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A Sad Day

House Speaker Boehner said today it is a sad day. Indeed it is. A federal judge was shot dead, a congresswoman was shot in the head, and an aid was killed by a 22 year-old gunman.  The nation has not been this divided since the Civil War.  Every man, woman, and child in America owes debtors $45,000. We’re told if we don’t raise the debt ceiling again a terrible disaster will occur.  Is not what has already occurred a terrible disaster? We are looking forward and moving in reverse toward an abyss.


You don’t get the right answers from the establishment. It’s always a day late and a dollar short, by reason that those who promoted it have a lot to lose if it changes.  That’s why, if you have any sense at all, you don’t listen to the establishment.


Would you promote war or would you promote peace if you were in charge?   If you were in charge, you would promote war.  The United States has been promoting war ever since World War II and has yet to win a war. That’s why you are not in charge. I risked my life fighting for our liberty in World War II.  The IRS ripped me off and the courts sanctioned it. Those in charge think you need them to protect you from foreign aggression. Your government will use you in whatever way it deems best for  government control, no matter what. That’s why we are going to war and never winning.  The more we lose the more government controls us. Rotten government – more control, that’s Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, my friends. Only 13 percent of the nation approves of Congress, but the control is still in government, isn’t it?  Pelosi lost her Speaker job but she still acts like she’s in control. With Pelosi’s gall, expect anything.


While we the people sat by and watched, your government has blithely taken America to the edge of a cliff.  What are we doing defending the world’s freedom when we are on the brink of losing our own?  Shooting down government officials will get us in deeper trouble.  Since you can’t trust government, the only answer is to look within and do what is best for you.  If enough of us do that, instead of our being up a creek without a paddle, it will be government.

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Liberty's 125th Anniversary

This year the Statue of Liberty  will celebrate 125 years in America.  Perhaps this is good time for Americans to contemplate Liberty!  She was not created to celebrate a great victory nor was she intended to be dedicated soley to the plight of immigrants.  And she most certainly was not intended to be frozen at a single moment in time in the 19th century. No, she was intended to be the embodiment of an ideal.  An ideal which is still best represented in this world by America.  The ideal? Its individual freedom under the law.  Not individual freedom akin to the wild horses that ran wild on the American plains; but rather individual freedom with individual responsibilities.  We should invite and welcome our wonderful colossus to the Tea Party.  I feel certain she would be pleased to join.  Just like the recent experiences of the Tea Party, Liberty was, at first rejected by America's politicians.  But the American people rallied to her support and on the day of her unveiling in 1886 there were a million people in the streets of New York City!Liberty's history is overflowing with even more motivating experiences.  Open and common embrace of Liberty could become a uniting force in our great country.  Just a thought.
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Aquarius Rising

Leah Lax wrote one of the many religious rationalizations that lead to nowhere in support of Keith Ellison, D-Minn, who took his oath of office on the Quran, a religious book, period! No argument.  His oath of office is to the Constitution, period! No argument.


America was born under the sign of Aquarius. I’m Aquarius rising, which tells you about my internal rhythm. I need a constant variety and the freedom to experience. That’s an American value.  I have a lot of energy. I do what I feel I must. I’m a nonconformist. I read this in The Rising Sign by Jeanne Avery. These are American values, all contrary to Muslim values.


The ancients were mathematicians.  Not only did they accomplish great feats of engineering in their buildings, through mathematics, but also in knowledge of the structure of the universe. The ancient Egyptians knew the planet Earth was a sphere, and even knew the circumference.  As for religion, the Holy Catholic Church, thousands of years later, held that Earth was a flat dish. No other belief was acceptable.  Galileo was taken before the Inquisition and tried for heresy  for daring to prove otherwise. In this respect, present day Muslims and Galileo’s day Catholics are alike. Muslims don’t advance.  What if Americans wore garb like Jesus wore? What would you think? They want to take us back to 600 A.D. Arabia.  Read the history of Arabia in 600 A.D. and then ask yourself if you want representatives in Congress, rather than swearing to protect and defend the Constitution, swearing to protect and defend the Muslim faith.


In The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” we read that I may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries; that I may be the forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.  I’m the diametric opposite of Muslims, and born under the same sign as America.  Abraham Lincoln, the Great Emancipator, was born under the sign of Aquarius, and Aquarius rising.  So, where is Leah Lax coming from in her lengthy dissertation?  She has utterly no basis for her arguments.   

