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Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On November 18, 2010:

The liberal Center for American Progress doesn’t believe significant GOP gains in the House and Senate should stop the president from implementing more of his polices. The group released a report Tuesday suggesting ways Obama can bypass Congress to accomplish a progressive agenda, and it cites the president’s power as commander-in-chief to make its point.

“I think most of the conversation since the election has been about how President Obama adjusts to the new situation on Capitol Hill,” Center for American Progress head and former Bill Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta told the Daily Caller. “While that’s an important conversation, it simply ignores the president’s ability to use all levels of his power and authority to move the country forward.”

How does one “move the country forward”? In the center’s report, Podesta explains that Obama can use executive orders, rulemaking, and even the armed forces “to accomplish important change” and that such means “should not be underestimated.”

What exactly does Podesta think the president should use such powers to “accomplish”? Among others, the report suggests “job creation,“ ”quality affordable health care,“ ”sustainable security,“ and ”a clean energy future.”

The report cites specific goals such as mitigating the effects of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, supporting a Palestinian state, and reducing greenhouse gasses by 17 percent by 2020.

“The U.S. Constitution and the laws of our nation grant the president significant authority to make and implement policy,” Podesta writes. ”Congressional gridlock does not mean the federal government stands still.”

The Center for American Progress is funded by liberal billionaire financier George Soros.

Read the entire report.


Note:  The following web site relates to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

George Soros Is Implementing A "One World" Socialist Government-Posted on

Note:   My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?

Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?

Is Obama The Greatest Strategic Disaster For Israel?

Is Obama Administration "Abandoning" Israel?

The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!

Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!

Should Americans Fear Islam?

Is Shariah Law A Danger To Our U.S. National Security?

What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on Bob Unruh-On February 11, 2011:

JERUSALEM – In partnership with a government fund initiated by Barack Obama, philanthropist and billionaire activist George Soros is investing in a private equity company that just launched in the Palestinian territories.

The company, Siraj Fund Management Company, says it was created “for the sole purpose of managing investment funds in Palestine.”

The new company’s website repeatedly refers to what it calls the “country” of “Palestine.” There is, however, no such country as Palestine. Siraj is apparently referring to territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority.

“Siraj has plans to launch future funds focused on the Palestinian market thereby contributing to the sustainable development of the country,” states the website.

This marks the latest involvement of Soros in Middle Eastern affairs.

WND reported last week Soros has been funding groups pushing for democracy in Egypt and is associated with an opposition leader there who has been fueling protests toppling the regime of President Hosni Mubarak, a key U.S. ally in the region.

WND also reported an international “crisis management” group led by Soros long has petitioned for the Egyptian government to normalize ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, the main opposition in Egypt.

This week, Siraj Fund Management Company, the first private equity fund in the Palestinian territories, officially launched in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Soros’ Economic Development Fund invested in the new group alongside the U.S. government-owned Overseas Private Investment Corporation, or OPIC.

OPIC is an independent agency of the US government that mobilizes private sector investment in new and emerging markets overseas.

In 2009, OPIC created its Global Technology and Innovation Fund, which invested in Siraj, in response to an initiative by Obama to launch an investment group to support technological development in Muslim-majority countries.

The initiative followed Obama’s historic address to the Muslim world from Cairo, Egypt in June 2009.

The U.S. fund invested with Soros in the West Bank’s new Siraj Fund Management Company, which was created to manage investment funds in a “country” Siraj repeatedly refers to in its official literature and website as “Palestine.”

Palestine is a conventional name used to describe a geographic region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. The name “Palestine” comes from the ancient word meaning “Philistines” or “Land of the Philistines.” Palestinian Arabs have no relation to ancient Philistines.

“Palestine” previously referred to a future Jewish state in the decades before its founding in 1948. Indeed, the Jerusalem Post, the country’s English newspaper, was previously called the Palestine Post. Jerusalem’s Jewish philharmonic was previously called the Palestine Orchestra.

The use of “Palestine” by the Siraj Fund Management Company seems to refer to a Palestinian state, which has not yet been established. After the 1967 Six Day War, Palestinians began referring to their desire for a future country possibly called “Palestine.”

Siraj Fund’s initial closing was $60 million and is expected to close at $80 million in the coming months. The Fund’s capital includes about half participation from foreign investors, the other half are Palestinians and Arabs.

Besides the U.S. government and Soros’ organization, other foreign investors in Saraj include the Pension Boards of the United Church of Christ and Crescent Investments of the United Arab Emirates.

Soros fingerprints on Mideast chaos:

The International Crisis Group, or ICG, which includes Soros among its eight executive committee members, long has petitioned for the Egyptian government to normalize ties with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The ICG also released a report urging the Egyptian regime to allow the Brotherhood to establish an Islamist political party.

The ICG includes on its board Mohamed ElBaradei, one of the main opposition leaders in Egypt, as well as other personalities who champion dialogue with Hamas, a violent offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In a June 2008 report entitled, “Egypt’s Muslim Brothers Confrontation or Integration,” Soros’ ICG urges the Egyptian regime to allow the group to participate in political life.

The report dismisses Egypt’s longstanding government crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood as “dangerously short-sighted.”

The ICG report called on Mubarak’s regime to “pave the way for the regularization of the Muslim Brothers’ participation in political life,” including by allowing for the “establishment of a political party with religious reference.”

The ICG specifically stressed allowing the Brotherhood to serve as an Islamist party several times in its 2008 report.

The ICG and its personalities also long have petitioned for the Muslim Brotherhood to be allowed to join the Egyptian government.

ElBaradei suspended his board membership in the ICG two weeks ago, after he returned to Egypt to lead the anti-Mubarak protests.

U.S. board members include Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was national security adviser to Jimmy Carter; Samuel Berger, who was Bill Clinton’s national security adviser; and retired U.S. ambassador Thomas Pickering, who made headlines in 2009 after meeting with Hamas leaders and calling for the U.S. to open ties to the Islamist group.

Another ICG member is Robert Malley, a former adviser to Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign. He resigned after it was exposed he had communicated with Hamas. WND reported Malley long had petitioned for dialogue with Hamas.

The ICG defines itself as an “independent, non-profit, multinational organization, with 100 staff members on five continents, working through field-based analysis and high-level advocacy to prevent and resolve deadly conflict.”

Meanwhile, Soros also has other ties to opposition groups in the Middle East.

His Open Society Institute’s Middle East and North Africa Initiative has provided numerous grants to a wide range of projects that promote so-called democratic issues across the region, including in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood stands to gain from any future election.

Soros’ Open Society also funded the main opposition voice in Tunisia, Radio Kalima, which championed the riots there that led to the ouster of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

In September, Soros’ group was looking to expand its operations in Egypt by hiring a new project manager for its Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, which is run in partnership with the Open Society Justice Initiative. The group is seeking to develop a national network of legal empowerment actors for referral of public-interest law cases. Such organizations in the past have helped represent Muslim Brotherhood leaders seeking election or more authority in the country.

