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CHINA ... Warehouse to the World

I read a really good article by Phyllis Schaffly:  about the so-called “free-trade” alliancewith communist China. She extols on how China forces the US companies inChina to divulge their trade secrets and then goes into direct competition with those verybenefactors, forcing them out of the markets. Well … DUH! Does this surprise anyonewith an IQ above a moron? Of course they are screwing US companies. Likethe legendary scorpion, it their nature. This situation in and of itself is badenough, but has anyone except myself  had a bad experience with theplethora of Chinese trashflooding our stores? I mean this stuff is pure crap. Every store my wife and Ivisited during the Christmas shopping days stocked merchandise from China,Thailand, Bangladesh, Egypt, Mexico, and so on ad nauseum. We had to really searchto find a US manufactured object. Folks, in light of the massiveunemployment problems we currently face, this should be a stadium sized red flag. All ofthese countries practice protectionism on a grand scale. US companies are“allowed” to build their plants and hire local workers but they are heavilyrestricted in what they can sell in the marketplaces. All the cheap crap finds itsway here under trade agreements. China happens to be the worst by several ordersof magnitude.


I air condition my modest home using window units. I have six in my house. All weremanufactured in China by GE. In the first year, Ihad to replace five of them due to mechanical or electronic problems. I replace themwith Frigidaire units made in Atlanta I believe. At any rate they are madehere in the US. They are mechanical units with little if any electronics.They work flawlessly. I can’t remember how many space heaters I have purchased,all made in China. They have about an 80-90% failure rate within the first3 months. I bought a microwave oven to replace an old one made here. The new oneis from China. It lasted six months and the magnetron burned out. A toasteroven of the same manufacture lasted about eight months before dying a horrible death.


I could go on and on about the crap and trash I have purchased at the local Chinese departmentstores (Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart,et al). The thing is, it isn’t bad enough that the merchandise is so bad, butunless it breaks when you take it out of the box, the seller will not honorthe warranty. I have lost track of the times I have been told I will have to talkto the factory to resolve warranty issues. THE FACTORIES ARE IN CHINA YOUMORONS!  I am not going to spend hours on international phone calls to get a toasterreplaced. And the manufacturers know it. In fact, they count on it. And itreally galls me to be told I will have to purchase a service policy in orderto get the warranty coverage I am entitled to for free. Why should I have to paythe store to enforce the warranty they are responsible 
for? Why should they, an agent for themanufacturer, be allowed to squirm out of their responsibilities? They sellthe crap; they should have a responsibility to replace it when it breakswithin the warranty period. If my car breaks under warranty, I take it back tothe dealer where I bought it. They fix it. It is between them and themanufacturer to work out how to pay for it. If my new house has problems during the firstyear, it is covered by the builder’s warranty. I call the real estateagency that I bought it from and they see that the builder makes things right. Whyshould the purveyors of Chinese crap be any different?


It is far past time for us to let our representatives in the congress know that we are fed uppaying hard earned cash for cheap,poorly designed and manufactured crap. They can and they must stop the flood ofjunk   (and I don’t mean boats) coming out of China.


China holds a massive chunk of our national debt. This doesn’t mean they can ruin our economyat will. Nor does it mean they canflood our markets with crap. My mortgage banker doesn’t tell me what brand of  socks to wear, nor would I 
allow him to. We must find some way to enforce a degreeof quality control on their products before they are allowed into our markets. If theycan’t (or won’t) improve the quality of their products and if they are unable tomanufacture products without using dangerous chemicals, then stop the flow ofthose products until they do … period. The same goes for the other countries aswell.


As for the manufacturer themselves, they made their beds. They should be prosecuted or atleast penalized for divulging tradesecrets and techniques.


The good news is that if we ever go to war with China we probably only need to keep it going fora week or so. By then all theirmilitary hardware will start to fall apart and fail. At least we can hope they usethe same degree of attention to detail they use on consumer products.


If the formatting of this article looks weird, it's because the text editor keeps re-formatting the text. Must be Chinese.


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The Sinking of the World Economy

A dear friend, for Christmas, sent me Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy by Joseph S. Stiglitz, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics. Chuck Leddy of the Boston Globe: “Freefall is a must read for anyone seeking to understand the roots of the financial crises.”  Absolutely!


On page 4 of Freefall, I read under “The Story in Short,” “There is no natural point to cut into the seamless web of history.”  End of story.


 I read that Stiglitz had consulted with Congressman Barney Frank and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and found their input helpful.  By page 4, he had already stated that free enterprise is not the answer.  He asserted that we are living beyond our means in America and the rich should be taxed more. Stiglitz is the establishment speaking.  I’m anti-establishment. I closed  Freefall at page 4 and went back to Knockout by Suzanne Somers.


 I was reading about her interview with Dr. Nicholas Gonzales.  Somers asked Dr. Gonzales if he was into nutrition and alternative medicine for the money.  Stigllitz and Leddy are unable to find a natural point to cut into the seamless web of history.  How about the point in time when America’s pioneers declared their independence?  Was it unnatural?  Is their present time natural?  I don’t think so.


Dr. Gonzales: “If I wanted to make money, I’d become a cardiovascular surgeon making $60,000 an operation.  They do two a day.”


Somers: “Do you think your kind of medicine will ever see the light of day?”

The kind of medicine Dr. Gonzales practices was applicable to all phases of American life in early America.  The best wagon builder in the community prospered. It's called free enterprise.


Gonzales: “I think it has already seen the light of day.” Speaking to Stiglitz and Leddy on understanding the roots of the financial crises,  Gonzales: “One of our big problems is that our medical and political leaders could care less. They talk about global warming, but they never get into nutrition or alternative medicine.  The drug companies control medicine, and they are very powerful. There are a thousand full-time, paid drug industry lobbyists in Washington, D.C.; that’s not counting state capitals. That’s two for every senator and congressman.  A thousand full-time drug lobbyists and they are all getting six-figure salaries. But I think the truth is very powerful. And I also believe that truth always comes out on top.”


