Found this on PJ Media this morning. It makes a really good argument for hardening schools...
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RGIII (Robert Griffin III), superstar quarterback of the Washington Redskins is the latest black under attack by the Blackness Gestapo. The Blackness Gestapo are racists, black and white, who troll the airways keeping blacks in-check, faithful to their blackness. They believe to be authentically black, one must behave and think in certain ways. Blackness Gestapo mandated authorized black behavior includes having a chip on your shoulder against whites, maintaining an eternal victim and entitlement mindset, never achieving success without Democratic Party programs and never ever voting Republican. Blacks must call themselves African-Americans and display an urban edge via their speech, attire and attitude.
Blackness Gestapo enforcer, ESPN analyst Rob Parker accused RGIII of not being black enough. Griffin comes from a great military family. His fiance is white. He is extremely articulate. He wants to be judged by his performance on the football field without regard of his skin color. Wow, what a radical concept in our new “everything-is-about-race” Obama America. Doesn't RGIII sound like he embraces the dream of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr that people be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin?
But worst of all, rumor has it that Griffin might be a Republican.
The idiotic self imposed suppression of black liberation and growth by the Blackness Gestapo goes way back.
In the 70s, I remember watching an episode of the sitcom, “Good Times”. A black politician was criticized by the black community for coming across too white. To prove his blackness and win black voters, the politician had to show he could speak an urban language called The Dozens. Clearly, the absurd restrictive message of the episode was regardless of ones education, racial loyalty requires that blacks maintain remnants of the hood.
Remember, the 90s comedy TV show, “In Living Color”? A standard joke of the program was the black guy who did not sound or behave like he came from the ghetto. The message was blacks who speak English correctly and prefer sushi over fried chicken are traitors trying to be white.
I witnessed the same brain-dead behavior from blacks here in Florida when brilliant articulate black Republican Jennifer Carroll ran for Congress against the Democrat incumbent do-nothing-for-her -constituents Corrine Brown. Brown's district was mostly black and ghetto. Brown had been in office forever without much positive change in her district. Carroll was smart and loaded with fresh new ideas. Brown won reelection hands down. Word on the street was Carroll sounded too white. Give me a break! Racist idiots!
Blackness Gestapo Generals Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton had a “tude” against Obama for running for president without hood “creds” such as theirs. Obama had to prove his blackness by spending 20 years in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s racist church. The mainstream media partnered with the Democrats in hiding Rev. Wright's racist rants from the public to protect their first black serious socialistic/progressive contender for the Oval Office.
If I sound a bit frank in my language, it is because I am tired of Blackness Gestapo thugs threatening and stifling the growth of blacks. How dare they dictate the behavior of myself and other blacks.
American blacks are blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. Just as whites are not monolithic, neither are blacks. We are individuals. Our God given birthright of freedom grants us opportunity to explore limitless tastes and behaviors without being chained by Authorized Blackness.
Forty years ago, I met a black fencing master – as in sword fighting. I was elated. I carted the brother to recreation centers across Baltimore. I wanted black kids to see black excellence beyond basketball, football, baseball and entertainment. I wanted them to see that blacks need not be limited in their abilities, hopes and dreams.
So Blackness Gestapo thug Rob Parker, get a life and mind your own business. RGIII is free to be whomever and whatever he wishes without you and your homey's approval. Wimp conservatives/Republicans say we must pander to your ilk to win the urban vote. That “ain't happenin'” as far as I am concerned. I will never sacrifice principles and values that I know are right and best for all people to the false god of votes. Racist thugs like you must and will be defeated.
Heck, this RGIII kid is so good, I just might become a Redskins fan. ...Nah. Go Ravens!
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
OK, so it's my first day of vacation this year and I'm up at 1a.m. checking email and reading Ann Coulter's "Godless, The Church of Liberalism" (good times, good times) when I get an email from (whom I subscribed when I was job hunting last year). I open it up and what do I see but....
