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Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year!!


We have had a great year in some ways and not so great in others.  The great silent majority awoke and found its voice.  Although it fell on many deaf ears in the halls of Congress, it was deafening at the ballot box in November. 


2010 was the year that gave us Obamacare, confirmation of Justice Elena Kagan, Senate ratification of the new START Treaty, repeal of Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell and the Dodd-Frank Finance bill to name just a few of the not so great.


In 2010 “we the people” took a stand and stopped the Dream act, Harry Reid’s Omnibus funding bill, the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill, the Employee Free Choice Act (Card Check) and many others.  We took back 63 House seats, 7 Senate seats and 6 Governorships as well as 675 plus seats in state legislatures nationwide.


Now the big question is, what’s next?  We have to keep the momentum going until 2012 when we can take another big step in restoring our country by electing more leaders and a president that represent our values and not those of some academic elite or European model.  We do that by taking care of some issues we have remained silent on for too long; by going out into our communities and talking up what has happened.  It is not just about the lawmakers and judges losing sight of the Constitution, it is about us losing sight of the importance of families and communities, and our religious heritage and how the mores and laws of our modern civilized society has it’s roots in that heritage.


Don’t think for one minute that Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levine and others can get the job done, they can not, because they are preaching to the choir!  The liberals have been inoculated against the conservative media and middle America is busy putting bread on the table, getting kids through school, paying taxes, worrying about their jobs and trying to find a little happiness. 


Nope….it is up to each and everyone of us to go out and be disciples of liberty, to teach and illuminate our heritage, so that others can appreciate our rich history and understand exactly what has made America so great.  Bit by bit our Judeo-Christian heritage is being stripped from the public venue, even though it embodies beliefs that the vast majority of Americans embrace.  Our Judeo-Christian heritage is undeniable, that is until the liberals finish stripping and rewriting references in our history books; the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, other founding documents and those produced by Presidents and Congresses for over 200 years; and before they begin removing vestiges of it from our public buildings in Washington DC where one of the richest displays of our Christian heritage exists, on and within nearly all of our important buildings including the Whitehouse, the Supreme Court, the US Capitol, the Senate chambers, the House chambers, the monuments, our money, our motto….yikes, what a kick in the teeth for President Obama to say we are not a Christian nation!


It is through a strong sense of family, community and Country that we may unite and restore those principles and values to the forefront of American’s thinking.  We must speak up, we have been silent too long, we have let the liberals have the stage for too long, we have tried to be politically correct (A progressive liberal tool to place the most important principles and values for conservatives on the back burner; out of sight-out of mind; convincing many to go along to get along) for too long!  It is time for all conservatives, Christians, Jews and others to drive a stake through the heart of political correctness and take our country back. 


Since when does a tiny minority, be they LBGT, Atheist, Agnostic, Marxist, Socialist, Communist or other drive the conscience and public conversation in America?  Well, they have been getting away with it for a long time and it is high time the majority stepped up to the plate and started preserving and protecting their way of life!  We outnumber them; we are more compassionate than them; we are smarter than them (although not always as vocal), but we must be willing to work harder than them as we have this past year or so!


You can start in your churches, at the veteran’s service organizations, at your local service organizations…yeah, I know, they have to remain neutral, but that goes for the Non-profit organization, not the members!  Silence is not golden, at least, when your Country and way of life are at stake!  This is a time when we reflect on past years and set priorities for the future, what better time to speak with family, friends and acquaintances about the state of your country and opportunities to re-prioritize and turn our culture around. You don’t want to have your grandchild on your lap someday and find yourself explaining why professing to be Christian/Jewish or American is a bad thing in a new world where secularism and world citizenry is revered!


I don’t know about you but I swell with pride when we start conservative or Republican meetings of any kind with a prayer, the Pledge and the Anthem.  And man o’ man when any crowd starts shouting USA…USA…USA what a rush that is!


Americanism, Nationalism call it what you may, we Americans are exceptional and not anything or anybody should stand in the way of us realizing our dreams in our pursuit of life, liberty and happiness for ourselves and future generations.  It has been said that only an enemy from within could confront the American spirit and conquer it. 


Come on brothers and sisters, fellow patriots let’s make 2011 a year of Renewal and work to restore faith in God, Family and Country, to shine a light on our heritage that there be no mistaking who we are or where we came from.  Let us remain with open arms and welcome others as our forefathers have done, but let them that come know, we have accepted them, to join with us in strengthening America and what she stands for, not remaking America in their vision.  And to those that have worked against God, the Constitution, the family, American nationalism/exceptionalism and our heritage, let them be known as the “enemy within” and continue working to identify and defeat this enemy. 


Shine a light on our roots; they are strong, honorable, compassionate and reverent; nurtured by God.  Cling to them as you would your bibles and guns and protect them for posterity!!  We are the conscience of America it is time to exercise that conscience!!


