conservative (475)

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

mur-1.jpg?width=158Wednesday night, the scene in Charleston South Carolina was chaotic. Nine people including the pastor had been gunned down…killed…inside their church during a service and the gunman was on the loose.

Police were everywhere, some with dogs, others in helicopters, many on foot and more in
vehicles…searching, interviewing, looking for evidence, speaking with reporters, trying to get a grip on what had taken place shortly after 9pm inside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, an historic church dating all the way back to 1816 and one of the first black churches in our nation.

Authorities there and elsewhere are calling it a hate crime and they are 100% right to do so.

The shooter, caught entering the church on surveillance cameras was a white man, appearing to be in his early 20’s. He went in, watched the service for nearly an hour and then, according to surviving witnesses…stood up and opened fire. By the time he fled, just moments later, six women and three men…one of the men being Clementa Pinckney, the church pastor and a South Carolina State Senator…were dead.

Obviously, it was a hate crime. Nobody walks into a church and opens fire on those inside…


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By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on

rupt-1.jpg?width=234Hillary Clinton is a lot of things…

She’s a treasonous snake, a liar, an accessory to the murders of four Americans in Benghazi, prone to drinking, unethical, by many accounts a shrew, a carpet-bagger, a socialist, most likely a racketeer, a destroyer of evidence and documents and the list just goes on and on but one thing she is not, is presidential material.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again…the DNC doesn’t want Hillary Clinton to get the nomination nor do we even believe they want her pant-suited ass in the 2016 race.

The DNC turned their collective backs on Hillary in 2008, leaving her campaign’s dried up carcass on the side of the road as they hitched their wagon to Barack Hussein Obama and the only time they looked back was when they gave her the consolation prize of being the Secretary of State, a position she was woefully unprepared for and the results have left egg on all their faces.

It doesn’t matter how deep one digs, there simply aren’t any liberals out there who can dredge up one single accomplishment upon which Hillary can hang her hat during her time leading the Department of State down the road to international disaster. In fact, when asked, not even Hillary herself can come up with anything more astounding than the amount of miles she flew during those years.

When asked directly, what her greatest accomplishment has been, here is Hillary’s response from March 11th, 2014…


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Franklin Graham, How Dare He!


Do you ever get the feeling that perhaps you are the one who is crazy? It would have been easy for me to feel that way back in 2008. It appeared that every black person in America was giddy with excitement about the possibility of America electing its first black president except me.

Upon reviewing his hardcore liberal associations, anti-Semitic pastor, history of bullying political opponents out of races and admitting to Joe the Plumber his plan to redistribute wealth, I saw Obama as a far left radical Democrat, Chicago thug politician. Still, from my preacher dad to my 100 year old grandmother and everyone in between, my entire black family worshiped the ground Obama walked on. I was the odd man out; the weird one.

I find myself in a similar position today. Remarkably, famed religious leaders whom I purposely will not name are suggesting that Christians allow homosexuals to redefine God's institution of marriage; claiming to have biblical basis for doing so. While doing interviews on Christian radio shows, I was stunned a few times by hosts who took issue with me for not embracing same sex marriage.

A few years back, I flew out to LA. A Christian youth pastor picked me up from the airport. He said his church teaches to embrace homosexuality because God is love and God does not care who we love. Have modern Bibles eliminated scriptures that list certain behaviors as sin and an abomination to God? (Leviticus 18:22)

Flipping through my TV channels this week, I saw that the Home and Garden channel ran back to back hour long programs featuring remodeling the homes of same sex couples; back to back! Even a sandwich spread commercial featured a homosexual couple. With the secular world and much of the Christian church embracing the “new normal”, it is easy for one to ponder. Am I wrong about this?

But then, invoking the same elation in me as if he wore a leotard, a cape and an “S” on his chest, Franklin Graham stood up, boldly pushing back against Wells Fargo Bank funding a commercial promoting homosexual marriage and parenting. Thanks Franklin, I knew I was not crazy.

Praise God that someone of major prominence is finally saying “no” to the Left cramming its agenda down our throats. Graham is fighting back by hitting the aggressors in their pocketbook; removing Billy Graham ministry's hundreds of millions from Wells Fargo. Graham launched a clarion call asking Christians to boycott LGBT friendly companies.

