john lillpop's Posts (214)

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By John W. Lillpop

Throughout the brutal, exasperating trials and tribulations of the Republican nominating fiasco, all of the candidates seemed bonded by one essential truth:

Another term in office for Barack Obama would mean the end of America as we know it and was to be avoided at all costs!

Indeed, it was expected that when a nominee was finally selected, the unsuccessful candidates would immediately shed ego and false pride in favor of doing what is best for America.

Namely, work to end the Marxist tyranny imposed by Obama and return our blessed homeland to what the founding fathers envisioned 235 years ago.

Unfortunately, that presumption of unity and integrity was shattered to tatters by Rick Santorum in a shocking act of treason in which the former Senator appeared to migrate over to the “Dark Side” by declaring that reelecting Obama would be preferable to electing Mitt Romney.

As reported at the reference:

“Presidential candidate Rick Santorum on Thursday said Republicans should give President Barack Obama another term if Santorum isn’t the GOP nominee and for a second day compared rival Mitt Romney to an Etch A Sketch toy.

Santorum reiterated an argument he has made before: The former Massachusetts governor is not conservative enough to offer voters a clear choice in the fall election and that only he can provide that contrast.

“You win by giving people a choice,” Santorum said during a campaign stop in Texas. “You win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone who’s just going to be a little different than the person in there.”

Santorum added: “If they’re going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk of what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate for the future.”

Clearly, the time has come to end the ridiculous spectacle know as the GOP primary process before further harm can be done to the party (and the nation) by malcontent Republicans whose shattered egos have caused them to see Darkness at the end of the tunnel, and have accepted the Darth Raider invitation to join the Dark Side.

May the force abandon you just as you have abandoned America, Senator Santorum!
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By John W. Lillpop

Mitt Romney had a huge evening Tuesday. To begin with, the former Governor of Massachusetts put another 41 delegates in his growing arsenal, the reward for a twelve- point shellacking of Rick Santorum.

Even more important than any single state win, Romney has managed to finally capture support from the Tea Party as reported in part at reference 1:

“The organization that ignited the tea party as a national mass movement gave Mitt Romney perhaps his biggest victory yet, deciding to drop its opposition to his candidacy, a top executive in the group told The Washington Times.

FreedomWorks, which organized the Sept. 12, 2009, mass demonstration on the Mall, says that while it will not give an explicit endorsement, the time has come for Republicans to unite around the former Massachusetts governor and focus on defeating President Obama.”

Bravo to that, even though as a Mormon, Mitt probably does not consume “strong drink” as coffee and tea are called in the LDS faith.

Then came the endorsement of Jeb Bush as reported at reference 2:

“Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush endorsed Mitt Romney after Romney’s lopsided win in Illinois Tuesday night. The former Florida Governor – a Republican heavyweight – called on members of the party to coalesce behind Romney.

“Congratulations to Governor Mitt Romney on his win last night and to all the candidates for a hard fought, thoughtful debate and primary season,” said Bush in a statement.

“Primary elections have been held in thirty-four states, and now is the time for Republicans to unite behind Governor Romney and take our message of fiscal conservatism and job creation to all voters this fall. I am endorsing Mitt Romney for our Party’s nomination. We face huge challenges, and we need a leader who understands the economy, recognizes more government regulation is not the answer, believes in entrepreneurial capitalism and works to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to succeed.”

Bravo again, and thanks to Jeb Bush for choosing to not upset the apple cart with an ill-advised, late run for the roses on his own.

Now that Mitt Romney is “almost there,” Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum should hold a united press conference to acknowledge what seems most probable: Mitt Romney will be the nominee for the Republican Party.
They should release their delegates to Romney and agree to campaign where and when Romney needs their help.

Come on Republicans. Time to set aside differences and coalesce behind the man who can and will defeat Barack Obama and bring America back to the real world.

Reference 1

Reference 2
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By John W. Lillpop

Next to Barack Obama, Rod Blagojevich is the most corrupt politician to hail from---shudder---the Land of Lincoln.

Blago’s corrupt ways and presumption that he could fool everyone all of the time, gave way to reality and a chain and ball on Thursday as the former Governor of Illinois checked in for his next gig, a fourteen year stint at Federal Correctional Institution Englewood.

Hello, Colorado!

From this point forward and continuing until sometime in 2026, Blagojevich has been reduced to just a number, namely No. 40892-424, the discrete number assigned to this thug as his Inmate identity.

Despite the 10-pounds of unruly hair atop his criminal head and the non-stop motor mouth that got him this far in life, the slime-blasted associate of Barack Obama has fourteen dreary years in which to ponder his life and how things might have been different if only he were not such a complete A-hole!

As reported at the reference, while Blago was spending his first night in prison, Barack Obama was booked to the gills with two fundraisers in Chicago and three more in Atlanta:

Night One is now over.

Rod Blagojevich, former Illinois governor, long-time political ally and picnic pal of Barack Obama and loud-mouthed mediagenic felon, is now Inmate No. 40892-424, a resident of Federal Correctional Institution Englewood, just outside Denver.

He's scheduled to reside there for the next 14 years after his conviction on 18 counts of corruption, including trying to sell or trade his gubernatorial nomination to fill President-elect Obama's empty U.S. Senate seat.

Barring a presidential pardon, Blago must serve at least 85% of his sentence. On his scheduled release his two daughters will be 29 and 22.