Have a Blessed and Happy New Year


Tom Whitmore

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            What do call the economy of a country with a 35% corporate tax rate? How about “dismal?” “Pathetic?” Perhaps “out of touch?”  How about “American?”
The United States enters the second decade of the third millennium with the second highest corporate taxes in the industrialized world; but it won’t stay there for long . . . Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan said he will lower that nation’s corporate tax rate from 40% to 35%. That's almost funny . . . Kan expects to revive his nation's moribund economy by dropping them into a tie for first place corporate taxer with America?  Germany with one of the healthier world economies charges 29%; South Korea does better and has only a 24% corporate tax.
Republicans planning to spur job creation have announced their goal of a 20% corporate tax retroactive to today, New Year’s Day January 1, 2011 to stimulate the economy and jobs growth the old-fashioned way by rewarding job-creators directly. Right now American corporations are seeing a huge growth in jobs . . . but . . . overseas in far friendlier tax environments. But the issue is not just important to Republicans and TEA Party members, but actually bi-partisan. 
According to G.O.P. Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire and Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat a twosome who are co-sponsoring a bill to make an 11% tax cut down to 24%, by eliminating a few tax breaks and instituting the corporate tax cut, the United States will instantaneously become far more competitive “with the world’s present up-and-coming economies.” However, there do appear to some Grinches in the picture: Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the Grinchiest of them all: Barack Obama. Despite the balanced approach favored by Wyden and Gregg, Obama-Pelosi-Reid and their progressive followers insist that the corporate tax hike can only occur if energy taxes are allowed to rise. Let’s see, energy prices go up; then transportation prices go up; then the price of everything in the economy really goes up and . . . you guessed it, we’ll see fewer jobs in America not more.
It’s high time Barack Obama admitted that his two most evil . . . promises which he made in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle in 2008 before the election . . .
#1 “My energy policy will bankrupt the coal industry”
#2 “In accord with my cap and trade energy program, the price of electricity will necessarily sky-rocket . . .”
and his even eviler promise
#3 To “create five million green-tech jobs” which (if the study of the decimation of Spain’s economy after a similar program was initiated taking the country from less than 4% unemployment to 20.8% today) can be expected to cost 11 million jobs in the wider American economy (not to mention that in all similar instances, only 10% <500,000> of the green jobs will prove permanent) . . . altogether these three promises will literally destroy the American economy if Obama is allowed to keep them.
            Grow up, Mr. President, learn the lessons most of us learned in our college Econ-101 Class: 
  • A.     What government taxes you get less of. Tax energy profits more there’ll be less energy profits.
  • B.    “Profit” is not an evil word. Profit keeps the doors of a business open.  Profit keeps the company from becoming a bailout candidate.  Profit creates jobs. Tax energy profits and we’ll not only see fewer energy jobs from the real economy; we’ll see far fewer jobs across the entire economy.
  • C.    Government interference in the free market is the chief cause of the booms and bust cycles in those markets.
Speaking of “government interference” a.k.a. government boondoggles, do you remember what happened shortly after progressive President Jimmy Carter was inaugurated roughly 34 years ago? They created a new program forcing the banks and mortgage companies to knowingly make bad home loans with something called the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.   Funny thing, in Arkansas the very same year of CRA ’77, they created the Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) which helped Bill Clinton become governor of that state via a bit of voter fraud; meanwhile they were browbeating Arkansas lenders into complying with that stupid law. Later as President, Bill Clinton would expand that law four times (Regulatory expansion as soon as he was elected in 1993; two new legal expansions in 1995; and the steroid version of CRA ’77 in 1998. In 1975, for every 404 home loans only one was completed at 3% down payment or less. 
In 2005, 34% of home loans were written at 3% down or less (many of them at 0% to people without jobs; without good credit ratings; whose only “income” was food stamps; and even to illegal aliens all thanks to the nationwide, grown-up version of ACORN (now the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). That despite the progressives claims that it was the free market that gave us the current debacle . . . that was what caused the sub-prime lending crisis that precipitated the current meltdown. By the way George W. Bush spoke to Congress 19 times before a 2007 law somewhat reining in CRA ’77 was passed in July, 2007 . . . a  law 30 months later and far, far less effective than the law he asked for originally in January, 2005.
As far as the corporate tax rate, the ball will soon be in Mr. Obama’s court. Nancy Pelosi has no more power to stop it. Harry Reid will probably NOT be able to stop it. Let’s see if Mr. Obama grows up and learns his lessons; let’s see how he plays tennis . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

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Open Letter To Tea Party

"The tea party's success has drawn hundreds of politicians and groups seeking to fasten themselves to the movement, steer it and speak for it. Millions of dollars have flowed in from corporations and rich donors, all of whom have their own ideas about  what the tea party should  be. This struggle for the soul of the movement has left many of its original activists facing agonizing  decisions: Do they, should they, still belong?" Washington Post 12/31/10

The Tea Party claims to be pro business and anti big bureaucracy, including big government. It believes that government stifles entrepreneurship and destroys creativity of its citizens. There is too much power centralized in government and thus diminishes the power and freedom of our citizens.

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Is Recession over?

"Jan Hatzius, the chief United States economist at Goldman Sachs, said the economy was likely to grow at an annualized rate of around 3 percent this quarter. Goldman projected last week that the growth rate would be 4 percent for most of 2011. Morgan Stanley, which raised its growth forecast for 2011 to 4 percent, is even more optimistic, forecasting a rate of 4.5 percent this quarter" New York Times 12/24/10

Is there really a Santa? Did he really deliver a sleigh full of merriment and optimism? Or were the reporters at the New York Times and several economists across the country taking part in too much spiked eggnog?


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 Happy New Year 2011,

We DO Live in Interesting Times

The “2010 Year in Review,” at:  


records the highlights of a mixed but, on balance, quite positive year 2010 for those of us who value and are willing to speak up and act to maintain America’s freedoms. Among the seven negative events mentioned, the three biggest lowlights of the year are clearly the signing into law of Obamacare; the one-year anniversary of the Obama stimulus with negative results on the jobs front at a cost to the taxpayers of $787 Billion; and the passage of the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul which, like Obamacare has the potential to prove itself one of the least principled government boondoggles in history.

            Among the thirteen positive events FreedomWorks listed, the top five arguably were these:

A.     The one year anniversary of the Tea Party protest movement championing fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism and smaller, more competent government was celebrated.

