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Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained documents from New York City Mayor Bloomberg’s office that show his office was instrumental in helping Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, his wife Daisy Khan and their partner Sharif el-Gamal obtain approval for a massive mosque and “community center” to be built in the shadow of Ground Zero, the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The documents, obtained by Judicial Watch pursuant to an open records request and related lawsuit, included email correspondence between top officials inside the Mayor’s office and supporters of the Ground Zero Mosque, a project spearheaded by the Rauf-led Cordoba Initiative. Among the highlights:

  • A May 10, 2010, email from Daisy Khan, listed as Executive Director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, to Fatima Shama, Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs: “Is there a good time to chat tomorrow. We need some guidance on how to tackle the opposition.”
  • A letter supporting the Ground Zero Mosque drafted by Nazi Parvizi, Commissioner of the Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit, to Julie Menin, Chairman of Manhattan’s Community Board 1, which had considered a resolution supporting the mosque. Parvizi crafted the letter for Daisy Khan’s signature, asking the board to temporarily withdraw the mosque resolution due to public outrage over the project. Parvizi described the purpose of the letter in a May 15, 2010, email: “What the letter will do, I hope, is get the media’s attention off everyone’s backs and give you guys time to regroup on your strategy as discussed…”
  • A legal review of the Menin letter sent to the Mayor’s office by Rauf on May 15, 2010. The letter contemplates the impact withdrawing the Community Board 1 resolution could have on the effort to de-designate the mosque site as a historical landmark at a June 22, 2010, Landmark Commission meeting, thus allowing the project to move forward:

    “The Borough President (and Councilmember Chin) have a firm policy at speaking up at public agencies only after the community board has taken a position on an item. So withdrawing the resolution may affect their thinking about how helpful they can be on June 22. That in itself may not be fatal to getting [the site] de-designated but I do know that [Landmark Commission] Chairman Tierney was looking forward to having the ‘political cover’ their support would bring him.” The Landmark Commission ultimately decided to de-designate the property.


  • A May 7, 2010, congratulations email from Shama to Rauf, Khan and el-Gamal after the Community Board 1 finance subcommittee expressed support for the Ground Zero Mosque project: “Again-congratulations!!! This is very exciting for all of you and the community at large! Daisy, as always – you were AMAZING last night – thank you!”
  • A May 7, 2010, email from Khan to Rauf, el-Gamal and Shama after the finance subcommittee vote: “Just spoke with Commissioner Nazli Parvizi. She will call Julie Mennon [sic] to thank them for passing the resolution and ask how she can assist.”
  • A January 2010 email exchange documenting Shama’s successful attempt to expedite a temporary public assembly permit so supporters of the Ground Zero Mosque could conduct prayers at the site.
  • A series of email exchanges regarding a September 18, 2009, meeting between Shama, Rauf, el-Gamal, Khan and others from the Ground Zero Mosque project. A September 22, 2009, follow-up email summarized the meeting: “It was wonderful to be with everyone…on Friday night…Fatima mentioned that there are a number of concrete next steps that need to be undertaken re: the Cordoba House. In terms of a point person and centralized contact, please advise Fatima as to whom she should be in direct contact with on these and all other Cordoba House matters moving forward.”
  • An April 22, 2010, email from Khan to Shama asking Shama to sign a letter of support for the Ground Zero Mosque project. “We have been honored to have developed a relationship with you over the last years…we consider you amongst our closest allies and friends.” The email included a draft letter for Shama to sign.

In July 2010, Mayor Bloomberg told reporters it was “un-American” to investigate the individuals behind the Ground Zero Mosque. Shortly thereafter, on August 9, 2010, Judicial Watch filed Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests with the Mayor’s office, seeking contacts between city officials and Rauf and controversial Muslim organizations. On November 4, 2010, after receiving no response from Mayor Bloomberg’s office to its request and a subsequent administrative appeal, Judicial Watch filed a petition with the New York State Supreme Court to compel the Mayor’s office to comply with the open records requests. Judicial Watch received the documents just before Christmas on December 23, 2010.

“These new documents show that Mayor Bloomberg’s office was working hand in glove with the Muslim activists driving the unpopular Ground Zero mosque project. Now we know what the Mayor was trying to hide and why his office couldn’t bother to comply with the Freedom of Information Law. New Yorkers want honesty and transparency from their Mayor, not obfuscation,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Rauf has made a number of radical and controversial statements regarding Islamic extremism, particularly the terrorist attacks of 9/11. For example, during a 60 Minutes interview about the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Rauf said: “I wouldn’t say that the United States deserved what happened. But the United States’ policies were an accessory to the crime that happened…we have been an accessory to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world. In fact, in the most direct sense, Osama bin Laden is made in the USA.”

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Changing of the Guard

I was amused at the "how great I am " speech by the de-throned Pelosy. It is now up to us, the American People to hold the 112th Congress liable for our near and far future. I see already the liberal left crying foul about the debt and deficit when all they did is increase the deficit to a record cost ,a 50% increase that would be illegal if committed by a "common American". We have acquired one piece of the puzzle,lets go forward and gain the other two pieces for an American picture, the true picture of the citizens of the United States of America.
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The other day there was a member of this site who posted regularly and often, "RAISING UP A STANDARD."


This member has inexplicably disappeared from the site.


All Blog Posts and All comments.


What Happened?


Anyone got a clue?

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Department of Education Needs Adjusting

There is an old saying, “I can’t lay eggs but I know a good one from a bad one.”

The results of G20 pretty much destroyed the basic premise of Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s education policy stated in his article called “Back to School: enhancing U.S. education and competitiveness” in Foreign Affairs Magazine November/December 2010.

Ironically, his insight is a good example actually laying an egg and not knowing it was a bad one.

The huge rejection of trade results in the G 20 summit, and a manipulated yen by China and similar acts of currency manipulation by other countries should be obvious, even our exporting of re-cycled materials has collapsed. Mr. Duncan, protectionism exists.

