70% of Americans are quite concerned about abortions and 59% of Americans believe it must come down to the woman’s choice and should be allowed in drastic circumstances like rape, etc. One more thing, since the consequences fall virtually 100% on women, we men ought to stay out of it, it is a woman's choice between her and her God.  When you have 59% of the voting public against your primary social-conservative stance, you will not get elected and you do not deserve to be elected . . . and if social-conservativism interferes, then the necessary good needing doing by fiscal- and Constitutional-conservatives cannot get done and the American future gets flushed down the toilet as the progressive mischief-makers (mostly from the Democratic Party but they’re found in both parties) keep getting elected and keep destroying our nation.
            Mr. Perry did have one problem in the debate and that problem (Social Security) and the South African Ape-Man discovery might doom us all to four more years of Barack Obama’s incompetence unless Mr. Perry grows up. Mr. Perry correctly calls Social Security as it now stands a “Ponzi Scheme.” This is 100% accurate. Just as Ponzi swindlers take a lot of money from their victims and pay out relatively little, Social Security is fundamentally bankrupt right now. Mr. Perry needs to take his message to the people and explain it very well and explain why and how Social Security must be modified if it is to ever be a success for our children. He will not get a lot of help on this. Some of his fellow Republicans will intensely attack him for this honest, forthright stance.
            What his Republican rivals will do to Mr. Perry’s position will be walk in the zoo compared to what the liberal media and the Democrats will assault him with. Mr. Perry needs to confine all future comments on Social Security to this more-easily defendable position.
A.     Social Security as it now stands is a Ponzi scheme and unless modified deeply, Social Security funding will not be there for our children and grandchildren.
B.    Social Security for those aged 50 and above should be left 95% untouched. Means-basing for the very rich recipients on Social Security is vital.
C.    Social Security’s present Ponzi nature becomes evident when we talk about those aged 49 and below. The program must be adjusted and modified greatly to insure that it is fiscally-sound for all such workers.
D.   Social Security was created back when the average American’s life span was 55 years of age and when the average American worker’s lifespan was 52 years of age (far more men than women fell under Social Security and women averaged about 59 years old at death). Today’s realities are that the average death age is closer to 85 than to 55; and that a lot more women are part of the work force. Any changes to Social Security must reflect these realities.
As far as Mr. Perry’s stance on evolution . . . Rajjpuut is reminded of the insurance fraud allowed to stand by a foolish judge. The “victim,” in a wheelchair was told by the insurance agent investigating the matter that he’d hound him till his death and would never be allowed to leave that wheelchair. The “victim” told him, “Fine but I intend to visit Mexico City and the site where the Virgin of Guadalupe encountered Mary. Don’t be surprised if a miracle takes place, my good man!” Mr. Perry needs to read up on human anthropology and on the theories about evolution and on this discovery in particular. It would be smart on the face of it; and super-smart if Mr. Perry were to “see the light.” Seeing the light means Mr. Perry probably ought to say,
“The scientists say the earth is 4.5 billion years old; I know nothing that disproves that. The very recent discovery of Australopithecus sediba fossils in South Africa looks like it might be what they used to call a “missing link.” If that’s so, It looks like Mr. Darwin was right and it looks like a day to God is a damn long time to us and the week of creation found in Genesis is a damn, damn, damn long time compared to a human’s lifespan.”
            Mr. Perry further needs to educate Americans to the TEA Party’s “Contract for America.” This fiscal- and Constitutional Conservative (with absolutely ZERO social-conservativism in it) document may be the single greatest American political document since the Bill of Rights was added to the U.S. Constitution. The more Mr. Perry persists in attacking the dismal record of Barrack Obama and on pounding home the ten planks in this incredibly visionary Contract from America platform . . . the better off America will be.
If, ignoring all this sound advice, Mr. Perry persists in unscientific thinking he’ll be pushed out of thinking peoples’ minds as a foolish hick and we’ll get more and more of Barack Obama and it’ll be his fault. Grow up, Rick Perry, grow up!
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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Rasmussen:  79% of voters say the nation is “going the wrong way” while only 14% say the nation is “on the right track.”

TEA Party Abandons Core Concerns;
Hillary Clinton Poised to Contend:
2012 Political Waters Roiled, Muddy
            Two related stories springing up in recent weeks have greatly muddied the American political waters as the nation heads toward the 2012 campaign. Both stories owe the vigor of their credibility to recent polls at the eminently respected RasmussenReports.com website. Scott Rasmussen’s polling group, which has outdone all other political surveys in accuracy over the last dozen years, ran the results of two surprising polls in the last week and information from several other polls contributed to the muddying. First the result of some related “normal polling” by Rasmussen:
A)   The generic congressional ballot shows Republicans getting 45% and Democrats 36% in prospective 2012 congressional voting. The highest seen was a 12-point differential favoring the Republicans a few weeks prior to the 2010 landslide midterm election.
B)   After the Obama administration moved to set the nation’s immigration laws aside and via regulatory fiat put Homeland Security in charge of deciding which illegal aliens are deported and who gets to stay (Republicans call the move “Backdoor Amnesty”) a Rasmussen poll showed the move was highly unpopular. 61% of American voters say that border security is vital while 31% say Amnesty is the correct policy, roughly a 2-1 margin opposed to the President’s move.
C)   While only 15% of the nation says that the economy is improving; 63% say it’s getting worse.
D) 79% of voters say the nation is “going the wrong way” while only 14% say the nation is “on the right track.”
E)    In a ranking of the top ten concerns voters worrying them right now, the Economy outranked all other concerns as it has for almost the last 38 months (Mr. Obama has been in office for 33 of those months). The surprise was that 84% of Americans ranked the Economy as “very important” well ahead of Government Ethics and Corruption (67%) and Health Care (65%).
F)   Finally, while only 29% of likely voters believe that President Obama is doing a good or an excellent job on the economy; 51% rank the President’s efforts as poor with 14% more ranking him as doing only a fair job with the economy.
In short, “it’s the economy, stupid!” is the watchword for 2012 politics and most Americans are unimpressed with Barack Obama’s decisions and results. Now let’s have a look at those two new and surprising Rasmussen polls alluded to in this blog’s first paragraph and headlines . . . .
1)      When voters were asked about the label “Tea Party candidate,” 43% regarded the label as “negative” and only 32% regarded it as a “positive” according to Rasmussen in a poll done yesterday.
2)    Besides a recent ABC poll which showed that Obama was in a statistical dead heat with Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann; and besides the oft-quoted Rasmussen polls which now show a generic Republican beating Barack Obama 48% to 40%; and Obama leading Texas Governor Perry 43% to 40% . . . a recent Rasmussen poll showed Hillary Clinton has a higher approval rating by all Americans over Barack Obama by 47% to 43% and Hillary, as we all know has shown as yet, absolutely NO interest or inclination to run.
Looking at item #1, the Democratic leadership’s efforts to paint the TEA Party as extremists, racists, economic terrorists, stupid and just plain nuts is finally paying dividends for them. Of course Rajjpuut’s unwavering stance on the TEA Party’s raison d’etre shows exactly why this cynical ploy is working as the words and actions of TEA Party’s most prominent names are willfully sabotaging the movement   . . . .
I.                  Rajjpuut has long stated that the TEA Party can do far more good for the country as “kingmakers” rather than as a separate political party actually nominating or running candidates. For example, your blogster was highly critical for roughly four months of the senate candidacies of Sharon Angle in Nevada; Ken Buck in Colorado; and Christine (“I’m not a witch”) O’Donnell in Delaware which gave victories to three Democratic senators pinned on the ropes and which prevented the Republicans having a senate plurality (50-48 with two Independents) right now. Just as Ross Perot in 1992 guaranteed the defeat of G.H.W. Bush by Bill Clinton, any third-party pretensions by the TEA Party can only further mire the nation in progressive politicians with their tax-spend and expand government approach.
II.               The original TEA Party script is simple, powerful and vital to America’s interest and yet it’s being ignored totally. In the last six months there has been an explosion of high profile TEA Party people like Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul and Sarah Palin who have ignored Rajjpuut’s well-thought out advice and taken to free-lancing rather than following the TEA Party script that initiated the landslide effects of 2010 . . for example, they’ve . . .
A.    Made absolutely asinine remarks that reflect badly on the movement: Paul has looked like a 12-year-old on foreign affairs. Bachmann made a huge historical gaffe citing New Hampshire as the site of the start of the Revolutionary War; and she’s been getting into conservative social issues (submission to her husband; gay marriage; and several other “focus on family-type” social conservative comments). Palin continues to frequently express social conservativism issues (that do NOT play well in Peoria) like abortion**, school prayer and Creationism on an equal basis with fiscal conservativism and far ahead of Constitutional conservativism. Rick Perry who reaches out to the TEA Party has even made public statements about teaching Creationism in public schools alongside Evolution. In short, the TEA Party seems to have lost its way, forgotten its focus
B.    In an ideal world, the vast majority of Americans would believe (and have evidence backing up their belief) that the TEA Party is this and only this:
1.  Staunchly fiscally-conservative
2.  Staunchly Constitutionally-conservative
3.  Staunchly free-market conservative
4.  Staunchly in favor of smaller, less expensive and far less obstructive and intrusive federal government
5. A grass-roots movement tying together concerns of conservatives  whether Republicans, Independents, Democrats and Libertarians.
6. Has NO leader and no political agenda other than helping save America.
    C.  Meanwhile this important document has been totally ignored:
   Rajjpuut has repeatedly emphasized that next to the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, no more important political document has ever been written in the English language than the TEA Party Contract from America. You’ll notice that the American people, not Republicans or TEA Partiers, who in early 2010 voted on the 28 issues raised by the TEA Party did not place a single social-conservative issue among the ten items in the contract . . . indeed every single one of the contract items refers only to fiscal responsibility, Constitutional fidelity, shrinking the size and interference and obstructive power of the federal government, and a just plain common-sense businesslike approach to running government. And yet, how often have you heard anyone other than Rajjpuut espousing the continued proclamation of these ideals** as the key to recapturing the three branches of elected federal government and beginning to restore America to her former greatness and character?
The TEA Party needs to get its act together:  that is clear. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton is looking more and more like a threat to Barack Obama’s hoped for hegemony. According to top Democrats who don’t want to be named, Clinton has been upset by the economic approach favored by Obama; and was angry about the country’s credit being downgraded. For her part, Clinton appears happy as Secretary of State (though less happy since Robert Gates retired he was her favorite “pal” at the White House) and seems content to serve out her full-term in that role. Bill Clinton, on the other hand sees Obama as weak and a danger to the Democrats’ goals. Clinton, the ex-President has recently been spending a lot of time in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and in Washington talking to Democratic operatives . . . as much as anything, Bill Clinton’s ambition for his wife and himself may be fueling the intensity and frequency of rumors that Hillary in 2012 is a strong possibility. There are also frequently quoted statements that Hillary and Barack have not had a single conversation outside of “office necessity” in three or four months. The United Kingdom’s well-reputed Telegraph blogsite recently ran a headline: “Democrats Doubt Barack Obama’s Re-election Chances” which emphasized the movement of thinking toward Hillary Clinton. The often spurious but always provocative political blogsite weeklyworldnews.com has in recent weeks cited several surveys of Democratic primary voters. In the most recent their numbers are 52% for Hillary and 45% for Obama with 3% undecided. Weeklyworldnews also claimed that James Carville, Paul Begala and, most intriguingly FOXNews analyst Dick Morris, “have all signed up to join the Hillary for President team.”
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**The capacity of one single social conservative issue, abortion, to derail voters from voting for candidates interested in fiscal- and Constitutional conservativism canNOT be over-emphasized. Since Roe vs. Wade was passed in the early 70’s American opinion has by a 59-40% margin been opposed to anti-abortionism IF that meant denial of abortion “rights” in case of rape or incest; or for a very young girl; or where the mother’s life is deemed endangered. While the country as a whole identifies itself a “right-center” nation on fiscal and Constitutional issues . . . Americans are liberal or moderate on social issues and especially so on abortion . . . and the staunch anti-abortionists who dominate the extreme rightwing of the G.O.P. (and who have recently sought to usurp the TEA Party as their own as well) will not meet 60% of America halfway.

