fukushima (6)

I wanted to share the following recent thought-provoking article because it does a great job of meticulously exposing the horror of ‘Fukushima’, which can no long be called a ‘conspiracy theory.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:



It's been almost six years since the Daiichi nuclear disaster at Fukushima. On that fateful day, March 11, 2011, horror was unleashed upon not only the poor souls in the immediate and surrounding area, but for the Pacific Ocean and mankind.

I've done several columns on it, the last one: Unimaginable Carnage From Fukushima Killing Pacific Ocean. As expected my email box dumped a few dozen opinions that appear to be a joint effort all saying the same thing: It's a stupid conspiracy, the government would tell us if there is a problem, blah, blah, blah.

Ah, yes, the government that lies every time one of their mouthpieces opens the pie hole in his/her face. And the tightly controlled media who have been peddling Soviet-style lies and propaganda longer than I've been alive. Think promoting career criminal, Hillary Clinton, and her fairy tale about a video causing the slaughter at Benghazi and when she allegedly came under sniper fire in Bosnia and had to run for her life. A huge whopper. That media that now owns the latest 'fake news' blow up they're trying to pin on the truth media. That would be web sites like Newswithviews and others.

On this issue, FOX has been little better covering the on-going destruction from Fukushima with only the initial 'when it bleeds it leads' and eventually went away. All done, move on, nothing to see here - or is there?

The other day I read a short piece about a sea lion jumping into a boat looking for fish. Some might think it's cute but it's heart breaking because sea lions and other ocean creatures in the Pacific Ocean have been starving to death the past few years. I thoroughly cover this in my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. The chapter on Fukushima is frightening and heartbreaking yet most Americans have no clue.

What caught my eye in the story was reference to the huge lump on the top of the sea lion's head. It is clearly a deformity.

Here are a few examples the fake media hasn't bothered to cover. We know this is a lie that's been protected for years. Now it's reached the point where some exposure is deemed necessary.

Fukushima radiation has reached U.S. shores, Dec. 9, 2016

"Woods Hole chemical oceanographer Ken Buesseler runs a crowd-funded, citizen science seawater sampling project that has tracked the radiation plume as it slowly makes its way across the Pacific Ocean.

"The Oregon samples, marking the first time cesium-134 has been detected on U.S. shores, were taken in January and February of 2016 and later analyzed. They each measured 0.3 becquerels per cubic meter of cesium-134. Buesseler’s team previously had found the isotope in a sample of seawater taken from a dock on Vancouver Island, B.C., marking its landfall in North America.

"Meanwhile, in Canada, Cullen leads the InFORM project to assess radiological risks to that country's oceans following the nuclear disaster. It is a partnership of a dozen academic, government and non-profit organizations, including Woods Hole. Last month, the group reported that a single sockeye salmon, sampled from Okanagan Lake in the summer of 2015, had tested positive for cesium-134."


Yep. All is well. Levels too low to be of concern for humans. The highly toxic Cesium 134 has now been found in Tillamook Bay and Gold Beach, Oregon is Fukushima.

Fukushima Five Years Later: "The Fuel Rods Melted Through Containment And Nobody Knows Where They Are Now"

"Today, Japan marks the fifth anniversary of the tragic and catastrophic meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear plant. On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami hit the northeast coast of Japan, killing 20,000 people. Another 160,000 then fled the radiation in Fukushima. It was the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, and according to some it would be far worse, if the Japanese government did not cover up the true severity of the devastation.

"At least 100,000 people from the region have not yet returned to their homes. A full cleanup of the site is expected to take at least 40 years." Do Americans even realize how dangerous that is?

Incredible: Fukushima clean-up chief still hunting for 600 tonnes of melted radioactive fuel, May 25, 2016

Radiation so High at Fukushima, Tepco’s Robots can't Survive. In that piece it discusses a future 'ice wall' to be built by Tepco to stop the leaking of contaminated water into the ocean. As expected:

Typhoons cause failure of ‘ice wall’ around Fukushima reactors — Highly radioactive water flowing into ocean — Structure “critically affected” — Fears over multiple sections of barrier that have thawed — Expert: “The plan to block groundwater is failing” (VIDEO) - September 6th, 2016

Fukushima Update -'The largest mass die offs of Sea Life ever recorded” now underway on West Coast' - Sea lions so hungry they're eating rocks. The BS called 'climate change' is being blamed. What better way to keep bleeding we the people dry to fund all the 'climate change' programs propped up by the U.S. government courtesy of the DO-NOTHING Republicans over the years. Tens and tens of billions of BORROWED dollars with the interest slapped on our backs to support a monster lie.

Fukushima Nuclear Waste Annihilates Pacific Ecosystem, May 24, 2016

"The federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has grossly abused its science-funding role to promote climate change as the sole culprit threatening the global mega-ecosystem. Ethically compromised research centers have gone along with the pro-corporate deception, including the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), Scripps at La Jolla and the numerous universities under their censorial influence. With thousands of marine species and countless human lives at stake, the cover-up of radioactive contamination of the Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere over the Northern Hemisphere is shaping up as the most disgraceful chapter in the annals of scientific fraud.

"A fair standard of truthfulness, based on observations along the shoreline, along with deep-sea data if ever such become available, will show that the driving force behind this mass death of crustaceans is a major disruption of the Pacific marine ecosystem resulting from nuclear-dumping from Fukushima’s melted-down reactors since 2011, as well as radioactive leaks from San Onofre. The poisoning by radionucleotides of pelagic red crabs, which have a vital role in the food chain, has dire implications for great whales and other sea mammals as well as sea turtles, fish and invertebrates, including a wide range of seafood consumed by humans."

Fukushima Update-Massive Sea Creatures die-off continues on California Coast
10 giant whales found dead in Pacific off US coast - The narrative is always the same: 'mysterious deaths', ''mystery illness'. It's no mystery if one has been following
Radiation levels in seabed off Fukushima ‘100s of times’ higher than prior to disaster, July 22, 2016

Scientists: “Unprecedentedly huge mortality events” happening along US West Coast — “Die-offs… are ongoing and severe, April 4, 2016
Like the plot of a summer horror flick”: All along Canada's Pacific coast, mussels are dying… Bodies are swollen by cancerous tumors — Unprecedented mutations allowing cancer to spread from one species to another like a virus — Scientists: “It's beyond surprising” (VIDEO) - July 7th, 2016

Nuclear Engineer: “Alarm bells” are going off over Fukushima plume coming to US West Coast — People will be dying from radiation that's flowing across Pacific — Massive amounts of nuclear waste are flowing into ocean every day, and will for more than a century — “We've contaminated the biggest source of water on planet, and there's no way to stop it” (VIDEO) - April 7, 2016

Same link: Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen on CCTV, Apr 5, 2016: "We're looking at newspaper coverage from the last couple of weeks and it's clear that the plant continues to hemorrhage."

Fairewinds Japan Speaking Tour Series No. 1, Feb 12, 2016:

"Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen: [T]he Fukushima power plants… continues to bleed into the Pacific every day. But what no one is paying any attention to is that the entire mountain range that runs 100 miles up and down this coast is also contaminated. And as much radiation is pouring out… into the Pacific from the mountain range because it's so contaminated, as from the Fukushima site… in fact, they've got an entire state pouring radiation into the Pacific.

"So what's in the Pacific? Off of California, they're finding radiation at what I would consider significant levels… in a cubic meter of ocean water, they're finding 10 radioactive decays every second… So a cubic meter of water, if you're in a dark room, would have 10 flashes of light every second, and that's going to go on for 300 years. So we have contaminated the biggest source of water on the planet, and there's no way to stop it.

"Maggie Gundersen, founder of Fairewinds: So are you saying that the contaminated water problem is hopeless? Is there nothing we can do to slow it down?

"Arnie Gundersen: It used to be that scientists believed dilution is the solution to pollution. But I think we're finding with the biggest body of water on the planet, that you can't dilute this stuff. And we're going to begin to see this bio-accumulation, which is all the fish that are in the ocean are going to uptake the cesium and the strontium and become more and more and more radioactive."

More insanity. Japan prepares for release of radioactive tritium from Fukushima into the ocean, April 13,2016: “Any exposure to tritium radiation could pose some health risk,” said Robert Daguillard, a spokesman for the United States Environmental Protection Agency, which takes steps to minimise the tritium from US nuclear facilities that escapes into drinking water. This risk increases with prolonged exposure, and health risks include increased occurrence of cancer.”

Think of oceans with no fish or in such small numbers the effect would be catastrophic in many ways: Geoengineering And Ocean Die Off, It’s Not Just Fukushima

All Of A Sudden, Fish Are Dying By The MILLIONS All Over The Planet, May 8, 2016

My heart breaks for our fishing families, who I've always supported. I've read a lot of restaurants in California quit serving fish out of the Pacific over real concerns about Fukushima. People have read the truth about Fukushima and will not eat any fish coming out of the Pacific even as far away as Alaska. They just don't feel it's safe. Of course this hurts the livelihood of those fishing families and corporate fishing entities. But, if people feel something isn't safe they're not going to put it in their body or their family's.

Our oceans provide us with so many wonderful things besides beautiful mammals, heavenly beaches and delicious fish of all kinds for consumption. They also provide critical plant life. Too many do not appreciate the importance of all sea life. TEPCO and the Japanese government are guilty of a monstrous crime against humanity.

How long is this going to last? How much worse is it going to get? Years or decades? How do you clean up an ocean? I have no answers to those questions. What I do know is this is very real. The problem is so huge I run out of words to describe it other than it truly is a crime against humanity and what's happened and is happening to sea life in the Pacific Ocean is heart breaking.

