levin (275)


4063726640?profile=originalThere were school buses parked for as far as my childhood eyes could see. Dad and I were amongst a sea of mostly black faces. The stage seemed a mile away from us. Black movie star Lena Horn took to the microphone. Her speech of heartily yelling one word drove the crowd wild with delight and applause. “FRREEEDDDOOOOMMMM!!!”

While Dr Martin Luther King, Jr's speech made history, I was extremely impressed that Ms. Horn could simply utter one word and exit the stage leaving the crowd electrified.

We wore commemorative buttons that day. Dad said I told him, “I'm not taking off this button until we get our freedom.”

Another thing that resonated in my young impressionable brain was MLK saying something about dreaming of a day when little black boys and girls and little white boys and girls would walk together in love. No, those were not MLK's exact words, but that’s the message I took home. It felt good, honorable and right.

Black civil rights movement pioneers such as Jesse Jackson were entrusted with building upon MLK's well-intentioned legacy. Tragically, Jackson along with a majority have been seduced to the dark side (Liberalism).

MLK did not sacrifice his life for black empowerment to be reduced to a pawn in a political chess game; used as a weapon to bludgeon white conservatives into submitting to an anti-Christian and anti-America agenda. And yet, that is exactly what has been happening particularly since Obama took up residence in the White House.

Betrayed by it's generals, MLK's once great Civil Rights movement has abandoned it's mission of black empowerment. It has morphed into the Race Industry. Its sole purpose is to exploit race for political and financial gain. The Race Industry and white liberals are a tag-team committed to declaring any and all opposition to anything Obama wants to do as racism against America's first black president.

So for the first time in US history, Americans are not permitted to criticize, impugn or disagree with their president. Challengers to this rule are dealt with swiftly and severely; humiliated and destroyed in the mainstream media.

Professional race exploiters such as Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP and CBC are unchallenged by the mainstream media no matter how outrageous and over-the-top their accusations. For example: Jesse Jackson called Florida an apartheid state because of the not guilty verdict in the Zimmerman trial. How absurd. And yet, not one person in the mainstream media has said, Jesse, you're nuts! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb6huGU8QpM

Is Jesse Jackson and the Race Industry representative of MLK's dream; black and white kids walking together in brotherly love? Absolutely not. Jesse and his ilk only seek power and thirty pieces of silver in exchange for black votes to liberal politicians, while ignoring the best interest of black America.

MLK was a Christian and a Republican, both are anathemas to the contemporary Civil Rights movement (race industry) which has sold its soul to the dark side; embracing no restrictions on abortion, same-sex marriage, government redistribution of wealth and government controlling every aspect of our lives. This is not rhetoric. It is documented truth. http://bit.ly/AwzwIo

Riding on the coattails of Obama's black skin, liberal black politicians are using America's new hyper sensitivity to all things racial to get their way. Want to silence political opposition? Call it racist. White conservatives typically run for the tall grass, cowering in fear.

This is why I find Steve Lonegan's response to attempts to play the Race Card against him extraordinary and refreshing. Lonegan's opponent is a black liberal Obama sycophant. Keep in mind that Lonegan is legally blind. Thus, his response was brilliant and gutsy. “I have a handicap, you know. I am a white guy running in the state of New Jersey.”

Wow! Folks, I wanted to give Lonegan a man hug. Finally, a white conservative who refuses to be pushed back on his heels, falling for the same old Democrat tactic. Lonegan spoke the truth which our side is not permitted to do in our politically correct America. Liberals are furious at Lonegan. This uppity white boy had better remember his place.

Staying on offense like Lonegan is the only way we are going to save our country folks. Liberals are never going to back off from accusing conservatives of racism because it works; their most effective weapon.

Thus, the only thing we conservatives can do is change our reaction to their vacant evil lies. We need more courageous conservatives like Steve Lonegan who will not be intimidated or side tracked; willing to stand up and fight for principles and values that most Americans hold dear.

We also need you to rally around guys like Lonegan; patriots willing to say, “Hang in there brother, we got your back!” http://bit.ly/16mXgOo

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman: http://www.conservativecampaign.org/


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After watching Hannity interview the US Muslim man that wants to have a Muslim march in Washington DC on 9/11/13, I saw a picture of that Muslim smiling in a picture with Joe Biden. WE know Obama has hired several Muslim Brotherhood members and placed some of them in our Homeland Security organization.  Obama had the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leaders visit the Whitehouse while they were in power and suspending their Constitution, implementing Sharia law after promising otherwise and Christians were being murdered. It is hard to understand what this administration is doing and why they are doing it.


We know Obama regrets that our Constitution is a set of negative rights and restricts him, we know he wants to cut 12 military brigades, we know he would like zero nuclear weapons in the US , but would settle for 300 hundred which is smaller than China's arsenal, we know he unilaterally cut missile defense in Europe to appease Putin and reset our relationship to a weaker position, we know Obama does not like the Second Amendment by his actions and the multitude of democratic anti gun laws pending.


" The fire walls to our Constitution have been breached." Mark Levin. Our Congress is suppose to protect us but so far they have not. Unlike previous Presidents Barak Hussein Obama may not limit his imperial actions but rather continue to expand his abuses of power. Hopefully at some point Congress will have enough while they still have any real power.



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Mark Levin has just published his much-anticipated book The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American RepublicThree of his eleven proposed Constitutional amendments appear below, and a Sean Hannity interview of Levin appears at the bottom of this post.

Levin’s book is centered around the Constitution’s Article V (aka “Article 5″). That article specifies two methods for amending the Constitution. Just briefly –

  1. In the first method of creating amendments, Congress proposes and the States dispose.
  2. In the second method of creating amendments, the States propose and the States dispose.

Liberty AmendmentsThe second method has never been used successfully, although there have been many attempts.  It is that second method that the Founders provided as a remedy for an overreaching federal government.

In the second method, neither Congress, nor the President, nor the Supreme Court have any voting or veto authority whatsoever.  The states are in full control. Period. It is, by design, the ultimate override for an over-spending, over-taxing, over-regulating, and increasingly dictatorial and lawless federal government. Clearly, its time has come.

In that second method, Congress has at most a mere ministerial role.  Of course Congress is very protective of its power, and could, through delay and inaction, attempt to convert their mere ministerial role into a de facto veto power, halting any attempt for a state-driven amendment action.

Apparently Congress has done exactly that many times, acting in bad faith and contrary to the Framers’ spirit and intent for Article V which is clearly expressed in the Federalist Papers. Legal scholars have been trying to find a way around the federal government’s intransigence, so far with little success.

Now more than ever, it is time for We the People to bring the power of Article V to the center ring of American politics. That starts with awareness, and Levin’s book will bring more Americans than ever to the fight for a Constitutionally limited federal government.

Three of Levin’s proposed amendments appear below.  As you read these, imagine what just these three alone could do to break up the ruling-class cliques in Washington that have driven us, our children, and our grandchildren so deeply into debt.

An Amendment to Establish Term Limits for Members of Congress

SECTION 1: No person may serve more than twelve years as a member of Congress, whether such service is exclusively in the House or the Senate or combined in both Houses.

SECTION 2: Upon ratification of this Article, any incumbent member of Congress whose term exceeds the twelve-year limit shall complete the current term, but thereafter shall be ineligible for further service as a member of Congress.

Two Amendments to Limit Federal Spending and Taxing


SECTION 1: Congress shall adopt a preliminary fiscal year budget no later than the first Monday in May for the following fiscal year, and submit said budget to the President for consideration.

SECTION 2: Shall Congress fail to adopt a final fiscal year budget prior to the start of each fiscal year, which shall commence on October 1 of each year , and shall the President fail to sign said budget into law , an automatic, across-the-board, 5 percent reduction in expenditures from the prior year’s fiscal budget shall be imposed for the fiscal year in which a budget has not been adopted.

US_ConstitutionSECTION 3: Total outlays of the federal government for any fiscal year shall not exceed its receipts for that fiscal year.

SECTION 4: Total outlays of the federal government for each fiscal year shall not exceed 17.5 percent of the Nation’s gross domestic product for the previous calendar year.

SECTION 5: Total receipts shall include all receipts of the United States Government but shall not include those derived from borrowing. Total outlays shall include all outlays of the United States Government except those for the repayment of debt principal.

SECTION 6: Congress may provide for a one-year suspension of one or more of the preceding sections in this Article by a three-fifths vote of both Houses of Congress, provided the vote is conducted by roll call and sets forth the specific excess of outlays over receipts or outlays over 17.5 percent of the Nation’s gross domestic product.