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                “Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices” (excerpt from the TEA Party Contract from America which is shown in full in the footnotes).


Rasmussen Polls Show Virtually Unchanged

Political Viewpoints over Last 40 Months



            Social-conservatives in the next few months will have to decide if they want to solve the problems that matter in this country and govern the United States of America and make her great again or if they'd prefer to feel themselves "right" within their own tiny-twisted minds and leave the power, control and tax money all in the hands of President Obama and his neo-Marxists.  They can be "right" or they can find peace knowing they've saved the country . . . they absolutely canNOT do both!  That is the point of this blog . . . .

                America was moved to a point of absolute crisis this week. Today the Obama administration made an “endrun" around Congress (and changed the Constitution’s rules on Naturalization without amending the Constition) by making legal aliens of illegals and proposing the use of regulatory means within the Department of Homeland Security “on a case-by-case basis” to allow amnesty for illegal aliens deemed NOT to be a threat (no criminal record). Meanwhile President Obama is on vacation considering a “bold new jobs initiative” including a brand new round of federal stimulus.  More insidiously, for the last eight months the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been moving (also by fiat regulatory powers) to covertly enforce the Cap and Trade bill that failed to pass Congress in 2009 and 2010 and has begun by closing down coal mines and restricting oil drilling.  In a nutshell, these examples well illustrate what’s wrong with the nation today and why fiscal- and Constitutional conservativism as demanded by the TEA (“Taxed Enough Already” or “Taken Enough Abuse”) Party is the only route to saving our country.

                Few clear-thinkers among us would deny that America stands at a crucial point in her history: most all obvious signs point to decline and potential ruin, but opportunity to realign with our greater earlier history also beckons us toward the future. If ever there was a time for a true statesman or stateswoman to emerge, now is such a time. What do we mean by a “statesman?” How might we recognize him? We will explore the “pros and cons” of this question in the paragraphs that follow . . . .

            Political work in many ways is like being a combination mechanic and back-slapper. Yes, the final “work” gets done by others who must be encouraged to do vast legwork -- but first of all there is a need for the ‘mechanic’s eye for reality’ so that real problems get dealt with in realistic fashion. For example the reality is that 95% of our present problems have fiscal and bureaucratic over-reach as part of their central cause. That truth must be honored, but then again it’s also clearly a people-business. So let’s talk today about the reality of the problems and more importantly about the reality of the people-perspective necessary for a new true statesman to emerge and to lead us out of these stagnant and dangerous 2011 waters . . . .

            Although a good 30% of Democrats deny that the country is facing any fiscal problems (that is, no problems at all with respect to National Debt; Debt Ceiling; Bond Downgrade; Excess Government Spending; Ongoing Deficits; UNfunded Liabilities in Major Entitlement Programs) or troubles with the size and scope of government . . . the vast majority of Americans know better. Poll after poll shows that roughly 72% of the total populace agrees that these two areas are the source of the nation’s problems.   Voters showed their recognition of these truths in the 2010 elections when they voted overwhelmingly for candidates favoring fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism. So what tools does the statesman have at his disposal in facing these problems? And what approaches should be avoided?

            The good people at Rasmussen Reports (which has been the most accurate among pollsters for the last dozen years) periodically runs a poll concerning the make-up of the voting populace. That poll consistently confirms what has been reputedly true over the last forty years . . . the nation is “center-right” politically. And yet, you correctly observe, tax-and-spend progressive politicians have dominated the country since Calvin Coolidge left office. The eight years of Ronald Reagan mark the only true conservativism within the Oval Office during that 82.5 year span. Why?

            The problem is that while fiscal- and Constitutional conservativism are ultra-popular stances . . . social-moderation combined with social-liberalism dominates the American scene. Live and let live socially (that phraseology is sure to upset the anti-abortion folk, no?) is the predominant political stance in America. Reagan with his affability, his great sense of humor and his capacity for succinctly nailing the opposition to the wall with their own outrageous behavior and beliefs (“Tear down this Wall, Mr. Gorbachev!” “Government is NOT the solution to our problems, government IS the problem.” “Concentrated power has always been liberty’s greatest enemy.”) was precisely what American needed in 1980 and has needed for the last 82.5 years and indeed throughout the total 234 years of the nation’s existence.  And Reagan stayed out of people’s churches and bedrooms.  He was a no-nonsense fiscal- and Constitutional-conservative with an appealing and practical ability to work with people of almost any political stripe. What was Reagan’s secret weapon allowing him to appeal to voters while so many conservatives thoroughly “turn-off” the vast majority of voters? Tolerance!

            Reagan began as a New Deal Democrat, a huge fan of the person and policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  He served as the President of the very liberal Screen Actors’ Guild for several years . . . he only slowly came to conservativism. He realized that (within limits) there was a need for both “loading the cart” by (after national defense was taken care of) encouraging free markets and business and “unloading the cart” by taking care of infra-structure and people. What’s the correct proportion of the balance between loading and unloading? Perhaps a 90-10 split with government spending 10% of the nation’s resources (GDP)?  Reagan’s own numbers showed an 81.5% to 18.5% balance.  In any case rather than being an ideologue, Reagan was open to discussion on the issues and postulated an 80-20 rule when it comes to calling another politician “friend.” “If a man votes with me 80% of the time, I consider him my friend, my ally.” So he was big on getting consensus rather than running roughshod over other people’s positions.

            Let us look at what Rasmussen polling tells us of what we can expect when we find a new Reagan. Only two political descriptions are rated as more positive than negative by the voters: “conservative” and “moderate.” 42% of voters regard it as positive if a candidate is labeled as “politically conservative.” For a comparison:  only 24% of the electorate regards “progressive” (the current euphemism for “liberal”) as positive. Both “liberal” and “progressive” are regarded as far more negative than positive terms. So again the conservative viewpoint is affirmed but the country doesn’t elect conservatives with any consistency . . . 60% of the nation calls itself either “moderate” or “liberal” on social issues . . . and that 60% finds an awful lot to hate in social-conservativism . . . an awful lot to vote against and be turned off by.

            So we return to our clear and obvious thesis: while fiscal-progressives (a.k.a. liberals) and Constitutional-progressives (a.k.a. neo-Marxists) are killing the country with their socialistic policies . . . our own social-conservativism is sharpening the knife and putting it into their hands.  How? By polarizing the voting populace into social-conservatives vs. everyone else and watering down all respect for fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism. The reason the TEA Party was so effective in getting results in 2010, when they stayed out of politics and nominating and instead played kingmakers and idea salesmen, was that fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism was served and issues like absolute anti-abortionism, prayer in public school, evolution in the biology classrooms of public schools, etc. are not discussed. 

When the TEA Party went too far and got into running for office, however, candidates perceived as “extreme” and “weirdo” (such as Sharon Angle, Christine O’Donnell and Ken Buck in Nevada, Delaware and Colorado respectively) emerged and totally turned off the voters and cost the Republicans a share of the Senate which would have made a huge difference in the last four key votes in Congress (debt-limit; Bush Tax Break Extension and budget for 2011 finally; finally passing a 2012 budget; and Cut-Cap and Balance legislation). All of these issues resulted in unsatisfactory legislation when a far more satisfactory result would have been possible if the G.O.P. controlled Congress. How important is this? 

Consider this, once Paul Ryan’s budget proposal was submitted and passed in the House, the Obama budget proposal was introduced into the Senate where Obama’s Democrats had controlling numbers. What was the result? Mr. Obama’s proposal was defeated in the Democrat-controlled Senate by a 0-97 vote. Even Obama’s Democrats understood the writing on the wall. Conservative thinking is ruling the day, but the public still strongly resents holier-than-thou social-conservativism and insistence by conservatives on their perceived-right to enter people’s religious or sexual sanctuaries will not be tolerated by the electorate. For a final proof of this: remember that 59% of the populace is 100% opposed to the ultra-social-conservative stance of ZERO abortions in cases of incest, rape, extremely young mothers, or a threat to the life or health of the mother while 76% of Americans believe there are far too many abortions in America.

We saw Rick Perry this week giving us a great example of why strict adherence to fiscal-conservativism and Constitutional-conservativism is the only reasonable approach.   Serving as an extremely bad example, Perry preceded his recent entering the presidential fray with a big-spectacle event a “prayer-fest.” This played well in Iowa; it will NOT win him votes in the vast majority of states. Perry then goes to New Hampshire and cannot answer a simple schoolchild’s question about the age of the earth (4.5 billion years roughly) and, after tut-tutting to the kid that “there are gaps in the Theory of Evolution” (yes, there are, but nothing like the obvious contradictions and shortfalls of the sacred books of ALL our religions) tells the schoolboy that in Texas they teach both Creationism and Evolution in school. 

Mr. Perry, in short, is a fool proposing foolish things. Literal 7-Day Creationism is a religious tenet that should be confined to private schools funded by private and/or religious resources and NOT taught in public schools funded by the taxes of Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, agnostics, atheists,  Shintos and Rastafarians as well as Christians. Mr. Perry, is proving himself unable to keep his eye on the twin balls of fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism . . . indeed by advocating literal 7-Day Creationism be taught in public schools he is violating the tenets of the 1st Amendment. I don’t know about you, but Rajjpuut’s “God is way too large to fit into Mr. Perry’s tiny church.”** And that is exactly why, expect for Ronald Reagan, Conservativism has been such a failure over the last eight decades. 

If conservatives learn nothing from the TEA Party’s successes and failures . . . they need to learn this: there are no areas of an individual’s life more private or more sensitive than religion and the bedroom and any effort to tell that person how to believe or what to do in either the church or the bedroom will only foster the grossest of enmities.

Rajjpuut believes that the TEA Party, when it sticks to its ten listed principles in the Contract from America@@, is the strongest force for political good in the nation. When it abandons them a la Angle, Buck and O’Donnell only bad things are possible. There is no document greater and none more ignored at this time in America’s history than the Contract from America. This is the truth as Almighty God has allowed me to see it, ignore this truth at risk of ruin to our great nation.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



** These are the very words Rajjpuut’s father spoke as he “ex-communicated” himself from church a long time ago after a priest avowed that Gandhi “would burn in hell along with all those other heathens because he didn’t welcome Christ into his soul” and then refused to “recant” under my father’s withering interrogation. When it comes to religion, the best advice of all is “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” Rajjpuut suspects that Christ would welcome Gandhi into his soul in any case.  As to their relevance today, we (you and I) didn't rule on the abortion issue in Roe vs. Wade in 1973, but we should also not be so stupid as to deny that it's the present law of the land and has been for almost 40 years now and is unlikely to change . . . mostly because of the stance of absolutists among the anti-abortion people.  Refusing abortions in case of rape, incest, for very, very young mothers and in cases where the mother's life or health are at risk deeply angers 60% of the American public.