I do think president-elect Trump should gather together the finest scientists and marine biologists NOT on the government payroll or who work for compromised organizations like the ones mentioned above. He needs to know the truth and what, if anything, can be done. One thing that must be done and should have been done six years ago: Japan has got to allow people who actually know what they're doing shut down Fukushima forever. Do as the Russians did with Chernobyl and encase that damn facility in a steel and concrete sarcophagus (later replaced by a 'New Safe Confinement'), but get it done and stop the continued dumping of radiation contaminated water into the ocean.

One other thing that should be done if nuclear power plants are going to be built they must NOT be built anywhere near an ocean - especially an area known for earthquakes, typhoons and tsunami's. God, how stupid and greedy. There should be a written agreement between all the major countries on this earth not to build where another Fukushima can happen.

It's not possible to dilute the Pacific Ocean other than rain from Heaven. But, the American people deserve to know the truth about this disaster as far as sea life, the fishing industry and much more:

My column: Desalinization plants in California and Fukushima, March 2, 2014. That plant opened on December 14, 2015. Millions are drinking water from the Pacific Ocean; roughly 50 million gallons a day put out by that plant. Desalinization does not remove radiation. There are nine more desalinization plants approved up and down the coast of California. Think about that.

[Devvy's hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]

Source Link:


I believe that the following recent video and articles relate to and/or further support the above thought-provoking article-You Decide:


Video: Fukushima Radiation is in the Water, the Food and It’s In Us!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On December 14, 2016:


Testing Ocean Waters for Radiation

Cover-up Admitted: Radioactive Fish Off U.S. West Coast With “Disturbing Fingerprint of Fukushima”!-Posted on SHTFplan.com-By Mac Slavo-On December 9, 2016:



“Fukushima Cooling System FAILS” After Tsunami, 7.4 Earthquake Hits Japan!-Posted on SHTFplan.com-By Mac Slavo-On November 21, 2016:


I believe that the extremely disturbing information revealed in the above articles and video relates to and/or further supports my following blogs-You Decide:

128985472?profile=RESIZE_180x180Fuku Warning! US Gov’t Orders 14 Million Doses Of Potassium Iodide!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 2, 2014:


4063566206?profile=originalGeoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On September 25, 2013:



The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2016:


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” Against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!


4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!


4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!


God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

I would like to take the liberty of sharing the following letter that I recently forwarded to our NM Governor Martinez regarding climate change:

Letter To Governor Martinez:

“February 18, 2014

Dear Governor Martinez:

I am taking the liberty of sharing the following letter that I recently sent to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich regarding climate change:

Letter To Senator Heinrich:

“February 16, 2014

The Honorable Martin Heinrich

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Heinrich:

On or about February 14, 2014, I received the following letter from your office:

“February 14, 2014

Dear Mr. Martinez,

Thank you for contacting me regarding airplane “contrails.”  I appreciate knowing your thoughts and concerns on this important issue.

When planes fly through the air, they create condensation trails, or “contrails,” which are visible trails of condensed water vapor made by the exhaust of aircraft engines.  As the hot exhaust cools in the cold air at high altitudes, clouds of water droplets form creating the condensation trails seen behind planes.  Rest assured, these trails are not harmful to the environment and at this time there is no legislation before the Congress on this issue.

As you know, the best ideas do not come from Washington but from thoughtful, caring people like you who take the time to participate in government and the democratic process.  With that in mind, please rest assured that I will keep your thoughts and ideas in mind as I consider legislation.  I hope you will continue keeping me informed of the issues important to you.

Sign-up to receive email updates for the latest news on issues important to you.



United States Senator”

Although I appreciate your speedy response to my letter, I am truly concerned about the contents of your letter regarding this extremely disturbing issue, which I found to be ludicrous because it insults my intelligence regarding the true meaning of “chemtrails” vs “contrails.” 

I am taking the liberty of sharing the following recent article and/or blog in its entirety, which I believe does a meticulous job of outlining the major differences between “contrails” and “chemtrails”:

The Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-On January 28, 2014:

Vast Swaths Of America Now See Little Or No Sunlight;
Massive Areas Under Continuous Chemical Assault

Originally posted at: StateoftheNation2012.com

Never in the history of the USA has anyone seen — and experienced — such a pervasive and ongoing chemical assault on the citizenry in broad daylight. Especially an assault that goes unseen and, therefore, unreported by the great majority of people who live under chemtrailed skies. These folks are by and large completely unaware that their skies are literally being saturated, sometimes 24/7, with chemtrail chemicals.

How is it that these chemicals being spewed by airliners, which are equipped to lay down such aerosolized chemical cocktails, go undetected by so many?

That is truly the $64,000 question?

And, there can be only one answer. The Federal Government has willfully engaged in a premeditated conspiracy to deceive the public. This conspiracy to both deceive and spray chemicals anywhere the government wishes has been going on for decades. Yet they continue to assert that the chemtrails which many of us have witnessed and experienced are actually contrails.

CHEMTRAILS: Covert Crimes Against Humanity

What follows are a few photos, which clearly show how the equipment which produces these aerosols, can start and stop the spraying process. Upon seeing these many chemtrails being laid down in real time, it is obvious to anyone who can see that they are in fact chemtrails … and positively not contrails. Contrails are the normal vapor trails which are left in the wake of a sky borne jet airliner. They appear at the very rear being ejected as the exhaust from the jet airliners, and dissipate quite quickly depending on the ambient atmospheric temperature, pressure and humidity at the time.

Photos of Chemtrails which cannot be Contrails


Hopefully you get the picture by now. If not, here’s a much more ‘exhaustive’ photo-documentary for your viewing:
CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDA...

These photos categorically portray the chemtrails being started and stopped at the will of the chemtrail aerosolization equipment operator. In other words, there is no room for debate here: Chemtrails are not contrails, and contrails are not chemtrails. The preceding photos ought to serve as irrefutable evidence for anyone who is confronted with the skepticism or disbelief from those who rarely look at the sky.

This Government-Run Chemtrail Conspiracy Has At Least Three Prongs

The first prong has been to knowingly disseminate false information about the multi-decade, government-coordinated, chemtrail program. Calling what are actually chemtrails contrails is a stratagem the government has used with great success for all of those decades. Except that now many are waking up to the truth and calling them on it whenever and wherever possible.

On those rare occasions where they trot out a willing dupe to purposefully misrepresent chemtrails as contrails, they often fall down on the job. Nevertheless, the government has so committed itself to this highly flawed strategy for so many years that they refuse to give it up. Their untenable approach is now beginning to work in the favor of those who are working to expose this relentless chemical assault against the populace.

The second prong of the government’s stratagem is to selectively spray uniquely formulated chemtrail aerosols in different areas, at different altitudes, during specific weather patterns, etc. For instance, we often see them heavily spray the skies one or two days before a predicted rainfall, thunderstorm, snowfall, hailstorm or any other type of precipitation event. This is without question the chemtrail program’s most predictable feature. When a major weather event is forecasted, the government’s chemtrail airliners are up there creating tic-tac-toe boards in the sky like at no other time.

This begs the following question:
What on earth are they putting in those chemtrail brews that they are so deliberate to rain upon the masses?
 After all, the heavy precipitation events particularly ensures that the many aerosolized chemicals end up on lakes and rivers, farmland and forests, homes and offices, roads and sidewalks, malls and shopping centers, cars and trucks, etc. Just in case the reader has any health concerns or medical conditions which might be caused, or exacerbated, by the toxic chemicals present in chemtrails, here is a real eye-opener:

CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions

The third prong of this ubiquitous and unrelenting government chemtrail conspiracy is weather modification.

All one has to do is closely watch the unpredictable and uncooperative weather of the great state of California to get an appreciation of how profoundly geo-engineering has altered the long-established climatological patterns there. The state has been besieged by what may be its worst drought in recorded history. The headlines that follow tell the story much better than we can:

Engineered Drought Catastrophe, Target California

California’s Governor Declares Drought State Of Emergency : The Two...

Current California Drought Is Driest In State’s History; Scientists...

Record High Temperatures Broken in California as Drought Worsens

California’s drought, times three

Satellite Photos Of Mount Shasta Show How Badly California Needs Rain

Record Driest Year in California, Parts of Oregon

California governor declares drought emergency

California Drought Could Impact World Food Prices

California Drought Has Ranchers Selling Cattle

California drought threatens coho salmon with extinction

Satellite Photos Showing Pacific Storms Stopped Cold And Destroyed
“H” stand for High Pressure System; Notice the unnatural L angle:



The US Federal Government has been deceiving the citizenry for many decades regarding the geo-engineering chemical assault known as chemtrails. Not only has the government continued down this road of deception, it has ramped up its many and varied initiatives to ensure that the chemtrail genie does not escape from the bottle. Once it does, they know that it cannot be put back into the bottle … and that there will be many unhappy people as a result.

For the untold millions who have been systematically sickened by the covert chemtrail program, they will have their day of revelation and justice. Those who directly participated in this chemical assault on the entire nation will likewise face the appropriate consequences. It is now only a matter of time that both this crime against humanity and the subsequent cover-up will be exposed.

May those who are responsible for this crime against humanity be forewarned! The people of the world don’t like having their sunny days taken from them. Neither do they like being sprayed from on high with toxic and dangerous chemicals.

State of the Nation
January 28, 2014

Author’s Note

There will be those among the scientific establishment who will even attempt to explain away the chemtrail photos above as contrails.  These folks are either intellectually challenged to the extreme.  Or, they are paid shills in the employ of the various organs of government propaganda.

Particularly for anyone who is confronted by skeptics, let them see for themselves a chemtrail in the making over their own home or business.  In every case they will witness firsthand the starting and the stopping of the chemtrails, depending on their vantage point.  If this realtime execution of the chemtrail crime does not convince them, nothing can or will.

Remember, we live in a time when common sense has become quite rare.  And, the human faculty of reason has fled the civilization … to a great degree.


CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity

Chemtrails: The BIGGEST Coverup of All Time

Excellent Website Reference:


Source Link:


My following recent blog provides you with numerous other sources regarding this extremely disturbing and time sensitive issue:


I again would truly be interested in getting your take and/or feedback regarding the extremely disturbing information revealed in the above article and/or blog, along with my recent blog.  

Please feel free to contact me at my email and/or home address.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this extremely disturbing issue.

Thank you for your continued service to our state and our country.


Jake Martinez


Response received from Senator Heinrich’s Office regarding my above letter:

Thank You

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Please follow me on Twitter and visit my Facebook page for updates on my daily activities in the Senate and travels across New Mexico.”

End of Letter To Senator Heinrich.

Governor Martinez I am sharing my recent letter to our NM U.S. Senator Heinrich with you because I would truly be interested in getting your take and/or feedback on the disturbing information revealed therein. 

Please feel free to contact me at my email and/or home address.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this extremely disturbing issue.

Thank you for your continued service to our state.


Jake Martinez”

Response received from Governor’s office regarding my above letter:

“Thank you for taking the time to share your comments and concerns with my office. A constituent service representative will be in contact with you regarding your issue.


Susana Martinez”

End of Letter To Governor Martinez.

For your information, I will inform you should I happen to get another response from Governor Martinez, which I really don’t expect, but miracles do happen.

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Senate DEMS Attempt To Bully Networks Into Covering Climate Change!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Caroline Schaeffer-On February 18, 2014:


4063832485?profile=originalKerry Says Climate Change Worse Than WMDs!-Posted on CNN.com-By Steve Almasy, CNN-On February 17, 2014:


4063832328?profile=originalVideo: BREAKING CHEMTRAIL SCIENTIST MURDERED AFTER GOING ON NATIONAL RADIO!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Mu2143k-On July 24, 2013:


4063802661?profile=originalThe World Is Being Run By Psychopaths & Sociopaths!-Posted on Before It’s News-By FSN-On February 11, 2014:



‘Nothing Will Be Fixed Until [US] Criminals Are Arrested’: Top US Official!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Washington’s Blog (Reporter)-On February 15, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063758287?profile=originalResponse From and To Our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich Regarding Climate Change!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 16, 2014:


4063829832?profile=originalHow “climate change” is supposedly impacting New Mexico and other southwestern states because of ensuing drought and devastating wildfires!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 10, 2014:


4063784434?profile=originalLetter to our NM Governor Martinez regarding “climate change” and its supposed devastating impact in NM and other southwestern States!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 10, 2014:


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:


4063566206?profile=originalGeoengineering Dangers-NWO Depopulation!



Could the U.S. Weather & Atmosphere Modification Project (HAARP) be connected to swine flu pandemic & global weather assault causing climate chaos and environmental catastrophes?



Fuku Warning! US Gov’t Orders 14 Million Doses Of Potassium Iodide!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 2, 2014:


4063359908?profile=originalDishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


4063542593?profile=originalWho owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!



Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!



Where Is America Today?



Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!



Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…

4063736235?profile=originalWhat’s extremely concerning, but not surprising about this issue?-You Decide:

The Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-On January 28, 2014:

Vast Swaths Of America Now See Little Or No Sunlight;
Massive Areas Under Continuous Chemical Assault

Originally posted at: StateoftheNation2012.com

Never in the history of the USA has anyone seen — and experienced — such a pervasive and ongoing chemical assault on the citizenry in broad daylight. Especially an assault that goes unseen and, therefore, unreported by the great majority of people who live under chemtrailed skies. These folks are by and large completely unaware that their skies are literally being saturated, sometimes 24/7, with chemtrail chemicals.

How is it that these chemicals being spewed by airliners, which are equipped to lay down such aerosolized chemical cocktails, go undetected by so many?

That is truly the $64,000 question?

And, there can be only one answer. The Federal Government has willfully engaged in a premeditated conspiracy to deceive the public. This conspiracy to both deceive and spray chemicals anywhere the government wishes has been going on for decades. Yet they continue to assert that the chemtrails which many of us have witnessed and experienced are actually contrails.

CHEMTRAILS: Covert Crimes Against Humanity

What follows are a few photos, which clearly show how the equipment which produces these aerosols, can start and stop the spraying process. Upon seeing these many chemtrails being laid down in real time, it is obvious to anyone who can see that they are in fact chemtrails … and positively not contrails. Contrails are the normal vapor trails which are left in the wake of a sky borne jet airliner. They appear at the very rear being ejected as the exhaust from the jet airliners, and dissipate quite quickly depending on the ambient atmospheric temperature, pressure and humidity at the time.

Photos of Chemtrails which cannot be Contrails







4063831947?profile=originalHopefully you get the picture by now. If not, here’s a much more ‘exhaustive’ photo-documentary for your viewing:
CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED)

These photos categorically portray the chemtrails being started and stopped at the will of the chemtrail aerosolization equipment operator. In other words, there is no room for debate here: Chemtrails are not contrails, and contrails are not chemtrails. The preceding photos ought to serve as irrefutable evidence for anyone who is confronted with the skepticism or disbelief from those who rarely look at the sky.

This Government-Run Chemtrail Conspiracy Has At Least Three Prongs

The first prong has been to knowingly disseminate false information about the multi-decade, government-coordinated, chemtrail program. Calling what are actually chemtrails contrails is a stratagem the government has used with great success for all of those decades. Except that now many are waking up to the truth and calling them on it whenever and wherever possible.

On those rare occasions where they trot out a willing dupe to purposefully misrepresent chemtrails as contrails, they often fall down on the job. Nevertheless, the government has so committed itself to this highly flawed strategy for so many years that they refuse to give it up. Their untenable approach is now beginning to work in the favor of those who are working to expose this relentless chemical assault against the populace.

The second prong of the government’s stratagem is to selectively spray uniquely formulated chemtrail aerosols in different areas, at different altitudes, during specific weather patterns, etc. For instance, we often see them heavily spray the skies one or two days before a predicted rainfall, thunderstorm, snowfall, hailstorm or any other type of precipitation event. This is without question the chemtrail program’s most predictable feature. When a major weather event is forecasted, the government’s chemtrail airliners are up there creating tic-tac-toe boards in the sky like at no other time.

This begs the following question:
What on earth are they putting in those chemtrail brews that they are so deliberate to rain upon the masses?
After all, the heavy precipitation events particularly ensures that the many aerosolized chemicals end up on lakes and rivers, farmland and forests, homes and offices, roads and sidewalks, malls and shopping centers, cars and trucks, etc. Just in case the reader has any health concerns or medical conditions which might be caused, or exacerbated, by the toxic chemicals present in chemtrails, here is a real eye-opener:

CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions

The third prong of this ubiquitous and unrelenting government chemtrail conspiracy is weather modification.

All one has to do is closely watch the unpredictable and uncooperative weather of the great state of California to get an appreciation of how profoundly geo-engineering has altered the long-established climatological patterns there. The state has been besieged by what may be its worst drought in recorded history. The headlines that follow tell the story much better than we can:

Engineered Drought Catastrophe, Target California

California’s Governor Declares Drought State Of Emergency : The Two-Way

Current California Drought Is Driest In State’s History; Scientists Fear ‘Megadroughts’ On Their Way

Record High Temperatures Broken in California as Drought Worsens

California’s drought, times three

Satellite Photos Of Mount Shasta Show How Badly California Needs Rain

Record Driest Year in California, Parts of Oregon

California governor declares drought emergency

California Drought Could Impact World Food Prices

California Drought Has Ranchers Selling Cattle

California drought threatens coho salmon with extinction

Satellite Photos Showing Pacific Storms Stopped Cold And Destroyed
“H” stand for High Pressure System; Notice the unnatural L angle



The US Federal Government has been deceiving the citizenry for many decades regarding the geo-engineering chemical assault known as chemtrails. Not only has the government continued down this road of deception, it has ramped up its many and varied initiatives to ensure that the chemtrail genie does not escape from the bottle. Once it does, they know that it cannot be put back into the bottle … and that there will be many unhappy people as a result.

For the untold millions who have been systematically sickened by the covert chemtrail program, they will have their day of revelation and justice. Those who directly participated in this chemical assault on the entire nation will likewise face the appropriate consequences. It is now only a matter of time that both this crime against humanity and the subsequent cover-up will be exposed.

May those who are responsible for this crime against humanity be forewarned! The people of the world don’t like having their sunny days taken from them. Neither do they like being sprayed from on high with toxic and dangerous chemicals.

State of the Nation
January 28, 2014

Author’s Note

There will be those among the scientific establishment who will even attempt to explain away the chemtrail photos above as contrails.  These folks are either intellectually challenged to the extreme.  Or, they are paid shills in the employ of the various organs of government propaganda.

Particularly for anyone who is confronted by skeptics, let them see for themselves a chemtrail in the making over their own home or business.  In every case they will witness firsthand the starting and the stopping of the chemtrails, depending on their vantage point.  If this realtime execution of the chemtrail crime does not convince them, nothing can or will.

Remember, we live in a time when common sense has become quite rare.  And, the human faculty of reason has fled the civilization … to a great degree.


CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity

Chemtrails: The BIGGEST Coverup of All Time

Excellent Website Reference:


Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs, audio and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063832114?profile=originalMain Stream Media Still Pretending Climate Engineering Is Just A “Proposal”!- Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Dane Wigington,
geoengineeringwatch.org-On February 14, 2014:

Main stream media”s facade of smoke and mirrors continues to hide the ongoing geoengineering programs from the awareness of the public at large. It is astounding how so many people can go along with the “official” narrative on geoengineering, while seemingly not recognizing the all to visible spraying going on above their heads day in and day out. The article below is a case in point. I have already sent a message to the author and the site inquiring as to why they are not acknowledging the well documented climate engineering programs that have been going on for 60 years or more.