SECTION 7: The limit on the debt of the United States held by the public shall not be increased unless three-fifths of both Houses of Congress shall provide for such an increase by roll call vote.

SECTION 8: This Amendment shall take effect in the fourth fiscal year after its ratification.


SECTION 1: Congress shall not collect more than 15 percent of a person’s annual income, from whatever source derived. “Person” shall include natural and legal persons.

SECTION 2: The deadline for filing federal income tax returns shall be the day before the date set for elections to federal office.

SECTION 3: Congress shall not collect tax on a decedent’s estate.

SECTION 4: Congress shall not institute a value-added tax or national sales tax or any other tax in kind or form.

SECTION 5: This Amendment shall take effect in the fourth fiscal year after its ratification.

US-constitution2The remaining eight amendments have the following titles (see the book for details):

An Amendment to Restore the Senate

An Amendment to Establish Term Limits for the Supreme Court Justices and Super-Majority Legislative Override

An Amendment to Limit the Federal Bureaucracy

An Amendment to Promote Free Enterprise

An Amendment to Protect Private Property

An Amendment to Grant the States Authority to Directly Amend the Constitution

An Amendment to Grant the States Authority to Check Congress

An Amendment to Protect the Vote


We've all been fighting alligators for a very long time. Maybe this is the way to start draining the swamp!

If a video post does not appear below, go to http://youtu.be/X1gu9a9eOgA

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4063720656?profile=originalAs a black conservative tea party activist, I am extremely excited about Bill O'Reilly’s recent series of commentaries and TV shows addressing the hypocrisy and exploitation by the American race industry that has and continues to devastate the black community.

O'Reilly boldly called out all of the usual suspects, Sharpton, Jackson, the Congressional Black Caucus and Obama.

Eric Holder and others on the left have been whining and arrogantly scolding us saying, “We need an honest discussion about race in America.” Whenever despicable race hustlers such as Holder suggest that we talk about race, it means they want to further the false narrative that America is still racist and somebody needs to get paid; more entitlements, growing government bigger and increased deficit spending.

Well, O'Reilly called Holder and company's hand and “honestly” addressed race in America and the Left are out of their minds with rage. Why? Because like the famous line in the movie, the Left “can't handle the truth”.

In fairness, Rush Limbaugh has been taking enormous heat for courageously and honestly addressing race issues in America for years on his radio show. However, O'Reilly is the only white host on a number one TV show with the stones to address the huge elephant in black America's living room. Why is black America a mess?

O'Reilly tells it like it is: fatherless homes, out-of-wedlock births, high rate of school dropouts, drugs, crime and high unemployment in the black community.

Arrogant racist white liberals have been patting themselves on the back for their superior compassion for minorities for years. Their crappy entitlement programs and insulting lowered standards have clearly destroyed the black family.

In reality, O'Reilly and Limbaugh are the guys who are expressing real compassion for black Americans. The first step to fixing a problem is to acknowledge that there is one.

Laura Ingraham guest hosted on the O'Reilly show. In her discussion with a black pundit, Ingraham stated that Al Sharpton's hypocrisy injures blacks. The idiot pundit's reply was , “How dare white people tell us who our leaders should be.”

What a racist stupid response. I thought, “Madam you and your ilk are the problem. You are the reason why blacks continue to die via black on black crime, suffer broken families and end up in jail. Get off of my TV you vile human being!” Yes, I grabbed my remote and muted her.

Folks, my passions are high because this is serious business. Black lives are being destroyed while white limousine liberals feel good about themselves and black liberal sell-outs get rich.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media or generation-of-vipers as I like to refer to them, punishes and seeks to destroy anyone who dares to honestly address the issues fueling the extinction of blacks in America.

Yes, with blacks killing blacks in record numbers and half of black pregnancies ending in abortions, we blacks are well on our way to self-induced genocide.

O'Reilly's revelations about what has gone terribly wrong in the black community are not new. Myself along with other black conservatives have been fighting on the front lines writing articles and books, giving speeches and more confronting these issues for years.

But with the mainstream media's boycott of black non-liberal voices on TV, exposure of our ideas have been extremely limited.

O'Reilly's rant has unquestionably brought the source of the problem and our ideas front and center. Finally, a broad audience of Americans, black and white, have a rare opportunity to hear the truth.

I am prayerfully optimistic that O'Reilly's “honest” conversation about race will spark positive change; saving black lives and the futures of black youths.

Thanks Bill. Keep those right-on commentaries comin' white boy.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman: http://www.conservativecampaign.org/


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4063720269?profile=originalIn the midst of all the racial hullabaloo stirred up by so-called advocates for black empowerment after the Zimmerman trail, guess who is really being harmed? Answer: Black America.

All of you black pastors, black politicians and black celebs who have joined Sharpton and the MSM's lynch mob to “get Zimmerman” should be ashamed of yourselves. You are doing a huge disservice to the very people you claim to champion by chasing a straw man while ignoring the real issues that are devastating black America.

Everyone knows the black community is a mess. White folks ain't killin' us. We are killing each other. Over 70 and increasing percent of black kids grow up in fatherless homes. Researchers warn that we blacks are aborting ourselves into extinction. Black school dropout rates are at epidemic levels. Fatherless households and school dropouts fuel through the roof high black unemployment, gangs and incarcerations.

And yet, all of you so-called defenders of black America are hellbent on destroying the life of one Hispanic for defending himself. Displaying remarkable evil intend, the MSM launched a false narrative filled with lies about the incident; not giving a darn about the consequences, loss of property and lives.

To strengthen their America is racist storyline the MSM creatively called Zimmerman a “white Hispanic”. The MSM edited Zimmerman's 911 call to make him sound racist. To gin up black rage the MSM promoted a photo of Martin as an innocent 12 year old rather than the 17 year old 6'2” 160 lb thug he was at the time of the incident. Yes, Martin's history documents that he was a thug.

By the way, black activists saying that the jury declaring Zimmerman not guilty means it is open season on young black men is pure evil race-baiting crap. Statistically, blacks are 50 times more likely to assault whites than vice versa.

You black avengers should be totally outraged that CNN's white liberal host Piers Morgan presented Rachel Jeantel's ignorant ghetto language as representative of how we speak in the black community. Morgan called Jeantel “one smart cookie” and you knuckleheads probably consider Morgan and his condescending fellow white liberals our friends.

Please forgive my use of “knuckleheads”. I just find it extremely frustrating that liberals continue to urinate on blacks, tell us it is the Republicans fault and we fall for it. Liberal pandering has destroyed the black family and continues to wreck havoc in the black community; and my fellow blacks can not see it and continue to kiss white liberal's derrieres. Yes, I am frustrated.

In the eyes of a relative of mine, her son could do no wrong. She created a spoiled brat that grew up to be a jerk; no self discipline or respect for authority. His personal relationships were disasters. He could not keep a job. He died young. While I believe everyone is ultimately responsible for their own behavior, his mom's lack of parenting contributed to his demise.

Folks, this is exactly what liberal black leaders and liberal whites having been doing to blacks; refusing to hold us accountable for bad destructive behavior and making excuses for us.

Real compassion is honestly dealing with the issues plaguing the black community rather than so-called advocates (Democrats and the MSM) using our dysfunction for their political and financial gain.

All of you black celebs and black politicians demanding Zimmerman's head on a platter make mega-millions of dollars a year. With blacks being only 12% of the population, you would not be who you are without white support. Thus, your accusation that America is hostile towards black males is absurd, racist and worst of all, discouraging to young blacks.

America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. Period! End of subject!

Black advocates indulging blacks in irresponsible self-destructive behavior only serves to undermine black progress; creating spoiled, entitlement minded, undisciplined, hopeless and angry black youths. Do you guys not see the disservice you are doing to your own people? It is the same as bad parenting.

But, here is what is truly sad and frustrating. Every word in this article is true. And yet, liberals black and white, will read it and seek to silence, punish and destroy me; calling me a traitorous sellout, an Uncle Tom and a self-loathing stupid “n” word.

Meanwhile, liberal's exploitation will further the decline and suffering of black America. Race hustling ambulance chasers like Sharpton will continue seeking opportunities to extort a buck and increase their political power. Liberals will continue treating us blacks like inferior idiots demanding lowered standards and expectations. Lord, help us.

Black males will continue killing each other over the slightest dis. That 70% rate of black out-of-wed births and fatherless homes will continue rising along with school dropouts, abortions, unemployment and incarcerations. And blacks will continue rewarding liberal Democrats with almost 100% of their vote.

