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Posted on May 19, 2011:

WASHINGTON – The founder and chief executive officer of WND has decided to pursue an aggressive legal challenge of what he calls Esquire’s “libelous smear” in which the magazine’s executive editor published a completely fictional article claiming Jerome Corsi’s best-selling book – “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” – was being pulled from the shelves and destroyed and that book purchasers were being offered refunds.

“I have concluded with attorneys who say we have an excellent chance of winning a lawsuit or lawsuits for the reckless disregard for the truth demonstrated by Mark Warren, Esquire and the Hearst Corporation in this matter,” said Farah. “Personally, I think we should set our sights on taking ownership of Esquire. I think that would be a fair settlement. Obviously the magazine is in dire need of professional management.”

The controversy began just after 10 a.m. Wednesday, when Mark Warren, Esquire’s executive editor who supervises political coverage for the magazine, published what appeared to be a news story quoting Farah as saying he was destroying hundreds of thousands of copies of Corsi’s high-flying book challenging Barack Obama’s eligibility for office and issuing refunds for them.

Support WND’s “Esquire Justice Fund” to support lawsuits against Mark Warren, Esquire and the Hearst Corporation for its malicious attack on Jerome Corsi’s book.

Immediately, news organizations throughout the U.S. began contacting Farah for confirmation of the story and comment. In addition, consumers began requesting refunds and book supporters began attacking Farah.

“Only when I issued a statement saying I was exploring our legal options did Warren append a disclaimer to the article explaining that it was ‘satire,’” said Farah. “That was too little, too late. The damage was done. And Warren himself confirmed his own malicious intent by characterizing Corsi as ‘an execrable piece of sh--.’”

A WND message left on Mark Warren’s answering machine requesting comment did not generate a response. Nor did an email to a publicist to whom WND was referred when requesting a comment from the magazine.

Farah has established the “Justice From Esquire Fund” for contributions to what he says will be a very expensive legal battle that is likely to take years.

“I don’t like to sue people or organizations,” said Farah. “It’s not what I do. But I was strongly encouraged by hundreds of supporters within the past 48 hours to take on this fight. People were shocked by the brazenness of this attack. This was not satire. It was not funny. It was designed to materially hurt my business and disrupt the marketing efforts behind a best-selling book. And it was carried out by a lifelong Democratic political activist masquerading as a journalist.”

Farah points out Warren is best known as Sen. Harry Reid’s collaborator on his autobiographical “The Good Fight.” While he has served in several capacities at Esquire for the last 23 years, his resume shows he was a Democratic political activist and political aide prior to that experience.

“Warren has never stopped being a partisan political hack throughout his 23 years in the insular corporate media world of Hearst – the same institution that offered safe harbor to anti-Semitic Helen Thomas in her declining years in the White House press corps,” said Farah. “Having worked for Hearst for nearly 10 years ending just about the time Warren was hired, it grieves me to see what has become of the company.

Examine Warren’s recent work for yourself and you will clearly see one simplistic common thread running through it – Democrats good, Republicans bad.”


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

White House panic: Corsi book targeted: 'Fight the Smears' 2.0 launched, mocks No. 1 best-seller as delusional 'joke'-Posted on May 18, 2011:

Video:  Farah Responds To False Report That He Pulled "Where's The Birth Certificate?" Book!-Posted on BirtherReportDotCom-On May 18, 2011:

Note:  My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Victory in the French and Indian War was costly for the British. At the war's conclusion in 1763, King George III and his government looked to taxing the American colonies as a way of recouping their war costs. They were also looking for ways to reestablish control over the colonial governments that had become increasingly independent while the Crown was distracted by the war. Royal ineptitude compounded the problem. A series of actions including the Stamp Act (1765), the Townsend Acts (1767) and the Boston Massacre (1770) agitated the colonists, straining relations with the mother country. But it was the Crown's attempt to tax tea that spurred the colonists to action and laid the groundwork for the American Revolution.


Did King George throw colonial America under the bus? Did the British Nabobs throw colonial India under the bus? Did America’s white racists throw black America under the bus? Did Obama throw Israel under the bus?  Obama takes the cake as an amateur politician.  In response to Obama’s offer to help—by taking the Palestinian position—Netanyahu bluntly told Obama: “It isn’t going to happen.”  Israel threw Obama under the bus.  Whatever he claims, Obama has finally said it all. Obama is no American.


I understand how Netanyahu felt. I’d had it. I was not going to take it anymore. Everyone I knew in 1975 thought I was a non-conforming nutcake, certainly not a good citizen.  In the news, I was called a tax protester. Judges called me a spurious constitutional objector.   The IRS called me a Fifth Amendment freak.  Society gave me the heave ho. When I departed my old life, to America it was good riddance.  Said I: “It isn’t going to happen.”  America didn’t thow this peon under the bus. Uncle Sam hung himself with his own rope. It is all recorded.  I made the front page in The Palm Beach Post. Uncle Sam ate crow.


Your government, for little cost, in a Ponzi scheme, gave the American people “insurance.” Such a deal!  Insurance actuaries told the American people, at the time Social Security became law, that this so-called federal insurance was not actuarially sound.  Years later, newspapers called Roosevelt’s “New Deal” the fraud of your future.


Good old conservative Republican Bob Dole whacked the hell out of the taxpayers to save a Roosevelt Ponzi scheme. Congress spent the extra revenue as fast as it came in, giving the American taxpayer worthless paper IOUs.


The American people have been dutifully paying into a federal Ponzi scheme since 1935 and now the truth comes out.  A cut in “federal insurance” benefits would cause millions of voters to look upon their representatives as exactly what they are, lying frauds.   


Republican Speaker Boehner weeps.  The U. S. Supreme Court looks upon federal welfare as “preferred freedom.”  In order to stop federal welfare, the government would have to show federal legislation that forked over taxpayer money to welfare recipients would present a clear and immediate danger and that the immediate danger was not some scattergun approach.   Would you say that having my meager entry-level wages withheld for federal welfare was just? The courts, the same was when black slavery was practiced in America, now go along with tax slavery.  I was locked out of my pad for non-payment of rent. Down the street from my room was a mile-long line of food stamp recipients.  According to American courts of law, the taxpayers don’t have the right to a crust of bread. Would you say that federal taxes help the working poor get a foothold?   The U. S. Supreme Court refuses to hear the case.


With impunity, good old Republican Bob Dole threw American taxpayers under the bus.  It’s typical for today’s politicians to benefit themselves at the future’s expense, by giving the present generation something later generations will have to pay for. It is typical for the courts to go along with such frauds.    


What makes you think anyone with authority knows better than you know what is good for you? 

Be prepared. America’s good times are as good as gone.


I’m trying to sell my wares—peace and prosperity at .  Others trying to sell their wares on the Internet are buying what I’m selling. I’ve received more than 6,000 favorable comments on my blog since last February. 


The light at the end of the tunnel:  In Wired magazine’s September 1997 issue, I saved Kevin Kelly’s “New Rules for the New Economy.”   Briefly, Kelly’s New Rules:


  1.   The Law of Connections: The collapsing microcosm of chips and the exploding telecosm of connections will tear the old laws of wealth apart and prepare territory for the emerging economy.
  2. The Law of Plentitude: Curious things happen when you connect all to all.  Adding a few more members can dramatically increase the value for all members
  3. The Law of Exponential Value: The chart of Microsoft’s cornucopia of profits is a revealing graph because it mirrors several other plots of rising stars in a Network Economy. However, the same forces that feed on each other to amplify network presences into powerful overnight standards can also work in reverse to unravel them in a blink. Success will become nonlinear and self-regulating.
  4.  The Law of Tipping Points:  Significance precedes momentum. Success became infectious and spread pervasively.  It became difficult not to be infected. For instance, how long could one hold out not having a telephone?
  5. The Law of Increasing Returns:  Them that’s got shall get. It depends on this: while centralized government gets more punishing, the Network Economy rewards schemes that allow decentralized creation, and punishes those that don’t.
  6. The law of Inverse Pricing: While the worst—government—gets more costly each year, the very best gets cheaper each year. It is a major engine for the new economy.
  7. The Law of Generosity:   Microsoft makes huge profits by giving away its Web browser, thereby creating a need. 
  8. The Law of Allegiance: The prosperity of the company is directly linked to the prosperity of the network. 
  9. The Law of Devolution: The tightly linked nature of any economy, but especially the Network Economy’s ultraconnected constitution, make it behave ecologically. The fate of individual organizations is not dependent entirely on their own merits, but also on the fate of their neighbors, their allies, their competitors, and, of course, on that of the immediate environment. 


Innovators are going to reign supreme.  We are at the end of a dying age. Tag-alongs have had it.  The freaks in control today are going to be reduced to functionaries.  Time to get on the future’s bandwagon.  The best of all times are ahead.  