Franklin, son of the legendary great evangelist Billy Graham wrote on Facebook: “...Let's just stop doing business with those who promote sin and stand against Almighty God's laws and His standards. Maybe if enough of us do this, it will get their attention. Share this if you agree.”

Before I continue. Will someone please explain to me why suddenly corporations, the mainstream media, broadcasters and Christian churches are scrambling to please the LGBT community and further its agenda; the initiative trumping everything and everyone in America? Wells Fargo basically told Graham that pleasing the LGBT community is their top priority. Again, I ask why? For crying out loud, a CDC report said the LGBT community is less than 2% of the population, another reported slightly over 2%.

Imagine Buffalo Bob host of the 1950s kid's TV program, “The Howdy Doody Show” saying, “Okay kids, it's time for another GAY FAIRY TALE!” The kids in the live studio audience cheer, “Yeaaaaaa!!!” Today on American TV, toddlers are taught homosexuality via remakes of fairy tales. In a cartoon targeted at preschoolers, a boy rescues a prince and a princess, but chooses to marry the prince.  No, I am not crazy. That just “ain't” right!

Despite the objections of parents, Virginia public school administrators figuratively told parents, screw you, the curriculum will include gender identity.

Meanwhile, Franklin Graham, a good man of impeccable character is standing strong, daring to inflame the full-blown wrath of the Left and mainstream media who will attempt to brand him as an overzealous conservative religious hater.

Step two in the Left's Targeted for Destruction playbook is to stick microphones into the faces of influential conservatives and pastors; branding all who stand with Graham as fanatic nut-case haters. The Left will insidiously initiate the tactic of taking the slightest opposition to its agenda to the extreme. Graham and his supporters will be accused of being in solidarity with those who want homosexuals socially abused and physically harmed. This tried and true tactic is designed to intimidate people into backing away from Graham.

Graham has a history of pushing back against the Left's War on Christianity. He spoke out when Obama blamed Christians for Jim Crow laws and slavery at the National Prayer Breakfast.  The Left attacked Graham trying to shut down his “Operation Christmas Child” which has sent 100 million boxes of toys to poor children since 1993.

Graham's latest insubordination daring to say no to the Left cramming homosexual marriage down our throats may have, as my late momma used to say, plucked the Left's last nerve; moving Graham to the top of their hit list.

This is line in the sand time folks, Christians vs the Left's bullying.

Exodus 32:26 – “Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said, “Who is on the Lord's side? Come to me.” And all the sons of Levi gathered around him.”

My fellow Christians, I feel we face a similar pivotal moment as did the sons of Levi. Who is on the Lord's side? Support Franklin Graham. I stand with brother Graham.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Spokane NAACP President Going Incognegro

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

whi-1.jpg?width=181Have you seen the creepy-ass cracker in Spokane who is heading up the local chapter of the NAACP? I would just shake my head if it wasn’t par for the liberal course.

First…we had Elizabeth Warren pretending to be an American Indian…a Cherokee I believe it was, when in fact, the closest she has ever come is riding in a JEEP Cherokee.

Then…there’s Bruce Jenner who says HE’S a woman…people are tripping all over themselves to refer to him as SHE and ESPN is giving HIM an award for courage of all things. Look…I can PROVE that HE is not a SHE and I don’t even need a scientific genetic profile to do it…

Were HE…a SHE…than why has HIS speaker fee gone UP by 400% rather than DOWN to 78% of what it used to be before he went out and bought some boobs?

Next up on the down side…

Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and John Boehner ALL say that THEY are…


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At the TSA...Your Safety is Job NONE!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

tsa-1.jpg?width=267Well now…don’t we all just feel REAL safe when we go to the airport and board a flight to somewhere?

Over the past few days, we have learned that the TSA…the Transportation Safety Administration for technical identification purposes…Touchin’ Feelin’ and Squeezin’ for reality’s sake…has FAILED on 95% of airport security tests conducted by its parent bacterial infestation…the DHS…a governmental agency that has spent tens of BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to accomplish what, exactly?

Oh, that’s right…according to the official congressional report…absolutely nothing.

And we should be surprised by the TSA’s failure in this regard?

Try sneaking too much shampoo onto your flight or get caught with something as dangerous as a nail clippers in your carry-on bag and YOU just might find yourself on the NO FLY list but…smuggle fake explosives, guns, ammo and other contraband  past airport screeners…

Excuse me sir…


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SCOTUS Decision on Obamacare Looming

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

oc-1.jpg?width=266The ruling from the Supreme Court could come at any day…Obabacare hangs in the balance and Obama himself is feeling the pressure…big time.

