theory (2)

Last week, the EPA successfully forced the shutdown of the last Lead smelter in the US........

If you haven't noticed yet, car battery prices have risen dramatically in the past year... primarily because there have been fewer Lead smelters operating in the US - due to EPA regulations.....

All citizens of this Nation will be affected as battery prices SOAR - as now, in order to manufacture ANY lead-acid battery - the US will be required to import the lead............. This doesn't just effect automobiles.....

All electronic devices from kids toys to computers have soldered components inside of them.... our current technology base, world-wide, depends on soldering electronic components to circuit boards.

Solder - is lead mixed with other elements to match the temperature characteristics required for a given application....... lead is the only primary element used for commercial applications as it meets the temperature characteristics of the commercial electronic components themselves... they can only take so much heat before they degrade and cease to function. There exist electronic components that will take much more heat - they are classed as "military grade" (silver is used as the solder) and are generally 10-100 times more expensive than their commercial grade relatives....

This also applies to ammunition manufacturing - which means ammunition prices are going to go to the moon and ammo will be even more scarce than it has been....

Does anyone else remember the argument posed by some in Congress that DHS was buying such exorbitant amounts of ammunition simply to dry up the market so that citizens found ammunition difficult to obtain? This argument was followed by some in Congress that it was a back-door attempt by this administration to circumvent the Constitution!

Some (mostly democrats) in Congress claimed this was simply a "conspiracy theory".............................................................

I submit that we have the smoking gun right here in front of us if we open our eyes and if we do not start writing our elected DEMANDING they remove this administration our Nation will be completely lost............... Manufacturing, transportation, self defense - all lost as the prices will more than double....... they will go to the moon as importation will only be from overseas - and just like the oil market - they will demand exorbitant amounts of money as they know we citizens have no other recourse....

How are YOU going to like a car battery that might cost you $200-$300 bucks? Kids toys that previously cost $10 - now will cost far more than that. Manufacturing of any electronics here in the US will cease. Our industry base is going to lose another few thousand jobs.....

Mr. Obama - in the act of his EPA - has destroyed not just the jobs in the closed Lead smelters - he has destroyed all of the jobs that utilize Lead in their manufacturing processes.... as it will QUICKLY become far too expensive to manufacture these things here in the US and the only manufacturing plants will be off-shore......... US Citizens held at ransom.

I question how anyone who remains SANE can argue there is not a conspiracy staring us in the face! A conspiracy to destroy our Nation using every means available.


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Conspiracy Theory - or a very real Conspiracy?

On September 11th, 2013, numerous people across the United States noticed something wrong... but were unable to explain it.

Concerned Citizens had heard about the "million muslim march on Washington DC" (on the anniversary date that muslim terrorists murdered 3,000 people in NYC) and the Patriots response the "2 million Bikers to DC" ride.


Funny thing happened; the Washington DC traffic camera's seemed to be non-functional and when Concerned Citizens attempted to view the camera footage  - they either received a "site not available" webpage - or they received looped footage of some previous date, some of it with SNOW present on the ground.... in Washington DC in September!


It seems to me, either the rest of America desperately needs to wake up and realize we have a very real conspiracy afoot to deceive Americans and hide what the obama administration desperately does not want you to see - or we lose our freedom to a despot usurper who has done nothing his entire time in office but lie to America and drag this Nation into debt.


If the media and press would get off obama's bus - and board the American Citizens bus, we stand a chance of reclaiming our Nation before it is completely destroyed from within. The media seems to think it will fare better under the oppression of the obama administration - but they lack the foresight to understand that eventually the truth will come out - and their profits and business will suffer... extremely.


What is it going to be media, press?

Are you Americans or are you something else? You alone can put a stop to it by showing the American public the truth - all of the truth................




Aubrey Mason

San Antonio, Texas

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