That is why Mr. Duncan’s basic premise for pushing our students to engage in technology jobs abroad is a fruitless and foolish piece of educational policy.
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The Meaning of Tea Party

The Tea Party is made up of Americans who got a wake-up call and proceeded to act on a grand scale. This has never before happened in America. You people, in spite of the insults, have continued to grow in numbers by leaps and bounds—and individually directed. 


I’m 35 years ahead of you. I got my wake-up call in 1973 and acted.  I wrote a letter to Attorney General William Saxbe letting him know the income tax was unconstitutional and I’d see him in court. Be advised that you have a personal stake in the law under the income tax. Saxbe passed my letter on to the IRS and it acted, unconstitutionally. Under the Constitution, let it be known, we are innocent until proven guilty. Under the IRS rules, same as in slavery, an expedience for the good of all, you are guilty until proven innocent.  Why do we allow this?

I petitioned the Tax Court with a list of grievances.  The IRS offered, in part, to back off if I’d agree to drop the petition. Why would the IRS back off if they were right?  With their offer, they let me know that they would lose. They assumed that a peasant like me would not take them to court.  I turned the offer down.  I made good my promise that I’d see the Attorney General in court.  His lawyer, Solicitor General Wade H. McCree, Jr. appeared against me in the U. S. Supreme Court claiming the IRS made an “error.”  If I had made the error the IRS made, I’d be in jail.


The IRS, courts, Congress, and the President, because they had been getting away with it, thought they could sweep me under the carpet. They were wrong.


I took the court record to The Palm Beach Post. An investigation was made. The IRS admitted that it made many errors, and was still making errors against me 11 years after the first, this admitted in a front page story. The IRS apologized. Uncle Sam was very sorry that it is an unconstitutional fraud; it meant no harm. End of the story for all but me.


Would the original Americans have stood for this unconstitutional fraud?  Where did the Tea Party get its name?  The American people did not put up with King George’s tax. They revolted.  


I believed that federal income tax was abusing my God-given rights. One does not settle for part of his God-given rights. The IRS put me on the street, and in violation of the U. S. Code. When the key to my apartment would not open my door, I called the police. Although I didn’t have the money to pay my rent, thanks to the lawless IRS, the landlord had no right to lock me out without a legal procedure.  I’m law abiding. The IRS and my landlord were not. By acting against an unconstitutional tax, I found that the only way to keep the income tax in place is by intimidation and lies.  By the way, that’s what kept slavery in place.  One of the greatest of Presidents, Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves.  Who will free we income tax slaves?


Do the American people know that God-given rights mean nobody can take them from you without your permission? America’s tyrannical authorities think you will not call their bluffs. Most of the time they are right. Now that the Tea Party has made itself known, your work has just begun. You must continue, uncompromisingly, toward your goal, your God-given rights. Give Washington an inch; it will take a mile.


Already we hear from Washington that we don’t have a choice. We simply must increase the debt limit in March, even though it is absolutely insane. This has all been carefully planned.  We will not be able to pay our debts; we will ruin our credit.  We will not be able to pay the troops; an unspeakable disaster will occur if we don’t raise the debt ceiling, and on and on until the inevitable: we become the hopeless slaves of the perpetrators. It’s nothing new.  


Maybe it would be a good thing to ruin our credit.  Maybe it would be a good thing to bring the troops home. Maybe it would be a good thing to shrink government to half of its size, even though the suffering would be great.  Even that could be a good thing. I was petrified in fear. A great change in my life was taking place over which I had no control. In my case, it forced me to look within and discover the real me.  There was no one else there for me.  I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and got on my path of destiny.  Everything started going right.


Jesus, after saying “in earth as it is in heaven,” in the Lord’s Prayer, said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Where do you think the kingdom of God is? Where is your soul? Where is your conscious awareness?  You exist in a place and a state. God is not in the IRS, or the government, or the courts. God is in your soul. Why would authorities not want to make you feel that you have no rights, that you must depend on them?  They think they know what is best for you. They are taught that.


Why do you think you were put in this place? Do you think you come programmed to go through the motions already set for you in advance, like a herd animal? That’s what your government wants. Are you here to make a life for yourself or here for the good of all? Government believes you are here to serve government, for the good of all. If you don’t believe me, try telling government you have God-given rights. 


Are you not doing your children an enormous disservice to obey unconstitutional laws that strip you of all of your God-given rights? The Nazis didn’t get away with saying they were obeying the law. Germany’s judges backed the Nazis. Why would America’s judges not back Uncle Sam? The law is not what tyrants say it is.


It will go hard on you to inform Washington that you have God-given rights nobody can take from you. Washington will try every way it can, by giving to you, by taking from you, by threatening you, by imprisoning you, to make you a believer in its corrupt power.


Henry Ford said if you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you can’t. I thought I could and I did. Welcome to the Tea Party.



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Ky. Republicans File Immigration Bill As PromisedIllegal Immigrants Would Be Arrested For TrespassingPOSTED: 5:40 pm EST January 4, 2011Email PrintComments (1)FRANKFORT, Ky. -- Senate Republicans have followed through on a promise to file a bill aimed at cracking down on illegal immigrants in Kentucky on the first day of the 2011 legislative session.Republican state Sen. John Schickel, of Union, introduced the legislation on Tuesday, and Senate President David Williams said the measure could be approved and sent to the House for consideration by week's end.The measure would allow police to arrest illegal immigrants on trespassing charges for setting foot in Kentucky.Critics claim the legislation is broader than a law passed in Arizona that is facing legal challenges.The Kentucky measure would allow police to determine the immigration status of people they detain and to charge them with criminal trespass if found on public or private property in the state.
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Health Care Revisited!