OK, so already being incensed at the liberalism in the U.S. (Coulter has that effect on me), I go to their website and find an awfully U.S. officially looking website stating that
"Some of our benefits:
While I am beginning to get the jest of this site (namely unscrupulous immigration lawyers trying to flood the U.S. with more potential Democrat voters), a 'chat' window opens up and an 'immigration expert' starts talking to me about how easy they can make it for me to get into the U.S. and get job (as opposed to the 16 months after I was laid off at the University of Texas to find a job in Human Factors Engineering). I went to the "contact us" page (after closing that darn chat window) and found they had 3 offices, one in Houston, one in Turkey and one in Cyprus. (check it out yourselves). Now this may be a harmless organization with only the best altruistic motives for the poor disadvantaged in foreign countries, but the U.S. State Department is the happy recipient and has a direct pipeline through which these Green Card Visas are funneled. My God, no wonder I was interviewing against foreigners in Co., Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Boston and Raleigh; they might as well book a cruise ship and bring 'em all over..... I need a drink. |
In a secret government agreement granted without approval or debate from lawmakers, the U.S. attorney general recently gave the National Counterterrorism Center sweeping new powers to store dossiers on U.S. citizens, even if they are not suspected of a crime, according to a news report.
Earlier this year, Attorney General Eric Holder granted the center the ability to copy entire government databases holding information on flight records, casino-employee lists, the names of Americans hosting foreign-exchange students and other data, and to store it for up to five years, even without suspicion that someone in the database has committed a crime, according to the Wall Street Journal, which broke the story.
Whereas previously the law prohibited the center from storing data compilations on U.S. citizens unless they were suspected of terrorist activity or were relevant to an ongoing terrorism investigation, the new powers give the center the ability to not only collect and store vast databases of information but also to trawl through and analyze it for suspicious patterns of behavior in order to uncover activity that could launch an investigation.
The changes granted by Holder would also allow databases containing information about U.S. citizens to be shared with foreign governments for their own analysis.
A former senior White House official told the Journal that the new changes were “breathtaking in scope.”
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This is a Must Read, Folks.......
Via The Texas Tribune:
A coalition of tea party activists called on the Texas Legislature Tuesday to hold the line on taxes, crack down on employers who hire undocumented immigrants, make deep spending cuts and enact several ethics and transparency reforms.
The Tea Party Caucus Advisory Committee expressed support for Gov. Rick Perry’s so-called “budget compact,” aimed at ending budgetary tricks, limiting spending by Constitutional amendment and stopping any tax increases.
But the conservative group took direct aim at Perry elsewhere in its legislative agenda, entitled “Make Texas Strong.” The activists want the Legislature to zero out the hundreds of millions of dollars in funding for a series of tax incentive programs championed by Perry as crucial economic development tools.
Some Highlights include (and you'll love these)
Getting Back to Basics – Make State Spending Fit into a Constitution-sized Box by: eliminating departments, agencies, commissions, and programs that exceed the core constitutional functions of state government (listed above). Texans for a Conservative Budget has compiled a list of spending items, which can be eliminated or reduced by streamlining. [Source:] Lawmakers should look to this list of reductions before they ever utter the words “we need sources of new revenue.” The Conservative Budget list includes the Texas Enterprise Fund, Texas Emerging Technology Fund, and the Special Events Fund, which is an extended subsidy for Formula 1 racing and other entertainment venues. These state funds mirror the federal government’s practice of tinkering with the economy. Central planning through subsidies is not the proper role of government in a free market society. State government has no business attempting to pick winners and losers and doling out tax dollars to special interests any more than the federal government does. It is time to end this form of corporate welfare in Texas.
Stop Chasing Federal Dollars – Make Texas Strong & Independent of Federal Strings; reduce state reliance on federal dollars and restrict all new federal grant programs.
Implement Tax and Expenditure Limits – State and local government spending from ALL sources should increase only by the sum of population growth plus inflation and no more. We support a constitutional amendment to set this limit in order to protect current and future taxpayers from excessive state spending.
Budget Transparency – practice truth in budgeting by ending diversions; a tax or fee should go to fund the original intent of the legislation that created the tax or fee; should a surplus occur, the fee or tax should be reduced, and the surplus used to reduce state debt.
Reforming Texas’ Public Pension Systems – According to recent reports from the Texas State Comptroller, the Texas retirement system, while fairly well funded compared to other states, is still legally liable to pay defined benefits totaling 10 to 20 times what state employees paid into the system. The legislature should institute these reforms: Freeze enrollment in the current defined benefit system and enroll newly hired or unvested employees in a 401(k)-style defined contribution pension plan.
Zero-based Budgeting – starts a budget from zero and requires justification for requested funding for each line item of a budget. This budgeting discipline has not been used by the State of Texas for the last nine years (2003), but should be instituted immediately to ensure taxpayers get the most value for their tax dollars.