In keeping with liberal's lowering the bar for blacks, Rachel Jeantel will probably get her own reality TV show. Millions of black youths will be able to learn “new school” as Rachel described it, black language, “creepy ass cracka” and “nigga”. I wonder what her TV show will be titled? “Rachel Jeantel: She Be All Dat”.

Go ahead and accuse me of not being down with authentic blackness or a traitor to my race if you want to, but I will not be tuning into Rachel's show.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who inspired black excellence must be turning over in his grave.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman: http://www.conservativecampaign.org/


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4063719060?profile=originalSincere well-intentioned Americans are asking, “What must we do to heal the racial divide following the Zimmerman trial?” What my naïve fellow Americans do not comprehend is that the Democratic party and the mainstream media are heavily invested in keeping racial tension alive.

During Obama's presidency, race exploitation has been on steroids, used by Obama minions to silence opposition to his lawless implementation of his socialist agenda. Therefore, Democrats and the MSM will continue stirring the pot of racial division until it is no longer profitable.

The American people have proven their eagerness to put race behind us by electing the first black president, exempting him from the usual vetting process of one seeking the position of leader of the free world. Given his ties to anti-American far left radicals, weak credentials and under-reported excess baggage, Obama would not have been elected president if he were white.

Lets address the question of what to do to heal America's racial divide. The first thing I would do is enact a 50 year moratorium on Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson having access to TV cameras and microphones; banning both guys from media appearances.

Second, I would disband the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus. Both these groups have abandoned their higher purpose to become scam artists – shills for conning blacks into embracing a socialist/liberal agenda. Real black empowerment is no longer their mission, quite the opposite. Both groups are hostile to self-reliant empowered black role models. Exploiting race is the meat and potatoes of the NAACP and CBC's modus operandi.

Another thing I would advise Americans to do to begin racial healing is stop watching most of the mainstream media; particularly CNN, MSNBC and other agenda driven networks.

For crying out loud, NBC broadcast their doctored Zimmerman 911 call to make him appear to be a racist. http://bit.ly/16PKk52 Does that sound like NBC desires racial healing? I pray Zimmerman's lawsuit against NBC reaps him a huge financial reward.

Exploiting race is so effective, evil and divisive because racial loyalty runs deep. I was surprised to hear a few fellow black conservatives parroting the liberal media's spin of the Zimmerman trial. Racial loyalty explains why otherwise bright blacks became brain-dead Obama voters in 2008.

Political hacks such as the DOJ's Eric Holder who called for a “national dialog about race” are themselves the problem – fueling the flames of racial division. In reality, racial healing is Holder, Obama and company's worst nightmare.

To racially heal our land, justice must be distributed equally rather than politicians pandering to voting blocs; each jockeying for top victim status. Cease making excuses and exempting people-of-color from obeying the law to win their votes.

Oh, and for crying out loud, stop making it open season on dissing white America. Accusing whites of racism every time they disagree with another Obama outrageous power grab or move toward Socialism does not advance national racial healing.

Allow me to recap. To begin racial healing in America we should shut up Sharpton and Jackson, close down the NAACP and CBC, cease watching agenda-driven media, stop dividing Americans into victimized voting blocs and last but not lease; allow the American people to be who they truly are, fair-minded, decent, compassionate and generous without government interference.

Please note, my suggestion to silence Sharpton and Jackson and to disband the NAACP and CBC are made in jest. Unlike the Obama Administration and MSM enforcers of Political Correctness, I honor and defend our first Amendment right to free speech.

Every day in every way, Americans are getting along really well. Race problems are not that big of a deal. I know. I know. Some of you are going nuts over my statement. But, it is true. Blacks and whites are working, playing and having babies together.

Am I saying racism no longer exist? Absolutely not. Like every other sin, racism will survive until Jesus returns. All I am saying is that racism is not the major problem that Democrats and the mainstream media are so committed to having you believe; while they promote and nurture racial division.

If the race hustling pimps in the so-called civil rights movement and the MSM would get out of our way, we Americans will work out our racial issues.

I advise my fellow Americans to continue spreading a little love and forgiveness which is what the silent majority have been doing for years.

So, there you have it folks. This is how we achieve racial healing after the Zimmerman trial.

As always, it is up to us, every day Americans who make the country work to bring about racial healing; not the race baiting liberal elitists. We are Americans, good people blessed by God.

This is why I am honored to be named among you, a proud unhyphenated American.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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4063717829?profile=originalI was elated upon hearing the not guilty verdict in the Zimmerman trial. It gave me hope that America has not yet totally succumb to the tyranny of Political Correctness. It is refreshing that the jury was not willing to sacrifice the life of an innocent man on the alter in worship of Political Correctness enforced by the mainstream media and the Obama Administration.

Yes, the Obama Administration unlawfully conspired to “get George Zimmerman”. PC wanted this one, big time! PC sent out a clarion call to its enforcers, Bring me the head of George Zimmerman!

Thank God that there were six reasonable and principled persons on that jury who had the courage to say no in defiance of PC.

Despite having the ability to jump out of the pot of water at anytime, a frog allowed itself to be boiled to death; deceived because the temperature of the water was raised incrementally.

The American people are making a similar fatal error by its passive incremental submission to Political Correctness. PC is well on its way of becoming our tyrannical dictator; nullifying freedom of speech, trumping common sense and dictating our behavior. As I said, I thought George Zimmerman was toast.

Do you think I am exaggerating about the iron fist of Political Correctness? I dare you to step into the national arena and espouse an opinion not in sync with mainstream media consensus. Retaliation by PC enforcers (mainstream media) will be swift, merciless and vicious. They will humiliate and destroy you.

Incrementally bullied into submission, Americans are well aware of the issues they are not allowed to talk about and PC sacred cows they are forbidden to challenge.

Just like the bully in elementary school who threatened to beat you up for not surrendering your lunch money, be prepared to suffer a severe beating for not surrendering your freedom of speech to PC. Whether in the school yard or in the national arena, every surrender empowers bullies. Defending your God given freedom and dignity is worth risking getting your butt kicked.

Tenth grader and six foot tall football star Brutus beat me up. I was a small seventh grader who instinctively refused to be bullied by Brutus. Amazingly, I won Brutus' respect and we became friends.

It has been infuriating witnessing the media passionately hunting an innocent man to be sacrificed to their god, PC. Frustrated by the lack of evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Zimmerman, the mainstream media hoped the jury would be pressured into making an emotion-driven brain-dead ruling; void of facts, evidence and justice.

Talk about a tale of two opposing network coverages, Fox News coverage of the trial appeared to be fair and balanced. CNN's coverage on the other hand was nothing more than a lynch mob on the jail house steps demanding that Zimmerman be dragged out and hanged. PC agenda driven hacks spoke out of both sides of their mouths claiming to seek justice while fanning the flames of racial hatred. PC enforcers threatened riots if the “white Hispanic” was allowed to walk. And what the heck is a white Hispanic?

But folks, the Zimmerman trial is much, much bigger than George Zimmerman. Legal experts have admitted that had the MSM and Obama Administration not made the tragic fatal altercation about race, Zimmerman would not have been charged.

Zimmerman being found not guilty is a wonderful thing for America. Had PC been allowed to dictate Zimmerman's fate rather than the evidence, it would have marked a dark day in America; further empowering PC to reign supreme as an evil tyrannical dictator.

Shame on CNN and other mainstream media for irresponsibly promoting the lie that Zimmerman is a prime example that America is still a racist nation – where racist white men routinely kill young black men and get away with it. CNN should bear some responsibility for any riots resulting from the verdict.

The MSM hates it when truth upsets the apple cart of their narrative. Do you know who really kills black males in America? Answer: Black males.

Sorry PC, but here is another truth that dispels your narrative that blacks are routinely attacked by whites. Statistically, blacks are 50 times more likely to assault whites than vice versa.

These truths serve to unravel the PC narrative that America is eternally racist and minorities are eternal victims. Thus, Zimmerman escaping with his head still on his shoulders is huge. PC is still pursuing Zimmerman. The NAACP has asked PC enforcer, the Department of Justice, to pursue civil rights charges against Zimmerman.

Folks, PC is totally out of control, lording over our lives. As I stated, had Zimmerman been sentenced to prison to appease PC, it would have been a dark day for all Americans – further empowering PC to imprison and enslave us.

The jury's not guilty verdict for Zimmerman has given me hope that not all Americans have wimped out to PC. It confirms that there is still hope of turning our country around; winning it back from the tyranny of Political Correctness. Praise God!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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839300976?profile=RESIZE_480x480Lord, deliver us from evil. I was appalled hearing black University of Pennsylvania Professor Salamishah Tillet say during a panel discussion on MSNBC that pro-lifer's opposition to late-term abortion is really about white power racism.