Now that I have your attention, please allow me to continue to inform you—and Leah—of my Aquarian nature.  The ancient Persians invented the astrologer’s zodiac, a schematic of the heavens, from which they mathematically determined human characteristics, based on when and where you were born. From Sir Isaac Newton’s interest in astrology, he studied the ancient’s mathematics and invented calculus, from which he gave us the laws of motion.   Continuing, Einstein gave us relativity and special relativity.


Then it happened. With mathematics, Werner Heisenberg, in the month and year of my birth (September 1925) gave us the uncertainty principle, the forerunner of quantum mechanics.  Quantum physics connected the quantitative with the qualitative by recognizing that before anything can exist there must be conscious awareness. Thus we have a scientific basis for my inner rhythm, as well as uncertainty.  What comes around doesn’t always go around.  Things happen by human will. So where is this Almighty God Leah informs us of, somewhere out there in the vast reaches of space, or hidden within atoms?


By listening to Glenn Beck, I found similarities in his background and mine. Both of us came to a jumping off place.  We awakened to an inner calling, although different. Glenn is a Mormon.  He found his Mormon God. I’m not religious. I found my inner calling from my study of the Constitution, which I planned to use to protect my God-given rights.


Although Leah and Representative Ellison, who swore on the Quran, would more than likely disagree with me, we are all here to make things better, and each with his or her own means, which is implied many times and in many ways in the Constitution. We are not here as automatons, for the good of all, without reason or logic, just here because we are here—we  don’t question higher authority, Leah’s stand.  God created humans with reason and logic, which is to be used by each of us, Beck and I agree.  We both advise to look within for answers, not to an external Almighty God—Leah’s and the Muslim’s self-serving concept of God, a God, by the way, that judges the United States the “Great Satin.”  It’s a fact. There is no question about it, Representative Ellison could not possibly represent the American people and at the same time swear to protect and defend the Muslim God. It’s an outrage that he holds office in America’s government.


What is going on in our government is all the more reason to look within for answers.  The reason for today’s financial crises, although you will never hear this from a Democrat—the blame is always placed on Republicans—is because Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Democrats made it a government duty to direct our lives by and through redistribution of the nation’s wealth.  This unrealistic notion is bankrupting the nation morally, spiritually, and fiscally, exactly what communists and revolutionaries in control want, Beck and I agree.


A day of reckoning is here.  It is not a pretty picture that America faces.  When I looked within, I found the spirit of Jesus.  I’m not religious. It doesn’t make any difference.  Both Glenn and I looked within, found Jesus, and both of us are now successful.


We are now leaving the Age of Pisces, an age of orthodoxy, which began with the birth and death of Jesus. Three Persian astrologers were led by the Star of Bethlehem, the Bible tells us, to the birth of Jesus.  America arrived before her time. The world was not yet ready.  Are we ready now for the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity, that which Jesus stood for?


Aquarius rising means when the sun rose on my life at birth, it was determined that I would grow more Aquarian in nature as I aged. Uranus, my ruling planet, had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born when I was in my forties. It meant that I would be subject to significant change.  I literally departed my old life when I was age 49, symbolically, on Good Friday, the day Christ is supposed to have died on the cross. I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday, the day Christ rose from the dead, for the first day of my new life.


I was born in the month and year (September 1925) that Werner Heisenberg, the father of quantum mechanics, published the uncertainty principle.  Heisenberg was Hitler’s atom bomb builder. His plant was bombed to the ground. I was on the high seas heading for the invasion of Japan’s main island when the United States ended World War II by dropping two atom bombs on Japan. After the World War II catastrophe, symbolically, the world rebuilt as it had done many times before.  Now the world is in a financial crises.  


On the first date with my fourth wife, and the only wife with whom I’ve been spiritually united, we were hiking on a mountain trail near Mt. St. Helens on the day St. Helens erupted. Symbolically, after the catastrophe, renewal, after the manmade catastrophe of World Trade Center—all that remains is a hole in the ground—and the Muslims want to build a shrine near said hole,  this rebuilding would be a symbolic of another disaster, the end of America as we know her, back to 600 A.D. and the Dark Ages.


Both Beck and I believe that those who look within will find Jesus. “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” said Jesus. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”


Compare Glenn’s and my remedy with what Leah Lax and her Muslim friend, Representative Ellison, want for we with American values, and make your choice.  













