initially, I responded to contest the closing down of Quantonamo, Cuba~
Repeal the detainee provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (Sections
1021 & 1022). And beyond that take action to repeal/kill the proposed ID Act!
Upon finishing my note, it seemed more than appropiate to address some of the long list of
issues. There is valid information that confirms that it is definitely beyond time to disband
Homeland Security; and it is a necessity to completely close down all of the practices of our
TBA Program-(currently- all Security provisions are ridiculous, false-security{totally flawed
& ineffective} impractical and not working).......I'm sure that almost everyone has had their
own horror story, about a similar encounter.....(Ref. Many of you probably saw a recent report
of a little six-year old girl, confined to wheel-chair, who was denied access to board an Airline
over her parents protest-the entire matter, turned into a fiasco, which should have never happened)
The whole TSA Organization, needs to be redesigned and effectively implemented!
Look it is more than obvious, that we still have a prevailing struggle, in what might be the best
direction for our nation to proceed. But 'We-the-People', as constituents, are desiring to
have these harsh demands that violate our freedom's and violate our rights eliminated. This
matter has exceeded every acceptable protocol of security. There are existing laws and
guidelines, that have proven more than adequate, which are already in place. This legislation
is beyond all reasonable practice of humane principle and safety; and it is my observation,
that the requirements to enforce the tenets of NDAA, clearly violate our Freedoms assured by
our Constitution. We all need to come together and take a stand to regain our liberties and
freedoms which are set forth under our Constitution.
We all need to be mindful of the extreme sacrifice that our Fore-fathers made as they
dedicated this nation, The Republic of United States of America, in the action which
they all committed themselves, and our Nation to GOD ALMIGHTY,on that fateful day,
April 30, 1789-as they assembled with our newly Inaugurated President George Washington
in New York City, to follow his leading them down Wall Street to St. Pauls Chapel, where
they all joined together: The President, all of his Administration; the Senate; the House
of Representatives; and all the members of the Supreme Court. They crammed into St Pauls
Chapel, bowing down on their knees to dedicate this Nation to OUR GOD! And GOD has
honored that commitment. {this chapel still exist today, right there in New York City,NY:
in fact, the property is adjacent to "Ground Zero" and is the only property that survived
the terrorist attack on 9/11} ! May I recommend to each member of Congress, to acquire
a copy of the new publication, "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn (dated Jan.31,2012) and
also there is Bill Koenig's book, "Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel."
Rev. Jerry L. Robertson
Your message was sent to the following recipients: Representative Joe Barton, Senator Kay Hutchison, Senator John Cornyn.
![]() |
12/13/2012 |
The Federal Reserve plans to keep short-term interest rate near zero until unemployment drops below 6.5 percent and inflation reaches 2.5 percent. This means given the current equations used to calculate those numbers, Fed interest rates will remain at current lows until mid-2015 or beyond.
The Fed will also continue spending $85 billion a month on bond purchases to keep long-term borrowing costs low and to stimulate the U.S. economy. They will also spend $45 billion a month on long-term Treasury purchases and continue buying $40 billion a month in mortgage bonds.
Why are such moves deemed necessary by the Federal Reserve?
Why does the U.S. debt ceiling need to be raised every few years?
Why is America stressed about a “fiscal cliff?”
Because the United States of America spends entirely too much money.
To those who remember history, it is self-evident that politicians, elected or not, who subscribe to the “progressive” (read Marxist) philosophy have little to no interest in compromising with their political opposition. History informs that “progressives” in America are more inclined to attempt eliminating their Conservative political opposition than reaching any compromise. How else can it be explained why “progressives” continue to cling to their uncompromising position?
The so-called fiscal cliff negotiations going on in Washington DC is a clear example of their motives and tactics.
The “progressives” are intentionally holding to a position untenable to Conservatives in hopes of creating divides within the GOP and causing them to lose credibility by caving on their principle of not raising taxes.
The best case scenario for “progressives” is for the GOP to stick to their principles and refuse to raise taxes. Then “progressives” and their co-conspirators within the “mainstream media”, aka the “progressive” Party Pravda, can place the blame for the economic results of sequestration on Conservative Republicans while, solely for their own political aims, temporarily championing members of the GOP who appeared willing to “compromise.”