The Rainy Day Fund (also known as the Economic Stabilization Fund) – should only be spent on one-time emergency items or tax relief. The fund should NOT be spent for ongoing expenses. If we truly believe in personal responsibility, then the State of Texas should lead and preserve the Rainy Day Fund for true natural and man-made disasters. We need look no further than the recent example of the devastation wreaked by super storm Sandy. The states of New York and New Jersey immediately turned to the federal government for relief, and many of the people of those states are still waiting, months later. The Rainy Day Fund should be preserved so that Texas can be strong and less dependent on the federal government in times of disaster.
Reducing State Debt – We should avoid a state fiscal cliff by resisting the temptation to add to our state debt just because interest rates are low. Soaring debt is just as wrong for our state as it is for the federal government.
Restructuring state government — Texas state government must be restructured:
To reduce the size, scope, and cost of state government
Because state government is weighted down with far too many overlapping, duplicated efforts = numerous bureaucratic kingdoms. (Natural resources has approximately 38 individual departments/agencies and programs.) Refocus Sunset process on making government more efficient by abolishing agencies, committees, boards, and statutes and consolidating agency functions
State government should be reduced down to its core constitutional functions. Core functions should then be performed as efficiently and effectively as possible to achieve measurable results.
The Texas Legislature should mandate a state government-restructuring project for the interim, which would:
The Margins Tax – Abolish the gross margins tax, and begin by making the small business exemption permanent. The tax has underperformed, is complex, costly, and difficult to comply with. The tax is unfair as it is collected even from businesses that show no profit.
Property Tax Reform – Abolish and replace with a reformed sales tax that includes an adjusted tax rate and base.
Sales Tax – any increase in the sales tax base or the sales tax rate must be accompanied by reductions in other taxes. State and local governments should come to rely on consumption taxes as their main revenue generators.
State Income Tax – a non-starter! Texas is one of nine states without an income tax and should remain so. Texas should continue to encourage economic growth (a healthy tax base) by keeping taxes low and adopting pro-growth reforms.
and more......
While speaking at a Dec. 16 prayer vigil for victims of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, Barack Obama, ever the divisive political creature with a burning transformative agenda, could not pass on the opportunity to politicize the event:
“In the coming weeks, I’ll use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens, from law enforcement, to mental health professionals, to parents and educators, in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this, because what choice do we have? We can’t accept events like this as routine.
Are we really prepared to say that we’re powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are too hard?
Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom?”
Forget about the shock, grief, anguish, pain and suffering of the survivors. Never mind that the vigil was intended to honor the innocent victims, not promote Obama’s ardent agenda to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.”
Never let a crisis go to waste…ever.
And to think, there are still people who wonder why America is so divided.
Congratulations Barack…Saul Alinsky would be proud of you.
If Obama is truly devoted to preventing such tragedies, how about he cease and desist being the most divisive American political figure of the 21st century? Anyone who is paying attention knows he is leading a group of like-minded politicians whose strategy is “divide and conquer.”
If Obama is honestly concerned with preventing the routine slaughter of children in schools, schools will no longer be gun free zones. The criminally inclined, mentally deranged people who have perpetrated these shootings clearly have not respected these gun free zones, including America’s shopping malls and other public gathering places.
For “progressives” to use these tragedies as a thinly disguised attempt to alter or abolish Second Amendment Rights for free American Citizens is further evidence that they are attacking, not defending the Constitution of the United States of America. Why is it not surprising that those who desire a “fundamental transformation” of America would be derelict in their duties while ignoring their oath of office?
Here is a clue for Obama and his high falutin, fancy pants, smooth talking, words parsing “progressive” Ivy League chums:
The Second Amendment was not written so 21st century Americans could go deer hunting.
America’s Constitution secured the Right of the People to keep and bear arms as the last line of defense against tyrannical government. Having just fought against and defeated King George’s military, America’s founders were keenly aware of the need for all Citizens to be prepared in defense of their Liberties. It matters not whether tyrannical government is imposed by a foreign crown as it was in the 1700s, or from Washington DC, as is being done today. Tyrannical government is tyrannical government.
As Patrick Henry said during debate in the Several State Conventions on the adoption of the U.S. Constitution:
“Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?”
