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Many parents are concerned with the direction of education in the nation today. Children are not being taught what they need to learn.

In the past, American textbooks were always picked by local school districts who have the responsibility of assuring that they textbooks use met criteria in the basics of education principles.  Involved in the selection of textbooks was the local school boards elected to their position, and the local community including the parents of the children involved. This is no longer the case.

The United Nations has targeted our children to be indoctrinated into a globalist mindset through such UN entities as UNESCO.  Not only here in the United States but throughout Africa and beyond, the socialist controlled UNESCO have targeted textbooks that they feel are not politically correct. A few months ago they issued a “Global Education Monitoring” report that declared  textbooks in Africa did not meet the requirement on the subject of “global citizenship. UNESCO declared that if failed the promote  “ Homosexuality, lesbianism, global warming alarmism and transgenderism”. They have already made it quite clear that even “Private schools must be made to submit to the requirement of International law”. They are now trying to push another scheme called the “World Core Curriculum” a radical socialist scheme pushing everything from a revision of history to meet its needs and the sexualization of the children.

 They have an agenda of dictating textbooks that will be used  to shape an agenda, and attitude and the ethics of our children. This is being done to move forward with their Agenda 2030 and the sustainability within that agenda.

In Connecticut, a group of United Nations “human rights” experts have forced a change in textbooks because they we not happy with how slavery in the Northeast was written about in a history book  “Connecticut Adventure”. They proclaimed that the textbook must be changed because  it was insensitive to the plight of slavery.

The “experts” were from the” United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent”. The expert in charge is Sunga III from the Phillippines,.  This is the same group that last year came to the United States and demanded reparations for slavery, lobbied for gun control, and an end to voter ID laws.  This is the same group that turns a blind eye to the rape and terrorism set loose on the countryside of African nations, but feel it is more important to push their way into our education system to implement the agenda that have created.

At a summit held in Korea the UN adopted a global action plan that demands a worldwide “education regime” to transform the youth of the world into social justice warriors. In this plan the UN wants the responsibility of shaping our children in ethics, values and spirituality. It is being implemented for the purpose of making our children “green warriors” and  a part of the war for the “common good”. This summit, organized and run by the UN Department of Public Information (UNDPI) and through Agenda 2030 has as a goal, having the NGO’s worldwide working to implement its idea of global citizenship. In a portion of this report it was made clear what they consider a “civil society. Our children may need to be taught the fundamentals but the education they receive must also advance the cause of global citizenship. It declares that all facets of education, physical, spiritually,, ethically, and intellectually which would normally be the realm of the family, community and churches have been thrown to the sidelines to further the agenda of the globalists. The education they would receive would work toward assuring our youth are forced to believe the roles, right and responsibilities that will be allowed to keep or given to them by the globalists through the auspices of the United Nations.

Among the agenda as being driven by the United Nations, much is made of “Human rights” as written in Article 29 of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. The UN foundation for many of the plans that are moving forward. Using this article when read ensures that the UN and the tyrants who run the human rights council claim the your human rights can be limited by law for the purpose of “public order and the general welfare”. This line was first used by Hitler in the late 1930s. In essence you have no right, only privileges as given to you by the United Nations.  Your rights are not yours and in any case not be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

If the traditions and cultures of the individual sovereign states run afoul of the agenda the United Nations has set, it states that education will be “enhanced”.

Where does it all start? This could never happen here you say. Actually it already has. It started with the implementation of “Common Core” financed by Bill Gates and the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that was mentioned above on the intrusion of textbooks being used in this country. The objective is to make our children all good little globalists and to be transformed to be able to contribute to the global sustainable market. Common Core is the first step, a nationalizing of the curriculum that is meant to lead to a top-down planned society  that does not consider the Constitution, individual liberty and the God given rights that this country is founded upon. It is founded on teaching our children to be a part of the “globalist group” meant to take away the individualism and rights given to the American people and replace with global collectivism.

Through Common Core the effort is being made to “dumb down” the peole of the world.UNESCO has made it quite clear in the “Education for Sustainable Development report that “Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people who tend to have lower incomes. More education increases the threat to sustainability.” Does that help to make sense to why Obama is bringing the poor from all over the world, and wages being stagnant for almost nine years?