Trying to negotiate a "grand bargain" simply means Republicans are aiding and abetting “progressive” Democrats in their quest to commit the biggest swindle in American history.
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has a better idea that is good strategy for countering “progressive” actions:
"I think if we go halfway, or we split the difference with him, then both parties have their hands on it. When we go into recession, it'll be confusing.
I have yet another thought on how we can fix this. Why don't we let the Democrats pass whatever they want? If they are the party of higher taxes, all the Republicans vote present and let the Democrats raise taxes as high as they want to raise them, let Democrats in the Senate raise taxes, let the president sign it and then make them own the tax increase. And when the economy stalls, when the economy sputters, when people lose their jobs, they know which party to blame, the party of high taxes. Let's don't be the party of just almost as high taxes.
In the House, they have to because the Democrats don't have the majority. In the Senate, I'm happy not to filibuster it, and I will announce tonight on your show that I will work with Harry Reid to let him pass his big old tax hike with a simple majority if that's what Harry Reid wants, because then they will become the party of high taxes and they can own it.”
Conservatives can keep bashing Speaker of the House John Boehner and House leadership, perhaps Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell. But that does absolutely nothing to advance the Conservative position. Republicans made their bed a year and a half ago by agreeing to sequestration.
Give “progressive” Democrats what they want and let them own it. When average everyday Americans who happen to be Democrats or Independents start feeling the economic pain, let “progressives” explain a failure that is covered with their fingerprints and nobody else’s.
U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez employed as an unpaid intern in his Senate office an illegal immigrant who was a registered sex offender, now under arrest by immigration authorities, The Associated Press has learned. The Homeland Security Department instructed federal agents not to arrest him until after Election Day, a U.S. official involved in the case told the AP.
Authorities in Hudson County notified ICE agents in early October that they suspected Sanchez was an illegal immigrant who was a registered sex offender and who may be eligible to be deported. ICE agents in New Jersey notified superiors at the Homeland Security Department because they considered it a potentially high profile arrest, and DHS instructed them not to arrest Sanchez until after the November election, one U.S. official told the AP. ICE officials complained that the delay was inappropriate, but DHS directed them several times not to act, the official said.
It was not immediately clear why federal immigration authorities would not have been notified sooner about Sanchez's status.
During the final weeks of President George W. Bush's administration, ICE was criticized for delaying the arrest of President Barack Obama's aunt, who had ignored an immigration judge's order to leave the country several years earlier after her asylum claim was denied. She subsequently won the right to stay in the United States after an earlier deportation order, and there was no evidence of involvement by the White House.
In that case, the Homeland Security Department had imposed an unusual directive days before the 2008 election requiring high-level approval before federal agents nationwide could arrest fugitive immigrants including Zeituni Onyango, the half-sister of Obama's late father. The directive from ICE expressed concerns about "negative media or congressional interest," according to a copy of that directive obtained by AP. The department lifted the immigration order weeks later.
Many of us yearn for the America that went with Mom and apple pie. It isn't that those were easier times. People struggled as they do now and there was the threat of nuclear devastation then and the threat of human extinction over man made global warming now but things were a little bit more definite then. We knew who our enemies were and America was one nation under God; the Ten Commandments were displayed in public buildings and people, religious or not, understood the rules so there was a smaller percentage of the population in prison. Dad went to work, mom stayed home, kids went to school and, though all marriages were not happy, many fewer families were fractured by divorce. Family was the focus of American social life. People could spell, write a coherent sentence, make change without an adding machine, tell you where Africa and China were and most spoke English as their primary language. The Bible was the Good Book and its wisdom was freely taught in church and in school. Religious displays were expected especially at Easter and Christmas. People felt uneasy if the clerk at the local store did not say merry Christmas and those who refused to pledge allegiance to The United States of America or hesitated to sing the National Anthem were scorned not coddled. People immigrated here from all over the world because they wanted to be Americans, to live in a place where anyone could succeed by the sweat of their own brow. Immigration wasn't easy because numbers were controlled and gaining citizenship required time and study but things that come as a result of great effort are highly cherished. Our border with Mexico had fewer fences and we had less illegal immigration.