Somers: I have buried two people in the last week with pancreatic cancer. I begged, begged one of them to try another way, your way, but they were both sold this bill of goods. One died in four months, the other in a year. Why do patients go for it? I watched my friends degrade before my eyes. 


Gonzales: “You can’t save them. You just have to love them and let them do what they want to do.”


Dr. Gonzales’ mentor was a chemist named Kelly. Dr. Gonzales asked Kelley, “What percentage of cancer is physical, what percentage is nutritional, and what percentage is psychological-spiritual. He waited about two seconds, and then he said, ‘It’s 100 percent  physical and 100 percent nutritional.’  He waited about two seconds , and he said, ‘It’s 100 percent psychological.’ And then he waited two more seconds and said, ‘It’s 100 percent spiritual in every single patient.’”


Stiglitz said on page 4 of Freefall, “There is no natural point to cut into the seamless web of history.”I take this to mean it is at his point you have to cut into the seamless web.  In opposition, Kelly was saying that you can’t separate the law, religion, or science. It is all in one seamless mold.  Stiglitz, an establishment freak, cuts himself slack in natural law. This is at the root of the financial crises.


Alas, speaking of my dear friend and my Christmas present—that is, how to become a socialist—“You can’t save them. You just have to love them and let them do what they want to do.”





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Brooklyn Tea Party Platform VIDEO

Hello Tea Party Activists,

                                                 of the 
                              BROOKLYN TEA PARTY PLATFORM


       It only takes a second.

       Let's start a coalition.

       Thanks for all,

         John Press, Ph.D.

President - Brooklyn Tea Party
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A Christmas Story

I picked up this story from the Internet.


Each December, I vowed to make Christmas a calm and peaceful experience. I

had cut back on nonessential obligations -- extensive card writing, endless

baking, decorating, and even overspending. Yet still, I found myself exhausted,

unable to appreciate the precious family moments, and of course, the true meaning

of Christmas.


My son, Nicholas, was in kindergarten that year. It was an exciting season

for a six-year-old. For weeks, he'd been memorizing songs for his school's "Winter



I didn't have the heart to tell him I'd be working the night of the production.

Unwilling to miss his shining moment, I spoke with his teacher. She assured

me there'd be a dress rehearsal the morning of the presentation. All parents

unable to attend that evening were welcome to come then. Fortunately, Nicholas

seemed happy with the compromise.


So, the morning of the dress rehearsal, I filed in ten minutes early, found

a spot on the cafeteria floor and sat down. Around the room, I saw several

other parents quietly scampering to their seats. As I waited, the students were

led into the room. Each class, accompanied by their teacher, sat cross-legged on

the floor. Then, each group, one by one, rose to perform their song.


Because the public school system had long stopped referring to the holiday

as Christmas," I didn't expect anything other than fun, commercial

entertainment - songs of reindeer, Santa Claus, snowflakes and good cheer. So, when

my son's class rose to sing, "Christmas Love," I was slightly taken aback by its bold

title.  Nicholas was aglow, as were all of his classmates, adorned in fuzzy mittens,

red sweaters, and bright snowcaps upon their heads. Those in the front

row-center stage -- held up large letters, one by one, to spell out the title of the

song.  As the class would sing "C is for Christmas," a child would hold up the

letter C. Then, "H is for Happy," and on and on, until each child holding up his

portion had presented the complete message, "Christmas Love."


The performance was going smoothly, until suddenly, we noticed her; a small,

quiet, girl in the front row holding the letter "M" upside down -- totally

unaware her letter "M" appeared as a "W."  The audience of 1st through 6th graders

snickered at this little one's mistake.  But she had no idea they were laughing at her,

so she stood tall, proudly holding her "W." Although many teachers tried to shush

the children, the laughter continued until the last letter was raised, and we all saw it

together. A hush came over the audience and eyes began to widen. In that instant, we

understood the reason we were there, why we celebrated the holiday in the first place,

why even in the chaos, there was a purpose for our festivities.

For when the last letter was held high, the message read loud and clear:


"C H R I S T W A S L O V E"

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The Economy Is Going Up In Smoke

For a Christmas present, I received Free Fall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy.  


I sent “The Day I Found My Soul” to a couple of magazines. My true story was rejected.


The Day I Found My Soul


In late August 1976, Tropical Storm Dottie cut across the Florida Keys from the Gulf of Mexico and swept northward up Florida’s east coast. Along with me on Bold Venture, my 37 foot sloop, were my girl friend, an Air Force colonel and wife.  We were sailing from Nassau, in the Bahamas, to Palm Beach, Florida. Dottie hit us at 2:00 A.M. some 50 miles east of Ft. Lauderdale.


I was due to stand watch at 2:00 A.M. Only a few minutes before Dottie hit, the colonel’s wife, who had been on watch, awakened me. She said a storm was approaching.  I hastened into my foul weather gear and went topside to view a line of lightening filled clouds from horizon to horizon.   I furled the head sail and took the wheel. The two women were below. The storm hit and over we went, the colonel hanging onto the stern rail.  I brought the boat into the wind. With the mainsail snapping and popping, we stopped and I held my breath. If the wind got behind the sail, the boom would fly across decks with such force it could demast us.


The sail filled and over we went again. This time I slowly brought the boat into the wind. With the rail just above the water I had control. The wind was out of the northwest. We were in the Gulf Stream, which moves northward. With the wind against the Stream, the waves were steeper, the tops airborne, and I was unprotected. With my head down, hanging onto the wheel to keep from being swept overboard,  I had not had time  to put my safety harness on, I steered by the slope of the deck. It was like walking a tightrope.  The wind spilling off the trailing edge of the sail, making the boat shake, it’s force unbelievable, reflecting off the airborne sea was my running lights. All I could see out there was that eerie glow. I got the feeling that this was not real, that it was a dream; I wasn’t really there.  We couldn’t be afloat in a storm like this.


