Conspiracy Theory - or a very real Conspiracy?

On September 11th, 2013, numerous people across the United States noticed something wrong... but were unable to explain it.

Concerned Citizens had heard about the "million muslim march on Washington DC" (on the anniversary date that muslim terrorists murdered 3,000 people in NYC) and the Patriots response the "2 million Bikers to DC" ride.


Funny thing happened; the Washington DC traffic camera's seemed to be non-functional and when Concerned Citizens attempted to view the camera footage  - they either received a "site not available" webpage - or they received looped footage of some previous date, some of it with SNOW present on the ground.... in Washington DC in September!


It seems to me, either the rest of America desperately needs to wake up and realize we have a very real conspiracy afoot to deceive Americans and hide what the obama administration desperately does not want you to see - or we lose our freedom to a despot usurper who has done nothing his entire time in office but lie to America and drag this Nation into debt.


If the media and press would get off obama's bus - and board the American Citizens bus, we stand a chance of reclaiming our Nation before it is completely destroyed from within. The media seems to think it will fare better under the oppression of the obama administration - but they lack the foresight to understand that eventually the truth will come out - and their profits and business will suffer... extremely.


What is it going to be media, press?

Are you Americans or are you something else? You alone can put a stop to it by showing the American public the truth - all of the truth................




Aubrey Mason

San Antonio, Texas

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  • I felt it was appropriate to send mail to the media - for as we are all aware - if the media would just report the truth, we stand a chance.... Several others have done the same - and in DC, its the same as everywhere else, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease"....  if enough people start making the same noise - we might get something done.

    There are links to view just about any city traffic cams.... and I had gone on the DC ones to watch the bikes... but got something else.

    The act of looping video from some other date really pissed me off - especially the one with snow on the ground. Just how stupid are these people?

    I'm not going away.

  • Someone else covered this topic also.  My opinion is that the regime figures to "ignore us, and we will go away."  Over one million bikers went to dc yesterday, and hardly a peep on the Mainstream media? I was trying to watch of facebook and coming to this website for updates.  I never thought they would go as far as to run video on traffic cams.

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