The reason all of this changed is not that travel is easier, cheaper and faster or that we readily communicate around the world by phone and the internet. It is not because of a particular war as those have been regular events throughout human history. It is not because of computers, cell phones or electronic gadgetry; these things are simply tools. Part of the problem is that being an American has lost its meaning. Though many more people come here now as a result of relaxed immigration quotas, they come not to be Americans but to feed at the trough of plenty often returning home with the loot like vultures picking the bones of a once great society.
If you are old enough to remember the America I described and have spent some time considering the changes then to now it might occur to you that while society was changing the Federal Government was growing in size and influence in our daily lives. A shift was occurring in which we went from a self-reliant people able to determine right and wrong to people more and more reliant on the Federal Government and its interpretation of what is correct. There are many more laws now and we have more people in prison; the largest percentage of population in prison of any nation. Now, looking back, it is not hard to see that the greater the influence of the Federal Government, the less influence the individual has retained. We have been giving away our very souls, a little at a time, for temporary comfort and perceived safety but what have we really gained? We have succumbed to the very thing that Benjamin Franklin warned us about so long ago when he said; “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both”. Anyone who objectively views our current state of affairs realizes the wisdom in that statement and recognizes that we have made serious errors in that regard, not the least of which was The Patriot Act. Now, each time someone shouts “Allahu Akbar” our freedom to travel is further restricted but we are told we are winning the war on terror.
We are told that we must go “Forward” and that the same old things that were tried in the past never did work. But logic asks; If the things that we would call ‘tried and true’ never did work, how did the United States of America become the great nation it has been? Instead of tweaking the tried and true methods we decided we were smarter than the founders and set off on a massive social experiment that really has not worked out very well. I could now present a list of all the failed government programs, which would require much more time and space but the real question is do we have the will to go back and reclaim the American self-reliance that made us great or is it too late? Do we have the willpower to go on a mental diet and shed the excess fat and government modified thought that occupies our brains or will we go merrily down the garden path to socialism and become part of the regimented, dependent collective?
There is a line in a poem by William Ross Wallace that says “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” Originally it was a statement about the power of women in society but in South Africa it is a proverb slightly modified to read “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the nation and its destiny”.
With South Africa’s version in mind, let me ask you a few more questions. Who reveals the world to or conceals it from your children? Who tells them what is acceptable or important and what is not? Who defines tolerance and interprets history for your children and grandchildren? Who defines the role of Religion in society? Who is defining family composition and its role in society? Who teaches our children that the Constitution of the United States is an old document irrelevant in today’s modern society? Who tells your child that they can be anything they want to be and then provides them a faulty set of tools with which to accomplish their goals? Who wants every child to go on to “higher” education and who is seeking to provide you the “right” of free day care and an early start to your child’s education? Why does the Federal Government want to be the hand that rocks the cradle?
The key to reclaiming America is removal of the government’s hand from the cradle. Many concerned citizens have tried to regain control of text book content but that road is slow, full of compromise and does not intercept the constant onslaught of pamphlets touting gay rights, rainbow society, a modern non-morality that states everything is relative and history altered to reflect the way some people feel it should have been rather than as it was or invited speakers who say that religion is the problem or Islam is peaceful by nature. While parents struggle to take back control more and more children are going through the education mill while society quietly loses, through attrition, the generations that understand what is going on.
Some parents have attempted to exercise their “legal” right to be notified in advance when controversial sexual topics are to be discussed so they can keep their children home that day and their attempts to protect their children have landed them in jail. This slow “reasonable” approach will not save our children from the government’s re-education day camps; only removal of the child from the government run school system will do that!
A growing number of parents are choosing to home school their children but that solution requires time and a level of education not available to everyone. Charter schools have been a growing alternative but they are still dependent on government funding to some extent, there are long waiting lists and the Obama administration has signaled its disapproval of charters favoring union run "public" schools.