As a nation that was founded by mostly Christians, one of our core principles is that it is a morale obligation of those that have been blessed with superior talents and gifts to help the needy. This includes providing basic health care to those who are in need but not in a position to afford it on their own. Christianity is not the only religion that preaches this belief. One of the basic Pillars of Islam as stated in the Koran is Giving Zakat which means ‘giving a specified percentage on certain properties to certain classes of needy people. 

Our core value of helping our neighbor is why we needed to improve our health care system. Now we must decide what is the best way to do it. Another reason is that it is presently inefficient. The government is not protecting the free market to allow it to contribute to the solution..
Lord Acton, the British historian, said in 1887; "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
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The Barbarians Will Come Againe...

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In 2003, 2005, 2006, and again in 2008, then Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius killed legislation that would have tightened the rules for minors receiving abortions, tightened the rules for coerced late term abortions and tightened the rules in general for late term abortions.  In other words, from conception to  one minute before birth, Kathleen Sebelius insisted the womb be just another killing field for the unborn.  Now as head of HHS (Health and Human Services), Sebelius has reinstated the dreaded death panels removed from the health care bills by both the Republicans and Democrats, neither of who could face their constituents with the prospect of authorizing panels that could well sentence them or their loved ones to death via non-treatment of medical issues.

In a completely characteristic, brazen, cold-blooded move on Christmas eve, while the country celebrated the birth of a Savior, Kathleen Sebelius did with the stroke of a pen what Barrack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi were unable to do and that is to create morbid, end of life death panels.  Congress and the president so feared the wrath of the people that they specifically stripped the so called "death panels" out of ObamaCare.  Just the thought of government deciding who lives and who dies was too much for the American Public, but apparently not too much for this amazing guilful Obama Administration.

RIP.jpgSo, what does all of this mean?  Simple, government is back in the death business.  Now Ms. Sebelius will have  the opportunity to create death panels from sea to shining sea all across the country.  Such panels will necessarily be staffed by Progressives who, unfortunately, see the elderly sick, the unborn poor, the chronically infirmed as useless eaters, who as times get tougher, will be denied medical care in defference to more "viable" treatment candidates for the highest and best use of resources as concerns overall positive outcomes.  In other words, good Progressives will take the less expensive and treat them and let the infirmed elder, poor, and chronically ill die.  As Alan Grayson said of the Republicans, their idea of health care is "die quickly."  He was correct … he just had the wrong party.

One might ask why I would infer that such panels would be staffed by Progressives?  Simple.  No Christian or constitutionalist would sit on such a ghoulish panel.  That leaves the job to heartless, empathetically challenged progressives.  That, of course, begs the question:  Will politics eventually find its way into the death panels?  That is, will conservatives die at a much higher rate than liberals?  One  may say, “No,” but history says, “Yes.”

Politics, like fine dust, finds its way into everything.  For instance, had Sarah Palin needed government health care to deliver her down syndrome baby, would that baby have been born — or — would have that baby have received a death sentence from the death panel?  If two people are in need of the same liver, one a Progressive political leader, the other a member of the Tea Party, which is the more likely candidate for the transplant if progressives are making the decision?   

Now Ms. Sebelius will be deciding the fate of your grandparents, or parents, or perhaps even our chronically ill sibling with MS, or perhaps even you and your chronic illness.  The death panels will be sold to us as just counselling sessions, letting the patient know of their treatment options.  But you and I know the truth.  Before they are done, these will be nothing more than eugenics chambers deciding on what "class" of people live and what "class" of people are not worth trying to save.  In other words, your treatment will be determined by where society or the Progressive elite feel they can get the most bang for the buck.  And, if a deteremination has to be made between a Christian constitutionalist and a good agnostic Progressive, is there any doubt about who lives and who dies with none but Progressives on the committee?

For Ms. Sebelius, this is the big time.  No longer confined to killing only the unborn, now she has created for herself the power of life and death from the sparkle of the wine, to the glint in the eye, to the last tremmoring breath of old age.

Death comes calling and death's name is government.  To paraphrase Revelation 6: "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was government, and Hell followed with him."


ToeTag.jpgWhen government, and this president, becomes as brazen as to bestow upon themselves the power of life and death, I fear the worst has already overtaken us and that both death and hell will follow with it.  Can one even grasp the breathtaking arrogance of this?  Government has now assumed the power of life and death!  No longer content with just making us appear naked in the surrender position in airports, no longer satisfied with the killing of the unborn, now Ms. Sibelius and Mr. Obama have assumed the power to grant or refuse life itself.  This is the ultimate “Star Chamber,” which now decides how and when your life might end. 

Have you had enough YET?  Is it finally time to say, “NO MORE!”

Is it not time for the Republicans, on our behalf, to gather up what little manhood they seem to have left (after getting their collective butts kicked during the Lame Duck session) and demand both the repeal of these ghoulish death panels and the immediate firing of Kathleen Sibelius?  After her firing, will they have the courage to charge her with Contempt of Congress for this egregious offense?

This is beyond wanton.  This is an act of war against both the constitution and the people of this country!  If Mr. Obama refuses to fire her, it is time to call for his impeachment.  This is such a grotesque breach of the public trust that it warrants the severest action possible under the Constitution of the United States.  This, added to the continued insults, contemptuous behavior, and unconstitutional dictums of this administration are unprecedented since the treason of Woodrow Wilson.

Now for the worst news yet ... this hasn't even been deemed a major story in the media.  



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Is America Bankrupt?





Is this not disgusting?


In March 2011, we are told, America has no choice but to raise the debt ceiling. This idea of no choice began at the end of the Bush Administration. We were told that we had no choice but to bail out the frauds responsible for the economic crises. How stupid!  Next it will be the states that can’t control spending that we bail out, and for the same stupid reason. Would you buy a million dollar home when you didn’t have the money to buy a shack because you could borrow the money?  That’s exactly what a lot of people did. Should they be bailed out?  It’s a disaster, they tell us.