The 55-year-old Blagojevich is the second consecutive Illinois governor to go from the statehouse to the big house and carries on a long tradition of corrupt Chicago machine politicians joining correctional institutions.

For some strange reason, local police and prosecutors seem unable to unearth these crooked public employees. So, it's usually the feds cracking open a corner of the Democratic political operation that has controlled the Windy City since Mayor Anton Cermak began constructing the omnipotent apparatus back in the 1930s. President Obama will attend two Chicago fundraisers today and three more tonight in Atlanta. “

According to sources close to Obama, although the president feels sorry for Mrs. Blagojevich and the two daughters that the Blagojevich marriage yielded, the president is all about law and order and the rule of law, and, keeping his own sorry posterior out of prison for as long as possible.

Asked about a presidential pardon for Blago, Obama reportedly commented, that his power to free Blago is “F------“ Golden,"  and  “I'm just not giving it up for f--- nothing."

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By John W. Lillpop
To hear President Obama spin the latest jobs report, 8.3 percentunemployment is proof positive that his policies are workingas planned, and are more than sufficient reason to give him fourmore years of abusive dictatorial power and elitist priviledge.However, even with the recent modest gains in employment,there are still approximately 14 million fellow Americans withoutgainful employment and millions more whom are trapped in thequagmire of underemployment.Those facts have been lost on this befuddled Marxist menacewho continues to believe that government can fix allproblems large, and small, and should be encouraged to do sogiven the fact that God is obviously dead, or has himself been laidoff.According to Obama, in this the era of American Exceptionalism Gone Missing, expectations should be lowered to more reasonable levels, if for no reason other than to make his sorry self look as good as possible.Those of us who still believe in the American Dream and the Yankee “Can Do” attitude could not disagree more profoundly!
The simple fact of the matter is that this president has wasted trillions of dollars on foolish “stimulus” programs which have inflated the federal deficit while delaying “real” recovery. Indeed, the Obama “recovery” is the most anemic and painful since World War II, mostly because of Obama’s foolish spending which has actually prolonged the misery for millions of Americans.Furthermore, Obama’s mindless attacks on free enterprise with threats of more intrusive regulations and higher taxes have been instrumental in keeping the economy in the doldrums.INCONVENIENT TRUTH: Had it not been for Obama and his wrong-minded policies, the US economy would have recovered long ago and would be finally headed in the right direction.Significantly, President Obama has been stymied time and again over the past year and one half by those courageous heroes in the Tea Party who have refused to give up on America by turning to Marxist voodoo sure to fail in the long term.Think about it: If the 2010 elections had gone differently and left the US House in hands of Nancy Pelosi and her gaggle of corrupt moon bats, Obama would surely have succeeded in getting his “Jobs” packages approved, which would have made the modest gains of recent months impossible.The American people need to understand that any recent improvements in the US economy have been made despite Barack Obama, not because of him.
Americans need to further understand that we the people deserve much better than 8.3 percent unemployment! 14 million unemployed Americans is completely unacceptable and must not stand.Barack Obama is an anti-growth, anti-jobs, and anti-business ideologue who needs to leave Washington, D.C. as soon as possible—without being allowed to do additional harm to our beloved Democracy!
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By John W. Lillpop

Hello, America, are you awake and paying attention?

If not, now would be an excellent time to inform yourself so as to participate intelligently in the most crucial election in our nation’s history, now less than eight months away.

In this, the “Information Age,” a mouse, a broadband connection, a discerning mind, and a healthy disrespect for all politicians are vital requisites for ferreting out the truth, or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

Armed with just those tools, the inquisitive soul would have been shocked to hear Obama cabinet members Panetta, Sibelius, and Chu testify before Congress this week and, in the process, trash the concept of US military sovereignty; expose the fact that contrary to promises, ObamaCare may actually increase the federal deficit, and reveal why the Department of Energy is being run by an leftwing elitist who thinks that $8 a gallon gasoline would be good for America.

To begin this sad journey, consider the remarks of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta as reported, in part, at reference 1:

Panetta Surrenders US Military Sovereignty:

“During the hearing yesterday Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey brazenly admitted that their authority comes not from the U.S. Constitution, but that the United States is subservient to and takes its marching orders from the United Nations and NATO, international bodies over which the American people have no democratic influence.
Panetta was asked by Senator Jeff Sessions, “We spend our time worrying about the U.N., the Arab League, NATO and too little time, in my opinion, worrying about the elected representatives of the United States. As you go forward, will you consult with the United States Congress?”

The Defense Secretary responded “You know, our goal would be to seek international permission. And we would come to the Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress.”

Despite Sessions’ repeated efforts to get Panetta to acknowledge that the United States Congress is supreme to the likes of NATO and the UN, Panetta exalted the power of international bodies over the US legislative branch.

“I’m really baffled by the idea that somehow an international assembly provides a legal basis for the United States military to be deployed in combat,” Sessions said. “I don’t believe it’s close to being correct. They provide no legal authority. The only legal authority that’s required to deploy the United States military is of the Congress and the president and the law and the Constitution.”

Panetta’s assertion that he would seek “international permission” before ‘informing’ Congress about the actions of the US military provoked a firestorm of controversy, prompting the Pentagon to engage in damage control by claiming Panetta’s comments were misinterpreted.”