B.    The Defeat of the Disclose Act (which even the ACLU was against) was a huge step for freedom of expression.

C.    The Election Day shift in paradigm from government-as-usual to government by the people.

D.   The Sound Money Panel was held on Capitol Hill.

E.    A Virginia judge has declared the mandated requirement of taxpayers to buy health insurance “Unconstitutional.”

Other lowlights listed by Freedomworks included Elena Kagan’s nomination and confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court; Ben Bernanke’s Quantitative easing which threatens to exacerbate inflation concerns; the “mini-TARP” Small Business and Credit Act became law; and the International Monetary Fund (The IMF largely financed by America) agreed to bail out Greece. The FreedomWorks site also ran . . .

their top ten ways Obama’s been wasting taxpayer money. Rajjpuut strongly agrees with the first four items on this FreedomWorks list; generally sees the strength of their position on items #5-9 and thinks they missed the boat altogether on item #10 which he’d regard as vital for technological breakthrough and national defense. The reader is advised to visit the site and make up his/her own mind.

Enjoy a wonderful 2011, Happy New Year!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The Second Coming of Christ

Looking at the birth of Christ, and the following 2,000 years of orthodoxy—authoritarianism—and at the current economic and moral decline in Europe and the United States, a significant clue of what is to come is unprecedented government intervention to ward off the domino effect, ending, ultimately, it can easily be predicted, in the collapse of western economies. In the meanwhile, China, having already gone through a socialistic dictatorship rampage under Mao, and now moving economically forward, with her gigantic cheap labor pool and western knowhow, a meteoric movement in economic growth in China is a continuing sure thing. What comes around goes around. A thousand years ago, while Europe suffered the Dark Age, Song China’s free enterprise system (960-1279) brought with it prosperity.


America’s federal judiciary has put government entitlement ahead of the inalienable right of life, liberty, and property. In the wisdom of socialist judges, busing poor children into affluent neighborhoods has a positive effect. This has not been the case. Socialist Obama speaks of collective salvation.  Socialists reason that do-good people have a positive influence on do-bad people. With America under George Soros’ Nazi socialistic model, impoverished—he’s pulled it off several times—and, naturally, authoritarian government, this is where America is headed.  


Out of love of my country, I became a combat rifleman in Nazi Germany during World War II.  Due to the fact that the individual comes last now in America, under socialist philosophy, the income tax put me on the street. It is all recorded.  I was a responsible family man. My children say they were happy children.  Irresponsible parents, under socialism, get the same treatment as responsible parents. The record proves that neither they nor their children become responsible.  Thanks to socialism, the irresponsible are a growing cancer on American society.  


Science has now acknowledged that nothing could exist without consciousness, and that the smallest subatomic particle is conscious.  Who or what determines the degree of conscious awareness in humans?  Is a federal judge or the President more consciously aware of my needs than I?  The law in practice says yes. Socialism does not give credit to the fact that we humans are created with reason and logic.  Man has never been successful in turning society into herd mentality.  The idea of doing for the good of all overriding the God-given rights of the individual has never worked and never will. But what I say counts for naught.  I’m forced to obey the laws socialists pass.


On the positive side, the energy is building in America to take the nation back—to put the individual back in control of his life. With China’s economy growing by leaps and bounds—the Chinese more in control of their lives—there is that commonality.  Thinking logically, while this is taking place, an unbelievably innovative free enterprise networking system currently in the works, causing the world economy to soar to never before dreamed proportions, logically, a rising tide of independence will be the result.  As for the too big to fail policy in place now, we are coming to the point that a thriving enterprise will suddenly be replaced by a better idea. No industry will be too big to fail.


When people all over the world have an abundance of the material things, what will the result be? Keeping in mind that science now admits without consciousness nothing could exist, based on the universe reduced to numbers logic, here’s what Astrologer’s Handbook says the numbers say. By the way, we are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius. The ages have an influence on society.  If we link the ages, we can understand that we are here with increasing purpose.


“Pisces is a sensitive sign and those born under it are extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others. They unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them. They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong will power.  Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.  They must learn to stand alone and face the unknown with simple faith. . .”  


“The symbol for Pisces is two attached fishes, one swimming upstream and the other downstream, implying the drastic duality of emotions in persons born under this sign. Pisceans are unable to make up their minds. . . They are not combative. . .They are indecisive in thinking and acting. They will generally suffer injury rather than fight for their rights. . .”


Here’s what Astrologer’s Handbook says about Aquarius.


“Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.  Since the planet Uranus rules Aquarius, friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians. Those whom Aquarians befriend have their unswerving loyalty.  .  . Born under a fixed sign Aquarians have eccentric temperaments and are determined and stubborn. . .”


“There is no affectation or snobbery in the Aquarian personality but a dislike of spurious imitation and hypocrisy in any form. Aquarians operate as equals among equals.  However, they are not dependent on their environments for their security, because they derive this from being in the company of others. . .”


“In earth as it is in heaven,” said Jesus. Jesus said we are our brother’s keeper.  Where does the collective consciousness of the universe begin?  Science has found that the smallest subatomic particle is conscious.  Man simply cannot change the Higher Law, the background of the U. S. Constitution.  We Americans need to prepare now for the hard times ahead socialism brings, so we can will ourselves, individually, a bountiful future.      

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We have a lot of work ahead of us in 2011. I, for one, am thoroughly disappointed with the Republicans in the 111th Congress after the Nov elections. They let Obama end the lame-duck session a winner, even after a historic shellacking, and it could not have happened without Republican votes.
Time to keep score on who voted for what, and never let them forget it when the elections return.  I started a spreadsheet, in case anyone wants to use it (in Excel).
They're ba-ack. Read @AmSpec Jeffrey Lord's "Berwick Sets Up Death Panels By Fiat"
Contact Congress, and let them know this is NOT okay.
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The Image of God

As I prepare for my 86th year on Earth—my New Year’s resolutions: loose weight, exercise more, learn about the right foods to eat—I happened to find a note on my desk. I don’t know how it got there. It was a note my daughter Holly wrote to me several years back.


“To think about what it was like to be a happy child,” the note read, "I remember playing in the playhouse you built. I remember, especially, too, the flower garden, the large blue flowers against the house, and the patio you built. I also remember when you helped me learn to ride a bicycle.  I remember it wasn’t easy for me.”