Barack Obama and his fellow “progressives” are not interested in defending the God given, constitutionally protected Rights of American Citizens. They are interested in ensuring that “progressives” gain a firm, final grasp on unstrained power.
America had better wise up. Fast.
Because of groupthink and a poverty of imagination, the story of American Freedom and of American exceptionalism may end far too soon in a tragic, final chapter.
In a complaint filed early last week in state court, a pro-illegal alien advocacy group, the state's largest union, and a Montana resident born in Canada sued Montana and several state officials as a result of the passage of Legislative Referendum 121 (LR-121). (See Complaint; see also Great Falls Tribune, Dec. 11, 2012). LR-121 denies state-taxpayer funded services such as state licenses, state employment, unemployment or disability benefits, and aid for university students to illegal aliens. The law also requires state agencies to notify the U.S. Department of Homeland Security of illegal aliens who have applied for state services. (LR-121).
In their lawsuit, the plaintiffs assail LR-121 on four grounds. First, they claim that Section 4 of LR-121 violates their fundamental right to privacy under Article II, Sections 3 and 10 of the Montana Constitution because it requires individuals to disclose their citizenship or legal immigration status to the state to obtain benefits.
Second, the plaintiffs claim LR-121 violates due process under Article II, Sections 3 and 17 of the Montana Constitution because they claim it grants discretion to state employees to determine who is an "illegal alien" and does not provide notice and opportunity for a hearing in the event that an applicant for services is classified as an "illegal alien" and denied services.
Third, the plaintiffs claim that LR-121 violates equal protection under Article II, Sections 4 of the Montana Constitution because it creates classes of similarly situated persons and treats them differently. "One class consists of persons who are United States citizens, lawfully present in Montana, and have readily-available proof of their citizenship status. The second class consists of persons who are United States citizens lawfully present in Montana, and do not have readily-available proof of their citizenship status, or for whom proof of their citizenship status may involve factual determinations and the application of federal law." (Complaint at pgs 17-19, 23). The plaintiffs also claim the law impermissibly treats lawfully admitted noncitizens who lawfully remain in the United States differently than unlawfully admitted noncitizens who remain lawfully in the United States by denying the latter state services.
Finally, the plaintiffs claim LR-121 is preempted by federal immigration law under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution (U.S. Const., Art. VI, Cl. 2) because, they argue, the law both regulates immigration by creating classifications of aliens not defined in federal law such as "illegal alien" and conflicts with federal law by denying services to those who might have entered the United States unlawfully but have been granted permission toremainby federal law or presidential fiat.
The complaint asks the court to declare LR-121 unconstitutional and preliminarily and permanently enjoin its enforcement.
Representative David Howard, LR-121's drafter, says the measure is necessary to save tax dollars and discourage illegal aliens from making Montana their home. (Billings Gazette, Oct. 09, 2012). Montana citizens agreed, overwhelmingly approving the measure in the November election by nearly 80 percent. (See Montana Secretary of State's Official Election Results). Unless preliminarily enjoined by the court, LR-121 will take effect on January 1, 2013.