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Need of a good solid leader

I am amazed and stunned watching these DC politicians destroy or deliberately take apart what a America was founded on. Why do we elect Harvard, Yale and other Ivey league rich boy lawyers every election. Lawyers are raised intellectually to argue. Long dragged out arguments equate to billable hours. It is a wonder nothing gets done!Stop America! Stop doing this! Joe the plumber like me a small business owner with the right advisors would run rings around a Romney or a Obama. I want a hard hitter, straight talker average person like us to run for office. One that is in love with the constitution and founding principles. No sissy's! Knute, Romney I am not sure can get it done. I don't want our candidate to get to Washington and go all Ga Ga.This 2012 run is going to be a "bitch"! Obama is a smart guy! The things he is weak on like the constitution, foreign policy, national security and economics is also the most critical and dangerous areas of this country. Remember we elected this guy on three words "yes we can" and nothing of substance to back that up. Scary!
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Obama may have been born in Hawaii.

He only lived in Hawaii a few short years as young man then he was moved to Jacarta and was enrolled in Muslim School.

He did not return to USA till he was in late teenage years/College age.
He did not fit in as he had not lived in US since was a child.
Stayed with his grandparents who were white.
His grandparents found him a "mentor" who was black Communist Poet.

No one knows people who sent to school with Obama when in college years.
No one has any history what so ever on Obama college grades or courses Obama took.
Obama has no or little history on himself with regard to anything.
Few if any friends. Unknown college courses or grades.

Manchurian Candidate!

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Obama helped in pushing out Egypt leader and now Radical Muslim Brotherhood is taking over.

Obama wants to replace Syria's Assad with Radical Muslim Brotherhood.
Obama wanted Libya's Quadaffi pushed out, when most had no clue who Rebels were. They Radical Muslims.

Obama is methodically surrounding Israel with Radical Muslim Countries. Obama is "Pure Evil"
Who's side is Obama on? Not the USA's side.
Has Obama done anything that is am impeachable event?
Why won't Congress call Obama for impeachment?
Has Congress no guts or is Obama staying with law so can't get impeached?

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Local News Post, 2006


East Valley Tribune

April 12, 2011 | 06:36 pm


Posted: Friday, November 3, 2006 12:00 am | Updated: 10:48 am, Wed Mar 10, 2010.

Church coalition caring for A.J. homeless Tribune East Valley Tribune | 0 comments

"Uncle Max" Uhrig sat in a shaded church corridor Monday afternoon, playing gentle music to entertain a handful of homeless

people. Soulful, bending notes floated through the air as the 52-year-old homeless man strummed his guitar.

Uhrig and his companions had gathered for lunch provided by the Genesis Program - a network of four East Valley churches

that this month began offering free meals to the homeless. The coalition of churches in Apache Junction, Mesa and Gold

Canyon also offers a few hours of shelter each day and services such as bicycle repair, first aid and employment counseling.

Uhrig said for him it's easy to understand the plight of the homeless. After all, he's been on the street most of his life, he said.

"The look in their eyes basically tells a lot of their story: pain, suffering, terror," he said.

The Genesis Program was created to address a need for basic human services in Apache Junction, which doesn't have any

overnight homeless shelters. The program was created after a similar program proved successful at Apache Junction's Desert

Chapel, which opened its doors this summer to offer the homeless food and daytime escape from the heat.

The Rev. Galene Boyett, a pastor at Desert Chapel and the Genesis Program spokeswoman, said she hopes Apache Junction

will soon fund its own homeless shelter, even though the churches have started to provide some basic services.

"Ultimately, what we would like to see is a daily food program and a shelter," she said.

Meanwhile, many homeless people will be relegated to sleeping in undeveloped, desert areas throughout the city.

Genesis Program volunteers and Apache Junction officials met earlier this month to discuss homeless issues, including the

possibility of a city-funded shelter.

City Councilman Kris Sippel said it's difficult to determine how many people are homeless, so the extent of the problem is unclear.

Sippel, who attended the meeting with Genesis, said he hopes residents would bring up the issue at a public comment session next

month, when city officials will distribute the next round of grant money. "If the need is there, I most certainly think we should do it,"

he said.

"If we get 30 or 40 people that come and say, 'We need a homeless shelter,' we'll build a homeless shelter," Sippel said.

Lee Boschee, 60, was homeless earlier this year and lived in the desert near City Hall. Now, Boschee works full time as a grounds

keeper at Desert Chapel, has opened a bank account and rents a mobile home said "a steady job and support of local churches have

helped him put his life back on track."I think I'm pretty much like everyone else again," he said.

Contact us  East Valley Tribune   Phone number: 480-TRIBUNE  Address: 1620 W. Fountainhead Parkway, Ste. 219  Tempe, AZ 85282

Max Uhrig's continuation:

Since that time, a few have died. One from attempting to steal copper wire from a power transformer at a renovation site of the old

Grand Hotel, where Movie moguls used to reside while movies were in production in the regions between Tucson, Phoenix, and the

Gold Canyon districts. Just to name a few: John Wayne and Ben Johnson.

Another death occurred the next year 2007, causes were undetermined, and his body slighted for cremation 30 days later. Finally his

mother was contacted the very same day and his demise was set. Identified, county officials could officially close the case.

Nearly 20 of them had joined the church, 2 joined the choir, 1 was a member of the Womens committee, and the remnants of this

number had moved up or at least moved on.

Max's book: "Keeper of The Knew; The Fullness of The Gentiles, was finished by June 2006, and he is at this date still seeking

financial support for publication, as the jobless rates in Arizona are still exceeding 9.5%. Very few companies or corporations

are financially able to hire anyone. Considering the loss of many businesses over the lacking within the American Economic

slump, and their recent deboccal over the SB-1070 immigration debate, there just isn't any lasting work for the peoples of the

unemployed to find work. And those fortunate enough to keep their existing employment are doing so with greater emphasis

on just who they are and would like to remain.

Always in Christ.

Max Simon Uhrig

San Tan Valley,  AZ


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       General Motors a.k.a. “Government Motors” (henceforth referred to as GM) in late 2010 agreed to sponsor a propaganda film celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP):   your bailout cash hard at work!  The now completed film, whose title literally translated into English is “The Great Achievement of Founding the Party,” will open all over China on June 15th.  The film produced by the Cadillac division of GM glorifies the CCP, which under their patron saint, Mao Tse Dong, sent some 60 million Chinese souls to heaven a bit earlier than planned.  Young Mao and his lover are featured in the film paying homage to the author of The Little Red Book, he of the face so often seen on T-shirts these days.

       According to an announcement posted on Shanghai GM’s official web site yesterday, the film will discuss events that led up to the formation of the CCP following the 1917 Russian Revolution. When the movie first went into production GM signed up Cadillac as the “chief business partner” with the Communist Party, stating: “Cadillac whole-heartedly supports the making of The Birth of a Party.”

       In the same way that the CCP has married totalitarianism with capitalism; and fools the Chinese people and her guests with entertainment extravaganzas like the recent Olympic Games . . . so too the Obama administration has married the American Communist Party with progressive Democratic political correctness so that today only those songbirds among us echoing the Obama dogma 24-7; or the most abject imbeciles can prosper in the Brave New World of Barack’s Crony- Capitalism.  That the once proud General Motors eagerly takes part in creation of such a shameless propaganda output shows you how easily one loses integrity in the shadow of the Obama White House.  Of course, based on the high quality of GM products like its electric car the Volt, there’s a good chance that the great film will start with a series of snippets from the Usama Bin Laden porn cache with a voice-over of Barack’s most inspiring speeches all served with popcorn and chop suey – phooey!


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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What Does Obama Gain By Snubbing Israel?

Posted on Lowell Ponte-On May 20, 2011:

“American politics underwent a tectonic shift this week, a change that apparently reflects a huge shift in political money and global power.

Breaking with more than half a century of bipartisan U.S. policy on the Middle East, President Barack Obama appeared to turn against our longtime ally Israel.

He called for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to be based on Israel retreating to its pre-1967 borders, a boundary to be altered only by “a few swaps” of land between the parties.

To those of us who have stood near the old Syrian cannon emplacements on the Golan Heights looking down on the Galilee and Tiberius, or who have landed at Israel’s international airport within 3 miles of the pre-1967 border, or who understand that this would produce an indefensible Israel only 8 miles wide at its narrowest point, Obama’s proposal seems bizarre.

As recently as 2005, President George W. Bush promised Israel, in exchange for new concessions, that the United States would not press Israel to return to the 1967 borders.

This week President Obama broke that pledge by our government.

Obama’s new pressure on Israel, he knows, will alienate many American Jews. Jews comprise only about 2 percent of America’s population, but this mostly-Democratic bloc turns out to vote, and 80 percent in 2008 voted for him.

President Obama, I believe, would have risked losing a large share of Jewish support only if he believed it could be offset elsewhere.

In 2008 he had an active outreach to America’s Muslim community. One of his campaign workers stirred brief controversy by attending a gathering of radical Islamist Muslims. The number of American Muslims is growing.

A greater concern, however, is the mountain of cash an American president who turned against Israel might harvest from donors in oil-rich Muslim nations.

Obama is not the first Democratic presidential candidate to pander for Muslim petrodollars.