“I think about how lucky I was to have parents who cared about me. I was a happy child. I really was. I loved playing in the trees, riding horses, coloring. Thank you, Dad.”


My daughter Shelley sent me a collage I treasure—photos taken when my girls were young children, captioned, “What Makes a Great Father.” Under the photos, “Comforting,” “Nuturing,” “Loving,” “Playing.”


In spite of my memory, the rulers of Iran look at the United States and Americans as the “Great Satin.”  Islam and Christianity have been at war since the Christian Crusades. They say all is fair in love and war. 


Do say! President Obama is a Christian when he’s talking to Christians and a Muslim when he’s talking to Muslims.  I guess I don’t know  what love is about.  I just thought I did.


Did man make a mistake when he created God or did God make a mistake when he created man. It’s when people in power get the notion that they represent God, and make laws that support that notion—the law of might makes right—everyone  doing his best to be the mightiest, that we go to war. God is on the side of the mightiest.


We know about how fair war is. What about love?  Does God or man give us a right to good health care?  I loved my girls. I worked so they could have good health care. Does President love us when he “gives” us health care?  No, it is not fair to say he gives us all good health care. He doesn’t work so we can all have good health care.  And in any case, God doesn’t give us good health care.


What God gives us is inalienable rights, rights that can’t be taken or transferred.  What President Obama “gives” us is redistribution of the nation’s wealth, in the interest of what he figures is fair, taking the inalienable rights from working people and redistributing them.  It that love?  I don’t think so.  For the good of all is not love.  It’s a manmade construction.  A construction is not natural law, God’s law, or any kind of law.  In America, the law replaces the divine ruler.  President Obama says he has a problem with that idea. He wants to transform America—from what to what?  I guess I don’t know what love is about.


Obama so loves the world that he wants to do what is for the good of all, in a word, give us Socialism.  He wants to replace God-given rights with government entitlements.  In other words, for the good of all the individual has no God-given right to life, liberty, or property.  The same idea is in place in Iran.  My idea of love is other people’s idea of Satin.   It goes with the idea of all is fair in love and war. Look around and see how well man treats you under Obama’s idea of love.  It is essential that you make a distinction between God-given rights and government entitlement.  It the latter case, you give up your love of God; you turn your life over to government, to do with you—and your children—what it will.  



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Our "Right" to Health Care

Not only is Obama a sneaky, underhanded something or other, with a missing link he hides from the public—unqualified to be our president—but his Obamacare, with his underhanded scheme in 2,400 pages aimed at making you think government is giving 30 million people health care at no cost, if it sounds too good to be true, it is.


The U. S. gives selected people health care with the idea that it is right, good, and proper.  It is proven in Canada and England that socialized health care does not give many needing health care the care they need. If it is right, good, and proper for government to give people health care, it is certainly right, good, and proper to give people food, clothing and shelter.  Guaranteed health care is but one cog in the wheel of cradle to grave security, compliments of government, government producing nothing. Government is merely people acting as redistribution agents.  What makes them more right than those who produce? Nothing.   It is people with the power to make might right, good, and proper.  


In order to reduce the cost of health care, so that the 30 million new recipients can get theirs, the U. S. is paying doctors to advise senior citizens to not take advantage of costly treatments, but rather to let their lives end.  Since senior heath care is responsible for most of the cost, and government is obliged to pay it, government should have the right to cut the cost, but the question: why should government be at all involved in the decision of whether we live or die?  Why should government be involved in our health care at all?  Since government’s involvement, the cost has skyrocketed. Because of government’s involvement in our personal lives, giving and taking at will, the national debt is out of control. Just since Obama took over, the debt has increased more than the total debt created since America’s beginning.


Enter the drug cartel.  The drug industry has bought government and medicine. Chemo medicine alone is a $300 billion a year industry in the U.S.  The results of chemo are absolutely dismal, with oncologists making millions, and Uncle Sam, the goon squad, protecting them.  There are cancer cures that work, and at a fraction of the cost. Chemo does not work.   The drug industry is putting out billions fighting sure cures.  


The way America’s government has heretofore paid its debt is mostly by controlled inflation, watering down the value of the dollar with printing press money.  The mighty, to keep inflation from hurting a weak economy, make printing press money. Monopoly money has reached an unprecedented amount. The mighty have the thought that it is better to loan money to the nations about to fold than to let the world’s economy go up in smoke.   


I’m not interested in control.  So I ask: why is it better to put off this manmade disaster?  The only assurance we have is the public’s confidence that this pie in the sky will not come down in flames.   Sooner or later, when people lose confidence in the dollar, we will have uncontrolled inflation.  We know what happens in uncontrolled inflation. The mighty take total control; the people become slaves. Obama is not an American. He is hiding his identity. A something or other Obama is part of a worldwide plan engineered by people who have convinced themselves that they have the answers for all of the world’s problems.  They start with a desired end and then force all the pieces to fit. We are in that process.  When we reach the point of moral, spiritual, and fiscal bankruptcy, desperate for the answer, the mighty will have their answer for the whole world. They think they can take the place of God.  We’ll see.  I say they don’t have a chance.  


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Inelegant END-RUNS Rule the Day
Obama and Obamacare Officials SPIT

Cheerfully on U.S. Constitution AGAIN!



          To progressives, liberals, socialists, Marxists and other Obama fans, this is literally “less than nothing.” To living, breathing, feeling, thinking patriotic Americans the latest two outrages against our constitution and common decency enacted by the Obama administration are the final insults and a declaration of war against America and decent Americans . . . before we get to the latest desecration of the American Way of Life, let’s look at the serious Constitutional principles involved . . . .

            Any intelligent American knows that the system of checks and balances written into the Constitution by the Founding Fathers and the separation of the branches of government by giving us independent judiciary, house, senate and executive branches was done to protect our freedoms and allow the nation’s business to be conducted in a sensible and orderly fashion. Laws are not supposed to be created from the bench; or from the Oval office . . . that is the province of the house and senate. 