After a time, my tension eased.  I anticipated which way to turn the wheel. It was like I was an orchestra conductor getting maximum performance out of Bold Venture.


The storm lasted in all of its violence from  2:00 A. M. to 5:00 A.M., and then began to abate. With daylight all I could see was sea when we went down a wave, and sky when we went up.  At around 9:00 A.M. I saw smoke stacks in the west. The wind direction had changed enough for me to point toward them.  The stacks turned out to be Florida Power and Light’s, a mile south of our destination, Lake Worth Inlet.  We arrived at my estimated time of arrival, before the storm.


We were in the Bermuda Triangle, where there have been reports of time warps. As we approached our inlet, to our horror, with the tide going out, completely across the inlet were huge breaking seas.  I was exhausted. Something in me said to go for it.  Seas were breaking on both sides of us. My stern went up and I held my breath.  We slid down a huge wave that never broke into the inlet. My friends hugged and kissed me. They called it a miracle. 


Mine is a story that has never been told.  The stories about the Bermuda Triangle all have a bad ending.  My story that led to the above story was about when my life went up in smoke. 


What follows the sinking world economy? We are told that we are entering the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and spiritual awakening.  Some believe in miracles.  It is our choice.





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Learning from Suzanne Somers’ Knockout  about alternative medicine in cancer treatment, treatment that actually cures incurable cancer, I’m wondering how much of it is faith that it works. First of all, it sounds reasonable to me; chemo and radiation don’t, like so much of the established ways these days.  The flaw is worship of the golden calf; anything to make a fast buck.  American medicine is fast turning into a gigantic rip off, dragging down the American economy.  What does Obama offer but a gigantic government fraud to replace a private fraud. The American people, sadly, have lost faith in their establishment, and consequently in themselves.


We were created with reason and logic.  This tells us that if we were a cancer patient, if the doctor would treat our cancer as an individual case, perform tests to determine our specific form of cancer, prescribe a treatment engineered specifically for us, and one that didn’t kill normal cells, didn’t use the cookie cutter approach, some magical money-making chemical concoction that does not work in most cases, and worse, makes you sick as a dog, even kills you, would we not have faith and survive in many cases?  Likewise, would the economy not survive and prosper were money-mad frauds not in control.


S   O  U  L  F  O  O  D

1+6+ 4+3+6+6+6+4=36, 3+6=9, the discrete number for soulfood, on the theory that everything reduces to numbers, esoteric numerology gives letters a number value. A=1, B=2, and so on to Z, with a value of 26/8.  The number 9, herein attributed to soulfood, in esoteric numerology represents selflessness. The way to selflessness begins with 1, the pioneer seeking experience which will establish its distinct identity.  Here’s the story on it. Rather than claws and teeth to cope, our Creator gave us reason and logic.


L  O  G  I  C

3+6+7+9+3=28/1, as a personal number vibration,  if you use your God-given logic, there are great possibilities in your life. We read in numerology that there is a vital, stimulating, resourceful quality in this number.  


The Zohar, a collection of mystical kabalistic writings, states: “The universe was created by three forms of expression—numbers, letters, and words.”  In John 1:1—1, the beginning—“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Something we don’t think about: numbers take up where sensibilities leave off.  Numbers geometrized are symbolic of universal principles.  


Numerology reduces us to numbers.  The universe is ordered by numbers. On earth as it is in heaven, after the pioneer, 1,  finding his identity, the next step 2, the pairing, 2 representing the female, receptivity, the yin, the unionizing of distinct identities, then comes 3 to combine the qualities of 1 and 2, to give exuberant expression to life. Next comes 4, the symbol of stability, encompassing law and order. 5 is freedom, change, adventure. 6 is the conscientious desire to bring harmony, truth, justice, and a sense of balance into the environment. 7 seeks answers. 8 assumes power, for now has achieved control and responsibility, leading to the highest number and the highest of human aspirations, the desire to be of universal service. You will not find any of my suggestions in religion or in the law.


Under collectivism, the self, zero; no number applies, under natural law, the individual with inalienable rights that can’t be taken or swapped without the individual’s permission, the United States of America allows zero inalienable rights, as I proved in court. Government entitlements, as claimed by the powers that be, are not rights; they are government granted privileges, currently being grossly abused.  They take precedence in court over inalienable rights. Progressive predators in control are bent on totally eliminating the Constitution and taking the American people back to the law of the jungle.  The stripped of personal power individual has lost his soul. Government wolves in sheep’s clothing knocking on our doors, with nothing to put up but our money, activated me.   I’m suggesting how to get your soul back back in a way you have not likely heard.


Natural law, pushed aside in favor of materialism, as T. H. Huxley put it, “Extinguished theologians lie about the cradle of every science as the strangled snakes beside Hercules,” “But science’s investment in materialism has itself turned into a creed,” says quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, listen, my children, to a story that will boggle your minds.  The mind interacts with a dimension of infinite possibility.  You, the observer, make your reality.


In 1975, I was the “1” principle in numerology, the beginning of the universe.  I was strictly on my own, alone, the pioneer seeking a new identity.  Having found it,  “2” the pairing, the yin principle,  I found my soul mate, followed by my days of wine and roses, an exuberant expression of life, numerology reveals. Right on course was I. Came 4, the symbol of stability, encompassing law and order.


From Psalm 23, the Lord “restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the path of righteousness; Jesus: “Blessed are those who do hunger and thirst after righteousness;” the IRS hung itself with its own rope. You don’t know the power that lies within you.  It is mind over matter.


I was freed from an IRS wolf attack.  Came 5. My life became change and adventure. Without knowing it, I was following natural law.  Jesus was with me, in me.