Minority birth rates are up. Nutty professor Tillet believes those who oppose white women killing their babies are fearful of a decline of “whiteness, white supremacy, white privilege”. It takes a pretty sick mind to find racism in desiring that women not kill their babies.

By the way, Americans aborts 4000 babies a day of which a disproportionate high number are black babies. Planned Parenthood was founded by racist Margaret Sanger to fix “the negro problem”.

We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. l

Liberal blacks like Professor Tillet and Democrat so-called advocates for black empowerment ignore the blatant racism of Planned Parenthood. Heck, they even cheer Planned Parenthood on. With friends like Professor Tillet, Obama and his Democrat posse, black America does not need enemies.

In his speech praising this vile organization which targets black babies, Obama said, “God Bless Planned Parenthood”. Around half of black pregnancies end in abortion. Apparently, the first black president is “down” with self-induced black genocide.

Research confirms that at the current rate of black abortions, the indigenous black man is near extinction.

Meanwhile, ill-informed blacks keep looking over their shoulders, fearful of conservative Republicans.

The fact that a vast majority of blacks continue to vote Democrat confirms that blacks are still falling for liberals urinating on them and telling them it is raining. Whenever blacks recognize the smell of urine, liberal media and Democrats tell clueless blacks that racist Republicans are the source.

As a black conservative, I know Republicans are real friends of blacks, not Democrats who say blacks are too stupid to acquire a photo ID and have for decades replaced live-in fathers in black homes with government. Thank God a few prominent blacks are beginning to wake up and smell the Democratic Party betrayal.

Two truths were exposed during Professor Tillet's remarkable chilling words on national TV. One: The visceral racial hate against whites that is pervasive, tolerated, created and nurtured in liberal academia. How many students have been influenced by this hate filled racist black professor at a cost of $50,000 a year tuition?

But folks, teaching students to hate whites, particularly white males, begins in middle school and probably earlier.

Around 15 years ago, a white friend said her son came home from middle school extremely upset in tears. The poor kid was devastated suffering with overwhelming guilt for being white after learning all the horrible things white men did to blacks, women and native Americans. His liberal agenda operative teacher actually implied that he should feel guilty.

Today, that same kid, my friends son, is a twenty-something year old zealous member of the Communist Party. He believes white males and Capitalism are the greatest sources of evil in the world. Yes, I do believe public school indoctrination contributed to this young white man's self hatred and hate for his country.

A second truth exposed in the MSNBC panel discussion is the slavery of “political correctness”. I am sure at least one of the whites on the panel was thinking in response to Professor Tillet's remarks, “this sista is crazy”. And yet, no one challenged Tillet's outrageous proclamation. The white liberals on the panel knew their place. Political correctness rule 101 is whites are forbidden to challenge “liberal” blacks.

Now as for black conservatives, well it is open season on them. As a matter fact, white liberals get a gold star beside their name for every attack on a black conservative. White liberals are granted permission by fellow liberals to “freely” use the “n” word. I have been called a “stupid self loathing n-----” for loving my country, being proud to be an American and not viewing myself as a victim.

Professor Tillet has a history of promoting wacky, far-left and racist ideas. In a sane world, Professor Tillet would be fired. A white professor expressing similar ideas in reverse would have been long gone.

Tillet is paid to infect the brains of our youths while conservative thought is banned on most campuses. Whenever students successfully sneak in a conservative speaker, the guest speaker is physically attacked with pies thrown at them and worse during their speech.

Black pundits, comedians, actors and professors are permitted and even celebrated for making racist hate-filled comments about whites. Meanwhile, the slightest slip of the tongue that could possibly be interpreted as a racial slur against blacks has ended the political and professional careers of numerous whites. Such unfortunate whites are tarred and feathered in the mainstream media – forced to beg for forgiveness while humbly bowing and kissing the rings of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. What a sickening visual.

Folks, Americans agree that racism is wrong which a majority have expressed by electing a black president. But somehow, black America is given a pass, allowed to be racist. This is wrong and evil. Racism should not be tolerated from whites or blacks.

The American education system is infested with hated-filled racists who hate America as founded. I am talking the likes of professors Salamishah Tillet and my friend's son's middle school teacher. Passively continuing to allow and fund their access to our precious kids is insane.

Quoting Susan Powter, the 80s fitness guru, America its time to “stop the insanity!”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063711538?profile=originalRINO Republican Gabriel Gomez lost to Democrat Ed Markey in the special election to fill the Massachusetts U.S. Senate seat vacated by John Kerry. I say, “Thank God”. We can not allow Democrat-Lite RINO Republicans like Gomez to define the GOP.

However, I have little hope that the stuck on fear, panic and stupid GOP will “get it”. Despite wasting tons of money backing Gomez who agrees with 90% of the Democrat agenda, he still lost. And yet, I guarantee the GOP will interpret the loss as evidence that our party needs to move further to the left.

Why should liberal Massachusetts voters select a Democrat-Lite Gomez over a full-bodied Democrat, Ed Markey? Moderate Republicans thought six one, half dozen of the other and stayed home. Conservative Republicans, rightly so, could not bring themselves to vote for Gomez who promised not to oppose Obama's agenda.

Extremely low voter turnout confirmed that Massachusetts voters, for the most part, did not care. Had there been a true Conservative in the race like Mike Sullivan, at least voters would have had a clear choice, giving the race a little passion, interest and drama.

Folks, I fully realize that sometimes it is wise to hold you nose and vote for the lesser of two evils. We live in an imperfect world with imperfect human beings. Rarely, if ever, will a candidate embody all the qualities and stand for all the issues and values you hold dear.

Having said that, Gabriel Gomez was a horrible ideologically soulless candidate. Gomez just wanted to be elected; willing to play on either team necessary to land him in political office. Disgusting.

Gomez supported the Gang of Eight Bill, Gun Control, abortion and more. Gomez dis conservatives. To win the primary at any and all cost, Gomez attempted to smear Conservative Campaign Committee whose mission is to hoist conservative candidates to victory across America.

My heart aches for conservative candidates who paint as Reagan advised in bold colors rather than pale pastels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OznoFCZdS8

We need candidates who can articulate that conservatism equals true compassion and is beneficial to all Americans. Our candidates must not pander to Democratic party socialist/progressive ideas. Quite the opposite. Our candidates must sound the alarm educating voters to the folly of the Democrat's belief that government is god, can fix everything and can legislate equal outcomes. These foolish Democratic party utopian ideas are destroying lives, weakening, undermining and destroying the greatest nation on the planet.

We need conservative candidates with backbone who proudly stand up for what they believe; candidates who say what they mean and mean what they say. Wow, what a concept. Mr RINO Republican Gomez, I am elated and grateful that you lost.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee http://bit.ly/12kuAWU


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4063711411?profile=originalDuring his sabbatical, a university professor wishes to come to Florida to interview me for a study he is doing on black tea partiers. He said he wants to find out why “you think the way you think”. Why do I get the feeling this guy believes black conservatives are a strange phenomenon almost unique as discovering a Bigfoot? This professor is flying all the way to Florida to actually meet me, an extremely rare specie, a Blackus Conservativus.

As believers in traditional values such as faith in God, family and country, conservatives are viciously attacked by the mainstream media which functions as enforcers, punishing all who dare challenge the Left's socialist/progressive agenda. The MSM portrays conservatives as nut case extremists; Col. Allen West, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and Ted Cruz to name a few.

Liberals decry as “kooky” those of us who believe that the institution of marriage should continue to remain as the union of one man and one woman. Expecting the president to obey the Constitution is also declared by Obama media sycophants and the mainstream media to be a bit nutty, mean-spirited, racist and extreme.

The Left, assisted by their buddies in the MSM, uses a very effective tactic to render conservatives politically impotent. They accuse us of being haters and the aggressors, all the while forcing every item on their socialist/progressive list down America's throats. Conservatives who were simply minding their own business are branded the bad guys.

Conservatives are swiftly becoming an ever increasingly “silenced majority”; persecuted, intimidated and bullied into shutting up. Rush Limbaugh says our country is in the midst of a peaceful takeover. America as founded is slipping away daily.

Patriots, our only hope for restoring America as founded is to put as many true conservatives in office as possible. We take back America one candidate, one race, at a time. This is why it is so crucial that we rally around courageous conservative candidates like Steve Lonegan.

In an article about Steve Lonegan running for U.S. Senate in New Jersey, the author actually called Lonegan a “clown” because he is a conservative who vows to oppose Obama's agenda. Think about that folks, the MSM says opposing Obama is crazy talk, a joke, acting like a buffoon.