We are told that we must balance the budget by cutting who knows what?  I’ve offered the idea that we should phase out government entitlements. I received one favorable comment. Not one Member of Congress has had the courage to offer this as a solution. What does that tell you?


In several of my blogs, I’ve offered that we should do away with the income tax and the IRS, and valid reasons for it. I’ve received not one favorable comment. Congress is against it. What does that tell you?


Your government has in every way put itself higher than God, as well as the law of all times. I’ve written many blogs about my idea of God and the workings of the universe. I’ve yet to receive one favorable comment.  What does that tell you?


As our representatives in Washington have yet to offer any real solution to government overspending, everything I’ve written is worthy of serious consideration. As usual, all Washington talks about are the symptoms of the problem Washington caused. I’ve not heard this from anyone: under no circumstances, should the debt ceiling be raised.    All I’ve heard is that ceasing to overspend is totally out of the question.  It tells me that the American people are out of control,  and unless the people demand that their government cease now to raise the national debt ceiling we don’t have a chance of saving our precious freedoms.


How do you know what will happen if we cease now to overspend?  I tell you that in the end your  world will be better beyond your wildest imaginations. And if you don’t get real, you will be asking for another Dark Age.


I hear that the Tea Party wants a balanced budget amendment.  We cannot afford to wait for a balanced budget amendment. That takes a lot of time. America is a disaster waiting to happen for the simple reason that no one has the courage to do the only thing that can prevent disaster: stop overspending now, no matter what happens.  Get hold of your representative today and demand it.


I was here when the world watched Germany go bankrupt. Nothing was done to stop it. I was here when Hitler took control of Germany. Nothing was done to stop that madman.  I was here when Hitler’s armies crushed nations east and west of Germany. Nobody did one thing to stop him.  England was under German siege when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. No matter what happened, the American people united.


America has not won a foreign war since World War II, and we’ve lost the war on poverty, too. One would think we would get real, but we have not. We are flat-out losers and yet we are not ready yet to say no matter what we’ve got to get spending under control.  Unless we face the facts now, folks, it is all over for America.  We won World War II and then we let what could have been the greatest advance in human history slip through our fingers. Here we sit on the brink of disaster with no answer, while the Obamas, making a mockery of our plight, make merry on our money. How can you do this to our children?  What are they to do after you lived your good life on borrowed money and are dead and gone. When they are struggling under the debt you left them, what are they going to think of you when they look at your President and First Lady?


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I find it very interesting that conservative talk show hosts who say that Obama wants to surrender some of our governance to the United Nations are the same people who claim we have done nothing to cause the Palestinians, and much of the Muslim world, to be so upset with us. They forget that the state of Israel was taken from Palestinian land without their approval.
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 formalized British policy preferring the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people. Following World War I, the League of Nations granted Great Britain the Mandate for Palestine, which included responsibility for securing "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people". In 1947, Tte newly created United Nations approved the Partition Plan for Palestine, which sought to divide the country into two states—one Arab and one Jewish. Jerusalem was to be designated an international city administered by the UN.

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Join Saul Anuzis, Candidate for RNC Chair, as he answers grassroots questions from all citizens/Republicans.

So far, Anuzis is the only RNC Chair candidate to hold a grassroots forum. Be sure to let your RNC folks know, and let your state GOP delegates know as well.

Tuesday, Jan 4, 2011
8 to 9 PM Eastern
7 to 8 PM Central
5 to 6 PM Pacific

For the phone to call and more details, visit

PROCINCT is proud to be part of the effort to bring you a balanced, informed view of the race for RNC Chair.

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Sick of deadbeat Americans

I have several issues with entitlement programs, but this one has me perplexed, and really annoyed!  I had an employee working for me in her late 30's.  She lived in subsidised housing, with a boyfriend, which of course they were not aware of since she paid very little rent.  She came in to work one day with fake nails, hair braid extensions, new expensive tennis shoes, and the list goes on.  I ask her if she won the lottery, and she laughed and said "sort of".  She went on to say that on a regular basis, she gets student loans for programs she never plans to actually attend.  I ask her to elaborate, and essentially it came down to, in a 10 year period she has received 72k in funds, and has to this day never attended one school or class.  Why can't these student loans be paid directly to the schools, I hear stories like this all the time.  My next pet peave of the day, I called a guy that used to work for me, and said I have a job opening in your area, are you interested?  His reply, no, I am drawing unemployment, and with the new extensions, I am going to lay around for a long time, then laughed.  I ended the conversation saying, where the hell is your sense of pride!  I just wish we could stop all the "lay on your ass, on tax payer dollars" programs! Gotta go now, I actually have a job, and have to get up early in the morning to go to work, and pay for the deadbeats.
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Secular Humanism

My Webster’s College Dictionary defines secular humanism as any set of beliefs that promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrine, and secularism as secular spirit or tendency, especially as a system of political or social philosophy that rejects religious faith and worship. I ask that you make this distinction before we proceed.


As a secular humanist, I’m open all human values. This is not counter in any way to the Word of God?  As a secular humanist, I don’t think to be a child of God one must adhere to the doctrines and dogmas of any religion, as long as he or she possesses human values. Humans believe in doing to others as you would have them do unto you.  In any event, in my opinion, humans would not condemn their own kind to hell.  Christian dogma condemned my Jewish mother to hell, and me, a secular humanist, the work of the devil!  We are smart enough to know better.  What is the reason for this?


I accept Jesus as my personal savior but I do not condemn those who do not accept Jesus.  Why should I? As a matter of fact, Jesus was not a Christian; he as an unorthodox Jew. Jesus was, by definition, a secular humanist, one who believed we are all our brother’s keeper. My thinking works for me. If your thinking works for you, more power to you. Why judge me? Why should I think like you?