Yesterday, at a press conference in Germany, the dictator was asked about the upcoming decision and his response was nothing shy of, well, desperation laced with lies.

At issue are four words that appear on page 95 of the 2700 page Obamacare monstrosity and what those four fords mean but before we get to that and Obama’s lies told Monday in Germany…lets have a look back at how we got to this point to begin with.

Obama knows damn well how we got to this point and his weasling isn’t going to change any of it.

Nancy Pelosi, most likely on Obama’s orders as she is a good little minion, told us all, and congress, that in order to see what was IN the bill they would first have to PASS the bill. In other words…Obamacare wasn’t fit to be read by the very people elected to read bills BEFORE they passed them.



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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

hol-1.jpg?width=254Earlier in the week I woke up the choir and they didn’t like it one little bit. I sent a certain segment of one particular brand of Christianity into a fit leading them to accuse me of being of a nature such that their descriptions of it were, in some cases, vile…as these self-described good and moral Christians are so apt to do when one challenges their slumber with facts.

Yesterday, I brought forth more than the quotes of our Founders and Framers to illustrate just how they deliberately kept ANY religion or specific brand of any religion from becoming the foundation of our nation and provided clear evidence and reasoning as to why they took those very deliberate steps.

That was also not well received by those who profess to follow the teachings of Jesus more closely than thou.

Today…the lesson we must learn from their actions…


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Founders, Framers, Faith and Facts

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

found-1.jpg?width=272After writing earlier in the week regarding the fact that our Founders and Framers deliberately left religion…ANY religion OUT of our founding documents to create a new nation NOT founded IN any religious pretexts…I had no intention of penning a follow-up piece. However, after being roundly and vehemently criticized by those who INSIST that our nation was founded in Christianity…

Here we go.

One of the things most often thrown in among the ever-so-Christian name calling aimed at me was this, which I was told in no uncertain terms, was PROOF that we are a nation founded in Christianity.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (God) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

First of all…”that all men are created equal” to our founders and framers meant that ALL men…of the WORLD and not just of the United States are created equal and second…”endowed by their creator,” does not denote any specific religion whatsoever and, for that matter, “Creator” was a deliberately chosen word derived NOT from Christianity but from DEISM…a widely held system of belief in the middle 18th century and one that MANY of our Founders and Framers followed.

Next up on the “proof” parade was the SECOND part of that passage from our Declaration of Independence…


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

const-2.jpg?width=259In 2012, during the campaigns and amidst the prospect of another four years of the Obama regime, there were those amongst we Conservatives who followed the talking point s of the all-so-rightous, holier-than-thou wing of the far, FAR right and said…”better the Muslim we know than the Mormon we don’t” and either stayed home on election day or voted for Obama by casting their votes for a 3rd party or write in candidate.

They’re back…starting to make noise and poised to ensure the next and possibly last four years of our Constitutional Republic are in the hands of yet another liberal/socialist.

To do so, these people are cloaking their agenda in religion…again.

People like Wild Bill (for a theocracy) Finley who always ends his hate-fueled videos with the tag line of “may America bless God…again,” right after urging his viewers to donate to him so that he can continue to produce such videos… videos which he shoots without a crew on a tablet and posts to You Tube…for free.

Wild Bill (for a theocracy) likes to claim that our nation was founded on the principles of his particular brand of Christianity and he’s not alone in this misguided flim-flaming of history. Challenge Bill of any others who push this nonsense, and they will always come back at your challenge with some quote from some letter or some speech that one founder or another penned as their PROOF that America is and always has been a CHRISTIAN nation.

Let me put it this way…


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Baltimore: From Charm City to Deadly City

Baltimore's 40th murder in May set a new record for homicides in one month.

Hello Baltimore 1000x1000

My friend wrote...


The American Legion National Convention is scheduled for late August through early September, 2015 in Baltimore City.

Sad to say, I have canceled my reservations as I do not think the Convention is worth the risk to my life as I was very much looking forward to the Convention. Many others of American Legion are canceling due to high risk of being shot and/or killed.