There are many road blocks to escape from government education but some institutions like Hillsdale College have managed to do just that. Government maintains control of education by taxing you and then offering that money back to fund your local school if you comply with the official government standards. Hillsdale gets around that by refusing all government funding so they are in control of their curriculum. Students there are not eligible for government education loans but they have managed to provide loans through their alumni and associated institutions. They have removed the hand of government and are free to educate their students. For these reasons, I have been a fan and supporter of Hillsdale for several years.
Hillsdale College has expanded its influence by offering online courses on The Constitution of the United States and various other inexpensive or free non credit courses for those seeking to educate themselves. Real education allows the individual to decide the truth by simply presenting them with the facts allowing them to draw their own conclusions. More than that, real education allows students to question or challenge information presented without being excoriated for expressing views that differ from those of the instructor. This is the difference between education and indoctrination and the norm at Hillsdale.
This is not intended to be an advertisement for Hillsdale College but simply to make the point that it is possible to escape the influence of government on education. I had been wondering why this same model could not be applied to home schooling when, on a recent trip to the airport, I noticed a billboard advertising an online home school. An internet search revealed that there is a community of home schoolers that offers online resources to parents who want to take charge of the children’s education. If you are interested, I found one source that allows you to pick a customized approach and could be a place for interested people to start investigating the online approach to home schooling their children. I do not have enough information to endorse this site and there are others so decide for yourself.
Many people have taken the attitude that the Federal Department of Education should be closed down since there is nothing in the Constitution that grants the Federal Government the power to be involved in education. This may be so but I would not expect the Constitution to save you when the current administration does not hold that document in high regard and the people of the United States just elected, for a second time, a person who announced to the world in writing that he is not a natural born citizen and therefore Constitutionally ineligible to be President. What I am saying is the odds of closing that department or getting the government’s hand off of the cradle have become slim to none since November 8, 2012. You are on your own.
The government has changed society by controlling education; by watering down or removing your influence over what your children believe. If you are wondering why they go off to college and never return to church or why parents and kids find sports more important than church, this is the reason. Most young parents are themselves victims of government schools so they see nothing wrong with things as they are. The only way to change this is to raise successive generations of children who have been educated to think, reason and know how and were to find the truth. If you are a parent, grandparent or guardian of a school age child the power is in your hand until you relinquish it to the state run school. The hand that rocks the cradle truly does rule the nation and its destiny. Whose hand shall it be?
We normally consider that one person’s vote is worth the same as the next but is that really the case? If a Republican votes for Mitt Romney, Mitt gets one vote and if a Democrat votes for Obama then he gets one vote. If a dead person votes for Obama he gets one vote that he was never going to get so that helps boost turnout but it is still one vote.
A converted vote is another matter. If there are 100 Republican voters and 100 Democrat voters and I convert one D to an R this is what happens: The Rs end up with 101 and the Ds end up with 99. That is a difference of 2 or twice the impact of resurrecting a deceased voter. In the last election there were many voters who admitted that they had voted for Obama in 2008 but would not do so again. Each of those people would account for a 2 vote shift when the votes were counted.
As you can see from the example above, it would take twice as many dead voters to make up for this problem and the Democrat’s surrogates were already in overdrive rounding up the voter group known as the dear departed. The chances of coming up with enough votes that way were slim and they knew this was going to be a close election. They needed a way to convert some Rs to Ds but television ads and stump speeches were not going to do that.
I believe that they figured out a way to convert those votes and did so electronically. We have all heard the stories of the electronic touch screen voting machines that changed a vote for Mitt to one for Obama. Some people have suggested that this was done by enlarging the size of the touch field for Obama and reducing the size of the one for Mitt so that an imprecise placement of the finger registered votes intended for Mitt as an Obama vote. Each time that happened it made a 2 vote difference in the tally because it converted one of Mitts votes into a vote for Obama. (M-1, O+1= 2 vote difference). I believe that this is what brought an election that was the Republicans to lose close enough to be within the margin of theft.
If you are not outraged, you should be!