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I don't enjoy shopping as most females do. If I can't buy it online, then its probably not worth buying. I did encounter something Thursday, that I was forced to just shake my head at. I saw an advertisement for a company called displayed in their title, "Proud Americans". I wanted to order a new stand for my Ipad, and they happened to have one that appealed to me. I attempted to place the order on line, which is nothing out of the ordinary for me, I do this often, and with no problems. However during the checkout process, I got a messesge, not once, but 3 times that read "error during checkout, not successful". Considering I am not a patient person, I went to another site and place the order. Later that day, looking at my bank account on line, I saw the first company did in fact charge me for the transaction. No big deal, I attempted to contact them via email, (got another error msg) then by phone. I called the 800 number, guess who answered? I don't actually know because I could not understand them! I do what I always do in this case, and ask for someone that speaks English. I was finally routed to a man that spoke poor English, but at least I could understand it. I ultimately posed the question to him, "where is your company located", answer, "India". I mentioned the American owned information on the website, and Abu told me, he did think the company had a Canadian ower. Hardly American!  Needless to say, I stopped the charges.  Watch who you buy from.

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Next Page1| 2Previous PageFRANKFORT, Ky. — The Senate approved controversial legislation Friday that would expand the state's authority to enforce federal immigration law, sending it to the House where it faces uncertain prospects at best.The vote on Senate Bill 6 was 24-14, with all Republicans voting yes and all Democrats except Sen. Ray Jones of Pikeville voting no.Most Democrats warned that the cost of the bill for state and local governments has not been determined — and they said that cost will be big.But the bill's sponsor, Sen. John Schickel, R-Union, said the growing problem of illegal immigration is an urgent threat to the safety of Kentuckians.“We must protect our citizens, even if it's inconvenient, uncomfortable or too costly to do so,” Schickel said.House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, said after the Senate vote that in his chamber SB 6 has “a lot of hills to climb. Aside from the policy issues involved, there's a concern about the fiscal impact of the bill.”The measure includes provisions that authorize police to attempt to determine a person's immigration status if he or she is stopped for another reason, such as a traffic violation, and is suspected of being an illegal immigrant.It also bans communities from adopting ordinances to limit immigration enforcement, creates the offense of trespassing for those in the state without legal status and makes it a crime for anyone to assist such a person in coming to live in the state.The bill is modeled on a controversial Arizona law, the enforcement of which was blocked last summer by a federal judge.Among other things, that law requires state officers to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws and mandates that immigrants carry their papers at all times.Supporters of the Kentucky bill said at a packed Senate committee hearing on Thursday that illegal immigrants are driving up the costs of such things as emergency medical care and other community services.Opponents, including the Catholic Conference of Kentucky, said it offers only punitive measures with no solutions for law-abiding undocumented immigrants.(2 of 2)“Not only does it do nothing to repair the damage we suffer because federal lawmakers failed to act (on the problem), it damages the social fabric of our Kentucky community,” the Catholic Conference said in a statement Friday.In the Senate on Friday, it was the cost issue that was the main point raised by Democrats who opposed the bill.Senate Democratic Floor Leader R.J. Palmer of Winchester unsuccessfully tried to delay the vote on SB 6 because he said it did not carry a thorough fiscal impact statement, as required by Senate rules.However, Majority Leader Robert Stivers, R-Manchester, said a legislative staff analysis of the impact on the corrections systems for the original version of SB 6 was sufficient to meet the Senate's rules.Still, Sen. Kathy Stein, D-Lexington, said passing the bill would lead to higher costs for jails, local law enforcement, courts, and social service agencies.“It's one of the most fiscally irresponsible things we can do this session,” she said.Sen. Jerry Rhoads, D-Madisonville, said the bill is “actually a much harsher, stricter bill than the Arizona bill.”Jones said he voted for the bill because illegal immigration is a serious problem that should be addressed this session. But he also warned that the bill carries an undetermined cost.“And it's going to take money out of higher education, it's going to take money out of elementary and secondary education, it's going to take money from state police, it's going to take money from our local governments,” Jones said.But Schickel said the bill would also reduce certain costs now being paid.“Think of the fiscal impact of what we are doing now ... filling up our emergency rooms with people that are illegal aliens and have no insurance, the fiscal impact of people being illegally in our schools,” he said.Sen. Tom Jensen, R-London, said that despite his reservations about some details in the bill, it represents an important step in addressing a serious problem.“What this bill really does is send a message,” Jensen said. “It sends a message to the rest of our country and to foreign countries that we do not tolerate people coming into this country illegally.”Next Page1| 2Previous Page
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Another piece falls into place:                                                                      

In a press conference last week Obama was not wearing his wedding ring nor his watch. When noticed, his staff said his ring was out for repairs.  No reason was given for the missing watch.