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The nation's largest amnesty organizations gathered in Washington, D.C., Wednesday to issue a joint call for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship. (The Press Enterprise, Dec. 11, 2012) The groups attending the meeting in D.C. included the National Council of La Raza (funded by Citibank since 2009), America's Voice, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Educational Fund (NALEO), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, Hispanic Federation, Voto Latino, and Mi Familia Vota. (See La Raza press release, Dec. 12, 2012)
At a press conference, these amnesty organizations proudly demanded that Congress reward law-breaking by passing amnesty legislation. (McClatchy News Service, Dec. 12, 2012) "Our movement has been very clear: the centerpiece of broad reform is citizenship," said Frank Sharry, executive director of America's Voice. (Wall Street Journal, Dec. 13, 2012) He insisted that Republicans aren't going to successfully confront their political problem and risk further alienating Hispanics if they oppose citizenship. (Id.) The organizations also demanded that lawmakers grant illegal aliens citizenship as part of a large, "comprehensive" immigration reform bill instead of a series of smaller, targeted bills. (See The New York Times, Dec. 12, 2012)
The groups also demanded that Congress act now. According to La Raza President Janet Murguia, the November election was a "game changer" that provided Congress the mandate for bi-partisan amnesty legislation in 2013. (See The New York Times, Dec. 12, 2012) Stating that Latinos had demonstrated their power in the 2012 elections, she said: "We intend to continue to build that power. To grow that power. And now we intend to use it to advance comprehensive immigration reform." (McClatchy News Service , Dec. 12, 2012)
To pressure Congress, SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Eliseo Medina promised a "massive" grassroots campaign. "Failure is not an option," Medina said. "Comprehensive immigration reform is going to happen. Whether it will be over the political bodies of some of the current members of Congress, only they can decide." (The New York Times, Dec. 12, 2012)
Finally, these amnesty advocates warned that they will hold accountable those lawmakers who oppose amnesty. They promised to issue report cards on Members of Congress indicating their support for amnesty legislation. (Houston Chronicle, Dec. 13, 2012) "Make no mistake," said Mr. Medina, "[W]e will be watching." (The New York Times, Dec. 12, 2012)
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Documents the Boston Globe obtained from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveal that immigration officials have freed over 8,500 aliens convicted of crimes such as murder and rape since 2008. (Boston Globe, Dec. 9, 2012) These releases are attributable mainly to the Supreme Court's ruling in Zadvydas v. Davis, in which the Court held that an alien who had completed his sentence but whose country of origin refused repatriation could not be detained indefinitely. (See Zadvydas v. Davis,533 U.S. 678 (2001)) Currently, over twenty governments worldwide refuse to repatriate criminal nationals from the United States. (Boston Globe, Dec. 9, 2012)
Of particular concern is the underhanded nature by which DHS carries out the process of releasing these criminal aliens. First, ICE rarely attempts to utilize protocols that would permit a criminal alien to be kept in custody longer. The Boston Globe's analysis of the ICE records reveal that of the thousands of criminal aliens ICE has released since 2008, there were only 13 instances where ICE attempted to petition the courts to lengthen a criminal alien's detention period on the grounds of the alien posing a danger to the public. (Id.)
In addition, ICE repeatedly refuses to disclose the names of released criminal aliens. According to ICE, the privacy of criminal aliens outweighs American citizens' need for awareness. DHS spokesman Matthew Chandler told the Boston Globe, "in the absence of any identified public interest or explanation as to how the disclosure of the arrestees' information will advance that interest, the personal privacy interests will prevail." (Id.)
According to the Boston Globe, ICE has expressly refused on over twenty occasions to provide the names of the criminal aliens who have been released since 2008. (Boston Globe, Dec. 9, 2012) The paper has nowfiled a lawsuit to continue its attempts to uncover the names of criminal aliens ICE has released. (Id.)
One bright spot of Barack Obama's re-election was knowing that unemployment rates were about to soar for the precise groups that voted for him -- young people, unskilled workers and single women with degrees in gender studies. But now the Democrats are sullying my silver lining by forcing Republicans to block an utterly pointless tax-raising scheme in order to blame the coming economic Armageddon on them.
Apart from Obamacare, it's difficult to think of a more effective method of destroying jobs than raising taxes on "the rich." This isn't a wealth tax on useless gigolos like John Kerry -- it's an income tax on people who are currently engaged in some profitable enterprise. Their business profits, which could have been used to hire more employees, will instead be used to pay the government.
Unless Republicans and Democrats reach an agreement, the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of the year. By pushing to extend the tax cuts for everyone except "the rich," Democrats get to look like champions of middle class tax cuts and Republicans can be portrayed as caring only about the rich.
And when the economy tanks, the Non-Fox Media will blame Republicans.
The economy will tank because, as you will recall, Obama is still president. Government rules, regulations, restrictions, forms and inspections are about to drown the productive sector. Obamacare is descending on job creators like a fly swatter on a gnat. Obama has already managed to produce the only "recovery" that is worse than the preceding recession since the Great Depression. And he says, "You ain't seen nothing yet."
The coming economic collapse is written in the stars, but if Republicans "obstruct" the Democrats by blocking tax hikes on top income earners, they're going to take 100 percent of the blame for the Obama economy.
You think not? The Non-Fox Media managed to persuade a majority of voters that the last four years of jobless misery was George W. Bush's fault, having nothing whatsoever to do with Obama.
The media have also managed to brand Republicans as the party of the rich, even as eight of the 10 richest counties voted for Obama. And that doesn't include pockets of vast wealth in cities -- Nob Hill in San Francisco, the North Shore of Chicago, the Upper East Side of Manhattan and the Back Bay of Boston -- whose residents invariably vote like welfare recipients. Seven of the 10 richest senators are Democrats. The very richest is the useless gigolo.