Sen. John Kerry during his 2004 presidential campaign received more than $180,000, from Hassan Nemazee. This Iranian-American investor raised a cool $250,000 for Al Gore in November 1995, and he and his family provided another $150,000 to Democrats during the mid-1990s.

Six Nemazee family members and friends (including the caretaker of his 12-acre Katonah, N.Y., estate) donated a total of $60,000 — the maximum legally allowed — to President Bill Clinton’s legal defense fund.

In the closing days of 1998, Clinton named Nemazee his ambassador-designate to Argentina. Hillary Clinton embraced the Muslim moneyman at a January 1999 White House celebration of the Islamic holiday Eid.

The Senate refused to confirm the controversial nominee after a Forbes magazine investigation exposed Nemazee’s questionable business dealings.

The Forbes investigation documented how, in order to get his hands on public-employee pension fund monies allocated for minority managers, the U.S.-born Nemazee had falsely claimed to be a Hispanic of Venezuelan background and, on another occasion, an Asian-Indian.

Nemazee’s cynical lust for money could be frightening as well as laughable. He is a founding board member of the Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC), which seeks to create friendly and lucrative business relationships with the medieval theocratic dictatorship now ruling Iran.

Iran is, of course, an “axis of evil” nation that seeks to acquire nuclear weapons and is on our State Department’s official list of nations that support terrorism. Nemazee sought to enrich himself by further enriching the power-mad Mullahs ruling Iran.

“The founding member of this group is Mr. Hassan Nemazee, an American of Iranian origin and one discredited, and well-known agent of the Islamic Republic, within the Iranian community in the United States,” wrote opponent of the Iran regime Aryo B. Pirouznia of the Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran. “Their [IAPAC’s] agenda in their own words is, ‘how relations between the Islamic Republic and the United States can be restored in support of the Islamic Republic and the revolution.’”

From now until 2012 President Obama aims to raise $1 billion for his re-election. In 2008 the Obama campaign raised more than $450 million, with nearly half coming in contributions of less than $200 that were not required to be reported by the donor’s name.

In some instances Obama staffers reportedly held handfuls of identical envelopes full of such campaign contributions.

In 2012, do not weep over how much Jewish money the president might have lost. Instead, watch to see how much Islamist and Muslim money Obama might gain by turning against Israel.

  • Lowell Ponte is co-author, with Craig R. Smith, of “The Inflation Deception: Six Ways Government Tricks Us, and Seven Ways to Stop It,” in bookstores this June.”


Note:  The following article and/or blog post relates to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Lieberman Calls Parts of Obama’s Speech ‘Profoundly Ill-Advised’-Posted on The Wall Street Journal-By Naftali Bendavid-On May 20, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!’s-campaign-finances/

Sen. Obama’s Radical Islamic Past and Ties To Terrorist Groups:

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Jewish Donors Outraged by 'Sociopath' Obama!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on Floyd Reports-By Guest Writer-On May 20, 2011:

In December of last year, Border Agent Brian Terry was killed by Mexican gang members in an Arizona border shootout. Two of the weapons recovered from the scene had been part of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)’s “Project Gunrunner,” a plot whereby thousands of firearms were deliberately sold to known straw purchasers for Mexican drug cartels, then assisted across the border by the ATF itself.

On May 4th, Obama regime Attorney General Eric Holder sat before the House Judiciary Committee, evading California Representative Darrell Issa’s questions about the Justice Department’s involvement in ATF’s ultimately deadly Gunrunner scheme:

Issa: How about the head of the Criminal Division, Lanny Breuer, Did he authorize it?

Holder: I’m not sure whether Mr. Breuer authorized it. You have to understand the way in which the Department operates. Although there are operations, this one has become–has gotten a great deal of publicity.

Issa: Yeah, there are dead Americans as a result of this failed and reckless program. So I would say that it hasn’t gotten enough attention, has it Mr. Attorney General?

Later, after enduring all he could stomach of Holder’s reverence for his own department’s phony investigation of the ATF, Issa finally rebuked the self-important bureaucrat, saying:

We’re not looking at straw buyers, Mr. Attorney General. We’re looking at you. We’re looking at your key people…who should have known about this…and whether or not the Justice Department is basically guilty of allowing weapons to kill Americans and Mexicans.

Of course, no one who learned his arrogance at the knee of the Crown Prince of Conceit will allow himself to be beaten down with subpoenas or contempt of Congress hearings. So, Holder has chosen a new tack.

After more than five months of inaction, a 14 count indictment for murder has been filed against Manuel Osorio-Arellanes, a Mexican illegal wounded during the shootout which took the life of Agent Terry.

Is this a sudden act of contrition or piety on the part of the Attorney General? A bone thrown to Congress, the American people, or Brian Terry’s family? Hardly.

With the filing of murder charges – two days after the Issa hearing – Holder can now claim that any and all Project Gunrunner information subpoenaed by the Issa committee may be withheld as material to the prosecution of Osorio-Arellanes. Although Holder had ignored requests and demands for information all along, now there would be an excuse.

By the way, two other names are included in the indictment against Osorio-Arellanes, but they will not be made public. These two were arrested along with the Mexican illegal on the night of Terry’s murder, then deported in February after pleading guilty to minor illegal entry infractions.

Is it possible they were the straw purchasers of the AK-47 used to kill Terry? Does the regime prefer they be out of the country, rather than spilling their guts on the witness stand about how they were illegally sold weapons by the ATF?

After all, in February, Project Gunrunner had yet to attract the volume of heat and attention focused on it today, so who would notice the sudden “elimination” of two murder suspects, or rather, potential witnesses against the Regime?

The outrage over Project Gunrunner is not going away soon. It’s anyone’s guess who will be thrown under the White House bus for this one.”

Continue Reading:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on Floyd Reports-By Guest Writer-On May 20, 2011:

ACT! for America recently sent out a “Special Action Alert” requesting support for a Rep. John Shimkus [R, IL-19] sponsored bill,  H.R. 1687 - Open Fuel Standardization Act The bill promises “to ensure that new vehicles enable fuel competition so as to reduce the strategic importance of oil to the United States.” 

According to ACT! for America, the bill is “one common sense approach to energy independence!”  Reading the actual bill, however, may lead you to a different conclusion.

Washington, it seems, has determined that our energy problems are because the auto manufacturers simply aren’t giving us the right choices to make when we peruse their dealership lots. 

Rep. Shimkus, along with co-sponsors Rep. Roscoe Bartlett [R, MD-6], Rep. Howard Berman [D, CA-28], Rep. Eliot Engel [D, NY-17], Rep. Steve Israel [D, NY-2], Rep. David Loebsack [D, IA-2], and Rep. Collin Peterson [D, MN-7] sprang into action and crafted a bill that only Cass Sunstein could appreciate.  H.R. 1687 would mandate that 50% of all new cars and light duty trucks produced by 2014 be engineered to run on some type of alternative fuel.

By 2016, the percentage of new alternative fuel vehicles increases to 80%; finally topping out at 95% in 2017.  Step aside, Free Market, Big Government coming through! 

If only “We The People” weren’t so obtuse.  Unwilling to do the right thing; passing over Chevy Volts in favor of Ford F-Series Pickups and Honda Accords.  Shame, shame.

Unburdened by frivolous things such as actual consumer demand, the Government will save us from our folly.  We’ll plug millions of new electric cars into our aging and already underpowered electrical grid. It doesn’t get more green than electricity after all (never mind all of those pesky coal plants).  Want to drive more than 40 miles, you say? 

Common sense in Washington dictates that we should burn food in our cars (Ethanol, Biodiesel).  Don’t you worry one little bit… food prices couldn’t possibly be affected by the added demand on our corn fields.  The world will love us for being so green.

Think you’ll outsmart them by maintaining your current gas guzzling beast?  Plan on camping out at the dealership for a chance to buy a rare, new gasoline burning car?  Imagine the gas stations of the future… now supplying us with natural gas, hydrogen, biodiesel, E85 (Ethanol), M85 (Methanol), and charging stations.

How many pumps do you think will be left for you?

Continue Reading:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is there a Christian basis for combating the threat of global warming?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on The Patriot Update-By Ann-Marie Murrell-On May 21, 2011:

Attorney General Eric Holder is definitely a fascinating man.  In Part 1, I gave a little background into his life.  Throughout his career under the Obama administration, Eric Holder and his Department of Justice have made some hugely controversial decisions.  Maybe his early training at the home of the Frankfurt School, Columbia University contributed; I’m not sure.

Following are some highlights of the past two years with Holder as Attorney General.


  • Holder led voting to ban enhanced interrogations (specifically waterboarding).  He did this against the advice of top-ranking military personnel and despite the fact that enhanced interrogations have helped locate and stop terrorists, including Osama bin Laden.
  • Holder transferred 9/11 conspirators to the U.S. District Court to be tried in public instead of military tribunals.  Holder did this against the advice of law enforcement, city and state officials as well as families of those killed in the 9/11 attacks.  Holder believed the international terrorists deserved a “fair trial in New York”.
  • Holder later changed his mind about trying the terrorists in public and transferred them back to the military tribunal system as originally planned…
  • Holder refuses to declare Islam a threat.  Appearing before the House Judiciary committee, the following dialogue took place:

Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith:  “Are you uncomfortable attributing any of their (terrorists) actions to radical Islam?”