The article considers Lonegan a clown for posting on his website that he will “fight Obama's agenda in the U.S. Senate”. Lonegan sounds right on target to me. The article also said, “hugging the president” is the way to win in New Jersey. So according to this MSM hack, Lonegan should ignore Obama's disastrous failed socialist/progressive record and simply give the (black) guy a hug.

Allow me to share a bit about the president the liberal author of the article wants Lonegan to embrace (give a hug): If Obama were white, he would be facing impeachment. We have unprecedented high numbers of Americans on food stamps and disability; unemployment is through the roof, record high fuel prices and food prices. The homes of millions are financially under water. Our economy is on life support. Our national debt is $17 trillion which a Boston University professor says is really $222 trillion. Numerous high officials in the Obama Administration were caught blatantly and arrogantly lying to the American people.

Then there is the IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the AP scandal and the revelation that Big Brother is violating our first and fourth Amendment rights like never before. Meanwhile, Obamacare is being exposed to be a financial, medical, bureaucratic and emotional nightmare.

Under Obama, America is in decline. Americans are accepting the worst economic recovery since WWII as the new normal.

And still, the mainstream media continues to brand Conservatism which is rooted in common sense as being outside of the mainstream; calling us “clowns” and racists. They insist that Americans join their brain-dead loyalty to the first black president, succumbing to the hypnotic tune played by Obama on his flute – marching us to our deaths into a river of which there is no return.

Thus, conservative candidates with backbone like Steve Lonegan are vital to our cause, walking around with targets on their backs by the mainstream media.

The MSM says Steve Lonegan as the presumptive nominee means the GOP has given up trying to win the New Jersey Senate seat. Their narrative is that conservatives are crazy out-of-the-mainstream unelectable losers. It is the same spin the MSM put on Romney naming conservative Paul Ryan as his VP nominee.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Conservatism wins every-time it is confidently and passionately articulated. Ronald Reagan proved that. Suggesting that the GOP has surrendered the New Jersey Senate seat is yet another MSM attempt to dispirit and discourage conservative voters.

4063711327?profile=originalSteve Lonegan has the right stuff to pull off a victory for Conservatism and America. Legally blind due to a childhood disease, Lonegan is a proven over-comer. Lonegan is former director of the New Jersey chapter of Americans for Prosperity, a tea party group. Thus, Lonegan is one of us.

Steve, thanks brother for stepping up and standing up for Conservatism. We who love our country as founded are behind you 100% with our prayers and financial support. God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063683015?profile=originalBrother and sister patriots, this is it. This is the big one. If we lose this battle, it is game over unless God intervenes. America as founded will be over. Democrats and socialist/progressives will rule forever. Therefore, this is the Tea Party issue of our times. I am talking about the passing of the Amnesty Bill.

The reason and urgency to pass amnesty is rooted in a big fat lie. Democrats and their cohorts in the mainstream media have convinced Republicans that Hispanics hate them. The Democrat's and MSM's tag-team lie is if Republicans do not pass amnesty, the Republican Party is over. Folks, the truth is the polar opposite. Amnesty for over 12 million illegals will usher in the end of the Republican Party, create mega-millions of new democrat voters and secure a new socialist/progressive America.

Alcoholics Anonymous defines insanity as doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result. Back in 1986 the government granted amnesty for 3 million illegals. In exchange, the government promised to secure the border. They said this would fix the illegal immigration problem.

They never secured the border. So now we have not just 3 million, but over 12 million illegals. The federal government lied to us back then and they are lying to us today.

Talk about deja vu all over again, it is horrifyingly clear that the lying deceitful Judases selling us this crock-of-excrement bill know border security “ain't happenin'” this time around, either. As I stated, government lied about securing the border in 1986 and they are lying about securing it again. The betrayal by our Republican leaders of you good folks, decent hard working Americans truly angers and sickens me.

We need to hold their feet to the fire – be relentless extremely annoying thorns in their sides and force the Republicans to say no to amnesty.

Also, I was shocked upon discovering this tidbit of U.S. History. Republicans owned California before the granting of amnesty in 1986. Today, California is owned by the Democrats and far leftists. So, why would the Republicans expect a different result this time around?

Sadly, we are being played and betrayed from all sides. Republicans, Democrats, so-called Conservatives and Libertarians are working together, selling out our country for various selfish reasons.

Judas sold-out Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of beans and many political leaders who pledged loyalty to the Tea Party (We The People) have sold us out for frivolous rewards in DC. I am talking high school nonsense such as a desire to be liked by certain powerful people, praise from the mainstream media and invites to “A” list Washington DC parties. Yes folks, their reasons for betraying us are just that simple, absurd and disgusting.

Remember the passion you felt fighting Obama-care? That passion must be rekindled to fight the Amnesty Bill. Republicans have proven that they can not be trusted to do right by us or the country. Thus, they must be forced to do the right thing – to say “H--- No!” to this insanity.

Flood your representatives with calls and emails. It is time to rally like never before. We must rally in numbers so huge that Republicans can not ignore our extreme displeasure with their planned amnesty. While maintaining the dignity, peaceful and lawful behavior characteristic of our Tea Party movement, we must force politicians to experience the full force of We The People at work.

During his interview on Rush's radio show, Ted Cruz explained why the Amnesty Bill is a disaster, why it is amnesty and why it must be stopped. And by the way, thank God for freshman Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz is one of us folks, a real-deal America lovin' Conservative with character and backbone. http://bit.ly/1bWGXcX

I hereby send out a clarion call to the Tea Party. Sound the alarm. Soylent Green is people! The Gang of Eight Bill is AMNESTY!

Break out your American flags and home-made signs. Singers and songwriters start freshening up your vocal chops. Speakers start fine tuning your speeches. It is time to Tea Party across America again. If we do not peacefully, but firmly, raise holy h--- and amnesty is passed, America as we know and love it is over. Patriots, we have fought too long and hard to lose our country. See y'all at the rallies!


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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4063708565?profile=originalI caught Sarah Palin on Fox & Friends Monday. Wow, talk about a breath of fresh air. While listening to Palin speak on various issues and Obama's scandals, something occurred to me. Palin on TV fills a desperately needed void. Palin communicates in plain English, free of the usual guarded TV political speak. Palin fearlessly nailed Obama and company with the truth. Folks, I can not express how good and hopeful I felt.

Palin boldly defends our side (conservatives and the Tea Party). We have been kicked around by the Left and the mainstream media with little to no push back. With the exception of a few, conservatives seem to be always on the defensive, apologizing or trying to prove we do not hate blacks and Hispanics. It makes me sick.

Despicably, the MSM and the dirty Democrats plant, water and nurture seeds of hate – growing their army against the Tea Party who are simply regular Americans defending the Constitution and our God given freedoms.

As a black activist in the Tea Party, I am so sick of the Left putting us back on our heels with their evil lie from the pits of hell. In my five years of active duty in the Tea Party, I know and love the wonderful extraordinary patriots I have met at tea parties across America.

In no way is hate a motivating factor. The truth is quite the opposite. The Tea Party Movement is motivated by love – love for the greatest nation on the planet and a deep desire not to see it transformed into Obama and company's desired socialist/progressive, welfare state and Godless pile of liberal crap.

The evil Left knows the truth, but spreads their lie claiming opposition to Obama is all about “hate” to divide the country.

Palin spends no time apologizing for who we are and what we stand for. She stays on offense. God, I love this woman! She is back, Tea Party! Sarah Palin is back!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063707687?profile=originalHello, calling Sarah Palin! Has anyone seen her? Where is she? Has Sarah Palin left the building? Is the Palin magic gone forever? No. The Palin charisma and mass appeal is still alive and well.

Certain people are born gifted with “It”; something that compels you to watch them. Sarah Palin is one such individual. Though politically tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail by the Left and a few spineless Republicans, I pray for the day when my favorite gladiator Sarah Palin returns to the arena.

Unquestionably, the vitriolic attacks on Palin and her family, the betrayals by Republicans and associates left Palin severely wounded. Who among us could endure and survive the full weight of the MSM launched to destroy you? It is quite understandable and reasonable if Palin were to say, Forget this. Todd and I are goin' fishin'.

But, the Bible says to whom much is given, much is required. While Palin has not reported seeing a burning bush, I believe Sarah Palin has been called for such a time as this. I pray she will feel lead to return to Rome (Washington DC) to fight in the arena. At the moment, there is no one in the national arena who inspires the masses to follow and act on their convictions in mass like Palin.