So ?   Is it just a coincidence that Muslims are forbidden from wearing jewelry during the month of Ramadan ?

Can't possibly be that, because although he hasn't gone to a Christian church service since entering the White House, we know he's a committed Christian 'cause he said so during the campaign.


....And I've got a bridge to sell you also.

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The Price of Fuel

I understand we need to fight Obama care, but we have a problem with the price of groceries and fuel. We need to band together and get Obama's attention. The gulf needs to be opened back up. The drilling on land needs to be open up. Groceries are going up every day it seems. All of us who are on fixed incomes with no raises and being cut at the same time. Help everyone I need help. Contact your Representatives and Senators. We have to put a stop to this before it gets worse.
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Health care and pension ideas

Hoping all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


What is our theme for the New Year?  Maybe it should be taking care of the hard working middle class of America.  Getting the unemployed back to work, protecting the pensions of the middle class and securing the future of America.  If the House of Representatives will generate bills which have the middle class best interests at hand we know that the Senate will reject these bills.  We know that only 31% of Americans consider themselves Democrats.  Can we persuade 60% of the remaining 69% of Americans to join our cause?  I believe we are already doing this.


One may want to consider protecting the pensions of the middle class as a starting point.  If the House of Representatives passes a bill addressing under funded pensions (unions, non-profit, and profit entities), the Senate would surly reject this bill.  This Senate rejection would set the stage for the Senate being against the middle class's financial future.  What would be necessary, only restrict non essential expenditures of all entities with under funded pension positions.  Pension need to be funded at least by 80%.  If pensions are not 80% funded no executive bonuses, political contributions, executive retreats, executive perks, and any and all non essential expenditures are required by law to be stopped.  If this law is disregarded a mandatory 25 year jail sentence would be forthcoming to entity executives and board of directors.  .  The Senate will reject this House of Representatives bill due to the stoppage of union political contributions.  This action will put the Senator's future above the working people they claim to represent.  This bill will set the stage for the remaining two years prior to the election of 2012.


The next thing is to address the Health Care Bill.  The House of Representatives needs to acknowledge the U.S. Constitutions separation of powers.  Acknowledge the balance of power between the President, Congress, and Judicial branches.  The House needs to acknowledge the responsibility and the authority of their individual branch of government.  A Federal Judge has ruled the Health Care bill as unconstitutional.  This ruling means at this time the Health Care Bill passed is deemed null and void.  The House needs to address the authority of the Judicial Branch and move in a bill to at this time stop all Health Care Bill activity.  The Senate will reject this action by the House setting the stage for the Senate violating their oath of office.  This House action will divide the Congress.  The Supreme Court will have to resolve this issue.  The Supreme Court will be required to decide if the Health Care Bill is deemed null and void at this time.  The Supreme Court will also have to decide it all Health Care activities can continue or be stopped.  If the Supreme Court decides that the Health Care Bill is deemed null and void at this time and the Senate failed to recognize the responsibility and authority of the Judicial Branch then Harry Reid and Vice President Biden who presides our the Senate are in violation of their oath of office and are required by the U.S. Constitution to be permeably remove from Federal Office. 


Paul (the needle)

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An Open Letter to the People's House

In that the Republican House is Tea Party directed, I’ve some thoughts for the members regarding our God-given rights. We have reached the point in the history of mankind that we must take stock of where we are going, lest be become history written in the rocks.  It is up to you, our representatives, to redirect our thinking.  So, getting down to the basics, our God-given rights being questioned, we all have the God-given right, first and foremost, to exist on the fruits of our labor, now and in the future. We are not herd animals. We were each created with reason, and the right and responsibility to cope on our own. The hypocritical activist courts refuse to hear the case, thereby granting the IRS the authority to make limitless “errors,” and Congress to spend money that has been lawlessly taken from working people. The members of the People’s House have not been living up to their oaths of office. The income tax and the IRS must be eliminated.


The Bible, unlike the Koran, is not a religious book. It is the moral history of man. In Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image,” and Jesus, said to the “Son of Man,” he is not the exclusive property of Christianity. Therefore, when man defames Jesus he is the same as saying he hates himself.  That needs to be made clear in the law. The law must not deprive anyone of his right to express his faith in Jesus. It is the same as saying he has faith in his fellow man.