We think this is a bad idea, but Obama won the election and the media are poised to blame us for whatever happens next, so let's give his plan a whirl and see how the country likes it.
Republicans need to get absolute, 100 percent intellectual clarity on who bears responsibility for the next big recession. It is more important to win back the Senate in two years than it is to save the Democrats from their own idiotic tax plan. Unless Republicans give them an out, Democrats won't be able to hide from what they've done. - Ann Coulter
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Obama says he wants to investigate the incident in Newtown, CT; we haven't even gotten the answer to the incidents with Fast & Furious and Benghazi resolved yet; I wonder if we ever will; or will the memory of those tragedies just fade away into obscurity? Obama how about shedding a tear for those deaths you were responsible for*; you know the “few bumps in the road.” *“Don’t go after Ambassador Susan Rice, go after me” Obama
We, the United States are the world’s biggest arms suppliers; would these people calling for taking away our personal weapons also call for a reduction of military weapons sold overseas? Remember what president Eisenhower warned; “Beware of the military industrial complex.”
They want to ban assault weapons because you can’t use them for hunting. The second amendment guarantees the right to have weapons, not for hunting but for the citizenry to protect itself from a “tyrannical government.”
In no way do I want to take away from the heartbreak and the tragedy in Newtown; all those precious children who were murdered, but Obama will use his liberal news media to distract from him being held accountable for his responsibilities.
Nick Fortunato
Democrats and the anti-gun folks need to be held accountable for the blood shed in our schools , it is their GUN FREE ZONE laws that seem to attract mass murderers because they know that there will be no armed apposition to their attacks.
The anti-gun laws have never worked at stopping the mass killings we have witnessed in the past few years.
The answer is simple make Right to Carry concealed the law of the land and if that is not enough require people in positions like school teachers take firearms training and require them to carry concealed at work.
The Democrats should be held to answer for all the blood shed where people were denied their right to self defense . Columbine , Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, ET-AL
This is the tone the gun debate needs to take now!
You all need to grow a pair and demand that democrats answer this one
They want to blame gun owners when it is their own fault.
hold their feet to the fire now
This is a terrible example of the most horrific loss, that any parent can ever
experience, the loss of our child or children. When the hour and day comes, that
we eceive a notification, that effects our lives forever ! And there are no words
that explain adequately, or possibly stop the pain that rushes through these parents
minds; then deep into the inner depths of their hearts. Suddenly, we all feel weak and
sickened__there is such an over-powering emptiness that we can not fathom. Of
course, the same applies for each of the family members, but to a less tragic impact.
I know the feeling so well, still after twenty-one years, it's almost as if it just
happened again. To have that starling knock at the door, and immediately
sense a foreboding; that is unexplainable, that something awful is coming.
Yet, even though there is a vague awareness, you try to muster up the
courage to open the door, suddenly everything seems to crash in, rushing
upon you and overwhelming your consciousness, as you make efforts to
steady your grip and composure.
Again I can only share some of the heart wrenching agony, that anyone might
encounter after such a tragic event. There is no way that I can tell you exactly
how one may respond or react to such graphic news. No parent will ever be
prepared to cope with such loss. And every individual parent may react in a
different and more extreme manner.
Even as we have seen repeated more times, in too many places; and there is
evidence that our society has becomes so desensitized and callous toward
such recurring episodes, that it is too often ignored; or there is an attempt
to divert our glance! Looking away from the media coverage of such a
terrible event, so that we might escape, any feelings of pain, fear; empathy
that might require our attention or concern for the victims, and their families.
We have become so separated from our extended families, friends, and our
neighbors in today's society; that we falsely conclude that we should not allow
ourselves be drawn toward anything, that may cause us to become emotional
or that may have a serious effect or threat that might touch us.
The only sane answer that I can offer, is that we all bear equal responsibility
for passively standing mute, as GOD has been eliminated from our schools,
government buildings, every piece of legislation. Any mention of a believer
of GOD, is frowned upon and ridiculed by most of our official governmental
We all are quick to embrace our freedoms, that are conveyed to everyone
by our 'Constitution' and the 'Bill-of-Rights'! Yet, from that perspective,
we (We-the-People) have seen our rights and privileges stripped away and
a continuous eroding of our liberty. We have all experienced more attacks,
that have been launched against our nation's freedoms, and the relentless
assault by the worldly evils of socialism, federalism, and one world government.