@@ http://www.thecontract.org/the-contract-from-america/

In short:

1.        Protect the Constitution

2.       Reject Cap & Trade

3.       Demand a Balanced Budget

4.       Enact Fundamental Tax Reform

5.        Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government

6.       End Runaway Government Spending

7.        Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care

8.       Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy

9.       Stop the Pork

10.     Stop the Tax Hikes

In full:

The Contract from America

We, the undersigned, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items, work to bring each agenda item to a vote during the first year, and pledge to advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.

Individual Liberty

Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices.

Limited Government

The purpose of our government is to exercise only those limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders. When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.

Economic Freedom

The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market. The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty. Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.

Note: The percentages shown mark what percentage of the public respondents who thought this particular item belonged in the final “contract’ from among the 28 originally named principles created by the TEA Party . . . Hence the title Contract from America.

1. Protect the Constitution

Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)

2. Reject Cap & Trade

Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures. (72.20%)

3. Demand a Balanced Budget

Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike. (69.69%)

4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform

Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words—the length of the original Constitution. (64.90%)

5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington

Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning. (63.37%)

6. End Runaway Government Spending

Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%)

7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care

Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries. (56.39%)

8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy

Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs. (55.51%)

9. Stop the Pork

Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. (55.47%)

10. Stop the Tax Hikes

Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011. (53.38%)




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Sorry Baaaarack. We’re Not Sheep.

by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism


The President quipped last week that part of the reason why his stimulus plan didn’t work was “the shovel ready jobs weren’t as shovel ready as we thought.”    Since Obama has no business experience and hasn’t ever created a free market job, he’s totally befuddled why none of his economic plans are working.   Even the President knows we are slipping into a double dip recession.    He’s doing his best to still blame George Bush but even Debbie Wasserman Schultz admitted that the Democrats now own the economy.


The root causes of the economy continuing to swoon are the Progressive and Keynesian policies that Obama has implemented in the last two and a half years.   Poor Barack.  He doesn’t even realize that he sabotaged his own re-election.   He took all the liberal economic classes in college, and he listened to all of his leftist professors and mentors.   He believes the ruling class in the government should be able to dictate a recovery through amping up government spending and implementing regulations that will force business and consumer behavior into triggering an economic recovery.  Obama believes if the peasants would just do what the ruling class says to do, we’ll be just fine.


Sorry Baaaarack.  We’re not sheep.   That’s why Liberal government policies and Keynesian economics don’t work.  Progressive expect the working class to follow orders from the bureaucrats and to behave the way the Liberal rules and regulations dictate.   In fact, the Progressive policies are dependent upon people not adapting their behavior to work around the rules to pursue their own self-interest in spite of the new government dictates and regulations.  If the working class isn’t willing to be dependent upon the government, Liberalism fails. Continue...
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Why Weiner Matters

by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism


Ok by now, we’ve all heard about it.  Weinergate.  Representative Anthony Weiner started with denials, followed by hedging,  and finally followed by admission.  All of this seasoned with Weiner’s shocked response to the question regarding whether he was going to resign – “No, I’m not going to resign.”  The guy who has been married less than  a year who had phone sex, exchanged sexting messages, and sent pornographic photos to no less than six women over Facebook and Twitter doesn’t have the class or common sense to know when to resign.  Duh…


However, why does this whole drama around Anthony Weiner’s behavior really matter to the country at large?  For one, he was engaged in having phone sex, sexting, and sending pornographic pictures utilizing the assets of the US Congress.  This will be at least one reason why Weiner will be investigated by the House Ethics Committee.


Second, employers have a right to establish standards of conduct for employees, especially for behavior during work hours.   It is common for senior level employees to have morality and behavioral clauses that apply to their employment.  Often the clauses are not only intended to prevent legal claims against the company but more importantly to prevent the employee from damaging the reputation of the company.  Clearly all of these conditions apply to Weiner.  All congress people work for the citizens of the United States so congressmen are employees.  There is no doubt that this type of behavior damages the reputation of Congress and the US Government at large.  Finally, it has become obvious that Representative Weiner was sexting, having phone sex and distributing pornographic material during “normal” work hours.   Any employee I can think of that worked for a company in the United States would be terminated for Weiner’s behavior.  They would be gone immediately. Continue...

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        “Besides Rasmussen, the often interesting Quinnipiac University polling a few months back showed that only 19% of the voting populace generally trust government to do the right thing “almost all of the time” or “most of the time; but among TEA Party members that number drops to only 4%. 




Rasmussen Poll Underlines

Conservative Voter Skepticism, Distrust



        The term bandied around most by the progressives and other left-wingers over the last 110 years of American history is their Marxist interpretation of the word “revolution.”  Those revolting people with the aim of bringing totalitarianism to our shores have ceaselessly talked about “the revolution” and derided the system created by America’s Founding Fathers, the system that has made America a shining beacon of hope around the planet for over 225 years. 

        However, throughout real American history it’s been the radical center that has led the way, who’ve brought great change to these shores . . . and right now, according to a recent Rasmussen Reports it is that same radical-center group that is most likely to “kick the bast_rds out” of the Oval Office and Congress until they get a government that truly represents their interests and highest standards. According to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll of likely Republican voters, if you talk to 64% of them, they now see "the divide between the public and their government is the biggest since the American Revolution" began in 1775.

        In the Rasmussen survey of likely G.O.P. primary voters, 64% of them agree with that sentiment; only 16% disagree and 20% say they aren’t sure. In related questioning, 84% of Republican voters trust the judgment of the American people more than that of the nation’s political leaders and only 4% trust the political leaders more with 12% “undecided.” When Democrats and Independents are added in, overall 76% of the people today trust the people more than the politicians. The likely Republican voters deeply distrust their government:  87% say the federal government has become a special interest group with the power to advance its own interests to the public’s detriment. Only 6% of Republicans disagree with that view.  67% of G.O.P. voters think big business and the government often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors; with only 13% disagreeing and 20% unsure.

       Rasmussen Reports founder Scott Rasmussen (who’s run the most accurate and trustworthy polling service in the country for the last dozen years; authored the book In Search of Self-Governance; and co-authored Mad as Hell: How the TEA Party is Fundamentally Remaking our Two-Party System with ex-Clinton aide Doug Schoen) said this in In Search of Self Governance: 

                                    “Throughout American History, voters tend to be a few decades ahead of the political leadership. Voters gradually adapt to changes in the real world while politicians defend the status quo.” 
        If he’s right, it explains why “Revolution” as it’s seen by the left hasn’t caught on. The dynamic in America is, according to Rasmussen, significantly different than it is in European, Asian or Latin American countries where Marxism has played out its hand.  Obviously, the status quo today is an unresponsive, big spending, ever-expanding federal government and gradually diminished freedoms -- all of which the larger part of the voters oppose.

       Rasmussen revealed that 43% of the G.O.P. considers themselves part of the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party movement and 22% of all voters align themselves with the TEA Party.  The TEA Party reports that its makeup includes 9% Democrats; 18% Independents and 72% Libertarians and Republicans who are, of course, most likely to vote in the upcoming Republican primaries. The stereotype that the group belongs to “angry old men” is incorrect: 56% of TEA Party members are women and the average age is 44. 

       Polls by other groups have highlighted some of the problems that the recent Rasmussen’s poll shows Republicans excited about. For example, the often interesting Quinnipiac University polling a few months back showed that only 19% of the voting populace generally trusts government to do the right thing “almost all of the time” or “most of the time; but among TEA Party members that number drops to only 4% compared to 24% among non-TEA Party citizens. All this ties in to another Rasmussen poll showing that only 23% of the likely voting public now says the government has the consent of the governed in America.

      The main difference, of course between the progressive-radicals and the mainstream radicals is, of course, the question of bullets or ballots.  Many on the left such as Frances Fox Piven of Cloward-Piven** Strategy infamy have long advocated “bloody revolution.” The quiet revolution via the ballot box is the preferred method of the angry Republicans and TEA Party folk. Surveys of all Americans over the last four decades has shown that the breakdown of self-identification has remained very steady at or around: 44% calling themselves “conservative”; 42% self-labeling as “moderate”; and just 12% “liberal" or "progresssive.” 

      The area crippling conservatism’s power in Rajjpuut’s opinion is “social-conservativism^^” which includes items like strict anti-abortion stands; and desire for creationism and other religious beliefs being taught in public schools; singing religious Christmas carols in public schools, etc.  For example:  62% of all Americans are against the strictest anti-abortion views (absolutely no abortion under any circumstances) while only 37% support them.  When slightly softer anti-abortion views are expressed 55% oppose them and 44% support them.  Separation of Church and State doctrines, of course, are also very popular among voters who instinctively wish to confine religious utterances to churches and private religious schools.  On the other hand, “combined Constitutional conservativism and fiscal-conservativism” as advocated by the TEA Party seems to be an area that at least half of the Independent voters and about 15% of the Democrats can enthusiastically support.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,






^^ The demographic breakdown is that on social issues Americans say they are “conservative” 36%; moderate 31%; and liberal 30%. This indicates that the most tenable political area lies within the Libertarian’s fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism; and social-moderatism to social-liberalism. The reason that Libertarianism has never caught on, in Rajjpuut’s opinion is that Libertarian leaders have been genuinely impractical and also inclined to shoot their mouths off about ALL their views instead of confining their politics to fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism only. Just get into office and dramatically shrink the size of the government and put the fiscal house in order . . . that’s what we need!


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by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism


Progressive: “A person advocating or implementing liberal social reforms to destroy traditional societal values in stages, proceeding step by step.”


Progressive Cancer: “A disease that attacks the body by using abnormal cancerous cells to kill normal cells while incrementally spreading in stages through nearby tissues and then throughout the body through a process called metastases.”


Notice the two definitions are very similar.  One is a physical disease that incrementally destroys the body by killing good cells with bad ones, and the other is a social disease that destroys society by killing good values with bad ones.  That’s why when someone snobbishly professes they are a Progressive, my response is of course you are Progressive, like a cancer.


The challenge is that Liberals understand that their ideas can spread like a disease if they can only inject them into the governmental machinery.    A great example of one of the deceptions that the Progressives use to incrementally spread their disease is their constant claims for the need to compromise.  First they stake out an outrageous goal, like nationalizing all health care into a single payer program.   They initially stake out a goal they really want but at the same time they don’t realistically expect to achieve it all at once. When the public rejects the Left’s extremist idea, the Progressives fall back to a more incremental approach.  Their approach is to convert  their end state goal into a few enabling components and implement those components one at a time.   So instead of overtly stating they want to nationalize healthcare, they will state that they are only attempting to implement health care exchanges.  Using this stealth strategy,  Progressives drive to implement each of their enabling concepts into the government bureaucracy because the bureaucracy serves as the carrier to spread their disease. Continue...
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by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism

The Texas Rangers are the second oldest state law enforcement agency in the United States.  They initially functioned as a paramilitary force during the time that the Republic of Texas was an independent country.  Today the Rangers function as the Texas State Bureau of Investigation.  Over time, they have investigated and captured criminals spanning from murderers (John Wesley Hardin), to bank robbers (Bonnie & Clyde), to  corrupt politicians.   As part of their long and colorful history, the Rangers have developed quite a reputation.  That reputation was earned by the Rangers time after time taking on some of the most evil people in society with a relatively small number of men. As an example, there were only 144 Rangers in 2009.


One enduring story about the Rangers from 1896  includes  the original occurrence of the well-known saying: “One Riot, One Ranger”.   In response to the illegal fight that was scheduled to break out in Dallas, the Rangers sent one man, Captain Bill McDonald to prevent the riot.  Although many in the public were concerned that the Rangers only sent one man to address the fight, Captain McDonald was accustomed to being outnumbered.   To jump to the end of the story, of course McDonald was successful in achieving his mission and preventing the fight.  However it is Captain McDonald’s response to the Mayor of Dallas that echoes through Ranger history.  When the Mayor questioned McDonald regarding why he didn’t have more Rangers with him, the Captain replied (paraphrased), “One Riot, One Ranger”.