Please allow me to re-share my personal testimony of the “Palin Effect”. With Sarah Palin as the keynote speaker, Tea Party Express launched one of it's tours in Searchlight, NV, a small dust bowl town. Twenty-five thousand people showed up, RVs parked everywhere because many arrived days early to stake out their spot.

From inside our Tea Party Express tour bus as we approached the site, I saw seniors parked a mile away making their way to the event using walkers. It gave me goosebumps. Obviously, this woman, Sarah Palin, represented the America they loved and feared was slipping away.

Despite all of the scandals, lies, outrageous government overreaches and abuses of our civil liberties under this administration, Obama still gets a pass in the minds of far too many ill-informed Americans. Decades of dumbing down students have produced exactly what the Left wants, sheep totally dependent on government – clueless regarding U.S. History and the cost and value of freedom.

So, Obama can ignore the Constitution and do whatever he pleases as long as the food stamps, disability checks, welfare checks and free phones keep coming. Under Obama, an unprecedented half of the country is eating, talking on their phones and driving without working for it – a Democratic party dream come true.

I asked friends at dinner, “How did Ronald Reagan win in a landslide touting Conservatism? Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority was said to have figured in the mix. Americans, for the most part, are a moral and just people. I believe Reagan touting values which spoke to the hearts and minds of decent people is what inspired Americans to be all they could be.

I was a 20 something year old black kid from the East Baltimore projects back then. I knew nothing about politics. All I knew was that every-time I heard President Reagan speak, I felt good about my country and myself. Reagan made me feel I could achieve and contribute to this wonderful country in which I was blessed to be born called America.

Where are the voices inspiring folks to love and contribute to the greatness of their country? I know, I know. Such talk sounds corny and naïve today. In Obama's America, signing up for government assistance and approving of government confiscating the earnings of high achievers for redistribution is the new definition of compassion and patriotism.

Even being proud of our country is now considered to be a bad thing under Obama. When outside of the U.S. Obama continuously apologizes for who we are – furthering the narrative that the world has too little because we have too much. Amazingly, Reagan saw this mindset coming and warned us.

We need a hero folks – someone willing to stand up for America, boldly waving our flag and touting the virtues of hard work, self-reliance, family, God and country. I believe Sarah Palin can pull it off.

Reading my own words sound a bit corny even to me. Folks, have we become so cynical, so tainted that asking Americans to strive for goodness and righteousness rather than becoming permanent government welfare recipients is an outdated impossible dream of the past?

Sarah Palin, please come back. Run for office. We long to cheer you on as our gladiator in the arena.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound? If the Obama Administration breaks the law at will, lies to the American people, uses every government agency at it's disposal to punish it's conservative/Republican enemies and no one does anything about it, does it make a sound? Yes it does resulting in devastating consequences for the American people.

Despite a trifecta of scandals, Obama and company continue to stonewall, lie or refuse to answer questions; in essence, giving Congress and the American people the finger. Pundits are shocked and taken-aback by the unprecedented arrogance of the Obama Administration.

Such pundits are a bit late coming to the dance as we in the Tea Party have been well aware of the lawlessness and arrogance of this bunch of thugs from Chicago for years. Have these surprised pundits forgotten Obama's unprecedented overreaches into the private sector – nationalizing General Motors; bullying banks; ignoring the ruling of federal judges, trashing the Constitution and more?

Still, pundits are missing the much greater horrifying picture. My fellow Americans we are in deep, deep trouble. The cold reality is that until someone steps forward in real opposition to Obama governing according to his will while ignoring all the laws, checks and balances, we are defenseless expendable supplicants of a tyrannical dictator.

Remarkably, the mainstream media is complaisant with Obama acting like our king rather than our president because he is liberal, black and his presidency is historic. Obama's agenda fits neatly with the mainstream media's socialist/progressive agenda. So they are elated to have a Teflon liberal black guy in the White House furthering their cause.

Speaking of expendable supplicants, let us not forget Ambassador Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and Sean Smith who lost their lives left to die in our consulate in Benghazi.

The Obama Administration is emboldened to do whatever it pleases; bully conservative groups and individuals – secretly invade our privacy, target reporters and thumb it's nose when they get caught – all without any “real” political push-back or consequences. We the American people are in deep excrement.

Ponder that folks. As long as the mainstream media provides cover for Obama and keeps his poll numbers high by making sure no bad news is linked to Obama (Limbaugh Theorem), our president is empowered to function as a supreme ruler, free to do whatever he pleases to us. Dear God help us!

Obama is the first black president. Okay, I get it. But Obama's black skin nor protecting his legacy should award him Imperial Dictator status, trumping the best interest of the American people.

4063705681?profile=originalThe Republican party desperately needs leadership – someone not just willing to say “no” to Obama's tyranny. We need someone who will walk tall and passionately proclaim, “H - - No!”

America needs a politician with backbone and fortitude willing to endure being called racist by Obama's subservient mainstream media; someone unafraid of being targeted by the IRS; someone willing to be hated by clueless poll participants; someone willing to endure EPA persecution if they're a business owner; someone willing to endure their phone and email privacy illegally violated and someone willing to endure attempts to criminalize their opposition to Obama's agenda.

Under Obama's IRS controlled health care, any politician daring to oppose Obama's agenda will more than likely suffer delays and denial of medical care for their family and themselves. Suddenly, their conservative Republican mom finds herself at the bottom of the list for that kidney.

Yes, it is going to take a politician with incredible stones to challenge the great all-powerful beast, the Obama Administration.

I am confident that such a hero will step forward. Between you and me, I am keeping an eye on Rep. Trey Gowdy, House Oversight & Government Reform Committee. I

As the kids would say, Obama's arrogance is “off the chain” (my attempt to sound cool). Most people caught lying or with their pants down, back off. When caught red handed, Obama pokes his finger in our eye.

For example: It has been exposed that the Administration sent Susan Rice out to lie about Benghazi on five national TV shows. In response to getting caught, Obama promoted Rice. Lois Lerner was caught using the IRS to bully, intimidate and suppress the conservative vote in the 2012 presidential election. Obama promoted Lerner. The latest in his growing list of offenses and scandals, Eric Holder was caught lying about targeting reporter James Rosen.

Naïve pundits say, “Eric Holder is toast. He has to go.” My reply is, “Holder ain't goin' nowhere. You guys still do not get it. Holder is black and liberal and Obama is arrogant beyond belief with the media in his back pocket.” Obama recently stated that he is behind Holder 100 percent.

Folks, do you see the horror of what we are dealing with in America today? We have an Administration free to rule as it pleases with no one, I repeat no one, really holding it's feet to the fire. Will, someone please throw this out-of-control administration across their knee, spank it's butt and say, “No!”

Meanwhile, I heard someone say on TV in response to Holder's stonewalling and lying, “Holder risks another contempt of congress filed against him.” I am sure Holder is quaking in his boots.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063701726?profile=originalImagine yourself trapped. A vicious gang of Islamist terrorists have already breached the main gate. If captured, you know what they do to infidels – you've seen video of beheadings, sodomy and etc.

Despite the smell of petroleum becoming overwhelming due to the terrorists setting the building on fire in an effort to force you out, you force yourself to remain calm and hopeful. You tell yourself, “Everything is going to be OK. I'm an American. We never leave Americans behind”.

But the Calvary never arrives to save you – not because they were not ready. The expected help never arrived because someone high in the Obama Administration, for political reasons, ordered our military to “stand down”.

Such was the horrific nightmare, U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens suffered in our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Ambassador Stevens was killed by Islamist terrorists. Though not confirmed, it has been reported that our Ambassador Stevens was raped.

Ambassador Stevens' rescuers were ordered to “stand down”.

Imagine yourself a former Navy SEAL in Libya, aware of the terrorist attack on our consulate. You and your buddy, also a former SEAL, desire to fight the attackers until the Calvary arrives. You are ordered to “stand down”. But you are a former SEAL, you can not simply sit back and allow terrorists to murder Americans. You and your buddy disobey orders and come to the rescue.


Assuming that the Calvary in the form of air support is on the way because Americans are under attack and we never leave Americans behind, you use your laser to mark the enemy's location. This will assist our guys in launching their aerial attack. But your assumption that help is on the way is wrong.

Our planes are not in the air because someone high in the Obama Administration, for political reasons, ordered our military to “stand down”. All your laser did was tip off your location to the Islamist terrorists. Former U.S. Navy SEALs Tony Smith and Glen Doherty were killed. Why? Because someone in the Obama Administration gave the order to “stand down”.