Holder:   “No, no I don’t want to say anything negative about a religion…that’s not consistent with the teachings of it.”

Rep. Smith:  “Ok, could it have been the case in one of these three (terrorism) instances…could one of these three individuals have been incited by radical Islam…”

Holder:  “Well, I think potentially incited by an Islam that is inconsistent with the teachings (of Islam)…”

Rep. Smith:  “It’s hard Mr. Attorney General, it’s hard to get an answer yes or no (from you)…”


Holder filed suit against the state of Arizona for their immigration law SB-1070 claiming it would “lead to racial profiling”.  Under investigation, Holder admitted that he had not read the Arizona law and that he formed his opinions based on news reports…

Race Relations:

In a 1996 interview with The Washington Post, Holder said “’Regardless of how affluent, educated and mobile a black person becomes, his race defines him more particularly than anything else.’ In other words, according to Mr. Holder, no matter how successful and integrated blacks are in U.S. society, they will always be victims; racial solidarity must supersede their American identity.”

Holder’s Department of Justice dropped the voter intimidation civil suit brought by the Bush administration against the New Black Panther Party The charges were dropped “due to lack of evidence”, despite the fact that several current and former members have stated that Holder’s Department of Justice “is unwilling to prosecute minorities for civil rights violations”.

In 2010, J. Christian Adams resigned his post at Holder’s Department of Justice out of protest of the Black Panther dismissal.

Regarding the dismissal of the Black Panther case, Holder said during a House subcommittee meeting, “When you compare what people endured in the South in the ’60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia… I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people.” Critics have interpreted this comment as evidence of racial bias on Holder’s part.

Strange Times in the Department of Justice:

Attorneys claim the civil rights division of Holder’s Department of Justice is wrought with “inactivity and wastefulness” and that there simply wasn’t enough work for the dozens of new attorneys they hired.  Since Holder took office, “many of its employees spend their time playing computer Solitaire, watching videos, and complaining about the the lack of activity.”  Spakovsky wrote, “Attorneys beg for work and are told there is none.  If Holder denies this, you should require that the DOJ Inspector General provide the evidence that I am told they have already collected on this point.”

The same attorneys claimed that “during a Voting Section staff meeting called to address chronic tardiness, numerous attorneys demanded permission to arrive at work up to 30 minutes late without penalty. Others wanted to work from home.”


Holder’s Justice Department released a legal opinion that allowed the Obama administration to ignore the will of Congress which voted overwhelmingly to suspend federal funding of ACORN. He also ignored the 88-page report on ACORN’s systemic corruption and flagrant racketeering activities that was issued by Republican investigators on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

2nd Amendment:

Holder is notorious for his anti-gun stance and his interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.  In a 2008 Supreme Court briefing, he said, “The Second Amendment did not protect an individual right to keep and bear arms…it only protected government militias’ rights to guns.”  He claimed that the Second Amendment posed no obstacle to implementing gun bans.

During his tenure with the Clinton Justice Department, Holder oversaw the instant background check system”.  It was a disaster; the system was constantly breaking down, halting gun sales, costing stores and gun shows untold sales and additional costs.  (The problem “magically fixed itself” within weeks of President Bush assuming office in 2001, and the problems have not recurred.)

Fairness Doctrine:

Holder is a big supporter of the Fairness Doctrine, which the Left is hoping will silence talk radio and internet on the Right.  In 2004, he told the (very left wing) American Constitution Society “With the mainstream media somewhat cowered by conservative critics, and the conservative media disseminating the news in anything but a fair and balanced manner, and you know what I mean there, the means to reach the greatest number of people is not easily accessible.”

Gunwalker Case:

Holder has been involved in the Gunwalker Case in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is accused of allowing guns to get into the hands of criminals in Mexico.  Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) asked Holder when he first knew about the ATF operation known as “Fast and Furious”.  Despite the fact that the documents originated in 2009, Holder told Congress he only learned of it a “few weeks” ago.  Issa asked who at the DOJ, if not Holder, approved ‘Fast and Furious’. Holder said he didn’t know, ‘but that investigations are underway to find that out.’  (In April ’11, the NRA called for Holder’s resignation over this matter.)

Holder Quotes Highlighting his Dislike for All-Things-Conservative:

Eric has been a long-standing member of the board of directors of the ultra-left swinging American Constitution Society.   The ACS believes–as one can assume Holder and the entire Obama administration believes– that the Constitution is a “living, breathing thing”.  It is funded by all the major Left Wing stereotypes, including George Soros’s Open Society Institute, the Ford Foundation, Tides
Foundation and the Barbra Streisand Foundation. At one of their functions, Holder had the following things to say about Conservatives.  (Spoiler alert:  He doesn’t like us very much…)

  • “Conservatives have been defenders of the status quo, afraid of the future, and content to allow to continue to exist all but the most blatant inequalities.”
  • “They (Conservatives) have made a mockery of the rule of law.”
  • “Conservatives try to put the environment at risk for the sake of unproven economic theories, to play to the fears of our citizens, and not to their hopes, and to return the nation to a time that in fact never existed.”
  • “Conservatives are breathtaking in their arrogance, from redistricting schemes, to attacks on abortion rights, to energy policies that are as shortsighted as they are ineffective, to tax cuts that disproportionately favor those who are well off and perpetuate many of the inequities in our nation, the conservative movement has been unafraid to push the limits in advancing this agenda.”
  • Holder denounced “the conservative agenda of social division, mindless tax cutting, and a defense posture that does not really make us safer.”
  • “The nation must be reminded that the word liberal is more than a conservative slur. The nation must be reminded that it was the progressive, liberal tradition that brought about the social and economic changes that were necessary many years ago. The nation must be convinced that it is a progressive future that holds the greatest promise for equality and the continuation of those policies that serve to support the greatest number of our people. In the short term this will not be an easy task.”

When you see everything altogether, Eric Holder’s agenda seems perfectly clear—and he continues to be completely in sync with his boss regarding the direction they want to take America.”


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to the above article and/or blog post-You Decide:

President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!

Obama and Holder’s Hidden Agenda!

When Did the American People Elect Eric Holder Commander in Chief?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On May 20, 2011:

In his official notice to Congress that he had unilaterally sent American soldiers into the Libyan war kinetic action, Barack Obama wrote, “I am providing this report as part of my efforts to keep the Congress fully informed, consistent with the War Powers Resolution.”

Today, he decided the War Powers Resolution is also disposable. In a letter to Congress today Obama declared America’s role in the Libyan civil war is so “limited” that he does not need Congressional authorization, as that law requires. He then asked their support for a measure John Boehner had not even seen. The move is the most recent of a string of Obama actions that bypass Congress to implement his agenda.

The War Powers Resolution allows the president to introduce troops into war for 60 days before either seeking Congressional approval or beginning a 30-day withdrawal.

Those 60 days ended today. However, Congress adjourned this afternoon without providing authorization.

Obama has made clear our troops are staying in the middle of a losing civil war no matter what the members of Congress – or the people who elected them – think.

Only as Congress was ready to adjourn did Obama send a letter to the leaders of both houses supporting a resolution in favor of the war. The measure drafted by Sens. John Kerry, John McCain, Carl Levin, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, and Joe Lieberman.

Obama wrote passing the resolution would “underline the U.S. commitment” to this “remarkable” action. As an afterthought, he added it would be “important in the context of our constitutional framework” – not because it is a legal requisite imposed by constitution and statute – but because “it would demonstrate a unity of purpose among the political branches.” If there is a division, the implication is that Obama would continue without such “unity.”

At least one Congressional leader said he had not yet seen the resolution, much less had it been approved. A spokesman for Speaker of the House John Boehner, Michael Steel, told the L.A. Times, “We received the president’s letter but have yet to see the draft resolution it mentions.”

The president concluded the letter with his traditional audacious lie: “It has always been my view that it is better to take military action, even in limited actions such as this, with Congressional engagement, consultation, and support.”

Obama has similarly lied to Congress by proxy. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg recently told legislators Obama had always “been mindful of the provisions of the War Powers Resolution. He has acted in a manner consistent with it. He will continue to do so.”

On Friday, Obama proved this statement is a lie. (If Congress cannot summon the courage to hold Obama accountable, can they at least force out Steinberg?)

The administration’s allies have been remarkably open about why they did not wish to bring a resolution to the floor: It will not pass. Sen. Carl Levin, D-MI, admitted, “I’m not inclined to try to put forth a resolution because I think it just won’t accomplish what I want to, which is to provide, basically, support.” He added allowing Congress to vote on this war “kind of opens up issues that frankly I don’t think end up being helpful to what I think is the right position, which is to basically continue on the course that we’re on.”