Michigan State Police protect Right To Work Law supporters
from assaults from organized union protesters
“There will be blood,” angrily threatened State Representative Douglas Geiss openly from the floor of the Michigan House of Representatives on Tuesday, according to Fox News. His frustration in the chamber was shouted out by thousands of organized labor supporters who rallied outdoors in the state capitol in opposition to Michigan’s 'Right to Work’ law. The legislation was signed into law by Republican Gov. Rick Snyder late Tuesday afternoon. Is union tyranny over?
Over the past several weeks, union unrest over right to work legislation had surfaced into slowly burning embers waiting to be ignited. On Monday, the igniter-in-chief arrived. So on Monday when, President Obama visited the Detroit area; he had been scheduled to discuss the fiscal cliff and its impact on Michigan families.
Instead he moved to shove Michigan elected Republican lawmakers off the legislative cliff. He eagerly chided legislators for supporting Right to Work legislation coming to a vote the next day in Lansing, the state capitol.
His invasion into the privacy and sovereignty of the state of Michigan was unnecessary, unwanted, unneeded and served to ignite hot language in an already combustible atmosphere. Instead of sticking to his script or teleprompter, Obama forgot his place and scolded Michigan’s governor and state house and senate leaders by sarcastically stating:
“These so-called 'right-to-work' laws, they don't have anything to do with economics. They have everything to do with politics," He then went on to add, "What they're really talking about is they're giving you the right to work for less money." President Obama
It is abundantly clear that Obama never took an economics course, if he believes that out-of-whack union wages and benefit packages have not placed a stranglehold on state, and local government budgets as well as private sector job creation. In fact, according to Fox News, seven of the states that have the most improved job creation numbers have Right to Work legislation on the books.
If you are a resident of Michigan or any other state and are or have been a member of a union, you know what it feels like to be threatened by union goons. They openly tell you when you can work, and when you cannot, and who you have to support for political office and who you should not. This is not union protection of wages, this is union thuggish behavior, used to harass, threaten and intimidate you!
To add insult to injury all of this is done courtesy of union dues paid by workers!
Yet, the Right to Work drive for Michigan workers arrived this year, past due on the desk of state capitol legislators. Just how could this happen in the cradle of organized unionism? To workers who have long supported this effort, it seems crystal clear. They want the right to jobs and the right to work!
Ok someone please explain this idiocy to me. I had to drive up to Manchester, TN area today for work. On my way through Fayetteville, there were about three factory type businesses and the workers were on strike. I am not sure what type of businesses they were, but I am guessing they were some sort of manufacturer.
I do not understand how, in the United States, a union can say, "You must join us or you can not have this type of job." Last I checked, that smacks of communism where you have to join the communist party to work. Don't tell me I have to pay dues to some organization just so I can put food on my table for my kids and I. As soon as you do, I am going to tell you exactly what you can do with your union membership card and I may just forcefully put it up your rectum with my size 13 boot myself.
But here is the idiocy of these people striking. Almost half of all Americans are out of work. I would be willing to bet everyone of you know at least one person who is out of work, has been for some time, is living on government handouts (not necessarily of their own choice but necessity), and wishes they could find a job. These MORONS should be thankful to be working at all. Everyone is hurting in this economy including corporations. If you want to lose you job, go ahead and strike, and when your strike causes the company to fold, you can go home and tell you kids, "There won't be any Christmas presents this year because I was stupid."
I see a lot of confusion about the term socialism. To separate fact from fiction, truth from myth, I offer the following. There are 20 variants of Socialism. In its pure sense it does mean non profit driven control of production by the government representing "The People". We are currently on the track of one variant of Socialism and that is what concerns many since it is a departure of what made this nation the most productive, profitable, land of opportunity in the world. The Social Democracy variant is a political ideology that considers itself to be a form of reformist democratic socialism. Whether stated or not, it is a path for peaceful, evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to socialism.[2] It asserts that the only acceptable constitutional form of government is representative democracy under the rule of law (Lawyers sort of become the ruling class).[3] It promotes extending democratic decision-making beyond political democracy to include economic democracy to guarantee employees and other economic stakeholders sufficient rights of co-determination.[4] Common social democratic policies include advocacy of universal social rights to attain universally-accessible public services such as: education, health care, workers' compensation, and other services including child care and care for the elderly.[5] Social democracy is connected with the trade union labour movement and supports collective bargaining rights for workers. Obama and his administration are not pure socialists. However, assertions to that effect are partially correct because of the Social Democracy variant. Any questions? Remember I am a consultant and it is my job to be thorough, honest, and factual even if the truth is unsettling at times. I am sort of a messenger, so don't kill the messenger :)
Michigan is now the 24thright to work state in America.