Sometimes, the right person in the right place at the right time makes all the difference.  Today America’s Patriots face a similar challenge in being outnumbered by those who are plotting to do evil in our society. Continue...
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Atlas Shrugged Part I


Eschews Mere Verisimilitude


for Absolute Economic Reality


                One of the strange things about the ‘global warming' advocates is that the most stringent ones among them like University of Wisconsin law professor Joel Rogers are intelligent enough to understand that what they advocate in economic sacrifice wouldn’t actually work anyway.  Rogers (who with Barack Obama, Al Gore, Franklin Raines, George Soros (via about fifty of his progressive foundations), Valerie Jarrett and Goldman Sachs were all behind the now abandoned and almost forgotten CCX <Chicago Climate eXchange> scam) when speaking only (he thought) to his leftwing buddies candidly admits that even taking technology back to 1895 wouldn’t restore conditions sufficient to eliminate what they believe is an inevitable global warming catastrophe, that is, in other words the debate from their viewpoint is all about gaining political power and not about any other reality or potential reality. 




           In another global warming speech Rogers literally called for parents to tie the global warming myth in with the Santa Claus myth so that once their little kids grow up to be voters they’d do anything to protect Santa from the global warming floods.  It got a few laughs, but the undercurrent was unfortunately serious.   Of course that’s precisely what’s happening with Saturday morning cartoons all carrying a leftist theme with the corporations and producers always painted as the bad guys.  Thank God, a whole lot of kids still grow up to mistrust all myths and all caricatures and cartoons.


          Putting aside the myth of global warming, what about the reality of $37/gallon gasoline at some time in the future, IF current anti-business, anti-energy, anti-freedom, and anti-human policies are allowed to continue?  That strange but plausible question is the driving force behind the independently produced, tiny-budget big-screen portrayal of Atlas Shrugged Part I.  Could this happen by 2016?  Unlikely, but possible.  Anyway, it is 2016 and gasoline now has reached $37.00 per gallon.  The only viable means of transportation for the masses at those prices are trains and boats with the automobile and aviation industries almost dead and buried . . . only the super-rich can afford them.  That is how Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged gets tied into today’s present reality so beautifully . . . and, of course, it makes 100% economic sense. 

          The economy gets knocked back to the Depression era 1930’s by the effect of a progressive congress' and president’s interference all stifling the profit incentive . . . and the story is free to unfold in a powerful montage of images very similar to today’s 24-hour news cycle.  Make sure to watch Atlas Shrugged Part I, which if the U.S. Constitution is the “Bible of the TEA Party,” Rajjpuut is tempted to call “The TEA Party’s Book of Exodus.”


           In a related mood, two more bits of news.  A)  there’s purportedly a conservative version of YouTube called WooTv.us   which seems worth knowing about, but which seems to me a bit of soft-sell for Obama aimed at swaying gullible independents rather than Constitutional- or fiscal-conservatives, I’d recommend you watch at least five or six of their mini-videos and decide about it for yourself B) If you’ve heard Krista Branch’s “I Am America” and “Remember Who We Are!  then surely here, one of them if it’s not our Star Spangled Banner . . . is  the TEA Party’s America the Beautiful  . . . lovely songs, worth owning both of them here’s where you can buy them both and here are the lyrics, etc. :




I Am America


Pay no attention to the people in the street
Crying out for accountability
Make a joke of what we believe
Say we don't matter 'cause you disagree
Pretend you're kings, sit on your throne
Look down your nose at the peasants below


I've got some news, we're taking names
We're waiting now for the judgment day

I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land

There is still work that must be done
I will not rest until we've won

I am America

You preach your tolerance, but lecture me
Is there no end to your own hypocrisy
Your god is power, you have no shame
Your only interest is political gain

You hide your eyes and refuse to listen
You play your games and abuse the system
You stuff your pockets while Rome is burning
I've got a feeling that the tide is turning

I will not give up on this fight
I will not fade into the light, I am America

You stuff your pockets while Rome is burning
I've got a feeling that the tide is turning

I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land

I will not give up on this fight
I will not fade into the light, I am America


Remember Who We Are


It’s our time to take a stand
Remember Who We Are (Remember Who We Are)
There’s a call across this land
Remember Who We Are (Remember Who We Are)

We were a city on a hill
A candle in the dark
It started long ago
We have come so far

We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We know the distance
No matter how hard
Remember Who We Are

We’ve paid a price to be free
Remember Who We Are
With our blood sweat and tears
Remember Who We Are
Will our children be the ones asking us one day
Why we didn’t do enough
Why we gave it all away

We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We go the distance
No matter how far
Remember Who We Are

Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes we will run and not be faint
The time has come for taking chances
We are the masters of our fate.

We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We go the distance
No matter how hard

We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We know the distance
No matter how hard (oh oh)
Remember Who We Are

Remember Who We Are



Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



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 Happy New Year 2011,

We DO Live in Interesting Times

The Freedomworks.org “2010 Year in Review,” at:  



records the highlights of a mixed but, on balance, quite positive year 2010 for those of us who value and are willing to speak up and act to maintain America’s freedoms. Among the seven negative events mentioned, the three biggest lowlights of the year are clearly the signing into law of Obamacare; the one-year anniversary of the Obama stimulus with negative results on the jobs front at a cost to the taxpayers of $787 Billion; and the passage of the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul which, like Obamacare has the potential to prove itself one of the least principled government boondoggles in history.

            Among the thirteen positive events FreedomWorks listed, the top five arguably were these:

A.     The one year anniversary of the Tea Party protest movement championing fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism and smaller, more competent government was celebrated.

B.    The Defeat of the Disclose Act (which even the ACLU was against) was a huge step for freedom of expression.

C.    The Election Day shift in paradigm from government-as-usual to government by the people.

D.   The Sound Money Panel was held on Capitol Hill.

E.    A Virginia judge has declared the mandated requirement of taxpayers to buy health insurance “Unconstitutional.”

Other lowlights listed by Freedomworks included Elena Kagan’s nomination and confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court; Ben Bernanke’s Quantitative easing which threatens to exacerbate inflation concerns; the “mini-TARP” Small Business and Credit Act became law; and the International Monetary Fund (The IMF largely financed by America) agreed to bail out Greece. The FreedomWorks site also ran . . .


their top ten ways Obama’s been wasting taxpayer money. Rajjpuut strongly agrees with the first four items on this FreedomWorks list; generally sees the strength of their position on items #5-9 and thinks they missed the boat altogether on item #10 which he’d regard as vital for technological breakthrough and national defense. The reader is advised to visit the site and make up his/her own mind.

Enjoy a wonderful 2011, Happy New Year!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Big Changes Coming to the Congress?

Time to put up or shut up! After their expected November gains, the TEA Party caucus within the Republican Party (headed by Minnesota’s Michele Bachmann with 52 other Republicans and so far no Democrats aligned with the fiscally- and Constitutionally-conservative TEA movement) expects to put into action an impressive war plan, how much the Republican Party goes for the TEA agenda remains to be seen. The TEA Party plan for the House has five steps. In keeping with the TEA = “Taxed Enough Already” or “Taken Enough Abuse” idea, expect:

1. Extending the Bush era Tax Cuts

2. Slashing government spending except Defense and Social Security by 40%

3. Repealing, or at least defunding, Obamacare

4. Creating a budget early on

5. Passing some package of legislation ultra-friendly to small- and medium-sized business to stimulate maximum jobs growth

Overall the effect of all this would cause a massive shrinking of the federal government from “the get-go.” YES SIR, YES SIR! As Ronald Reagan put it, “The federal government is not the answer to the problem; the Federal Government IS the problem . . . .”

Meanwhile, the fate of the Senate hangs in the balance with Republicans needing to win nine senate seats to take the majority there. South Carolina Republican senator Jim DeMint has received a lot of heat from non-TEA Republicans over his outspoken call to fully return the GOP to its conservative fiscal and Constitutional values. The numbers of TEA Partiers in the Senate is very small but they’re expected to wield a big influence upon the G.O.P. nevertheless.

But even before that happens, America might be in for a highly contentious lame duck session starting next week. If the Republicans make immense gains in the House and Senate and Governors’ mansions as predicted by the pollsters (+70 seats in the House; +8 senate seats; and +9 governorships), Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will come under great pressure from the Obama White House to “accomplish” some more of Obama’s pet projects such as Card Check for Unions; an illegal-immigration “reform” bill akin to the “Dream Bill; Gays in the military reform of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; etc., etc. Everything but a budget (which they’ve failed to even attempt to pass) could be the Dems last minute rejection of the American voters’ rejection of them and their policies. That’s a lot of “gotcha” and wrong-headed animosity being expressed in Washington over the next two and a half months in Rajjpuut’s opinion and the Republicans in Congress will need to stand firm.

This standing firm will be very important since the voters are expected in six days to use the ballot box as a negative referendum on all things Obama from 2009 to present. As for the new Congress beginning in mid-January, the word is that while the newly formed TEA Party caucus within (but outside of) the elected Republicans in both chambers of congress wants a 40% slashing of government spending on everything but Defense and Social Security; and all Republican electees, TEA Party or not, are committed to some level of spending cuts and full extension of the Bush tax cuts to all taxpayers . . . the real question is how long can they extend the Bush Cuts and how much can they slash without encountering Obama’s veto? So the best guess is that we’ll see something like a 30% slash in government spending on “discretionary matters” and a three-year extension of the Bush Tax Cuts.

However, politics being what politics is . . . expect the Republicans to push through an eight- or ten-year extension of those cuts for the president to veto and then after the veto, it’s anybody’s guess whether a four-year extension can get presidential approval. The other two likely early efforts by a new Republican majority in the House of Representatives would be first of all to DEFUND and REPEAL Obamacare; and then to pass some package of support for small and medium-sized business to get the economy sailing with a following wind. Overall, expect political fireworks of a positive kind for a change come January.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“In truth, the TEA Party came that the Republican Party might save its soul. Not the ‘Party of No’ but the ‘Party of Whoa!’” Rajjpuut

“NEVERTHELESS, the TEA Party’s birth should have been recognized by Time magazine in 2009 as among the top ten events of 2009 (not even in their top 100) and Time notwithstanding, the TEA Party influence is the #1 story in America for 2010. The TEA Party “Contract from America” and House Minority Leader John Boehner’s and the G.O.P.’s “Pledge to America” are the two fundamental documents needed for an American Renaissance. Rajjpuut

Historic Election Approaches -- Vote

Your Constitutionally-Conservative Values

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 marks the most important election in at least four decades. The nation and the world are in severe crisis and only the rebirth of America’s principles can save us all. The two most DEFINING DYNAMICS of this election are these:

#1 Barack Obama and the progressive agenda threatening to destroy America as we know and love her . . . .

#2 The aroused Conservatives-on-the-March movement known as the TEA Party which stands for both “Taxed Enough Already” and even more aptly “Taken Enough Abuse” . . . .

The progressives’ rhetoric consistently maintains that the second item above is just another “reactionarism” by the “Party of NO,” that is, the TEA Party is just an “astroturf” G.O.P. feint at real populism. The TEA Party, of course, is an authentic conservative grassroots response that was clearly even more fed up with the “conservatives in name only” big-spending Republican Party which could have easily earned the title “Progressive-Lite” as they were with the radical-driven Democrats. In truth, the TEA Party came that the Republican Party might save its soul. Not the “Party of No” but the 'Party of Whoa!'”