For once, Levin’s calculations are right on. Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar, who opposes the intervention, has stated, “it is uncertain whether majorities could be assembled for any particular resolution.”

Sen. John Kerry, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, has provided predictably mushy leadership, hoping the president would do his legal duty so he is not “stretching anything inappropriate.” And that’s as far as he went. The man who lied that the memory of spending Christmas Eve 1968 fighting in Cambodia had been “seared” into his mind, and who criticized Richard Nixon’s widening of a war Congress authorized via the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, now says stretching a war on behalf of al-Qaeda in Libya can go forward.

If given the chance Congress would (or should) vote to end our involvement in our third and least-justified war in the Muslim world.

“In no part of the constitution is more wisdom to be found,” James Madison wrote, “than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace to the legislature, and not to the executive department.”

From the days of the Founders until recent decades, no significant U.S. military action took place apart from Congressional authorization.

look at the history of U.S. interventions abroad taken without Congressional approval shows most actions were taken in self-defense or as an immediate response to a foreign attack upon U.S. interests. The War Powers Resolution may be unconstitutional because it allows the president to initiate war for 60 days.

Even assuming the act is constitutional, it is dubious that Obama had the authority to commit troops to battle. Its provisions specifically limit when the president may send our soldiers into “hostilities”:

The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to

1.    a declaration of war,

2.    specific statutory authorization, or

3.    a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces. (Emphasis added.)

Intervening in Libya’s civil war meets none of these criteria.

Congressmen Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul raised the specter of impeachment over this unauthorized war, only to step their statements back. Former Reagan administration Justice Department official Bruce Fein has drafted articles of impeachment over the matter.

Starting a war-by-decree is bad enough. Continuing it without approval is virtually unprecedented. Bill Clinton conducted his 78-day bombing of Serbia – another war that benefited an al-Qaeda affiliate, the Kosovo Liberation Army – without statutory approval. However, Clinton argued that by voting to fund the war, Congress had voted for authorization.

Until today, Obama had not asked for any authorization of any kind. This is a war by executive order.

This defiance has some detractors. Sen. Rand Paul led five additional senators, including Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn, in writing a letter to President Obama asking if he planned to comply with the law (read the full text here). Rand told CNN this week Obama “appears to be in violation of the War Powers Act.”

California Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman accused Obama of bringing “democracy to Libya while shredding the Constitution of the United States.” Sherman stood tough against the leader of his own party, saying Obama “cannot continue what he is doing in Libya without congressional authorization. When a president defiantly violates the law, that really undercuts our efforts to urge other countries to have the rule of law.”

Conversely, at least one significant Republican has given the president cover. John McCain said, “I’ve never recognized the constitutionality of the War Powers Act, nor has any president, either Republican or Democrat.” That’s good; it is likely unconstitutional. Unfortunately, McCain’s objection is not how easy it makes for the president to launch a war. CNN reports, “McCain said he doesn’t believe the War Powers Act is constitutional and therefore he doesn’t believe the president needs congressional authorization to continue the mission.” (Emphasis added.)

When it comes to unconstitutional wars, McCain seems to be saying he is siding with “my friends” on the other side of the aisle.

In this case, it means supporting a president who has shown a willingness to rule by executive ordersregulations, and decrees – bypassing Congress to implement his supporters’ far-Left agenda.

Obama’s war-by-decree goes forward shamelessly, illegally, and unconstitutionally. The nation must rise up and end this war before ending the lawless administration that launched it.”


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

White House on War Powers Deadline: ‘Limited’ US Role in Libya Means No Need to Get Congressional Authorization-Posted on Jake Tapper-On May 20, 2011:

Video: Democrat Congressman, Obama “Shredding the Constitution” with Libyan War-Posted on May 20, 2011:

Six GOP Senators to Obama: Follow the Law on Libya-Posted on May 20, 2011:

Note:  My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Who's Blue Shoes are Whose?

So the title ain't much to look at, but this tidbit of info may be.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011.

Phoenix,  AZ


3 Israeli Fighters trek across the Phoenix Metro skies flying in a Northerly direction at a usual speed and altitude, I'd assumed for training purposes. Usual altitude because they were high enough for the radar from Luke AFB to pick them up I'm sure.

Now, my question is, were they from Israel? Pakistan? Mexico City? or all three? Hmm?!

I know that we are all aware that the US military and State Department are well versed within the scope of International Laws prohibiting such Flights over Sovereign Airspace without prior and approved notice from Host Nation.

So, did anyone know or care to know if Mexico has an AirForce?

With the Drug Cartel reaping Havoc down there, would it be at all possible for the thing which escapes everyones mind come to a reality one day?

China owns the Panama Canal. FACT!

And, North Korea has the Nuke. FACT!

Mexico has a major problem with its own people. FACT!

Central and South America toying and entertaining possible ties with Taliban, Iran, China, North Korea, etc. etc. FACT!

And we're all being Hyped Out by some Contraversy about our President. D I S T R A C T I O N S !!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is the usual suspect of Case Scenario's which always takes place before the Big One happens.

Distractions up the wazoo to keep everyone (us People-Folk) at a "I / we didn't have a clue that was going on!" mindset, while our enemy (s) sneakup from behind, from the sides, and direct full frontal assault (remember 911) so our government leaders can cry "Foul!" and call us a bunch of illiterate bystanders.

I don't think so.





JUST F A C T !!!!!!!


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IS SO THE PAKISTANEES  ARE TWO FACED, AND CAN NOT BE TRUSTED  ~ FOR A LONG TIME NOW. THE PART IS VERY HIGH TECH, AND COSTED THE TAX PAYERS MILLONS TO MAKE.4063309922?profile=original4063309744?profile=original4063309980?profile=original4063310008?profile=original4063310023?profile=original

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     “The president of the United States, Barack Obama, doesn’t seem to have chosen the right model to copy for his “green economy,” Spain. After the government of José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero demonized a study of different experts about the fatal economic consequences of renewable energies, an internal document from the Spanish cabinet that it is even more negative has just been leaked. 




Green-Tech Model Advocated by Obama

Destroyed the Prosperous Spanish Economy

Undisclosed Debt Revelations Startle Voters



     First Greece, then Ireland and Portugal, now Spain, next America?  Two reports by the every vigilant Pajamas Media (PJM); and numerous other revelations from Spain are painting an ugly picture of political corruption, stupidity and rampant cronyism in eastern Iberia.  The Spanish Socialist government has issued a secret report showing that their green-tech jobs program destroyed the country’s once prosperous economy. 2011’s 21.3% UNEMPLOYMENT  figure confirms their confession as did the PJM’s uncovering of the original story.

     In 1997, Spain was the most prosperous European economy and one of the strongest in the world:  unemployment stood at less than 4%.  The country’s most popular political power, the Socialist Party began movement toward a green economy at that time.  Today, unemployment is five and a half times as high.  The elections in Spain in 2010 sent the ruling Socialists out of power; but people are today none too happy with the traditionally weaker Conservative Party either.  Most people believe that all the politicians in Spain pass laws to benefit themselves and do little for the people.  The country’s tiny Moderate Party made big gains in the 2010 elections and is expected to do even better in the 2012 ones.  The Socialists, however, are truly under-the-gun since recent revelations of heretofore huge unacknowledged debt has dealt an angry surprise to the voters and may force the nation to follow in the footsteps of bankrupt Greece, Ireland and Portugal and require a bailout from the international monetary fund (which American voters largely finance).

     Piles of undisclosed debt in local government associated with the operation of the country’s green-tech jobs programs are shaking up a political scene that was pretty much in chaos to begin with.  Spain, which had been doing everything it could to avoid becoming the next European bailout recipient, is far worse off than its people had been led to believe.  The huge debt revelations in 2010 seemed to indicate that the Socialists were waiting for the Conservatives to discover it after the election so the voters might “shoot the messenger” in the next election.  Unfortunately for the Socialists, the truth emerged and anger has remained rampant along the Costa del Sol and throughout the Spanish countryside over the last year.   Even today Spain has had trouble eradicating the debt and regaining a firm economic footing because of contract disputes with green energy companies created by the Socialist’s green energy programs.

     It all began with the first “offseason” government change earlier in 2010 in Catalonia which revealed a budget deficit there more than twice what had been reported earlier.  Piles of “hidden debt” are still being revealed to the new government related to the green program and to health clinics and other suppliers . . . in short, economists and analysts and numerous anecdotal reports from companies that supply local governments in Spain indicate widespread, unrecorded debt.  Companies complained that the Socialists when in power pressured them to do business off-the-books rather than immediately bill for goods and services according to  Fernando Eguidazu, vice president of the Circulo de Empresarios business lobby group in Madrid.  This chicanery continues to add tens of billions of euros to the official debt figures reported by local and regional governments.

     Undermined by a 21.3% unemployment rate and a perceived slowness in reacting to the country’s economic crisis, the Socialists lost control of the municipal governments of Barcelona and Seville, the country’s second- and third-largest cities.  Young people are protesting everywhere including the main plazas of Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.  Unemployment among those in their 20’s and 30’s reached 50% in many areas at the height of the Spanish crisis. 