My soul number was what I already was before I changed my life. Numerology gives me the number 8. Ambition is the key word; let no obstacle stand in the way.  My outer personality number, how others see me is 6. I emanate a protective vibration, a sense of personal responsibility.  Listen, my children, and your dreams will come true. My path of destiny number, 7, I psychically separate the true from the false. I can discover some of the mysteries to a waiting world.  Corroborating this, Jeanne Avery, in The Rising Sign, under Aquarius Rising, I’m Aquarius rising, “He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries. The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.”  My life lesson number is 7. I’m here to develop and use my mind. 


Like a genie in a glass bottle, my Constitution rests in a glass case in Washington, D.C. From my study of it, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. I uncorked my genie and my Constitution was activated.  This one individual, with my Constitution, beat the all powerful IRS. 


We Americans have been fighting a losing battle in every way. A thousandth of America’s taxpayers, with their Constitution, in a do-it yourself effort—individuals, not groups—the Constitution does not protect groups; it protects individuals who know they have God-given rights—under the Constitution we, individually, could put the IRS out of business and send the progressives packing.   


Without the IRS there to do its dirty work, Uncle Sam would become a basket case, and our world would rejoice!  Joined together in a growing worldwide brotherhood, spiritually united, believe me, we will continue on our path of destiny.  Peace be to all, welcome the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity.   

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Merry Christmas in America

Dear Friends and Patriots,

Merry Christmas to All and a Blessed New Year to You and Yours! Enjoy!

Merry Christmas in America

The clean crisp smell of Evergreen boughs in the air
Sprigs of holly, green leaves and red berries, everywhere
Pieces of mistletoe tied up with a bow over the door
Everyone so jolly as they tramp from store to store

A time to share gifts and love, a wonderful celebration
A time to be grateful for freedom and our bountiful Nation
And to remember, foremost this day, God’s gift to all men
His only begotten son, sent here, to pay for our sin,

How merciful is He, to sacrifice, His only son’s life
That we on earth may be granted blessed eternal afterlife
Long ago near the end of December, on a cold winters night
Our Lord was born under watchful eyes and a guiding light

Just as mother Mary, father Joseph, the shepherds and wise men,
Watched over the precious child, born that day to carry our sin
There are those, our nations defenders, under starlit wintry skies
On a cold vigil, ever watchful through the darkness, our fears to belie

No glow of soft candlelight as they watch with sharp eye
Or crackling fire with crimson sparks wafting to the sky
Courageous men and women all standing their ground
Stalwart for centuries, uncomplaining, uttering nary a sound

Guarding our freedom, over the seas and in lands far away
Standing silent vigil, some here at home, do also stay
Honor, Dignity, Courage and unselfish Sacrifice
Are just a few of the things we learned from Jesus Christ.

Christ the Savior was born in Bethlehem and for good reason
We celebrate with love and joy this very special season
We follow His teachings that we may be better men
And are thankful for His sacrifice and forgiveness of our sin

Our Country, was founded, by men of Godly faith and foresight
A land of religious freedom where all men may pray by right
Where they can practice their peaceful religions without any fear
A land where Godliness, honor, character and courage are revered

A wondrous place where all of good intent have always been welcome
Where Christmas isn’t just for Christians; it is Christ’s birthday and then some
It is about what He stood for, His always open arms; His lessons of love for all
About Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward all men, be they great or small

It is a holy day for Christians just as other religions celebrate theirs openly
The Jews with Yom Kippur and Hanukah, Sikh and Hindu celebrate Diwali
The Moslems with Ramadan and Eid-al-Adha, all, celebration days to remember
Then Christmas comes just before New Year, spreading peace and joy, in late December

Some choose to make wishes of “Season’s Greetings” or “Happy Holidays”
Instead of wishing a very “Merry Christmas” for this most special of days
They are afraid of offending just who, I am afraid I know not
But their political correctness costs them, in stature, quite a lot

God gave a gift to Washington and our great Republic, the U.S. of A.
It was the Revolutionary war’s turning point, at Trenton, on Christmas Day
So happily light your candles, exchange gifts and drink your eggnog
Decorate your Christmas trees, roast a turkey and burn a Yuletide log

But remember, with a quickness of step and a twinkle in your eye
To always be grateful, to live in a free nation, where we understand why
Spreading the gifts of love, peace and joy in exchange for our sins is the reason
God chose to bless the world with, his beloved son, this most holy season.

Have A Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Tom Whitmore

Copyright 2010 Thomas J. Whitmore
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The Life Force

I know the pastor of a local Baptist Church who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to his liver. He had zero chance of surviving.  He told me that he died in the hospital and begged God to not take him; he had not finished his work here.  Today he is alive and well, without a trace of cancer.  It sends a strong message to all of us to be ever-aware that we are here for a purpose.


The water-planet Earth allows advanced life. Earth is the only water-planet in the solar system. Earth orbits the sun at exactly the right distance to allow advanced life.  We humans are the only advanced life with conscious awareness that allows us a certain amount of control of nature.  The latest science concludes that without consciousness nothing would exist.  The universe must be ordered. To be the law, it must be ordered liberty.


Couple the above two paragraphs with the opening verses of the book of Genesis. After God created heaven and earth, and lower life, God said, Let us make man in our image (Gen.1:26).  Who is us? Since no distinction follows, we can assume us is each of us.  The latest science maintains that we interact with matter; that we observe and this becomes our reality.  For instance, we observed the workings of the microcosmic and came up with the atom bomb. Quite obviously, as the ages roll by, our purpose has increased.  It boils down to this: each of us has a greater personal responsibility.


This brings me to the Gospel According to St. Matthew, the first book in the New Testament, and Jesus’ new way looking at our purpose: we are our brother’s keeper.  Jesus told us it is on earth as it is in heaven.  What Jesus meant was that we come to the time-space universe with an immortal soul—the essence of our being, our animating principle, or our actuating cause of life. In a state, nothing moves. We come from a boundless eternal state of consciousness to make improvements.  This theory comes from the latest science.  Before the universe, something has to exist, as from nothing you get nothing. The something is consciousness.  The latest science: the physical universe could not exist without consciousness in the mix.    