Five hundred years ago, the Church, supposedly founded by St. Peter, the first Pope, the “foundation rock” of Christianity, Christians believe, also believing in a supernatural god under whom, most conveniently, anything goes they say goes, the Holy Roman Catholic Empire, which controlled Europe, having decreed that our planet was at the center of the universe, and that anyone who did not accept this ungodly nonsense was a heretic, and would go to trial for heresy, Galileo, who proved by scientific means that the earth was not at the center of the universe, was convicted of heresy and threatened with torture if he did not confess his sin.  


Any more than the Holy Roman Catholic Empire, is Islam attempting to promote human values.  In no way by today’s interpretation of human values, a husband has the God-given right to beat his wife. Islam wants to take us back to Arabia in the year 600 A.D, and there is no way you can reason with Muslims. Like the Holy Catholic faith 500 years ago, it is blind to today’s reality.


In Time Life’s European Emergence:  “On foot and horseback, a steady stream of peasants and villagers crowded the rutted roads into the small German town of Juterbog. . . The celebrated Dominican preacher Johann Tetzel had set up in the marketplace a rostrum surmounted by a great cross decorated with the arms of Pope Leo X; Tetzel’s credentials, a document of authorization from the pontiff himself, lay on a gold-embroidered cushion. And beside the rostrum, a representative of the Augsburg banking house of Fugger superintended the chest into which the credulous would be invited to deposit their florins. ‘As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs,’ ran the catch phrase attributed to Tetzel.”  


Martin Luther, a 33 year-old lecturer in biblical studies from the nearby University of Wittenberg was there, and madder than a hornet.  Little did he know that the banking house of Fugger was there to collect on a loan it made to Luther’s bishop.  His bishop agreed to pay the pope for his high office, and borrowed the money from the Augsburg banking house.  The whole thing was a Ponzi scheme for ungodly purposes.


Luther was dead set against the money making indulgences fraud. It just so happened that the printing press had been invented and Pope Leo was a bit slow in taking action against Luther. Too bad. Luther spread the word around that he did not approve of indulgences. A protest grew and the Holy Catholic Empire lost much of its power. I doubt that you know that the Protestant Reformation got its start because of a Holy Catholic Ponzi scheme?  


Don’t fight it. Islam fights back with a vengeance. Let Islam stew in its own juice. Promote human values. In Evan Harris Walker’s The Physics of Consciousness, in Chapter 18, “A God for Tomorrow,”  this new age prophet, a quantum physicist and brain doctor, writes:


Now we see that the independent existence of matter and absoluteness of space were false dogma. But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter.  In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation.  .  . The tests of Bell’s theorem have shown us that objective reality as it has been conceived is not the true fabric of reality.  The observer interacts with matter.  Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence.” Did you know that the quantum mind is the basic reality? I doubt it.


As a matter of scientifically proven fact, beyond the forces of electromagnetism and gravity, there is a force of nature that controls the universe. It is beyond space and time.  It is the superconsciousness of the universe. Not many know this. With the present knowledge emerging of the underlying structure of the universe, a unity of man and nature, all things being aspects of the mind, this is going to replace religion.  A god-self exists in each of us.


Logic tells us that without consciousness, nothing could exist; that we are conscious beings created with logic. Consciousness is natural, not supernatural. Thus, it is unnatural for man to give up his most essential asset: logic. Having said this, I submit to you the First Amendment to the Constitution:


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


At the present, only 13 percent of the American people have faith in Congress.  Obama was elected with the support of big money, the labor unions, and government workers. Rather than a supernatural illusion placed on the gullible by less than human men, we’ve got the Tea Party to take on Congress, the President, and the judiciary. What are we going to do with it? Has Congress, or the President, or the federal judiciary adhered to the First Amendment?  Have they all not unconstitutionally imposed their power on the American people? Have not men in authority read into the First Amendment all manner of illogic to deprive you of your God-given rights, to enslave you to their wills?  Are they your master or you servants? What can we do about it?   Keep in mind that Hitler was legal but that logic said there were higher laws that adhered to the principles and values established over the life of man.  The First Amendment gives you the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,  and we’ve got plenty.


Your Constitution is a historical document in a glass case unless you use it as a living document, giving you inalienable rights, to quote Black’s Law Dictionary: “Rights which are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the consent of the one possessing such rights.” It doesn’t take a Philadelphia lawyer to understand this.  We read scores of blogs telling us how our God-given rights are being abused. We don’t read what we, personally, can do about it, accept from me.


I’ve been told that here that Jesus will do wonders for me if I accept him as my Lord and Master. Obviously, the informer had not been reading my blogs.  I have accepted Jesus and I’ve been greatly rewarded. I’ve written my personal experiences. I’ve told you that you can, yourself, shoot your government down—make it eat crow before the whole world. You can argue with me till the cows come home, but given the facts and evidence, you deserve everything you get or don’t get from your government if you don’t personally demand, in some meaningful way, your God-given rights. It is the nature of government to take every right you have if you allow it.  That’s why you have the Bill of Rights.  The Founding Fathers knew what happens when people have no rights.




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Middle East and Obama's Failed Policies

Little to cheer in first two years of Obama's Middle East policy

Friday, December 24, 2010

By John Bolton

(Washington Examiner) President Obama has had two bad years in the Middle East. Unfortunately, that means that America's friends and allies have also had two bad years, with every prospect that the next two will be as bad or worse.

Across the region's range of troubles, Obama's inexperience, naivete and strategic incompetence have all cost the United States dearly. Consider just a few key issues.

Relations between Israel and the Palestinians are now at their lowest point in two years, largely because of Obama's failed efforts to pressure Israel into making substantive concessions. By trying to force Israel to halt all Israeli settlement construction on the West Bank and failing, Obama has the worst of all worlds. He did not deliver up Israel, but he did undercut Mahmoud Abbas.