Anytime an article like this surfaces, each and every one of us should take the time to contact the source. To tell them we want the truth, not more lies of omission and deception. Making such an effort is our duty to the common good, its up to all of us.

Dane Wigington,


Article Source: What Is Climate Geoengineering? Word Games in the Ongoing Debates Over a Definition

What Is Climate Geoengineering? Word Games in the Ongoing Debates Over a Definition

Climate geoengineering advocates have long argued over how to actually define the term “geoengineering.” The precise details of that definition are important for various reasons, not the least of which is that it will determine what likely is to be subjected to the scrutiny and potentially complex and difficult legal governance processes that such a global scale climate-tweak effort would necessarily involve.

Already, as of 2010, the Convention on Biological Diversity, a treaty that 193 UN member countries (all other than the Holy See, Andorra and the United States) have ratified, adopted a de-facto moratorium on climate geoengineering in 2010. That was based in part on previous deliberations and decisions on one particular form of geoengineering, ocean iron fertilization, which also is regulated under the London Convention. Those decisions were negotiated and agreed in painstaking process, with each word and its implications carefully weighed in the balance.1 Obviously, there is much need to specify exactly what is geoengineering and, thus, subject to the moratorium or any other legal ruling.

For most people, it seems intuitively clear that, for example, spewing sulphate aerosols into the atmosphere – a technology in the category of “solar radiation management” (SRM) clearly would be considered “geoengineering.” We would not consider doing that for any other reason or intent – there are known anticipated serious risks and dangers, etc.

But the distinction is much less clear for other technologies. For example, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), large scale afforestation/reforestation, or biochar – these approaches mostly involve using plant biomass and “biosequestration” and fall into the category of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies. They differ in that these technologies also are discussed under the framework of mitigation and adaptation – promoted as beneficial even at smaller scales (arguably). Many view these as less risky and more easily scalable approaches.

Scale, Intent and Perception

4063832028?profile=originalDefinition debates have swirled around the importance of scale. For example, planting a few hectares of trees might not be considered geoengineering by most people, but planting a million hectares perhaps would. Especially if those involved vast monocultures of trees genetically engineered and planted specifically to store carbon (for example). Yet if those same million hectares were replanted to restore native forests, most would not consider that geoengineering.

Debates also have swirled around the issue of “intention”: Is the intent to reduce global greenhouse gas concentrations? Or something else, say offsetting emissions from a facility or an industrial sector or some other source of emissions. Would agroecological farming methods be geoengineering if the farmer is motivated by his understanding of carbon sequestration, but not if his intent were simply to produce decent food? How can “intent” be determined accurately?

Some goengineering advocates have argued the terminology is meaningless because we humans have long been intentionally altering the global atmosphere, so why come up with a new term? This argument falls along the lines that we already have messed things up so badly that we shouldn’t get into a fuss over whether to engage in something that seems potentially likely to mess them up more.

Others, such as James Fleming (author of Fixing the Sky: The Checkered History of Weather and Climate Control“), argue that requiring “intent” as a condition of the definition is slippery because there are plenty of “non climate” reasons that could be used to argue for the use of some geoengineering technologies (military, food security, etc). There are, as well, technologies that involve global-scale “tweaks,” but to non-climate systems (e.g. manipulation of nitrogen or water cycles).2

The definition debates also have swirled around making climate geoengineering sound more appealing to a public that is clearly repulsed by the idea. That repulsion was articulated humorously by Stephen Colbert in his recent interview with David Keith, and again by Al Gore, who referred to it as “insane, utterly mad and delusional,” and yet again by a recent survey study that concluded in an understated manner; “overall public evaluation of climate engineering is negative.”

Aware of these poor ratings, the term “soft geoengineering” was introduced by the conservative American Enterprise Institute. It states: “In environmental issues, even more than most public policy questions, perception matters. That is why ‘soft’ geoengineering techniques – less ambitious, less disruptive, and less threatening approaches – are important; they get people used to the basic concepts of geoengineering without scaring them. And in so doing, they expand the scope of the climate policy discussion in important ways.”

Winning over public acceptance matters, and terminology is key: precisely why we need to be wary and monitor these word games.

No Consensus

Virtually every major meeting on the topic of climate geoengineering, it seems, has dedicated time to grappling with the definition. The Royal Society defined geoengineering as “the deliberate and large scale intervention in the Earth’s climatic system with the aim of reducing global warming.” That definition was adopted by others, for example, including the US Government Accountability Office 2011 report. At the Asilomar conference in 2010, the term “climate intervention” was offered up as a more palatable term than geoengineering. The Bipartisan Policy Center then offered up “climate remediation,” defined as “intentional actions taken to counter the climate effects of past greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere” (mitigation referring to actions to reduce future emissions). About this, Jeff Goodell (quoted by Joe Romm) states: “The phrase ‘climate remediation’ is almost as bad as the phrase ‘clean coal.’ In both cases, it’s a phrase that reeks of spin and marketing. And while I can understand why Big Coal wants to push it, I think it was a mistake for this panel to choose this phrase. The idea, of course, is to make geoengineering – or, if you must, climate engineering – sound gentle and comforting. It is not gentle and comforting, it is a big, complex, morally fraught and dangerous idea, and attempts to disguise this with cuddly language are just going to backfire.”

The Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative (SRMGI) offers that “SRM” could just as well refer to “sunlight reflection methods.” Certainly far more cuddly.3

Informally, some very hopeful advocates of geoengineering have even argued that the term “ecological restoration” should be used instead of “climate geoengineering.”

The 2012 IPCC Working Group 1 report described geoengineering in the glossary as follows: “Geoengineering refers to a broad set of methods and technologies that aim to deliberately alter the climate system in order to alleviate the impacts of climate change. Most, but not all, methods seek to either (a) reduce the amount of absorbed solar energy in the climate system (Solar Radiation Management) or (b) increase net carbon sinks from the atmosphere at a scale sufficiently large to alter climate (Carbon Dioxide Removal). Scale and intent are of central importance. Two key characteristics of geoengineering methods of particular concern are that they use or affect the climate system (e.g., atmosphere, land or ocean) globally or regionally and/or could have substantive unintended effects that cross national boundaries. Geoengineering is different from weather modification and ecological engineering, but the boundary can be fuzzy.”

It is notable that it mentions “unintended effects that cross national boundaries” and “use or affect the climate system globally or regionally.” Including terminology regarding transboundary effects is both sensible and nonsensical. On the one hand, it highlights the fact that some approaches are likely to have differential impacts in different regions, raising the potential for quite serious geopolitical concerns and divergent interests. At the same time, the global atmosphere knows no boundaries, even if international laws do.

Implementation of some technologies likely would have immediate and direct, or eventual and direct transboundary effects. And then we can ask: Were they intended or unintended? How can that be known? What will the sociopolitical ramifications be? As Jim Thomas from ETC Group points out, this condition regarding transboundary impacts could lead to a case where fertilizing Lake Baikal would not be geoengineering, but fertilizing Lake Malawi would be.

A “thought experiment” here is useful: What if Canada decided to engage in very large-scale biochar or BECCS program, in the process wreaking havoc on their forests and biodiversity. Most international law would not consider that a transboundary concern – as they currently do not consider Canada’s high rate of deforestation to be any sort of treaty violation. Yet Canada could be considered to be in breach of the Convention on Biological Diversity geoengineering moratorium, because that is, in fact, conditional on biodiversity impacts.

What About Weather?

4063832154?profile=originalRegarding the issue of weather modification, IPCC correctly indicates the boundaries are fuzzy. A history of research and practice on weather modification already exists, derived in part from military research and development where the ability to stimulate rainfall in particular was found useful to hindering opposing forces in the Vietnam War. Startling and disturbing though it may be, one can today simply google “Weather Modification Incorporated” and find commercial services available (“When most people look up they see clouds. We see potential”). The weather modification industry has its own association and a dedicated journal. Most of its attention is focused on cloud seeding; ETC Group has included it in its rundown of geoengineering technologies – and Fleming similarly supports its inclusion. If weather modification is geoengineering, then we already are engaged. Even now it is becoming a last resort for regions such as the western United States, where drought conditions are severe and worsening.

Read More:


4063832129?profile=originalClimate Engineering “PROPOSAL” Ignores Ongoing Reality!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Dane Wigington,
geoengineeringwatch.org-On January 8, 2014:


4063832143?profile=originalMedia Increases Mass Distraction While The Walls Close In On Us All!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Dane Wigington,
geoengineeringwatch.org-On February 4, 2014:


4063832169?profile=originalMain Stream Media “Scientists” Try To Cover Up Engineered Snow Storms!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Dane Wigington,
geoengineeringwatch.org-On February 5, 2014:


4063832255?profile=originalExample of Media Propaganda?-Changes in Jet Streams Might Lead to Harsher Winters, Researchers Say!-Posted On Nature World News-By Staff Reporter-On February 17, 2014:


4063832182?profile=originalGeoengineeringWatch Weather Update Feb 2, 2014!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Dane Wigington,
geoengineeringwatch.org-On February 3, 2014:


4063832218?profile=originalClimate Engineering, A Toxic Deception!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Dane Wigington,
geoengineeringwatch.org-On February 1, 2014:


4063832272?profile=originalClimate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Staff-On January 31, 2014: 


4063832197?profile=originalChemically Nucleated Snow, What Is It?-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Dane Wigington,
geoengineeringwatch.org-On January 31, 2014:


4063832307?profile=originalGeoengineered Snowstorms – THE SNOWMEN Turning Warmth Into Winter (Part 1)!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-On January 28, 2014:


4063832255?profile=originalGeoengineered Snowstorms – THE SNOWMEN Turning Warmth Into Winter (Part 2)!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-On January 28, 2014:


