Former CIA operator calls for death penalty charges against Comey and his Goons
Read more…Former CIA operator calls for death penalty charges against @Comey et al.
— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) May 3, 2020
Read more…Former CIA operator calls for death penalty charges against @Comey et al.
— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) May 3, 2020
The cybersecurity firm that investigated and remediated the alleged hack of the Democratic National Committee’s servers in 2016 found no direct evidence that hackers stole any data or emails, according to a newly declassified interview transcript.
Employees were seen reporting to the Tesla facility in Fremont early Monday
Tesla filed a lawsuit against Alameda County on Saturday after the Fremont plant was shuttered amid the statewide lockdown on March 23
The suit claims county officials ignor
Read more…Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz took a stunning shot Friday evening not at Democrats but rather at two of his colleagues — or former colleagues, that is.
Minutes after former House Oversight Committee chair Trey Gowdy spoke with Fox News host Sean Hannity a
Read more…Author Aldous Huxley once said, “A thoroughly scientific dictatorship will never be overthrown.”
Even as we try to battle the COVID-19 pestilence, we may be contracting a more dangerous virus — hygienic fascism. This involves a process when our poli
Read more…Funny how things change. The Washington Post couldn’t say a nice thing about congressional Republican efforts to investigate the Obama administration and FBI shenanigans that occurred before and after the 2016 election. That’s if they even covered t
Read more…State Senator John Moorlach (R-Costa Mesa) knows a lot about municipal budgeting. While campaigning for Orange County Tax Collector-Treasurer in 1994, he accurately predicted the largest municipal bond loss and bankruptcy in history. Moorlach recen
Read more…The revolt by a dozen or more Pennsylvania counties who are opening up their businesses against the dictatorial edicts of Democrat Governor Tom Wolf has apparently thrown him into a blind rage, which was further exacerbated by a Tweet from President
Read more…Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates hid from Congress during a November 2017 interview that she first learned about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s calls with a Russian ambassador from then-President Obama, but had confirmed
Read more…A lawyer for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said her client was prepared to "audit" the U.S. intelligence community as White House national security adviser.
And that, according to former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, is partly why federal age
Read more…Read more…“The Obama people got caught this week - and it looks like it goes straight to the top.” #WattersWords
— Watters' World (@WattersWorld) May 10, 2020
Read more…POTUS ain't playing games...
— M3thods (@M2Madness) May 11, 2020
Former Rep. Trey Gowdy accused reporters from CNN, Politico and The New York Times on Sunday of helping House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff “peddle” the now-debunked conspiracy theory of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian
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Last week, the founder of the #MeToo movement, Tarana Burke, declined to back Tara Reade, a former staffer for presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden, who says Biden sexually assaulted her when she worked in his Senate offices in the mid-199
Read more…This is not going to end well. Americans are not going to put up with this. Freedom is in our DNA. They’re coming for the wrong people.
— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) May 11, 2020
Former Illinois Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich says he knew the playbook the FBI was running against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — because they used it on him first.
In an exclusive statement to the Daily Caller, Blagojevich
Read more…If you’re a Democratic politician, it always comes back to Donald Trump.
This includes the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery. Two white men have been arrested in the killing of Arbery, a black man, after a video of his shooting in Brunswick, Georgia, on Feb
Read more…Nearly 2000 former Justice Department officials have signed onto a letter calling for Attorney General William Barr to resign over what they describe as his improper intervention in the criminal case of former Trump national security adviser Michae
Read more…Kamala Harris was written off as a possible vice presidential pick for Joe Biden last year after a cutting debate performance where she seemed to suggest he was racially insensitive.
Now, Harris is not only in top contention, but Biden aides, surrog
Read more…U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham is going “full throttle” with his review into the origins of the investigation into suspected Russia-Trump coordination in the 2016 election, with additional top prosecutors involved in looking at different
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