I would very much appreciate your thoughts as you grew up there. No doubt , is a terrible shame to see a great City, Baltimore, go down due to liberal Democrats being in charge for the past 4 decades

Keep the Faith, Brother”

My reply...

Hey Brother, You are wise for staying away from sin city (Baltimore). Baltimore police are reluctant to do their job for fear of being arrested. Clearly, the mayor is allowing the inmates to run the asylum. The only thing the vile local Democrat government cares about is protecting their liberal narrative. Baltimore's mayor considers lives and businesses acceptable collateral damage. It is shameful and evil. God bless, Lloyd”

My wife Mary said perhaps Baltimore will come to it's senses upon realizing the financial consequences (at least $20 million) of allowing the thugs to wreck havoc.  I said to her, you are mistaken oh wise and beautiful one. The liberal zealots running Baltimore do not give a rat's derriere about consequences financial or otherwise. All that matters is furthering their liberal socialist/progressive big government controlling everything and everyone agenda. If Leftists are nothing else, they are persistent, patient and unshakably focused on achieving their goals.

For crying out loud, the Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby is running around acting like an anti-police pit bull, giving speeches in churches to rally the black community against the police.  Dear Lord what evil has overtaken my former home town? What has so emboldened Leftist Democrats to dismiss all pretense of fairness and legality, openly displaying their liberal bias and intentions?

Before I moved to Florida fifteen years ago, Baltimore was promoted as “Charm City”. I received a citation from former Mayor Kurt Schmoke for the song I wrote about my beloved city. A CD of my song “Hello Baltimore” was included in the city's Bicentennial time capsule.

Visiting Baltimore five years after I moved, a black Baltimore cop friend told me crime had gotten much worse. He said metal detectors were installed in public schools and almost every black nightclub. This does not support the Left's claim that cops are the problem.

My brother said his white girlfriend won tickets for a show at the famous Hippodrome theater. The riots made her afraid to venture to downtown Baltimore. My brother dropped her and a female friend off at the theater door and picked them up immediately after the show.

Folks, there is a pony hidden in the pile of excrement which is Baltimore politics. The dire consequences of full blown liberalism are exposed for all the world to see.

Here's a music video of my song “Hello Baltimore” illustrating my hometown then and now.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

balt-1.jpg?width=253Baltimore is being taught an ugly lesson in reality and they had it coming.

Last weekend…Memorial Day weekend…Charm City recorded some 29 shootings with 9 of them fatal bringing the total number of homicides in Baltimore to 35…in the month of May alone. That is THE highest total monthly death toll since 1999.

So far this year, Baltimore has recorded 108 murders and scores more violent crimes.

According to Pete Welch, a Baltimore city councilman, “I’ve never seen anything like this. The shootings and killings are all over the city. I don’t think any part of the city is immune to this.”

Since the funeral of thug low-life Freddie Gray, who expired in police custody, Baltimore has recorded more than five dozen shootings and nearly half of the 108 homicides up to this date this year have taken place after the Freddie Gray funeral.

Again, according to councilman Pete Welch…


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Chuck Schumer

A black liberal columnist made the point in his article that the future of the GOP rests on it getting rid of its conservatives.  Then, the GOP can modernize; attract more young voters of color by embracing open borders, amnesty, abortion and all the other filth coming out of the Democratic Party. Embracing this strategy is tantamount to embracing evil.

Many consultants and sadly, GOP politicians concur with the columnist's strategy. In essence, we are being told that the only way the GOP can win future elections is to embrace an anti-God and anti-righteous agenda. I can not and will not embrace this vile defeatist lie.

Democrats with mainstream media support have successfully branded the GOP as the party of “mean”. The truth is for decades the Democratic Party leadership has been the greatest dispensers of evil in America; hating morality while trashing all things wholesome and good.

As a matter of fact, the only behavior Democrats believe to be immoral causing them to respond with visceral hate is conservative, Republican and/or Christian.

Infected with depravity, everything coming out of the Democratic Party is rooted in lies and political deception. They assault us daily with new attempts to repeal our God-given freedoms and force their anti-God agenda down our throats. This “ain't” my dad's Democratic Party. When did the Democratic Party leadership sell it's soul to the devil?

The Bible speaks of “spiritual wickedness in high places.” Evil oozes from the pores and orifices of the Democratic Party from Obama, to their probable 2016 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, to all their creepy minions.