Sibelius Exposes Lies About Cost of ObamaCare

As reported at reference 2, in part:

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sibelius. She testified before a Senate committee on the new national health care law this week and, in an exchange with Senator Ron Johnson (R – Wisc.), she admitted she really has no idea if Obamacare will save us money or cost us money. Well, that’s not all she admitted, but it was the first thing. We’ll get to the other ways she stumbled through Senator Johnson’s questions, but this is a good place to start. Here is a transcript of the exchange, from the Free Beacon:

“The bottom line here is, the cost of this healthcare law is so uncertain, don’t you think we ought to put the brakes on it?” Johnson asked. “You know, Nancy Pelosi said, ‘We have to pass this law to figure out what’s in it.’ What I don’t want to see is that we have to implement it to figure out how it’s going to bust a hole in our already horribly broken budget.”

SEBELIUS: The original estimate, yes. I think that’s–

JOHNSON: Right. So, the original estimate for deficit reduction–

SEBELIUS: I’m assuming–

JOHNSON: The original estimate for deficit reduction in the first 10 years was $143 billion, correct?


JOHNSON: So now we, we’ve reduced that $143 billion by $86 billion – by not getting revenue from the CLASS Act – and now $111 billion because we’ve increased the mandatory costs of the exchanges, correct?

SEBELIUS: I’m assuming the numbers are correct. I’m sorry I don’t have them.

JOHNSON: So, when you add those together, that’s $197 billion added to the first 10-year cost estimate of Obamacare, so now we are instead of saving $143 billion, we are adding $54 billion to our deficit, correct?

Chu Reveals Why He Could Care Less About Exploding Gas Prices

As reported in part at reference 3:

The big news yesterday was that Energy Secretary Steven Chu does not own a car. But his wife owns a 2002 BMW 325i, which gets 21 MPG, according to the Daily Caller. Why did Chu not get her to trade in the Beamer for a Chevy Volt?

Also, as a Cabinet secretary, he gets a security detail that drives him around in an SUV, most likely a Cadillac Escalade. We can mince around with words over whether he owns a car or not, but he is not taking public transportation, walking or riding a bicycle to get everywhere.

Craig Bannister of CNS said a senator asked Chu at a budget hearing if he owned a Chevy Volt.

Said Chu: “No, I don’t own a car at the moment.”
Why does he not own a Volt?

If as he says the Volt is such a great car — if as he says our use of oil is a bigger threat to national security than terrorism — why does Chu not own a car?

His answer indicates that he does drive. Why not lead by example?

In fact, why does the president not trade in The Beat Cadillac that he rides in for security reasons for a Chevy Volt? Could it be that this Motor Trend Car of the Year and European Car of the Year be a piece of crap that has no speed, no range and takes 10 hours to refill?

If Volts ain’t good enough for our hired help, why should we bother making Volts.”

After listening to Panetta, Sibelius, and Chu, the big questions facing voters are: Are YOU in favor of ceding US military sovereignty, increasing the federal deficit, and $8 a gallon gasoline?

Or do you still love America?

Ref 1

Reference 2

Reference 3:
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By John W. Lillpop

Whether or not to fill one’s automobile with gas used to be a relatively simple decision. If the needle said E or close to E, you filled the damn tank and moved on.

However, with Barack Obama and Steven Chu (Obama’s Anti-energy guru) in charge, “filling it up” requires an advanced degree in economics to assure that one is making the most prudent decision without threatening the kids’ education, retirement plans, health care options, and other major areas of life that need proper fiscal attention and discipline.

This outrageous conundrum is yet another example of big -government Marxism gone amuck, where elitist bureaucrats work 24/7 to get Americans out of their automobiles, ostensibly to end the nation’s reliance on oil.

Especially foreign oil, like that which comes from unstable Middle-Eastern nations where terrorism is the only commodity that exceeds petroleum when it comes to exports.

Just to be safe, the Obama-Chu war on energy has been expanded to include non-Middle East nations which are not officially designated as sponsors of terrorism, but which arouse progressive suspicions none the less.

Like Canada and the Keystone Pipeline which, had it not been for Obama, would have put 20,000 Americans back to work in an economy all but devastated by out-of-control spending, massive deficits, and the incoherent and incompetent meddling of a naïve Marxist who has never balanced a budget in his entire life, and who finds the very notion of limited spending to be racist and Anti-American!

Thus, while middle-class Americans face the looming threat of $5 a gallon gasoline, or worse, the Obama “progressive” energy strategy is: “Let them pump algae!”


Just how in the hell is algae supposed to help the unemployed plumber in Los Angeles who needs to drive 10 miles for a job interview, but cannot afford the gasoline needed to motor him to the first employment nibble he has had in seven months?

Of course, left-wing elitists like Obama and Chu do not concern themselves with mundane issues like the price of gasoline.

Indeed, out-of-touch elitists are so shielded from the realities of life that $5 or $6 a gallon gasoline is important only when it is perceived as being a significant threat to the president’s approval ratings and re-election prospects!

Obama and the Democrats: “Party of the Little Guy”?

Don’t be silly!
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By John W. Lillpop

Like starving sharks driven to frenzy by the sight and sweet smell of fresh blood in the water, liberal Democrats and left-wing moon bats masquerading as journalists are circling the studios of superstar Rush Limbaugh in anticipation of being able to silence dissent and the inconvenience of opposing views, once and for all.