Soros himself last Friday made public statements in support of the protests in Egypt, which the Mubarak government has warned will result in the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the country.

In a Washington Post editorial entitled, “Why Obama Has to Get Egypt Right,” Soros recognized that if free elections were held in Egypt, “the Brotherhood is bound to emerge as a major political force, though it is far from assured of a majority.”

He stated the U.S. has “much to gain by moving out in front and siding with the public demand for dignity and democracy” in Egypt.

He claimed the “Muslim Brotherhood’s cooperation with Mohamed ElBaradei … is a hopeful sign that it intends to play a constructive role in a democratic political system.”

Soros did not mention his ties to ElBaradei.

Soros did, however, single out Israel as “the main stumbling block” in paving the way toward transition in the Middle East.

“In reality, Israel has as much to gain from the spread of democracy in the Middle East as the United States has. But Israel is unlikely to recognize its own best interests because the change is too sudden and carries too many risks,” he wrote.

Muslim Brotherhood awakens terrorist wing:

WND reported this week an Egyptian Islamist terrorist organization founded by the Muslim Brotherhood is re-establishing itself amid the political upheaval in Cairo

Both Egyptian and Israeli security officials said the group, Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, is being reconstituted at the direction of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The officials affirmed Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya serves as the de facto “military” wing of the Brotherhood, which originally founded Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya.

Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya is suspected of involvement in the 1981 assassination of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and it took credit for the 1995 attempt on the life of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. It has carried out scores of deadly terrorist attacks, some targeting foreign tourists.

The Muslim Brotherhood seeks to spread Islam around the world. Hamas and al-Qaida are violent Brotherhood offshoots.

While the Brotherhood claimed it abandoned violence to push for a peaceful takeover of Egypt, the group’s new spiritual leader, Muhammad Badi, recently publicly has called for violent jihad, including against the U.S.

On Sunday, an Egyptian security official was quoted in the news media stating Egyptian troops had arrested two armed Palestinians from Hamas who entered the country illegally from the Gaza Strip.

The security official told reporters the men had crossed from Gaza into Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula using smuggling tunnels and that they were arrested in a stolen car in the town of el-Arish, near the border, along with three Egyptian smugglers.

The official told the Associated Press the two Hamas men were caught with weapons, hand grenades, two RPGs and about $8,600 in cash.

A senior Egyptian security official speaking to WND on Monday said an investigation found the two Hamas men were aiding in the reorganization of Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, which, he said, is attempting to reconstitute itself under the direction of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Egyptian security official said Hamas is helping Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya organize into divisions and to arm itself with weapons currently in the Sinai waiting to be smuggled into Gaza.

Both Israel and Egypt say Hamas has amassed a large quantity of weapons in the Sinai Peninsula, where the Islamist group has been attempting to smuggle the weaponry into Gaza.

Now, the Egyptian security official said, some of those weapons are going to arm the reconstituted Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya.

Notorious terrorist attacks:

Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood, and is classified as a terrorist group by the U.S., European Union and Egypt. Like the Muslim Brotherhood, the group is dedicated to the overthrow of Mubarak, seeking to replace his regime with an Islamic state.

The group has carried out numerous deadly attacks.

Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya may have been involved indirectly in Sadat’s assassination. The group’s leader has talked publicly about collaborating in planning the murder with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which was blamed for the killing.

In the late 1980s and 1990s, Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya carried out scores of terrorist acts in Egypt, including the murders and attempted murders of prominent Egyptian writers and intellectuals. The group also targeted tourists and foreigners.

In 1997, it carried out the notorious Luxor massacre in Luxor, Egypt, killing 58 foreign tourists and four Egyptians. Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya went on a shooting rampage in that attack, even reportedly mutilating the bodies of victims. A note praising Islam was found inside one disemboweled body.

One year earlier, in 1996, Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya carried out a shooting rampage at the Europa Hotel in Cairo, killing 18 Greek tourists.

In 1995, the group took responsibility for a car bomb attack on the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, murdering 16 people.

After a massive Egyptian crackdown on the group in 1997 following the Luxur attack, Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya brokered a deal with the Egyptian government that is known as the Nonviolence Initiative, in which some leaders of the movement said they renounced violence.

Still, exiled leaders of Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya maintained the group would not give up its violence.

Brotherhood declares war on U.S.:

Multiple prominent U.S. commentators also have been claiming the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate organization and denying any Islamist plot to seize power.

In November, the Brotherhood’s new supreme guide, Muhammad Badi, delivered a sermon entitled, “How Islam Confronts the Oppression and Tyranny.”

“Resistance is the only solution,” stated Badi. “The United States cannot impose an agreement upon the Palestinians, despite all the power at its disposal. [Today] it is withdrawing from Iraq, defeated and wounded, and is also on the verge of withdrawing from Afghanistan because it has been defeated by Islamist warriors.”

Badi went on to declare the U.S. is easy to defeat through violence, since it is “experiencing the beginning of its end and is heading toward its demise.”

With research by Brenda J. Elliott”


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Hamas Cleric: The Jews Will Be Annihilated & Palestine Will Be Capital Of New Calipate-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On May 17, 2011:

Yes, Jews Are the Chosen People: ‘For good or ill’-Posted on National Review Online-By DENNIS PRAGER-On May 17, 2011:

George Soros Is Implementing A "One World" Socialist Government-Posted on

Note:   My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?

Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?

Is Obama The Greatest Strategic Disaster For Israel?

Is Obama Administration "Abandoning" Israel?

The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!“present”-on-iran/

Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!

Should Americans Fear Islam?

Is Shariah Law A Danger To Our U.S. National Security?

What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless & Keep Israel & Our USA Safe:

Semper Fi!


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POTUS 2012

Tea Party folks are independent minded and not all are going to view the primary candidates with equal favor. But we all must agree this time around our country needs real adult supervision, real return to our founding and real and dramatic spending and bureaucrat reduction. We need a presidential candidate that will be a strong face and impressive stance against the current administration, a strong pro-American voice. A clear thinker and speaker that will do what he/she says and have a track record to prove it. Someone that will up-hold the Constitutional Republic and not give in to special interest groups, not talk in cliches and lofty rhetoric. America is the last best hope of earth, we have a huge responsibility, as is said, to those who have much, much is expected. A Tea Party check list must include a candidate that will swear to protect the Sovereignty of the US, no UN, no World Courts no "global" adherence.  The candidate must equate energy and economy in one breath, one focus, one mission. And they must affirm a return to Federalism.
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You all need to be paying close attention to the Middle East, the @#$%%^&^@# in the White House, and Leah Lax's post on Mr. Netanyahu and his comments she has translated from Hebrew.