Less you forget, looking America in the eye, Obama lied on over 29 occasions promising, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it!”  Cancer patients lost their lifesaving doctors.  That's evil folks.

Picture this folks. In the background was the flag-draped coffin of Mrs. Smith's son who was killed in the attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Hillary (then Secretary of State) looked the grieving mother in the eye and vowed to punish the SOB who made a video that angered Muslims, causing the death of her son. Meanwhile emails reveal that Hillary was lying because she knew the attack had nothing to do with a video. An Al Qaeda group planned the attack to commemorate 9/11.  Hillary is a lying sociopath.

The Administration's lie that an anti-Muslim video caused the attack was to protect Obama's lie that terrorism is no longer a threat. Protecting their narrative at all cost, the Administration ignored Ambassador Stevens plead for added security. Ambassador Stevens and other Americans were abandoned and killed in the Benghazi attack.  That's evil folks.

When it comes to winning a political battle, the Democrats consider no tactic too evil. To ensure that kids with cancer would get their meds during the government shutdown, Republicans proposed a mini-spending bill. Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blocked voting on the bill. Reid wanted the public to think Republicans don't care about sick kids. When a reporter asked Reid about allowing the vote for the sake of the kids, Reid replied, “Why would I want to do that?"  This man is evil folks.

Here's more Obama minion evil. Acting more like an activist than Baltimore's State Attorney, Marilyn Mosby irresponsibly charged police officers in the Freddy Gray case; outrageously charging one with murder.

Recently indicted, the six Baltimore police officers (three blacks and three whites) have been thrown on the alter, sacrificed for Obama's scheme to federalize (control and liberalize) all of our nation's police departments. The Baltimore six and other police officers assassinated by black thugs who believe the Left's lie that cops routinely murder them are acceptable collateral damage in Obama's quest to become America's top cop.  That's evil folks.

The Democrats callously view every disaster, accident or whatever as an opportunity to exploit for political purposes. Democrat Corrine Brown despicably tried to blame the tragic Amtrak crash on Republicans.  The inconvenient truth is the engineer was going twice the train's speed limit at the turn. This did not stop Brown from ranting about evil Republicans being the blame. Brown exploited the deaths of over 7 passengers. That's evil folks.

Before the Infants Protection Act, medical professionals were legally obligated to discard babies who miraculously survived abortions. Babies were placed in store rooms to die. Protecting his political aspirations, when he was an Illinois senator, Obama rejected the Born Alive Infants Protection Act three times to ensure himself the radical feminist vote.  That is bone chillingly evil folks.

The Left has the most perverse definition of morality and honor. Democrat Wendy Davis was heralded for her filibustering to give women the right to murder their baby all the way up to birth. Yes, you read correctly, to birth!  How evil is that?

Totally controlled by Democrats for 50 years, the Baltimore riots perfectly illustrate the devastating cost in pain and suffering from Democrat self-serving policies and programs.

Imagine a homeless man awaking one morning hungry, believing he has no money to buy food. His buddy sees a $100 bill sticking out of the man's back pocket placed there by a generous pedestrian while the man was asleep. And yet, the buddy does not alert his friend of his good fortune. Democrats have betrayed blacks in the same way. They have convinced blacks that they are poor victims, while the truth is blacks are rich with opportunity; blessed to live in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. Insidiously evil folks.

These items are only the tip of the iceberg of evil spewing out of the Democratic Party, wrecking havoc on our great nation that experts say the GOP must emulate to survive. God forbid.

The Democratic Party leadership is evil incarnate; always appealing to American's lower nature – celebrating what is bad – showing disdain for what is good. The Democratic Party leadership must be defeated; not pandered to or negotiated with.

Folks, taking the popular evil road with the Democrats will ultimately lead to destruction. To restore and save America, we must take the right road less traveled. “Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good.” Romans 12:9.

Conservatives must appeal to Americans' higher nature, touting education, hard work and the joy of personal achievement. Jesus said “My sheep hear my voice...” (John 10:27)

Lets go for the gold folks. After all, we are Americans!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

The Obama regime, including treasonous 2016 hopeful…then Secretary of State…Hillary knew-1.jpg?width=232Clinton knew that the attack on our mission in Benghazi, on September 11th, 2012 was indeed a planned terrorist attack…that it had been planned ten days in advance and that it had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with a vague, little seen You Tube video when they, the Obama regime and Hillary Clinton told us all otherwise.