      Pajamas Media’s exclusive original story about the leaked Spanish government report in 2010 was confirmed later by several Spanish newspapers.   Yes, the very same Spanish “green economy” policies  that Barack Obama has modeled his administration’s green-jobs programs upon . . . have been cited by the Socialist government that created them as an “expensive, ineffective and unworkable disaster.”  The first Spanish newspaper on the scent was La Gaceta, a Madrid daily.  At about the time the story “went viral” the Socialist government came out with an admission that it was true. 

For Americans the shocker has to be that the headline in La Gaceta (the Gazette) seemed to be aimed squarely at a USA target audience as it screams out (English Translation Provided by Rajjpuut):

“Spain admits that the green economy

Sold to Obama is a disaster.”



     The Spanish public is still up in arms.  An academic team in Spain revealed all this in 2007 and was treated monstrously by the country’s media and by the ruling Socialists trying to discredit the survey’s purpose as purely political and without merit (Americans will recall that when the results of the Spanis study were brought up in a press conference, Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs made fun of the questioner).  Dr. Gabriel Calzada, the Spaniard who first exposed the disaster in 2007 was finally vindicated despite taking mountains of flack from the progressive academic establishment at his own and other universities across the country. 

     Professor Calzada is today often still  featured on all the nation’s most important news and business talk shows.  Despite all the nasty attacks he received, the good professor had enough integrity to stick by his guns these last four years and a year ago even wrote praise for “The dissection of ‘free-ice cream green jobs economics’” on the book jacket of Power Grab:  How Obama’s Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America by American author Christopher C. Horner, a Pajamas Media watchdog whose book bears this enscription on the inside flap:  “Barack Obama’s ‘Green’ Policies Start With Controlling Your Energy…and End With Your Life.”



     This scandal associated with deliberately villifying Calzada and covering up the truth for three years, however, pales in contrast with the undisclosed debt still popping up everywhere in the country.  But Spaniards and Americans would do well to remember that the problems associated with our own financial meltdown** and with Spain’s collapse began years ago with misguided and deliberate progressive policies (more later).  For now remember this, in Calzada’s study:

       A)   2.2 real jobs in the real economy were lost for each green-tech job subsidized by the Spanish government. 

       B)   The average subsidized green tech job there (although counted equally with all the lost permanent jobs in the real economy) lasted less than a year. 

       C)   Only 10% of all the Spanish green-tech jobs proved permanent.

       D)  So, in reality, 22 real jobs in the real economy were lost for every permanent green job created in Spain

       E)   The average green tech job there paid roughly $12.20.

       F)   The owners of Spanish solar plants make 12 times more than what they pay for the energy coming from fossil fuel combustion. The majority of this profit comes from subsidies charged to the consumer via taxes.

     The long-run numbers are even scarier for Spain.  The government itself in recent revelation says that the alternative energies sector are stil scheduled to receive 126 billion euros in the next 25 years.  And things bode very badly for America:   Pajamas Media put it like this: 

      “The president of the United States, Barack Obama, doesn’t seem to have chosen the right model to copy for his “green economy,” Spain. After the government of José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero demonized a study of different experts about the fatal economic consequences of renewable energies, an internal document from the Spanish cabinet that it is even more negative has just been leaked.

     To one of the authors of the first report, Gabriel Calzada, “the government has leaked it intentionally in order to turn the media against renewable energies and to be stronger in negotiations with businesses.”  On eight occasions, the occupant of the White House referred to the Spanish model as an example to follow.  Barack Obama wants us to enjoy the same success the Spanish have known from green energy.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,




** In America, the second wave of progressive sabotage began with the progressives in the Carter administration in 1977 passing the CRA ’77 legistlation that first forced private sector home lenders to make knowingly ill-advised loans to unqualified home loan applicants.  This travesty was multiplied four times by Bill Clinton (Bush, Sr. has a bit of the guilt on his resume as well); attacked this ridiculous law and exposed its weaknesses using Cloward-Piven Strategy by ACORN which controlled Bill Clintons electoral destiny for eighteen years.  Even ACORN lawyer Barack Obama did his part.  Overall the suspect loan rate in 1975 0.24%; became 0.51% in 1985; 14.2% in 1995 (after a Clinton regulatory expansion and two legislative expansions); and 34% in 2005. 

Thanks to ACORN many of these suspect loans after Clinton’s 1998 steroid version final expansion of CRA’77 put people without jobs; with abysmal credit ratings; with only food stamps to declare as “income” into $250,000 to $450,000 homes at zero downpament.  Bush, Jr. who is getting all the blame now . . . in January, 2005 (one of 19 such speeches and vote efforts) tried to repeal CRA laws and only succeeded thirty months later in getting a very weak version of his law passed in July, 2007.  It all proved too little too late, but did help some.  Today, much of the CRA legislation is still on the books waiting another ACORN push.  Of course, the mainstream media runs with the progressive line that “the conservatives and the free market put our economy into the ditch.”

By the way, the First Wave of sabotage ended when the federal government bailed out bankrupt New York City in 1975.  New York State and many states and other large cities were also driven near the point of bankruptcy and the stock market suffered its biggest losses (46%) since the Great Depression (sound familiar?) . . . thanks to the progressive-left’s implementation of Cloward-Piven Strategy and Alinsky tactics to deliberately double the welfare rolls from eight to sixteen million people in seven years and overload the system as promised. This also was a deliberate sabotage by the progressive left.  Rajjpuut has explained the matter in deep detail in numerous blogs.   Find another take on the Cloward-Piven Strategy history leading to the bankruptcy of NYC, here:


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Obama’s Abandonment of America!

Posted on Big Peace-By Caroline Glick-On May 20, 2011:

I was out sick yesterday so I was unable to write today’s column for the Jerusalem Post. I did manage to watch President Obama’s speech on the Middle East yesterday evening. And I didn’t want to wait until next week to discuss it. After all, who knows what he’ll do by Tuesday?

Before we get into what the speech means for Israel, it is important to consider what it means for America.

Quite simply, Obama’s speech represents the effective renunciation of the US’s right to have and to pursue national interests. Consequently, his speech imperils the real interests that the US has in the region – first and foremost, the US’s interest in securing its national security.

Obama’s renunciation of the US national interests unfolded as follows:

First, Obama mentioned a number of core US interests in the region. In his view these are: “Countering terrorism and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons; securing the free flow of commerce, and safe-guarding the security of the region; standing up for Israel’s security and pursuing Arab-Israeli peace.”

Then he said, “Yet we must acknowledge that a strategy based solely upon the narrow pursuit of these interests will not fill an empty stomach or allow someone to speak their mind.”

While this is true enough, Obama went on to say that the Arabs have good reason to hate the US and that it is up to the US to put its national interests aside in the interest of making them like America. As he put it, “a failure to change our approach threatens a deepening spiral of division between the United States and Muslim communities.”

And you know what that means. If the US doesn’t end the spiral of division, (sounds sort of like “spiral of violence,” doesn’t it?), then the Muslims will come after America. So the US better straighten up and fly right.

And how does it do that? Well, by courting the Muslim Brotherhood, which spawned Al Qaeda, Hamas, Jamma Islamiya and a number of other terror groups and is allies with Hezbollah.

How do we know this is Obama’s plan? Because right after he said that the US needs to end the “spiral of division,” he recalled his speech in Egypt in June 2009 when he spoke at the Brotherhood controlled Al Azhar University and made sure that Brotherhood members were in the audience in a direct diplomatic assault on US ally Hosni Mubarak.

And of course, intimations of Obama’s plan to woo and appease the jihadists appear throughout the speech.

For instance:

“There will be times when our short term interests do not align perfectly with our long term vision of the region.”

So US short term interests, like for instance preventing terrorist attacks against itself or its interests, will have to be sacrificed for the greater good of bringing the Muslim Brotherhood to power in democratic elections.

And he also said that the US will “support the governments that will be elected later this year” in Egypt and Tunisia.But why would the US support governments controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood? They are poised to control the elected government in Egypt and are the ticket to beat in Tunisia as well.

Then there is the way Obama abandoned US allies Yemen and Bahrain in order to show the US’s lack of hypocrisy. As he presented it, the US will not demand from its enemies Syria and Iran that which it doesn’t demand from its friends.

While this sounds fair, it is anything but fair. The fact is that if you don’t distinguish between your allies and your enemies then you betray your allies and side with your enemies. Bahrain and Yemen need US support to survive. Iran and Syria do not. So when he removes US support from the former, his action redounds to the direct benefit of the latter.

I hope the US Navy’s 5th Fleet has found alternate digs because Obama just opened the door for Iran to take over Bahrain. He also invited al Qaeda – which he falsely claimed is a spent force – to take over Yemen.

Beyond his abandonment of Bahrain and Yemen, in claiming that the US mustn’t distinguish between its allies and its foes, Obama made clear that he has renounced the US’s right to have and pursue national interests.