ITEM: When any judge can decide to tell the military how to run their business (for example: when a Riverside, California judge can order an injunction on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policies which will take action in 60 days) over-ruling congress without even a high-level appellate court getting involved and, by the way, unenthusiastically opposed in court by the Obama Department of Justice, that is an outrage.


ITEM: When failing to pass Cap and Trade legislation in early 2009; the Obama administration can order its Mean Greenies (willing to sabotage jobs and other human good for their distorted reading of ecological “necessity”) in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue a new regulatory standard on emissions declaring “Carbon dioxide is a toxic emission . . .” thus bypassing the congress and defiling the EPA’s own charter that is an outrage. When a legal challenge reminded EPA officials that they were required to do a study on their own and not allowed to rely on outside “research” before making such a move . . . and the EPA backed off and now . . . ten months later, not having done any legitimate study the EPA is once again calling CO2 (which plants need to live and to use to provide us with oxygen) a dangerous emission . . . that is a horrific outrage.


ITEM: When the EPA can make another such edict and stop farmers in Central California from irrigating their vegetable fuels (thus putting lots of people out of work and driving the cost of foodstuffs higher) citing danger to a 2” long fish (the delta smelt) rather than coming up with a cheap and efficient and effective way to stop the danger (EPA could surely come up with a smelt-danger pheromone, for example) to keep the dumb fish from getting near the irrigation intake, no? Why is it the farmer’s problem?) and thus putting much of the area around Fresno, California into 40% unemployment, that is a disgustingly short-sighted outrage.


ITEM: When rather than backing up and taking the time to do right by a major piece of legislation, President Obama can flim-flam an idiot like Bart Stupak to swinging the dozen or so so-called anti-abortion Democrats in the house to back Obamacare by giving him a single sheet of paper with the president’s promise that no federal funding of abortion is authorized under Obamacare and four months later we find out that the very earliest covered Obamacare “medical treatments” include federally-funded abortions . . . that is a monstrous outrage.


ITEM: When Obama promised that control over health issues by you and your doctor was inviolate and would be preserved by Obamacare that was the ultimate lie as you’ll see . . . .


ITEM: When for the first time in a lame-duck session a nuclear arms-reduction treaty is passed based upon President Obama’s promise (oral, this time) that the treaty will not affect U.S. missile defense that is an utterly dangerous outrage.


ITEM: When the Democratic dominated congress does not fulfill its most basic function and pass a budget while driving the country deeply into debt and Unfunded liabilities by passing outrageous spending bills and huge government boondoggles (like Obamacare); and passes several thousand page bills which have not seen the light of day in committees; are not even read or posted; and never offered up for meaningful debate or amendment; and told we can’t find out what’s in them until after they’re passed . . . that is Constitutional outrage of the highest order.

            What do all these outrages have in common? Every one of them is a refutation of Obama’s word on bi-partisanship; openness; transparency; and meaningful change; as well as a deliberate spitting upon the Constitution of the United States. And now we see a couple more acts in the continuing drama Barack Obama Uses the Founding Documents for Toilet Paper . . .  in a series of end runs, Obama shows us once again his total contempt for our Constitution and all great things American . . . .

            Among Obama’s other lies about Obamacare (not one dime added to the debt; no abortion funding; you can keep your present insurance; etc.) was the promise that no “death panels” were created by the bill. “Death Panels” also called “review boards,” mean government-conducted oversight of potential treatment to the elderly; the very young; the very sick; and severely injured people; and government-decision making allowing operations and treatment under these circumstances or denying circumstances . . . thus the name “death panel” is fitting. The death panel’s encouragement and authorization of “end of life consultations” (“Do you want to pull the plug?” “How about now, should we pull the plug?” “Have you thought this over real carefully, shouldn’t we just go ahead and pull that nasty old plug?” “Are you there yet --- ready to pull the plug?” “Are you there yet . . . ?) enraged the public so the provisions for it were removed in the Obamacare law that was passed. 

            Now, however, these hideous laws are back with a vengeance courtesy of the Obama administration and its bureaucratic fiats from Medicare officials. Representative Earl Blumenauer and Senator Jay Rockefeller who led the Democrats’ effort in Congress to pass Section 1233 of pending Medicare legislation, which would have paid doctors to include "end of life" counseling in their patients' physical checkups, the Congress as a whole voted to delete that provision from the original bill so Obamacare would have some hope of passing. Now that an even worse regulation has been created and added to the health care processes of the nation . . . Blumenauer has sent out an e-mail asking his supporters “not to say anything, as his office on the one hand praised the Medicare bureaucratic action but warned: "While we are very happy with the result, we won't be shouting it from the rooftops because we are not out of the woods yet." If this new regulation is so wonderful, why NOT shout it from the rooftops and alert the citizenry? Here’s why . . . .
            Speaker of the House designate, John Boehner, objected mightily to this provision in 2009, saying: "This provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia."  Now as Boehner feared we have not only “gone down the treacherous path toward government-sponsored and government-rewarded euthanasia” . . . we have done so by virtue of the actions of a lowly bureaucrat, someone we’ve never elected!!!

The great columnist Thomas Sowell put it this way, “Whatever the merits or demerits of the proposed provision in Medicare legislation, the Constitution of the United States makes the elected representatives of "we the people" the ones authorized to make such decisions. But when proposals explicitly rejected by a vote in Congress are resurrected and stealthily made the law of the land by bureaucratic fiat, there has been an end run around both the people and the Constitution.”