4063832237?profile=originalVideo: Jeff Rense & Dane Wigington – Snow Burns, Won’t Melt!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-On February 11, 2014:


4063832294?profile=originalAudio: The Secret Teachings!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-On January 27, 2014:


4063832354?profile=originalWeekly Geoengineering Update January 19, 2014!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-On January 20, 2014:


4063832405?profile=originalCHEMTRAILS: Covert Crimes Against Humanity!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-On January 15, 2014:


4063735301?profile=originalVideo: Affecting Everyone Planet Wide: Blowing The Whistle on Geoengineering with Kristen Meghan!-Posted on YouTube.com-By UniBrowStudioVision-On January 21, 2014:


4063735471?profile=originalVideo: Ex-Military Industrial Environmental Hygienist Kristen Meghan Blows Whistle On Air Force Chemtrails!-Posted on YouTube.com-By UniBrowStudioVision-On April 10, 2013:


4063832365?profile=originalVideo: Former Air Force Industrial Hygienist Confirms Geoengineering / Chemtrail Reality!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-On January 10, 2013:


4063735554?profile=originalVideo: Purpose of Chemtrails w/ AC Griffith and all NEW 2010 Video Captures!-Posted on YouTube.com-By kenjams-On April 14, 2010:


4063832328?profile=originalVideo: BREAKING CHEMTRAIL SCIENTIST MURDERED AFTER GOING ON NATIONAL RADIO!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Mu2143k-On July 24, 2013:


4063832388?profile=originalVideo: Irrefutable Truth. U.S. Military intentionally poisoning us with Biologicals!-Posted on YouTube.com-By SuperDeltaBravo1-On November 28, 2012:


4063832426?profile=originalVideo: I CREATED AIDS to DELIBERATELY DEPOPULATE HUMANITY - Dr Robert Gallo!-Posted on YouTube.com-By youxsearch-On December 2, 2011:


4063832436?profile=originalVideo: Dr. Leonard Horowitz-Emerging Viruses, AIDS, & Ebola Nature. Accident or Intentional!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Omar Zaid-On September 3, 2012:


4063832445?profile=originalVideo: AIDS was manufactured by the Government - Dr. Len Horowitz!-Posted on YouTube.com-By freedomlawschool·-On June 11, 2011:


4063832350?profile=originalVideo: In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism (Full Length Documentary)!-Posted on YouTube.com-By mystic1dave-On May 12, 2012:


4063832400?profile=originalWhat Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Russell Blaylock M.D-On April 7, 2013:


4063832511?profile=originalVideo: Dr. Russell Blaylock-Nutrition and the Illuminati Agenda!-Posted on YouTube.com-By RobinMFisher-On July 26, 2012:


4063832461?profile=originalCLIMATE ENGINEERING AND CLIMATE LIES!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Dane Wigington, 
geoengineeringwatch.org-On February 15, 2014:


4063832567?profile=originalGeoengineered Weather Patterns Wreaking Havoc Across The Planet!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-On February 15, 2014:


4063832577?profile=originalSenate DEMS Attempt To Bully Networks Into Covering Climate Change!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Caroline Schaeffer-On February 18, 2014:


4063832485?profile=originalKerry Says Climate Change Worse Than WMDs!-Posted on CNN.com--By Steve Almasy, CNN-On February 17, 2014:


4063832524?profile=originalObama Turns Attention To California’s Worst Drought In 100 Years!-Posted on The Sacramento Bee-By the Editorial Board-On February 17, 2014:


4063832598?profile=originalVideo: Charles Krauthammer Destroys Global Warming Myths in 89 Seconds!-Posted on The Foundry-By Todd Thurman-On February 18, 2014:


4063832543?profile=originalWeather Control, Climate Change Deception & Other Global Concerns!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire-On February 19, 2014:


4063832613?profile=originalGeoengineering Is Ripping The Climate System Apart!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Dane Wigington
geoengineeringwatch.org-On February 19, 2014 :   


4063734973?profile=originalThe myth of ‘settled science’!-Posted on The Wasington Post-By Charles Krauthammer-On February 20, 2014:


4063832659?profile=originalNo Federal Water for California Farmers, Either!-Posted on Big Government-By JOEL B. POLLAK-On February 21, 2014:


4063832677?profile=originalGE Will No Longer Design Projects to Please Climate Change Advocates!-Posted on Big Government-By WILLIAM BIGELOW-On February 21, 2014:


4063734879?profile=originalCruz to CNN: Global Warming Not Supported by Data!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On February 23, 2014:


4063735006?profile=originalNo Proof of Man-Made Climate Change, Says Greenpeace Co-founder!-Posted on The New American-By Jack Kenny-On February 27, 2014:


4063734889?profile=originalVideo: Former Greenpeace founder’s ‘reality check’ for liberals!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 27, 2014:


4063734898?profile=originalGutfeld: Who should you trust about climate change?-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 28, 2014:


4063832722?profile=originalMOTHER JONES: STUDY SHOWS GLOBAL WARMING MAY CAUSE MORE RAPE!-Posted on Big Government-By WILLIAM BIGELOW-On February 27, 2014:


4063832733?profile=originalSurge in babies born without brains in Washington State!-Posted on Natural News-By J. D. Heyes-On March 5, 2014:


4063832803?profile=originalWhich parts of America are the most contaminated with arsenic?-Posted on Natural News-By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer-On March 5, 2014:


4063832817?profile=originalClimate Engineering, Media Deception, And Hard Facts!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-By Dane Wigington
geoengineeringwatch.org-On March 7, 2014:


4063832768?profile=originalIgnorance and Cronyism Are the Only Settled Sciences!-Posted on Rightwing News-By Derek Hunter-On April 28, 2014:


4063832651?profile=originalVideo: BUSTED Pilot Forgets To Turn Off CHEMTRAILS while landing!-Posted on YourTubeNews.ning-By Turner Radio Network-On April 27, 2014:


4063832776?profile=originalIrrefutable proof we are all being sprayed with poison: 571 tons of toxic lead ‘chemtrailed’ into America’s skies every year!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger-On June 13, 2014:


4063832863?profile=originalOBAMA SCORCHED FOR ‘U.S. MEDICAL GENOCIDE’: ‘Michael Savage, others unleash on ‘reckless’ illegals’ policy’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On February 4, 2015:


4063832889?profile=originalHOW VACCINE HYSTERIA COULD SPARK TOTALITARIAN NIGHTMARE: ‘Exclusive: Lee Hieb, M.D., shares ‘dirty little secret’ immunization pushers don’t reveal’!-Posted on WND.com-By LEE HIEB, M.D.-On February 4, 2015:


4063832903?profile=originalCDC Whistleblower Who Admitted Covering Up MMR Vaccine Links to Autism Granted Immunity, Will Testify!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Lily Dane-On February 5, 2015:


The following recent thought-provoking article reveals an interview with Peter A. Kirby who is a researcher and author from San Rafael, California, author of Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project, who breaks down his extensive research on the history of weather modification (geoengineering), to include exactly who the prime suspects are spraying us with ‘toxic chemicals’ today, which includes corporations such as ‘Raytheon, MITRE Corporation, and their academic foundations in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Government organizations such as the Department of Defense and its DARPA division, NATO, and the CIA.’  If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Who Is Spraying Us? Raytheon, MITRE Corporation, MIT Are Prime Suspects: Peter Kirby!-Posted on Activist Post-By Cassius Kamarampi-On January 15, 2017:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blogs relate to this extremely disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:



Was Texas and other states deliberately targeted?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 22, 2021:


New Report Exposes Rockefeller Dynasty's Role in 'Climate Scam'!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:


4063557550?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall (re: Shadow Party's alleged agenda to take down America)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2015:


4063758287?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich regarding climate change (re: effects of toxins found in groundwater and soils)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 7, 2014:


4063784434?profile=originalLetter to our NM Governor Susana Martinez regarding climate change (re: effects of toxins found in groundwater and soils)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 7, 2014:


4063784434?profile=originalLetter to our NM Governor Martinez regarding climate change!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 18, 2014:


4063758287?profile=originalResponse From and To Our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich Regarding Climate Change!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 16, 2014:


4063566206?profile=originalGeoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!


4063829832?profile=originalHow “climate change” is supposedly impacting New Mexico and other southwestern states because of ensuing drought and devastating wildfires!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-ByJake Martinez-On February 10, 2014:



Fuku Warning! US Gov’t Orders 14 Million Doses Of Potassium Iodide!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 2, 2014:


4063761474?profile=originalCould the U.S. Weather & Atmosphere Modification Project (HAARP) be connected to swine flu pandemic & global weather assault causing climate chaos and environmental catastrophes?


4063822488?profile=originalNew EPA Land Grab, Complete Control Over All Private Land in America! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-ByJake Martinez-On April 11, 2014:


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!


4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063832950?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!


4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!


4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!


Semper Fi!


Source Link:
The Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!-Posted by Jake Martinez on March 14, 2015:

Read more…

4063797625?profile=originalWhat’s your take on this extremely disturbing issue? 

During my twenty year tenure in the Marine Corps I was assigned to varied nuclear weapons duties for approximately 9 years and upon retirement one of my Military Occupational Specialties was “Nuclear Weapons Officer” and this issue truly concerns me-You Decide:
Fuku Warning! US Gov’t Orders 14 Million Doses Of Potassium Iodide!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Mort Amsel (Reporter)-On January 1, 2014:

On December 6th the US Department of Health and Human Services put a solicitation notice on the Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) website for 14 million 65 mg doses of Potassium Iodide, the standard treatment protocol for someone exposed to high levels of radiation. As a stipulation of this solicitation, which gets bid on by registered contractors, the HHS requires the 14 million doses to be delivered by the end of January. In other words, the HHS needs enough doses of Potassium Iodide to treat 14 million Americans by the end of January!