In their continuing effort to protect Obama at any and all cost – which includes national security and the lives of Americans, the mainstream media promotes the narrative that the American people do not understand or care about Benghazi. They attempt to brand everyone investigating Benghazi as partisan racists out to get the president.

4063701740?profile=originalWhile low-info Americans may not understand the politics, they can relate to the betrayal of being abandoned by ones country. Most Americans are aware of our tradition and ethical code of never leaving an American behind.

And yet, the mainstream media and the Obama Administration persist in their efforts to make it no big deal that our guys, Ambassador Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and information officer Sean Smith were left behind losing their lives for political reasons. The press and the Obama Administration would have us forget about it and move on.

If a republican were in the White House, the mainstream media would be investigative pit bulls, all over the Benghazi scandal “like white on rice”, as my late momma would say.

And yet, remarkably, several months after the attack on our consulate and the murder of four Americans, the mainstream media does not appear to have the slightest curiosity about who in the Obama Administration gave the order to our military to “stand down”. Despicable!

Stand down. Folks, I can not let it go. While Americans feared for their lives, waiting, hoping and expecting help, someone in the Obama Administration said, no, we are not going to send help.

The American press is a disgrace. Had they any self respect, they would be ashamed. Sadly, they have no shame. The American press has sold it's soul to the devil. Journalism in America is dead.

While Obama's protective mainstream media refuses to care, my fellow Americans and I care deeply and will discover, who in the Obama Administration gave the order to “stand down”?

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063701156?profile=originalDinner conversation with a group of conservative activist friends could have been pretty depressing if I were not as they jokingly refer to me as an “eternal optimist”; a badge I wear with honor. My optimism is not a refusal to face reality. My optimism is rooted in 60 something years of life experiences and faith in God. I am idiotic enough to believe God's word when it says “in everything give thanks”. Call me crazy, naïve and silly, but no matter how bad the situation, I look for the blessing.

Realizing some “smart” people will think this ridiculously optimistic, I have learned that sometimes God gives good gifts in ugly packages. In other words, opportunity often appears disguised as a problem. Maintaining an attitude of gratitude has gotten me through extremely challenging times.

As corny and cliché as they sound, song lyrics such as “The sun will come out tomorrow” and “What a difference a day makes” are true. On countless occasions, I saw no hope in site and the answer to my request was a firm “H-- NO!” The very next day a solution magically appeared and “no” changed to an enthusiastic, “Yes!”

Here is what made our dinner conservation such a downer. In an article, Arbitron data shows that the audience for news/talk radio is mostly white males that are getting older and smaller. Since peaking with a 14.1 national share in 2008, news/talk has been on a steady downward slope. Programming changes are underway.

Someone at dinner said the Left is kicking our (conservative) butts in the world of social networking. Someone else chimed in declaring that we have no conservative leaders/candidates with the right-stuff like Reagan. It was also said that many in the tea party appear to have given up the fight; voter fatigue or a sense of hopelessness.

There you have it folks. This was the gist of our bummer dinner conversation; conservative talk radio is dying, the Left rules social networking, no one on our side is good enough to challenge the Left and many on our side have given up.

While these negatives may be true, they are not the end and I refuse to allow them to bring me down. Things change! For example, who could have predicted that the Obama Administration's unprecedented bullying, arrogance and lawlessness would land it in extremely hot water juggling three scandals? Who could imagine IRS corruption being the possible source for bringing down Obamacare?

Alcoholics Anonymous preaches to deal with one day at a time and do not make choices based on negative projections of the future.

I have friends who eagerly predict the most negative outcome in every situation; as if wearing their instantaneous negativity as a badge of honor. “I knew my wife would leave me.” “I knew I would not get the job.” “Nothing ever works out for me.” In every instance, they were correct.

Several years ago, a wealthy dear friend criticized my wife and me for trusting God. Our friend believed she was the ultimate power in her life. She also had a tendency to embrace the negative. When Mary and I moved to Florida, we lost touch with our friend. A year or so ago, we were shocked and extremely saddened upon hearing that our friend committed suicide.

When things do not workout, of course it is wise to find out what went wrong and try to fix it and do better next time. I am simply saying do not linger too long in that dark hopeless place; look for the blessing; something for which to be grateful and move forward.

I firmly believe the birth of the Tea Party was divinely orchestrated. Thus, I am trusting God to reveal the next step/phase in our quest to restore individual rights, liberty and freedom in America.

So yes, I am an eternal optimist who believes that, in the end, right triumphs over wrong and good wins over evil. Will the tea party be the force that it was in 2010? I do not know. Who will emerge as our next great conservative leader? Again, I do not know?


What I do know is that no one can foresee the future well enough to be fatalistic. Thus, there is always hope. It behooves each and every one of us to stay diligent and focused on our mission to restore America.

No effort is too small. I call them “Lulu's Army”. In response to numerous middle-aged women on-line asking, “How can I help?”, Lulu is organizing them to work the social networks on behalf of the conservative movement. That's what I am talking about! Lulu is serving our cause from where she is and what she can do. Imagine millions of patriots doing the same.

With great optimism, I am keeping my powder dry and my trust in God.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063700605?profile=originalLady Palin gets it! Sarah Palin just gave $5,000 - the maximum amount allowed by law - to a candidate in a critically important race. So who is this candidate and why is this race so important? Allow me to explain in the form of a medieval tale.

Patriots, our once great land of the free has been invaded by an evil overlord, King Obama, the Socialist and Bullier. King Obama has proclaimed that the Democrats have a "great chance" to win back control of ye olde House of Representatives.

Can you imagine the horror and tyranny of the out-of-control drunk-with-power lawless Obama regime winning a majority in the House of Representatives? They would control the White House, Senate and House. Their every socialist/progressive dream would be rammed down our throats, equaling disaster for our country. King Obama and wicked queen Nancy Pelosi would impose their radical leftist agenda without anything stopping or even slowing them down. I shudder just thinking about it.

Speaking of wicked queen Pelosi, Obama has declared that she will regain the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives.

America must never again be subjected to the Dark Ages of a Congress run by Nancy Pelosi and her decrees that we commoners (the American people) will only find out what is contained within legislation once the bills are already passed.

To his dismay, causing great fury in King Obama, commoners dared to raise up with political pitchforks and plowshares in defiance to King Obama's socialist/progressive agenda and quest to take back control of congress. The peoples' rebellion is strong, known far and wide as the Tea Party. The mere mention of their name strikes terror in the hearts of King Obama and his sycophant supplicants (MSM, Democrats, Hollywood and RINOs).

While the Tea Party has many members and yet no leader, there is one fair maiden Tea Party leader who particularly drives King Obama and his minions crazy; Lady Palin, the Bold, Courageous and Beautiful.

Leading by example, giving $5000, Lady Palin has inspired a national grassroots coalition of We The People to support Jason Smith for Congress. The Missouri 8th District Special General Election is June 4th. http://eepurl.com/AlRof

In short, Jason Smith is one of us, folks! He is a Conservative Republican who will fight Obama's job killing regulations that hurt small business.

The NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business) endorses Jason Smith because he understands that burdening small businesses with outrageous regulations and excessive taxes makes it harder to create jobs. Smith vows to fight for commonsense reform in Washington.

It has become frighteningly obvious that opposing Obama on any issue will more than likely have dire consequences at the hands of his enforcers.

When Obama boldly launched his chilling clarion call, “We will punish our enemies and reward our friends”, his enforcers clearly understood and embraced their mission – go out and get them! Never before has a U.S. President openly threatened Americans who dare disagree with his agenda. Thus, we need conservative candidates with backbone such as Jason Smith more than ever.

Every day more and more victims of Obama's enforcers in the IRS are coming forward with shocking un-American horror stories of abuse. Perhaps, the Obama Administration feels invincible and insulated from consequences due to the historical aspect of a black man in the Oval Office. Or perhaps, the Administration’s unprecedented ruthless behavior is them simply being who they are, thugs who only know the Chicago way of functioning.

Remember the old joke? An animal asked the snake, “Why did you bite me after promising not to?” The snake replied, “What can I say, I am a snake”.

For whatever reason, this Administration is arrogant and vicious beyond belief. Despite national bipartisan outrage over the IRS admittedly targeting groups based on their ideology, the IRS continues to harass, target and intimidate conservative groups. Unbelievable.

Make no mistake about it folks, the Obama Administration has no intention of backing off. Obama enforcers stay on offense – punishing Obama's enemies and rewarding his friends. This is why Lady Palin realizes the importance of not allowing King Obama and wicked queen Pelosi to regain control of congress.

The Missouri 8th District Special General Election is this Tuesday, June 4th.