While the START Treaty vote can potentially get us blown to heaven or hell; there is no doubt that the Death Panels and the Death-Encouragement Education are the first step in Obama and Science Czar John Holdren’s master plan to kill off citizens whose lives prove to be too inconvenient to be continued . . . and clearly the chances for opponents of the administration to fit into that undesirable category are multiplied a hundredfold. Brave New World of HOPE AND CHANGE.
Can you remember Obama insulting conservative America as if he'd won 95% of the popular and electoral vote in 2008 . . . he said, "Elections have consequences" and went on to totally ignore all conservative voice and to ram his socialist agenda down our craws.   And once again he was lying, elections only have consequences when they go Obama's way.  He has zero intention of getting the message the 2010 election sent his way, ZERO!  "What's the big commotion?"  Can't you just hear the progressive Obama fans, to them this is literally “no big deal" moving toward adding "euthanasia by omission of treatment" as a prerogative of BIG GOVERNMENT.  This  continuous desecration, these outrages, these deliberate affronts to living, breathing, feeling, thinking patriotic Americans and common decency enacted by the Obama administration are the final insults and a declaration of war against America and decent Americans . . . 


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,





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              “The world as we know it, will in a sudden flash, disappear . . . .”
Warning, Unmitigated Catastrophe Waits Ahead,
Capitalism Crippled and Undermined
            Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:   the very best to you and your families!
A crisis is upon us. That is, there are potential problems, even dangers you must choose to either avoid or face and there are potential opportunities which you must either exploit or allow to slip away. If you do nothing, alas, you will definitely face the dangers and miss the opportunities. “What is the nature of the crisis?” you ask. In a phrase:  American civilization is at severe risk as the collapse of our long-time friend and trusted storehouse of value, the American Dollar, is upon us. I’ll begin with a quick word on A. how it happened . . . then provide B. proof a crisis exists . . . C. Give a quick rundown on the likely scenario as the realized problem begins to play out in everyday lives of the common folk . . .  and finally D. some sage advice about protecting yourself and your family.
A.     How did it happen?  Up until the 2010 elections we have been dominated for 82 years by a political philosophy known as Progressivism (“We must ‘progress’ beyond the ‘outdated and ill-conceived’ U.S. Constitution if we hope to ‘progress’ toward our earthly (socialist) Utopia.”) The most “progressive” of politicians of the United States for some 65 years now at a minimum have undermined capitalism and the Constitution and destroyed the American Meritocracy that made this nation the hope of the world for over 200 years. They have also considered themselves the only truly important special interest group and have used the resources of the country to ensure their repeated re-election. This ploy has worked because the people have lazily and ignorantly (not aware; not caring to educated themselves about political activities) allowed the politicians uninterrupted benefit from promising us the various free lunches we’ve so craved.  In those 65 years the nation has amassed not only a $14 TRillion debt but more importantly $112 TRillion in unfunded liabilities. One example will suffice: the so-called “Cash for Clunkers” program diverted new car sales forward roughly two and a half months on average but otherwise did NOT affect auto sales. The program was very expensive and the American taxpayer bore the huge burden. Meanwhile, like all government programs we were not advised of the “unintended but easily foreseeable consequences” of this government interference. So many decent and serviceable used cars disappeared just like that, that the price of the average used car following “Cash for Clunkers” rose $1,800 . . . and even now 17 months later, the average used car still costs $1,100 more than it should have been expected to cost. What is the end result? Society is not only poorer by 700,000 used vehicles deliberately destroyed . . . the poorer citizens now face greater expense in the future when purchasing used vehicles. Yet, in comparison to the typical government spending boondoggle, which on a scale of 1-10 probably rates a 1.75 or less, Cash for Clunkers was a roaring success . . . let us call it an 8.0;  for comparison, Obamacare will rate a deeply negative number . . . but enough of that, you’ve got the picture what 65 years of Government Spending Boondoggles amounts to . . . the combined more than $125 TRillion the country’s obligated for is roughly 2.8 times the GDP (gross domestic product) of the entire world . . . .
B.    As if the debt and unfunded liabilities statistics were not enough, in late 2008, the Federal Reserve Bank used the money-printing presses and began to print up 14 times the amount of paper dollars already in circulation making a combined total of 15 times the original amount circulating around the nation. Theoretically, therefore, the June, 2008 dollar was worth 15 times the value of the June, 2009 dollar since the amount of goods and services did not increase. By the law of supply and demand the 2009 dollar was theoretically worth 6 2/3 pennies worth of the 2008 dollar. Recently the Federal reserve has used another method of creating money out of thin air called “quantitative easing” twice in the last five months and will do so once again in February, 2011. The net result of all this new “money-magic” is that the 2011 dollar will be worth (theoretically) the same as 3 ½ cents worth of the 2008 dollar. In any other country on earth this would have meant immediate and crippling inflation . . . . the United States had one huge advantage that up till now allowed the nation to willy-nilly print as many new dollars any time the government wished: the United States has been the preferred world storehouse of value for 65 years (a.k.a. the “world’s reserve currency” was the American dollar) as nations all over the globe including our enemies trafficked in dollars the most consistently-trusted currency among all the 208 nations of the world. Before World War II the world’s reserve currency was the British Pound Sterling which had born that noble role for about two centuries. The Brits after the end of World War II tried to inflate their currency and spend their way out of debt . . . it didn’t work and hundreds of billions of pounds worldwide were sold in a heated rush as nations and individuals stampeded away from the pound to the dollar. This is why the United States didn’t resume the financial problems we’d known prior to World War II . . . we had become the owners of the most preferred money in the world and our economy was buoyed up then and has been wonderfully blessed ever since. Of course the truly in the know people, the wealthy, kept huge amounts of their wealth protected in gold, silver, and collectible like art and numismatic coins and rare stamps; and, of course, property . . . but that’s another story . . . in any case the bottom line today is that the stampede into the dollar that saved our bacon in 1945 and ’46 has reversed directions right now. Currently it’s an orderly retreat by nations like China, Russia, Japan, Turkey and Brazil . . . countries who don’t want to cause a panic by selling too many dollars at once since their reserve funds are so deeply, deeply dedicated to greenbacks . . . someday soon it’ll become a panic as everybody and their poor relations stampedes to trade dollars for anything of value. Nobody with any sense wants to stay in a currency which has multiplied its paper presence 28.5 times in less than 25 months. Yes, some of these foreigners will be badly hurt by the collapse of the dollar and its loss of “world reserve currency” status, but, that’s nothing compared to the problems facing Americans for whom the dollar is our personal friend and trusted storehouse of value. This should become noticeable within 18 months.