For his “intemperate” remarks about Sandra Fluke, Rush is being portrayed as a despicable, woman-hating misogynist whose First Amendment rights to free speech should be permanently revoked, with no chance for reinstatement.

According to the left, Rush should be kicked off the air ways as compensation to Fluke, the 30-year-old parasite-Marxist, who believes that American tax payers should bear the financial burden for protecting her from the unintended consequences of her own sexual behavior.

Imagine that. An allegedly educated woman who, at the ripe old age of 30, actually believes that her sexual experiences, whatever they might be, should be unwritten by middle-class Americans who are struggling to make mortgage payments, fund education for their offspring, and plan for retirement, all the while trying to survive the withering economy brought to us by the failed Obama presidency.

Speaking of Obama, the fellow who should be working 24/7 to fix the economy that he ruined, who should be working to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear threat, and who should be tending to a a host of other vital issues, found time to join the Limbaugh-Fluke fray by placing a personal call to the abused 30-year-old in order to reassure the young thang that the government is ready and able to take care of her from cradle to grave, including picking up the tab for her ‘reproduction prevention’ needs.

Never mind that 45 million Americans are on food stamps, that Social Security is going broke, millions face foreclosure and bankruptcy, and that the federal deficit is fast approaching 16 TRILLION dollars.

None of that really matters, Sandra, as long as YOUR needs are being met.

Oh, and do not forget to register (Democrat, of course!) and by all means vote in November!

By the way, does anyone remember if Obama placed a comforting call to conservative radio personality Laura Ingraham when she was called a “slut” by MSNBC’s Ed Schultz?

Just asking.
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By John W. Lillpop

Not to be too cynical or sarcastic, but did America not hold national elections on November 2, 2010, at which time the Obama administration and Democrats in general were subjected to a severe “shellacking” dealt by the American people?

And was the result of those elections not the removal of Nancy Pelosi and fellow leftists from majority status in the U.S. House, and significant degradation of the liberal strangle hold in the U.S. Senate?

Did not those 2010 elections signal a grass-roots message from we the taxed to Obama and friends, the essence of which was: CUT federal spending, STOP growing the humungous deficit, and even BANISH talk of higher taxes?

Is it not true that members of the Tea Party were sent to Washington to charter a new course that would save the American dream and, God willing, the very republic itself?

Did we not celebrate the fact that, for the first time in history, in 2011 the debate about raising the debt ceiling also included serious, heated discussion about spending cuts to offset any debt increase?

The answer to each of those questions is a loud, resounding YES!

So why in the hell was I rudely awakened this morning with the news that Republicans have agreed to extend the Payroll Tax holiday and extend unemployment benefits (again) WITHOUT PAYING FOR SAID SPENDING?

If the Republican Party is now an official wing of the Obama administration, is there ANY hope for our survival?
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 By John W. Lillpop

In a said day for those of us who found Herman Cain’s candidacy refreshing—at least for a while—the fellow who calls himself the “Black Walnut” has apparently cracked under the pressure of national politics.

As reported, in part, at the reference:

ATLANTA (AP) — The Cain train has come to a stop.
Herman Cain suspended his bid for the Republican presidential nomination on Saturday following a steady drumbeat of sexual misconduct allegations he said were harming his family and drowning out his ability to deliver his message.

With just one month to go until the lead-off Iowa caucuses, Cain's announcement is tantamount to a concession. Still, he told supporters, he planned to continue his efforts to influence Washington and announced "Plan B" — what he called a grassroots effort to return government to the people.

Cain denounced the accusations of impropriety against him as "false and unproven" but said that they had been hurtful to his family, particularly his wife, Gloria.

"So as of today, with a lot of prayer and soul-searching, I am suspending my presidential campaign. I am suspending my presidential campaign because of the continued distractions and the continued hurt caused on me and my family," a tired-looking Cain told about a 400 supporters.”

One hopes that quitting the race will bring a measure of peace to Cain who has been battered and rammed non-stop for two months.

For his wonderful wife Gloria, one offers more than hope: A prayer that she is able to withstand the hurt and pain inflicted on her over the past 60 days.

God Bless Gloria Cain!

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By John W. Lillpop

Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden were greeted with a lusty chorus of boos when their names were announced as Grand Marshals of the NASCAR season finale on Sunday. (See Reference 1).

Liberals will no doubt scream “Racism” in denouncing the rude greeting; however, the robust fan reaction was really about three years of failed governance at the hands of Barack Obama.

Michelle Obama was merely a symbol of the national anger and frustration with her husband and the following:

Marxist policies designed to transform America into a fascist nanny- state run by leftist elitists;

Anti-business policies and rhetoric which discourage the creation of jobs by private enterprise, and which perpetuate economic recession rather than growth;

Repeated denigration of the American people by the President when meeting with foreign leaders;

Policies which promote class warfare so as to divide Americans for political advantage;

Refusal to enforce immigration laws and aggressive legal action against sovereign states that choose to protect their citizens from illegal invasions by foreigners;

Commission and cover-up of deadly serious scandals such as Fast and Furious and the reckless, irresponsible and perhaps criminal mismanagement of taxpayer funds as in the Solyndra issue;

Foreign policy initiatives and rhetoric which signal to the world that America is no longer interested in being Number 1; and

Promotion of the notion that American Exceptionalism is a myth from the past, and implementation of policies that will lead to the decline and fall of the greatest nation on earth.

