Women - Beware of HRC


Although Hillary Clinton is out trying to recoup the women’s votes she had in 2008, it might behoove her avid followers to review this woman’s sordid past.

One can hide and run for a while but sooner or later the past does catch up with us.  It’s not propaganda about the murders, suicides and accidental deaths of her business associates, bundlers and colleagues that plague her past.

For those women who believe Hillary is pro - abortion, please read the following to understand that Hillary does not feel abortion is a fundamental right that only a woman should be the decision maker. 

Here’s what she said, “Abortion is a "sad, even tragic choice"--as she told an audience of New York state abortion providers in 2005--for women, not a fundamental right that only the woman should have a say in deciding. "Yes, we do have deeply held differences of opinion about the issue of abortion," she said. "I, for one, respect those who believe with all their hearts and conscience that there are no circumstances under which any abortion should ever be available." 

Now Hillary will skirt the abortion issue as she makes a run for the Presidency again, because she realizes that if she stands for abortion she will lose those who are against abortion and vice versa.

The fact is although she’ll say that she supports women’s rights to choose, in 2006 she and minority leader Harry Reid promoted the “Prevention First Act.”  This bill did make it easier for women to obtain contraceptives, but in the end the bill was not in favor of women’s abortions.

The working class and poor will be relegated to the ancient history shelf if Hillary wins the 2016 election.  Just because she’s female is no excuse for even considering her for the most prestigious position in our Nation. 

African Americans, Hispanics, the poor are just about to get a shellacking by one who espouses to be a champion of women.  Her platform will be big on “Hope and Change” but in the end just like Obama she’ll dump these poor unsuspecting Americans just like Obama did.  For those concerned with the real issues our Nation faces, it time to put Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the 2016 Presidency into an honest prospective.

The Liberals and their aggressive New Media will paint a picture of bravery, intelligence, leadership and competence but that is merely a fake do-over for a woman in politics for 20 years who hasn’t accomplished “zilch.”  She talks a good game but that’s as far as it goes.

The Liberals have praised her with unearned rewards and trumped up stories bestowing them on a “has been.”  There’s been no major achievements during her term as Sec of State – it’s all show and no go, but she did keep foreign seats warmed with her posterior  and she did travel thousands of miles during this time. 

Hillary cheerleaders brag that she logged nearly a million miles of air travel as Secretary of State. "She reminded the world that Woody Allen was right even when it comes to diplomacy: 80 percent of success really is simply showing up," Megan Garber cheered in The Atlantic

So much for showing up, she showed up after running out of excuses and testified under oath about Benghazi. She informed Americans that she was responsible and would accept full responsibility – edited that merely means she lied under oath, didn’t know or remember anything and willing walked away from the Benghazi murders without even looking back for she had a campaign to prepare for... 

Like Obama, Hillary is a died in the wool Saul Alinsky worshipper and she’s an expert at keeping America distracted and divided, which is what we’ll experience in the near future if she begins her run for the White House. 

Hillary will use Saul Alinsky’s Rule # 8 as she kicks her campaign into high gear.

* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.) 

Obama has kept our Nation off balance for 5 years, we have three more years to face his radical onslaught - actually Obama and Hillary will join hands the next three years because Obama owes Bill and Hillary several big favors and the Clintons will collect.

As Always,

Little Tboca

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