C.    Don’t expect things to be pretty . . . when Americans find that overnight their dollar’s buying capacity has been drastically diminished . . . they’re going to be shocked, frightened, angry and very bitter. If the dollar starts a headlong plunge toward its true value (3.5 pennies) absolute panic could very well ensue. The strikes in Greece, Italy, England and France we’ve seen and the coming demonstrations and panic in Spain, Ireland, Italy, Hungary and all the British Isles (the Euro is far preferable to the dollar, but nothing to cheer about) are infinitesmal compared to what we betrayed Americans will feel toward our government. The TEA (Taxed enough already) Party groundswell of protest against the government these last two years has been circumspect, logical and respectful.    When less patriotic people who’ve been buying the government’s promises for the last 65 years suddenly find they’ve been taken by a scam that makes Bernie Madoff look like an inept pickpocket . . . well, you get the idea Expect violence lots of it and a lot of incredible hardships especially for the poor, the elderly and just about everyone excepts crooks and conmen (“speculators” of all classes will be about the only ones enriched by the situation if preventive measures aren’t taken by the government to reverse the direction now in play; or more likely by smart individuals seeking to protect their wealth and families). America, indeed the world, as we know it, will in a sudden flash, disappear . . . .
D.   There are no guarantees, physical danger can be expected to ride along with economic ruin . . . prudence says that big cities will be flashpoints and hunger riots and ceasing of services like electricity and heat all carry enormous power to injure, deprive, and cause suffering.   Utter self-sufficiency (food stored; safe haven; silver or gold or a trusted foreign currency to use as money when stores won’t accept the dollar; weapons present and the will to use them if necessary) is almost impossible . . . but any steps in the right direction are preferable to apathy or worse (joining in the rioting).
One step Ol’ Rajjpuut would advise for anyone interested in avoiding problems would be the purchase of a $100 face-value bag of “junk-silver” right now costing roughly $2,350. It’s conceivable that in a severe monetary crisis, merchants may so crave some fundamental storehouse of value that a couple of pre-1964 dimes might provide a person with a day’s nutrition.
A second step would be for someone in your family to learn the art of safe canning; or for your family to accumulate five or six month’s worth of non-perishable groceries or perhaps even more such stores.
A third step would be to let those you know and love in on the probable truth about the upcoming dangers. The more people as a whole who are self-sufficient, the less danger we all face.
Here’s hoping we’re 100% wrong.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Repairing the American Republic
in Ten** Years
          Barack Obama is purportedly the “leader of the free world,” but all his political manipulations in the last two years have borne an ultra-socialist flavor and made America a much less free country; threatened the role of the American dollar as the “world’s reserve currency”; and done everything possible to kill the free markets’ abilities to return us to our natural position as the world’s leading economy. Here’s how we change all that and return the country to its former excellence:
  1. Immediately cut all federal salaries 15% and keep them frozen at this level until the budget is balanced and all UNfunded liabilities are funded.
  2. Otherwise cut all federal spending by 10% and similarly freeze it at those levels until the budget is balanced and all UNfunded liabilities are funded.
  3. Amend the Constitution to include a balanced budget amendment except in times of invasion of our country budget must balance and no future liabilities may go UNfunded.
  4. Amend the Constitution so that Unfunded liabilities are unconstitutional.
  5. Amend the Constitution so that the Federal Government has no power to demand state spending on Federal Programs.
  6. Initiate a flat very low income tax beginning at $30,000 earnings per person with no deductions allowed to anyone.  Every dollar earned above $30,000 by an individual is taxed at 16% by the federal government. For married couples every dollar earned above $70,000 is taxed at $16%.
  7. The corporate income tax for America is now the highest in the world. Drop it for ten years to a flat 5% on all earnings above $150,000 and jobs and businesses will flood back into this country.
  8. Put the country back on a hard money standard: one ounce of silver = $100 or (but NOT and) gold = $5,000 per ounce.
  9. Eliminate Federal Reserve banking and all the inflationary power that goes with it.
  10. Make unemployment insurance a purely federal program; cut unemployment insurance duration to 13 weeks.
  11. Set up a commission to eliminate duplicate or unnecessary programs or unconstitutional programs; and to eliminate fraud, waste and abuse of federal programs and require this commission to report to congress and the president every year two weeks before the State of the Union report by the president.
Eliminate Obamacare and
a.     Allow all citizens and businesses and states to shop across state borders for health care insurance
b.   Provide tort reform to eliminate nuisance malpractice suits and cap tort awards at $1,200,000
c.    Put the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in charge of improving Americans’ health and lowering medical costs.
d.   Reduce Medicare and Medicaid coverage to levels existing in 2000. There will be zero state Medicare or Medicaid coverage . . . only federal coverage at these new levels will exist.
 e.    Re-establish HSA’s as programs which people can use to responsibly plan their own health care funding protection
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**It's too big a job for any "instant fix," so not all will be repaired in ten years but the government will be 100% on the right track within three years
By the way, you may recall President Obama telling us that too much information was a bad, even dangerous, thing and recommending that we just read the Huffington Post to avoid confusion . . . .    Well, get this the owner of the HP website Arianna Huffington has declared that the  leftwing progressives “are responsible for all that’s good in America, 100%”. Does she mean the shrinking dollar? $112 TRillion in UNfunded liabilities just courtesy of Social Security; Medicare; and the federal side of Medicaid (not to mention that the new Obamacare legislation will, via the state side of Medicaid bankrupt every state but Utah and Texas by 2022; and all fifty by 2024)? Government and unionized government pensions bankrupting 43 of our states right now?
“(By her description of the left), every single breakthrough in American politics from the Emancipation Proclamation onward was a left-wing initiative and espoused by the left,” Huffington declared this week on her website.
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We as americans and patriots won a great battle in november but the war isnt over, now our weapons and borders, we must be unrelenting.  i am starting now making call, we cannot let the stupidity of another country control our laws, PISS ON MEXICO< that is a mexican problem, we need to be more concerned about that crap comming up north.  Why doesnt our gov have guns at our border protecting us from their trash, i mean the gun fire is alittle close dont we all think. Why dont the All Mighty liberal god Obammatry to win the war instead of making us look like half ass combat soldiers that have too consult some jackball behind a desk in washington half the earth away, we should be kicking the hell out of these idiots. Then he says all this good stuff about our military and how we are so great turn around and knifes us in the back, homos, lesbos, and trans gender military wtf, im out im done, i have been halfway around the world come back and its all gone too hell, i dont know if these people know it or not but a transgender whatever you want to call it has mental issues,they are not ready to hold a weapon steady while a mad russian or chinaman is comming fast and hard firing a weapon on them, im sick to my guts at where people here have let our country get, Gates, obamma that sorry ass navy jackball need to go.   COME ON GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND GET BUSY YOUR COUNTRY IS GETTING STOLD FROM U, WAKE UP AND LETS KICK SOME ASS. OR WE WILL BELONG TO ANOTHER COUNTRY. The start treaty wth that means we cant retaliate if we are hit with a speacal weapon, are you kidding me!!!!!
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The Tree of Knowledge