As we celebrate the birth of Christ, the words of John Quincy Adams come to mind.


Why is it that, next to the birthday of the Savior of the world, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns on this day?  Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation?


Absolutely! We now enter the Age of Aquarius, the age of brotherhood and fraternity. The United States of America was born under the sign of Aquarius. I was born under the sign of Aquarius.


Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. The Piscean nature, we read, is impressionable, wants to do the right thing, but is weak willed.  Before he was crucified, Jesus remarked that before the cock crowed, Peter would deny him three times. In all the 2,000 years of the Age of Pisces, history records that we’ve been easily impressed, have wanted to do the right thing, but have been weak willed.


Jesus said he would return.  The American people have never been more divided.  We are in a state of crises.  A great change is inevitable.  It takes great strength of character and fierce personal belief to stand against the establishment.  We face a clear bias in the makers and keepers of the law against all who refuse to conform.  For failure to conform, Jesus was crucified.  The Aquarian, by nature, is a nonconformist, is fiercely independent, strongly against coercive government, and for people working together for a better world.  Aquarians believe in self-government.   They believe in natural law, which comes from nature’s God.


Jesus said we can’t serve two masters.  Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Aquarians don’t look to government or religious authority; they look within, to God’s kingdom for guidance.  


I came to a jumping off place in 1975. I could have fallen into the abyss.  On Christmas Eve 1975, I set sail on the South Atlantic Ocean on a sailboat I named Bold Venture, the pioneer seeking to find my real identity.  During my two years at sea, several miracles occurred.  I was reborn at sea, in the womb of all life in the beginning, and departed captain of my ship. The establishment would tell you that I was an accident waiting to happen.  My life has gotten better and better. At age 85, I don’t think life could get any better.







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Is the Income Tax Confiscatory?

“And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. And all went to be taxed, everyone to his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn”- in the Gospel according to St. Luke, in Chapter 2.


Glenn Beck spent an hour the other day talking about our God-given rights. I’m here to talk the nitty-gritty on how to get our God-given rights back;  how, once again, to make an American ideal our reality.


The Commissioner of Internal Revenue, in the case of Joseph W. Smith, Jr., Petitioner (me) v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, on appeal from the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in the U. S. Supreme Court in the October term of 1980, citing Brushaber v. Union Pac. R.R. as an authority  for taxing me out of house and home, the Commissioner stated in his Memorandum for the Respondent that I had no basis to claim the income tax is an unconstitutional confiscation of property without due process of law.  We will now discuss the Commissioner’s claim.


In that I had a personal stake in the outcome, my very existence, this “tax protester” was permitted by law to take my issue to the Supreme Court.  I did not go to jail, as the press was reporting at the time that I protested.  Also, please take note that the obviously biased federal judiciary at the time of my tax protest, who was telling the press that I was a “spurious constitutional objector,” I was not; I was the protector of the law, the Commissioner a lawless, lying fraud protected by a federal conspiracy against the American people.


The fact that I was before the Supreme Court with a personal stake in the outcome, my existence, with the claim that the income tax is confiscatory, questions the makers and keepers of the law.  They are not as powerful as they try to make you think they are. I’m not a lawyer, but I made it my business to know the law. Neither government lawyers, the press, judges, nor politicians could stop me. I ask you, could, or would a lawyer have done as much for you?  Never!  A lawyer told me, right or wrong, it is best to pay the IRS all that it demands.  What I did was a do-it-yourself thing, the unexpected.  Nobody is as concerned for your existence as they are for their own.  Consequently, tax and spend in America is a wheel of fortune. Thanks to America’s lawyers, the IRS is permitted to grab the existence money of the meek. Lawyers only take the tax cases of millionaires.  They get tax breaks.  Thanks to America’s lawyers, the whole system has been turned upside down.  Only you and I can turn it right side up.


 It’s always the meek who get taken.  That was my case, and for that reason I was going to prove my case, whatever it took.  My question to you: Is your government your servant or your master?  If you allow your government to kick your butt, you are its slave.  With this in mind, and my question—is the income tax confiscatory—if you hope to keep your liberties, it is essential that you know what your government is claiming.  Don’t be stupid! Washington knows full well what it is doing to your rights.  Let your representatives know, if you agree with me, that you are not going to take it anymore, and stand behind it.


“No basis to claim the income tax is unconstitutional” means no reason.  Ha!  This tax collecter is a boot licking jerk, doing the will of Congress.  “Without due process of law” means I was claiming I was not heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place.  Well, my dear friends, please allow me to give you a few of the facts of my case, and then decide if the federal judiciary is loyal to the Constitution or conspiring with Washington’s lawless bandits to grab every right you have.  


A  renegade federal tax collector cited Brushaber as his authority to rip me off. Brushaber, in part:  “Under the seeming exercise of the taxing power, the taxing statute is so arbitrary as to compel the conclusion that it was not exaction of taxation, but the confiscation of property, or is so wanting in basis for classification as to produce such a gross and patent inequity as inevitably to lead to the same conclusion.” 


This excerpt from Brushaber  doesn’t take a Philadelphia lawyer to understand.  The Commissioner was lying when he cited Brushaber as his authority.   He knew, absolutely, that he no authority, and so did the judges I appeared before.  The scum bags did this to me because they knew I was out of sight, out of mind.  What they did, actually, was to hang themselves with their own rope.  


The Commissioner stated that my charges of fraud and harassment by the IRS were similarly without merit, claiming the charges were based on an error made by the IRS.  If what the IRS did was in error, then your liberties are zero, but an error is exactly what the federal judiciary called it. My case was well documented. I was dismissed by the Supreme Court without one word.  When you know the facts, you will know the reason why.  One word by the Supreme Court in favor of the Commissioner would have been a lie.  