There has never been a time in our history where a sitting American President has done so much to belittle, downgrade and arrange for the destruction of not only an ally, but a vital partner with spiritual equanimity such as Isreal represents, and shares with us.

If Isreal is relegated to it's pre-1967 borders, as recommended by the Usurper in the White House, it will be destroyed in short order, and Obama and his international handlers will have won, while the entire rest of the world will have lost.  Big Time.

To not understand the implications of "losing Isreal" is to have completely lost all moral bearings, and the lessons of history.  The cries of "KILL THE JEWS" ring out all across the Middle East and everywhere the Islamic heathens dwell, and our "president" is advocating for Isreal to commit suicide.

Message to "BeBe"---YOU'VE GOT MORE FRIENDS THAN YOU MAY KNOW.  I, for one, stand solidly with you.

God Bless

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Obama's One World Plan

Balkanization is a tool of globalism. Break down nations into small manageable parts; making them defenseless for their military has been diluted by division.

Then create a one world order so the world will protect them, feed them and tell them how to act, live and interact with other world community members.  

This is what has happened in Arizona and New Mexico. National Parks paid for by taxpayer money is now off-limits for U.S. Citizens to enter and will be arrested if they do, because Mexican Cartels claim our National Parks as their own land, Southwest States are being balkanized.

Israel is being divided down to small parts and if they don't resist they will be Balkanized. The same thing is true with Arab nations. They are being torn apart and Balkanized, so one world control can direct them into a higher order.

It’s more than divide and conquer, it is divide and add to the one world collective.

So am I worng here?


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I just created a petition entitled The Child Support Equality Act, because I care deeply about this very important issue.

I'm trying to collect 150000000 signatures, and I could really use your help.

To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:

It'll just take a minute!

Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!

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Posted on The Blaze-By Meredith Jessup-On May 18, 2011:

The Agenda Project — the same progressive group behind the “Patriotic Millionaires” club and the uber classy “F*ck Tea” movement — are at it again, this time using their activist roots to drum up opposition to House Republicans’ budget proposal.

In a new YouTube video campaign sure to be a hit on the left, the group wonders if America is still beautiful without Medicare as we know it.

“Now, Republicans want to privatize Medicare,” the ad warns, right before a faceless suit dumps a wheelchair-bound grandma off a cliff:


The YouTube video description reads:

With pretty boy Paul Ryan’s draconian and savage cuts to Medicare in his budget proposal, we have to ask ourselves: Is America still beautiful without Medicare?

Apparently to these liberal activists, America was quite ugly during its nearly 200 years of history prior to 1965.

Erica Payne, founder of Agenda Project, sat down with Neil Cavuto to defend the ad:

PS — Why am I not surprised to learn the founder of this group has direct ties to George Soros and Obama administration officials? I tell ya — it’s SUCH a small world!”


Note:  We, as God, family and country loving Americans, must remain vigilant and keep our eyes on the ball and not be distracted by the relentless propaganda being fed to us on a daily basis as part of this President and his minion’s transformation strategy.

My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On May 19, 2011:

The internet was ablaze this evening with the embarrassing story of the Secret Service accidentally tweeting an anti-Fox News message characterizing the outlet’s coverage as “blathering.” The tweet, which was meant to be sent out on an employee’s personal account, said that the Secret Service had to “monitor Fox for a story.”

That raises the question: What story?

Fox has a pretty good idea.

In a post about the incident on a Fox News blog, the outlet conjectures the Secret Service was looking to see how Fox covered the story of Vito LaPinta, the 13-year-old Tacoma, WA boy questioned by the Secret Service for posting a Facebook message about Obama (read that story here).

This is what Fox had to say:

Shortly after 3 p.m. Wednesday, the Secret Service’s account declared on the social media site: “Had to monitor Fox for a story. Can’t. Deal. With. The. Blathering.”

The posting was quickly removed, but within a half-hour dozens of other Twitter users had already begun re-posting — or “re-Tweeting” — the message.


Earlier in the day, Fox News had been covering the story of Vito LaPinta, the 13-year-old from Tacoma, Wash., who was recently visited by a Secret Service agent for posting a message on Facebook suggesting President Obama should watch out for terrorist attacks in the wake of Usama bin Laden’s killing. LaPinta’s mother was not present when the Secret Service interviewed her son, a move she decried as inappropriate.

For the record, LaPinta’s story did get some coverage on TV, but not an inordinate amount. It only garnered one post on that actually linked out to a local news report.

As a side note, the Secret Service did not respond to the local Fox station‘s request for comment regarding its handling of the young boy’s case. But, within only hours of the errant tweet, it did issue a statement announcing the Twitter message was an accident.

The obvious question now is: Will the Secret Service assign someone on Thursday to monitor Fox’s coverage of the flubbed monitoring?

I have a guess.”


Note:   My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

What Happened to Free Speech?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on The Associated Press-On May 19, 2011:

President Obama, in a sweeping address tackling the uprisings in the Middle East and the stalled peace process, on Thursday endorsed Palestinians’ demand for their own state based on the borders that existed before the 1967 Six-Day War. 

The break with longstanding U.S. policy is likely to aggravate the Israelis, who want the borders of any future Palestinian state determined through negotiations. The declaration comes ahead of a meeting in Washington between Obama and visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

“The status quo is unsustainable,” Obama said. “A lasting peace will involve two states for two peoples.” 

The U.S. had previously endorsed the concept of a Palestinian state, but not the demand for permanent pre-1967 borders, with mutually agreed land swaps. 

Though the shift will likely create tension as the president meets with Netanyahu and heads next to address Israel advocacy group AIPAC this weekend, Obama sought to assure that the United States’ commitment to Israeli security is “unshakable.” 

He said Israeli’s right to defend itself will remain paramount, and suggested the recent unity agreement between Fatah and Hamas, which the U.S. deems a terrorist group, is problematic for negotiations. Though Israel occupied East Jerusalem, along with the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in the 1967 Six Day War, Obama said Thursday that the “future of Jerusalem” remains to be worked out, as does the fate of Palestinian refugees. 

He also publicly rejected attempts by the Palestinians to gain recognition for their own state before the United Nations. “Symbolic actions to isolate Israel at the United Nations in September won’t create an independent state,” Obama said.

The border announcement, which came toward the end of the president’s 50-minute speech, was arguably the most significant statement in an address otherwise devoted to underscoring U.S. support for the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. Speaking at the State Department, the president sought to align the U.S. with the ambitions of protesters pushing for economic and political reform, while warning heads of state who resist this wave that the U.S. is losing patience. 

“We cannot hesitate to stand squarely on the side of those who are reaching for their rights, knowing that their success will bring about a world that is more peaceful, more stable, and more just,” he said. 

