Obama, Gore, Joel Rogers Killing U.S.
Up to 90% of the European cap and trade is a fraud according to Europol, the European criminal intelligence agency. "The European Union Emission Trading System has been the victim of fraudulent traders in the past 18 months," said the investigative agency in a statement. "This resulted in losses of approximately five billion euros for several national tax revenues." The agency, based in The Hague, added that it estimated "in some countries, up to 90 percent of the whole market volume was caused by fraudulent activities." Europol officials aired these conclusions after a raid six months ago.
31,000 American scientists have signed a petition denying the legitimacy of global-warming as real science. Over 9,000 of these scientists hold Ph.D.s. Cap and Trade is intended to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.
Mr. Obama admitted to the San Francisco Chronicle his policies will “bankrupt the coal industry.”
Global warming has been proven to be a hoax. Even the ultra-liberal London Times, long-time champion of man-caused global warming has run scathing stories about the fraudulent science being done by the East Anglia University Climate Research Unit (CRU) upon which global-warming theory was based.
It would mean the end of the American Republic. It would mean the end of free-market capitalism. It would mean the end of the best and freest society the world has ever known. The book, Obama’s first autobiography “Dreams from My Father,” Obama’s first autobiography that the media refused to read and investigate tells us what the end product he is seeking will look like. Here are the words of father (Barak, without a ‘c’ Senior) and son . . . notice the reference to the advisibility and benefits of “100% taxes” and the old man’s reverence for “scientific socialism - iter alia - communism.”
Mr. Obama has admitted “the price of electricity will necessarily skyrocket” under his cap and trade policies.
Even discounting inflation already underway, Cap and Trade when fully implemented will raise the cost of all American goods and services 67%. CCX (more below) President Richard Sandor admitted that Cap and Trade was a “$10 TRillion industry” (not mentioning its an industry that produces no goods and services but just “taxes” those who do). Slapping a $10 TRillion industry on top of a $15 TRillion economy means that costs will rise and produce a $25 TRillion economy without one single more product or service produced . . . thus prices will rise by 67% on average.
Phil Jones, director of CRU, at the center of the global-warming hoax, besides saying he “considered killing himself” when news of the hoax came out admitted they had deliberately thrown away data so that no other scientists could “replicate their research” or discover and prove their fraud.
Mr. Obama, Al Gore, Joel Rogers, Richard Sandor and about fifteen to twenty more of their progressive/marxist intimates and ten different progressive foundations have set up the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) which will make most of them multi-billionaires, billionaires and multi-millionaires at least . . . they have, in short an incredible conflict of interest in pushing this bill.
http://www.stopliberallies.com/more-on-the-ccx-carbon-trading-scandal-633.html click on the “CCX scandal” pages 1-4
The leader of this conspiracy, Canadian billionaire (ex-U.N. bigwig and environmental kook) Maurice Strong, exposed the group’s purpose in 1990 when he wrote,
“. . . what if a small group of . . . world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about? . . .”
Strong has said he was discussing the plot of a novel he was going to write. Well Michael Chricton (of “Jurassic Park,” “Andromeda Strain” and a dozen other “technology-run-amuck” techno-thrillers set out to write the same novel. Only difference, when Crichton (who is a research junkie) was done studying the matter he had written a novel about a conspiracy to dominate the world based upon fraudulent global warming data, fraudulently manipulated which the Climate-Gate Scandal has shown to actually be the case . . . . His 2005 novel “State of Fear” is actually an expose of the global-warming hoax and several characters resembling Strong, Joel Rogers, Al Gore, Richard Sandor and Barack Obama play major roles in the novel.
Joel Rogers, the mastermind of the nuts and bolts (Creator of the Apollo Alliance and “the New Green Deal”) behind the whole conspiracy and the CCX rip-off has admitted that even if we brought the entire American economy to the level of 1900, the effect on global temperatures would be minimal (0.2 degrees) by 2100 and their stated aim of bringing the world’s carbon emissions back to 1980 level is impossible but that the whole thing is actually a power grab.
And now the top #1 Reason to Reject Obama’s Cap and Trade bill:
Obama has threatened to create five million green-tech jobs. Spain, which about 13-14 years ago was the #1 booming economy in the European Union with only 3% unemployment did a study of what went wrong with their green-initiative. Today Spain has 21% unemployment and the worst economy in Europe except for Greece; many companies have left Spain.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9Cr4q4CiCs video is a year old, made when Spanish unemployment stood at 17.8%
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,