NASCAR fans were NOT booing Michelle because of her skin color or any other personal attribute of the FLOTUS; rather they were voicing their intense displeasure with the failed presidency of Barack Hussein Obama!
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By John W. Lillpop

Progressives who worship at the altar of diversity were thrilled when Barack Obama rejected the notion of using background, experience, education, intelligence, and competence as measuring sticks for filling key posts in his administration.

Indeed, Obama brought change on a grand scale by using race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, and ‘capacity for compassion’ as criteria for deciding whom to nominate for his cabinet, to serve on the Supreme Court, and for other important government functions.

The Obama Diversity Initiative removed a great deal of the subjectivity from the selection process and, when combined with appropriate quotas, seemed sure to make life in America more fair.

More fair, that is, for those who were viewed as ‘underrepresented’ in the Marxist formulation of quotas.

The president’s administration, we were told, would look like America!

All of which sounds grand, but which ultimately fell tragically short of reality.

Under the Obama diversity scam, America has been saddled with the likes of Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder, Ken Salazar, Hillary Clinton, Lisa Jackson, Kathleen Sebelius, Hilda Solis, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Ron Kirk, each and every one of whom is actively contributing to the decline and fall of our once-great nation.

Timothy Geithner would be included were it not for his lily-white skin and blue eyes. Even so, the man is a dismal incompetent and should be sent packing immediately.

And let us not forget the name of Dr. Steven Chu, alleged Secretary of Energy, when citing the dangers of using affirmative action quotas for recruiting purposes.

Indeed, in testimony before Congress on November 17 concerning the Solyndra scandal, Dr. Chu made brutally clear the full extent to which affirmative action and the obsession with diversity have failed America.

Chu demonstrated an amazing lack of knowledge about communications within his own department, claiming to be unaware of red flags and warnings about the prudence of granting the Solyndra loan.

The Secretary also denied that politics played any role in his final decision to approve the loan; the fact that President Obama was chopping at the bit to fly out to Fremont, California to herald the great success of Solyndra for the evening news headlines was NOT a factor in funding the loan, said he.

Most distressing, Secretary Chu was tragically cavalier in his attitude: He saw no need to apologize to the American taxpayers for the loss of $540 million dollars, and he offered none.

Like most progressives, Secretary Chu has very little regard or respect for taxpayers and their money, and chafes at the notion that he, an intellectual elitist, should be held accountable for his management of our money.

When it comes to insensitive and incompetent bureaucrats like Steven Chu, America needs to clean house and retool.

God willing, we the people will do just that come November, 2012.
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By John W. Lillpop

What in the hell is happening to the Republican men and women who once seemed so attractive in the race to replace Barack Hussein Obama with a freedom-loving American citizen?

In stunned silence, we on the right have stood by as heroes and heroines of our cause have walked off the plank of presidential candidacy into the dark, cold sea of political obscurity.

First it was conservative favorite Tom Pawlenty who decided that he did not have the wherewithal to fight the good fight any longer, which led the charisma-challenged former Governor to withdraw his candidacy.

Many were disappointed when Pawlenty bailed, yet back then the problem seemed to be an overcrowded field, rather than the opposite.

Besides the announced candidates, the rumor mill was ripe with speculation about the likes of Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, Marco Rubio, and lord knows how many others, all waiting in the wings to be drafted into service by conservatives ravenous for a reincarnation of Ronald Reagan to deal with Barack Obama as Reagan had with Jimmy Carter 30 years ago.

Alas, one by one, those magnificent would-be presidents came forward and tried on the Golden Slipper.

And one by one, each discovered that the slipper simply did not fit, for one reason or another, although in the case of Governor Christie, his foot was just too damn fat!

Still, the field included such stars and budding stars as Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum, John Huntsman, and newcomer Rick Perry.

Oh, and we must not forget a fellow named Herman Cain.

With that roster of firepower and talent, there was no need to fret about finding a suitable candidate, right?

Then the Rick Perry shoe dropped, even before the infamous “pause.” Shortly thereafter, Herman Cain started to make negative headlines with sexual accusations coming from former female associates, rather than economists challenging “999.”

To make matters worse, Cain seemed confused about whether or not China has nuclear weapons and did a fantastic impression of the “Perry Pause” when discussing Libya, said pause being quite entertaining, but hardly presidential.

The bright light of hope then moved to the personage of Newt Gingrich who despite some disturbing personal history, seemed formidable.

In fact, Newt seemed very formidable what with his keen intelligence and expertise as leader of the now defunct “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” that drove Hillary Clinton to distraction 20 years ago. In short order, the former Speaker catapulted into the lead over Mitt Romney.

All looked swell until it was announced that Newt took over a million dollars from Freddie Mac after leaving office.

Freddie Mac for gosh sake, that gaggle of leftist moon bats who have all but destroyed the American Dream for millions of responsible Americans in order to reach out and “include” people who simply do not have the income, credit worthiness, employment history, or assets to qualify for home ownership!

Freddie Mac, that shadowy, suspicious institution, which along with Fannie Mae lost an additional $13 billion dollars of taxpayer money in 2011, for which several executives were rewarded with million dollar bonuses.