The primary use for Potassium Iodide is used for treating, as well as minimizing damaging effects from, radiation poisoning. The area of the human body that are most-sensitive to radiation exposure are the thyroid gland. It absorbs the radiation like a wet sponge.

This is intreesting right?  While it’s insane still to think that Fukushima might affect people on the west coast of America enough to use these pills, it’s actually quite a sane move by the government to be doing this.  Odd right?  None the less, let’s hope we don’t have to use them.  –Mort

4063797650?profile=originalVideo: Fukushima - A Recap Of its Carnage on Earth!-Posted on YouTube.com-By BeautifulGirlByDana-On December 31, 2013:


4063797753?profile=originalVideo: Fukushima - A Talk About Solutions & Hope!-Posted on YouTube.com-By BeautifulGirlByDana-On January 1, 2014:


Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063797763?profile=originalWhy Did Obama Give The Order For 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Now The End Begins-On January 1, 2014:

The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of potassium iodide, the compound that protects the body from radioactive poisoning in the aftermath of severe nuclear accidents, to be delivered before the beginning of February.

According to a solicitation posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the DHHS asks contractors to supply, “potassium iodide tablet, 65mg, unit dose package of 20s; 700,000 packages (of 20s),” a total of 14 million tablets. The packages must be delivered on or before February 1, 2014.

Potassium iodide helps block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland and is used by victims of severe nuclear accidents or emergencies. Under current regulations, states with populations living within 10 miles of a nuclear plant are encouraged, but not required, to maintain a supply of potassium iodide.

A search of the FedBizOpps website returns no other results regarding the purchase of potassium iodide from any government agency, suggesting that the DHHS bulk buy of the tablets is unprecedented in recent times.

The ongoing crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has prompted concerns that the purchase is connected to the threat posed by radioactive debris washing up on the shores of the west coast or the potential for another natural disaster occurring in Japan which could impact the U.S.

“Governments usually respond to disasters very similarly; first move is to avoid panic,” writes The West Wire. “The Japanese didn’t want to panic the world, or tarnish their honor and now, as a consequence of their reluctance, Japanese citizens and international aid personal find themselves in a horrible state of being.”

“Panic is usually avoided by keeping their citizens as blind to the truth as possible, until confrontation with the truth becomes inevitable. The crucial question at this juncture; “would our government be reluctant about warning us of potential disaster, in an attempt to avoid panic?” 14 million doses of Potassium Iodide say that might just be the case.”

Last month it was revealed that 71 U.S. sailors who helped during the initial Fukushima relief efforts are suing the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) after they returned with thyroid cancer, Leukemia, and brain tumors as a result of being exposed to radiation at 300 times the safe level.

TEPCO has repeatedly been caught lying in their efforts to downplay the scale of the disaster. In September it was confirmed that radiation readings around the power plant were 18 times higher than previously reported by TEPCO. After a tank leaked 300 tonnes of toxic water in August, groundwater radiation readings at the plant soared to 400,000 becquerels per litre, the highest reading since the nuclear accident occurred in March 2011.

Top scientists have warned that if another major earthquake hits Fukushima, which is almost inevitable, it would mean “bye bye Japan” and the complete evacuation of the west coast of North America.

Now that radioactive debris is hitting the West Coast of North America, numerous different animals and sea life are suffering from mysterious diseases, including 20 bald eagles that have died in Utah over the last few weeks alone. source – InfoWars

The post Why Did Obama Give The Order For 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide? appeared first on Now The End Begins.

Source: http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=15914

Source Link:


4063797662?profile=originalWhen’s It Time To Leave West Coast And/Or The Northern Hemisphere Due To Fukushima Radiation?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On December 31, 2013:

According to several recently released stories, within the next few days a toxic cloud of radiation could be arriving upon the West Coast of America, necessitating that a radiation alert be issued while a Fukushima warning to the world has also gone out. While the mainstream media has nearly completely ignored the unfolding Fukushima tragedy, various alternative news providers have stated that these warnings are not necessary. We disagree completely and have the following reasons laid out before us as facts showing the signs and symptoms of a Fukushima radiological tragedy unfolding before our eyes here in North America and upon the West Coast and throughout the Pacific Ocean that lead us to conclude that Fukushima poses a direct threat to all life.

The Destruction of Our Food Chain:

Bald Eagles, like human beings, sit at the top of the food chain. Due to that fact, chemicals and environmental toxins that accumulate in the lower food chain reach their highest quantity, able to do the most damage, when they arrive as food on our, and the bald eagle’s, tables. West Coast bald eagles are mysteriously dying in droves in Utah and Idaho and experts are finally coming around to saying that it may be due to Fukushima radiation. An alarming decrease of salmon in Alaska and along the entire West Coast also worries experts who further warn that radiation will recirculate for many generations in the Pacific Ocean food chain.

A sailor who left Japan shared that ‘it felt like the ocean was dead’ after they left Japan with no signs of visible life for miles. Meanwhile, we learned that ‘something very odd is happening in the Pacific Ocean’ while only 145 miles off the coast of California, 98% of the seafloor was covered in Fukushima death. These few incidents don’t take into account the unexplained mass die-offs of sea stars, sea cucumbers and sea urchins nor the countless reports of mass deaths of other Pacific Ocean sea creatures being reported over the last 2+ years.

The Radiation is ALL Around Us:

We learned this week from ENENews that plutonium and uranium from Fukushima can be deposited in far away places and may enter the human body through such various ways as dust, rain, fog, food and water, things that ALL of us run into and use EVERY DAY in our daily life and survival. At Before It’s News we consistently find that RADCON 5 Alerts have been issued across America, from the East coast to the West, proving that radiation from Fukushima has invaded our shores and none of us are immune to this invisible and toxic poison which often takes years to accomplish its deadly effects.

How do we get our information?

Without any REAL news about Fukushima from our mainstream news media and our government, who have been PROVEN to be covering up the tragedy at Fukushima to prevent a public panic, how will Americans learn when a toxic radiation cloud from Fukushima comes into our vicinity? Should we trust the same government that so aptly protected members of the US Navy recently when they volunteered their services to help the people of Japan? Will the American public have the opportunity to be notified of a toxic radiation cloud the way Alaska Air workers were notified recently? How long should such a ‘radiation alert’ last for? How will we learn that it’s ok to go back outside? Thankfully, people like Arnie Gundersen, BeautifulGirlByDana, Leuren Moret and many others throughout YouTube and alternative media have been picking up the slack.

Most ‘awake’ Americans are absolutely sickened by what has happened at Fukushima and the nightmare now unfolding. While the MSM and general public are quick to agree that an earthquake caused the Fukushima nightmare, there are many others who believe that Fukushima was a MAN-MADE event, caused by HAARP or an ocean placed nuclear weapon, and a DIRECT ATTACK upon the people of Japan AND North America by a ‘NWO’ syndicate bent upon depopuation, an UNNATURAL disaster that may soon be used to evacuate the West Coast and the end of a lifestyle that millions have grown to love, leaving the properties, homes and families of millions totally worthless and a vast nuclear wasteland for potentially hundreds of years.

The videographers below examine the Fukushima situation from the point of view of ANYTHING BUT the mainstream media and the government. Are what these videographers suggest POSSIBLE in the near future? They certainly are when you take Arnie Gundersen’s worst case scenarios about could POSSIBLY happen at Fukushima into account. Will these scenarios play out? Only time will tell if we’ll have to evacuate the West Coast of North America or possibly the entire Northern hemisphere, but with the track record of TPTB, who’s going to tell us when ‘it’s time’?

4063797781?profile=originalVideo: ALERT EVACUATE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE/ HYDROGEN BOMB ONLY SOLUTION FOR FUKUSHIMA DESTROYER OF WORLDS!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Barney Winner-On December 31, 2013:


4063797686?profile=originalVideo: STEAM EMANATING FROM FUKUSHIMA REACTOR # 3 - WEST COAST OF NORTH AMERICA SHOULD BEGIN PREPARATIONS!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Gary Larrabee-On Decmeber 30, 2013:


Note: For those who think that ONLY the alternative media believes that the West Coast may soon need to be evacuated, the following videos and articles are for you-You Decide:

4063797728?profile=originalVideo: FUKUSHIMA And The End of Humanity-Dr. Michio Kaku!-Posted on YouTube.com-By M o’rourke-On July 18, 2013:


Source Link:


4063797743?profile=originalVideo: Prepare for Mass Extinction - Dr. Michio Kaku!-Posted on YouTube.com-By ManyInterests1-On August 31, 2012:


4063797857?profile=originalVideo: Fukushima is the WORST nuclear disaster in world history!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Tieu Vu-On June 15, 2013:


4063797905?profile=originalVideo: Fukushima - How Soon Will ALL Americans Die From Radiation?-Posted on YouTube.com-By Major Mindjob-On September 5, 2013:


4063797914?profile=originalVideo: FUKUSHIMA....COUNTDOWN TO ZERO PRAY FOR YOUR SOULS!- Posted on YouTube.com-By M o’rourke-On November 7, 2013:


4063797812?profile=originalVideo: FUKUSHIMA . PLUTONIUM WHATS THE PROBLEM!-Posted on YouTube.com-By M o’rourke-On November 9, 2013:


4063797880?profile=originalVideo: FUKUSHIMA, USA PREPARES FOR NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST!-Posted on YouTube.com-By M o’rourke-On November 12, 2013:


4063797890?profile=originalLA Times Sounds Alarm: West Coast Update – Stop Eating Pacific Ocean Seafood Now! Major Fukushima Radiation Warning!!!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On January 6, 2014:

The newly released video below from Low Carb Cory sounds a warning that this story at ENENews via the LA Times emphasizes, STOP EATING Pacific Ocean seafood!!! Low Carb Cory generally covers health & nutrition subjects but voices a loud alarm to his viewers that Fukushima is out of control and the entire Pacific Ocean food chain is suffering as a result with warnings this is just the tip of the iceberg. The ENENews story shares this dire warning from the L.A. Times.:

Alarming West Coast sardine crash likely radiating through ecosystem — Experts warn marine mammals and seabirds are starving, may suffer for years to come — Boats return without a single fish —

While the mainstream media has been slow to report on anything Fukushima related, Americans are quickly turning to the alternative media to get the information that we have not been getting from the corporate controlled media. The bullet points from the LA Times story themselves are alarming.:

West Coast sardine crash could radiate throughout ecosystem

[T]he biggest sardine crash in generations

[S]cientists say the effects are probably radiating throughout the ecosystem, starving brown pelicans, sea lions and other predators

[E]xperts warn the West Coast’s marine mammals, seabirds and fishermen could suffer for years (How does this affect the rest of us?)