With the exception of a few idiotic missteps, the TEA Party has wisely forgone the self-defeating narcissism of nominating its own candidates. Where the TEA Party has chosen to nominate candidates in the primaries rather than playing the more natural and powerful role of kingmaker once the candidates were set, the results have been poor. The perfect examples of this are Delaware, Nevada and Colorado. The political climate is so anti-incumbent and anti-Obama that a mental defective could be expected to win against the three horrific progressive-Democrats running for the U.S. Senate in those states . . . but thanks to the TEA Party’s pre-primary involvement not only are the results very much in doubt, the odds against stripping Obama of his senate control are now fairly high. And, of course, what do you have if you win despite the nonsense of O’Donnell, Angle and Buck? Three idiots in the U.S. Senate, ugh!

Let's get the "cautionary tales" out of the way so we can go back to congratulating ourselves for a job well done, eh? In Nevada two strong conservative candidates were running in the Republican Primary to oppose Harry Reid. The eventual “winner" chosen by the TEA Party, however, was unqualified as far as communications skills, intelligence and understanding of political strategy (in this case the strategy is ultra-simple: concentrate on Reid’s record; Nevada’s problems; Obama’s record; America’s problems; and protecting our Constitution and our pocketbooks; nothing else) who is now embroiled in a needlessly close and expensive campaign that either of the other more qualified candidates would have put away long ago.

In particular, Angle has injected the infamously losing and suicidal social-conservativism into the equation. In case no one mentioned it to her, the TEA Party’s ten item “Contract from America” concentrated on fiscal and Constitutional issues and left social-conservativism unmentioned. The nation is and always has been fiscally and Constitutionally conservative . . . the reason that conservative clarity has been flooded over by progressive muddle-headedness so often in the last century is simply that Conservatives have been all too eager to push their social prohibitions (most infamously the notorious Volstead Act prohibiting liquor) upon everyone else. In Colorado, Ken Buck is just Sharon Angle on Super-Steroids. Rajjpuut who lives in Colorado is ashamed of the god-awful choices available to him . . . Buck or Bennet. And, as far as Delaware, the less said about the TEA Party nominee, the better. She makes Ken Buck look like a statesman. And the final piece of idiocy? Neither the TEA Party nor the Republicans are revealing their major weapons . . . how much talk have you heard about the TEA Party "Contract from America" or the Republican "Pledge to America. It's kind of like leaving your varsity at home and dressing only the freshmen team for the biggest game of the season. Thankfully, the frosh have been doing well.

Those are the negatives and they are serious enough to presumably cost conservatives control of the Senate. NEVERTHELESS, the TEA Party is the story of the Obama years thus far and the TEA Party’s birth should have been recognized by Time magazine in 2009 as among the top ten events of 2009 (not even in their top 100) and Time notwithstanding, the TEA Party influence is the #1 story in America for 2010. The TEA Party “Contract from America” and House Minority Leader John Boehner’s and the G.O.P.’s “Pledge to America” are the two fundamental documents necessary for an American Renaissance. Thank God for the TEA Party!

In case Rajjpuut’s message is not precisely clear to the reader: in its proper role as “KINGMAKER,” the TEA Party is no threat to the G.O.P. but rather is a dynamic coalescence of all good things conservative (fiscal and constitutional) and American. Democratic conservatives, Independent Conservatives and Republican Conservatives now, finally, have a home. Holding the feet of the two major parties to the fire as Kingmakers, rather than splitting Conservative votes, the TEA Party has it in its power to return America to her roots and a new greatness. Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal echoed these same thoughts that Rajjpuut has voiced on at least a dozen prior occasions at this blog site:


Noonan says, “The tea party is not a ‘threat’ to the Republican Party, the tea party saved the Republican Party. In a broad sense, the tea party rescued it from being the fat, unhappy, querulous creature it had become, a party that didn't remember anymore why it existed, or what its historical purpose was. The tea party, with its energy and earnestness, restored the GOP to itself.” AMEN!!!!!

As always, Ms. Noonan and the Wall Street Journal lead the way to understanding for intelligent Americans; and the cartoon in the article-linked above says it all, doesn’t it?

Meanwhile, as in all things progressive, the ultra-left wing of the Democrats has refused to acknowledge reality . . . lost in their Marxist dreams and all . . . they persist in believing their own self-indulgent lies that the TEA Party is astroturf; unimportant; made up of unintelligent racists; and impotent to fight and win the battle of “dialectic materialism.” Thank God so many crooks and other criminals are cretins; and thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord – a million times over that the commies are cretins-cubed.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“Projecting his own corruption and inadequacies unto others, Barack Obama claims that unfounded lies have distorted his marvelous accomplishments and inspirational message and made fearful voters unable to think clearly about the issues . . .” Rajjpuut

Q: Why is golf the perfect metaphor for the Obama presidency?
A: He's continually striving for the perfect lie.

TEA Party Women Deplore What Obama

Refuses to See on the Tip of His Nose

Sarah Palin’s nomination as the 2008 Republican Party’s Vice Presidential candidate has been followed by the rise of the TEA (Taken Enough Abuse? Or Taxed Enough Already) Party and a simultaneous upsurge in the involvement and commitment of Conservative women to returning the nation to small and responsive federal government, lower taxes, dramatically lowered spending and alignment with the purposes and practices of Constitutional Republicanism. Despite mountains of evidence that these women and a whole groundswell of the people are in synch with reality and that he is not, Barack Obama and his media sycophants can’t seem to see the forest for the trees surrounding them . . . .

ITEM: While being interviewed by the New York Times President Obama admitted “. . . there’s no such thing as a shovel-ready project,” they do not exist in Washington’s bureaucracy and thus the stimulus didn’t work.

ITEM: In selling that $787 Billion stimulus, the president swore to us that unemployment would NOT rise above 8% if the bill became law. Unemployment, of course, rose to 9.6% and is now reportedly headed to over 9.9% according to the Gallup polling organization.

ITEM: We are coming to realize that according to all the latest administration projections high unemployment is expected to be a fact of life and the only way to sort of deal with it is to allow them to tax us more and spend more of our money.

Item: One more broken promise, the House of Representatives adjourned for last minute campaigning without bothering to vote on extending the Bush Tax Cuts; and one more broken law, they still have not passed a budget. Is that a problem?

ITEM: College age voters (Obama’s most fanatical multi-racial support group) are in growing agreement that despite all the spending, unemployment is rising and their chances of finding jobs under Obama are shrinking by the day.

ITEM: Mr. Obama states that “most of the unemployed had already lost their jobs when I took office,” failing to mention that their numbers have increased by 40% since he came to Washington, D.C.

ITEM: Progressive economists have been uniformly inaccurate and ineffective throughout history. Four of the five economic “architects” of the Obama job approach (just throw money at the problem) have already left the administration for greener pastures.

ITEM: Speaking of progressive economists . . . their version of truth, known as “Keynesian Economics,” is a progressive (“we must ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and seriously flawed U.S. Constitution”) tool encouraging politicians to tax and spend and throttle the free market. The country as a whole is now, however, coming more and more to realize that government canNOT create jobs or wealth but can only redistribute wealth so ineffectively that all government programs to either create jobs or spread wealth inevitably destroy jobs and mean individual and overall wealth for our citizens.

ITEM: Progressive politicians cannot intelligently answer the question “How do you create a job?” Yes, they can hem and haw and stumble through the idea of how jobs that are already created can sort of create other jobs . . . but they have no idea. And God help us if you, a voter, don’t know either, here’s the answer:


ITEM: Progressives see naturally arising free market forces as exploitation. They don’t understand that when one person willing trades his goods or services or money for someone else’s goods or services or money . . . pay attention, progressives . . . they both feel like they got the better end of the stick, and that this is the very key to capitalism. They believe only government can intelligently create jobs to benefit all. The true model of reality is that government is a hooligan or a thief, explained here:


ITEM: Fifteen million people are still unemployed and Nancy Pelosi’s and Obama’s solution extend unemployment benefits and multiply food stamp eligibility. Pelosi says that these programs are “biggest bang for the buck” as far as getting the economy in motion . . . claiming they return 179% on the dollar. Since government’s can’t create jobs or wealth and government programs are at best highly INefficient at transferring wealth the true number would probably be much closer to 39% which means that they kill 2.5 jobs for every job they help create in the economy. It’s also a proven fact and demonstrable part of reality (with unemployment benefits now extended to 99 weeks) that a surprising upsurge in job “discovery” takes place during the last three weeks of receiving unemployment checks regardless of whether that is the 23rd week or the 80th week . . . indicating that long periods of “covered unemployment” actually retards job-hunting.

ITEM: The majority of the public wants Obamacare repealed. Why? They’ve come to realize it will be the biggest drain on the economy of all time, won’t make us healthier and won’t lower costs, will allow federally-funded abortions, and actually make access to medicine, much less good medicine much more difficult. Now they’re seeing that Obamacare is jerking health insurance costs sky-high for private companies. So far at least 30 major corporations have been granted waivers to implementing Obamacare (so they don’t have to drop coverage of employees) and hundreds more are applying. And by the way, the reality that more and more Americans will lose their present insurance (“If you like your present insurance, then you can keep it.”) is not what even the supporters of Obamacare bargained for.

ITEM: Among Democrats, at last count only Nevada’s Harry Reid is running his re-election campaign with any mention of supporting Obamacare . . . and Harry Reid looks to be losing to one of the most bone-headed persons to ever call herself a “conservative.”

ITEM: The progressives are poised to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire at midnight on New Year’s Eve and that will surely amount to the largest tax increase in history.

ITEM: Obama’s much promised “transparency in government” and “bi-partisan involvement” allowed bribe after bribe after bribe (Cornhusker Kickbacks; Louisiana Purchase; building a new bank here; exempting a hospital there; etc., etc. ad nauseum) to ram the unpalatable Obamacare law and other unwanted bills down our throats and the process was certainly not broadcast openly but largely played out behind closed doors with only key Democrats invited in.

ITEM: Barack Obama said this in summing up his presidency so far for the New York Times . . . “I think they (people) could say, on a bunch of fronts he (the president) still has an incomplete. But I keep a checklist of what we committed to doing, and we’ve probably accomplished 70 percent of the things that we talked about during the campaign. And I hope as long as I’m president, I’ve got a chance to work on the other 30 percent.”

ITEM: Sorry, Mr. President, if your child was assigned to clean up his room and take the garbage out and he instead opts to scatter the garbage around the house and light the house on fire: his grade is not “incomplete,” it’s utter and horrific “FAILURE!”

ITEM: An “F” is NOT nearly low enough and NOT close to what America and history will someday record. Rajjpuut gives the president NOT a FAILING grade but a -400% grade based not only upon his demonstrated ineptness, but also upon this greater truth which no one seems to be noticing . . . .


Projecting his own corruption and inadequacies unto others, Barack Obama claims that unfounded lies have distorted his marvelous accomplishments and inspirational messages and made the fearful electorate unable to think clearly about the issues . . . the truth, of course, is that the President has been casting about for the last two months searching for the “perfect lie”** to muddy the waters and give him and his toadie progressives some hope of retaining their unwarranted power over our lives. Thankfully, in large part due to the rise of a brave and intelligent new Conservative Women’s Movement, especially noticeable among the TEA Party activists, but found all across our resurgent nation.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Of course Governor Jerry Brown has broken out his own version of the perfect lie; and other versions of it are springing up all over the place, most noticeably in the campaigning of Dem Representative Grayson in Florida. Obama’s latest effort, saying that the Chamber of Commerce is receiving and using huge amounts of foreign donations to support Conservative candidates totally ignores the facts that A. That’s a 100% lie B. Obama’s campaign still hasn’t revealed the origin of about $320 million of us campaign donations with at least $105 million of that coming from foreign sources.