Accordingly, we have a Palestinian Authority with no authority, no legitimacy, and no hope except the vain idea that the United Nations will declare Palestinian "statehood." Obama has taken a complex, confused and dangerous environment, and made it worse.

Doing nothing would have been more conducive to progress between Palestinians and Israel. Now, ironically, Hamas radicalism, and its links to the Muslim Brotherhood, threaten more instability in Arab lands than in Israel.

Similarly, Obama has allowed Iran's nuclear weapons threat to become more serious. His naive belief that Tehran could be talked out of its nuclear program has cost the United States and its friends in the region, Israeli and Arab alike, precious time and opportunities. Iran continued to make progress toward obtaining deliverable nuclear weapons, and suffered only minimal economic sanctions as a result.

Obama's fallback is apparently that a nuclear Iran can be contained and deterred, similar to the Soviet Union in the Cold War. This is almost certainly wrong, since Iran's leaders do not see human life the same way that Moscow's atheists did.

Moreover, even if Iran could be deterred, the nuclear threat would not end there, since Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and others will almost certainly seek nuclear weapons once Iran possesses them. The Middle East could thus quickly see six or more countries with nuclear arsenals, a prescription for regional nuclear Armageddon.

Moreover, Obama has done essentially nothing to restrain Iran's support for terrorism. The president seems unwilling to criticize Iran's leaders for fear of being seen as anti-Muslim. This is curious, since Iran's leading critics are found in its Muslim neighbors. Read the State Department cables released by WikiLeaks if you have any doubts.

Obama's inaction has allowed Iran to rearm and resupply Hezbollah in Lebanon, and continue to support Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Iran aids terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan whose principle aim is to kill Americans, and the president seems unwilling to do anything.

The U.N.'s Hariri assassination prosecutor will shortly issue indictments against those who murdered Lebanon's former prime minister, almost surely naming senior Syrian and Hezbollah officials. Those indictments could precipitate a renewal of the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war, perhaps this time also involving Syria. Obama is simply absent without leave on this issue.

On Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama seems determined to withdraw U.S. and coalition forces according to rigid timetables. By ignoring the actual strategic situations, these withdrawals will lead to greater instability in both countries. This will enhance Iran's influence and the risk that Taliban and al Qaeda will resume power in Afghanistan and threaten Pakistan's democratic government. And if Pakistan, and its substantial supply of nuclear weapons, falls to the radicals, the risk of nuclear terrorism in the region and worldwide will rise exponentially.

Those who longed for Obama's election, and the end of U.S. "arrogance" and "imperialism," should reconsider. They may discover that what is truly provocative in the world is not American power, but American weakness.

Weakness inspires our adversaries, and dispirits our friends, invariably to our collective disadvantage. And in that sense, Barack Obama is truly one of the most provocative presidents in American history.

John R. Bolton is the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

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The Orthodoxy

Raising Up A Standard caused me to write this. I’m a secular humanist, one who promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrines.


I know a woman who voted for Obama. She depends on Uncle Sam taking care of her when she becomes a senior citizen. Is she dreaming? Her 65 year-old mother-in-law was given chemotherapy and radiation for lung cancer several months back. She died the other day of cancer of the brain.  It is often the case that this conventional treatment weakens the patient’s resistance to cancer enough to cause it to attack other parts of the body.  I told the woman that it was too bad that her mother-in-law didn’t know about alternative cancer cures. The woman said that she didn’t believe in that “stuff.”


Being a member of the Tea Party, I receive emails from NewsMax, who reports that the tax working people pay for their future retirement health care needs does not come anywhere close to their costs even today, and they are rising.  In fact, Medicare is bankrupt. It has zero money for future health care costs.  Why do you think the Democrats sneaked through ObamaCare? Like so much our representatives in Washington have done, it’s a shell game. You can’t find which shell the pea is under.


Being a member of Tea Party, I receive a lot of information on alternative medicine.  I’d heard that it was quackery. But with an open mind, I read the NewsMax reports. My curiosity was aroused enough to order Suzanne Somers’ book, Knockout.


In an interview with Oncologist James Forsythe, he explained to Somers how much he was disappointed in conventional cancer treatment and that he became interested in homeopathics because in Nevada they had homeopathic and naturopathic boards. He learned that alternative therapies were getting impressive results; that patients were doing much better than his patients, and without surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.  He felt that by becoming a certified homeopathic doctor he would be protected. He could push the envelope into the area of integrative oncology and do other things mainstream oncologists couldn’t do.


Somers: “When I look at orthodox oncology, I think about those doctors who worked and studied so hard to learn how to treat this, and they must go home everyday frustrated because of the dismal outcome.”


Forsythe: “It is very rewarding and energizing to go to an alternative medicine meeting as opposed to conventional cancer meetings. Conventional cancer meetings are dismal. You listen to the talks and you see their survival rates are two and three months longer than before, and they are all so proud of that. They never mention a word about alternative treatments; they are afraid to mention any vitamin therapy or any supplements. It’s just a terrible experience because you know they must know there is a better way.”


Now I know why Obama was elected President, and why he signs Pelosi’s and Reid’s bills.  It is M-O-N-E-Y.  It is M-O-N-E-Y that makes giant corporations too big to fail. It is M-O-N-E-Y that turns hospitals into death traps.  Money goes where money flows—in Washington, D.C., where tens of thousands of six figure scum bags pass out money to politicians, drug companies in particular.  Drug companies and the super rich have bought America.  Obama is a bought and paid for pawn, and as well America’s elected representatives in Washington.  Taking from the rich and giving to the poor is the biggest fraud of all times.  The American people are suckers for snake oil medicine; fake remedies of all kinds are the rule of the day.  In fact, for 2,000 years, the world has been suckered by a fraudulent orthodoxy.