The reason for the drop is unclear (Unclear? Are you kidding?)

[T]he decline is the steepest since the collapse of the sardine fishery in the mid-20th century

[T]heir numbers are projected to keep sliding

[T]he crash is raising alarm (Sure has taken a long time…)

[T]here is evidence some ocean predators are starving without sardines (What man does to the Earth he does to himself)

Scarcity of prey is the leading theory behind the 1,600 malnourished sea lion pups that washed up along beaches from Santa Barbara to San Diego in early 2013, said Sharon Melin, a wildlife biologist at the National Marine Fisheries Service:

4063797827?profile=originalVideo: !! ALERT !! Stop Eating All Pacific Sea Food Now!!! Major Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Warning!!!


Source Link:


4063797940?profile=originalATOMIC LIE: FUKUSHIMA DANGER ‘UNDER CONTROL’: ‘Concealing dangers of nuclear disaster with political spin’!-Posted on WND.com-By STEVE ELWART-On January 6, 2014:


4063797844?profile=originalVideo: Alert News Flash Danger Flee Now West Coast Radiation Alert!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Lisa Haven-On January 7, 2014:


4063798012?profile=original1400% Radiation Hot Spot Found on San Francisco Beach: ‘Experts say no link to Fukushima’!-Posted on Infowars.com-By Paul Joseph Watson-On January 8, 2014:


4063798060?profile=originalFukushima Disaster Spawns Yet Another Hideous Beast – Two Headed Whale Washes Ashore In Mexico!-Posted on National Report-On January 8, 2014:


4063798073?profile=originalMutated Fukushima Giant Hornet Responsible For Multiple Nebraska Casualties!-Posted on National Report-On January 8, 2014:


4063797969?profile=originalVideo: Govt Still Silent After Radiation Levels Spike on West Coast!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheAlexJonesChannel-On January 9, 2014:


4063798086?profile=originalThe Effects of Nuclear Testing Since 1945 Shows Us What We Can Expect From Fukushima!-Posted on The DC Clothesline-By Chris Carrington-On January 9, 2014:


4063798041?profile=originalVideo: Pentagon Agency Admits It Began Stockpiling Potassium Iodide Due To Fukushima!-Posted on Before It’s News-By  Mort Amsel (Reporter)-On January 10, 2014:


4063798102?profile=originalVideo: Cali Beach Cleanup- Legal Murder – Insanity On Display For All To See!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On January 10, 2014:


4063798119?profile=originalAbandoning The Fuku Sick US Naval Members – The Ultimate Act Of Cowardice!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On January 13, 2014:


4063797997?profile=originalVideo: Fukushima: Military Poisoned By Fukushima Radiation; Russia Detects Blasts At Fukushima!-Posted on YouTube.com-By missingsky102-On January 4, 2014:


4063798156?profile=originalU.S. Navy Sailors Sue Over Low-dose Radiation!-Posted on The New American-By  Rebecca Terrell-On February 27, 2014:


4063798173?profile=originalVideo: Navy responders to nuke plant disaster sickened!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 28, 2014:


4063798182?profile=originalVideo: Scary: Hawaii Now Uninhabitable Due To Fukushima Radiation!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Zen Gardner (Reporter)-On February 8, 2014:


4063798142?profile=originalRadiation and Fukushima How to protect yourself Dr Russell Blaylock gives advice!-Posted on YouTube.com-By hadibadashi-On December 23, 2013:


4063798216?profile=originalVideo: RADCON 4 – Washington DC As Fox News Admits US Government Lied About Fukushima!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On March 3, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following thought-provoking articles and videos allege that our government triggered the devastating Japan earth quake through possible use of 'HAARP', 'Chemtrails' and 'Nuclear Weapon/Device', along with 'President Obama being implicated in this disaster.'  If True-What's wrong with this picture?-You Decide: 

4063735209?profile=originalVideo: Proof of HAARP Triggered Earth Quake in China and Possibly in Japan!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Hugo Cotro-On June 14, 2009:


4063798307?profile=originalVideo: Japan 8.9 earthquake caused by the U.S. Government with H.A.A.R.P.!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TruthTVIran-On March 19, 2011:


4063798232?profile=originalVideo: THE U.S. Government CREATED KATRINA, JAPAN/HAITI QUAKES WITH HAARP & Chemtrails!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TruthTVIran-On April  17, 2011:


4063798260?profile=originalVideo: Leuren Moret - Fukushima HAARP nuclear attack by CIA, DOE, BP for London banks!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Alfred Lambremont Webre-On May 9, 2011:


4063798269?profile=originalVideo: Leuren Moret: USA, UK Monarchy behind Fukushima radiation genocide!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Alfred Lambremont Webre-On December 18, 2013:


4063798326?profile=originalFukushima Sabotage – Japanese Journalist Accuses Israel!-Posted on VT News-By Jim W. Dean-On October 30, 2011:


4063798279?profile=original3/11 was Japan’s 9/11. It’s all documented folks!-Posted on JimStoneFreeLance.com-By Jim Stone:


Obama Implicated in Nuclear and Tsunami Terrorist Attack Against Japan!-Posted on VT News Report-By Benjamin Fulford-On March 25, 2013:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: I believe that the following thought-provoking articles and videos relate to and/or further support the disturbing information revealed in the above articles and videos-You Decide:

4063735705?profile=originalRadiation Detected In Drinking Water In 13 More US Cities, Cesium-137 In Vermont Milk!-Posted on Forbes-By Jeff McMahon, Contributor-On April 9, 2011:


4063798340?profile=originalFukushima: Radiation, Politics and Public Relations!-Posted on VT News-By Leuren Moret, Dr. Majia Nadesan and Jim Fetzer (with Major William Fox)-On November 11, 2012:


4063738899?profile=originalAudio: Nuclear Power Special: Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (C2CAM)!-Posted on YouTube.com-By C2CAMDarkKnight-On March 4, 2013:


4063798402?profile=originalWHO Lies Refuted: Physicians’ Group Predicts 100,000+ Fukushima Cancer Incidences/Deaths!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Richard Wilcox Ph.D.-On March 13, 2013:


4063798411?profile=originalReport: Third of US West Coast Children Hit With Thyroid Problems Following Fukushima!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Natural Society-On April 3, 2013:


4063798420?profile=originalRadioactive water leak feared at Japan nuclear plant!-Posted on Mari Yamaguchi, Associated Press TOKYO-On April 8, 2013:


4063798435?profile=originalMassive, Uncontained Leak At Fukushima is pouring over 710 billion becquerels of radioactive materials into atmosphere!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Vine Of Life News-On April 24, 2013:


4063798299?profile=originalFukushima Fallout Threat and Cover Up Continues!-Posted on VT News-By Allen L Roland-On May 14, 2013:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: What follows are great websites that provide you with what could be the actual risk for Pacific Coast residents from Fukushima radiation and updates on the Fukushima disaster that will sooner or later affect all of us-You Decide:

4063798447?profile=originalWhat Is The ACTUAL Risk for Pacific Coast Residents from Fukushima Radiation?-Posted on WashingtonsBlog-On December 1, 2013


4063798373?profile=originalLATEST FUKUSHIMA UPDATES!-Posted on rense.com:


Note: The following recent article revealed that a cover-up was recently admitted regarding the radioactive contamination with particles from ‘Fukushima’ of the entire ‘Pacific Coast of the United States, Canada and Mexico.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

4063797625?profile=originalCover-up Admitted: Radioactive Fish Off U.S. West Coast With “Disturbing Fingerprint of Fukushima”!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Mac Slavo-On December 10, 2016:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  I believe that my following blogs relate to this disturbing and/or gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


The Horror of Fukushima Can No Longer Be Called A Conspiracy Theory!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 15, 2016:


4063566206?profile=originalGeoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:


4063736304?profile=originalHow “climate change” is supposedly impacting New Mexico and other southwestern states because of ensuing drought and devastating wildfires!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 10, 2014:


4063761474?profile=originalCould the U.S. Weather & Atmosphere Modification Project (HAARP) be connected to swine flu pandemic & global weather assault causing climate chaos and environmental catastrophes?



The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2016:


4063542593?profile=originalWho owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?


4063734492?profile=original9/11 TRUTH SEEKERS: THE ‘LUNATIC FRINGE’ IS WHOM?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 25, 2014:


4063591265?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” Against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:


4063798523?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!


4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!


4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!


God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Read more…


“It’s an ill wind that blows nobody good.”   Old saying



How to Best Protect All Future

Nuclear Reactor-Powered Generating Plants



    This blog will concern two closely related aspects of the Japanese tragedy that began over a week ago . . . .  