Obama, in his strongest words to date, offered an ultimatum to Syrian President Bashar Assad. “President Assad now has a choice. He can lead that transition or get out of the way,” Obama said. 

He said Assad’s regime, which has killed hundreds in an effort to quell the unrest in Syria, must stop shooting and arresting its people. 

Obama also called Al Qaeda and Usama bin Laden, who was killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan, a “dead end,” suggesting the push for reform will represent the future of the region. He sought to connect the death of bin Laden to the wave of protests, arguing that anti-western rhetoric and attacks are losing their audience. “The slaughter of innocents did not answer their cry for a better life,” he said. 

Rather, Obama said: “A new generation has emerged and their voices tell us that change cannot be denied.” 

The president is taking a carrot-and-stick approach as the Arab Spring turns to summer and protesters’ demands across the region are met with repression. 

After sending U.S. forces into Libya two months ago to halt strongman Muammar al-Qaddafi’s advances against his people, the Obama administration sent a message Wednesday to Assad by slapping him and top officials in Damascus with financial sanctions over his regime’s brutal crackdown. 

Obama, in his speech Thursday, addressed the standoff in these two countries, staunchly defending U.S. military involvement in Libya. But he also offered new levels of support to Egypt and Tunisia, countries where demonstrations ousted entrenched leaders and which the administration is holding up as a “beacon” in the region, according to one official. 

He outlined specific dollar support for Egypt, where the nation’s tourism-fueled economy has fallen into a slump in the wake of the upheaval, in turn increasing the country’s projected deficit. Obama said Thursday the U.S. would forgive roughly $1 billion in debt owed by Egypt to free up money for job-creation efforts there. Plus he plans to guarantee up to $1 billion in loans for Egypt through the Overseas Private Investment Corp., a U.S. government institution that mobilizes private capital. 

Obama is pushing other steps to bolster loans, trade and international support in Egypt and in Tunisia. Protesters in Bahrain, Yemen, Syria and other nations have endured brutal setbacks. He said the changes in the region mark a “new chapter” for U.S. diplomacy and argued that America has an important role to play. 

A new poll out of the Pew Research Center, though, found that the shifting political sands in the Middle East have not generally led to an improvement in the U.S. image in the region.“


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue –You Decide:

Video: Netanyahu speaks from Oval Office-Posted on blazevid-On May 20, 2011:  

Netanyahu Rejects Obama Call for Palestinian State Based on 1967 Borders-Posted on The Associated Press-On May 19, 2011:

Hamas MP: The Jews Were Brought to Palestine for the “Great Massacre”-Posted on May 17, 2011:

Equal Rights or Equal Rites?-Posted on Nationa Review Online- By Paul Marshall-On May 19, 2011:

Video: 'Today I Speak From My Heart' Obama's Guarantee To Never Divide Jerusalem-Posted on NakedEmperorNews1-On May 20, 2011:

Note:  My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought” 

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe” 

Semper Fi!


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Posted on Newsmax Wires-On May 18, 2011:

Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty and other leading conservatives blasted former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Obama administration Wednesday over the huge number of waivers from the national healthcare law being granted to posh eateries and other businesses in Pelosi’s San Francisco district.

Pelosi and administration officials, meanwhile, fired back saying the lawmaker had nothing to do with the waivers and that conservatives were orchestrating a smear campaign.

“Seriously, this is corrupt,” Palin told The Daily Caller, referring to the waivers the San Francisco businesses received. “And anyone who still supports the Pelosi-Reid-Obama agenda of centralized government takeovers of the free market and the corresponding crony capitalism is, in my book, complicit.”

But the two-day dustup may have obscured a more pressing question for Democrats: Why are businesses in liberal San Francisco and elsewhere clamoring to opt out of the massive healthcare law that was supposed to help them?

The answer boils down to simple dollars and sense, experts say. Because so-called Obamacare prohibits lifetime dollar limits on health insurance plans, businesses from Pelosi’s -- as well as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s -- districts are demanding waivers because they already are paying for employees to be covered in plans with limits in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“Obamacare forbids insurers from placing annual and lifetime limits on health plans,” explained The Heritage Foundation’s Kathryn Nix on the think tanks’ blog. “These ‘consumer protections’ have endangered the limited coverage plans that some employers currently offer.

“Unable to provide more comprehensive coverage, those employers would be forced to drop coverage altogether if they abide by the new law. To avoid this consequence of the new law, employers are flocking to secure the waivers offered by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to keep their employees covered.”

Heritage’s Foundry blog likened the situation to a sickened patient clamoring to be spared the vaccine that’s supposed to save them. The patient knows better than the “doctor” it may end up killing them.

In fact, the law very well could destabilize the entire national health insurance market, according to Sen. Dean Heller, R-NV.

“It is becoming increasingly clear how flawed this law really is,” Heller said. “Not only did it cut a half trillion dollars from Medicare, impacting thousands of Nevada’s seniors, now the law would have driven health insurers out of our state if a reprieve had not been granted . . . This is why ‘Obamacare’ will not work for Nevada.”

On Monday, The Daily Caller ignited the debate with a story reporting that among HHS’s most recent round of 204 Obamacare waivers granted across the nation, “38 are for fancy eateries, hip nightclubs and decadent hotels in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s Northern California district.” To date, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has approved just 1,372 Obamacare waivers [1], covering 3.1 million [1] Americans.

Conservatives, reacting to the fact that 19 percent of the waivers had gone to the district of one of the law’s unabashed champions, didn’t hold back.

“It looks like Obamacare’s backroom sweetheart deals didn’t end when it became law,” House Speaker John Boehner’s spokesman, Michael Steel, told the Daily Caller.

Palin accused the Obama administration of corruption for granting the waivers to constituents of a key Democratic ally.

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) plans to use the waiver controversy to attack Democratic supporters of healthcare reform on the 2012 campaign trail.

Republicans played up the news of businesses in Pelosi’s district asking for exemptions to parts of the new healthcare law, The Hill reported.

“Remember when former Speaker Pelosi said we needed to pass the Obamacare bill to find out what was in it?” Steel told The Hill in an email. “I guess once they found out, the high-end eateries and spas in her Congressional District weren’t big fans.”

On Fox News on Tuesday night, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty called the waivers as clear evidence of"crony politics or crony capitalism."

"If you've got the right connections, the right lobbyists, the right interest group, you get your special deal, and the rest of us get our wallet out, and that's in the tax code, it's in earmarking, and now you see it in ObamaCare," Pawlenty told Sean Hannity.

Newt Gingrich, who is still recovering from his seeming endorsement of the Obamacare insurance mandate, piled on as well. "This discretionary power wielded by unelected bureaucrats presents an enormous danger for corruption. Indeed, we have already seen how they can be abused," he wrote in a Wednesday morning newsletter for the conservative website Human Events.

