kingmakers (1)

“In truth, the TEA Party came that the Republican Party might save its soul. Not the ‘Party of No’ but the ‘Party of Whoa!’” Rajjpuut

“NEVERTHELESS, the TEA Party’s birth should have been recognized by Time magazine in 2009 as among the top ten events of 2009 (not even in their top 100) and Time notwithstanding, the TEA Party influence is the #1 story in America for 2010. The TEA Party “Contract from America” and House Minority Leader John Boehner’s and the G.O.P.’s “Pledge to America” are the two fundamental documents needed for an American Renaissance. Rajjpuut

Historic Election Approaches -- Vote

Your Constitutionally-Conservative Values

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 marks the most important election in at least four decades. The nation and the world are in severe crisis and only the rebirth of America’s principles can save us all. The two most DEFINING DYNAMICS of this election are these:

#1 Barack Obama and the progressive agenda threatening to destroy America as we know and love her . . . .

#2 The aroused Conservatives-on-the-March movement known as the TEA Party which stands for both “Taxed Enough Already” and even more aptly “Taken Enough Abuse” . . . .

The progressives’ rhetoric consistently maintains that the second item above is just another “reactionarism” by the “Party of NO,” that is, the TEA Party is just an “astroturf” G.O.P. feint at real populism. The TEA Party, of course, is an authentic conservative grassroots response that was clearly even more fed up with the “conservatives in name only” big-spending Republican Party which could have easily earned the title “Progressive-Lite” as they were with the radical-driven Democrats. In truth, the TEA Party came that the Republican Party might save its soul. Not the “Party of No” but the 'Party of Whoa!'”

With the exception of a few idiotic missteps, the TEA Party has wisely forgone the self-defeating narcissism of nominating its own candidates. Where the TEA Party has chosen to nominate candidates in the primaries rather than playing the more natural and powerful role of kingmaker once the candidates were set, the results have been poor. The perfect examples of this are Delaware, Nevada and Colorado. The political climate is so anti-incumbent and anti-Obama that a mental defective could be expected to win against the three horrific progressive-Democrats running for the U.S. Senate in those states . . . but thanks to the TEA Party’s pre-primary involvement not only are the results very much in doubt, the odds against stripping Obama of his senate control are now fairly high. And, of course, what do you have if you win despite the nonsense of O’Donnell, Angle and Buck? Three idiots in the U.S. Senate, ugh!

Let's get the "cautionary tales" out of the way so we can go back to congratulating ourselves for a job well done, eh? In Nevada two strong conservative candidates were running in the Republican Primary to oppose Harry Reid. The eventual “winner" chosen by the TEA Party, however, was unqualified as far as communications skills, intelligence and understanding of political strategy (in this case the strategy is ultra-simple: concentrate on Reid’s record; Nevada’s problems; Obama’s record; America’s problems; and protecting our Constitution and our pocketbooks; nothing else) who is now embroiled in a needlessly close and expensive campaign that either of the other more qualified candidates would have put away long ago.

In particular, Angle has injected the infamously losing and suicidal social-conservativism into the equation. In case no one mentioned it to her, the TEA Party’s ten item “Contract from America” concentrated on fiscal and Constitutional issues and left social-conservativism unmentioned. The nation is and always has been fiscally and Constitutionally conservative . . . the reason that conservative clarity has been flooded over by progressive muddle-headedness so often in the last century is simply that Conservatives have been all too eager to push their social prohibitions (most infamously the notorious Volstead Act prohibiting liquor) upon everyone else. In Colorado, Ken Buck is just Sharon Angle on Super-Steroids. Rajjpuut who lives in Colorado is ashamed of the god-awful choices available to him . . . Buck or Bennet. And, as far as Delaware, the less said about the TEA Party nominee, the better. She makes Ken Buck look like a statesman. And the final piece of idiocy? Neither the TEA Party nor the Republicans are revealing their major weapons . . . how much talk have you heard about the TEA Party "Contract from America" or the Republican "Pledge to America. It's kind of like leaving your varsity at home and dressing only the freshmen team for the biggest game of the season. Thankfully, the frosh have been doing well.

Those are the negatives and they are serious enough to presumably cost conservatives control of the Senate. NEVERTHELESS, the TEA Party is the story of the Obama years thus far and the TEA Party’s birth should have been recognized by Time magazine in 2009 as among the top ten events of 2009 (not even in their top 100) and Time notwithstanding, the TEA Party influence is the #1 story in America for 2010. The TEA Party “Contract from America” and House Minority Leader John Boehner’s and the G.O.P.’s “Pledge to America” are the two fundamental documents necessary for an American Renaissance. Thank God for the TEA Party!

In case Rajjpuut’s message is not precisely clear to the reader: in its proper role as “KINGMAKER,” the TEA Party is no threat to the G.O.P. but rather is a dynamic coalescence of all good things conservative (fiscal and constitutional) and American. Democratic conservatives, Independent Conservatives and Republican Conservatives now, finally, have a home. Holding the feet of the two major parties to the fire as Kingmakers, rather than splitting Conservative votes, the TEA Party has it in its power to return America to her roots and a new greatness. Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal echoed these same thoughts that Rajjpuut has voiced on at least a dozen prior occasions at this blog site:

Noonan says, “The tea party is not a ‘threat’ to the Republican Party, the tea party saved the Republican Party. In a broad sense, the tea party rescued it from being the fat, unhappy, querulous creature it had become, a party that didn't remember anymore why it existed, or what its historical purpose was. The tea party, with its energy and earnestness, restored the GOP to itself.” AMEN!!!!!

As always, Ms. Noonan and the Wall Street Journal lead the way to understanding for intelligent Americans; and the cartoon in the article-linked above says it all, doesn’t it?

Meanwhile, as in all things progressive, the ultra-left wing of the Democrats has refused to acknowledge reality . . . lost in their Marxist dreams and all . . . they persist in believing their own self-indulgent lies that the TEA Party is astroturf; unimportant; made up of unintelligent racists; and impotent to fight and win the battle of “dialectic materialism.” Thank God so many crooks and other criminals are cretins; and thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord – a million times over that the commies are cretins-cubed.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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