That has been the focus of analysis garnered from the documents obtained by Judicial Watch via a FOIA lawsuit that took two years to be answered but, I suggest there is much more to be learned from those pages of redacted documents that what we already knew.

For instance…

As stated in the report…“The attack was planned ten or more days prior on approximately 01 September 2012. The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for U.S. killing of Aboyahiye ((ALALIBY)) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center buildings.”

So, it was no coincidence, as the Obama regime and Hillary claimed, that the attack took place on September 11th and it was not a “spontaneous” event drummed up by thugs in the street as a response to that now infamous You Tube video. But that is not the most startling piece of information to be discovered in the documents obtained by Judicial Watch.

There is this bit which should send chills down the spines of mainstream media…if indeed the invertebrates had spines at all…


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God v. The Constitution…Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on

gvc-1.jpg?width=264Yesterday, in Part 1 of our report, “God v. The Constitution,” we laid out the legal aspects of the upcoming Supreme Court case regarding same sex marriage but, at the bottom of all the hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth however, is the mantra chanted endlessly by those on the far, far right and the holier than thou set…that being…”traditional biblical marriage is only between one man and one woman.”

What this really is, is the ultra-religious ascribing words either to the Bible or directly to God that simply aren’t true but let’s give them a chance and see how it lines up with the facts.

To imply that biblical marriage is between one man and one woman would need a Bible verse or passage as backing to make it fact however, no such verse or passage exists. In fact…the Bible never uses the word “marriage” nor in fact does the Bible ever define marriage. Sure, there are plenty of verses and passages regarding love or husbands and wives that one can look up but none of them, not one, offers any definition regarding the institution of marriage.

That said however, the Bible does offer a great deal of insight into “traditional” marriage.


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God v. The Constitution...Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on

scotus1%2Bcover.jpg?width=200Let’s start with the bottom line…the ‘social issues’ belong to the states…period. And anyone who says otherwise does NOT know the Constitution…you know…that pesky little document Obama so loves to trample on.

The Constitution…the very document that defines our freedom and protects us from a tyrannical government (that is until Obama came along)… clearly and unequivocally states which powers will be delegated by law to each branch of government. And while amendments to the Constitution have been added that deal with specific ‘human rights’ (rights believed to belong equally to every person) those amendments still rightfully place limits on government powers in regards to those rights. And the ubber-religious far right, and even some centrist conservatives, do not understand that when ‘social issues’ cross the line into political fodder they themselves become what’s legally referred to as ‘constitutionally improper.’ And neither the federal government nor Obama himself…even when yielding his trusty pen and his phone… can legally choose which Constitutionally given ‘human rights’ to focus on…to fixate on…over the others. But the delegation of the so-called ‘social issues’ still must adhere with the Constitution not with Obama or with the socially conscious and many times judgmental ubber-religious far right.


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

stat-1.jpg?width=235Yesterday, in The National Patriot, I offered that the root of the problem, deemed today to be a racial divide and currently being blamed on various police departments around the country is, in reality, based in liberalism.

Today…I offer to you the statistics to prove my point.

The top ten poorest cities in the U.S. have all be run by liberals for decades.

The top ten most violent cities in the nation have likewise been run by liberals for decades.

And there’s something else these cities have in common…as the levels of violent crimes grow, the white population decreases as does that of law abiding black and Hispanic nuclear families. The fewer black, Hispanic and white two parent families that live in these cities…the higher and higher the rate of violent crimes rises.

According to recent FBI statistics compiled in 2013…the most recent study available…


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

add-1.jpg?width=253Saturday night, at about 8:30pm, a Hattiesburg police officer made a routine traffic stop…called for another officer to assist and moments after the second officer arrived, both officers, Benjamin Deen, 34, and Liquori Tate, 25…one black, the other white…had been shot and killed.

Three people were arrested early Sunday morning in connection with the murders…brothers Marvin and Curtis Banks and a woman…Joanie Calloway. Marvin Banks and Joanie Calloway have been charged with two counts each of capital murder while Curtis Banks has been charged with two counts of being an accessory, after the fact, to capital murder.

Another man, Cornelius Clark was arrested later on Sunday and he has been charged with obstruction of justice according to the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation.