But the San Francisco Business News and Pelosi’s defenders said that the waivers are so heavily concentrated in San Francisco not because of any political maneuvering but because of Healthy San Francisco.

Under Healthy San Francisco, all San Francisco businesses with over 20 employees must provide health care coverage or access to health care for its employees. Many employers opt to open a Health Reimbursement Account or HRA for its employees; those accounts are then used to reimburse employers for some health care costs.

The waivers that are granted for one-year periods are intended to protect employees from suffering any reduction in coverage because of suddenly increased premiums, and to limit how much employers need to pay in a given year for coverage.

“We have mandatory health care expenditures. We are the only place I know of in the country that has that,” said Rob Black, executive director of the Golden Gate Restaurant Association. “Because we have a 100 percent expenditure rate, we are going to have a much higher take-up rate (of waivers) than the country as a whole. That is what is driving that.”

But the very fact that companies and unions covering 3.1 million Americans need to request waivers of the requirements for a $750,000 level of coverage and comprehensive services including vision, dental, and other services when they currently provide lower levels of health insurance for their employees illuminates the central problem with the law, writes Stanley Goldfarb on the conservative FrumForum blog.

“Most small companies can’t afford to provide comprehensive fee for service, unmanaged health insurance to their employees,” Goldfarb pointed out. “If business can’t provide it now, the unaffordability of comprehensive insurance will be transferred to the taxpayers. Subsidies will be provided to the new insurance exchanges and we’ll have to borrow trillions of dollars more in the coming years to pay for it.

“If Obamacare succeeds in its essential goal of providing comprehensive health insurance to another 30 million people, companies will be foolish not to put their employees into the newly created plans. Certainly all the companies and organizations that have requested waivers will be doing exactly that. They can’t afford comprehensive insurance now and won’t be able to afford it in 2014.”

Once again, the burden will fall to American taxpayers.”


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare!

Behind Closed Doors, Unions Win, You Lose!

Health Care Reform: “The Perils of Inaction and the Promise of Effective Action”“the-perils-of-inaction-and-the-promise-of-effective-action”/

The Truth About the Health Care Bills:

The Reason for the Treason!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Death of the War Powers Act!

Posted on The Washington Post-By Bruce Ackerman and Oona Hathaway-On May 17, 2011:

“This week, the War Powers Act confronts its moment of truth. Friday will mark the 60th day since President Obama told Congress of his Libyan campaign. According to the act, that declaration started a 60-day clock: If Obama fails to obtain congressional support for his decision within this time limit, he has only one option — end American involvement within the following 30 days.

Obama has not only failed but he hasn’t even tried — leaving it to Sen. Richard Lugar, the ranking Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, to call for a specific resolution that would give [the president] authority.”

Neither the president nor the Democratic congressional leadership has shown any interest. They have been sleep-walking their way to Day 60.

Obama’s politics of silence contrast sharply with clear and consistent legal pronouncements of the executive branch.

Richard Nixon vetoed the act in 1973, precisely because it imposed restraints on presidential war-making. But two-thirds of both houses of Congress overrode his veto, and the presidency soon fell into line. Jimmy Carter’s Justice Department expressly affirmed the constitutionality of the 60-day clock in 1980 — and its verdict has not been challenged by executive-branch lawyers.

Obama has continued this tradition. His March 21 letter to Congress telling of the Libyan campaign stated that it was “consistent with the War Powers Resolution.” And his Justice Department issued an opinion that acknowledged the 60-day rule without questioning its constitutionality.

Why, then, hasn’t the president been pressing Congress to approve the war before the looming deadline? Because it’s easier to paper over the problem with new legal fictions pretending that the time limit doesn’t apply to this instance. By Friday, the administration’s legal team is likely to announce that the clock stopped ticking on April 1 — the date when NATO “took the lead” in the bombing campaign. Since NATO is running the show, the argument will go, the War Powers Act no longer applies, and the president doesn’t have to go back to Congress after all.

But American planes and drones continued their bombing long after the April turnover — and the drones are still flying over Libya. Since the cost of the mission is at three-quarters of a billion dollars and climbing, it is sheer fiction to suggest that we are no longer a vital player in NATO’s “Operation Unified Protector.”

This is especially so when an active-duty American officer remains at the top of NATO’s chain of command. As supreme allied commander, Adm. James Stavridis “leads all NATO military operations.”

While a Canadian air force general, Charles Bouchard, is in charge of the Libyan campaign, the buck doesn’t stop with him but with Stavridis, who also reports to the Pentagon as head of the U.S. European command. Even if American drones discontinue their operations before the deadline, an American admiral will still be in a position to call the shots.

This is no accident. NATO has been a key vehicle for American military interests since the 1950s. It would create a terrible precedent to pretend otherwise. Once Obama crosses the Rubicon, future presidents will simply cite Libya when they unilaterally commit America to far more ambitious NATO campaigns.

Make no mistake: Obama is breaking new ground, moving decisively beyond his predecessors. George W. Bush gained congressional approval for his wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bill Clinton acted unilaterally when he committed American forces to NATO’s bombing campaign in Kosovo, but he persuaded Congress to approve special funding for his initiative within 60 days. And the entire operation ended on its 78th day.

In contrast, Congress has not granted special funds for Libya since the bombing began, and the campaign is likely to continue beyond the 30-day limit set for termination of all operations.

Since the House of Representatives is out of session this week, Congress can’t approve the operation before the Friday deadline. But under the expedited procedures specified by the act, speedy congressional approval is feasible next week.

If nothing happens, history will say that the War Powers Act was condemned to a quiet death by a president who had solemnly pledged, on the campaign trail, to put an end to indiscriminate war-making.

  • Bruce Ackerman and Oona Hathaway are professors of law and political science at Yale.”


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Does Our President Hate America?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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I'm going to make a long story short.  I get emails from several Tea Party (TP) members, and emails from associated groups (Rainy Day Patriots).  Most all, if not all, serve to bring the current administration negatizm to the attention of the recipient.  Who at this time in the current administration are unaware of the hundreds of problems that face our citizens.  Bottom line...  no more complaints.  We need a Presidentual candidate to support. 


Who would this be?  A person with a strong backbone; a positive degree of charisma; successful business person; a person that generates respect when he walks into a room; a person with no personal interests except to stand for, support and work toward changing the current circus inside the 'beltline' in Washington.  I for one, am desperate to find, this person, and would fly to wherever to be a part of a process of choosing this person through the process of meeting, questioning, and evaluating such a person.  I only wish this individual would willingly and seriously step up to the plate in order to forego a long drawn out search.  Do we need a separate party to get our unified message across?  Probably so, to week out political chronies (professional speaking) from continuing business as usual. I'm not young, and I want more than anything to get this country moving in a direction that represents the desires of the majority of the public.... if not for me.. for my younger family.