If you can’t favor your allies against your enemies then you cannot defend your national interests. And if you cannot defend your national interests then you renounce your right to have them.

As for Iran, in his speech, Obama effectively abandoned the pursuit of the US’s core interest of preventing nuclear proliferation.

All he had to say about Iran’s openly genocidal nuclear program is, “Our opposition to Iran’s intolerance – as well as its illicit nuclear program, and its sponsorship of terror – is well known.”

Well so is my opposition to all of that, and so is yours. But unlike us, Obama is supposed to do something about it. And by putting the gravest threat the US presently faces from the Middle East in the passive voice, he made clear that actually,the US isn’t going to do anything about it.

In short, every American who is concerned about the security of the United States should be livid. The US President just abandoned his responsibility to defend the country and its interests in the interest of coddling the US’s worst enemies.

AS FOR ISRAEL, in a way, Obama did Israel a favor by giving this speech.

By abandoning even a semblance of friendliness, he has told us that we have nothing whatsoever to gain by trying to make him like us. Obama didn’t even say that he would oppose the Palestinians’ plan to get the UN Security Council to pass a resolution in support for Palestinian independence. All he said was that it is a dumb idea.

Obama sided with Hamas against Israel by acting as though its partnership with Fatah is just a little problem that has to be sorted out to reassure the paranoid Jews. Or as he put it, “the recent announcement of an agreement between Fatah and Hamas raises profound and legitimate questions for Israel.”

Hamas is a jihadist movement dedicated to the annihilation of the Jewish people, and the establishment of a global caliphate. It’s in their charter.

And all Obama said of the movement that has now taken over the Palestinian Authority was, “Palestinian leaders will not achieve peace or prosperity if Hamas insists on a path of terror and rejection.”

Irrelevant and untrue.

It is irrelevant because obviously the Palestinians don’t want peace. That’s why they just formed a government dedicated to Israel’s destruction.

As for being untrue, Obama’s speech makes clear that they have no reason to fear a loss of prosperity? After all, Obama is going to continue to give them money for bombs and patronage jobs. So is the EU. They have nothing to worry about. They will continue to be rewarded regardless of what they do.

Of course there are all the hostile, hateful details of the speech: He said Israel has to concede its right to defensible borders as a precondition for negotiations; he didn’t say he opposes the Palestinian demand for open immigration of millions of foreign Arabs into Israel; he again ignored Bush’s 2004 letter to Sharon opposing a return to the 1949 armistice lines, supporting the large settlements, defensible borders and opposing mass Arab immigration into Israel; he said he was leaving Jerusalem out but actually brought it in by calling for an Israeli retreat to the 1949 lines; he called for Israel to be cut in two when he called for the Palestinians state to be contiguous; and he called for Israel to withdraw from the Jordan Valley – without which it is powerless against invasion – by saying that the Palestinian State will have an international border with Jordan.

Conceptually and substantively, Obama abandoned the US alliance with Israel. The rest of his words – security arrangements, demilitarized Palestinian state and the rest of it – were nothing more than filler to please empty-headed liberal Jews in America so they can feel comfortable signing checks for him again.

Indeed, even his seemingly pro-Israel call for security arrangements in a final peace deal involved sticking it to Israel. Obama said, “The full and phased withdrawal of Israeli military forces should be coordinated with the assumption of Palestinian security responsibility in a sovereign, non-militarized state.”

What does that mean “with the assumption of Palestinian security responsibility?”

It means we have to assume everything will be terrific.

All of this means is that if Netanyahu was planning to be nice to Obama, and pretend that everything is terrific with the administration, he should just forget about it. He needn’t attack Obama. Let the Republicans do that.

But both in his speech to AIPAC and his address to Congress, he should very forthrightly tell the truth about the nature of the populist movements in the Middle East, the danger of a nuclear Iran, the Palestinians’ commitment to Israel’s destruction; the lie of the so-called peace process; the importance of standing by allies; and the critical importance of a strong Israel to US national security.

He has nothing to gain and everything to lose by playing by the rules that Obama is trying to set for him.”


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Does Our President Hate America?

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?

Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?

Is Obama The Greatest Strategic Disaster For Israel?

Is Obama Administration "Abandoning" Israel?

Jewish Donors Outraged by 'Sociopath' Obama!

The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!

Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!

Should Americans Fear Islam?

Is Shariah Law A Danger To Our U.S. National Security?

What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?

Nuclear Summit Part of Obama Administration’s ‘Fantasy Foreign Policy’’s-‘fantasy-foreign-policy’/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

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Posted on Big Hollywood-By Liberty Chick-On July 26, 2010:

George Soros, celebrity hedge fund billionaire and darling of the left, has been a busy man the last fifteen years.  While his capitalistic business ventures that began in the 1970s may have brought him his fortune and international financial fame, it’s his activities in the 1990’s that are having the most impact here in America today, on our television and Hollywood movie screens.

We’re especially reminded of this in recent times, as we see the overabundance of falsely portrayed stories on film and video, and at the same time the complete absence of other stories from the mainstream view. 

That’s no accident.

Soros gained his political reputation this last decade largely by staunchly opposing the Iraq war and publicly comparing former President George W. Bush to the Nazi Regime.  Drawing on his proclaimed expertise on Orwellian propaganda techniques and modern day mind-control marketing, George Soros once vowed to dismantle the conservative infrastructure, a pledge that hoisted him to the mantel of hero to the far-left wing of the Democratic Party.  By 2004,dozens and dozens of Soros’ political advocacy organizations had been erected and pumped full of millions of dollars aimed at evicting George W. Bush from the White House. 

Soros has devoted a great deal of time and energy to dissecting the reasons why Americans should hate America.  He has convinced droves of liberals into believing that we are living in an Orwellian state, warning us that everything from the US government (preceding Obama, of course) is nothing more than propaganda, and that right-leaning news sources are not news, but Orwellian Newspeak.  In numerous conferences and symposiums, including this one in 2007 at the NY Public Library, speaking about the role of media in the U.S. today, Soros deems Americans to have been ignorantly shielded by the protection ofNewspeak and Nazi-like propaganda filtered to the peripheral conscious mind of Americans through television and Hollywood movie screens.

How ironic, that Soros’ own rhetoric has so often taken on the very tone of conspiracy theory for which the left so famously criticizes the right.  Similar footage from 2004 sounds as though it’s literally the same script from which leftists recite today.  But whenever his rhetoric is challenged even by political neutrals, Soros repeatedly cites the Bush doctrine and “market fundamentalist propaganda” as his reason for engaging so heavily in the political process.  It’s in the name of protecting our open society, Soros claims.  The man who’s earned his billions via Capitalism has mastered the art of portraying himself as a world philanthropist who is fighting to protect society from the ills of Nazism and other oppression that he says are inherent of our American Capitalist system.

Meanwhile, the truth is that Soros’ supposed war on propaganda did NOT begin after the US invasion in Iraq, as he says it did.  Rather, Soros began his own propagandist endeavors around 1994, when he made a conscious effort to merge his political undertaking with the ultimate purveyor of propaganda – Hollywood.  In fact, by his own admission, he established a strategy that incorporated the three largest influencers of human behavior:  business, politics, and film and video.

But why would Soros deliberately try to blur this timeline? Why would he keep such a low profile about his early 1990’s dealings and instead use Bush’s Iraq policies to justify his conspiracy theory talk?  It starts with Soros’ realization that to execute his Utopian strategy, he would first have to force public opinion to the far left. He himself has often expressed that the best medium for propaganda in the US is through the Hollywood establishment.  Before he could force himself into that arena, he’d have to contend with how best to infiltrate and integrate his political beliefs into Hollywood films.  To do so, he’d have to get past the conservative values-based Democrats first – by quietly dismantling and then replacing the Democratic Party without average every-day Democrats even knowing it.

The FrontPageMag ran a piece several years ago that describes Soros’ plan perfectly:

“Since 1994, he [Soros] had worked with a network of leftwing foundations to fund a $140-million-dollar lobbying drive in favor of “campaign finance reform.”  The campaign succeeded in passing the McCain-Feingold Act, which, by outlawing “soft-money” donations, in effect de-funded the Democratic Party. As a result of the Act, the Democratic Party could no longer collect the multi-million-dollar donations from labor unions which were its lifeblood.”

Soros stepped in with the Shadow Party to collect the donations instead.

Having driven the Democratic Party to the brink of bankruptcy, Soros then offered to save it.

Right under the noses of the working-class salt of the earth voters that once came from coal mining and farming families, and blessed by Republicans, Soros and his political partners eventually killed off the Democratic party as our grandparents knew it– cunningly replacing it with a new progressive version, installing a new establishment sponsored by liberal investors and Hollywood elites, like Progressive Insurance mogul Peter B. Lewis, Hollywood producer Stephen Bing, and actress Jane Fonda.

From the 7th Floor of the Motion Picture Association of America headquarters in Washington, DC, Soros convened with Shadow Party partners Hillary Clinton and Harold Ickes to map out the support network of their new progressive party, which relied (and still do) most heavily upon ACORN and the public sector labor unions.