All four suspects are black and the Banks brothers are your standard issue street thugs…Marvin Banks having been convicted of being in possession of stolen property in 2010, sentenced to one year and one day with four years of probation which was revoked sending him back to prison on a three year stint. Marvin Banks was released in June, 2012, placed in a supervised release program that ended just one year ago in May 2014.

While ON that supervised release, both Marvin and his brother Curtis were charged with selling crack cocaine in 2013.

Both the Banks brothers have been arrested over the years on a variety of charges including multiple weapons charges, drug charges and both have a string of felony convictions.

Every time some street thug…


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# White Lives Matter


A picture online showed a white Baltimore business owner with friends standing guard in front of his establishment, protecting his livelihood from looters. The men were armed with ax handles and a big dog. The image gave me a queasy feeling. Don't get me wrong, I sympathize with the business owner.

Baltimore's wacko liberal mayor ordered police, “let them loot, it's only property.”

Therefore, the business owner has every right and even a responsibility as a “man” to protect his property. Yes, despite our wimpified country, I believe testosterone managed responsibly is a good thing.

My concern is how the Left's attitude that white lives don't matter is affecting national race relations.

Blacks, whites and national race relations are merely pawns in the Left's chess game to nationalize (government control) America's supposed evil racist police departments.


Whites have been on the Left's hit list for decades. Disguising their assault on whites, the Left portray themselves as champions of black empowerment. They claim blacks are victims of racist America, despite elephant-in-the-living-room evidence proving otherwise. Meanwhile, the Left is engaged in a shock and awe attack on whites; public schools teaching kids to feel guilty for being white (white privilege). Lord, help us.

Hardcore Leftists are a minority. Nevertheless, portraying various groups as abused victims has been an extremely effective strategy for cramming their socialist/progressive agenda down the throats of the majority.

Here's another example.

Most Americans drank the Left's Kool-Aid of deception, believing them when they said all homosexuals are asking for is tolerance. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Americans are petrified to disagree with same sex marriage. Americans have witnessed the slaughter of enough Christians, fed to the lions in the Colosseum of public opinion, to silence the masses and quaking in their boots.

Decades of Leftist indoctrination has caused a generation of young people to believe that white Americans, particularly heterosexual white males, are the greatest source of evil in the world.

White cops killing a black person is extremely rare (1%). Blacks routinely kill blacks, over 90% of the time.  Stats confirm that the Left has created a climate in which it is open season on whites; sparking violent assaults on whites across America.

So tell me folks. How long can you poke innocent people (whites) in the eye with a stick expecting them not to push back?

Despite what evil lowlifes on the Left say, we have come a long way baby in regards to national race relations. American white voters (blacks too small of a percentage to make it happen) elected a black man to be leader of the free world two times.

My concern is that the Left's relentless abuse may be causing Battered White American Syndrome, creating a new era of racial resentment.

I am hearing from more and more frustrated angry whites. These folks are not Aryan Nation white supremacist nutcases. They are decent average white Americans who are tired of being used and abused, solely to further the Left's anti-God, Anti-American, government controlling everyone and everything agenda.

I wish I could end with a great solution. All I know to do is continue praying for my country, speaking out and standing up against evil. I pray you will do the same.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Dear Family and Friends,

Baltimore _1

Though you have not confronted me or organized an intervention, I know many of you do not understand why I dislike Obama, vote Republican and joined the Tea Party. Y'all think, Obama is black, we're black – so, what is my problem?

Dad told me that grandmother, 101 years old when she passed, cried when Obama was elected. I get that and totally understand. Still, I could not go brain-dead and hop on the elect-the-first-black-president bandwagon. As a matter of fact, I was stunned by how alone I was in considering who Obama was as a candidate and what he planned to do if elected.

Democrats and the media sold Obama as America's Great Black Hope. They protected him by hiding Obama's anti-American friends and writings.

I learned that Obama is another standard “liberal” Democrat con artist, only more extreme; sure to continue the Democrats screwing of black folks.

For those unfamiliar with political terms, in a nutshell, “liberals” are those who believe that man can perfect himself and is capable of controlling everything. Ninety-nine percent of the time, liberals reject God's laws and question His existence. “Conservatives” tend to be God fearing (reverencing) folks. I'm a conservative Republican.

Liberal Democrats have played blacks for over 50 years. Obama is simply their latest front man, brilliantly covered in a black skin disguise.