Public workers in Michigan are now free to work without being forced to pay legalized extortion to unions as a precondition of their employment.
As union labor gathered by the thousands, Michigan’s legislature voted approval Tuesday to "right-to-work" legislation. The House and the Senate both approved the measure, making membership and payment of union dues optional. Governor Rick Snyder has promised to sign it into law.
More than 12,000 protestors from around the Midwest gathered for the vote. Union thugs dissatisfied with the vote attacked the Americans for Prosperity tent, tore it down and slashed it apart with knives while members of AFP were still inside.
Union promised there will be more to come.
From the floor of the Michigan House of Representatives, Democratic State Representative State Representative Douglas Geiss threatened “There will be blood.”
Barack Obama described the legislation thusly: “These so called right-to-work laws, they don’t have anything to do with economics, they have to do with politics.”
This is coming from someone whose entire position on the so-called fiscal cliff negotiations in Washington DC has nothing to do with economics. It is all about politics. It is all about destroying the Republican Party and promoting a patently un-American fringe Marxist ideology.
Michigan’s right-to-work law makes it illegal to require financial support of a union as a condition of employment. When it comes to recruiting businesses to Michigan it will make the state more competitive. Critics claim it will cripple the ability of unions to fund their political policy objectives.
Unions are forgetting some fundamental principles. No one should be forced against their will to join a union or to have their paycheck skimmed by unions. If someone disagrees with their politics, no one should be forced to fund union politics.
For “progressives”, who lay claim to sole possession of concern for working people, forcing Americans who object to their political policy objectives to fund then as a precondition of employment is hypocrisy in the most classic sense.
Hypocrisy, when it comes to speaking about “progressives”, is par for the course.
It is morally right for workers to have the power of decision where it comes to supporting labor unions financially. People should have the right to work without being forced to pay union dues. Americans who want to work should not be enslaved by unions.
A Chinese auto company having just won the auction for bankrupt A123 Systems, one of Barack Obama’s car battery darlings that received a $249 million grant from the Obama government further illustrates why the White House playing capital investor with taxpayer funds investor is a very bad idea.
When Obama took office in January 2009, five million “green” jobs were promised, yet nowhere near that number have been created. The companies Obama invests in keep failing because Americans do not want to purchase inefficient energy at inflated prices.
Furthermore, eighty percent of the green loans, loan guarantees, and grants given out by Department of Energy went to Obama campaign backers:
•SunPower, after receiving $1.5 billion from DOE, is reorganizing, cutting jobs.
•First Solar, after receiving $1.46 billion from DOE, is reorganizing, cutting jobs.
•Solyndra, after receiving $535 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.
•Ener1, after receiving $118.5 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.
•Evergreen Solar, after receiving millions of dollars from the state of Massachusetts, filed for bankruptcy protection.
•SpectraWatt, backed by Intel and Goldman Sachs, filed for bankruptcy protection.
•Beacon Power, after receiving $43 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.
•Abound Solar, after receiving $400 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.
•Amonix, after receiving $5.9 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.
•Babcock & Brown (an Australian company), after receiving $178 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.
•Solar Trust for America, after receiving a $2.1-billion loan guarantee from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.
•Nevada Geothermal, after receiving $98.5 million from DOE, warns of potential defaults in new SEC filings.
“progressives” continue to promote global warming, or to use the most recent and now more popular vernacular: climate change. The narrative is that planet earth is experiencing a warming climate due primarily to the emission of man-made ”greenhouse gases”. The most often and specifically referenced gas is carbon dioxide.