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“I’m sure Colorado women are thrilled that if Buck gets pregnant from rape or incest he will deliver regardless of any threats to his health. No man under any circumstances can gain by supporting abortion repeal . . . .”

3rd Party TEA Partyism

Works in Obama’s

and Progressives’ Favor

Since one of America’s two major parties, the Republicans, is ostensibly a conservative party fiscally and Constitutionally, it’s not at all surprising that since 1860, national 3rd parties throughout history have uniformly been unsuccessful and even counterproductively helpful** to liberals. Surprise, surprise some phases of today’s TEA Party movement seem to be stabbing conservativism in the back. The Obama administration is favorably impressed . . . .

As Rajjpuut first warned some eight months back, except in highly unusual circumstances, extensive TEA Party involvement prior to the primaries is a very, very bad idea. Let the political process play out and then play kingmaker, that is the winning strategy. Rajjpuut has repeatedly suggested that the TEA Party spend its efforts helping voters learn about the party’s Contract from America and then (only after candidates are selected) picking the most conservative candidate if he/she displays the requisite integrity. The biggest single failing beside becoming a conservative-killing third party? Stunning and deafening silence on the Contract from America. In other words, Rajjpuut suggests the TEA Party is not only losing its way, it’s often blocking America’s way as well. Ah, me . . . . Let’s talk specifics . . . .

Here in Colorado we face two extraordinarily fouled up elections, for governor and senator, made extraordinarily favorable for liberal candidates and extraordinarily frustrating for conservative voters. The TEA Party Express (whom Rajjpuut suspects was created by Harry Reid initially to ensure he faced the weakest possible opposition in Nevada: Sharon Angle) has backed an ignoramus named Ken Buck. Buck rather than concentrating on fiscal and

Constitutional conservativism; his opponent’s pathetic record; and the Contract from America . . . has preferred to talk about abortion regardless of incest, rape, or threats to the health of the mother . . . I’m sure Colorado women are thrilled that if Buck gets pregnant from rape or incest he will deliver regardless of any threats to his health. Since no man can get pregnant, no man under any circumstances can gain by hypocritically supporting abortion repeal . . . .” Rajjpuut reminds all conservative politicians that abortion is, unfortunately, the law of the land and unnecessarily bringing up a losing argument (and, in Buck’s specifics, bringing up a questionable moral argument) is just plain stupid and an easy way to lose women voters in droves.

Buck has also gone out of his way to unnecessarily give his opponent strong sound bites of “Buck threatening Social Security” and “Buck for changing the way Colorado Senators are selected” . . . regardless of the merits of those last two arguments, it never makes sense to step outside of a winning formula. This year the winning formula for conservatives is 1) Contract for America and fiscal and Constitutional conservativism 2) Obama 3) the record of the Democrats in Congress 4) specific weaknesses of their particular opponent . . . . Buck, unfortunately has a grand canyon for a mouth and just loves to hear himself talk. Mr. Buck could still win, but under any other circumstances than the anti-Obama revolt in place this year, Buck would be UNelectable. If somehow Buck is elected Colorado will boast a numbskull in the U.S. Senate. Needless to say, his big government, big taxes, big spending opponent Bennett is properly committed to Obama’s Marxist agenda . . . fine choice we have for senator in Colorado, eh?

Meanwhile, the TEA Party has twice gotten involved in the Colorado governor’s race and both involvements have been a mistake. A totally unvetted candidate, Dan Maes, who’d never held political office excited the TEA Party before he’d proven electable without them. Maes became the Republican candidate. Right there an ethical problem arises, why should Republicans then fund the campaign of someone basically nominated by another political party? In any case, Maes had a lot of baggage and it soon spilled out onto the sidewalk one lie and one scandal after another. So the TEA Party Express comes to town supporting one Tom Tancredo as an Independent running for guv. Tancredo is the eternal Colorado gadfly, who, like Buck, believes in the old out-dated Moral Majority litmus test. Just today, the Republican Party in Colorado removed its support for Maes which has to be demoralizing for Colorado conservatives. If Maes drops out, which he has vowed NOT to do, perhaps Tancredo can win. Since Tancredo, like Buck appears to be a cretin, that would be a mixed blessing at best.

From Nevada where ditsy Sharron Angle who, with the TEA Party Express’ help, defeated two electable candidates and gives Harry Reid a good chance at re-election; to Connecticut where the TEA Party Express-supported candidacy of Christine O’Donnell appears to have dethroned a winning bet^^ for November. . . the ignorance of TEA Party pre-primary election involvement is well-documented and regrettable; and likely to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat for the progressive Dems.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


**only in one instance, Teddy Roosevelt’s Progressive (Bull Moose) Party in 1912, has any third party gotten as close as a losing 2nd place in a national election. In 1912 and in virtually all other instances, the presence of a vote-splitting conservative option has guaranteed victory for liberal candidates, specifically the Democrats involved. In Rajjpuut’s memory only the 1968 candidacy of George Wallace with the American Independent Party was not harmful to the conservative cause . . . why? because Richard Nixon was regarded as a moderate or even semi-progressive Republican in a race against further left-leaning Hubert Humphrey. The havoc created in state and local elections by third parties is not quite as predictable, but third party conservatives are a most welcome sight for Democrats.

^^ Castle, a progressive Republican, appeared to be a shoo-in in Connecticut and very popular. The winning strategy would have been to talk directly to Mr. Castle about the Contract from America. If he pledged to change his spots and support the Contract, then you support him until he proves unworthy of trust.

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“. . . two things work in O’Donnell’s favor: 1) Sarah Palin is backing her and 2) Sarah Palin is backing her because the Republican Senator Mike Castle is one of the most liberal Republicans in the nation. Castle actually supported Cap and Trade. The biggest thing against O’Donnell among practical considerations? Money, support and expertise are lacking, not to mention integrity.” Rajjpuut

Delaware Suggests TEA Party Express

is Harry Reid’s Creation

Loyal readers know that Rajjpuut is a Libertarian and has advised often and mightily against the TEA Party running their own candidates unless absolutely necessary. (As it was in upper state New York when the Republican Party last November gave a $1 Million campaign war chest to a woman running for the G.O.P. who was well to the left of the left-leaning Democratic candidate in a very conservative district. The TEA Party backed Conservative Party candidate chased her out of the race with only 5% support in the polls and came within an eyelash of victory.) If it’s necessary to run a TEA Party candidate, run an out and out third-party Conservative candidate of the highest level of integrity.

Several times now, the TEA Party Express has been behind very poor candidates and helped propel them to primary wins and Republican nominations. In effect these TEA Party Express candidates are giving aid and comfort to the progressive-Democrats on the ballot by creating an easily knocked off “straw-man” to campaign against. Such a candidate is Ken Buck in Rajjpuut’s Colorado. It is Rajjpuut’s firm conviction that the TEA Party Express is NOT a real TEA Party group it is a Harry Reid creation designed to get the poorest candidate to run against him in Nevada so Harry, the most hated man in America besides Barack Obama, would have an easy victory.

It’s happening again in Delaware in the fight for Joe Biden’s old senate seat. The TEA Party Express has supported the candidacy of one Christine O’Donnell. Like all TEA Party Express “candidates” she is virtually unelectable. Ms. O’Donnell has reportedly lied for 21 years about having a college degree which she was only just awarded this year. Ms. O’Donnell has a questionable tax and earnings situation. Ms. O’Donnell lied and said she took two of Delaware’s three counties in the most recent race against Biden . . . she actually won zero. Ms. O’Donnell has been violating campaign finance laws over the last six months.

The situation is not cut and dried, however; two things work in O’Donnell’s favor: 1) Sarah Palin is backing her and 2) Sarah Palin is backing her because the Republican Senator Mike Castle is one of the most liberal Republicans in the nation. Castle actually supports Cap and Trade. The biggest thing against O’Donnell among practical considerations? Money, support and expertise are lacking. Just as Sharon Angle (who was nominated by the TEA Party Express over two far better conservative candidates to unseat Harry Reid; then was left high and dry by the TEA Party Express once she’d won and only saved by DickMorris.com’s incredible work in her behalf nationally) found out, the question is obvious, if an outside party wins a Republican primary and the Republican nomination, why in hell should the Republican Party support her financially? Indeed, since she’s such a poor candidate should anyone in their right mind support her?

Let’s look the situation over logically: it looks like a three-way LOSE-LOSE-LOSE situation for Conservatives in Delaware and around the country unless things change dramatically (more on that later). A) the Democrat’s candidate benefits by running against a presumably unelectable O’Donnell and wins B) O’Donnell somehow gets elected but because she has no apparent integrity or ability to practically manage her own life, the state gets a loser for a senator C1) Castle wins the primary against O’Donnell but his war chest is depleted and the in-fighting weakens him as a candidate and helps the Democrat win or C2) Castle wins and wins again and Delaware gets a fiscal RINO** and a Constitutional RINO again in the senate.

How much better for all involved if a real TEA Party candidate and an electable one was running, no? Only one thing can save the situation for Castle and presumably Delaware. He needs to sign the TEA Party Contract from America. He needs to admit his past stupidity. He needs to understand with all his soul . . . .

http://www.econlib.org/library/Essays/rdPncl1.html and

http://fee.org/library/books/economics-in-one-lesson/#0.1_L2 and


And pledge to the people of Delaware and to the Republican Party that he will embody the spirit of these three websites and of the Contract from America. Short of this rebirth, nothing good is liable to come out of Delaware

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Unfortunately, the concept of RINO (Republican in name only) has deeply hurt the G.O.P. coming and going. On the one hand you have people like the two Maine senators or Mr. Castle in Delaware or the upstate New Yorker mentioned earlier who just use Republican money to get elected and then prove themselves absolutely progressive/liberal on taxes, spending and the Constitution. On the other hand and even more dangerous, too many undesirable candidates like Ken Buck and Sharon Angle survive the primary process because of their “fidelity” to the old litmus tests and then prove UNelectable and cede the field to the progressives directly. One great thing, however, virtually any candidate who keeps his/her big trap shut and only opens it to speak about the Contract from America should prevail, even perhaps Ken Buck, Sharon Angle, and Christine O’Donnell. The trouble is this kind of “non-RINO” tends to give Conservatives a bad name because they’re stupid enough to be against (just to name one thing) abortion even in case of incest or rape or if the mother’s life is in danger. American women won’t stand for this kind of authoritarian stand on what they can do and endure with their own bodies. That Republican stance makes abortion on demand all but inevitable.

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Nine Reasons to Hold the Republican Party

in Contempt, One Reason to Hope

1. 1. Despite the natural advantages of being a conservative group, they’ve been largely impotent since Ronald Reagan’s days.

All surveys for decades show the country is center-right in fiscal matters and Constitutional matters. Yet the direction the country has moved in since 1964, has largely been dictated by the ultra-progressive wing of the Democrats not by Republicans.

2. 2. The Republicans are inarticulate.

Except for Reagan, no one seems to have caught on to the simple Buckley-Will trick of speaking to 95% of the issues as opportunities to clarify exactly what Fiscal conservativism means and exactly what Constitutional conservativism means on a personal level to the voter-citizens. As a result, the lies and propanda of the left have dominated the political argument for decades.