In parallel, Soros turned his attention to powerful Hollywood – where his money could be well-spent on integrating his influence into the mainstream.

In 1996, one of Soros’ first Hollywood endeavors was to embrace the power of documentary film.  Through his Open Society Institute, he created the Soros Documentary Fund to provide financial support to produce “social justice and human rights documentaries.”

Among the goals of this program is to raise public consciousness about human rights abuses and restrictions of civil liberties, to engage citizens in debate about these issues, and to give voice to diverse speech—all which are crucial to an open society. SDF started awarding grants in 1996 because the visual medium of film and video has enormous potential for effecting social change, increasing awareness and debate on significant human rights issues.

Soros has always fully understood the power of film and video for “effecting social change”, or more accurately, for influencing people’s minds.  More recently, Soros described the power of this medium as a propaganda tool:

“…the techniques of deception have been really perfected since [George Orwell’s book] 1984.  It’s partly the advertising industry that has really sort of [guided], it’s a commercial use that was eventually transferred to politics.  And actually, the art of deception has become a science.  Because there is cognitive science now, which has some very interesting findings about how the human mind works.

“And these findings actually justify or give a scientific basis for techniques that were sort of developed more as an art.  The two key findings of cognitive science [are] that reason and emotion are intricately interconnected, that in fact, there is no reason without emotion, and you can actually overcome reason by appealing to the emotions.  And there you have of course the television, which appeals to the emotions much more directly than the linear written word.  So the appeal to the emotions is easier than it used to be.”

“…Another element I think is that because of this industry, [the] communications industry, we have become very used to pre-packaged thought.  And so we actually use only information that is pre-packaged for us.  And when it has been used in politics, there is now a packaging industry.  And it does have some similarities to the institute where Winston, the hero of [Orwell’s] 1984 worked, the Ministry of Truth.”

“And while you have pluralistic media, you have a parallel method of propaganda which parades as pluralistic media.  FOX News is a prime example of that.  And because it parades as a mainstream media, it’s accepted as a mainstream media.  And deliberate untruths are accepted as one of the pieces of information that you have to consider.  So you have FOX News which is ‘Fair and Balanced’ and that of course is Newspeak. And then you have the mainstream media that tries to be fair and balanced, and therefore information coming from Newspeak sources is accepted as one of the ideas that have to be presented. And you have a number of institutes that deliberately manufacture such information.”

We see this today in almost scripted fashion to Soros’ words – categorize something as “Newspeak” and you no longer have to treat it as a real story.  The stories that harm the liberal agenda can simply be ignored and need not be presented, rather than introducing them into the content cycle for viewers to filter in or out for themselves.  Case in point, the New Black Panthers story At the same time, outlets that once accused some of manufacturing war propaganda have themselves become the manufacturers of propaganda.  Case in point, the left’s portrayal of S.B. 1070Arizona’s Anti-Illegal-Immigration Bill that was enacted into law earlier this year.

Politics and propaganda make an ugly yet powerful combination.

With such success in the medium of film and video from 1996 to 2001, Soros recognized two things.  First, the need to place a buffer between himself and his politically charged documentaries, especially after 9/11, as he was about to embark upon injecting massive financial sums into the political campaign system.  Secondly, the opportunity to take this success to the next level by bringing in a Hollywood heavyweight name to headline the program.

Enter Robert Redford. 

To be continued in Part 2. 

To view Soros’ session from “There You Go Again: Orwell Comes to America” on video in its entirety, it can be found on three videos:  Section 1Section 2 and Section 3.”


Note:  We, as God, family and country loving Americans, must remain vigilant and keep our eyes on the ball and not be distracted by the relentless propaganda being fed to us on a daily basis as part of this President and his minion’s transformation strategy.

My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Have the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?“power-elite”-and-pseudo-experts-covertly-sold-us-corruption-disguised-as-freedom/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Fighting Mosques In The Name Of Freedom!

Posted on LATimes-By Doyle McManus-On May 19, 2011:

Last year, a Muslim congregation in Murfreesboro, Tenn., a pleasant college town of about 110,000 people southeast of Nashville, decided that the time had come to build a proper mosque.

For 20 years or more, the town’s roughly 250 Muslim families had met for prayers in makeshift quarters, and the congregation’s prosperous leaders — doctors, professors, auto dealers — thought they could do better. They bought a 15-acre plot of land next to a Baptist church south of the city limits, and won approval from the Rutherford County Planning Commission for a 53,000-square-foot community center.

Then, as has happened in several places around the country lately, bedlam broke out.

Conservative activists protested that they didn’t want a big, visible mosque in their quiet Southern town. A candidate for the Republican congressional nomination decried the construction. Vandals torched one of the (non-Muslim) contractor’s bulldozers. And a group of residents filed suit, charging that the building permit had been issued improperly and that they would suffer “emotional distress” if they had to live near a mosque.

What happened next was unexpected, but it was what should happen in a country where freedom of religion is enshrined in the Constitution: Most of Murfreesboro rallied around the Muslims. Christian clergymen and a rabbi formed a support committee; there were marches and teach-ins. The fiery congressional candidate lost her primary race.

Among the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro’s most important supporters was the elected mayor of Rutherford County, a Republican farmer and retired healthcare executive named Ernest G. Burgess. He’s also an elder at North Boulevard Church of Christ.

“This is going to sound a little philosophical, but this is a matter of principle,” Burgess told me this week. “When I took this office, I promised to uphold the constitutions of the United States and the state of Tennessee.... As far as I’m concerned, that’s the end of the story.”

Only it wasn’t.

In a move that could portend a shift away from mosque battles as strictly local fights, the anti-mosque forces consulted with national conservative groups to marshal arguments against the project. And they imported a Washington-based activist, former Reagan administration official Frank Gaffney Jr., to testify in court that American Muslims — including those in Murfreesboro — want to impose Sharia, or Islamic law, on the United States, and that the proposed mosque, gymnasium and swimming pool were part of a “stealth jihad.”

“I’m willing to take this case all the way to the Supreme Court if I have to,” said Joe Brandon Jr., the plaintiffs’ lawyer. “And I’m getting a lot of help. I didn’t know anything about Islam or Sharia when this started — I’m just a criminal lawyer — but I’ve learned a lot.”

In short, what began as a strictly local zoning case that looked open and shut — under federal law, religious congregations can build houses of worship almost anywhere — has become the focus of a battle that opponents would like to take national.

“I can’t help thinking that if this were just a local controversy, it would have been settled by now,” Mayor Burgess said last week.

Brandon, the plaintiffs’ lawyer, dismisses the idea of outside agitation, noting that national donations to pursue the case haven’t been pouring in. But he acknowledges that national groups such as Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy have helped him make his case.

Gaffney’s argument boils down to this: Devout Muslims want to live under Sharia, the religious legal code that governs in Saudi Arabia and other traditional Islamic societies. But Sharia, which treats women as unequal, is incompatible with U.S. law. So organized Islam, Gaffney charges, is conspiring to supplant American law with Muslim law — and that, he says, is sedition.

“What is going on in Murfreesboro … fits into the profile of the stealth jihad that is being waged by the Muslim Brotherhood,” he told me. “It’s a mega-mosque that’s clearly disproportionate to the community that it’s intended to serve. It has the purpose of demonstrating a kind of triumphalist agenda.”

Murfreesboro’s Muslims haven’t actually done anything explicitly seditious, he acknowledges, but “you want to err on the side of caution.”

It’s hard to see how the lawsuit against the Murfreesboro mosque can prevail. Even if Brandon wins his case, the most he can ask for is a rehearing on the building permit.

Meanwhile, the Muslim congregation has actually sped up construction on the advice of its lawyers, who say that once the building is up, it will be harder to undo.

But it’s unlikely that even a resounding defeat in court will end attempts to stop mosque construction. In Gaffney’s view, the protests across the country are crucially important, “analogous to the Cold War and the struggle against communism.”

Newt Gingrich probably wouldn’t disagree; last year he called Sharia “a mortal threat to the survival of freedom in the United States.”

Gaffney has a point: Not since the communist scares of the Cold War have we heard that kind of rhetoric. Back then, plenty of politicians found it useful to run against sedition, both real and imagined. The Bill of Rights survived, but it certainly came under attack. Looks as if it’s in for another battle.”


Note:  We, as God, family and country loving Americans, must remain vigilant and keep our eyes on the ball and not be distracted by the relentless propaganda being fed to us on a daily basis as part of this President and his minion’s transformation strategy.

My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Spitting in the Face of Everyone Murdered on 9/11!

Flight 93 Memorial Mosque!

Should Americans Fear Islam?

Is Shariah Law A Danger To Our U.S. National Security?

What do American Citizens Know About “Sharia Law” and is It Something That We Should Know More About?“sharia-law”-and-is-it-something-that-we-should-know-more-about/

What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S.!

Drawing a Line in the Sand!

Radical Movement’s Leader Forecasts America’s Demise!

Does Europe have a future?

Europe’s Looming Demise: Changes on the Continent Cloud Our Future!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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