According to Matt Rosenberg at Atmosphere Composition, the earth’s atmosphere is composed primarily of Nitrogen and Oxygen. Together, the two comprise about 99% of the gas in the atmosphere. Here’s a listing of the key components of the atmosphere:
Nitrogen – 78.084%
Oxygen – 20.95%
Argon – 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide – 0.036%
Neon – 0.0018%
Helium – 0.0005%
Methane – 0.00017%
Hydrogen – 0.00005%
Nitrous Oxide – 0.00003%
Ozone – 0.000004%
In addition, water vapor is variable but typically makes up about 1-4% of the atmosphere.
“progressives” would have the world’s population believe that fluctuations in a trace element of earth’s atmosphere (0.036%) caused by the burning of fossil fuels like petroleum and coal has resulted in such catastrophic events as the melting of earth’s polar ice caps and glaciers. They contend this will lead to the flooding of coastal areas and the extinction of species.
A nation of over 300 million people, which currently derives less than 5 percent of its energy from “alternatives” cannot expect to put an immediate end to the use of fossil fuels. This could quite possibly bring the nation’s ailing economy to a grinding halt, resulting in a massive loss of business, leading to a dramatic decrease in already insufficient tax revenue and an extremely painful increase in unemployment.
Is putting an end to the use of petroleum worth the accompanying reduction in the living standards and the overall prosperity of a nation? Is it worth the resulting ballooning of America’s national debt and further devaluation of its currency?
“progressives” feel an ongoing, compulsive need to force America to accept their “green energy solution”. Proposals made by the current administration and fellow “progressives” indicate a desire to achieve this end at all costs come what may. Stiffer regulations on auto emissions and mileage, EPA regulations on energy providers, resistance to development of domestic natural resources, deficit government spending on inefficient and uncompetitive solar, wind, tide and bio-fuel technology dominate the political landscape.
America’s public and industrial infrastructure is based on the use of petroleum, natural gas and coal. Nearly everyone drives a vehicle that burns gasoline or diesel fuel. Public transportation relies on fossil fuels as well. Natural gas, heating oil and coal are used in furnaces to heat homes and places of business. Coal and nuclear power generate electricity, which powers countless devices; the uses of which are taken for granted every day. Coal, natural gas and petroleum products power American’s industrial complex, the base of the American economic engine. America’s economy depends heavily on the existing sources of power. These methods of providing and consuming energy are all deeply ingrained into America’s business, manufacturing and home life.
Why does America continue spending hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign energy while America has undeveloped energy? Why not keep those billions of dollars at home, in America’s cash starved economy?
At a time when millions of Americans are looking for work, the economy is starving for liquid capital, and the IRS is in desperate need of revenue why not take advantage of America’s wealth of natural resources? Why not give Americans jobs drilling for oil and natural gas or digging for coal? Why not put people to work building refineries and power plants? Why not give energy employees jobs delivering gas, coal and natural gas to consumers? How many peripheral jobs will be created in the process? For every new oil well, power plant, refinery or mine there will be new infrastructure built, followed by grocery stores, restaurants, shopping malls, housing, schools, and everything else everyday Americans need for their lives.
All generated by the only force capable of powering America’s economic recovery: the private sector.
And none of those jobs could possibly be moved overseas.
When the Republicans bought into the democrat bait and decided that they would be against “tax increases for the rich” they set the stage for when Romney “the “rich man” would become their candidate and the republican party would appear to be for rich people. And so the Obama propaganda machine convinced people that the republican party is for rich people and has disdain for the poor and middle class. Of course this is ridiculous, but the ignorant voters drank the Kool Aid and believed it.
Now this has become the main sticking point in the budget negotiations; the seeming stubbornness of the republicans to look after the welfare of the rich, when they're really trying to bring sanity into the government by restraining profligate spending.
Of course Obama is hypocritical in that he has many millionaire “rich” donors and members of his administration; for example Warren Buffet who says he should be paying more taxes; while at the same time fighting in court NOT to pay the taxes he already owes.
The Democrats are trying to co-opt the tea Party conservatives by coaxing them to compromise on their commitments not to raise the taxes, reminiscent of George, “read my lips” Bush Sr. That betrayal cost Bush the presidency.