Obama is an advocate of this agenda as is the Education Secretary Arne Duncan. It typical political doublespeak , Duncan stated  “Our goal for the coming years will be to work closely with global partners, including UNESCO, to promote qualitative improvements and system strengthening”

 The United Nations, in their minds has the authority to override families and has the collective right to shape the values of our country’s children. They speak of sustainable development but neglect to mention that parts of the development agenda include population control, central planning, and global governance. It is through the education of the children, and the indoctrination of those children into becoming good children fitting into the global citizenship world of the new order. It is the intention of the UN agenda to restructure human civilization into a centrally planned global economy under the control of the progressive socialist globalists and the UN.

Even home schooling is not safe. Under the guise of “human rights” and equality, even home schooling, private schools and religious schools must be put under UN purview. Understanding that they can move forward with the global socialism that they envision if they can induce enough people using the buzzwords of “equality and rights”, the envision a “group of change” involving children and young adults taught in the system they will implement to create an activism for even further goals in the agenda they have set.

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CORE is an approach used by foreign governments, dictated by the Federal government and supported by Gates and the companies that provide the tests. TCAP tests cost $8.00 per student and the CORE tests may run $29.00. Aside from the money and that NY and MA have had lower test scores after CORE, it is not right for the Feds to further control our local school curriculum. Specifically, having math that will consider partial  correct a answer to 4x3 = 11, if you explain your logic with pictures, boxes and statements. The actual math portion is wrong and would be corrected. Also, you can have the correct math answer . but fail to explain and demonstrate your logic via picture boxes and get marked wrong! Then there is the language section which drops some traditional stuff and adds cultural and other enrichment, which includes various life style options. These get more perverse as the KIDS get in the 11th and 12th grades.

The fact that 45 states have adopted this Federal approved and pushed program is enough reason to question it, but there are other serious reasons too.

Now, that Obama has gotten the States to fall in line he is seeking to set up a National School Board to ensure future compliance! Obama's  Secretary of Education was the Superintendent of Chicago schools, which are some of the worse schools in the nation. Arnie Duncan is from Chicago and I guess that trumps all issues when filling any federal appointed position. 

Obama Care and the IRS enforcement is being force feed onto America too. As Obama continues to reduce individual choice, States rights `and local control of our schools, I wonder what is the end objective? I know in history it has been said those that control the youth control the future and to control the school textbooks gives you control of the youths. I am sure that this is the final goal of Obama.

The roots of this approach rest in previous administrations, but its embrace is tremendous and force feed under Obama.

We need local control and simple block grants from the federal government and no Federal Department of Education. We did not have it for most of our history and did better before it was formed.


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Senator Alexander's anti big government commercial is a joke. He stood up to the Army Engineers and passed a law to allow us to fish near dams. GREAT.

What about Obama's abusive executive orders, Fast n Furious /dead agents/lies, IRS, NSA, Benghazi, Iran nukes/Israel , Keystone, EPA and other agencies going around Congress and abuses, Syria, Egypt Muslim Brotherhood/ military conflict, Muslim Brotherhood working in the Administration of Obama, persecution of Christians in the US military, Obama bringing terrorist to NY courts while drone strikes kill Americans, Farce budget impacts over a slight reduction in the increased budget, abuse from Obama groups to carry out his agendas , Obama's attack on the US military reduction of 12 brigades, unilateral declaration war is over with Islamic terrorists while they attack, unilateral position to reduce US nuclear arsenal to zero or least below Chinese levels, push to close Gitmo and give Constitutional rights to terrorists,( Imagine doing that for Nazi's in WWII), continued apology tours, extreme expensive overseas trips, pledge for 7 billion USD for Africa energy development, foreign aid while deficits grow/tripled, slowing of US energy development and related jobs. This list could go on and on, but the point is the ONE thing Alexander stood up to was fishing locations!!!!!! REALLY!!! We need a real conservative to run in the primary.

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Most of the other TP's are afraid to make such a powerful stand. We tell the world we have Core Beliefs!

We don't step on toes, we step on necks! Hahahaha! :-)

Illegal Aliens Are Here illegally.
Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.
Stronger Military Is Essential.
Special Interests Eliminated.
Gun Ownership Is Sacred.
Government Must Be Downsized.
National Budget Must Be Balanced.
Deficit Spending Will End.
Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.
Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.
Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory.
Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.
Intrusive Government Stopped.
English As Core Language Is Required.
Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.

Common Sense Constitutional
Conservative Self-Governance

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