We have to quit complaining.  We MUST find this person, begin to apply bumperstickers, yard signs, hold public forums, have a voter registration campaign... and do all it takes to get this person elected.  Am I right? 

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The New Arab Tactic against Israel!

Posted on National Review Online-By EUGENE KONTOROVICH-On May 18, 2011:

“The hostile nations surrounding Israel have sent thousands of men across its borders in a violation of the internationally recognized boundaries of the Jewish state. While Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called this influx an invasion, a variety of United Nations officials defended the infiltrators as innocent “demonstrators.” International law has a clear answer to the question who is right.

For this is not the first time in modern Middle Eastern affairs that an Arab autocracy has used massive marches of nominally civilian personnel to invade and undermine a neighboring state. In the past, such attempts have been denounced by the international community for what they are: a use of force against the territory of another state in violation of the U.N. Charter. International law is based on practical precedents, on the way given actions were legally judged by the world community in the past. It is a testament to the selective use of international law in the case of Israel that Morocco’s “Green March” into Western Sahara, by far the closest parallel to this week’s events, has not even been mentioned by world leaders.

In 1975, Spain appeared ready to pull out of much or all of Western Sahara, a large desert region between Mauritania and Morocco. Rabat hoped to annex the mineral-rich territory, but its claims of sovereignty were successively denied by a report of a U.N. fact-finding mission and an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, both of which favored self-determination for the region.

Morocco was not deterred. Right after being rebuffed by those international organs, it mounted the Green March — sending 350,000 unarmed Moroccans on a well-choreographed hike into Western Sahara. Spain was not willing to fight against such numbers, and evacuated the territory. The Moroccan military moved in, and the territory remains under Moroccan control to this day.

The press has taken to calling the Arabs marching across the Israeli frontier “protesters.” In fact, “protests” are contained within a country; the organized crossing of a frontier is an invasion. In 1975, when Western Sahara was the victim, the world community was clear on this point (even though the Moroccans were unarmed, while the Syrians and Lebanese attacked Israeli soldiers with stones and other objects). Other Arab leaders called the Green March “a violation of the sovereignty of” Western Sahara and “an act contrary to international law.” Prominent international scholars described it as an illegal use of force, a “stealing of the Sahara,” in the words of one of the leading international lawyers of the time. The U.N. Security Council passed a measure that “deplored” Morocco’s invasion.

Moreover, despite the nominally civilian character of the marchers, several U.N. General Assembly resolutions recognized that the enterprise constituted a military occupation by Morocco. Observers noted that the march could not have gone off without the permission, and indeed encouragement, of King Hassan of Morocco, and thus he must take responsibility as if he had ordered army units across the border. It was a conquest despite the lack of arms: A large organized mob can be as forceful as an armed military unit. Indeed, as the Spanish capitulation proved, a march could be a more effective tool of conquest than a military strike against Western armies reluctant to fire on civilians.

Perhaps world leaders today would rather not remind anyone of the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara, which in many ways showcases how the international rules applied to Israel are not those that govern the rest of the world. Rabat has occupied Western Sahara almost as long as Israel has occupied the West Bank, and with much less legal pedigree. Yet international efforts to end Morocco’s occupation have been scant and half-hearted. The occupation has been effectively accepted since the “peace process” in the region collapsed in 2004, when Morocco rejected a peace plan endorsed by the Security Council, with no damage to its international relations. Moreover, Morocco has implemented a massive policy of government-orchestrated settlement of Western Sahara. Yet the failed U.N. peace proposals did not contemplate uprooting a single Moroccan settler. Indeed, in the Security Council’s failed plan, the settlers, who now outnumber the natives, would get to vote in a plebiscite on the territory’s future.

Many observers have suggested that infiltrations represent a powerful new Arab tool for influencing world opinion against Israel. Yet the march tactic is not civil disobedience: It is an attempt at foreign conquest by the Arab states, just as when Morocco did it. Netanyahu has filed an official complaint with the Security Council. The United States, a permanent member, should press for action on it. If that body wished to demonstrate its impartiality, it would condemn Israel’s invaders as surely as it did Western Sahara’s.

  • Eugene Kontorovich is a professor at Northwestern University School of Law.”


Note:  The following article and/or blog post relates to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Pastor John Hagee’s Open Letter To Glenn Detailing Anti-Israel Disruptions-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On May 17, 2011:

Note:  My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide: 

Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on Bill Muehlenberg’s CultureWatch-On May 17, 2011:

The uproar over religious education in schools is reaching fever pitch, with all the usual suspects (the ABC, the Age, etc.) going ballistic as they whip up hysteria about this matter. Indeed, it is just like the witch hunts of old, with all kinds of panic mongering and gloom and doom-ism.

The old chestnut about church and state separation is of course being thrown around here, with all the usual muddled thinking surrounding it. As if schools and education can ever be completely neutral and value-free. Such a condition does not exist. All knowledge, all education, and all learning is impacted by one’s worldview, by one’s values, and by one’s belief systems.

And it so happens today that the number one belief system being promulgated in our schools today is secular humanism. Indeed, it is the default position, and it is being force-fed to our children every single day of their lives. This in fact is the religion of modern education.

A religion did you say? You heard me right bub. Not only did the US Supreme Court declare secular humanism to be a religion, but plenty of the early secular humanists quite proudly proclaimed the religious nature of their belief system.

Only later, when they realised that they too could get booted out of schools because of the bogus “separation of church and state” nonsense, did they stop admitting to their religious basis. I have written before about this, offering a number of quotes along the way:

This is such an important issue that one American expert, David Noebel, has written an entire book documenting all this. Entitled Clergy in the Classroom: The Religion of Secular Humanism (3rd ed., Summit Books, 2007), this revealing volume offers 63 different pieces of information to verify this thesis.

Let me cite just one of his pieces of evidence. Back in 1983 John Dunphy wrote an article for The Humanist, entitled“A New Religion for a New Age.” The title already gives the game away, but he went on to say this:

“…the battle for mankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity. . . . These teachers must embody the same selfless dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist preachers, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing the classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of the educational level – preschool, day care center or large state university. The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new – the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism.”

This is as good an admission as any of the reigning religion in our schools. No wonder the secular humanists are doing all they can to banish every last trace of Christianity in the education realm. They know it is a competing worldview, and one which directly challenges their own premises.

And of course besides this obvious point about there being no such thing as neutrality in the classroom, these secular jihadists are simply making a mountain out of a molehill here. There is no one holding a gun to the heads of the students, forcing them to take a CRE class, or visit a school chaplain.