Jesus said in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” We can assume we are not the only life in the universe. Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.”  In your oath of office, you recognize Higher Law as the background of the Constitution, to which you have sworn to protect and defend.  The Higher Law and the Constitution don’t exist in a place. The law is neither here nor there; it is in a state. It is universal; it is selfless. The laws you pass are subservient to Higher Law, the basis of moral and ethical conduct, which gives each of us inalienable rights that may not be taken, as well as personal responsibility for our lives, and not only our lives but the lives of future generations. You members of the People’s House have no authority under Higher Law and the Constitution to threaten the lives of future generations by raising the debt ceiling. 


May you all be blessed with the wisdom and courage that made America the greatest nation of all times.


Note: Hey, Tea Party members, Phil DiJoseph has a good idea—surveys. Let’s make the “People’s House” what it says. We must realize that our representatives are not in our place. They come with great expectations, but we must consider that they are under terrific pressure to make deals with socialist control freaks like the wiener, Congressman Wiener, to come up with solutions that only party correct the multiplying wrongs, wrongs exceeding the corrections since Franklin D. Roosevelt.  


Congressman Boehner, Speaker of the House, is a humble, good, sweet, sensitive guy in a school of sharks dying to eat him alive, who really needs our input to give him the courage he needs. We need to establish liaison with the People’s House.  I suggest that you give my thoughts prayerful consideration, add or take away until we reach consensus, and then send our Tea Party conclusions to our representatives as a guide. If they don’t follow our guide, then we know we must replace them at the next election.


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First Step to Fixing Government

Elected Officials should be 1 Term only with no Pentions and Medical benefits when they leave office. Then you will see who really wants to help the country when you take these gigantic insentives away. I had a life long friend who was an elected official. I asked him why he wanted to do this job. He replied to me. " How long do you have to work to get a Pention."  I said, 30 years. He then replied, " In 4 years I'll have a pention and medical benefits. How can you beat that. " Do I have to say any more. Why don't you Americans get it. It's what your all working for. Isn't it ?  Believe it or not, it's one of the huge perks for getting into office. As you know there are many others. Do you really think they give a grap about you. The new republicans will go bad with the rest of the bad apples. It's just the law of nature.
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Mr. President, how stupid can you get?
"He is a top executive at JPMorgan Chase, where he is paid as much as $5 million a year and supervises the Washington lobbying efforts for the nation’s second largest bank. William M. Daley also serves on the board of directors at Boeing, the giant defense contractor, and Abbott Laboratories, the global drug company, which has billions of dollars at stake in health care reform." New York Times 01/06/11 more
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I really enjoyed seeing Pelosi turn that gavel over today.  I am not a violent person, but found myself saying out loud, just turn around and give her one good whack with that gavel, a little boost to get her butt out of there.  Good bye Nancy!
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Where's Bob?!

Hi all,

Just wanted to say I am sorry if I have missed your emails - I have been unplugged for awhile so I could focus on family and friends and the holidays.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and a New Year filled with hope for our movement, our families and our sacred Republic.

If I owe you a response I will get it to you, I am in catch up mode right now!


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The Lesser of Evils

You’ve done it folks! Republicans, thanks to the Tea Party, now have control of the “People’s House.” The new Speaker, after taking his oath that he would protect and defend our Constitution, was congratulated.  This humble man deserves all that we can give him in guidance.  Now our work begins of taking back our God-given rights, and our people in Congress will be with us. They say they are taking orders from us.  We of the Tea Party individually chose the Tea Party. Individually, we are chosen to accomplish this feat, not our representatives in Washington. Listen to what I tell you and those we put in office will do our bidding because what I tell you is your inner will.


Currently, the lesser of evils is to raise the debt ceiling. Currently, there are a lot of ideas going back and forth. Indecision is apparent. At the forming of the union, the lesser of the evils was seen as slavery.  At the time, the South’s economy was at stake. Slavery was for the good of all. The Supreme Court, in light of the needs of the time, sided with slavery.  The Civil War made the decision that slavery was the greater evil. America paid a hell of a price for the mistake of doing what was for the good of all. We are still paying. It is a lesson to remember.


In 2008, the lesser of the evils was seen as bailing out corrupt Wall Street.  It’s still the same. In 2011, the lesser of the evils is seen as raising the debt ceiling. It’s like being caught in a bear trap and the only solution is to cut off a foot; otherwise we perish. I’ll guarantee you that most people, rather than cut off a foot, would hope and pray for a miracle. Well, I’m going to tell you the miracle that will get us out of the bear trap we’re in.


