Cathy O'Brien's Posts (167)

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Prepare yourselves for the biggest staging event since the styrofoam pillars at the Democratic Party Convention, which had to be moved from the conference hall to a football stadium to handle Obama's ego. I wonder if the 'halls of congress' will be big enough. This is the man who had to stage a [teleprompter] talk before a 6th grade class.THE STATE OF OUR UNION
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In this whirlwind first year we have just completed, are we ready for the second? Who could have imagined that every day would bring a new debacle, and America would scramble to keep her head above water. But, for every cloud there is a silver lining. America has never been so engaged, united and involved in learning more about how this country works. We have, in essence, gone back to school to learn about government, the law, and the deep roots our heritage.HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE?No wonder Scott Brown is going to Washington
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Seems as though the only people not receiving the message coming out of the Massachusetts special election is Obama and his administration. Obama had another 'staged' response with his water boy, George Stephanopoulos, on ABC, where he pontificated about his election wave being similar to Scott Brown's. How pompous. How disconnected. How out-of-touch can one man be? Narcissus comes to mind.AFTER MASSACHUSETTS, LIBERAL BLOODLETTING WILL CONTINUEDid Obama really think the laws of physics did not apply to him?
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FROM DICK MORRIS: Highly informed sources on Capitol Hill have revealed to me details of the Democratic plan to sneak Obamacare through Congress, despite collapsing public approval for healthcare “reform” and disintegrating congressional support in the wake of Republican Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts.President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid all have agreed to the basic framework of the plan.Their plan is clever but can be stopped if opponents of radical healthcare reform act quickly and focus on a core group of 23 Democratic Congressman. If just a few of these 23 Democrats are “flipped” and decide to oppose the bill, the whole Obama-Pelosi-Reid stratagem falls apart.PELOSI AND REID PLOT SECRET PLAN FOR OBAMACARE(List of 23 Congressmen with phone/fax numbers)
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Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. Yes, we won that very precious 41st vote, and thank God for that. Dennis Prager said, "We avoided a torpedo, but you don't win a war by avoiding a torpedo." Americans are not prepared to spend themselves into oblivion, and the Massachusetts election made that very clear.WHAT NOW FOR THE TEA PARTIES?
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It's not surprising to see the Democrats in denial. When have they ever taken responsibility for the result of their actions, especially this narcissistic leader? The most comical of all was Obama's statement comparing Scott Brown's victory to his own! Scott Brown rode to victory campaigning against everything Obama and his administration stands for.THE MEANING OF BROWNBrown ran on a very specific, very clear agenda. Stop health care
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It is disturbing to read about the number of fatalities as being 13 in the Fort Hood massacre, when in fact the number is more accurately 14. On November 5, 2009, terrorist, Nidal Malik Hasan, executed a massacre of Fort Hood soldiers, killing 13 and wounding 30 while proclaiming "Allah Akbar! Included in the 13 was Private Francheska Velez, 21, who was three months pregnant and preparing to return home to Chicago from a tour of duty in Iraq. She was due home by December to begin her maternity leave.PROTECTING UNBORN LIFE AT FORT HOOD
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We have all heard about the corruption of politics, but not with the force this administration has wielded. We not only heard about it, but witnessed it in a front row seat. The Democrats always overreach, but this time it was in your face, to use one of Obama's favorite idioms. A classic example of things to come was the scene outside a Philadelphia polling place with Black Panther thugs wielding nightsticks intimidating white voters [charges mysteriously dismissed], but most people didn't want to face that little tidbit.TECHNOCRACY: THE DEMOCRATS' TECHNOLOGICAL THUGGERY
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It's been a long time since America has been under a Democratic rule without some kind of balance, and every time they have such power, it doesn't take long for them to remind us why we don't like them. We are a center right country, with strong Christian values, no matter how much noise the far left radicals are compelled to make. America was taken for a ride last year, and the timing couldn't have been more ripe.THAT OLD OBAMA MAGIC IS BACK
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In honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today, it is ironic how he and Obama are polls apart. Dr. King believed in the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Better less said about what Obama is doing to it. "How in God's name, and I mean that literally, can liberals lay claim to Martin Luther King?"MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. HELD THESE TRUTHS. DO YOU?
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Anniversaries are a time for reflection, and boy oh boy, do we have a year upon which to reflect. Historic spending, historic deficits, historic bailouts, private sector takeovers, bribes, closed door manufacturing of bills, congressional violations, appointment of a pervert as safe school czar, ad infinitum. Unemployment benefits have been extended longer than any time in history, but extended benefits only extend unemployment.Lt Colonel Allen West: "One Year down, Three to Go"
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With so much on the line, the Dems are pulling out all the stops. The SEIU busses have "rolled into town" and the ACORN "boots" are on the ground. Let's pray there are enough lookouts out there to keep it at least honest, and that the backlash is so phenominal there will be no question who has won.Massachussetts Armageddon: Dems Going “All Out” for Coakley in Final 3 Days
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It appears Big Labor has struck a deal to stick it to the American tax payers -- again. This deal has been done behind closed doors, and not on CSPAN as promised by this president over and over again during his campaign. The 'deal' will tax the middle class on their so called "cadillac" health care plans, but not the union plans, leaving the middle class to pick up the slack in additional taxes -- another in a long line of broken promises.BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, UNIONS WIN, YOU LOSE
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Michael Steele is not the most popular guy in the Republican Party these days, and then again, maybe he is just that. After commenting on Fox New's Hannity that Republicans will not take control of the House in 2010, there has been a backlash by conservatives. In a time when the right is reeling from the totalitarian effects of this administration, negativity is not welcome.MEMO TO STEELE: GOP WILL WIN
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As today's politics become more and more totalitarian, the overreach of the far left radicals in this administration is beyond belief. A big part of American exceptionalism is our freedom, and voting rights is right up there in the top five. We now have a government hell-bent on transforming America back to the day of King George and the British Empire.Dem Scheme: Seat Brown Late If He Wins, Until After Health Care Gets to Senate
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Lately (oh, about the last 12 months), every day brings another sad bit of news, and this one is a clear sign of the times -- something I don't think any of us thought would come. This is another sign of what happens when the government controls, and this government is controlling more and more every day.CHINA ENDS U.S.'s REIGN AS LARGEST AUTO MARKET
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In an interesting poll analysis, Massachusetts shows weak support for the Democrat health care bill. This is a state that knows first hand what government health care brings -- disaster. Amazing, for a state that has far more registered Democrat voters than Republican.Even in Massachusetts, Weak Support for Dem Health Care Bill
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In an email yesterday, Scott Brown is alerting us about a final push by and the SEIU in Massachusetts. Since we all know how they fight, it's not pretty, so here is their request for help:An Alert From the Scott Brown Campaign in Mass. Jan 19th to MoveIn to Massachusetts.
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