It even has invaded the churches of every denomination, and it becomes
more and more evident, as each day passes. Those who are true believers
of GOD's Word, and continue to walk in faith, to follow GOD's Principles
are very aware of the onslaught of evil against our Nation, and all of the
people. There has been a darkness, an obvious change at almost every
level of our society.
And those who understand The KINGDOM of GOD, have been praying
for years for GOD to deliver us from this attack of evil, which has been
primarily focused on the children and our young people. We continue to
stand on GOD's Covenant, in our prayers, asking forgiveness of the sins
of our Nation. For our turning away from GOD. In the word of GOD,
[ 2Chr. 7:14] It says, “If MY People will humble themselves, and earnestly
pray asking forgiveness, that HE (GOD) Will Hear our prayers and heal
our land.”
The United States of America is the only nation that has been Blessed by
GOD ALMIGHTY, like we have been Blessed. There is only one other
nation, Israel that has experienced the same Blessings of GOD. And
almost every person is familiar with how GOD'S Chosen People, the
direct descendant’s of Abraham, were given their land Israel. And how
King Solomon was given more wisdom than any man had possessed.
Because of this wisdom, the Kingdom of Israel was blessed beyond measure,
until the people turned away from GOD, and gradually the sins of the nation,
resulted in GOD's People losing their land, and being banished to live over
all the earth for over two-thousand years; only as recent as 1948, did GOD
finally restore HIS People to become the New Israel!
It amazes me daily, when I observe how we as a Blessed Nation, that was brought
forth and dedicated to GOD, by our Fore-fathers! Then, how we have over the
years, have collectively (as a Nation) gradually taken steps Or by our inaction
and complacency, have run GOD out of our government; schools; medical
facilities; our financial affairs; and unfortunately, too many households
do not choose to invite GOD or HIS Blessings. That in itself is a
terrible thing; too often GOD, is not present even in the churches! There
are ministers that are not preaching GOD's Word, instead have turned things
into a 'social event' or into 'special entertainment series'; and they have taken
the role as a purveyor or barker on the boardwalk. Too many are wolves in
sheep's clothing and they are slaughtering their sheep. Their prophets are
speaking lies, and tales that tickle the ear! It has made many: one-time
anointed churches into an abomination before Our GOD!
Sounds like we live in a perilous time; and on the Christian Broadcast Network
recently, it was heard spoken by Evangelist Billy Gramham's son: Franklin,
that our nation has turned its back on GOD! Let me say, I must agree. But I
know that GOD'S Word, tells us of a day of judgment that was coming upon
Sodom and Gomorrah, and Abraham asked GOD several times if he would be
able to find a number of righteous men to pray, if GOD would change HIS Mind,
and not destroy the city! Finally, Abraham asked GOD, one more final time,
would HE not destroy the city, should he be able to find only 10 righteous
if Abraham were to find only ten righteous men to pray.” Of course, Abraham
was not successful! Which then resulted in the cities total destruction, after
Abraham, Lot and his family had departed.
As we all know, politician's are not able to fix this nations problems, unless
they decide to bow their knees, joining with everyone that is willing to pray.
We are confident that there are sufficient 'righteous men-women' that can
still be heard by GOD. We are calling everyone to pray with us according
to [2 Chr. 7:14]! It would be nice for all of our leaders, to put aside their
politics, and to come to their sense's and realize that this Nation, was once
dedicated to GOD, on April 30, 1789 as our newly inaugurated President
George Washington, led his entire body of cabinet-members; all of the
Legislative Administration; Senate; House of Representative; and the
Supreme Court were invited to join in a procession down Wall St., in
New York City, NY as they all gathered together at St Pauls Chapel.
They all crammed into that small building, as they bowed their knees
and prayed in agreement to dedicate this Nation, as the Republic of
the United States of America to be founded and dedicated under the
guide of the Constitution and the Bill of Right and the Hand of GOD!
With this I close with,
Rev. Jerry L. Robertson
P.S.~ As a matter of record, ST PAULS CHAPEL still exist today
and is the very property, which adjoins 'GROUND ZERO', and
the Towers, which all of us are very familiar with the Terrorist
Attack on 9/11, is the same property originally acquire from the
St Pauls Chapel. And it is obviously, the site of the first warning
from GOD, calling HIS People to repent, and return to HIM!