Does the Supreme Court have the authority to ignore the lawless acts of your government?  Not according to The Palm Beach Post. I took my record to The Post. An investigation was made. The following are excerpts are from a front page story in The Palm Beach Post.


“Holger Euringer, IRS public relations officer in Jacksonville said last week that the agency had been wrong all along and that Smith soon would receive a letter of apology from the IRS district director.”


Congress held hearings on IRS foul play. The victims who testified were hidden from public view.  The Commissioner said he would take care of the problem.  Did he? I received no apology from the district director. I received a warning letter. The Commissioner attempted to take our home, claiming we owed $35,000 in unpaid tax, penalty and interest. After I went to my congressman with the facts, it turned out to be an error.  Put yourselves in our place, senior citizens left homeless by an IRS error.  Euringer: “We did make numerous mistakes in the collection procedures. . .We did not intend in any way to harass or intimidate him, but I can see why he might have that impression.” Can you believe this could ever happen in America?


The Post: “Court documents, IRS letters and Smith’s files tell a chilling story of IRS bumbling that began in 1975 when the agency disagreed with Smith on how much he owed in 1973 and 1974 taxes.  . .Smith disagreed so the IRS took out of money he was owed in rebates as a result of business losses in other years.  Smith filed suit, but the government kept the money until just before the 1978 hearing in the U.S. Tax Court, when IRS officials admitted the assessment was inaccurate, according to court records.”


“Euringer said the IRS is not allowed to withhold refunds pending the outcome of court cases unless the total amount is applied to taxes owed.” Euringer: “If what he said is correct, we were wrong.” 


What I said was that my business enterprise was on the rocks; my wife was divorcing me; everything I had was tied up in a divorce trial, and I was working on a minimum paying job, giving 20 percent of my meager wages in withholding tax. I couldn’t pay my rent. I was locked out because the IRS withheld my rightful refund money.


I’m a World War II veteran.  I was a combat rifleman in Nazi Germany.  I risked my life so you could be free. The tax collector lawlessly  put me on the street.  After the fact, the IRS: “We were wrong.” 


The Post: “Then in 1980, the IRS took a second look at Smith’s 1973 and 1974 tax returns and said he owed $2,556 plus interest. The IRS took that money out of proceeds from the sale of a condominium in Portland, OR.”


“Smith said he told the IRS about the previous tax court decision and said he didn’t owe the money. The IRS stuck by its decision, and he filed a refund claim for the $2556, which he said the IRS failed to answer.”


The Post left out the fact that the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit rejected my claim that the income tax was unconstitutional by reason that Congress had allowed the tax collector to be above the law. 


Appeals Court Goodwin, Sneed, and Reinhardt: “Despite the fact that the amount of taxes owed by the taxpayer may be less than the amount the United States must spend to collect that amount, this is a case in which the excess should be expended to validate once more the legitimacy of the federal income tax.” 


Goodwin, Sneed, and Reinhardt were given irrefutable evidence that the IRS had thumbed its nose at the Tax Court’s order—evidence that the IRS confiscated my lawful property. The Commissioner did not defend what he did. He did not even mention it. It isn’t wrong unless the government admits it is wrong. Isn’t this something to be concerned about? The IRS was only wrong after being exposed to the world what it did to this one taxpayer. What about you?  Goodwin, Sneed, and Reinhardt, because those three skunks under the woodpile could, they made a sham out of America’s system of justice.  Where was the ACLU?  They aren’t lawyers. They are unconscionable scammers.  My life, liberty, and property didn’t mean any more to those judges than a Jew’s life meant to Nazi Germany’s judges.  Next it will be your life.  You will never hear from a lawyer what I’m revealing. Leave the kind of government in place, my friends, and your lives will be meaningless soon enough. Your life, liberty, and property are yours to defend. Nobody else is going to protect you.   


“In 1983, Smith filed suit in U. S. District Court in West Palm Beach to get the money back. But before the case could go to trial, according to documents from the tax division of the U. S. Justice Department, the division declared the $2556 assessment a wrongful levy.”


The Justice Department declared the $2556 assesment a wrongful levy, after the fact. The Court of Appeals saw no evil in the IRS ignoring the Tax Court order and the Supreme Court dismissed me without a word.


The Post wanted to know why this. The following was the answer.  “Kayla Lettow, a tax auditor with the examination section of the agency’s Problems Resolution Office, said last week that the assessment was dropped because Oregon IRS revenue officer W. J. Manderfeld incorrectly analyzed Smith’s tax liability.”  Is that an answer?  Why didn’t the system correct the wrong?  There is only one answer. The system is corrupt through and through.  The IRS has to go.


The Taney Court held that Dred Scott, an escaped slave who was captured by a bounty hunter, was a white man’s property.  America’s slaves were freed.  The reason the IRS is above the law is because Franklin D. Roosevelt left the American people with the idea that government has a duty to us.  Anything government deems good for all is good.  The courts disallow any question. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what is going on in today’s America. The same expedience that allowed Dred Scott to be a white man’s property now allows taxpayers to be government property.  Justice Brandeis: “Property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means the end.”  The courts see IRS error as good. If the end is good, the means are good. Only you can change that.   It was the same Oregon Problems Resolution Office—probably W. J. Manderfeld—who claimed we owed $35,000 in unpaid tax, penalty, and interest.


The Post: “On Nov 5,” after having refunded the $2556  wrongful levy, “the IRS issued a notice to Barnett Bank of Palm Beach saying it wanted the $960 in Smith’s bank account because he owed $961.70 on his 1974 return. Euringer said the Nov. 5 bank account levy was a mistake.”

In light of Brushaber , the tax collector’s stated authority to tax me, taken with the facts,  did I have “no basis” to claim the income tax is unconstitutional?  According to due process of law, another way of saying governmental fairness, did I have a meaningful hearing in a meaningful place?  Yep, anything the government and courts deem good is good.  You have no God-given rights.