3. 3. Republicans in the last 20 years have become Progressive Lite

Progressivism (we need to “progress” beyond the outdated and flawed U.S. Constitution) is an insidious cancer eating away at the American way of life; Americans’ freedoms and wealth; and the American Constitution and far too many Republicans such as our two Maine senators are continually voting progressive. Citizens can’t trust Republicans to be Republicans.

4. 4. Most Americans think being a “Pure Democracy” is a good thing and have never heard terms like “tyranny of the masses” because Republicans are seemingly afraid to defend Republicanism.

5. 5. Most Americans do not know that the most Republican Document in the world after the Declaration of Independence is the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 Amendments).

6. 6. Most Americans do not even know what the 10th Amendment is. Nor do Americans appreciate that above all other concepts, this is the one that makes America a place where you can vote “with your feet” and that keeps the size of government under control and the power of government as small as possible. Because of the 10th Amendment no place in America can get too oppressive (with taxes, for instance) because people can pack up and move to a place where more respect for the taxpayer is evident.

7. 7. Republicans are perceived as “holier-than-thou” and sexists and have proven they aren’t willing to be the major party in the country.

Unfortunate as it may be, abortion is the law of the land. Thanks to ridiculous Republican constraints against (very young girls; victims of rape; victims of incest; and women whose lives are endangered by childbirth) sentiment against the right-wing stance has hardened into virtual “abortion on demand” in this country. Commonsense says Republicans need to never say another word against any abortions but late-term ones for about 40 years and stick to areas where the country can agree with Republican stands (fiscal and Constitutional conservativism only). 56-60% of women vote against Republicans routinely because Republicans are seen as a male-dominated party and males, not getting pregnant, have NO RIGHT to decide the decisions that belong between a woman and her God.

8. 8. Unwilling to lose the most radical 8% of the ultra-right, Republicans willingly abandon the combined 27-30 % of conservative Independents and conservative Democrats. Ideas are important, but practical politics is all about winning too. The Republican Party has not since Reagan latched on to pure fiscal conservativism and Constitutional conservativism, common sense small government and integrity in politics as its guiding principles. And the present mess is just part of the price America has paid because the country's major conservative party has expressed very little common sense.

Some Republicans apparently are nearer to fundamentalist Islam than they are to patriotic Americans . . . that is, they believe their religion should be the dominant or perhaps only one allowed in the country. When Republicans willing ignore the doctrine of separation of church and state and insist upon teaching Christmas carols in public schools; and that Creationism must be taught in public school science classes they earn utter contempt. This is why school voucher programs are important . . . send your kids to private or parochial schools as you prefer, but don’t attempt to proselytize your version of religion upon the whole country. If Mormons tried to get “predestinationism” into public school science classes we’d all be outraged . . . what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

9. 9. Neither positively nor negatively have the Republicans shown any stomach for the fight over ideas. Every ridiculous progressive argument holds ten times more value in Americans’ minds than the most sound of Republican ideas. For example: 80% of the people believe these lies are true (they’re discussed** in the footnotes).

a. Nazis were Fascists

b. Nazis and Italy’s Fascists were both conservatives

c. Communists are liberals and the opposite of Nazis and Fascists

d. Communism is a benign philosophy at worst, and has worked well for many countries

e. Right-wingers are racists and are ruining the country

f. Feminism has been a great positive and belongs to the left

g. “Creeping Socialism” is a natural evolution and has been totally positive

h. The rich are the country’s enemies and need to be forced to do their share by super-high taxes

i. Government can create jobs

j. Socialism works real well and protects the poor

k. Just a little government tinkering can make good free-market systems much better

l. Lack of regulatory control played a major part in causing the present financial debacle

m. G.W. Bush and Conservatives put us in our present fiscal hole. That is, drove us into Obama’s metaphorical “ditch.”

n. Barack Obama is a great American patriot and statesman

o. ACORN has little to do with Obama or the Democrats

p. Bill Clinton was a great president

q. Bailouts and stimulus from government eventuall do work and put the economy back on track

r. Once we get past this present bump in the road, it’ll be smooth sailing for America

And meanwhile these truths go unspoken and unknown in America:













There is, however, one great reason for hope. A large group of natural conservatives, many of whom have great disdain for the Republican Party have taken upon themselves the role of activists pushing for fiscal conservativism, Constitutional conservativism, dramatically smaller common-sense government and integrity in politics. I give you the single-most Republican document in America since the Bill of Rights, the TEA Party’s “Contract from America” hopefully about 85% of Republicans (and perhaps 20% of Democrats?) will sign this pledge at:


The Contract from America

We, the undersigned, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items, work to bring each agenda item to a vote during the first year, and pledge to advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.

Individual Liberty

Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices.

Limited Government

The purpose of our government is to exercise only those limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders. When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.

Economic Freedom

The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market. The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty. Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.

1. Protect the Constitution

Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)^^

2. Reject Cap & Trade

Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures. (72.20%)

3. Demand a Balanced Budget

Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike. (69.69%)

4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform

Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words—the length of the original Constitution. (64.90%)

5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington

Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning. (63.37%)

6. End Runaway Government Spending

Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%)

7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care

Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries. (56.39%)

8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy

Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs. (55.51%)

9. Stop the Pork

Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. (55.47%)

10. Stop the Tax Hikes

Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011. (53.38%)

More than ever Americans need a strong conservative choice offered to them in the voting booth and the Republican Party has abandoned that initiative and the country has suffered greatly. Now, if ever, is the time for a renaissance in the Republican vision.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** The recent blog


discusses all these LIES and the truths no one seems to know
^^ TEA Party members and Americans at large voted on which of their original 24 concerns should be included in the final ten planks of their Contract from America . . . the percentages shown indicate how much support from the voters backed each issue.
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Hateful Abortion Rhetoric Dooms
Buck’s Candidacy as Tea Party Opts
for Historic Losing Third-Party Role
Told you so, told you so, told you so. And now Ken Buck is proving it in spades. Cheer up, Ken, you can always serve as the perfect "RUBE," the quintessential "Radically Ugly Bad Example." Buck who's hijacked the good TEA Party name for the purpose of expressing his old-fashioned ultra-right-wing narrow-mindedness has given the progressive Dems all the ammunition needed to say not only, "Ken Buck, too extreme for Colorado" in their political ads . . . but to use him as the national poster boy for political incompetence. Nice job, idiot!