It is past time for us to pray!
<<Anyone who wishes to better understand the warning's that
GOD has currently issued, please acquire a copy of the book:
"The Harbinger" by Johnathan Cahn; and the book "Eye to Eye:
Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel" by Bill Koenig>>>
If the economy is “recovering” why do we need to raise the debt ceiling?
How come there are more people then ever getting food stamps (ebt cards)?
If unemployment is dropping then how come there isn't more tax revenue from all those jobs that have been created?
Why are major corporations and big banks laying off thousands?
Just some logical questions as we exist down the rabbit hole in wonderland that used to be America.
“ The Gift Is Worth The Pain”
Father, God of all Creation, of: not by strength and not by might, but by MY Spirit saith the Lord. Yes Father, You Oh Lord, Holy above all. We all come before Your very presence, and seek Your face, to know and hear Your Voice, and know Your heart above all things this day and in this hour. Strife and a Heinous wrong transpired this day. We all sit, watch, and pray, mortified at the sites and sounds of one of our own Youth gone wrong, horribly wrong. For at his very hands Father, You of all should know the Why of it all. We only know what You've allowed us to know, see, and do, and Oh Father that we could have done much more to have prevented this event, this thing of outlandish proportion to the even younger's which suffered and died at his hand. We all struggle to some extreme with the Questions, recieving a few answers, some consolations about it. And those survivors, Mom's, Dad's, the list goes onward, this entire nation, brought to its knees, seeking Your heart and voice for comfort and wisdom. So, this night oh Lord of Hosts, as we lay to sleep, and ponder our lot, may we remain obedient unto You and hear Your still small voice, that voice of Loving Compassion, You Oh Lord have continually done so sweetly, and we thank You for our Peace. In Jesus' name, amen.
Mother holds young child who escaped murderous rampage of lone gunman,
who killed 20 children and six adults at school
On Friday, December 14th, 20 innocent children walked into their schoolroom class at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., and before noon, Adam Lanza, 20, had gunned them and his mother down, according to Fox News sources. Recently, this horrific scene has been played out far too many times in malls, movie theaters, and at universities. This time, the unthinkable has occurred. The innocence of childhood was stripped away by this lone gunman, and left a town, and a nation in mourning.
Yet, in the midst of this very tragic day, the routine calls for tighter gun control laws have again raised its ugly head. While there is no reported connection to alleged shooter, Adam Lanza and illegal firearms, the calls are spreading, as they did earlier in the week, when another masked gunman entered a Portland, Oregon area mall, and shot and killed two victims.
According to Fox News, a U.S. Justice Department source, indicated that weapons used in the murderous assault, including a .223-caliber rifle, had been legally registered to the shooter’s mother. There is a serious problem in this nation, but with this tragedy and the one on Tuesday in Portland, Oregon, it was not the gun, but the stolen weapons that was the problem.
In a nation where there are over 50 million legal gun owners, there is no clear reason how the outbursts of violence by mentally unstable individuals whose weapon of choice is a gun, can be used as a rationale to curtail constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights. The two are not even logically synonymous.
Gun control laws that are not strict enough did not fail these families who are undergoing this very grievous period of mourning for their dead loved ones. What may have failed, even though speculative, is whatever social service system that did not intervene or pay attention to domestic issues that were occurring inside the home of the dead shooter.
The answers to what motivated Adam Lanza, to head into the school where his mother taught and into the very room where she was a teacher and open fire on precious little kids, shows anger that was perhaps motivated by revenge, or some other deep unsettling motive. But a gun control law is not the culprit in this tragic scenario.
How much tighter should the state of Connecticut’s laws be, if the weapons were purportedly registered to the shooter’s mother? The State of Connecticut gun laws specifies in part:
“It is unlawful to possess any other firearm by a person who has been convicted of a felony. It is unlawful to possess a handgun if convicted as a delinquent of a serious juvenile offense which includes.”
The mother did not appear to be a felon, now was she a convicted delinquent. She was a teacher in an elementary school, who was according to published reports from Fox News, murdered by her own son, who stole the weapons from her home. She was a victim not of a right-wing fringe element. She was murdered by her son.