Miracles never cease. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. Jesus said, Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.  We must come to regard that which is human as a bigger than life cause.  I did. My reward has been to see all of my dreams fulfilled.  To the 100 million Tea Party members, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year; may your dreams come true.

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Merry Christmas From The Baker Family

Tonight will be Christmas eve and it seems to me that the country is a little sadder, a little more reflective, a lot more realistic, and a little less hedonistic this year.  I know that this sounds like a weird opening for a Christmas message, but I think this is a healthy thing.  I think many of us are longing for a simpler, more honest time in America. 

I really miss Christmas and long for the feeling of Christmas I had as a child.  For so long we have made Christmas so glitzy and vulgar that we have missed the real joy of this season.  It is sad, but it's a part of the identity loss we are suffering as a people.  Maybe this year, this adversity we are going through, is not all bad.  And while I sympathize with families out of work at this time of year, perhaps this is giving us pause to reflect on all we've had, all we've lost, and all we have stopped being.

4063263283?profile=originalChristmas during my childhood is one of my sweetest memories.  Sure, we had the tree and the presents, and the trappings of Christmas.  But what I remember is not the presents or the trees, but the hot chocolate made with real cocoa.  I remember the Christmas cookies made with all the love of Christmas past.  I remember practicing for the Christmas pageant that the church children put on every Christmas eve.  I remember going to the small little house of my grandparents on Christmas day with all of my aunts and uncles and all of their kids.  I remember the snowball fights, warming by the old stove, and the giggling conversations of children amerced in the innocence of yesteryear.  The Christmas meal wasn't about just eating, it was about family, tradition, and remembering. 

4063263354?profile=originalI can still see my long lost uncle from New York sitting there at the table with his brothers and sisters and watching the bond being reformed ... becoming family all over again.  I remember the story telling and the good natured ribbing.  I remember the presentation of the turkey and the home made noodles (weird Christmas tradition at the Baker's Christmas table) which I loved. 

4063263310?profile=originalI can recall so vividly the color of the sky as evening set in on Christmas day.  That was a time when all the world was right.  By this time in the evening, all the kids were wet, cold and tired and ready for more hot chocolate and freshly baked homemade pie.  And following the pie came games.  The kids would be at the table in the basement playing board games and the adults would play cards at the huge dining room table, which would comfortably seat about 12 to 14 people.   Grandma and Grandpa had eight children and a large table was a necessity. 


4063263323?profile=originalI remember the drive home to our little town of Rochelle in northern Illinois near the Wisconsin border.  There was one street over which the trees made a tunnel in the summer, but in the winter, on those Christmas night rides home, I remember the way the moon silhouetted those leafless trees.  I remember the blue and purple tint to the moonlight that colored the snow and made everything look cold, but somehow peaceful. 

4063263294?profile=originalBut I also remember what we celebrated.  I know that Christmas is not the real time of the birth of the Messiah, but then we didn't know that … we just knew that this was a special event.  From my earliest remembrance we knew the story of the shepherds watching their flocks by night.  We knew about Mary, the young mother tenderly caring for her child lying in swaddling clothes in a cold dark manger.  We knew of the star of Bethlehem and the wise men.   We knew of the glory of the angels filling the sky as even the heavens could not contain the power and the joyous rapture of this event. 

Luke 2: 8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

9: And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

10: And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11: For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

12: And this [shall be] a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

13: And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

14: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

4063263373?profile=originalPeace on earth good will toward men.  And yet there is no peace on earth.  This Christmas we have members of our armed forces braving the elements and facing Islamo extremism around the world; our politicians have betrayed us again and again in Washington D.C., and state capitals around the country.  Our financial crisis threatens to destroy our economy and millions of our country men are jobless and scared.  Justice evades our courts and arrogance rules in the White House. 

But even in this midst of this turbulence and betrayal, we can look forward to a time when all of this will be replaced with a prophesied righteous government which will be established forever.  And fortunately, we have the surety, the down payment of the promise posited with us at this Christmas season.  Let me share with you the prophecy of that time of righteous government, which came as the spirit moved the prophet Isaiah, 700 hundred years before the birth of the Messiah.

Isaiah 9:6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

9:7: Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

4063263344?profile=originalThere will come a time when all that we see: the violence, the corruption, and the brutality of humankind come to an end and there will come to this earth that which the very earth itself has cried out for ... peace.  The peace of Christmas; the peace that was wrought when the King of kings chose to make himself the peace offering for all of us. 

It is indeed astounding to think that the Creator of all things would humble Himself to the birth of a peasant that we might be made kings and priests; And from that rude, cold and dark manger the world would find life, and light, and finally the peace that passes all understanding and brings joyous hope to an otherwise sad and broken humanity.  How great is our salvation? How great is our God? How sure is the hope of those whose God is the Lord?

4063263454?profile=originalThis Christmas season, Katie and I wish for you memories of the innocence of Christmas past, the  joy of the shepherds as they gathered at the manger celebrating the fulfillment of all their hopes and dreams throughout the generations of Israel and in your heart, we wish for you, peace ... the peace that comes from knowing that our Messiah is no longer a helpless babe in a manger but the Lion of Judah and our loving redeemer that came to this earth for all, but more importantly He came for you.  Had there been no one else on this planet but you ... he still would have come, for you.

That, dear friends, is the message and meaning and the Peace of Christmas and it is that, we wish for you all. 


Jake & Katie Baker


We created a special present for our family and friends ...hundreds of Christmas music videos... Click HERE.  Allow a little time to initially download due to the size of the files.






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  i was looking atthe actions of the lame duck session and how the intereity of the military was trashed by the democratic senators and 6 republicans.

