supremecourt (2)

Why Ginsburg Fears Trump


If we needed another reminder of why it matters who is elected president and who gets to pick the replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia is important, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg reminds us. In statements to CNN and the New York Times, Ginsburg called presumptive GOP presidential nominee a “faker” and warned of the danger of a Trump administration to SCOTUS and the country. As ABC News reported:

"He is a faker," Ginsburg said of Trump on Monday on CNN. "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that."....

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Daniel John Sobieski is a freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investor’s Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.

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Churches could lose tax exemption over gay marriage

Lost in the celebrations over universal gay marriage, like abortion, being deemed a right found in the “penumbras and emanations” of the Constitution is the chilling effect the ruling has on religious liberty.  In a telling exchange between the Obama administration’s Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. and Justice Samuel Alito, detailed by Tom Blumer at, in which Verrilli admitted that churches could lose their tax exemptions if they refuse to perform gay weddings:

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