“In earth as it is in heaven,” in the Lord’s prayer, Jesus crucified for telling us the truth, we’ve come to the end of the Age of Pisces, the symbol of which is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.  Read about Pisces and you know where we’ve been for the past 2,000 years. When you think about the past ages and how we are linked, you have to know that we are here with increasing purpose. Augustine said, “Distinguish the ages and the Scriptures harmonize.” Read about Aquarius and you know where we’re going. 


“In earth as it is in heaven” is distinguished by this that Jesus said: “seek ye first the kingdom of God,” If you live a self-serving life, taking all you can and never giving back, what about your eternal soul?  The kingdom of God is not in some far-away place, or hidden within the atoms. God is not supernatural. God is personal.  Our souls eternal, and the kingdom of God exists in our souls, our immaterial essence, our animating principle, or our actuating cause of life, will you not pay a price for your sins?  We are all God’s children. You were created with reason and logic. Would God have you burn in hell, or will you not come back to undo the harm you have done?


We are here in the space-time consortium for a time to make changes. If not in fact, in spirit, Jesus’ prophecy is going to come true.  It is written in the stars.  Jesus will return to a people who have lived and learned.    


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My Thought for the Day

It appears that 2011 is going to be a very active year, and quite naturally. We are entering the Age of Aquarius. On the nature of our being, science has now decided that without consciousness nothing could exist. Interesting.  It took only a couple of years for a hundred million Tea Party members to be consciously aware that we’ve got little or no use for the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team.  That, in and of itself, is an enormous change.  It must be shattering to the above named.


What about those who worship the above mentioned threesome? First of all, they believe the U. S. Constitution needs to be interpreted in light of their needs; they don’t like it.  Secondly, they single out the white male as racist, selfish and uncaring. Thirdly, and as a result of the white male racist, they are against racial profiling. It reminds me of Nazi Germany.  The Nazis hated Jews. Revolutionaries always pick a scapegoat for their cause.


White males pieced together the U. S. Constitution.  America, under the Constitution, became the most prosperous nation on earth, and under a free enterprise system, which, by the way, the enemies of the white male are against.  Again, I’m Reminded of Nazi Germany. Nazi stands for National Socialist Germany.


The cause of forbidding racial profiling divides the haves from have-nots, and the revolutionaries who want to transform America.  The haves makes revolutionaries a common cause with have-nots.  Have-nots, as a general rule, have not strong wills and determination.  They are the prey of control freaks.  Control freaks don’t like prosperity, which goes with free enterprise.  They like control and socialism, which goes with poverty.  Therefore, the control freak’s objective is to promote poverty by taking from the rich and giving to the poor. So, let’s begin by getting the record straight.  It is nonsense to think that taking from the rich and giving to the poor will help the poor.  Pretty soon there will be no rich. It’s like killing the goose that laid golden eggs.


Nature gives the male a stronger body and a stronger will than the female. America’s government has done much to encourage the female will. Along with the encouragement, has come a much higher rate of divorce, the welfare state, higher taxes requiring two worker families, and as a result less personal responsibility. The bottom line is weaker wills on the part of both male and female, exactly what control freaks want.


You could not have guessed that I’m a white male. Both my wife and I allow an independent spirit, but no question about it, I’m the leader. That’s the only way it can be. This makes it imperative that I be fair minded. The proof is in the pudding. My wife complains that I never take her advice (an exaggeration), but both my wife and I think that life doesn’t get any better than ours.


It is quite natural that Obama, control freak that he is, would pick for the Supreme Court a Latino woman who said a Latino woman makes a better judge than a white male; he would pick for the Supreme Court a white woman who doesn’t buy the notion the we have God-given rights. 


The Tea Party’s cause is to take back our God-given rights. Coincidentally, that’s what I want.  But what do you expect from someone with Obama’s background?  Look at who voted him into office.  It was not white males.  Obama and his judges believe in Obama rights. God help us if Obama’s women are going to be our judges. Again, I’m reminded of Nazi Germany.  Nazi judges followed their leader.






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A New Year's Resolution Proposal

Medicare, we read here, is in a fiscal crises and totally unsustainable. How could that be?  The Tea Party has awakened to the fact that the American people have been taken to the cleaners. What is the Tea Party to do? My answer all along to seniors: “It is entirely up to you.  You should have been prepared.”


First, I’d like to bring to your attention that there is a member of my family, now in her fifties, who has never accomplished anything in her life worthy of mention. It galls the living daylights out of me.  She had a good background. Why is she is now jobless and currently living in a small trailer with a druggie, on welfare? In my youth she’d not have gotten a thin dime from government or family.  Tragically, thanks to government giving people a right to goof off, this woman with a pickled brain has three children, all with emotional problems.


Welfare is a growing cancer on society. It absolutely drives me up a wall.  This case I mention is not an unusual phenomenon in twenty-first century America. It happens in the best of families.  It is happening for a reason.  We Americans live in a hothouse environment, waiting for government to pull levers and turn valves.  One cannot help but notice the number of grossly obese young people. Sorry Michelle, it is not the government’s role to control the kind of foods we eat. It’s the parent’s job.


An oncologist, who also practices alternative medicines, was told by an FDA bureaucrat that he must first offer chemotherapy, with its dismal record, but being a $200 billion a year industry, money talks. Why would anyone want to commit suicide in a very painful way by subjecting themselves to chemo?  In many forms of cancer, chemo has little of no positive effect and can cause your cancer to spread.  I knew someone who died only yesterday. She had lung cancer and was put on Chemo. Unnecessarily, par for the course and a crying shame, a few months later she died of brain cancer in her sixties.  If she had only known, she’d more than likely be living a normal life. Alternative medicine is curing the terminally ill.


Talk about reducing health care costs, there are myriad ways, but first, get government out of health care.


