capitol (3)

By Oscar Y Harward


Capitol Hill Democrats and the ‘Main-stream’ Medias are criticizing President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey.  Most Americans are pleased with Comey’s dismissal.


  1. 1.    Evidence shows Hillary Clinton used her own person smartphones to communicate ‘TOP SECURITY’ information with; allowing war enemies, and all others, to know exactly what the American US Military was doing.


  1. 2.    Evidence shows Hillary Clinton destroyed or may have had the evidence destroying her personal smartphones used to communicate ‘TOP SECURITY’ information.


  1. 3.    Evidence shows Hillary Clinton destroyed or had the evidence destroyed of many thousands of E-mails associated with her government work as Secretary of State.


  1. 4.    Evidence shows Hillary Clinton shows that while enemy terrorists were on the way to Benghazi, Lydia.  Ambassador, Christopher Stevens and others were calling out for military assistance for their protection.  Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton denied this military backup support.


  1. 5.    Evidence shows that Ambassador, Christopher Stevens, State Information Officer Sean Smith, and Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods most likely would have survived had Sec. Clinton provided the requested military support; that was waiting for State Department clearance to protect the Benghazi compound.


  1. 6.    Evidence shows Hillary Clinton with her husband, former President Bill Clinton may have used a quid pro quo system for otherwise, illegally covering huge personal donations.


Other questions must be answered.  Although Director James Comey stated he questioned Hillary Clinton in investigating her.  Director Comey, says he found no reason in seeking an indictment. 


Even worse, While Director Comey says he ‘NEVER’ questioned Hillary Clinton under oath. 


The exchange between Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) and Director Comey requires President Trump’s termination of Director Comey as draining of the swamp

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By Oscar Y. Harward

How blinding for Democrat Party leaders, other anti-Americans followers, ‘Main-steam’ Medias, and/or others who continue supporting additional Islamic immigration, their Quran, Sharia Law, and other anti-Christian teachings?   

Many left-wing teachings and other anti-Judeo-Christian instructions start from within the Department of Education.

Islamic Muslims’ doctrines consistently persist they will take over the world; destroying and killing Americans, Israelis, and other members of the Judeo-Christian communities.

It has become strenuous for ‘Main-steam’ Medias to ever identify these killers as Islamic Muslims.

Free loving Americans are enraged of seeing and hearing the beheading massacres created by Islamic Muslims; all around the world.  Democrat Party leaders and ‘Main-steam’ Medias report these atrocious crimes as rare radical Muslims.

The facts will prove differently:

America and the free world are at war with Islamic Muslims; and have been for hundreds of years.  Democrat leaders may be lining their own pockets with Islamic oil-rich nations’ money.

Democrat Party leaders and many members of the ‘Mail-stream’ Medias knowingly support terrorists with their words.  It is a matter of time before Islamic Muslims’ terrorisms arrival on (y)our streets and communities.

Those who depend on ‘Mail-stream’ Medias may be teaching more anti-Americans by reporting left-wing news versions, rather than Constitutional freedoms.    President Trump, and Capitol Hill’s GOP legislators are attempting to reverse these anti-American actions.

Supporters of the Democrat Party, ‘Main-steam’ Medias, and others in refusing to openly condemn Islamic Muslim terrorism, are supporting violence in the USA.

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Protect our Second Amendment


By Oscar Y. Harward


Based on our Second Amendment freedoms, it should be ‘unconstitutional’ for law-abiding citizen(s) be required in any state to complete any government form(s), other than a ‘legally valid’ Photo Identification (ID), prior to purchasing any hunting rifle, shotgun, or pistol.


An ‘instant’ National Instant Criminal Background Check System investigation should and would immediately ‘qualify or deny’ each individual’s right to purchase a hunting rifle, shotgun, or pistol. 


Use of a hunting rifle, shotgun, a pistol, etc., was addressed by our Founding Fathers only as “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.  


Many left-wing elected and appointed officials, and other activists who yearn in abolishing the Second Amendment often refer to these armaments only as hunting guns; rifles, shotguns, and/or pistols, but their characteristic descriptions are not metaphors from our Founding Fathers.


The ‘right of the people to keep and bear Arms’ discussions were referenced by our Founding Fathers only as a form of protection for individuals, their families, and a protection ‘from’ a lawless and mutinous government.


Any and all ‘elected and/or appointed’ government officials, who require, create, and/or command a recorded public record of purchasing, owning, and/or possession of a weapon, as defined, are themselves the ‘lawless’ in creating and recording additional illegal and unconstitutional freedoms, legislations, and/or regulations.

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