Oh, how the principled have fallen . . . . Back in early March, 2009, this thing, this entity, this apparently blessed concept of the TEA Party came around and Rajjpuut was jumping in ecstasy. At last, something sensible conservatives could get behind! Something that once understood, the whole universe of logical people in the whole country could love and could use to put the country back on the right track, back in line with the Founding Fathers' noblest dreams -- a true haven for conservative Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Libertarians (like Rajjpuut himself). Then again the TEA (Taxed Enough Already or is it Taken Enough Abuse?) Party came up with this most marvellous of documents the “Contract from America” and 7th Heaven was in view. Since its inception, Rajjpuut at Townhall and later at TEA Party sites has praised the good and great and warned about the utterly depraved potential of the TEA Party. It now appears thanks to “great candidates” like Ken Buck right here in Rajjpuut’s Colorado, that the TEA Party in 2010 is preparing to make the most radical and dangerous progressive Democrats in history and the Communist administration of Barack Obama look desirable to the American people out of sheer unmitigated stupidity. OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCHity, OUCH!
For God sake’s, the mission is "save America" through fiscal conservativism, constitutional conservativism, just plain common sense, and high ideals. The mission is not to become just another losing third party asterick in history, split the conservative vote and doom the country to an Obama "dictatorship" as a result. Let’s look at the latest TEA Party idiot, Ken Buck . . . makes me shiver he’s so wrong. And let’s look at candidate Angle in Nevada, who has resurrected her candidacy but still faces an uphill battle. In an earlier blog, Rajjpuut lambasted Angle . . . .
About six weeks back Sharon Angle became the TEA Party backed candidate against the most hated and evil congressman in America (Pelosi gets the congresswoman honors), Harry Reid. It’s still NOT been settled whether the TEA Party Express who nominated her wasn’t a Harry Reid front aiming to select the worst possible candidate for Republican candidate so that Reid could almost NOT lose, but since that smacks of conspiracy theory and doesn’t help the discussion along, let’s forget that notion for now. Angle made enough mistakes that as soon as she was nominated in the primary she went from an 8% lead over Harry Reid to a 5% underdog. Rajjpuut’s earlier blog documented her amazing ability to “snatch defeat from the jaws of easy victory.” (In fairness to Angle, she's since adopted Rajjpuut's suggestions about 99% and is making a comeback, but what a waste of effort and money and the easy victory possibilities are gone.) And now comes Ken Buck right here in Colorado. If Angle proved stupid right after winning the primary, Buck is proving ultra-stupid and very hateful . . . Buck makes me sick that I’m a TEA Party member.
The TEA Party’s natural role is that of the overseer; as a group with unquestionable integrity standing up for real fiscal conservative and constitutional conservative values rather than becoming just another political party. Let’s review Angle’s and Buck’s shared mistakes before we get to the Ken Buck brilliancies that makes him, and by reflection, the TEA Party look like buffoons, nincompoops and hate mongers . . . . in the earlier blog on Angle
Rajjpuut said that Angle did everything wrong, everything third-partyish that is destined to make Obama and the Democrats praise Allah for the creation of the TEA Party. To wit, the TEA Party getting heavily involved in the nominating process is a losing strategy. We have two parties, both have failed us, the TEA Party’s effective role is as Kingmakers as they proved in the November, 2009, special elections. In the early stages, since it is the Dems that have failed us the most that will about 90% of the time mean that the TEA Party will be benefitting Republican Candidates, but remember this . . . Republican in their own way failed the country more because knowing the wiser path, (fiscal and constitutional conservativism) the G.O.P. joined the Dems to become “Progressive Lite.”
If you’ll remember back to November, 2009, the TEA Party backed^^ the most fiscally and constitutionally conservative candidate in the four races, winning three and narrowly losing the fourth in an almost miraculous battle. That was the height of the TEA Party movement, and except for the Contract from America, it’s been largely downhill## since then.
So now Buck like Angle is more a TEA Party candidate than a G.O.P. one. Successful and honest candidacies require immense amounts of money and a lot of political expertise and experience, successful candidacies also require the candidate to get himself dirty, it’s the nature of the beast. Rather than getting dirty, the preferrred TEA Party role is to sit back and decide which candidate shows 1) fiscal conservativism 2) constitutional conservativism 3) common sense and 4) maintains the most integrity and high ideals in the heat of battle . . . the TEA Party’s natural and preferred WINNING role is, in short, not as a political party but as Kingmakers, WATCHDOGs and as a “party of ideas and ideals.”
Besides basically generating into a loutish third-party-like candidate, Buck like Angle early on has been shooting his mouth off and giving his opponent all the most satisfying sound bite opportunities imaginable. Understand this regardless of ideals, WINNING is a matter of practical politics, it appears that with testosterone added to Angle’s highball, Buck is out to prove himself the stupidest possible candidate. Ken Buck aside, even if your ideas are the noblest and wisest governing ideas -- IF it, however, takes (unfortunately) a lot of effort to explain them -- they are NOT good candidate ideas because it gives the opposition strong sound bites which are easily distorted, why in heaven would a sensible person do such a thing (give his enemy ammunition and load his gun)??? It is, however, highly debatable that Ken Buck’s idea are noble and wise, the man seems to be an utter fool. You want sound bites, you idiot? You have been provided with sound bites . . . the greatest possible sound bites imaginable . . . the ten principles of the Contract from America. Shut your fool jaybird mouth (overloaded by your alligator and jacka_s brain) and speak only from the script (the Contract) and even you might still have a chance. Rajjpuut repeats: regardless of ideals, WINNING is a matter of practical politics.
Again, Rajjpuut will say it clear . . . here’s the virtually failproof strategy for Conservative candidates supported by the TEA Party who’ve already proven themselves politically viable (they won their party’s nomination in the primary without TEA Party money and without TEA Party help) 1. Politics is a strategy game. You win strategy games by pounding away in areas where you have great advantage (Contract from America) and managing your problem areas (your big mouth and the tendency to talk out of turn, or about ‘outside areas’). You make your strengths into the most important issues in the battle. You win strategy games by making your opponents’ weaknesses the most important things about them (alignment with Obama, Pelosi and Reid and their own personal voting record that shows them as far from fiscal and constitutionally conservative) and you ignore your opponents’ strengths altogether. Politics is not about ego when done rightly, but about your ideals connecting with what’s best and smartest in the voters.
Buck, as mentioned, has proven himself an incompetent and flawed politician rather than a man of ideals. Let’s talk about his abortion rant. For almost 40 years, this country has been a country where the high court of the land allowed abortion. The Democrats have succeeded in making it a country where in the average election 56% of the women vote for them because the Republican Party does NOT recognize abortion as the law of the land; and because the Republican Party has chosen to tell people how to live the most intimate areas of their life. Rajjpuut is NOT a pro-abortion or pro-choice per se supporter, but neither does Rajjpuut elect to enter into a woman's brain, spirit and body and tell her how to live her life. Rajjpuut does NOT believe in abortion of demand. She and God will have to figure the proper course out for her. So now, thanks to the right-wing Republican's holier than thou stand, we have made de facto abortion on demand in the country pretty much the going standard. What a wonderful thing we've done because of the Republican's stupid stance. Rajjpuut is a father. You’re telling him that if his little girl is a victim of rape that she can’t decide for herself, talking to God in her own way, what to do next, that she doesn’t have this right? What gives anybody BUT her and God that right?
By squandering their anti-abortion effort on untenable and uncompassionate stances against rape and incest victims and the very young and against women whose very lives were in danger . . . the ultra-right wing (they are not conservatives, they are devilish busy-bodies) of the Republican Party has made the Progressive Democrats by default “virtuous” and desirable to a lot of women, and men. Rajjpuut has said to mention abortion at all is a stupid strategy. What does Ken Buck do? He says, “I’m not only against abortion, I’m against abortion in cases of rape or incest or where the mother’s life is in danger.” Such a fool. Sure like to see him gangraped in an alley and then by a miracle, becoming pregnant . . . . any man who enters the abortion debate is a hideous and utter fool, that’s a matter for women and individual women to deal with between them and God.
The single most important issue is what Buck and Angle didn’t choose to do. Here is the most nearly perfect little document ever created for this moment in history, the Contract from America, and Buck and Angle prefer to talk about abortion (a losing and unnecessary strategy) rather than pounding away at the fiscally and constitutionally conservative planks from the Contract. Now they have given the most depraved progressive congress in the history of America all the soundbites necessary to win and win easily. If I’m the Democratic National Committee what do I do? I run against TEA Party sound bites and nothing else. Featuring 50% Ken Buck, 35% Sharon Angle and 15% Rand** Paul’s unnecessary and foolish sound bite that makes him look like he’s anti-integration. I run on “Republican and TEA Party candidates are racists and dangerous demagogues” and I run on almost nothing else. Thanks Buck, thanks Angle . . . you’ve distorted the noble idea of the TEA Party into just another loony American third party.
What can every thinking principled America agree upon? Fiscal conservativism, Constitutional Conservativism, common sense and high ideals. Help unite people behind these four principles and comparatively without money, you control the political life in this country and save this country from 100+ years of PROGRESSIVE incremental Marxism. What could be more important? What could be more noble? What could be more practical? And why is no one using the Contract from America? Is throwing the Contract and the Declaration and the Constitution down the toilet and flushing them away . . . the logical and high-principled road to victory?
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
## Among other things, it is morally repugnant to win a Republican primary running as a TEA Party candidate and then expect the G.O.P. to finance you because you won the Republican Primary, etc. If TEA Party "candidates" must run, they need to run as Republicans or Democrats period; and run with the TEA Party's Contract from America providing the strategic resources and touchstone but never saying the words "TEA Party" but rather showing with actions and words that the Contract from America lives inside of them. Any other path is disingenuous . . . running as a TEA Party candidate per se is expensive and unnecessary and doesn't serve the country well. Running as a TEA Party Republican means you're stealing their money. The only proper road is to win as a Republican because your ideals shine through; refer to those TEA Party ideals early and often, but run as a Republican (Or Democrat, or conservative, etc., whatever). Because if you take their money like Crist did in Florida, by God you need to represent them unequivocably and to put yourself forward with utter integrity. Crist has proven himself a lowlife and that's exactly what TEA Party Republicans, etc. do if they accept Republican money that way. The TEA Party is a set of ideals to emit from every pore of your body, not a label useful to help win a primary race in someone else's party. ^^ The winning strategy was shown and has been largely ignored since November, 2009. Back the most fiscally and Constutionally conservative candidate presented. In your ads for that candidate, show your principles (now we’ve got the Contract from America). The TEA Party got three victories and three turn-things-around winners. But the real lesson is what happened in the House election we lost. Here’s the situation. The idiot Republican Party gives $1 million in campaign money to a lady who makes Barack Obama look conservative. The Tea Party steps in and the far more conservative Democratic candidate wins easily with the lady Republican withdrawing a week before the election. In fact a very pleasant but “utterly-unshiny and otherwise unpolished” TEA Party candidate running under the banner of the Conservative Party nearly won the election. Why? How? He didn’t shoot off his mouth about losing issues and relatively unimportant issues but stayed tightly-glued to fiscal and Constitutional conservativism.
**Unlike Buck and Angle, Rand Paul is NOT stupid, quite the contrary . . . but his gaffe on the Civil Rights Law was very stupid and unnecessary. It allowed the progressives to paint him and other candidates and the TEA Party as racists. It would behoove, TEA Party candidates running as Republicans to learn from Rand Paul’s candidacy both good and bad. Avoid soundbite material at all costs. Crist has proven himself a lowlife and that's exactly what TEA Party Republicans, etc. do if they accept Republican money that way. The TEA Party is a set of ideals to emit from every pore of your body, not a label useful to help win a primary race.
^^ The winning strategy was shown and has been largely ignored since November, 2009. Back the most fiscally and Constutionally conservative candidate presented. In your ads for that candidate, show your principles (now we’ve got the Contract from America). We got three victories and three turn-things-around winners. But the real lesson is what happened in the House election we lost. Here’s the situation. The idiot Republican Party gives $1 million in campaign money to a lady who makes Barack Obama look conservative. The Tea Party steps in and the far more conservative Democratic candidate wins easily with the lady Republican withdrawing a week before the election. In fact a very pleasant but “utterly-unshiny” TEA Party candidate running under the banner of the Conservative Party nearly won the election. Why? How? He didn’t shoot off his mouth about losing issues and relatively unimportant issues but stayed upon fiscal and Constitutional conservativism. He proved himself a Harry S Truman type candidate and had he another ten days would have won the election.
**Unlike Buck and Angle, Rand Paul is NOT stupid, quite the contrary . . . but his gaffe on the Civil Rights Law was very stupid and unnecessary. It allowed the progressives to paint him and other candidates and the TEA Party as racists. It would behoove, TEA Party candidates running as Republicans to learn from Rand Paul’s candidacy both good and bad.

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"Cheer Up, Angle, You
Can Always Serve as a Bad Example."
You’d think a Nevada conservative would understand the wisdom of “playing one’s cards close to the vest,” but Sharon Angle has shown herself the worst of all political fish, the “Large-Mouthed Loser.” Thanks to the endorsement of the presumably liberal-leaning TEA **Party Express, Angle emerged from the back of the pack of Republicans without any serious vetting and was left standing to take on Harry Reid, a wily old political veteran, and one of the most corrupt and evil men in America.
So now it comes down to corrupt, evil and politically saavy vs. stupid and loud-mouthed . . . Harry’s a shoo-in. Count on it, Reid will get at least 55% of the vote. You heard the deplorable news here first . . . . Rajjpuut has for a year now, warned of the utter inanity of TEA Party generated candidates taking on other Conservatives and Democrats.
Rajjpuut was most proud of the TEA Party when they came into a contest where the Republican lady candidate had received over $1 Million in G.O.P. funds although she was far to the left of her Democratic opponent in a conservative upper New York state race. The lady in question dropped out the weekend before the election and asked that all her supporters back the Democratic candidate (she had only 5% backing at that moment). The last-minute conservative candidate the TEA Party had backed against her not only denied her the easy win, he came within four percent of winning the election. This was the same night when they also played a key role in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts.
First of all, politics is all about money. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party are experts at pulling in political favors and political dollars, the TEA Party has no expertise. Secondly, the TEA Party showed its clout back in November, 2009, when it just stayed in the background and played the part of Kingmaker rather than running their own TEA Party candidates. That was the model to be followed, educating, arousing interest and fiscal and constitutional awareness, choosing the most suitable of the candidates from the major parties. And if NO suitable candidate was available, then running a TEA party candidate.
Thirdly, and most importantly, Rajjpuut has repeatedly bemoaned the surprising fact that having created the best news along freedom lines since the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution . . . the TEA Party doesn’t know how to leverage their “Contract from America.” In fact the TEA Party has largely let the Contract from America lie fallow.
Let us use loud-mouthed, foolish and possibly criminally stupid Sharon Angle in Nevada as a bad example and see what we can learn from her . . .
Did Ms. Angle obey Rajjpuut’s dictates and concentrate on Barack Obama’s and Harry Reid’s attack upon our Constitution, our wallets, and our children’s future? NO, NO and more NO.
Did Ms. Angle educate and inform the Nevada citizenry about the Contract from America’s ten key points and mention that she'd signed it? Absolutely NOT.
Did Ms. Angle mention abortion? Yes, she did.
Did Ms. Angle shoot off her mouth about things that are easily distorted and destroyed in sound bites (her stance on Medicare, Social Security, etc.??? Yes, like a total idiot, she did while avoiding the mention of the Contract from America, planks which besides every other benefit, are all easily dealt with in sound-bite -sized bits.
Does Ms. Angle still have a chance? Probably not, she’s shown herself remarkably stupid and utterly ineffectual so far. However, IF she were to start over and do as Rajjpuut recommended all along and educate the populace about the Contract from America which she’s hopefully signed and to frame all questions as responses taken only from either the Contract from America or in reference to Harry Reid’s or Barack Obama’s record . . . it’s still possible for her to turn things around, but don’t count on it, Angle’s already snatched defeat from the jaws of easy victory (Nevada has the highest unemployment and highest drop in home prices in the country and Reid is easily the most hated politician other than Pelosi and Obama) and such stupidity as hers is almost always rewarded. So short of Harry dropping dead from glee a week before election day, Angle has screwed herself and Nevada and the country.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** The only bad press . . . along actually verifiable racist and perhaps "hate" lines . . . for the TEA Party was tied to one of the TEA Party Expresses leadership people a "shock jock," we're told whose blogs eschewed dealing with Obama's performance and attacked other things . . . talking about Islam, for example, as having "a monkey god." Wow, with friends like those who needs enemies? Rajjpuut will assume that they're really left-leaners trying to muddy the TEA.
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