Patriots, we have a responsibility to make sure this medieval American tale has a happy ending. Please support Jason Smith for congress. http://eepurl.com/AlRof

Let's add another severely needed warrior/hero to our Royal Knights fighting on our behalf in Washington.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063699546?profile=originalWe are witnessing a disturbing pattern. President Obama always puts the best interest, well-being and rights of our enemies above providing protection and justice for the American people.

My wife ranted, “It is as if Obama is desensitizing us to the suffering of our people in these terrorist attacks.”

The Benghazi scandal perfectly illustrates her point. The Obama Administration has paid lip service expressing it's regrets that four Americans died. But are you feelin' the love; a vibe of real compassion or concern coming from the Administration about the torture and deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty? Absolutely not! As a matter of fact, U.S. Assets in the area ready to come to the defense of Ambassador Stevens was ordered to stand down by someone of power in the Obama Administration.

Obama and company have lied and done everything in their power to stonewall and cover-up what happened in Benghazi.

Now get this folks, the FBI has enough evidence for our military to seize five suspects believed responsible for murdering Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. The suspects have not been arrested because the Obama Administration insists on trying them in civilian court and do not believe it has enough evidence for a conviction. Why is Obama bending over backwards for terrorists; seeking to give them a platform and taxpayer funded attorneys in civilian court? Meanwhile, in case you have not noticed Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are now only referred to in the media as “three other Americans”.

Here is another example of Obama protecting our enemy, while telling Americans to just deal with it.

Americans were enjoying a beautiful day watching family and friends running in the Boston marathon. Moments later, lives were brutality changed for ever; loved ones gone (dead), limbs blown off and hundreds severely injured. The first response of Obama was to make sure no one blamed Islamic terrorists. Upon arresting an Islamic terrorist for the bombing, Obama's Justice department immediately ran to make sure Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was read his Miranda rights and provided with high powered elite attorneys paid for by us taxpayers. Tsarnaev stopped talking. Why would Obama provide cover for Tsarnaev to not answer questions vital to the safety of the American people?

This next example should get your blood boiling.

Retired Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, shot seven times in the Ft. Hood terrorist attack is stuck with paying his own medical bills. The shooter, Nidal Hasan has been paid $278,000 while waiting trial.

Because the Obama Administration insists on classifying the shooting “workplace violence” rather than a “terrorist attack”, Sgt. Lunsford and other shooting victims are denied combat-related pay. They are not eligible for Purple Heart retirement or medical benefits.

The Ft Hood shooting was unquestionably a terrorist attack. Before shooting, Hasan yelled, “Allahu Akbar!” Once again, our enemy, Hasan, is well taken care of by the Obama Administration while Sgt. Lunsford and fellow great American good guys get the shaft.

Another example of Obama's obsession with coddling our enemies while putting Americans at risk is Obama's desire to close Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo detainees are the worst of the worst, caught on the battle-field trying to kill Americans. They receive first-rate medical care, special diets respecting their religion, special concessions for their religious needs and cable TV. Upon their release, many former detainees return to the battle-field killing Americans. With gas and food prices continuing to soar, extremely high unemployment, millions of American homes financially under water, the first U.S. Ambassador killed in 30 years, global jihad and three major scandals on his Administration's plate, why is releasing our enemies apparently Obama's number one priority?

Despite the Ft Hood shooting, the attack on our consulate in Benghazi and the Boston bombing by Islamic terrorists, Obama persists in playing the role of defense attorney for those seeking our demise. In a recent speech, Obama ignored the facts and continues to proclaim that the war on terror is over and Al-Qaeda is on the run.

In The Art of War, Sun Tzu advises that one know their enemy.

President Obama's denial of our enemy puts America at great risk while providing cover for our enemy. Are you noticing a very disturbing pattern? God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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A Call For Prayer

4063697986?profile=originalMy fellow Americans, I wish to speak to you not as a political activist, but as a Christian. In all candor, my heart is heavy. Numerous headlines suggest that we are losing the culture war. As of January first, The Boy Scouts of America will accept gay scouts, but not gay scout masters. As expected, a move is already underway to force the Boy Scouts to accept gay scout masters as well.

Let me be clear, there has always been gay boy scouts. But when you officially accept openly gay scouts, you are in essence approving the activity.

Conservative Virginia now embraces same sex marriage.

It appears more and more people and institutions are caving to the Secular Progressive agenda.

Remember when independence, self-reliance, education and hard work were considered good honorable things? Today, such are declared selfish. Class envy, laziness and entitlement are celebrated. Compassion and morality means robbing achievers to give to non-achievers.

Youths are obsessed with becoming famous for doing nothing exceptional. A black rapper was awarded with his own TV show for having 11 babies by 10 women, none of which were his wife. The title of his reality show is “All My Babies Mamas.”

I could site numerous examples to prove the rapid deterioration of our culture, but I suspect you already know I am correct. Brothers and sisters the only thing I see that will turn us around is prayer. We must continue doing our part – getting as many conservatives elected into political office as possible. However, only God can add the increase.

It is kind of like a farmer tilling the soil and planting the seeds. God provides what is needed to make the farmer's fields grow. We must do the same; plant the political seeds and pray to God to make them grow.

Though my heart is heavy, my hope rests firmly in the Lord. May God bless and restore America.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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4063697567?profile=originalPatriots, I got this horrible feeling watching the MSM on the cable news TV shows playing down the Obama scandals. I thought, does Obama being liberal and “black” trump any and everything? Will the MSM continue to side with him no matter what? Will all of the lies, corruption, betrayals and probable criminal activity simply roll off the Obama Administration's back like water off a duck? Will Obama and company get away with it all?

Heaven forbid! Heck no! Not on our watch!

On the Fox News show, The Five, it was reported that some are calling the current Administration the most corrupt in U.S. History. Patriots, it is up to us to hold Obama and company's feet to the fire. I say “us” because the MSM have sacrificed objectivity and journalistic principles, burned them on the alter in worship of Obama; for the furtherance of their Socialist/Progressive agenda.

Obama is the Left's Platinum Credit Card, Black gold, the super trump card of their liberal dreams. A dark skinned socialist/progressive dictator – who would dare oppose him? Thus, the MSM will not allow Obama and company to fall.

The preservation and restoration of America and our God given freedom rest on our shoulders; patriots who love this country as founded. We can not allow these scandals to fade way. We must diligently continue pursuing the truth – alerting and informing the people.

The MSM continues to blow-off Benghazi. Obviously, the MSM believes Obama's black skin and liberal ideology trumps even National security. Obama and company must be held accountable for Benghazi.

Conservative Campaign Committee has exposed the Administration’s lies, deceit and cover-ups in a powerful TV ad which I guarantee the Obama Administration does not want you to see.

Please spread it, share it with your low-info voter family and friends. Make it go viral. This is one of the most important TV ads CCC has ever produced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtZBC35gYCo

A brief encounter reenforced why pushing Benghazi and the other scandals is so important.

While filling my gas tank, a young man pulled his truck up to the opposite gas pump. When the young man opened his door, we realized that both of us were listening to Rush Limbaugh on our radios. We gave each other a high five. He said, “It's where I go to hear the truth!”

The young man shared that he is a small businessman struggling to survive with a wife and four kids. He said he has tax issues up the wazoo. The young man said a drywall contractor with whom he does business was exonerated in a battle with the IRS. It cost the guy $700,000 to prove his innocence. Will the vindicated drywall contractor be reimbursed? No. Unable to recover, the drywall contractor has gone out of business. Unbelievable. In light of the IRS being exposed for targeting the Tea Party, I suspect the drywall contractor is a conservative.

The young man said he tries to stay informed on the issues, but felt a bit overwhelmed with trying to keep his business afloat and family responsibilities. I encouraged him to hang in there. I told the young man that I am a member of the Tea Party fighting for him.

Brothers and sisters, we must do everything in our power to end the unprecedented tyranny of the out-of-control drunk-with-power Obama Administration. Benghazi along with the other scandals could be the key to rendering Obama impotent in the fulfillment of his oppressive agenda. Thus, the importance of pushing our Benghazi cover-up TV ad.

My dad told me years ago that a snake can swim under water a long time just like a fish. But eventually it has to come up for air because it is not a fish. It is a snake.

For years Obama has gotten away with pretending to be a unifying moderate. Behind the scenes Obama has been coming up for air acting like the Chicago thug politician he truly is. Thank God these scandals (IRS, AP and Benghazi) are finally exposing the “real” Obama.

TV ad: Hold Obama Accountable for Benghazi Scandal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtZBC35gYCo

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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