Any concerned parent can simply say that they do not want their children taking part, and that is the end of the matter. But according to the secular witch hunters, this is the worst thing which possibly be occurring in our schools. However, as Nicholas Tuohy has rightly noted, this is far from the case:

Are there not more pressing needs to protect our children from? A recent conference in Melbourne was held concerning the increasingly disturbing sexual portrayal of children in the media. In relation to the findings of a 2010 survey by the Advertising Standards Bureau, Melinda Tankard Reist said ‘the proliferation of ads sexualising children showed self-regulation was failing.’ What about the increasingly violent video games and movies that children are regularly exposed to, not to mention hard-core pornography that is now only a click away? Then there is the epidemic of childhood obesity. With significant challenges and threats like these, it defies imagination that The Age and the crusading humanists take up arms against ‘Love your neighbor’ and ‘Blessed are the poor’.

He continues, “I think Australians are largely fearful of religion. That’s why no one talks about it and media campaigns like The Age are always trying to sideline religion or make it out to be some sinister and suspicious practice we need to protect our children from. Like it or not, our very education system comes out of the Christian heritage of Western nations. Great learning institutions like Oxford were started by very Christian people. It is absurd to say that Christian faith is some threat to kids. Even the most vituperative critics of Christianity, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, have recently expressed praise for the role the King James Bible had on literature and Western culture.”

And spare us the furphy about proselytising: “Everyone does it. Football teams, soft drink companies, fast food joints, and newspapers. That is, If we believe we have a ‘product’ that is worthwhile we will want to share it and promote it. The gaming and alcohol industries spend hundreds of millions a year to get people to buy their products, and everyone is fine with this? Get a few well-meaning and good Christian people telling kids that God loves them, to do unto others as you would have them do to you, telling the story of the Good Samaritan and The Age sees fit to launch a witch-hunt against Christians? I know first-hand that CRE and chaplaincy goes to great lengths to offer no-strings services and does not attempt to ‘convert’ children.”

The truth is, this is just another secularist beat-up, aided and abetted by a leftwing secular media. They are just as much fightin’ fundies as any Christians can be. And it is clear that they are not at all averse from going on their own witch hunts and conducting their own secular Inquisitions.

The secular jihadists are clearly alive and well.”


Note:  The following article and/or blog post relates to this issue-You Decide:

ACLU Threatens N.J. High School With Legal Action Over Graduation at Christian-Owned Site-Posted on Cristina Corbin-On May 17, 2011:

Note:   My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Faith of Our Forefathers!

Have the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?“power-elite”-and...

Should Americans Fear Islam?

Is Shariah Law A Danger To Our U.S. National Security?

Restoring Honor In America!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on May 13, 2011:

A new poll commissioned by The National WWII Museum reveals the nation is in danger of forgetting the real meaning of Memorial Day. Fully 80 percent of all Americans confess to having “little,” or only “some” knowledge of the military holiday. Just 20 percent of respondents claim to be “very familiar” with the day and its purpose.

Memorial Day is a federal holiday honoring those who have died in military service. Begun to remember Civil War warriors, the remembrance grew to encompass all Americans who have died in all of the nation’s wars. The day is observed annually on the last Monday of May and is traditionally viewed as the official start of the summer.

“Our poll is very revealing,” said The National WWII Museum President and CEO Gordon H. “Nick” Mueller. “More than 416,800 American servicemen and women died in World War II. Today, with Americans fighting in Afghanistan, a time to honor those who give their lives for their country has never been more urgent. Unfortunately, few of us really know the full importance of Memorial Day. As a nation we’re in danger of forgetting the day’s meaning altogether.”

To help educate all Americans on Memorial Day’s importance, The National WWII Museum is launching a number of initiatives, including a new website –, which offers 10 things anyone can do to share and commemorate the holiday.

The Museum’s Memorial Day suggestions include:

  • Thanking a veteran
  • Placing an American flag on the grave of a veteran
  • Visiting a military museum or historic military site
  • Writing a veteran and thanking them for their services to the nation
  • Organizing a community-wide observance
  • Honoring a veteran with a brick at The National WWII Museum
  • Changing their Facebook profile to an American flag
  • Writing a letter to the editor of a local newspaper to remind their community about Memorial Day’s significance.”


Note:   My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!

American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on Americans for Legal Immigration PAC-By William Gheen-On May 18, 2011:

“Those of us who have studied the nation’s crushing effects and causes of illegal immigration for sometime have become acutely aware of the driving forces facilitating the invasion of the United States of America.

Millions of illegal aliens have not landed in the United States via random acts or the chaotic consequences of market forces. This invasion of the American homeland and mockery of constitutional governance driven by American citizens is being funded, planned, assisted, and facilitated by well financed global power players.

Banksglobal corporations, despotic billionaires like George Soros, cryptic organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and an army of their minions are pushing for the integration of North America and the disintegration of the United States!

The most recent information to come to light regarding these plans has come in the form of secret documents released by the notorious WikiLeaks organization. 

WikiLeaks is an international nonprofit organization directed by the currently jailed Australian Internet activist Julian Assange. Many of you have heard of the group in the American press in regards to the issue of released documents related to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

These new secret documents appear to confirm an incremental and covert plan within the highest levels of the American and Canadian governments to accomplish deeper “North American Integration,” while keeping most average citizens in the dark and bypassing the constitutions of the existing three sovereign nations of America, Canada, and Mexico.

WikiLeaks released these documents on April 28, 2011, and news of these shocking findings is just now reaching the public via patriotic groups and the news media. This game changing document is a secret 2005 U.S. Embassy cable from Ottawa signed by then-Ambassador Paul Cellucci.

Paul Cellucci is a former Republican Governor of Massachusetts and a big supporter of illegal alien Amnesty proponent AZ Senator John McCain! 

In the secret document, US Ambassador Paul Cellucci expounds upon a well researched and refined plan to mostly replace the existing borders of sovereign nations with some kind of privacy-invading biometric “security perimeter,” where the borders of the nations will still stand, but information will be exchanged on all citizens in the nations, thus creating a super state law enforcement effort to manage security.

The document specifically states that Cellucci and his fellow conspirators fear the US could wake up and secure the borders against contagious diseases and terrorism. He points out that financial interests in Canada fear US attempts to protect citizens from terrorism or pandemics and could interfere with some financial interests in Canada.

“Even with zero tariffs, our land borders have strong commercial effects. Some of these effects are positive (such as law enforcement and data gathering), so our governments may always want to keep some kind of land border in place... The risk that business will be obstructed at the border by discretionary U.S. actions, such as measures to defend against terrorism or infectious disease, in addition to growing congestion, have become major risks to the economy, inhibiting investment in Canada,” the document reads.

Here we have a man who has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and the people who pay his exorbitant salary and expenses with their hard earned taxes and who is taking the side of financial interests that cannot be bothered by dead Americans killed by Mexican Flu pandemics and other diseases, rampaging armies of illegal alien marauders, or the lethal terrorists among them.

The secret document also advocates that this North American Integration (NAI) will transform sovereign nations into a “single market” with some form of “monetary union.”