Now, before you go off on me, calling me an Uncle Tom and worse, please hear me out.

The recent Baltimore riots perfectly illustrate my point. Rioters expressed anger over high black unemployment, poor schools and poverty. Well guess who has controlled Maryland politics for the past 50 years? Liberal Democrats. And yet, they still keep playin' blacks with their standard lie – vote for us and we'll fix everything with our programs and block racist Republicans from keepin' y'all down and lynching you.

Meanwhile, there hasn't been one Republican in sight in Maryland for 50 years in a position to affect anything. And yet, all the problems liberal Democrats promised to fix have gotten worse. Y'all been played. Also, how long will y'all fall for their lie that the lack of jobs is Bush's fault? Obama has been president for six years. Y'all bein' played!

Aunt Bummie and four of her five sons were on welfare their entire lives. Theirs was a fatherless household. Only Poochie (Lawrence) her eldest remarkably worked his way through college. Aunt Bummie and four of her sons died early.

Sleeping over from time to time, at 9 or 10 years old, I felt the depressed vibe of their household and knew their lives were tragic. I felt sorry for them. I felt their envy of my dad living with us.

When President Reagan tried to wean folks off of total government dependency, Democrats and their media buddies told blacks that Reagan was a racist mean old white man who hated blacks. That was another lie.

Don't get me wrong, a government safety net is fine. But, addicting people to cradle to grave welfare is evil; robbing folks of pursuing their God given gifts and potential. Liberal Democrats hope to get as many folks as possible hating the rich and hooked on welfare to keep the masses voting Democrat.

A friend ranted about mean Republicans in congress cutting food stamps for the poor. Another Democrat lie. After six years of Obama, more folks than ever are receiving food stamps (over 47 million).  Remarkably, a third of the country is out of work.  Many quit looking for jobs, deciding to ride Obama's government gravy train. Come election day, they will vote Democrat. And guess who is hardest hit by Obama's job killing policies? Black folks.

Here's another Democrat scam. Democrats love to rant about evil Republican “draconian” cuts to welfare programs. Well, the truth is no program ever gets less money than it did the previous year. In Washington, a cut means congress will not give a program as much of an “increase” as first projected.

Despite Democrat control for 50 years and government programs out the ying yang, Baltimore blacks are suffering more than ever; high school dropouts, no jobs, still murdering each other, high out-of-wedlock births, poverty, high incarcerations and fatherless households. Even after spending trillions of taxpayer dollars fighting poverty since 1965,  Democrats tell the poor and blacks they're gettin' screwed by rich white folks. They're playin' y'all.

Obama's response to the Baltimore riots is typically liberal Democrat; more government programs and blaming Republicans.

Some of you will view Obama as your homey no matter what. It's a black thing. I get it. But, Obama does not feel the same about you.  If he did, Obama would not be flooding the country with uneducated poor illegals who suck up your welfare and your jobs.  He only cares about creating new Democrat voters. He's playin' y'all.

Meanwhile, y'all say, what is up with Peanut (my childhood nickname)? He just “don't” get it.

I pray that I have opened your eyes and that you will think twice before voting for another Democrat.

Love, Lloyd (Jr. Jr)

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Cinco de Obama - Estúpido!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

It seems to be high time that we, in this country, pay due respect to the Mexican Army…a fighting force like no other jose-1.jpg?width=231and the immense contributions they made to the allied effort to win WWII.

Yes… you did indeed read that opening line correctly…Mexico…MEXICO…was a key player in winning WWII.

Why…it seems like yesterday when, as a young lad, I was regaled with stories told by my dad and my uncle, both of whom fought for our nation during that world war, regarding the significant contributions made by the Mexicans.

In the Pacific…the Mexicans got involved in WWII when the Japanese bombed the hell out of Acapulco…sinking 2 cruise ships and setting an outdoor café afire.

Naturally…Mexico rebuilt their fleet and took off in hot pursuit of the Japanese.

There was the Battle of Midway where, had the Mexicans not been engaged in their afternoon siesta…they would have put up a tremendous fight…perhaps sinking a Japanese aircraft carrier or two but, regardless of their Midway midday nap…they did manage to rake out the sand along the beach before dinner.

And who could ever forget their presence in the Philippines where the Mexican Army of landscapers pruned the way through the dense jungle foliage for the Bataan Death March?


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