The purpose of the law is to prevent being caught in a bear trap.  Having said this, it is customary in our time to ascribe legality as well as supremacy to the Constitution, legality being the form of law, supremacy being the moral and ethical values of the law, the one in truth but the obverse of the other.  That which is legal is a general expression of the law—whatever pleases our judges having the force of law; we the people yield our God-given rights, ostensibly, for the good of all.


At the cost of his life, Jesus declared: “seek ye first the Kingdom of God.”  That has no place in America’s current law, declared Elena Kagan, Obama’s last pick of Supreme Court judges, and approved by the Senate.  We do not have God-given rights under America’s current law.  Do not depend on Congress to protect your rights.  Your representatives consider only what is for the good of all.  You would think of all people Obama would know it is wrong.  He needs to be reminded that if it were not for Abraham Lincoln he would be an American slave.  Lincoln was not thinking in terms of what was for the good of all. Like Jesus, Lincoln paid with his life for thinking what Higher Law says.


Well, here we are, folks, caught in a bear trap. What to do? I’ve told you what I did. I’m going to tell you again. I studied the Constitution and my protections under it in the country library. Make this distinction: I did not go to law school to learn the customary way.  I learned the law and my protections. I used my common sense; that is, what was best for me, not what was for the good of all.  I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. I had a bigger than life calling.


I challenged federal income tax as being unconstitutional.  Make a mental note of this: income tax is the only way to be heard in a court of law on your God-given rights. You have a personal stake in the outcome. 


When I went out on a limb for my God-given rights, I was aware that long ago the federal judiciary had ruled that the income tax was constitutional, and had many times since ruled that the income tax had not changed so much that it was unconstitutional.  Income tax has often been ruled illegal, but not unconstitutional.  When I petitioned the Tax Court, I could only be heard on the question of legality.  The Tax Court ruled that the IRS had illegally taxed me.  The IRS gave me back my sweat, that which it had illegally taken from me, which put me on the street, by the way.  Was that not a violation of the supremacy of the Constitution? Not according to America’s courts of law, who see it as an “error.” Mistakes will be made. It can’t be helped. Let’s take a  closer look at this “error” and judge whether the  courts are not lawless frauds but honestly interpreting our Constitution.  


The IRS made another “error.” The IRS confiscated my property again after the Tax Court ruled that it was in error.   I appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on the ground that the continuing errors were unconstitutional. The Court ruled for the IRS.  The IRS was allowed to keep my sweat it confiscated (in error).  I petitioned the Supreme Court. The Solicitor General told the Supreme Court that the IRS made an “error.” He didn’t tell the Court that the IRS was making error after error.  My case was not heard. The IRS kept what it had confiscated in “error.”  I filed a complaint in the District Court, for a third time. This time the judge didn’t dismiss my claim. Before I was heard, the Department of Justice told the Court that the IRS made an “error.”  The money confiscated was refunded.  Then the IRS went to my bank and confiscated every cent in my checking account.


I took the record to The Palm Beach Post.  The Post investigated. The IRS admitted on the front page of the Post that it had been in “error” many times and that the bank seizure was another “error.”  Was this an “error” or a violation of my God-given rights?  Whatever, the IRS ate its humble pie.  That was the end of it.  Does the end justify the means even when the means is lawless? Your judges say the end justifies the means. What say you?


As a general rule, the commands of law givers, sanctioned by the courts, is the law, whatever the case may be.  Is it lawful to tax incomes to the extent that some workers can’t exist, merely on the ground that it is for the good of all?   If this is the case, why couldn’t robbery be for the good all?  In fact, it is. The question isn’t whether or not to increase the debt. Common sense says the IRS is a lawless bandit.  We’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there.


By standing up for my God-given rights—“seek ye first the kingdom of God,” said Jesus—my personal power became miraculous. I opened the bear trap and kept my foot. Not only did the IRS eat crow, but many miracles followed. When everything should have gone wrong, everything went right. I’m not a member of any religious faith. On my own, in a very real way, Jesus became my savior and redeemer. I can tell you from personal experience that Jesus is there for all of us.  If I could convince every member of Tea Party that there is a Higher Law that protects the individual’s right to life, liberty, and property, and it is there for each of us to use, we would not look to Washington ever again for leadership. We would look within for the God that exists in each of us, who has blessed us, my dear friends, and lead our representatives in paths of righteousness. I’m merely repeating what our Constitution says.  Don’t allow self-serving authorities to rob you of your rights. Our reason and logic is fundamental to the law. With it, we can climb the highest mountain, be anyone we want to be.  All of our dreams will come true if only we will look within.  









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