Of course, by “single market” they mean single labor market, which means that all the labor they want from other nations can be brought into Canada, Mexico, and America without hindrance from existing laws, constitutions, or pesky existing American citizens who are being systematically conquered and vanquished piecemeal from their jobs and homes.

The document is very clear about moving slowly and incrementally and not attempting to arouse public suspicions by making a big move all at once.

This document is consistent with the North American Community plans we have documented that are coming out of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Dr. Robert Pastor of American University, as well as other proillegal alien amnesty and open borders groups.

Some Americans who are new to these issues may be asking what this has to do with the topic of illegal immigration?

The non-enforcement of America’s existing constitution and federal immigration laws is facilitating this North American Integration, North American Community, North American Union plan.

Unlike the European Union, American citizens are not being asked if they want to lose their sovereignty and self-governance; we are not being asked to vote on this or ratify this!

While the passage of unwise trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA have accelerated us down this path to national disintegration, for the most part the Congress is not being asked to ratify these nation-eroding agreements.

By not adequately enforcing America’s existing immigration and border laws, and by assisting millions of illegal aliens with everything from credit cards to bilingual voice systems demanding we “press one for English,” an invading economic army has been brought to Americans’ doorsteps.

While we have documented that illegal aliens are already voting in mass numbers in probably every state, the populist political uprising of Americans, partially reflected in the Tea Party movement, was stalled west of the Mississippi in the 2010 elections where the largest illegal alien populations resided, yet no investigations or charges are being pursued.

If the plans to make illegal aliens new legal voters via the Dream Act or Comprehensive Amnesty become reality, then the North American Integration has been accomplished and any political resistance by American patriots will be overridden by the new illegal alien voting block.

The political voices of once free Americans will be silenced by the new illegal alien voting block of over 12 million invaders, who were promised our jobs and lands. and power over us and our descendants, in return for their services of overthrowing the American Republic. Their relatives and friends back in their home nations will soon be joining them in this endeavor.

Many of us who first warned America about these issues after US President Bush, Mexican President Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Martin announced the Security And Prosperity Partnership (SPP) in 2005 to create a “free flow of people, goods, and services” across our borders have been ridiculed by liberal media character assassins. We created the term North American Union to convey a lot of meaning to our fellow Americans quickly.

Even now, if you look at Wikipedia, you will see claims that such concerns about this kind of North American Initiative, Union, Integration, or whatever are the mad rantings of “conspiracy theorists.”

Yet, here are leaked documents from a US ambassador advocating this very idea and speaking of it in a way which makes it clear he is not alone and that such plans were already well under way by 2005!

Their eventual goals are to have everyone in North America governed by a new continental government, which would completely supersede what is left of the existing American government.

A recent book called “The Right Balance” written by Canadian Senator Hugh Segal, who is the Canadian equivalent of a Republican, advocates openly for Canadians to understand and accept a “North American Community.” This mouthpiece of the traitors says, “A continent-wide commitment to economic and social development, through which models such as Canada’s equalization program could be applied elsewhere... The creation of a North American Assembly, similar to the European Parliament in its early days” is needed.

Hugh Segal reveals more of their plans which are afoot in Canada, where freedom of speech among regular citizens has been highly compromised by political correctness tribunals, of which I would have been fined or jailed a long time back. Segal calls for “the creation of a North American Assembly, similar to the European Parliament in its early days.”This sounds exactly like the student government triumvirate mock assembly we caught the elites staging in Mexico a few years back, where one student was assigned to impersonate “William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration”during the exercise!

These nation-stealing, treasonous conspirators are quite aware that millions of Americans will not accept the news that the divinely inspired experiment in self governance earned by George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and many others has been stolen from us.

They are quite aware that in the final steps of this effort to enslave Americans, many Americans will try their best to use their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights to preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; that is likely why all of these recent Homeland Security documents going out to police across America demonize American Patriot defenders as “violent extremists.”

American citizens loyal to the US Constitution are not currently extremists, but those perpetrating this North American Integration plan are expecting Americans to become violent eventually in reaction to their plan. This would explain their preparations.

The most recent release from the White House was part of an agreement crafted in secret as well to create this so called“perimeter,” and instead of identifying terrorists as Islamic extremists, invading illegal immigrants, or forces from outside of America or Canada who might attack, it reads, “We intend to cooperate to identify, prevent, and counter violent extremism in our two countries. By working cooperatively on research, sharing best practices, and emphasizing community-based and community-driven efforts, we will have a better understanding of this threat and an increased ability to address it effectively.”

Those who conspire to move secretly and incrementally against us and our revered US Constitution are called enemies, and it is becoming clear that many of the enemies of the people of America now hold high level positions in the government that our life energy and taxes sustain.

Illegal immigration must be stopped and reversed using humane, peaceful, and political processes via the simple adequate enforcement of America’s existing immigration and border laws.

These treasonous politicians, financial and business leaders, academics, and bureaucrats currently pushing for the disintegration of America and the reformation of a new United States of North America, must be identified, stopped, and thrown down from their positions of power or influence, and held accountable for the massive amount of death, loss, and suffering they are inflicting upon innocent American citizens with their elitist plans.

We must stop them because we are Americans. We are the only ones on the planet who have fought this kind of battle before and won. Please remember that America’s founders did not just take on the English government. They took on a king, a church, and one of the world’s first global corporations and with God’s grace prevailed!

The hour is late and our chances look as daunting as when George Washington knelt on his knees in prayer upon the snow-covered ground at Valley Forge.

The new American political revolution that began in 2010 must grow and intensify and we Americans who are still loyal to the principles and the Constitution that once made America the greatest nation on earth must organize in greater numbers.

These secret documents found by WikiLeaks confirm that we have traitors among us that seek the disintegration of America for the creation of a new more regional and global governance. Let us work and pray together to overcome their politics of division and rally our countrymen and women to the American cause once again.

May God save the United States!”


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide: 

How the “Illegal Immigration” issue affects our everyday lives!“illegal-immigration”-issue-affects-our-everyday-lives/

New World Order By Executive Order!

The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!

Powerful men who meet secretly and plan how to run our country!

U.S. Predicted To Collapse In 2010:

ICE Agents Vote ‘No Confidence’ in Leaders!‘no-confidence’-in-leaders/

Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?

What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?

Threat of the Mexican drug cartel, illegal border-crossers and“sanctuary cities”!“sanctuary-cities”/

What was the true intent of Operation Closed Campus?

It’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-now/

Another Imminent Homeland & National Security Issue!

Shocking New Report! Obama’s Real Terrorists: Targeting Patriots and The Right!

Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!

Court overturns Arizona’s proof of citizenship requirement for voter registration!’s-proof-of-citizenship-requirement-for-voter-registration/

The FCC Should Not Interfere With The Internet!

Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-trust-the-government/

Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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