A school teacher wearing a necklace with a small cross was told she could not wear it by reason that it might offend somebody. “That’s Obama for you. He’s as nutty as a fruitcake.”  American Muslims dress in garb that lets you know they are Muslim. It’s funny that it is their right. In all cases, it has been Muslims who bomb airliners out of the sky. Wouldn’t you be a bit concerned to see someone in Muslim garb on your airliner.  In order not to racially profile we must grope all airline passengers.  It doesn’t occur to Obama intellectuals that a little old American lady is not likely to be carrying a bomb in her panties, but she has to be felt. Whoopee Goldberg says if they want to feel her that’s O.K.  “It’s a heck of way to get your jollies, Whoopee. You are as stupid as you look.”


I was a single working on a minimum paying job. My employer deducted 20 percent of my income for Uncle Sam. It was very discouraging. My wages were withheld and the IRS confiscated my property. Think about that family member on welfare and me busting my butt trying to survive on my after tax income. I was locked out for non-payment of rent. The socialists in control of America are deliberately flushing us down the toilet. History gives us a record of what happens when the people don’t take action against government treachery.  I did not succumb. I took my tax case to the U. S. Supreme Court.  It’s all in the record.


I offer you Flast v Cohen, a taxpayer case. The Court speaking in Flast (1968):


“Federal judicial power is limited to those disputes which confine federal courts to a role consistent with a system of separated powers and which are traditionally thought to be capable of resolution through the judicial process.”


As to capable of resolution through the judicial process, in Butler, Justice Stone, dissenting on the redistribution of incomes question before the Court, “The power to tax and spend is not without constitutional restraints. One restriction is that the purpose must be truly national.  Another is that it may not be used to coerce action left to state control.  Another is the conscience and patriotism of Congress and the Executive. It must be remembered that legislators are the ultimate guardians of the liberties and welfare of the people in quite as great a degree as the courts.”  Does court policy on redistribution of incomes consider Justice Stone’s objection? Hardly. The IRS told me that Congress had unlimited authority to tax my income.


In Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry Co v. May, Justice Holmes: “A tortured construction of the Constitution is not to be justified by recourse to extreme examples of reckless congressional spending which might occur if courts could not prevent expenditures which, even if they could be thought to effect any national purpose, would be possible only by action of a legislature lost to all sense of public responsibility.”  Do America’s courts consider congressional spending extreme? Hardly. The IRS, backed by the federal judiciary, as proven in my case, is a lying fraud.


Justice Warren in Flast: “Additional uncertainty exists in the doctrine of justiciability because that doctrine has become a blend of constitutional requirements and policy considerations.  And a policy limitation is not always clearly distinguished from the constitutional limitation.”


“The many subtle pressures which cause policy considerations to blend into the constitutional limitations of Article III made the justiciability doctrine one of uncertain and shifting contours . . .”


“As we understand it, the Government’s position is that the constitutional scheme of separation of power, and the deference owed by the federal judiciary to the other two branches of government within that scheme, present an absolute bar to taxpayer suits challenging the validity of federal spending programs. The Government views such suits as involving no more than the mere disagreement by the taxpayer with the uses to which tax money is put. According to the Government, the resolution of such disagreements is committed to other branches of the Federal Government and not to the judiciary.  Consequently, the Government contends that, under no circumstances, should standing be conferred on federal taxpayers to challenge a federal taxing or spending program.  An analysis of the function served by standing limitations compels a rejection of the Government’s position.”


“The fundamental aspect of standing is that it focuses on the party seeking to get his complaint before a federal court and not on the issues he wishes to have adjudicated. The gist of the question of standing is whether the party seeking relief has alleged such a personal stake in the outcome of the controversy as to assure that concrete adverseness which sharpens the presentation of issues upon which the court so largely depends for illumination of difficult constitutional questions.”


The taxpayer had standing in Flast, but, alas, the Court decided that the amount the tax took was too small to consider.  The taxpayer was complaining of his tax money being given to church schools, which amounted to pennies. What about my case? My tax case, in which thousands of dollars were lawlessly snatched by the IRS, why was my case  dismissed by the Supreme Court without a word?   Because it can get away with it. It can get away with it because if it isn’t you being ripped off it is none of your concern.


In the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (rule 41[e], 18 U.S.C.A.) I was entitled to file suit. Huge corporations have. I was able to show existence of “special and extraordinary circumstances sufficient to bring a case within some acknowledged head of equity. My case demonstrated that the United States could not establish its tax claim.”  The IRS claimed in the Supreme Court that it made an “error,” and that it was corrected. It was not corrected. The IRS corrected the error and then made it again in violation of a Tax Court Order.   The facts and evidence showed that the IRS made many errors, including thumbing its nose at a Tax Court order. The IRS corrected its second error, after I filed a complaint in the District Court, corrected its error again, and then made the same error again. Yes, I could file a claim. It could file claims the rest of my life, but as a matter of policy, no court would hear me. It took public exposure to stop the IRS.


Your government is a liar and a fraud.  Because you have not been concerned, this I report could be your concern one of these days. By court policy, it is open season on taxpayers.  The IRS can and does by “mistake” put taxpayers on the street, and never pays for its crimes. I’m one of those the IRS put on the street.  I’d still be on the street if I had not fought.    

I’m not a taxpayer anymore. I receive a government check. The socialists in America are moving right along in their agenda, and I would not slap the hand that feeds the mouth.


After Hitler took over, in Nazi Germany’s courts, on record, government was permitted to murder 6 million Jews. The German gentiles didn’t make it their worry, and ended with their nation flat on the ground. I was there. What the German people did wasn’t too smart. I want to know what makes American judges, morally, any better than German judges?  


Threatening death is the best way we know to get the people’s cooperation. Take note that governments never know they can do wrong until the people tell them. A fitting Tea Party resolution in 2011 would be to take legal action to gain back the individual’s inalienable rights, lest, at government’s discretion, for the good of all, of course, we end dead.  

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