Leah Lax wrote one of the many religious rationalizations that lead to nowhere in support of Keith Ellison, D-Minn, who took his oath of office on the Quran, a religious book, period! No argument. His oath of office is to the Constitution, period! No argument.
America was born under the sign of Aquarius. I’m Aquarius rising, which tells you about my internal rhythm. I need a constant variety and the freedom to experience. That’s an American value. I have a lot of energy. I do what I feel I must. I’m a nonconformist. I read this in The Rising Sign by Jeanne Avery. These are American values, all contrary to Muslim values.
The ancients were mathematicians. Not only did they accomplish great feats of engineering in their buildings, through mathematics, but also in knowledge of the structure of the universe. The ancient Egyptians knew the planet Earth was a sphere, and even knew the circumference. As for religion, the Holy Catholic Church, thousands of years later, held that Earth was a flat dish. No other belief was acceptable. Galileo was taken before the Inquisition and tried for heresy for daring to prove otherwise. In this respect, present day Muslims and Galileo’s day Catholics are alike. Muslims don’t advance. What if Americans wore garb like Jesus wore? What would you think? They want to take us back to 600 A.D. Arabia. Read the history of Arabia in 600 A.D. and then ask yourself if you want representatives in Congress, rather than swearing to protect and defend the Constitution, swearing to protect and defend the Muslim faith.
In The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” we read that I may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries; that I may be the forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way. I’m the diametric opposite of Muslims, and born under the same sign as America. Abraham Lincoln, the Great Emancipator, was born under the sign of Aquarius, and Aquarius rising. So, where is Leah Lax coming from in her lengthy dissertation? She has utterly no basis for her arguments.
Now that I have your attention, please allow me to continue to inform you—and Leah—of my Aquarian nature. The ancient Persians invented the astrologer’s zodiac, a schematic of the heavens, from which they mathematically determined human characteristics, based on when and where you were born. From Sir Isaac Newton’s interest in astrology, he studied the ancient’s mathematics and invented calculus, from which he gave us the laws of motion. Continuing, Einstein gave us relativity and special relativity.
Then it happened. With mathematics, Werner Heisenberg, in the month and year of my birth (September 1925) gave us the uncertainty principle, the forerunner of quantum mechanics. Quantum physics connected the quantitative with the qualitative by recognizing that before anything can exist there must be conscious awareness. Thus we have a scientific basis for my inner rhythm, as well as uncertainty. What comes around doesn’t always go around. Things happen by human will. So where is this Almighty God Leah informs us of, somewhere out there in the vast reaches of space, or hidden within atoms?
By listening to Glenn Beck, I found similarities in his background and mine. Both of us came to a jumping off place. We awakened to an inner calling, although different. Glenn is a Mormon. He found his Mormon God. I’m not religious. I found my inner calling from my study of the Constitution, which I planned to use to protect my God-given rights.
Although Leah and Representative Ellison, who swore on the Quran, would more than likely disagree with me, we are all here to make things better, and each with his or her own means, which is implied many times and in many ways in the Constitution. We are not here as automatons, for the good of all, without reason or logic, just here because we are here—we don’t question higher authority, Leah’s stand. God created humans with reason and logic, which is to be used by each of us, Beck and I agree. We both advise to look within for answers, not to an external Almighty God—Leah’s and the Muslim’s self-serving concept of God, a God, by the way, that judges the United States the “Great Satin.” It’s a fact. There is no question about it, Representative Ellison could not possibly represent the American people and at the same time swear to protect and defend the Muslim God. It’s an outrage that he holds office in America’s government.
What is going on in our government is all the more reason to look within for answers. The reason for today’s financial crises, although you will never hear this from a Democrat—the blame is always placed on Republicans—is because Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Democrats made it a government duty to direct our lives by and through redistribution of the nation’s wealth. This unrealistic notion is bankrupting the nation morally, spiritually, and fiscally, exactly what communists and revolutionaries in control want, Beck and I agree.
A day of reckoning is here. It is not a pretty picture that America faces. When I looked within, I found the spirit of Jesus. I’m not religious. It doesn’t make any difference. Both Glenn and I looked within, found Jesus, and both of us are now successful.
We are now leaving the Age of Pisces, an age of orthodoxy, which began with the birth and death of Jesus. Three Persian astrologers were led by the Star of Bethlehem, the Bible tells us, to the birth of Jesus. America arrived before her time. The world was not yet ready. Are we ready now for the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity, that which Jesus stood for?
Aquarius rising means when the sun rose on my life at birth, it was determined that I would grow more Aquarian in nature as I aged. Uranus, my ruling planet, had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born when I was in my forties. It meant that I would be subject to significant change. I literally departed my old life when I was age 49, symbolically, on Good Friday, the day Christ is supposed to have died on the cross. I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday, the day Christ rose from the dead, for the first day of my new life.
I was born in the month and year (September 1925) that Werner Heisenberg, the father of quantum mechanics, published the uncertainty principle. Heisenberg was Hitler’s atom bomb builder. His plant was bombed to the ground. I was on the high seas heading for the invasion of Japan’s main island when the United States ended World War II by dropping two atom bombs on Japan. After the World War II catastrophe, symbolically, the world rebuilt as it had done many times before. Now the world is in a financial crises.
On the first date with my fourth wife, and the only wife with whom I’ve been spiritually united, we were hiking on a mountain trail near Mt. St. Helens on the day St. Helens erupted. Symbolically, after the catastrophe, renewal, after the manmade catastrophe of World Trade Center—all that remains is a hole in the ground—and the Muslims want to build a shrine near said hole, this rebuilding would be a symbolic of another disaster, the end of America as we know her, back to 600 A.D. and the Dark Ages.
Both Beck and I believe that those who look within will find Jesus. “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” said Jesus. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”
Compare Glenn’s and my remedy with what Leah Lax and her Muslim friend, Representative Ellison, want for we with American values, and make your choice.