The Tree  of Knowledge of Good and Evil, symbolizing generally accepted beliefs—orthodoxy—Adam  and Eve symbolizing making man in our image, the Garden of Eden, nature, who or what is God is my question?


After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit—disobeyed God’s command, or generally accepted beliefs—when they heard God approaching, they hid in the bushes.  God called Adam out.  Adam told God he hid because he was ashamed of being naked.  God demanded: “Who told thee that thou wast naked?” What followed was not a pretty picture.  I take it that naked meant knowing good and evil, or being anyone who is not orthodox.


My question: Why did God create man with reason and logic?  My thought is that anything I might think is good that doesn’t agree with the orthodox is evil. Is that reasonable? No. I’m forced to conclude that what I believe is good for me is good, as long as I don’t impose on others.  It jibes with Jesus’ idea of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, and fits with God giving me reason and logic. So far it has worked for me. 


I find that orthodoxy, the establishment, is always a day late and a dollar short. Isn’t it an undeniable fact that the orthodoxy in place is driving us into bankruptcy morally, spiritually, and fiscally?  Dare we eat the forbidden fruit?  The orthodoxy juxtapositions the question—places both sides together and compares, building a straw man as evidence that the unorthodox solution is evil. This divides the orthodox and unorthodox. A house divided cannot long stand. With the orthodox in control, we’re not long for this world.


We’ve been in the Age of Pisces for the past 2,000 years, the symbol of which is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions; you could say the orthodox and unorthodox directions. Jesus, who was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, challenged the Orthodoxy. (He turned over the money changers’ tables.) Pisceans are easily impressed. Although they desperately want to do the right thing, we read in Astrologer’s Handbook, they are weak willed. Jesus told Peter, his most faithful follower, on his last night with his disciples, that before the cock crowed Peter would deny him three times.  The weak willed, under the Orthodoxy, freed Barabbas, a convicted murderer, and crucified the unorthodox Jesus. Jesus knowing the Piscean nature, said “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”


We read in The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” (I’m Aquarius rising) that I can be the one to bring back information that has been lost for centuries; that I can be the forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way. We find in numerology, coincidentally, that my Path of Destiny number is “7.” I psychically separate the true from the false and can discover that reveal some of the mysteries of life to a waiting world. That’s what I’m here to do, as follows:


The new rules governing the global economic restructuring revolve around, first wealth:  it flows directly from innovation, not optimization. For instance, saving the biggest because they are too big to fail is as nonsensical and destructive as anyone can get. Under the new rules, we give the individual the opportunity to show what he can do. Wealth is formed by perfecting the unknown. Second, the ideal environment for cultivating the unknown is to nurture the supreme agility and nimbleness of networks. Third, the domestication of the unknown inevitably means, not bailing them out, but abandoning the highly successful known—letting them die on the vine. I got this from Kevin Kelly’s “New Rules for the New Economy” in Wired magazine in September 1997, long before the bumbling othodoxy bailed out Wall Street. Yet here we are with New York Times best seller, Joseph E. Stiglitz, winner of the nobel prize in economics, telling us that free markets don’t work, and Chuck Leddy, Boston Globe, telling us Stiglitz’s Freefall is a must read.


We are now entering the Age of Aquarius. Compare the Age of Pisces, an age of orthodoxy and impressionable, weak willed people with Aquarians, strong willed and determined. The age of Piscean orthodoxy, with its brooding omnipresence in the sky, rather than correct prevalent injustices, rather than become enlightened, has circumscribed justice and clung to the past. The Scofield Reference Bible guides us to the truth of the matter.  In the foot notes of Matthew at 6:33 (But seek ye first the kingdom of God), the kingdom of God is to be distinguished from the kingdom of heaven.


When you look at all the evidence, perhaps the Tea Party’s progressive opposition should take a hard look at where they are heading. Reverend C. I. Scofield offers in the Introduction that the real meaning of progressive is the order of the divine dealings of God with humanity. He offers that we are here with “increasing purpose,” which runs through and links together the ages.


Astrologer’s Handbook tells us that Pisceans are influenced by external factors.  Hey you guys, your future depends on whether you learn to exclude external control and explore and control your own nature. We are going back to natural law, the background of America’s Constitution. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.






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