Egad, Newt, say it ain’t so!

Newt did try to explain his cavorting with Freddie by saying he served as a “historian” for a cool $1.2 million dollars.

For the record, Freddie declared that Newt was more of a “consultant.”

Either way, Newt, your credibility is shot. Who in the hell is going to trust you to smite big government now that we know that you actually spent time in bed (figuratively) with these charlatans?

And, lest we forget, earlier this year Gingrich blasted Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity” with this tirade on Meet the Press:

I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering. I don’t think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate… I’m against Obamacare, which is imposing radical change, and I would be against a conservative imposing radical change.

Unbelievable: A bloke living high on the public dole by working for Freddie Mac has the audacity to call the conservative blueprint for saving America “Right wing social Engineering.” Some gall that!

Still, remember fellow conservatives, Mitt Romney is a very strong candidate—excepting for his love affair with socialized medicine and gay marriage, and a sorry tendency to flop when he should flip.

What the hell is going on with my GOP?
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By John W. Lillpop

Back when the Occupy Wall Street hysteria was first gaining traction as a national movement, left-wing anarchists with attitude, including the likes of Barack Obama, were quick to embrace the movement as grass-roots affirmation of Obama’s anti-capitalism call for redistribution of wealth.

It was a gala, “Take that Plumber Joe!” moment for zany moon bats who envisioned a tsunami of public outrage that would sweep the Tea Party and all of the GOP out to sea, leaving behind a solid encampment of freaks who do not work, who relieve themselves whenever and wherever they wish without regard for stench or sanitation, and who, above all else, considered Tea to be a lethal mind-altering substance, preferring instead to trust their fortunes to good dope and cheap booze.

Foremost among those embracing the OWS was none other than California’s very own Nancy Pelosi who actually sought divine intervention of behalf of the OWS crowd.

As reported at the reference, Princess Nancy called for divine blessings on the disorganized, smelly, and unkempt vagrants:

During a press conference Thursday afternoon, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi praised those participating in the "Occupy Wall Street" protests. "God bless them," Pelosi said, "for their spontaneity. It's independent ... it's young, it's spontaneous, and it's focused. And it's going to be effective."

"The message of the protesters is a message for the establishment everyplace," said the House Democrats' leader. "No longer will the recklessness of some on Wall Street cause massive joblessness on Main Street."

Pelosi did not comment on--and was not asked about--the law-breaking that occurred during the protest over the weekend. About 700 protesters were arrested by New York City police after the protesters "swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge and shut down a lane of traffic for several hours," according to CBS News.”
Ever since Princess Pelosi issued her supplication, the OWS movement has “matured” into a one that now includes rape, murder and other unintended consequences.

The burning question for Pelosi: Still praying for OWS, Princess??
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365 Days and Counting


By John W. Lillpop

Just one year from today, on November 6, 2012, Americans will be empowered to end the nightmare occupation of our precious homeland by Barack Hussein Obama, a dedicated socialist who has great disdain for American history and values and who came into office with the arrogant notion that he had the experience and wisdom to ‘fundamentally transform’ the greatest nation in human history.

As of this date, November 6, 2011, the Obama Administration has been an unmitigated disaster, both domestically and internationally.

Barring some dramatic event, or series of events, this man will be sent back to the streets of Chicago (or Honolulu) after one tumultuous term in which he, assigned responsibility as the chief law enforcement authority of the nation, scoffed at the rule of law and encouraged illegal behavior by others, while personally violating the Constitution in order to advance his extreme ideological agenda.

Barack Obama’s involuntary exit on January 20, 2013 will be welcomed with a huge sigh of relief by scores of millions of Americans who demand change--of the sort  that will unshackle them from oppressive government.

For all of his policy gaffes, the most important failing of Barack Obama is that he never really seemed an American in spirit, or as some contend, by birth.

Moreover, owing to his bitter disrespect for American history and values, Barack Obama never seemed comfortable serving as president of the nation he so despised.

God willing, on January 20, 2013, Barack Obama will be set free.
Concurrently, God willing, the American people will  begin the process of healing from the nightmare that has consumed and divided this great nation for four long years.

The big question: Can the American people wait another full year for the redemption of our treasured values and heritage?

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By John W. Lillpop

While celebrating the death of Muammar Gaddafi last week, supporters of President Obama were lavish in their praise of his execution of the Libyan war. Some claimed vindication of the controversial “Leading from Behind” strategy and predicted that Libya would be the new textbook model for waging “smart” war.

However, recent reports coming from Libya suggest that the kudos directed toward Obama may have been premature, at best, and down right ignorant at worst.

As reported at the reference, the ‘spoils of war’ appear to have graced those who practice terrorism:

Weekend media reports showed al-Qaida’s flag flying in central Benghazi, and noted that Libyan anti-aircraft missiles had been purchased by terror groups, but White House spokesman Jay Carney said Monday the administration has not been surprised by news reports from Libya.

“I’m not aware of anything that has been reported that has surprised us out of Libya,” Carney said during a morning press briefing.

White House officials have not responded to The Daily Caller’s request for an explanation of Carney’s statement.

The news follows the Oct. 22 announcement by the transitional Libyan leader that the country would discard current divorce laws in favor of archaic Islamic laws that allow polygamy and easy divorce for men.