              1. John Heywood’s “Book of Proverbs” published in 1546 included this now famous saying: "An yll wynde that blowth no man to good, men say" and how it relates to the American economy now

              2. How to protect the nuclear power industry and, more importantly American citizens and the American economy

              Let’s begin with a current anecdote that thematically ties the two stories together: did you know that in response to the “meltdown” of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s support, Russia --which holds U.N. Security Council veto power -- was the main obstacle to the world agreeing to institution of a no-fly zone over Libya? Why? Because as one of the world’s greatest oil producers, Russia enjoys all manner of chaos that regularly tends to drive the price of oil skyward. In other words the “ill-wind” in Libya was blowing the Russian economy lots of good, thankfully worldwide pressure has seen the Russians capitualte. Similarly, that same “ill wind” in Libya is causing lots of consternation here in America as oil prices rise and drive gasoline cost at the pump inexorably higher. The connectedness of the world’s economy is both a curse and a boon depending upon which way the wind blows.

             America has a duty to help out our long-time ally Japan, no question.   At the same time, the American auto industry and auto- parts industries and all other American manufacturers need to respond to fill the vacuum left by the severe hit on Japan’s manufacturing from the combined 8.9 magnitude earthquake and horrific tsunami. Demand for automobiles and their parts; and electronics; and other manufactured goods is not going to drop substantially, someone needs to fill that void and it might as well be us. An ongoing and surprising example is the present boom in the sales of American Geiger counters and of American nutritional sales of potassium-iodide pills to the Japanese and to our own West Coast citizens.   On point #1, the ill-wind** needs to be exploited in our favor, ‘Nuff said.


             Point #2   As a former navy nuclear reactor operator on an American warship, Rajjpuut is aghast at the apparent state of the peace-time American nuclear industry in general; and more on our blog topic, those in Japan run by TEPCo (the Tokyo Electric Power Company); and most pointedly at the reactor plant grouping found at the Fukushima Daiichi generating station in the northeast of Japan’s main island of Honshu. As a former trainee of the Kepner-Tregoe management advisors, Rajjpuut believes that nuclear safety while a very complicated and utterly critical requirement: is ultimately quite easy.   “Yes,” complicated and critical, therefore NOT simple, but also “Yes,” easy. 

             Nuclear power safety issues are made easy by the utter necessity of ZERO failures. If cost, for example, can become a serious issue, then you wind up weighing-balancing cost and safety; and cost vs. safety  . . . clearly cost can NEVER become part of the decision-making process. Quality at every step, in every decision ties in to virtual 100% safety planning.   The key question as it always is in Kepner-Tregoe’s PPA (potential problem analysis) process is “What could go wrong?”

             With that key question “What cold go wrong?” guiding us, then it immediately becomes obvious that Japan is one of the worst places in the world to build nuclear reactors.   That does not mean that smart-safe reactors cannot be built there . . . it just means that SAFETY, which we knew was vital before, becomes absolutely a thousand-fold more critical.    Why? Because sitting on the edge of the Pacific Rim of Fire where severe and violent earthquake and tsunami activity are relatively common activities a whole lot more can be expected to go wrong on a regular basis.   TEPCo (a Japanese corporation with a scandal-ridden past throughout much of its fifty-year history in the nuclear industry) is the corporation ultimately responsible for cooling down and safeguarding the public from the threatened Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors.   However, TEPCo clearly hasn’t lives up to the challenge as its communications generally appear at odds with the international nuclear power agency’s evaluations and even to be internally contradictory.  Since TEPCo has five times been cited for false safety records in just the last decade, it’s an easy call to say that even though logically COST cannot matter . . .   TEPCo has badly violated that principle in the past and presumably is doing so right now also. Planning for a 7.5 magnitude earthquake in the initial stages and then not protecting reactors from potential tsunamis is a travesty. 

             Someone deliberately violated the safety before cost principles and now the whole island nation is at risk. Rajjpuut’s betting that in future, nations will be insisting upon nuclear plants built a minimum of five miles inland (away from tsunamis at any rate) capable of withstanding magnitude ten earthquakes.   Rajjpuut will also bet that common sense will prevail and future nuclear sites will contain only one reactor within a three-mile radius. Obviously the problem at the Fukushima complex has escalated so that if one reactor becomes a new Chernobyl, than the prospects are that the immediate three other reactors and the other two reactors at the site (six in all) will also become part of a monstrously greater problem.

              It’s been a long time since Rajjpuut worked in a nuclear reactor environment. However, referring back to his magnificent Kepner-Tregoe training, he believes that virtually any thinking man or woman with even a moderate exposure to the basic concepts of nuclear physics (and learning those basics are no harder than mastering many principles of the internal combustion engines (ICE) powering our cars) could plan how to safeguard virtually any nuclear reactor with very little effort. Again, the key concept is that failure is NOT an option/100% virtual safety is the goal. So what’s the idea here?

             What is the worst-case scenario with Japan’s nuclear reactors right now? Something Chernobyl-like at least in the public consciousness? And why does that situation now exist?

            The problem exists because power was cut by the earthquake. Power was cut by the tsunami. Power which was supposed to keep the reactor cooling system was not available. Backup systems that were supposed to replace essential cooling systems all failed 100%.  And the tsunami corrupted the reactor area itself. So what is the essential problem underlying the potential nuclear disaster in Japan?

            The cooling of the reactor’s fuel cell and total core has failed. If, despite the 8.9 quake and the ills brought by the tsunami . . . somehow the reactor core remained at normal operating or normal shutdown temperatures . . . no harm, no foul. So here’s Rajjpuut’s failsafe method . . . offered to the world for free:

            With each reactor (and remember they should each always be located separate and independent from other reactors and away from potential tsunami damage) build two rectangular buildings capable of withstanding an earthquake of magnitude 11. Each will house a diesel-powered emergency generator -- each generator built integral with the building itself. The generator, for example might be attached to the building with four solid beams attached one to each wall.   Test Generator A every Wednesday and Generator B every Sunday and examine all their connections to the reactor electrically and mechanically every other week. Even if all hell breaks loose as happened in Japan, you can lug in portable pumps etc.   just knowing you’ve got lighting, fans and electric power would be a “Godsend!”    Expensive? You bet? But public safety should NOT be compromised. Short of an earthquake with its very epicenter below the reactor and the two emergency generators . . . nothing except a one in a quadrillion hit by a giant meteorite will bring on the equal of today’s problems at the Fukushima site.


Ya’ll live long strong and ornery,



**        Sidebar here:  By the way, speaking of ill winds, there is a growing body of scientific knowledge that says that very small amounts of radiation from nuclear plants; x-rays; security scans; etc. is actually beneficial . . . it’s called “radiation hormesis:”


and actually helps prevent cancer for just one of its many indicated benefits.  That means it’s quite likely that the thinking that any sun at all is bad for you; and any radiation at all is bad for you is just utter nonsense. No sun, for example, means that millions of Americans are suffering from inadequate levels of Vitamin D-3 . . . .

            The trouble with “medical science” is that so much of it is tied to profit for somebody or other which gets in the way of serious science.   It’s all reminiscent of a time when health educator Rajjpuut was telling people back in the 1970’s that eggs were a wonderful food and that cholesterol didn’t cause heart attacks despite their so-called scientific evidence (based upon a mere 47% correlation between heart attack deaths and high cholesterol – less than a coin flip; while triglycerides in some studies show 86% correlation). Cholesterol levels used to be considered high at 280; then they were adjusted to label “high” at 250; then 200; and now some idiot doctors are saying that a 175 reading is “high.” Two comments: 1) Very low cholesterol readings can leave you vulnerable to strokes (and the idea that taking an aspirin every day can prevent heart attacks also makes one similarly more vulnerable to strokes) that waxy substance cholesterol is absolutely vital for your body’s well-being and your brain needs more of it than any other parts do and 2) if you drop the cholesterol readings low enough soon you’ll have a 100% correlation that will mean exactly nothing. When they can explain ultra-high cholesterol readings in highly fit aboriginal peoples (for one example, in Eskimos who subsist on blubber) and in Third-World peoples who never have heart attacks, then Rajjpuut will be listening.



Read more…


                The next dozen or so times you talk with the Creator, put in a good word for the Japanese who really need all the help, divine or otherwise, they can get.  In the wake of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and the ensuing tsunami, in the last half hour things just got a lot worse. The news is, in short:  not good. According to reliable sources in Japan, “an explosion” at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant injured several workers and began emitting either smoke or steam about ten minutes after a loud explosion was heard. 
Purportedly the ceiling of the reactor’s radiation containment building collapsed. Cause of the explosion is under investigation but any such damage at any nuclear plant is cause for serious concern. Rajjpuut, who worked as an electronic technician and reactor operator on the U.S.S. Truxtun (a nuclear-powered frigate), has not been optimistic since he first heard roughly 24 hours ago that several Japanese reactors had scrammed and that two were having cooling system problems. In the worst-case scenario, a meltdown is underway already. Lesser scenarios are much less potent and deadly, but hardly anything to cheer about except to say, “Hurrah, NO meltdown is going on yet!”  Apparently the problems all ensued when several normally reliable back-up systems failed at the same time as the reactor "fail-safe" scram on the heels of the massive 8.9 Richter-scale earthquake which struck northeast Japan. 
           Worst news of all at that time was that the backup cooling system was inoperable. Nuclear energy comes from heated water in a contained primary system heated by nuclear fuel generating steam in a secondary system that turns turbines serving as generators of electricity.  The primary system of a nuclear plant MUST be contained/housed inside thick radiation-proof walls and never be allowed to overheat or to come in contact with ordinary atmosphere.  Nuclear fuel rods generate incredible heat which must be removed constantly by a reliable cooling system. Because of the high density population on Japan, the short- and long-term health risks are almost unimaginably stark for people in the vicinity. Complicating the issue is that the Fukushima nuclear site is a multiple reactor location with at least two operating reactors. No word yet on the cooling systems for other Fukushima reactors. Pray for the Japanese people.
Say a sincere and righteous prayer,

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