So now it appears that the republicans are over the barrel as they’re coming to the dubious “cliff”. They must now either back out of their commitment not to raise taxes or be accused of being the one’s who’re bringing the country over the cliff. This clever democrat ruse not only makes the republicans either liars or fiscally irresponsible; it also will create divisiveness between republicans.
Nick Fortunato
What patriots find most alarming about the reelection of Obama is the feeling that we have lost America.
Recently, a pro football player committed suicide after murdering his girlfriend. The media blames guns and football for the shooting. They act as if the football player bore no responsibility, which is in keeping with Obama's new America.
This is why we who cherish morals, decency, hard work and personal responsibility are so upset that Obama has four more years to further his decline of America.
Admittedly, the decline of America began long before Barack Obama. However, under Obama, America's decline has been on steroids. He won reelection promising to punish the rich and encouraging Americans to indulge in an orgy of mediocrity featuring endless unemployment benefits, an unprecedented number of Americans on food stamps, half the country on welfare and free Obama phones.
Such is the new normal in Obama's new America.
So yes, we patriots are heartbroken.
After serving in the Merchant Marines, my black dad earned a humble living as a day laborer. In 1956, he broke the color barrier into the Baltimore City Fire Department. The white firefighters hated my dad and did not want him at Engine 6. And yet, despite horrific conditions, dad won Firefighter of The Year two times.
Dad did not win because of lowered standards, Affirmative Action or someone deciding it's the black guy's turn. Dad won because he was the BEST! Such was a time when America celebrated excellence.
Have we totally lost that America?
What offends me most about the Obama Administration is that he continues to lower the bar of what it means to be an American. Given his reelection, one can only assume that a large percentage of Americans are OK with Obama's ask-what-your-country-can-do-for-you-rather-than-what-you-can-do for-your-country new vision for America. Screw work! Just gimme, gimme, gimme!
Dad did not believe government owed him or his five kids the American Dream. With me at his side, dad marched with Dr Martin Luther King Jr. to assure that his kids would have an opportunity to pursue the American Dream. Today, far too many Americans believe the job of government is to confiscate wealth to divvy out the American Dream equally to every American.
When did we lose Dad's America?
When did we become a country in which government and media celebrates immorality, laziness and covetousness? Occupy Wall Street thugs are declared heroes of a majority of Americans for demanding that government confiscate the earnings of achievers for redistribution. When did it become morally correct in America for government to confiscate and give away the harvest reaped by hard working citizens?
Were we asleep when America launched its War on Achievers?
Athletes who perform at the highest levels are inducted into the Hall of Fame. And yet, extraordinary success in the arena of finances is frowned upon and deemed evil. Remarkably, Mitt Romney's extraordinary financial success was effectively marketed as a negative against him in the presidential campaign.
When did exceptional-ism in business become demonic in America?
Well, here is a dirty little universal truth that the gimme crowd may not be aware of. The word is reciprocity. Reciprocity means we mutuality give to/help each other. But when that relationship becomes one sided, the giver stops giving. How long will Obama get away with seducing new voters by taking from achievers to redistribute to non-achievers before the givers say, “Screw it” and stop working?
How do we restore America? The answer: We continue to Tea Party.
The Tea Party began when patriots looked behind the curtain of white guilt and media hype to see Obama's overreaching, trashing of the Constitution and his socialistic/progressive agenda. Over the last four years, the Tea Party has evolved into countless organizations and a growing army of sophisticated political activists.
Obama winning reelection was the loss of a major battle. However, beware Obama and company, we have no intentions of surrendering our country or losing this war.
Future battles will include taking back our culture and educating dumbed down clueless Americans to the superior virtues/benefits of Conservatism over Liberalism.
And another thing – we MUST STOP being passive when democrats throw absurd character-assassination-grenades such as Republicans/Conservatives want blacks in slavery and women barefoot and pregnant. We must boldly get in their face and rebuke their vile, hate-inspiring, divisive lies.
I have also had it with black Americans being allowed and even encouraged to be racist. Black racists believe Authentic Blackness or “Racial Pride” means maintaining at least a minimal resentment against whites and our country. Racism is evil wherever it flexes its venomous tongue – time to call such people out!
So, I am ready. I am prayed up and my powder is dry. Let's roll!
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American