A CNN report on Saturday showed al-Qaida’s black flag flying over the Benghazi courthouse, which was one of the rebellion’s starting points.”

Thus, the Obama ‘triumph’ in Libya may turn out to be in the same class of failure as the Obama-Biden “Summer of Recovery” of the U.S. economy in 2010:

Utter and complete failure, aggravated and made all the worse by idiotic self-congratulations and back slapping on the part of those most responsible for the failure!

God speed November 6, 2012!

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By John W. Lillpop

Someone famous once said about Oakland, California, “There’s No There There!”

All of that changed recently when that world-class hypocrite known as Michael Moore invaded the East Bay town in order to connect, spiritually, with the poor souls of “Occupy Oakland,” those abused 99 % whose reality is that of abject poverty and deprivation, conditions that Moore has obviously avoided given his blubber-blasted bum and face.

Although Moore is a rich and powerful media elitist of the hated 1% variety, that truth did not prevent the bloated lefty from speaking out against those who share his privileged station in life.

As reported at the reference, in part:

“OAKLAND, Calif. - Filmmaker Michael Moore told anti-Wall Street protesters in Oakland that the Occupy movement - which has spread to cities across America and overseas - in inspiring millions who are angry about corporate excess, income inequality and the failure of politicians to address issues facing the majority of Americans.

Addressing about 1,000 Occupy Oakland protesters in front of City Hall Friday, Moore said the week's events in Oakland will go down as a "watershed moment" in the Occupy Wall Street movement.”

EARTH TO MICHAEL! Rather than polluting the air over Oakland with hypocrisy and liberal pap, why take a more active role in assisting the ‘Occupy Oakland’ masses?

For example, announce that you will undertake a personal “Hunger Strike” until banks and corporations, excluding only firms that fund left- wing “documentaries,” swear off profits all together.

Moore could further lead by example by donating the money he would normally spend on food and drink each day (reportedly hundreds of dollars) to the “Occupy Oakland” trust fund, thereby providing reliable financial support for the 99 % crowd, indefinitely.

Do it Michael, if not for your Occupy Oakland friends, then for your overtaxed heart which is desperate for “Less Moore” to lug around!
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By John W. Lillpop

Perhaps the American people are not quite as addle-brained and stupid as Democrats presume?

That conclusion might be logically gleaned from a new report which finds that support for Marxist health care—euphemistically known as ObamaCare—has tanked to a new low which means that the people are finally paying attention.

As reported at the reference:

The Kaiser Family Foundation released a new poll tonight finding a significant drop in favorable views of the new federal health care law, to their lowest since the law was passed in March 2010.

Just 34 percent of Americans now view the Affordable Care Act favorably, down 7 points from last month. (It was about this low, 35 percent, in July 2010). Fifty-one percent now view the law unfavorably, numerically a new high (likewise, by one point).

Kaiser says the drop occurred mainly among Democrats, who, while they still are more supportive of the law than are other Americans, have grown less so. It suggests glum economic views are a factor and also notes persistent criticism of the law in the GOP debates.

Just 18 percent of Americans now think the law will improve things for them personally, down from 27 percent in September. And just 28 percent think it’ll make things better for the country - another new low, and down from 38 percent.”

All of which proves that when Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it,” she knew perfectly well that the bill was an unmitigated disaster that would ruin the finest health care system in the world, and replace it with Death Panels, care rationing, and other Marxist concepts that simply have no place in America.

Congratulations to the American people for refusing to buy into the attempt by Obama, Pelosi and Reid to hold 16 percent of the American economy hostage to wrong-headed Marxism.

And a special shout-out to Joe Biden, the man who saved the Republic from the low IQ that Sarah Palin would have brought to the Vice Presidency:

THIS rejection of ObamaCare by the people is A BIG F****** DEAL!
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By John W. Lillpop

What with all of the ‘Occupy This, and Occupy That!’ jargon being tossed about these days, it appears that a vast wasteland of Unoccupied Space is simply not receiving appropriate attention.

That would be the vacant space between the humungous ears of President Barack Obama, America’s bungling President.

Barack Obama, the One who wasted one trillion dollars of taxpayer money on farcical ventures like Solyndra and has the audacity to call such waste a ‘stimulus;’

Barack Obama, who fired more than 150 Tomahawk missiles into Libya, but then claimed exemption from the War Powers Act because hostilities were not involved;

Barack Obama, who claims that 30 million people can be added to the ranks of insured through ObamaCare, an act he also claims will reduce overall health care costs;

Barack Obama, who mercilessly attacked Republicans for not passing his “Jobs Act Bill,” when the Democrat Senate failed to take the matter up in a timely manner, and then failed to pass it;

Barack Obama, who accused Republicans of wanting to use ‘moats and alligators’ against illegal aliens, but whose own Justice Department shipped AK-47s to drug cartels in Mexico, which led to the murder of a U.S. border patrol agent and countless Mexican civilians;

Barack Obama, who committed the U.S. to war in Libya for “humanitarian” purposes, but who was unavailable when it came to far worse human atrocities in Syria;

Barack Obama, who in the waning days of 2010, agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts and did so to avoid killing jobs in a fragile recovery, but who, eight months later, demanded huge tax increases to stimulate job growth;

Barack Obama, who in executing the “smart” war in Afghanistan, did so with such incompetence that the Afghan president now vows to support Pakistan should war break out between the U.S. and Pakistan;

Barack Obama, who promised to usher in a “post-racial” era in American politics but who has countenanced the most corrupt and racially-prejudiced Attorney General in U.S. history;

Barack Obama, who in concert with his equally clueless Vice President, hailed the Summer of Recovery in 2010, only to cite a national fiscal crisis in calling for an additional $454 billion in stimulus funds in 2011;

Barack Obama, who pulled the plug on the ‘dumb war’ in Iraq, and proceeded to immediately send troops to Uganda where a vital national U.S. interest has never existed and never will, except when it comes to reversing Obama’s untoward actions there.