  The constiution and the federal laws, which are backed by the laws in each state, allow the voters in that state to approach thier secretary of state and request to do a petition drive to force a recall elecetion to make these democrtic and republican us senators and us represenatives made to face a vote of confidence (a recall election) and answer for thier lying to the voters and going the path of barrack obama and the radical elements of the communist party.

i may be viewd as a homophopic, but were inm the wordl are we fighting two wars and other to come, downtown san franciso where homosexuals and lesbians are tolerated?  HERE IS FACTS. 1. WE ARE IN HARDCORE MUSLIM COUNTIRES WHERE HOHSEXUALS AND LESBIANS ARE EXECUTED, AS THEY ARE SHARIA COMPLIANT.







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    LET US REMEMBER, IN THE NEXT PRIMARY.4063263209?profile=original


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What Went Wrong in America?


The preacher at a nearby Baptist church recently paid me a visit. He had heard that I played the guitar. He brought his guitar with him.  My neighbor had told me he was in the hospital with pancreatic cancer.  I’d never heard of anyone recovering from pancreatic cancer, and I told him how amazed I was to see him alive and well. He told me he died in the hospital and begged God not to take him. He loved his wife and she needed him.  He said he was here by God’s grace. We played our guitars and sang gospel songs. I have not been a member of a church since the 1960s. I don’t like the doctrines and dogmas. The preacher asked me to play at a special musical they were doing at the church.  I accepted. There are a great many Americans who feel God’s presence. I’m one of them.


At age 35, I felt like I was 85. My joints were aching. My teeth were abscessing. I had advanced pyorrhea.  My lymph glands in my groin were swollen. My doctor feared I had Hoskins Disease. Hoskins Disease is a killer cancer without a remedy. My doctor put me in the hospital to have groin issue examined. The test was inconclusive.  I told my dentist I thought my teeth were the problem but that my doctor rejected that notion.  I told my dentist to go ahead and pull my teeth, even though my doctor said I could be dead within 24 hours.  With my teeth out my health immediately improved.


When I was 65, I was experiencing tightness in my chest. My doctor gave me a stress test to find out if I had a heart blockage. He told me I had a serious heart blockage. He ordered an angiogram.  Die was injected in my groin. An X-ray machine would show how bad the blockage was. It was determined that I had a 21 percent blockage in my main heart artery, on the second try. The X-ray machine broke on the first.  I questioned charging me twice. The hospital asked me why I complained. My insurance paid the bill.  My doctor told me that within five years I’d have to undergo open-heart surgery. He ordered me to take a drug that caused my throat to spasm. It was very painful. My doctor told me to continue taking the drug. 


Much later I learned that a 21 percent heart blockage was nothing to worry about and that a stress test would not indicate a heart blockage unless the blockage was more than 50 percent. I’m 85 now. I didn’t take the drug. I didn’t have open-heart surgery.  I don’t have tightness in my chest, even when walking up steep grades.  I’m in good health.  My doctor was connected with the hospital. I was conned.


I’m reading Suzanne Somers’ knockout. I read about her similar experience to mine, only hers was much worse.  Somers went to the E.R. unable to breathe and her body covered in red whelps. She was dying. They injected her and put her on oxygen. She slowly revived. They did a Cat scan.  Somers was told she had full body cancer, the same is saying you are as good as dead. Two days later they told her the diagnosis was mistaken; she probably had either tuberculoses or leprosy.  They went down her throat to take tissue from her lung, which could have damaged her vocal chords. Somers is a singer.


They put Somers in isolation and told her it would take 6 weeks or longer to make a determination. They put her on drugs, which cost Somers $5,000.  Had she taken them she probably would not be alive today.  They misdirected the drugs’ use.  Finally, it was determined that Somers had Valley Fever, which comes from a fungus in the soil in the area of Somers’ home. She had been working the soil in her garden. 


An investigation found that the hospital failed to look at the blood test they performed, as a matter of protocol, which would have told them where to look.


Somers reports in Knockout, after an extensive investigation, that chemotherapy is a $200 billion a year racket.  There are cancer cures that cost a fraction as much that actually cure cancer; chemotherapy doesn’t.  In many cases chemotherapy kills the patient.  Doctors who are actually curing cancer are being arrested and treated as criminals. A swat team used a battering ram to bust down the door of one doctor. They ordered him to get on his knees. They put pistol to his head.  One doctor on trial had a number of witnesses to testify that he had cured them of cancer when they were told their cancer was terminal.  The doctor was acquitted. 


America’s health care has skyrocketed in cost.  It now consumes 14 percent of the national income.


Shades of the past, I claimed the income tax was unconstitutional. IRS goons took it upon themselves to lawlessly tax me and withhold my large tax refund when I was struggling to exist. My business was on the rocks and my wife was divorcing me. The IRS lawlessly put me on the street. I took the IRS to the Supreme Court; the news media reported that tax protesters were being sent to prison.  Judges were reporting to the news media that tax protesters were “spurious constitutional objectors.”  I can tell you that America’s judges would not know the Constitution from a book of nursery rhymes.  Justice Black said the Constitution is what we say it is. The Supreme Court refused to hear my case. I took the court record to The Palm Beach Post.  An investigation was made. You know the record had to be absolutely outrageous.  A front page story told the world that IRS had violated the U. S. Code a number of times and had violated court orders.


There was not one peep from anyone.  Senator Bob Graham wrote me that the IRS was permitted to use “draconian means” of collecting income tax.  Senator Lawton Chiles wrote that he received more mail protesting the income tax than all the rest of his mail put together. He reasoned that it was because the income tax directly affects the individual.  What is going on in America is so absurd that one wonders if we haven’t reverted back to lower animal intelligence. It doesn’t make any difference anymore to a growing number the American people, if it doesn’t make them feel good, they don’t want to hear it.   


Who is the President of the United State? The American people voted for the former community organizer of South Chicago. America has become a giant mafia. Need I say more?  


You know what went wrong in America. The question now is what are you going to do about it?



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