Occupy Obama! An urgent need for common sense and American ingenuity!

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Herman Cain’s “Plantation-free” Candidacy

By John W. Lillpop

Among the Christian faithful in this nation, Americans of African descent are among the most fervent followers of Jesus Christ. These highly-spiritual and devout people believe in the Holy Bible as the word of God, and long for the Redeemer to come again, this time to gather his sheep for the great day of judgment and the eternal glory at the right hand of God that is to follow.

Regrettably, these soulful Christians have been sold into a new form of slavery by left-wing politicians that claim to be advocates for the faint-hearted and down trodden, but who are unwittingly, or otherwise, serving as agents of he who worships the darkness and scorns the light.

Its called dependency. Liberals wheel and deal in this commodity with greater skill and less moral conscious than Mexico’s drug barons who thrive on the misery and ruin of drug-addicted victims.

Americans of African descent are manipulated into non-thinking zombies by liberals who care not one whit about anything other than raw power. The faithful victims are fooled into believing that government handouts are a path to freedom and independent living, when the exact opposite is true.

Liberals live and die on the notion that people of color must be wards of the state, just to survive.

Getting that notion embedded in the minds and spirits of the black community is the main political strategy of the Democrat Party, including Barack Obama.

However, let not your hearts be bothered, brothers and sisters, for there is a politician, a brother as it were, who believes in Jesus Christ and His Good News.

His name is Herman Cain, an exceptional American of African descent. By sheer coincidence, Cain is a candidate for the presidency of the United States.

Oddly enough, Cain is not a wild-eyed, God-hating liberal who mocks the name of Jesus at every opportunity and who regards true believers as mindless pagans.

Indeed, Herman Cain is, himself, a disciple of Lord Jesus and a conservative advocate of Christian values.

Herman Cain respects the sanctity of human life and vehemently opposes the wanton murder of the unborn.

He believes that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God (the only eyes that matter), and will fight tooth and nail to block the gay movement from further eroding this nation’s spiritual health.

Herman Cain takes the Gospels seriously and strives to live his life in accordance with Christian principles.

Herman Cain believes that evil not only exists, but that Satan and his angels will do anything to disrupt the faithful from communing with the Lord.

Herman Cain would NEVER march off to a Muslim nation and declare defiantly that “America is not a Christian nation.”

Such words are blasphemy of the worst sort and Herman Cain would never take Satan’s side against the Lord.

Herman Cain offers people of color emancipation from the slavery of dependence on god-less liberals who lust only for personal power.

Herman Cain: Rejoice, for there is a Disciple of the Lord at hand!
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By John W. Lillpop

If Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano are examples of what it takes to be considered an ‘intellectual giant’ in modern society, mark me down as a mental midget-- and damn proud to be so.

The Obama-Napolitano tag team, competing on behalf of Mexico and against the U.S. in all things involving the invasion of America from south of our borders, has gone to the extreme end of the stupidity scale.

As reported earlier, the Obama administration unilaterally decided that pandering to illegal aliens, and the Hispanic community from whence they come, is an obligation that simply “can not wait,” particularly this close to a national election.

From this warped, politically-motivated thinking, the Obama policy on deportations  evolved, resulting in an Executive Order to delay or terminate removal of invaders who have no legal or moral basis for being here, and whose deportation is codified in law.

As if the Obama-Napolitano hijacking of the Rule of Law were not bad enough, the Obama administration exacerbated its anti-American stance by working to ‘send a message’ to Hispanics still undecided on whom to vote for in 2012.

Hispanic indecision is centered on the searing question, “Shall I vote once, or twice, for Obama in November 2012?”

The “message” sent by ObamaMites is a terrifying reminder of the dangers involved in electing an unqualified, unexceptional anti-American Community Organizer to high office.

As reported at the reference, in part:

A U.S. Border Patrol agent has been sentenced to two years in prison for improperly lifting the arms of a 15-year-old drug smuggling suspect while handcuffed — in what the Justice Department called a deprivation of the teenager’s constitutional right to be free from the use of unreasonable force.

Agent Jesus E. Diaz Jr. was named in a November 2009 federal grand jury indictment with deprivation of rights under color of law during an October 2008 arrest near the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass, Texas, in response to a report that illegal immigrants had crossed the river with bundles of drugs.”

In a prosecution sought by the Mexican government and obtained after the suspected smuggler was given immunity to testify against the agent, Diaz was sentenced last week by U.S. District Judge Alia Moses Ludlum in San Antonio.”


Get that? The case was sought by the Mexican government, and the drug smuggler was granted immunity to testify against the American citizen, Border Patrol Agent, Diaz.

Another victory for Obama and Mexico over the Rule of Law and the American people!

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